1. JllECLO HSUABLE .Eft POWDER Absolutely PuroT T7IEREIS IZ) SUBSTITUTE BREVITIES 7Ah V Vegetable and fruit are fresh and ripe at Johnson Broa, IV Fine Oregon strawberries, ten cent a dox, at jonnmn dih, , For good. : reUable piano work see 'j, aiii In- V WMtartrkurm. MT1 Bond stree. Phone 2074 Red. Ton will always find the best 15c : meal in the city at the Rising Sun rea- taurant, No. til Commercial street. The trial of MatU Jarrl, charged with the murder of his father, will take place in the circuit court June 15- Llttie Ernest Medley, who had such a severe fall Tuesday, Is progresing favorably at present, and the Indica tions are that he will completely re cover. ,-' A number of persons took the op portunity yesterday to pay their water rates, thus: escaping the penalty which will fall upon all those that have not already paid.-; IS ME SHOT TO-NIGHT The Sick Will The Blind Shall See, the Cripples Throw "Ye shall know a tree by its fruits." . r their cured THE WONDERFUL QUAKER DOCTORS, WITH THEIR STAFF OF PHY "SICIAN3 AND CORPS OF ENTERTAINERS, WILL BE IN ASTOR IA FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. Big Free 5how CORNER 12TH AND COMMERCIAL U -J t TRADE 1ST No. 7 ! mm J ii mi. v Bring the ladies and children. A re night at 7:30 p. m. FREE. See the F hear the Sweet Ballads and see the 'Wo The Quaker Doctors are graduates of all three great schools of medicine Allopath, Homeopath and Eclectic, and are registered to practice medicine in every state and territory in the Union. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. Rheumatism, Kidney diseases, Liver an d Stomach disorders, Nervous difficult ies, Parulysin Cholera, St. Vitus' Dance, Epilepsy, Blindness, Cataract, Deaf ness, Tumors, Catarrh, Diseases of Men and DIseaes of Women, Varicocele, Hy urocele, etc., etc. CANCERS CANCERS CANCERS Cancers have lost their terror; we k.111 and remove them in one day with out the knife, without pain and without the shedding of a single drep of blood. DEAFNESS CURED Consultation and Examination FR EE to those Holding Cards, at the Oc cident hotel daily from 10 a. m., to 12 m. HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, - - OREGON Charley Finn was lined IS in the po lice court yesterday on a charge of drunkenness. ; ? A date has not yet been set for the hearing of BiHk, the man with the money-making kneecap. ' 1 Climax Camp W. of W. elect officers (Ms evening, and all members are re quested to attend the meeting. The three boys that are charged with the theft of a boat will have their hearing before Justice Goodman this afternoon at J:S8. Engineer Newhalt of th tug Taioofh was busy answering questions yester day at the customs house, the occa sion being a civil service examination tor the position of assistant boiler in sector. Driver Morrison, of the Wells, Fargo Express company, caused some alarm to his friends last night by fainting on Commercial street. . Mr. Morrison quickly recovered, and wa apparently none the worse for hW experience. lost Two gold rings. Small band with two opals; other had small bangle attached. Finder please return to As torian office. New stock of fancy goods Just arriv ed at Tokohama Basaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. Try one cartoon self-raising Olympic pancake flour. It is guaranteed to please you. Johnson Bros. , ' ' ' . ' Johnson Bros. Phone Ml Main. Don't monkey with what you eat nor eat anything that is monkeyed ' ; ; with. When you get ; HHOEFLER'SM It may cost a trifle more but it Is Pure and Clean. We are originators, not imitators. The Deaf Hear, and Away The Crutch The references of these Specialists are patients. , 1 Every Night fined and moral performance every unny Negro, the Laughable Irishman, nderful Trick Acting bulldog BUCK ON PLATFORM. Healed , RICH, AND DIDN T KNOW IT. Poor Constable Finds He Is Heir to Large Fortune. New Tprk. June 10. Living In moder ate circumstances for IS year, during which time he Was totally lguorant of any claim to wealth, John Mauley, a constable of PlainOeld, N. J., has learned that he Is heir to Lon Island proptrty valued at several hundred thousand dollars. He only learned of the Inheritance through an oft-r from a railroad company to pmvlwJM his equity in a piece of land. I'pon further Investigation, he learned that his fa ther who died in 1SS0, owned two tracts near Leng Island City. In foreclosure proceedings after the owner's death. Mauley's, name w as In some- manner omitted from the list of heirs. INSURANCE DEF1UUDKUS. Merchant and Agent Arrested Before Much Loss. Vienna, June 10.