ASTORIA, OREGON, . TU KSD AY, JUNK 2, 190:. TIIE OLD RELIABLE mi Absolutely Purer 7HE IS 1Q SUBSTITUTE BREVITIES Today's Weather Western Oregon " Shower. Johnson Broi. Phone ttl Main. The swellest shop in the city. SIX artists at the Palase baths. Fishermen: Dixie Queen, In lt-o. pails. 4 cent. P. A. TruJUnger. ;-' i, For Rent Three or four furnished room for housekeeping. No. 1S5 Tenth street. New stock of fancy goods Just arriv ed at Yokohama Basa&r. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan. , Tou will always find the best 15c meal in the city at the Rising Sun res taurant. No. 6U Commercial street ' Pure and wholesome ice-cream, IS e ' a pint. Delicious ice cream soda and confectionery at Taggs candy store. pit is folly to suffer from that horrl- ble plague of the night, itching piles. ' Pom's Ointment cures quickly and permanently. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Baltimore 6k Ohio R. R. r s ROYAL BLUE TRAINS , . , , BETWEEN' - CHICAGO E5 NEW YORK J Via WA8HIXGTON, D. C. , Pinoat and Fastest series of trains in the world. Palatia g coaches, Pullman Buffet Parlor The Finest Dininz Car Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, ; jj m b. M. AUSTIN, General Pass- M A STQ R I A v Is Represented at Home and Abroad by the DAILY MORNING AST0H1AN A live, clean family paper. Price 60 cents per month . by carrier or $6 per year by mail.' The only paper in Astoria having Associated Press Telegraphic News. SEMI-WEEKLY ASTORIAN Published on Tuesdays and Fridays,, It gives all the local, county and telegrapic news and it costs only $1 PER YEAR POUNDBU A. D.I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE ',f (' i . .' ; or LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Caati Assets i - , 1 Sn.soo.ooot j . 1 Cos Asssts In United tKatea, i.OiO.oas S C. A. Henry & Co. General Agents . 1 215 Ssasome Street' - Sa Praoclsco, Cal - The steamer Columbia leaves out this morning at : for San Francisco The American barkentine Gleaner ar rived in ytati yesterday evening. She will load lumbr. The steamer Sue H. Elmore will sail for Tillamook bay points on Wednes day, June i. at I a.m. ; .,', The British ship Clan Mac Parlance will leave up this morning for Portland to load wheat for South Africa. Frank Russell began operation on his Desdemona sands seining grounds yesterday, making four hauls. Only about MX pounds of salmon were talten. The schooner Jennie Stella arrived in on Sundayanls discharging ballast at Llndenbergers cold storage doca. pne will load lumber at Carrollton, Wash. Commencing next Sunday the steam er Nahcotta will begin her regular sum mer schedule, making round trips to Il waco each day of the week, connecting with the train for North beach points. Olympic cake and pastry flour makes a richer, more tender and more deli cate cake than any other flour on the market. We guarantee rt to please you Johnson Bros. A good workman, using good mater ials, makes a good Job and saves much annoyance. Tou especially need the best In plumbing, gaa fitting, beating appliances and tinwork. Call on John A. Montgomery, 425, Bond street, and avoid trouble. . Phone 1031. . DELATED GOODS ARRIVED. We have Just received a large ship ment of muslin underwear which was delayed six weeks intransit. These are new and handsome goods, but they will be sacrificed at our retlrlng-from-biisl- ness sale prices for they should have been here and disposed of long ago. This is a chance to get choice garments at sacrifice prices. Call early and get your choice. See our window display. Our sale Is approaching its end and prices are way down below bedrock. D. SHANAHAN. and Drawing Room -Cars. Service in the World Agt - - Chicago, 111 J Mrs. Rasmussen will Jo up lace cur tains to youy satisfaction. Leave ord ert at the Oreaen bakery. ' ; ? - i , . ' - Try one cartoon sett-raising Olympic pancake flour. It is guaranteed to please you. Johnson Bros. Now is the time to have your turn- lture upholstered. W can do It tor vou. Let us g-tv you prices on work. Don't forget that we guarantee all our work. Chas. Hellborn St Son. Contractor Pslmberg Is completing an addition to the summer house of V. F . McOregor at Sea.