The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 12, 1903, Image 1

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    rvrioBi ,r" mmmiwiiismm '
ik. fit S" WIt-T
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will te I
i .a inaiaiia ! iiiiiiiiii ''MIMM'M'"M""'"M'"'WWMsWsMM " " S
- 1 I I I I I I
II I ! Ill It! II I .
Correct Clothing'
Customers " ,' :
Apologise " lu ft 1
For their (J, IlPj
Appearance : ,3f
Be.caase Our $ j
Quality rllp
I I LI '-'"y'if. I
Finish f -I I iijlkJL
Are Correct .
P. A.
We Guarantee every foot of our hose
H o m e
General Blncksinithing, Bout and Cannery Work.
Seeus for High CIhb Work. Shop Corner of Fit
toonth and Duano Streota, near St. Mary's Hospital. ,
Phoue 2501. ........
We have anticipated your
needs with a choice line o(
Seasonable Goods at Reason
OlrAX ' abl Prices.
tip? ?r
w m is t i
ramaus Globe-Wernicke Sectional
Filing Devices
BooK Cases
Handsomest and most convenient
furniture made. Sold in section
for all ues, giici and shapes.
Call and ice Sample.
Our Strong Feature
Boms plumbers make a feature ot the
bill thy send that's not our style.
We tend a good man; he does good
work and we charge a right price.
If its New Worn
Cr Repairs
We want to handle It and will handle
It to your satisfaction.
470-471 Commercial. Phone Black 2243
'' '
I i ' I .
. r ...-.. , , . . . . . 'i . .'
King' Alexander and Queen Draga
Together With Ministers Are
Sacrificed In The Night
Country Is In A Turmoil, With Revolt,
tionists In The Ascendency-Proclamation
Issued By Ministers Announc
ing Formation Of Government.
Alleged Official Statement Given
Rulers Death Upon A Battle Between Their Own Fac
tions After A Quarrel In The Royal Family.
Be!grad, June U. A inllltiiry revolution broke out here lout night. The
trout who revolted under the leiuternhlji of Major Anglkovlcs surrounded
the SMilac. amilnted Kink Alexander.' Quwn Draga, the latter'a atiitcr,
the nuecn'a brother Nlkinlrm; Premier Markovltch, Mlnlatera Petrovltch and
Tudorovlce, OenernI Pnvlovltt-h, the former minister of wur, and some of
the metnbr of the roynl guard. Prince Kstrageorgevltch waa protlalmed
king."' ' " - ":' ' ..."''..; k ,:
A new government wn formed and the following proclamation waa l
aued: " ' ' '
"To tho Servian People Last night the king and queen were ahot In
this grave and fateful movement friends of the Fatherland have combined
to form a new government. While the government make this announce
ment to the people It la convinced that the Hi-rvlan people will gather around
it and lend it their aid to maintain order and security throughout the land.,
"The government hereby makes known that from today the constitution
t-f April , 1901. come In force. A meeting of the natlona) representatives, dls
solved by the proclamation of March
June 15.'
"UTOJAN PHOT1CH. Minister of the Interior.-"
"QEORGK HENS1CS. Minister of Commerce!
"VOOISLAV VEUKOVICS, Minister of Finance.
'LJUIUMOMm SCHIOKOVK'S. Minister of Justce."
An attempt was made to support the dynasty by the commander of the
Danube division who tried to march the Eighth regiment of infantry Into
the city to help the kite king, but he was opposed by a body of troops under
Colonel OaifOwlx. In the light which e,nsued, both commander mentioned
were killed. V
What purport to be an official explanation of the tragedy was Issued
at Belgrade during the day. It snys: .
"After -dinner on Wednesday evening, the king and queen with some of
their relatives and several mlnlsten sat on the balcony of the prtTace. Sudi
denly the king demanded that Queen Draga leave the country. She refused
and was supported by some of the
position he ordered the military to
queen" friends were nlro active and
light between these two factions that
'Long' Live Karag'eorg'evitch
News Of Outrage Received Quietly And Later There Were Shouts
For, New King By
Belgrade, June H. The streets are
thronged with people whose actions
seem to approve the coup d'etat. M.
Protlca, the new minister of the Inter
ior, was) loudly cheered as he drove to
the ministry. M. Avakumovics, the
new premier, belongs to the indepen
dent liberal party. ,
' The people received the news of the
assassinations, which were perpetrated
between 10:30 last night and 2 o'clock
this morning, quietly. v
The bodies of the king and queen re
main In the palace. r i,
' As the morning advanced the ex
cltement In the streets grew steadily,
In spite of the pouring inli," thousands
ot people gathered in the vicinity of
the; palace. Everywhere troops of all
arms were posted, and field guns were
jlaM In sposjtlo Mr quickly deal with
any opposition to the newly formed
government's will. The sldlers discard
ed their cockades, bearing the late
King; Alexander's. clpher,-fafcd substi
tuted for it flowers, green twigs and
Jeaye; (,t Vf, j , (Tj ,
Bands of yoohg men paraded the
ijtreets, waving flags! and shouting,
rtLbng Jlvl Ka.iigedrevltch."