-Alols Q. Rabanes, a merchant, and Anton Caerlc. an agent, have been arrested at Trieste on the charge of defrauding a New Tork insurance company by effecting an in surance on the lives of sick persons and then acquiring an interest in the policy for small sums. They Insured seven persons for a total policy of 000. The company paid the first claim for JSOO0, but discovered the conspiracy In the second case In which a man named Anton Petschek was insured for 113,000. Petschek revealed the plot shortly before death, stating that he had sold the interest In the policy to the prisoners for 1400. TRIED TO ROAST HIMSELF. Act of Craxy Second Mate Endangered the Vessel. Seattle. June 10. James Johnson, second mate of the schooner Stlmson, which arrived at Ballard yesterday from San Francisco, wrapped himself in sacks saturated with oil when the vestl was oft the Washington coast and crawled in the hold for self-cremation. Lighting the oil he was roasted almost to death before he was discov ered, and he died Just as the vewul reached port. Ills act endangered the whole ship, but the flames w;ere dis covered in time. Religious fanaticism is given as the cause. The memory re turned to him ot butcheries In whl'h he had taken part, it Is said, In the Philippines. VASSAR SENIOR CLASS DAY. Historic Spade, Used by Founder of ( College, Paswd Around. Poughkeeprie. N. T., June 10. The senior class of Vassar college has held class day exercises out of doors. After the usual procession and an address of welcome by Elizabeth Burd Thomp son, of Alleghany, president of the senior class, the procession marched to the class tree where the historic spade, used by Matthew Vass In turning the sod xfhen the college was. founded, wai handed by the senior class to the Junior class. Later the annual luncheon of tht alumni association was given. Pres ident Hadley of Yale was among the rpeakers. Base Ball Scores. - PACIFIC NATIONAL. At Portland Portland 3; Seattle 6. At Butt-Butte 8; Lo Angeles, 3. At San Francisco San Francisco 6; Helena 13 . At Spokane Spokane 5; Tacoma 11. PACIFIC COAST. At Los Angeles Los Angeles 5; San Francisco 2. At San Francisco Oakland 4; Sac ramento 7. At Seattle Seattle 3; Portland 10. AMERICAN. At Washington Washington 6; Cleveland 1 At Boston Boston 0; Detroit 5. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 0; Brook lyn L At Chicago-Chicago 7; Boston 3. At St. Louis St Louis 0; New York 1. A marriage license wa Issued yester day to Jans P. Peterson and Andrea B. Anderson. Interview Trullinger & Hardesty, i32 Commercial street, about your elec- trical work. . The Redmen are arranging to give on excursion to Cathlamet on the 28th of this month. Ferguson' A Houston will begin the constriction of the Lewis and Clark bridge early in July. Fisher Bros, havs secured the con- rtract for supplies for" the revenue fleet In the North Pacific. No coal equals the Rock Springs, Wyoming, coal.' New shipment Justin Send , in your orders. MARINE ITEMS. The Urlllsh tramp steamer Oakley went up the river yesterday with rails for the Southern Pacific Railway. The cago comes from Antwerp. i The steamer Elmore suited with a good cargo yesterday morning for Til lamook. The schooner Virginia went up the river late yesterday afternoon, She will load lumber at the North P. lite : tuu am 1'itrvKluced.to the pub nil!l i lie, It rty years ago. Today It la rerog The Bienn-Waldo Lumber oompany. I n,"WH, mt Nll,,"' '"r tom of Westport. will load the schooner Al. vr and kidney complaint, be- venna, which left up yesterday after - ,w,n- The barkentlne QuU-ksteis which sr- Hva fw .lavs 1. havtn a record loading at the Columbia