-4de whkh makes of it a vsry handsome amt commodious residence. The athool children of Wurrentun have begun to enjoy their holidays, la Fi May tHng the last day of the term. Prof. Round was in the city yesterday and In the evening left for Portland where ho will probably remain during the summer. The lighthouse engineer's steamer Geo. H. Mendell came down from Brooklield and Prairie channel yester day. In a short time the Mendell will begin aWvnth's work on the bar, mak ing extensive soundings from which new charts will be drawn for the use of navigators and as a guide for dredg ing operations if the dredge Grant manages to arrive on the scene in time to work this season. WEDDING BELLS. A happy wedding took place In West Astoria on Saturday evening the con tracting parties being Capt. Harry Ol son of the launch Independence and Mrs. Ida Thompson, Re v. J. McCormac officiating. FUNERAL OF MRS. WRIGHT. The funeral of the late Mrs. Laura G. Wrght will be held this afternoon from Grace Episcopal church. Friends will gather at the home at 1 o'clock and at 1:30 the church service will be held. At 2 p. m. a steamer wUI leave Flavel's dock for Greenwood where the last rites will be privately conducted. Mrs. Wright's winning disposition had.ln the many years spent here, endeared her to a wide circle of friends, who were overcome with sorrow by her early death. THEY PLATED TAG. The North Pacific Brewery baseball ttam Intended to play ball at Ilwaco Punday but Instead pjayed leap frog, tag and other light diversions on Snnd Island. -The boys' started for II Waco all right, but the launch became dis abled while in mid river and went no further for the time being. The pasHlng of i flsh boat saved the young men from total inactivity, transferring them to the Island. In the evening thelaunch was able to move and so the interrupt ed trip was resumed. When Ilwaco was reached everyone was either go ing or had gone to bed, so it was im possible to ,-jive the game by the light of the moon, even if anybody wanted to and anybody didn't. ' At 3 a. m. yes terday morning the baseballlsts left Il waco for home, all of them highly gratl fled because the Ilwaco team hadn't beaten them. ears Pretty boxes and odors are used to sell such soaps, as no one would touch if he saw them un disguised. Beware of a soap that depends on something outside of it. Pears', the finest soap in the world is scented or not as you wish ; and the money is in the merchan dise, not in the box. Established over too years. , 1 seie tiny Csptulet superioi to Baisam or yopaiDs v Cubebs or Injections andurn CURE IH 48 HOURSU"" th tarns disease with. cut Inconvsnisnc. - " Srltt Mr oil !rurieittt. Regular Meeting Of City Council City Dads Turn Out Small Grist Improvements Of The Streets : ' Will Continue. In the absence of Mayor Suprvmtnt Councilman Jens H. Hanson presided ut the regular meeting of the city fath er lust evening. The mayor la at St. Martin's springs, ner the Casrud', serkllt heutth, The following bills were ordered pnld; G. W. Sanborn .... 119.00 Aslorlan". 10 Frank Hart S.S5 C. K. Johnson .. .. .. 28.75 Astoria Box" Co TJ.W Clatsop Mill Co .i .. .. S.S Atwlft Electric Co ..S3S.TS Ft ye Gerdlng Co .W A. V. Allen 0 Jens Hanson 103.78 Adolph'Johmon ti. 00 P. Olmre .. Q. O. Palmberg, city coolhouse ,'.174.00 Pay roll street supt for May HO. 00 Pay roll city surveyor for May .. 4.00 Th Cla'fMjp Mill Co, on a bill of HS4.30 for lumlier for sidewalk on Scow hay wis allowed $125. Police Judge Anderson reported the lines and forfeitures for May to be 13. Total receipts of his office J3S7.S0, A resolution Introduced by Council man Nords'roin was adopted directing the committee on ways and means' to call for bids to be presented at the next regular meeting codifying and publish ing the city charter and' ordinances, which have not been codirled since 1S9, since which time a new charter has been obtained and may ordinances en acted. The committee on streets reported the drain In Forty-fourth street to be In a bad condition, recommending re pairs and the construction of a sewer City Surveyor Tee was Instructed to In vestigate. The purchasing committee was In structed to wire concerning the non appearance of the roller ordered for use on macadam streets to try to rush the delivery, as the etreeta are torn up and almost impassable and cannot be fin ished without It. 4 A bill of sale was filed conveying to the city the title to sewer pipe put In on First street by Chas. E. Johnson. On the petition of property owners for the Improvement of Franklin ave nue from Scholfield A Haucke's store to Alderbrook the committee reported recommending that the city surveyor investigate the proposition and report n to the ability of the district "to af ford the Improvement. Also that plans nnd specifications be prepared to en able the Introduction of a resolution for the improvement at the next meet ing. It Is desired that the street be built of macadam if considered feas-, able. The commute on fire and water re ported having turned in to the city j?H the reAilt of the sale of the old teams of No. 1 fire company for $75, nnd of No. 2 for $175. Applications for retail liquor licenses were received from Swan Wilson, Lee Herring and Johnston & Loughery. Liquor licenses were granted to Hen ry Dlsse, Mansort & Tyberg and R. J. Owens. Chairman Burns of the street com mittee stated that it had been Intended to present a resolution for the improve ment of Exchange street from Four teenth street