II AT CS Fnt l r-usil, ir w-t SG 00 Kent 1 y m,.'l, per r.s-itiih TV Served hy cirricr, p r mouth. 00c sr.Mi-tcr.rKLT. ' Bent by mail, per y.xr. In advan.-e 51 W Tn Astorian guarantees to Us sd-ti--r the l-.vpst elreulnllon of any jif!-.jis,'T published tsn the Columbia Kiver. THE A?TOfilAN PUBLISHING CO.. r.NFt'ROED ABSTINENCE. It mie'it be supposed ly one not fa itiar with the situation at Bremerton that tl navy yard there was planted In th miO-i ii 4 den of vice whose raraSM could not be found on the con tinent. This Is f.r from being tlie cuse, J;r Brenst'rton. lth Its Ki!wn't was teal'y far ahead of very many towns n W."hlm;ton it-elf. The saloons were, It Is true, situated on the main street from the yard. but they were mh vt conducted as saloons usually arc In a iiav-aI tonn. and from the point of ew of their being disorderly, ihrre was no cause to be seen for their removal. The most probable reason awigned for tfe action of the navy department Is -that it was desired to 'start the new yard off on a path of temperance. Ev ery thing 'here was new, and it was an .y matter to have the saloons re moved under the threat of abandoning the s!t'. The Fugt Sound Navy Yard thus start i afresh, and the experiment ,m be wa'.hed 'with interest Should It result In the benefits that are ex pected, it is probable that the depart ment will er.Je-.ivor to carry out. the same plan in other navy yard towns. In older and more substantial cities the task will be more difScult for It i3 nut an erisy matter to root up the vested interests that are to be found In the nire substantial irfac-B. MISrLACED TRUST. Few will fail to sympathize with Jjcb EppinKr. head of the great jrtain braking house of Eppmger & Con.jia.ny, in bis broken old ag. Shat tered in hruKU, the vast business fab ric, his efforts erected crumbled to dust throueh the folly or crime of those whom be misted, the once wealthy and powerful financier finds hiinstif at the ilnee f( life penniless and feeble. The latest reports show that the men who had charge of the conduct of the firm's affjirs for the ?st sis months have amassed comfortable private for-tunef-, while the man whose energy and judgment made him one or the most prominent srr.in ojHrnitons in America xas lying sik, Ignorant of the impend ing crh tlut ttaa further to hasten Ms imd. PRACTICAL PHILANTHROPY", One of the best of the mnny philan thropic movements that are now in vrofrre- Is that hie h has for Its ob ject the supplying tf good milk to the poor of New York. The benefits of an abundant supply of. pure milk to families with young children Is not to be etii.i.tt"d, fcdd the difficulty that the poor experience in getting milk of reli iiule quality could be overcome by out side ftid. ' The project is n chf-eringr sign of the practical methods that are coining Into vonie among those who were formerly a little too theoretical. . There can be no question ss to. the good resulting from the plan, and while the babies are growing fat and strong on the milk, the th'--orPns may harrnlesi'iy argue their pet plans, as long as they like. ' No disease causes bo ranch bodily discxmifort, or itches, and burns like Eczema, Ikftitining often witli a slight redness of the skin it gradually spreads, fo'i lowed by pustules or blisters from which a gummy, sticky fluid oozes which dries and scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It ap pears on different parts of thebody but oftenest upon the back, arms, hands, legs and lux, and is a , , T.,J . t '.' , . ' veritable torment at times, especially at nipht or wben over heated. The cause of Ecze ma is a too acid and feneral v nil ealthy con dition of the blood, The terrifying itching and burning is - pro- side of my duced by the overllow lhroucrh the elands aad ' pores of the skin of the fiery poisons V VJTx cooling iney r'"--i n r a ' r' KJ? hO J KJ ) touch the real cause of the disease, but S. 8. S. 'w' does, and purifies, enriches, and strengthens the t!:irt acid biiwl and cleansciJ and builds tip the general sygtera, when the lir, cw m i .I tm.l Ecactna with all its terrifying symptoms disappears. ..ud for our iree book oa the Skin and its diseases. No charge for r' -.at advice. jt'E SWiFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA, The railway projeet for Central Ore should not be allowed to lap--?. th wivants .iy that w r U h's'.tm our sense of hearing. B4 " fur Drrsii. - .