9 astoria. OHrr.oN, rnvvnY, june u, im -Creamery'? Butter A ' ' f We offer for. today Fancy Creamery . .'.,-' ; v Butter .J"-:-'. , 50 cento a 2-pound square Other butters at 45 and 40 cents. ross, higgins a co. TI113 r 1 1 jru i ; , '.'" Thursday ... . ;vtir , ... . . ' Hitturtlay , , ,, HUNiA . ,. Monday . . . . jA Mr7Ol. "tiw Water. hTnCrC nnv fC ' ". li 1:00 1.11:10 1,1 Thursday . . U 1:13 7. 1:13 t.l Friday . . . .. II 1:04 T.7 l:S( I.I ftnturday ,.,. , 14 1:17 t.6 S:t& T.I KUNUAT .. r. 15 J: 16 T.S 4:5 7.1 Monday . . . . U 4:01 S.ltiJ 9.1 Tuesday .' ( .. 17 4:6.1 1.4 1:44 7.4 Wednesday . .. IS f.M 1.0 l.t Thursday . , . 7.13 1.7 7;4 7.7 Thursday ? . n to :5i I. l:li)rl.6 FrMar . '. Wednesday , , , -Thursday , , . Friday . , Waturdnf .:.. I TO MY FRIENDS HERMAN WISE Vha Reliable Clothier and Hatter Opposite Palace Restaurant . Flahermen: Pliie Queen, In ll-os. plU, 40 cent.' P. A. Trulltnger. The swelleat shop In the city. BIX artists at the Palais baths. . i . . . . Mt M At llooflisr'a amy river full cream checie war ranted the best on the coast. Depot and eole acency at No 417 Bond itreet, Bond Street market. Wholesale and retail. Established 1S76. , ' HOW HOUSE CLEANING TIME Is at its height we desire to call your attention to our line of - RUGS, CARPETS, IIATTINGS AND LINOLEUMS. WE" CAtnu-mfPLEASE Y0ri GIVE .US A TRIAL. C0A01EG ' ciflDGIiN S GGN i90G. 1903. TlOIIfi UNF, v - . ''1 - ; ; : ', : - -- . 01. , "" h.m. ft" Jh.m."" ft7 I! I;01l-0.1 :04 I I 13 l:l 1.1 1:17 t.l 13 0.4 :0 1.1 14 1:12 I.I 1:41 1.1 lit I. II 0.1 10:22 1.4 l,l(l:28 Ll'llill t.l 17,il:05 , 11 0:10 1.1 11)1:63 I.I ..... II l;li 1.411:1) 1.4 Desiring to secure for the Ccning Fill . THEOREM OF GOOD GOODS For my Customers, I have gon East for a month. I rctpeclfolly invito your pfttron ge during my Udc, muring you that yoq , will bo treated courteously and honorably ' not only because I in!t upon such treatment on tlia part of my sulci limn, bqt Ihwhuio I know them to . . . bo naturally Monost and Glvll. JJr. Duncan Ferguson, ' : , Mr. O. W. Sprfei, V . Mr. Clin. MoEwan, and my ion, Leo IViw will feel honored to have you will and I ihall appreciate your support. Sincerely, Jcll-o the delicious deetert, eold by Julinson Broa. Mr. IMward KelnUe, ITS Franklin avenuo. wUhei niusto puplla. Bcgin-nti-a only accepted. Special attention to Angering and time. Hotly n real laatt toncer, la cleaner and make Iris trouble with ttovca and chimney fluea than any other coal on the market. George W. Sanborn, alfntv Telephone 1311. A irood workman, ualnf good mater lala, makea a rood Job and eave much annoyam-e. Tou eepeclally n'red the heat In ilumb!n?, gut fitting, heating appliances and tinwnrk. ; Call on John A. Montgomery, 415 Bond itreet, and avoid trouble. Phone 1031. ' Established 1S76. : ' i' - t TIIAT To Have Rooms On Commercial For Convenience Of Business Men Progressive Club Decides To Establish New Quarters. The announcement that the Pi(fT- lv Club la atx'Ut to vacate the prom- I that It now txtuiilrt In conjunc lion with the ChHmtwr of Comnwree w the prliH'lpul feature of the m Ing of that body luet nlfht. The atcp hue ben i(h'IIM Ufrn In couacquciKe ttt the prtwnt l-C'iU(n which" wan, whn orlKinnlly a-le-ted, In lh h-rt of the tuv!nM action, not b"lng con venlent 1 for mwchanta and othfra nhuae oftlcea are on Coinmerclitl atreet, whitre the new room of the club will b altuntd. The comitiltte aptxilnted by ttv dub to arrange tor the exturnlon which It l hop") will flnnily end the defkit In the fund wtiiljllelic'tl to pay fur the pur to lite m) and door fnctory la hunl at work, and a dffinlte reply from the A. it C. It It. la expected today. It wa n'jxirted by the awretary that the annual payment of 12S0 toward the purchave nf a park had been made. The rvgiitta, committee la bard at work, and ! meeting with aurw FLAGS TO WAVE MONDAY. The local camp, . Woodiliert of the World, makee the ro,u-t that all bualneai and rvaidrnce