null, Vancouver. Wash. The river has risen Mh .h lh. n,lll ha. had to chine down, and the lumber on the dock Is now threatened. This ha caused great efforts to be made to give the Quickstep quick dispatch. She will take half a million feet of ties and lumber for Ue dondo. The steam schooners Acme and j Homer left up early yesterday morn- Inir. ! The schooner John A. cleared yester day for San Francisco with a cargo ot j lumber from Portland, The British ship Drumburton will sail tor Manila this morning with lum ber. ) The French fcnrk Donna Frandsca j will leave out tomorrow. She carries : the Portland Grain company, and goes to Queenstown for orders. The steam schooner Despatch left out yesterday with lumber for San Fran cisco. The Despatch was delayed it hours owing to the death of Olaf John- I son, the member of the crew who died j from sumtrok. j The steamer Telephone, which is be- i lug extensively overhauled, Is expected . to be about trie tastest ooai on me Columbia when she goes on her run asuin. The Catamaran steamer Advance of Portland seems to be a success. The , seems to be a success, i ne V. , , . Is split In two froi stem to Advance stern, and In the Intervening space run endless chains with buckets attached, ! which dip into the water and force the ; vessel along. The steamer Hassalo has been pfsd j by the United States Inspectors. Mrs. RMtnuisjett will do up l cur- h-'"";' " tmn ,hw tM,t aml -tains to your satisfaction. Leave ord-! tn I had finished the box I was cured ers at the Oregon bakery. Demand for Investments is growing with the prosperity of the country and a man of character and ability can secure ample rewaras 11 ne , l. .t- -u:t:.. -t- c., i lias me nuuny iu mmi securities. I want a few of the best men obtainable for this work. In writing give age, occupation and bank references. GEORGE T. DEXTER, Superlntwdtnt of DomtiiU AgtmiM, Tk Matutl Lif, lmrMC,Cmpirsf NtwVsA 2 Hums Stri, Nw York, N. V. Boys' Norfolk suits at Danzlger's. Sweet Cream 10 eenta a pint. A. TuKtT Steamer SUE Tbs largest, Btaonchest, 8tedlest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table and Btate Room Accommoda tion. Will males round trip every five days between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.BO Connecting at Astoria with ths Oregon Railroad tt Navigation Co. and the Astoria Columbia R. R. for Portland, Ban Francisco and all point East For weight and passenger rata apply to Samuel Elmore 6c Co. General gentH, Astoria Or. or to ft C. R. R Co. Portland, Or. B. C. IAMB, Tillamook, Or. FLAO DAT CKLRB1UTION. An effort la being made to establish June II of each year a Flag day,' be cause It was on this date that the thir teen stars and stripes were adopted as the National emblem. Another Im portant day in the history of the coun try was the one on which the fumous family medicine, llrtetter's HUmiiuh ! " u'5p rovn reiiHUie, often eff-tliig a cure when other rem- hv MM. If your stomach I ' " ' " r ! "' ' ; of MI. belching, heartburn. Inmv nt- dyml. Indlsgeatlun or conatl- ! ?Mhtn f""1 f"w ll,BM, ot " 1 Hitter will set the tuinuch right and : cure thew disorders. Try It and see. 1 WOMAN'S SYMPATHY. Is Prox-erblal, Astoria . Women Exception. NO How much we owe to the sympathetic i aide of womankind; When others suffer they cheerfully lend a helping hand. They tell you the means which brought relief to them 'thai you may profit by their experience. Read the testimony given here by an Astoria woman : Mrs. Close, wife ot John Close, night engineer at Llndenberger" cold storage hoiwe, foot of Eighth street, residing at 230 Commercial street, says: 1 " About a year ago we moved here from Portland and as I had a great deal to look after I overdid myself, and the result was I brought on kidney trouble. My back began to ache and as time rolled by it kept getting worse Instead f better. It' finally grew so IK.. I ......I.I u.it..ulV ataw.l. I.P i str-.ilghtjn after stooping. When I , - illd aliy work requiring lietnllifg I rould hardly get up und I had headaches, dlxiy. spells and nt times everything before me looked blurred. I was Just about to start to ihe store for a : plainer m pui my ink mum were so highly recommended for kidney trouble I made up my mind to try them and procured a box at C. Jigger's drtig store on Commercial street. They ' went right to the root of the disease EverythlnK Is chmiKed with me now and 1 have l.o symptom of kidney trouble whatever." For sale hy all di aler; price 50 rl. Fotpr-MIIIum .Co., llulTiilo, N. Y. sole aj:nts fur the V. H. Kerwmber Ihe nuine and take no substitute. Cheap Fuel -i i .in.'