-. ' Tiiere Is something lu th Mergy of the U.irmou Chtnvh tliat miht adven-tam-uusly be copied by others. '. St. Louis jw.'ile might suuh wry eanwra that is brought to tots. but the Examiner would still hve "auiliwtle photograplis" of the t Cartha. Missouri, the Tsder of btuhins niob h.W Jut been senteeced to t.-n years In the penitentiary. The t..ct is noteworthy because M "w"1 lion. ' . ' . '' ' . : . Howard Tdackbuin hrts left Glomes-J r, li.tss.. on his third wyS the Atbntlc In a small boat The -ean U not always In hurry to claim Us victims. . . ' Horshoe rs In Seattle aw all on strike. ip hnMhrM art luckv. there's no rvsson hy the men that make them! shouldn't be. " . , ' " ' ' The Seattle gambler that is running a lottery game under the pretext of giving the proceeds to the Monod H-t-Hal Is certainly a champion among grafters, even In Seattle, v..-- ':. The Vnlted States Steel Corporation is now tryinjr to buy enormous Iron mines In Lapland. Most, of us had an idia that Lapland existed only to the Imagination of the geographers. Chamberlain is said to have been de fenied In his political eampaign for pi election within the British Empire. Tbe fight however, is not always won by the man that strikes the first b"bw. ",; YA; The fact that the trial races of the Constitution and the Reliance had to be postponed owing to the haze created by forest fires Is another little Incident that calls attention to the advantages of living In Oregon. ; v ; While there Is not in the salmon fish iry the same risk that made the Scot tish woman call the caller herrln' "iives o men," there Is still risk, as the drowning of Junna shows. There is something more of mystery In death on the waters than on shore; the sea sometimes appanrs to the imagination as a sentient monster; and It is little to be wondered at that there Is somethin of what, for lack" of a better name." is! called superstition among those whose business is upon the waters. ; The '"Christian Hospital" of Chica go made money by selling "reputa tions" to physicians and surgeons. On the payment of a fee an engrossed cer tiRcate 'was given the doctor that he was a member of the staff of the hos pital, "and his name appeared oa tne prospectus. Wnen the doctor hung his beautiful certificate in his office where it would catch the eye of the dubious patient, he rested firm in the faith that a feeling of 'confidence, as the "hospi tal" proprietors expressed it, would at once be established. The promoters of this precious scheme should be doubly runished for their conduct in using charily and Christianity to cloak their swindling. . . .. . . The Hon. John Davis long of Massa chuffctts is )oyed of at least one tiding. "I am glad," he said the other day. "that I am not a rich maa. I would not exchange my freedom, my home life and my content of heart for the wealth of a Morgan or a Carnegie." While we are not authorized to speak for either of the two "parties" last named, ' It is not Inconceivable that neither would care to swap his pile for the Long outfit It may be that boih posne.' freedom, home life and content ed hearts along with their money. There Is nothing radically antagonistic be tween these two classes'of possessions. t?srro rum . waa . vii T itklm bands that itchwt and bnrnsd. osuiin n....!. illaMinifn.t A . . 1 . . . . , V rsw worse, mud I was convinced that WftI ID11CKB wiin jsossjas. I suited severul physicUa and nnm. ber of speviwlists, and used several ex ternal applications, reeeivinf but sliKht temporary relief. In Fubmarv I decided to try B. B. B and in lees than a month I experienced achaeire for the better, and by Jty U symptoms had disappeared, and I found myseif entire. It cured, and have hd so roturn 0f the disease since. W. r.BHUkw Manatrnr Etockman's Advertising Agency. Station l, Kansas City, Mo. , , , , , ', with which the blood-current is over. loaaeu. . wdhc exicinai apiuicaiions, rucH as washes, soaps, salves and powders aresoot hing and qo not enter inio me Diooa tueii or " Fire resisting. Will thoroughly protect all luildins covcrcJi with it. A better rwef in j for less coat than nyv other roofirt" made. Qjilckly !Jd !)