bouaoa, aa far aa maatble, dlapiay the National em- tilem on Mondny, June 15, June 14 la Flag lny. Tbia la the day en apart by an ai't of cungrcaa In commcmora lln of the day upon which the Star and Hirtpe waa formally aolected aa the emblem of the land of the free and the home of the brave. June 1, 1S!L the American Flag Aa- eoclatlon waa formed. The flag bad been Improperly ul. but there were many loyal cltlsvna who thought It ahould be held aacred and not put to uvea which would teach young America to look upon ta folde ytth leaa rever ence than it waa regarded by them aelvea. It waa becoming common to we It uaed aa a trade mark aa adver tising a apeckil brand of cigars, and In other ways It waa put to uea which degraded and deeecrated It The object of the American Flag Association waa to prevent them abuses, and to secure a general celebration of June 14 a Flay Day" because on that day in the year 177T congree selected the flag of the United States. Both of the ptirpowa for which the fltwooliiticm was formed have been ac compllshed. The imttlng of the flag to Ignoble uses has been stopped and June 14 has been act apart by con gress to be observed as "Flag Day'' all over the ITnlted Mutes. Inasmuch, aa June 14 this year falls on a' Sunday, Monday, the lth, has been selected as Flag Day." Every lodge of Woodmen of the World In the state is taking similar ac tion, and on June 13 "Old Glory" will wave from thousands of housetops and liiHSlheads In Oregon. STARTS WOrtK AT ONCE. William Morris, United States Assis tant Engineer, will leave this mqrntng for The Dalles with a party of 15, for the purpose of surveying the Sty-mile anal at Celilo recommended by the Hoard of Army Engineers. A survey of a continuous canal was made In 18S3. but the new ono will be along Some what different lines. ; Borings will be nuula along the route to ascertain the character " of the . material through which the excavation Is to be made. The canal will be aliout 8ty mllca Jong, and will contain several Jocks, one at h upper cud and perhaps two at the IcWrtV.end.VIt will be probtibly 85 feet wide at the bottom, and will be lined with concrete. 7'; The "minimum depth of water will be something like seven feet A large part of the cannl will have to be hewn out of rook. The canal will' be on the river side of the O. It ft N., and for moat of Its length will parallel the' track of that company. The Oregon portage road will closely follow the line of the canal. The Col umbia rlvef, at low water, falla TT feet between the, head of Celilo Falls and Big Eddy. , At high water the fall Is about 40 feet, The cost of the work likely to be undr UO.OOO.tiOO rather than above that 8um. ... Stcln-Bloclt suits at Dannlgcr's. I! triitl-A! THS PURE GRAIN COFFEE The coffee hubit h qnickly over come by those who let Grain-O tak its place. If properly nwlo it tastes like tho best of coffde. No ' grain coffee compares with it in flavor or health fulness. TSY IT TO-DAY. Atgraeanvrywlins lie. aad 2 pae jwak- HKAHll'R HIIM;ST rsiAIKJF.D , WITH BWINLiLlNI LAWLKn. UnlJ to Have Obtiiined hVmef by Civ Order on Necanlcum Milt After - ' Drawing Pay, On the Vhurge of obtaining mdney un dfr false pr'tns"S, Phil li Roy, of tfiisl'l, wCI have a btrarlng In the jus tl' court this t(wrimr at 1 o'clock. Le Kny worked fur some tlino In the Neoankum Kpruce Lumber cmpany'a nilll at teaeide, but quit mrverul days ago on account of an Injury to bis fin gr. He Is .ll-ed to have given Law lr tt Company, of 8eaM, an order on the mill company for 111, which be nald was due him for wag"s. Before this time h had, it la ailetcd, drawn all the money that waa to his credit In the trill. : '. Hoy roalntojns that he had some money to Ms credit wh?n he gave the order to Lawler. ,: , , THE P.EOATTA QCKEN. . The struggle for t!e election of the regatta queen will begin the middle of this month. The election Is exie't-d to be a keenly contested one, and as the price per voto