. If lugs are, frying from nearly every
hu,ln jBtflfcrade, and there la abso.
lutuly no display whatever of crepe or
other signs of mourning. The royal
fta11rtir3 'h'jis 'peW from 'over
thfpulavu-' itepoita from '.placea tW-
Out Placing Responsibility Of The
24. is summoned to meet at Beti
ministers. When the king saw this op
occupy the palace. In the meantime the
ecllected her supporters It was in the
the king and queen were killed.
The Parading People.
sldo Belgrade Indicate that the country
accepts the disappearance of the Ob
renoyltch dynasty without regret.
According to the best available In-
formation 'obtainable from the mass ot
contradictions the crime was curried
out by members ot the Sixth infantry
under the command of Colonels Mls
rhlch and Machln. The latter Is a
brother-in-law ot te late Queen Draga,
and is minister ot public works in the
new cabinet . The soldiers appear to
have fought their way Into the palace,
shooting down the ald-de-camp on duty
Colonel Naumovs1, although according
to another version, the king shot Nau
movs because' he opened the gate to
his assailants, thereby creating a sus
picion ot his connivance.,, Some ot the
other persons killed were surprised In
their houses simultaneously with the
attack on the palace. s J I '
Te bodies of all the Mead will be
placed In coffins duringttheJcourse of
the day. The remains of King Alexander
will probably be burled In ha convent
of Kakovxa. The other bodies will be
Interred in the local cemetery.
Cannon were flrvd as a rftgnal for the
earnags to bephi, and the troops sur
rounded the ttiluisterlui r -tldences at
the same time as they moved upon the
palace. After "the drama ftf Jhe' palai.
officers galloped 'throuKlv tlie streets
Of tye jjltyslwmlng out the news that !
iw wvni fttiiru, 1 , i
Queen Draga Is said to have sus
tained numerous wounds.
A post mortem examination waa held
on the bodlea in the palace at 11 o'clock
this morning. ,
The local papers embellish their re
ports of the tragedy with all sort of
statement According to one of them,
the bodies of the king and queen were
placed in shrouds and were loweced
from a window of the palace to the
gardens, whence they were carried
R way In a baggage wagW
Paris, June U. Prince Peter Kara
gcorgevitch, the new king of Bervlai
waa a member of the fashionable dip
lomatic set In Paris and bad
among his acquaintances a number of
Americans. He is described as having
an agro-able personality, is about SO
years of age, was a frequenter of the
leading clubs and hotels and was a
well-known figure at races and sports.
He entered the French army In ,170
with the rank of captain. Former
Queen Natalie, mother of late King
AtexandenlMtvhig at Vet-saile with
ner alMelvPrinces Ghlka, wife of a
umaniao minister.
Geneva, June U. Prince Peter Kara
georgevltch, who has been living here
for some time" appeared to be greatly
astonished at the news from Belgrade,
which be said he had only learned
through a private telegram from Vien
na '
Question Ambassador Cassini'a Ego
tism Will Be Dropped.'
Washington, June 11. Minister Con
ger's protest to the state department
relative to an Interview of Count Cas
sini, the Russian ambassador, in which
the ambassador exxpressed regretjthat
the minister had been : misinformed
about Russia's negotiations with the
Pekin government will be regarded by
the government as a closed incident
No representations have been made to
the Russian government on the sub
ject and none will be made.
Threatened Strike WU1 Suspend Work
on Hill's Steamships.
Groton, Conn., "June 11. The West
ern Shipbuilding company today post'
ed notices that the works would be
closed Indefinitely. This action comes
after a mass meeting of workmen last
night, when It was decided to strike if
the company persisted In Its refusal
to grant a nine hour day at ten hours
pay. work on the steamships Dakota
and Minnesota, building for the Great
Northern Railway, is suspended.
Pension Commissioner Says Kansas
Can Tend to Her Own Sufferers.
Washington, June 11. Pension Com
missioner Ware, himself a Kansan, has
issued the following order: S , .,;
"It la reported that a subscription
paper is being circulated in the pen
sion bureau for the Kansas flood suf
ferers. Let It be discontinued. Kan
sas tan take eare of its own sufferers."
The subscription paper was circulated
at the request of resident Kansans at
a mas meeting held In this cUy sev
eral days ago In accordance with trie
rtquest of the governor of Kansas.
Washington. June 11. Fourth Assis
tant Postmaster deneraBrlstow has
Instituted an Investigation governing
the establishment and "maintenance of
ilt fcrahyh. station arid MiVatuftonk. of
iH'PioLuvta. . iu.ruui, uuui iuc country.;
Judge of 8uierlor Court Differ With
Decb4on of Federal Supreme ; -
, , - Court. '
Chicago, Jut 11. Judge Philip Stein,
ot the superior court, has gjven a rul
ing that Is directly at variance with a
decision of the supreme court of the
United States on a similar question. The
ruling arises 1 In an , Insurance suit
brought Xiy- Mrs. Sarah Iherlg to pre
vent th Mutual Life Insurance com
pany, which has its home office In New
Tork city, from forfeiting a policy for
VMD taken out In the name of her hus
band without giving notice.