! lasts for y'eivs. Zzrz'S.nz Faint Co. A FiVtUni lot Anf! . t tr.d &nvr, Co!aisdo. 15 wts a pint. Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offic rhone Uain I HI. Residence phone Main 1443. ' Office Over Griffin" Book Store. C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo end Pacifle Express Companies. Customs House Broker. i 1 Dr. Te L- Ball DEMTST SSA Commert-ial street, Astoria Ore. C, V. Barr Dentist Mamwil Building. -573 Commercial street, Astoria, Ore. TELETHONS! RED 2C1. OSTEOPATHY D2. rilODA C KICKS Maxell Eldg. 573 Commercial St Fhone Elack :? :5 Astoria Ore, FRAEL & COOK m.NSFER CO.VANy. -Telephone 12L' diuyi:;g and EXFESSinc All goo!s shipped to our csJe WIH recelva special attention. No Ki Dunn St W. J. COOK, Mgr. RELIANCE Electrical Wbrls ' 428' I J O N D .. S T c We are thoroughly prepared for . making estimates and executing orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies in stock. We sll the celebrated t?'ft;LBT LAMP. Call up Phone " H. r. CYRU9. - Mgr Andrew Asp, Itisi VAtt, !ariHiti is ltrel()r JTEOT-CjuASS work at V -u BBASONAIiLE PftlCES. Special Attention Given -fo Ship c4 Steambost itepairing.uenerai Biaca smlihing. First-Class Horse. Shoein. .. CORNER TWELFTH AND DtTANH Central Heat Market 642 COMMEHCIAL ST. . Your orders for cent, both FRESH AK D SALT Will be promptly nd sausiiwtoruy aueuded to 3. W. MORTON, Prep. Telepnuae iu Mothers lose th-fr dread for "that tM.rthi wfond summer" when they have Pr. Fowler"' Extract of Wild Strawberry , in tne house. Nature s lipeeiflc fyr bowel complaints of every sort. ' "," ." . ." ,' - 1 . ; 'Tlsnt ''f bt! a day w,tnout I)r' Thomas'- EHectrlc Oil in the house. Never ta i ' !t ,,at "iment an a'cl" dtnt Is iS Cr-n't be In peyfett health without nr blood. Burdock lilood Bitters makes P"re 1 1'X'd. Tones and invlg. oiates 4he whole system. - ' (r, "J' J n A p V ET? ASTORIA. OREGON,- THURSDAY," JUNE nivs rtiK wtX'D. Bid w lit be received by School 1)1 ritNo. 1, at the office of th school clerk, until June lu, for V0 conls or more of bark slabs or hemlock, four fwt wood, to be dellveied to the dif ferent mhool buildings of the district, a may bo required, on or before- the IMh day of August. VMM. Kisht resorvvJ to reject any and all bid. Ity oriler of the board. . , E. Z. rercuson, Clerk. . XOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NotK-e is hereby ' given, that t meeting of (he Cnrpentere' utflon of As- tcrta. hold Saturday evening. May S3, 190S, resolution was unanimously adopted, provlding.rthat on and after September 1, 1903, the wttges shall be U per day, And eight hour shall con stitute a day' work. This will not af fect contracts made prior to that date, or uncompleted buildings. By order of the union. .F. K. Wright, President, ; T. E. Souden, Secretary. - KXCTRStON RATES K.V8T VIA ' V, GREAT 'NORTHERN ItAILWAT Chicago and return, $7 .11. . St, Louis and return, 141.50. ' Peoria and return i&.ii St. Paul and retum 150. . r aIlniraiolls and return JiM. Dulutit and return too. Da tea of sale June i and S and -t to SO. 1 July 15 and U and August 15 to K. Tickets stood M 3ay, For full information can oa or ad dress, H. Dtckson, city ticlyt agent, 122 Third rjt Portland. Ore. j A STARTLING TEST. To vv a life Dr. T. 0. Ferrltt, of No. Mehoopany, Iu., made a startling test resulting In a wonderful cure. He write "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcera tion of the stomach. I had often found Electric Blttera excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so X pre scribed them. V The patient gained from Jhe first, and has not had an at tack In 14 months." Electric Bitter' are positively guaranteed for Dyspep sia, constipation and kidney troublea. Try them. Only 50 cent at Charles Roger' drug store. NORTHERN PACIFIC Tiiu Curd 1" Trains M - - PORTLAND. .. - ., ,Lea.ve ,-. ArrtvM Puget 8ound Limited 7.25 a m 5:45 p m Kansas Clty-St. Louis Special ..11:10 am :45 pro North Coast Limited 1:80 p m J:00 m Tacoma and Seattle Night Express .. 