Is to be but one cent, there will doubtless be many votes cast One of the striking fcatums of the re gatta, will be the presence of carnlviJ queens from throughout this state and Wuahliigton, who will be the guets of honor ef the managing committee. A street fair, managed by t.: Woodnufn, ba been given In Dallas and at the conclusion of the coronation exercises her majesty, Mrs. Anna Dunn, was pre sented with a telegram from the re gatta committee, which read: "Her majeaty. the oeen of the Pallas car nival: Tht Astoria regatta committee congratulates you. and extends to you a cordial Infrlwtlon to visit the city during the regatta aa a royal guest" In the event of the lady's acceptance of the invitation It baa ben suggested that the (ocal Woddmen give. demonstra tion in her honor and this Idea may be taken sg and put Into execution by the lodge. DELIOHTFULLY ENTERTAINED. A number of young people were de lightfully entertained at the borne of Xllsa Gertrude aTearney t.rft evening. They were all kepf In the 'iiierrieat "of moods by amusing and fairlamtlng fea tures of entertainment lavishly Intnv fiuced by the charming hooteaa. Miss Kearney and Miss Grace Itan- nells furnished Instrumental and vocal music and their efforts were earnestly applaudt-d. Among those present j were Missoa Virginia and Florence Ctirnahan and Grace Itannclls, ' Mtr, McDedmott, Ferrcll, Joseph and Uurke.s. Sxity Minutes Past 2, Train Leaves No doubt all have heard of burlesque minstrel and comic opera, but a farce comedy Is being put on at the Unique theater by Mr. Erroll which beats them all fun-making and laughter. It Is en titled "The Three o'Clock Train," Mr. Enroll, who takes the part of a Dutch man, certainly plays his part well, and at times the audience Just fairly bowls at him. If our Judgment goes for anything at all wa think he '.sne of the funniest comedians that ever step ped behind the footlights' The oth er, features on. the program are great and wa do not see how they can put up a show like It hr the small sum of 10 cent Bicycle suits "half price at Danzlgcr'A Beauty is but skin deep w was probably meant to disparage beauty. In stead it tells how easy that beauty is to attain, j There JsV no V beauty like ; the beauty of health" was also 1 meant ' to dis parage. Instead it encour ages beauty,""- Peary Soap is the means of health to the skin, and so to both these sorts of beauty. Sold all over the world. GOOD FOR THE HEALTH. What Is nicer than a tender, Juicy steuk properly broiled? And where crm It be prepared bo well as at the Toke Point Oyster House? Try tt. Everything that Is good and In seuaun, and served so you will enjoy It. Short orders. Private rooms, Neat and at- traotlve, "': . . . , Fears riO.NAl, MENTION. A. Cook and J. Wesiod of k nttle are vlklilng in Aal-Tia. F. M. Warren, Jr.. wa la I'm c):y from Portland yesterOay. Mis. .John Ctiirk Is tnt rtlniig h-r sinter, who I oj a vlitlt fron tit Louis. John B. Hlbtard, r.'j'r"ntinf the J. K. Oill company, Is, In the city from Portland. . F. E. Wiiltwn, mining nglnr weU-known in Astoria, Is vry 111 In linker City. ; Auditor Ei.iinim and Gnr&i l:.uW,f"v Pap,' nt the I. K. & fT, crowd t!;e river yt(rrdy to insist the Tivj,co , .. . end of tbtr ruud. The usual weckiy mwt.lng and social of the W, C. T. V. will t held thio evening at the rusiotimry time. The funeral of Emll Juntia, wio us drownr-d of; Sand liilaod Bungay, v.sb held yes!'fd,iy fiom Pohl's. liev. Frank Kaukoncn conducted the servl-x. vthlch wre attended by a number ot the dual man's rnmttriots. Many (lowers were brought by the women, and numerous people accompanied the coffin to the b'at which took It to Greenwood cemetery, ' Fifty-two rs ago llarllng Vandtr pool. Who pahfd through Portland yesterday, stayed a couple of days In Aetnrla. Mr, Viinderpfxd Is TS years of age, and is on his way to Kikhart, Indiana, to visit a daughter, talking! yesterday of bis visit to Astoria, tir. Vanderyool