The supreme court had decided In
the Cohen case that New Tork insur
ance companies can forfeit Bollcles
written outside the state without giv
ing notice, while the New Tork statute
provides that notice must be given of
the voiding of policies. The Iherig poli
cy was written in Colorado. - T.
After considering all the facts, Judg
Stein ruled, that the company must
abide by the New Tork law notwith
standing the decision of the federal
supreme court to the contrary.
At One Time Great Country',
Amounts to Nothing.
New York, June 11. ' This country
which formerly ranked first in South
America, is now going backward with
gigantic- strides," declares the, Valpa
raiso, Chile, correspondent of the Her
ald. "Embezzlements of public and
private funds are, be says, of dally
occurrence. Leading newspapers, bit-
ttrly complain of the' serious demorali
zation invading the country, the un
easiness prevailing among the working
classes is but the result of the demor
alization in the upper classes."
Pittsburg Executive Charged With a
Pittsburg, June 11, Th grand Jury
has returned a true bill against Wil
liam B. Hays, mayor of , Pittsburg,
Charging him with misdemeanor in dis
charging Samuel Moore from the city's
employ. . Moore was an official of the
ordinance bureau of the city and an
old soldier. On March 31, 1901, he, with
a number of others, was discharged
from the city employ by Hays.- The
matter was taken up by the old sol
diers of the city and a test case made
in Moore's behalf. '
Logging Camp Crew Fighting
Flames Timber Burned.
Seattle, June 11. Reports received
shew that there is graye danger of a
repetition of forest fires this summer.
The crew of a logging camp have been
fighting fire in the hills back of Enum
claw for the past two days. The woods
are on fire ail around Granite Falls.
Ellis worth camp on Nasel river was
utterly destroyed: loss about $10,000.
The fira has burned about Uurge sec
tions of timber owned by the Weyer
hauser Byndilate and is still raging.
Major Will Go to Manila to Hear In
vestigation. San Juan. Porto Rico, June 11. Maj
or Robert L. Howse of the Porto Rican
regiment, who has been ordered to Ma
nila to be present during the investiga
tion of the charges against him of cru
el treatment of Filipino persons, has '
sailed for New York. .
Sells Good, Stylish Fur
nishings At Low Prices.
Garpets, Matting's, Lino
iiums,' Rugl, Fancy Rock
. erst Staves, .Tables, Bed "
Roonx T an Parlor Setsl
Evething'ifbr'the House
' 5138 ;Coititticrclol Street
East St Louis Regaining Normal
1 : ConditionsNo Further
AH West Bound Trains Arejlov-Ingi-Flood
Refugees Prop
- erly Cared For. -
st LouK June 11. The situation In
East St. Louis remains about the same
a last night. The flood on the south
in still being held back ot Missouri av
enue, wh the levee I watched un
ceasingly, as elsewhere, by thousand
of workers, ready with bags of sand to
close any break that may occur.
A decline in the rlw'a stage of a
fraction Of ftn fnh 1 alnA fna t.-l.
does hot make and apparent dferenca.
In the height of the flood but showw
that the river as a tendency to fall.
The stage at T A. M. was Zl.f. This
may relieve the situation greatly dur
ing the day If the fall continues, but
until there Is a decided decline In the
flood, the city will be at the mercy of
the wall of water that surrounds It on
three id?s. , The' night was cold for
this time or the year: and there waa
considerable suffering among the thou
sands of homelen men. women and
children on the East Side, most of
whom, however, were taken eare of in
comparative comfort in tents and oth-
her modes of shelter. "
East St, .Louis is rapidly regaining
normal conditions in the business dis
tricts not under water,, although It will
be weeks before the effect of the flood
Is ont .' Only accredited citizens are
allowed to pass into or from the city
without a special permit It Is impos
able to get water, today except en an
official order signed by the city clerk.
Tn-kiea'ure was, takeji byjhe jnayor
this morning in order torpreverif waste
of the scant supply of usable water.
Water is still swping through Broad
way.1 but that thoroughfare, which Is
made of ground, still holds, and it is
believed will not break.
Victim of Outrage Ended Her Suffer- :
lng by Taking Her Life.
Portland, June H. Mrs. Tlliie Will
committed suicide at Canby this after
noon by takng carbolic acid. April
28, last, she was the victim of a crimi
nal assault at the hands ot an un
known tramp, who entered her father's)
house while she was alone. The tramp
waa never found and the woman brood-,
ed over the affair until it drove her to
take her life. She was 82 years ot
ase. ' t . , "
Cavalry Troops Expected to Arrive at
, Murenci.
El Paso, June 11. The Mexican and
Italian strikers at Murenci captured a
mill of -the copper company, disarmed
the guards and made themselves com
plete masters of the town, threaten
ing the lives of prominent citizens.
Five troops of United States cavalry exited tonight. .
Portland. June 11. The rain tnnlirht
over Oregon and Washington has great-
iv Improved the crop prowpects.