11:4a pm l;06 t m Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor point Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym pic direct. J,. , Take I'ueet Bound Limited or Kan sas City-St. Louis Special for point on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Urars Harbor branch. ; i i Four trains rlaiiy Between portiana, Tacoma and Seattle. ., .' MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salve you ever heard of, Buckles' Arnica Salve Is the best. , It sweep away and cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts, bolls, ulcers, skin eruptions and pile. It' only 25c, and guaranteed to give . satisfaction by Charles Rogers, druggist. . n ivn l A familiar name of the Chlcajco, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known ail over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train ln in worm. - Understand: Connections are ; made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers' the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, ateam heat, of a variety equaled by no other line, : V: '. See that your ticket read via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point ln the Uu I ted State or Canada. All ticket agent sell them. For rates, pamphlt or other infor mation, addess. J. W. CASKX, , M. . KUWK, Trav. Pass. Agt.," - ' 'en. Agt. Portland, Ore. Portland, Ore. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATES Between June 4th and August 20th, the Illinois Central will sell round trip ticket from Oregon and Washington points to Chicago Cairo, Memphis, and New Orleans at Greatly" reduced rates. Ticket good for three months. Going limit 10 day. Returning limit 10 days after starting west. Stop over privl Jlge either way, west of the Missouri river. Sale date are arranged to he convenient for delegates to conventions of National Educational association at Boston; Elks at Baltimore; Woodmen! at Indianapolis; Eagles at New York; Bhriners at Saratoga; Knights of Pyth Ja at Louisville and Commercial Trav eler at Indianapolis. .', You can take your choice of 10 different route. Write us. We will cheerfully give you any detailed Information you want. B. H.TRUMBULL, Commercial agent, 142 Third street, Portland Ore. fu iH f-.jl HfffAr'vit, A,tl,.iiLi.ii,.n n4 iiultv. II til t'"1"'' r r,'i"' f'f' 1 4v. in IS,' Jr uiuhj tff I'Mrticaio, 1 n,flM-RlnU t I r-I "(Irltftt to, l,'!,4,"(fl tntir. I,, re. IB-" MmII. l.01t lt.UJO..iJl,i,, Ki.ti.hy Hmum Uibvuw. rfa'Uue tuwrnn. fwu. (er . W,A . . Oriitleel nil Oflf Uinul. i i.i niK'IIIXIKU'n KNC1.I-.W II.' 19M. Some Inters ! - ' V. !- ? " ' esting. Facts When people are '-ontenphittut a trln, whether on bnsln or pleasure, thev naturally want the beet rv'c obtainable aa far speed, eat fort and fty la eoncorneii, 1 Kmpioyee or tnt WISt'ONSm CKNTRAL UN8S r paid to serve the public and our trains an operated no aa to nutit cioe son neotlona with dlvorglng lines at ad) Junotlon point. ,. Pullman PaJace Sleeping and Chair Car on through trains. -. IMntng car service unexcilled, Meait served a la erte. ' . . ' In order to obtain the firtt-olasa ser vice. ak the ticket agent t aell you a, ticket over... ....... ...... The Wisconsin Central lines and vou will make direct tMtectlon at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all point Bast. . - For any further Information call on any ticked event ,or correspond wttb JA3. C. l'OND. Oen. Pas. Af't. or JAa A. CLOCK. MUsrtutke. Wta. i Only on remedy In the world that will at once stop Ut hints of the skin In any part of the bodyi Doan's ointment At any drujf atore, 60 cent. It Is folly to suffer from that horri ble plague of the night, Itching pile. Do-in's Ointment cure quickly and permanently. For ; sal by Charles Kogera, druggist FADE YOL'NO AGAIN, "On of Ir. Kins' New Life Fill each night for two nights has put me In my "went" again wrl e D. H, Tur ner of Dempaeytown, Pa. They'r the best In the world for liver, stotnach and bowels. Puwly vegltable. Never gilpe. Only 2$ cents at Charles Roger drug store.. -A'.'...., ; v, quick arrest. : : ' ' J. A. Oulledge, of Verbena. Ala., w twice In the hospital from severe case of pile causing 14 tumor. After doctors and all rented le flled.Buekllo Arntc. Salve quickly arrested, further inamatlon and cured him. It conquer ache and kills pain. 2S cent at Cha. Roger, druggist. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. By taking advantage of the cheap rate east offered by the North-western line:, Chlcigo and return S71.