said: "I stayed In AstorlA two days and It VUt two houses then. Is It blfcger now? yes, maybe tt Is But It waa two houses then, i No, It v.aa only two houses. If It's bigger It's grown ftince." TO GIVE EXCURSION. The Team Drivers' Union ot Astoria will give on excursion on June 1. Ol- ney has been chosen as the place to ga, j and many persons have already sjgrj fled their Intention of enjoying the out ing. ONLT THEi tot. ' I Careful housekeepers always want nice, fresh vegetables, ripe and Sole some fruits, strictly fresh eifs, choic est butter, perfect canned gioiis, t!.e tHt brands of coffees, -..teas, . j breakfast foods, etc, and polite, pnnnpt j und careful attention. All thc and all other needful items it is our pleas ure to supply. : JOHNSON BUGS. , THEY ARE NUBBY. Everybody has seen advertisements of the Globe-Wernicke Filing Cabinet and Sectional Book Cases, but few have seen them In use. Some elegant samples are on display at Griffin's book store, nd those debiting to ob tain the latest and best in convenient office and library cases will do well to see them. J. B. Hibbard, of the J. K. Gill Co., is showing their meis. IS A GOOE) PROGRAM, Reserved scata for the High. Sihool commencement exercises will be placed on sale this today at Griffin's bookstot, and the excellence of the program that has been arranged will in ail probabili ty ensure a heavy sale. Great pains have been taken by both pupils and teachers to make the program inter esting, and the trouble that has bi-en expended on preparation for the event makes its success sure. , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. D. C. Fletcher and wife to Wm. Scott, lot 1!. block t. Columbia Second Addi tion to Ocean Grove; 1150. George Noland et J to Sarah J., Clin ton, 60K112 feet In lot 8, block . Clat sop Grove; 115. . ' , Sheriff to George Fl'avel et al, lots 17 and 1 .block 12. MeClure; tll.4S6.0l. , C. W. Christiansen and wife to M. J. IKnney, lota 1, 1 and 1 block ; lots 1 ,1 and S. block S. New Astoria, and frontage 1, t and S, block 6; 11. H. E. Noble and wife to E. Z. Fergru aon, northwest quarter of section 10, T. 5 N., R. 1 W; ft Alfred Kinney et al to M. J. Kinney, blocks1 4and S. portiona of blocks $ and I; lots 14, IS and east 25 feet of lot IS, block 1, New Astoria; 11. Young men's nobby suits at Danzlg- er'a. ' : ." , No Dessert More Attractive Why two gelatine and f"v: -s 1 spend houit waking, i -Q Bweotenuii;, navowig -ton and eoloniJS when f. . rJtr- er I prclme8 bttr rewl's ui to nuiiut' Everytliinginthe pi"?8. F mi lyaiU' water and set to cool. It'spr-rfec'i.-iv, As priae to the hmuwif. M.) trn, !.!, 1- a penae. Try it to-disy. la l'i.r Pru.t 3' Tors: Lemon, Onvcs?, Ste.Auor'y, I . Wiy, At gKxefa, l:)e. "1 J J ?' " v ERECT 'I S11 IMMTTn il & 75-cent M l Bo You Lille - liook over I oft a A. DUI You will furtly 6 jrhat you waat. Imported Swiss Eyaom D.Lh j Ilogucfort ' 'Aprttlto rrimost ' - ! JIarlias J.-.'ra Crc-an ; Clatsop Cream " Tillamook Cieam ... California Cream Youdc; Ai.r.a ! l -Sapfapo FOARD "Q, ' Astoria . ( T '0U CAIJ SAVE IIOIJJ . , rjr Izymi cur dry goods, shoes, mziii And ; Oil Goods, Groceries, Cured Pleats, Flour, cud Feed. V. ,i fi Corner Eleventh, and Bond. Better Telle Costs You . i Hardwood frame canp Etools 25 cents "- Complete outfits, stoves, dishes,- tinware, etc. . II. IL ZAFF - The Ileus :fi:r?is!ier i i t t 'alacc Cafe r All Kinds of Maitrtr.-.'g Made to Order Adams Q Henmno'scn Dealer It Furniture, 'Stoves, Tinware, Wirs, Tni.:V. -Secotrj-tanj Cods Eoss&t And Sc?J. . W Eny All 4"s e::d st.vlET, astoca, Oregon. 1 r FORM '.. cyclitv. ... ' ' IBAIl cc. CIi:::o? our Ii.-'t of rcnt arrivaU Liinlurger- STOREw CO. .Ore. ' I. til aiimwinn-nn mutual mi,i imujh. mmmmmi&& AT a Vall Tent Only $5.00 ,so-m co.m.ii:5u ial xvi;v:r i rem'-arHeils. 2S Cents J S jr.ay D.naers SpecUHy J EvsryltlEj lit Market Aflcri3 J Paihce Catering Ccbp:r.y - -s Furnitme aire 1 li Uj.l.oMrrin.j ! Kind of Jui'A