. ljivtKa tl f.rt nr cord Boxwood $1.50 per large load Phone Kll Black. Kelly, the trans fer man. HATS TRIMMED FREE. Mrs. R. Ingt:in will continue her re duction sale of hats skirts, waists and ladies' and children's furnishing goods until October 1. Call and ses the lino, Also carry a complete line of hair switches and pompadours. Prices will suit you. MRS. R. INOLETON, Welch Block. ORF.OON MEETS Cl'T RATES. The rate war on wheat and flour for the orient that started In flnu Francis co and spread to the sound has now In volved the Portland and Asiatic com pany which has) announced '.hat Ihe new rates will be effective on shipments by th Indrapura, due to snll from As torla June !8. The rates are only for June shipments nt present but will pro bably be extended, If present Indica tions ire reliable. Already it is evi dent that the Indrapura's enrtro will consist mainly of flour, which ui der the new rates goes nt S3 Instead of 5. H. ELMORE O. R. ft M. Co. Portland. Or. TOBACCO CIGARS TURKISH PATROL for cigarettes. Fine. GOLD SHORE PLUG forthe pipe. Unexcelled UNION MADE UNION LABEL Agents for the Portluiul Safe & Ixk Co. Cull iuul to sainjtKw, "cKTW P. Tl A k.V 4 & M fl.'M COMMKltCIAL MTKICKT Best and Neatest Eating House In Astoria Try Our 2 5-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention MARINOVICH A AAA AAA A A A. A A A A A AAA A Ssl TTwwwTTTVTT? f V Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. . A V. AlwLBN Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Mottle Or In Kog Pro City delivery North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria i Ca5tings W are prepared to make them on short notice and of th best materials. Let us glv you estimates on any kind of casting or pattern work. Lowest price for first-dsns work. TELEPHONE NO. 246I. POUINLEI SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OS LONDON I , THE OLbCHT K'lUXV r'lRK OFFICE IN THE VVOHU). Cfh At m ir,floo.oon$ CMh AtMtA In Unlttfct Mtt, j,oin,,ft C. A. Henry & Co., General Agents 213 San so me Street nun iiushtv ruiu Of New Zcoland W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore. The Troy Laundry Corner Tenth and Daane Streets ; , '' lias the freatcst, Cleanest, ond mosl Sanitary i ' Laundry ldry Establislirncnt in the State. ' Prices ; reasonable. 'Phone Main 1991 Let us HUMANITY The U, S. dispensatory ay: "Opi um lessen the peristals motion of th bowel. It' local effect (when applied to the lower bowel) i the same a Us general operation. Conlum PARALYZ ES th motor nerve; aconite reduce muscular strength; belladona produces PARALYTIC symptoms; hyoscyamu and stramonium are same a bellado na. THEST DO NOT EXERCISE ANY CPRATIVB INFLUENCES." Every pit medicine prescribed or 'on ' ths market contain torn of the above poll sa vist.:" For sale by CONN DRUG CO, (i ! us your ortlwr for l4itit nml Best Diono graph and graphophouo record. ' A. Trullinger. W SS4j-kBBa-kM4- lllob Class Chef & BOSKOVICH SAAA.AA.AAAAAAAA.aVA.AAAAAA.JX. W WW'W ' IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works 0r. lath mid dsnillu are: A. I. 17IO ' Sao Prnnclsco. Col NCE COMPA? call for your wash. OUTRAGED ons, EXCEPT E-RU-SA PILE CURB. "B-RU-HA doubtless 1 the only pile medicine on th market which doe no contain narcotic poison or mercury," ECONOMICAL DRUG CO., Chcago, 111. Per C. H. McConnell, president. "We guarantee no mercury or opiate in E-RU-8A pile eure'-Woodard Clarke & Co,, Portland, Or. E-RU-SA cure piles, or $50 paid. Worst case cured with on bos, E-ru sa contain no mercury, no opiate. All reliable up-to-date druggist sell B-ru-EAOLB DURO CO,, CHAS ROGERS.