&Q; St. Paul and return $80. Ticket good M day. .Stop-over allowed. Date of sale-June 4. 5, 14, K, !, Zt, , . 30; July 15 and 1 and August !5 and I. Full Information by addressing II. L. Sisler, general agent, 132 Third street, Portland, Ore. :: .-,.'.' ',' ,"'" NOKTH, COAST LIMITED. Is only run by the Northern Paclfla between Portland and Minneapolis and St. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Miasouia, Butte, Livingston, Billing, Blsmark and Fargo. Eight of these trains are on the run daily, four east and four want. Each Is solid vestlbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman ' tourist sleepers. ' dining car, day coaches, mall, xprs and bagga car and the Iegani observa tion car. Each train I brilliantly lighted with over 300 lights and th beauty of It all I you can travel Just m cheaply on thi train a en any other. All representative will be glad to give you additional Informa tion. A. D. Charlton, Assistant 0n nil Psener Aent tKS Morrison St. ROBBED THE) ORAVE. A startling Incident I narrated by John Olllver, of Philadelphia, oa follow "I was In-'awful condition. My kln was almost yellow, eye sunken, tongue coated, pain continually In back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physician had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my great Joy, the first bottle madea decided Improve ment I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know 'they rolilied the grave of an other victirn."N one should fall to try them. Only 50 cents, ' guaranteed atj Cha. Rogers' drug store. I A SURE THING. Tt Is said that nothing I lure except death and taxes, but that Is not alto gether true. IJ King's new Discov ery for consumption Is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thous and can testify to that. Mrs. C. B, Van Metre of fiheperdlown, W, Va., says: "I had a severe case of bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard Of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely." It Is Infallible for croup, whooping cough, 'grip, pneumonia and consumption,,,; Try tt. It'. guaran teed by Chtti les Rogers, druggist. Trial bottles free. Reg. size bo cents, $1. -. ,v a rcamvs cjnz T H i ef die Hinuor end ntxm Jr' m'm, 1 Kldue;,., ho oure so p-, . I 7 1"5 Fi C'urn oiitclnif nd P,no I I ;ti W Beetle the won ttt-i at '1 ( -Mrrhw enll tiileet, V , ,' U BOBui'rofbnwlonf liml. 4 ;' ''(. jMluiir buuliu, i ! f M-d by dniuftali, Hlo, J ti 11-", lr peilpeli T J V SI.l,lb0Mei.l. ' J'yWX tASTaLrtnn E3- ' -." "-'orn,OMKi. Poid hy Cha. Roger, 4C9 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. , The Scenic Line TO TUB EAST AND SOUTH. Through Salt Lake City, Ltadvttle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, Offers the Chore, ot -Three Rout Thiough th Famou Rocky Moun tain Scenery, and Flv Distinct Routes East and South of Denver! 3-FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Between Ogden and Denver. Carrytal "All CKsse of Motturn iulpment. P-irfei't Dicing Car lrvlce and Per sonally Conducted Tourlat Es eurslons to All Points East ' ' STOP OVERS ALLOWED On All Classes of Tickets. .' For Information or Illustrated litera ture) call on or address W. C. McORIDE. General Agent Ut Third St, Portland, Of. Don't Guess at It But If you are goma writs us for our rates and let us tell you about th rvto and aooommodatlon offer ed by tha ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURJ3T Oar via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Clnotnnatl. Doo't fall to wriU M about your trip aa w ara la a poat tloa to riv you om vsluabt Infor mation and amtstano; 1311 mllea of track over which sr operated sono nf f ho II neat train In til world. For particulars regsrdlng freight or passenger rate eau oa or aaar. , ,C UNDSiSY, .H.TttUMIMnUU T. F. R. A. ComlAft, la Third Bt. Portland. Or. 8. Ito, a, F. 4t T, Am St. Paul. Minn. ASK THE AOENT FOR TICKETS Y(S ..TO., ' SPOKANE, ST. PAUL. DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAOO AND ," ALL POINTS EAST. , 2 TRAINM DAIL.Y 2 FAST TIME' New Equipment Throughout. Palace and Tourist Sleeper. Dining and Buffet, Smoking Library Car. Daylight Trip Through th Cascade and Rocicy Mountains, For Full Particulars, Rates. Folders, Etc., Call on or Address J. W. rilALON. H. DICKSON, Trav. Pass. Agt City Ticket Agt " III Third Street, Portland. 013 First Avenue, Seattle,, Wsah, A, B. C. DENN1ST0N, O. W. F. A. AS TIIECROWFLIES the roomy retiring rooms cosy com partments and , the many littles con venler.ee especially arranged for their comfo.-t on the Korthwestern Limited "TUB TRAIN FOR COMFORT" every night between Minneapolis, St Paul and Chicago via Before "starting on a trip no matter where write for Interesting Informa tion about comfortable traveling.. , 1 H, L. SXdLElt, Oenral Agent ' 132 Third Street, Portland, Ore, .0 W. TEASDALE, Gan, Pas. Agt, St Paul, Mtn, Coughs, and colds, down to the very verge of consumption yield to the sooth Ing, healing Influence' of Dr, Wood's Norway Fine Syrup, For sal by Cha Rjffisr, druggist,' "-"-.'- ASTORIA .AH3 COLUnCU i mVBt SAILT.jA!). jpAHIi UtAVI rOKTLAMU I, , -f irin i"- kktva oe a I :pi Fot tltt4 On'n tHfA fer AHoria aad way "ut ... , . . 11 loan Idlp ' AsTOKIA ' " '' "?' rieMd aieTV TlAsia iT luwipai lUlpw pidnlf rt' 11 Srnr tf --t SaAStPt DIVIRIUH aiiism Aauirupr warteutuA, I TMaai urns riei. SMr, 'mis lUinmnsd and Al"it '"hiHuki, f.tr Merraiitoe, yiave), UBKR 'liJ, frt Meveudftii.l A,',,r:- a no i IU W a w lUaia U h9 m INI Ui ta . ... Suaday oaly. All trains make doe oonnwottons at Gobi with all Northern Paoino traia to and froni th turn ana fkiuM point. J. C. MAYO, OM'i rretyat ana rum, afem REDUCED SUMMER EXCURSION RATES. The Denver Rio Grand popularly known as Ut , "Scnlo Lln of Ut WorW has announced gmtty reducsd round trip rates from Faclflo toast point for to benefit of teachers who wilt spend their vacation in th aut, and of dictates to ail th prominent convention N, K. A., at Boat on; A. O. V. Wt It. Paul; Bt P. O. at Rsnttmor: Woodmen of America at la dUn polls; Eagles at New York; Myst ic Shrine at Saratoga Spring; K. of F. at Loulavtllt, and T. F. A. at In dlsnapoll. Ticket at reduced rates will be based upon on faro fur th round trip hut will be sold only on th certain days. The tickets will earr stopover privileges on th going trip, giving passengers an opportunity to vis It Salt Lake City, Olenwood Springs, Colorado Springs and Denver: ana will be good to return any time within W days. Passenger going via th Deavtr A Rio Orsnd art given tb privilege of returning via a different routs, for th rat to tb point you wtah to go, and for date of sal and other parti' otilars as well as for illustrated pamph let, writ W. C. McBRIDE, General agent, 124 Third street Portland Or. V Oregon Union Pacific TIM 8 CHEr" fepart ULE8 Arrive. j From Portland. Chicago ' '-. , . -t .". ! Portland gait Lak. Denver, Special Ft Worth, Oma- 4:S0p.m. 1:10 r ha, Kansa City 1 vlaHunt- st Louis, Chicago Ington. and East ! Atlantio FaTtLak, DenverT " . Expreae Ft Worth, Oma 118 p m. h. Kansas City, 19:30 an ylaHunt- 8t Louis, Chi. : Ington. csgo and East fSVi ""UaWeJlZ j .. St aul Uwiston. Bpo FaatMali kaue, Minneapolis, p. tn. St Paul, Duluth, im p. m, vl Milwaukee, Chi , Bpokani nago and Bast "iQ hours from Portland to Chicago, No change of cars., 1 OCEAN AND RIVER BCIIEDtTLBL , --Froin Astcrla , ' All aailing dates subject to change. For San Francis co every flv days. "CoTum biaTiti ver to Portland and Way Landings. ' 1: a. m., Dally ex cept Mor Duly ex cept Sur! Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on tide dally except Sunday for Bwaoo,, connecting ther with trains for Long Beach, Ttgu and North Beach point. Returning arrive at Astoria same ev ening, . '. '" ' G. W. LOUNSBBRRY.AgOnt Artorta. - " - -.' ' A. 1 CRAIO, r General Passenger Agent, . , Portland, Oregon. f T Th, Northwestern Llmltd" trains, electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and iteam heated,' are wish out exception, tbe flut trains la th world. They embody the latest, newest and beat Idea for comfort convertible and luxury ever offered the travelling Dublin, and altogether are th most complete and splendid produotlon of the oar builders' art; Theae splendid Trains v Connect With 3., i The Great Nortncrn ' ' f The Northern Pacific and .' The Ctflfldlaa Piciric AT ST. PAUL FOR , ( CHICAGO and tbe EAST. ; .No extra chares for th' smp'Ii acommoilutlon m1 ail rtsse- of U k at are availahle for pomt cn th train on tnis line re pro' -4 py t