to Seventeenth, but that objections had been made by propertx owners to making the Improvement on the established grade which makes the south side of the street higher than the north side. It was suggested by the city surveyor that the difficulty be oyer -come by building the street level trans versely, except at and near the establish ed crossings, which could be made to conform with the established grade RAINO THE PURE V 1 . GRAIN COFFEE The coffee habit Is quickly over come by those who let Grain-O , take its place.': K properly made ') it tastes like the best of coffee. No ' grain coffee compares with it in flavor or heajthfulness.' , TRY IT TO-DAY. , I At grocers srerywlMr; Uc sad Me, pw ptckigA without changing the whole system of grades In th district. Ths sums ap plies to Franklin avenue. The council adjourn! until Monday evening, June i, at which t)m resolutions are to be Introduced for the Improvement of both streets on plana to be provided, and which Will mll for lh use of cruind stone and a few blocks of concrete side- wulk. A flAMR OF fU'Nfl. Th game of btiselwll played Sunday afternoon between the Fort Stevens and Astoria teams resulted In victory for thi latter by the score of IS to IS The unuituU number of runs on both side causd Interest In the game to How at low ebb the contest settling down to sort of merry-go-round, as !t were. However, the snuill boys on the outside of the fence stole all the wildly butted balls they could lay their hands on. so the occasion was not entirely de void of entertainment. With Itching, Burning, Scat; Humours Find Instant Relief and Speedy Cure In Gutlcura Soap and Cuticura Ointment When All Other Remedies and the Best Physicians fail. Instant relief and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies and rest for tired mothers In warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle anolutlngt with Cuticura Olutment, the great skin aire, and purest of emollient, to be followed in severe case by mild dose of Cutluur Hesolvent i'ills. Till I the purest, sweetest, most speedy, per manent and economical treatment for torturig,dUftKuring, Itching, burning, bleedinK, scaly, crusted and pimply kin and scalp humours, eczemas, rashes and Irritations, with loss of hair, of iufnot and children, as well ss adults, and I lure to succeed when all other remedies aud physician fall. Million of the world's best cop1e now use Cuticura Soap, axulnted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purlfytufr. and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scalk'S and dandrud, and the stopping of full ing hair, for softening, whitening and soothing reel, rough and tore hands, a well a for all the purpose of the toilet, bath and nursery. Thousands of women unhesitatingly recommend Cuticura Soap, la tho form of baths for annoying Irritation, Inflammations and chnAngs, or too free or offensive perspiration, la the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, autlseptio purposes which readily auggest themselves. The sale of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pill I greater than the combined sale of the world's product of other skin remedies. Sold In every part of the world. COAL TO III" UN. No coal equals the nk Springs, Wyoming, coal. Xew shipment ji.'t in (send In your orders. TO LADIES OF ASTOB1A. All who wish their lace curtains done up In up-to-date style will please leave their orders with Mrs. Captain Parker, corner Seventh St. and Grand Ave. MAKES A CLEAjl SWEEP. There's nothing hWjdoIng a thing thoroughly. Of all the salves you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve Is the best. It sweeps away and cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts, bolls, ulcers, skin eruptions and piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by Charles Rogers, druggist. EXCURSION RATES EAST VIA OREAT N0RTH8UN RAILWAY Chicago and return, $71. M. 8t. Louis and return, $7.S0. Peoria and return $69.25 St, Paul and return 100. Minneapolis and return $00. Duluth and return $00. Date of sale June 4 and S and 24 to 30. , . July 15 and 16 and Augiist 25 to 26 Tickets irood 50 days. For full information cnll on or ad dress, H. D!ckson, city ticket agent, 122 Third street Portland, Ore. Cowing & Cowing , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. , Oregon City, Oregon. Office Room 4, U. 8. Land Office Bids- Practice In all the courts of the state United tSates Lond Office Business a BAB ES (IN The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating There I no ue in presenting ft long line of argument a to th merit of our good. For pudding, pit, let erm, custard, Uw, t&, you win find nothing can equal . Economy Brand . Evaporated Cream r Thi Crwm I prepared specially for Ubi um and cooking give eoftse ft rich, deliciou flavor which cannot be obtamtd by using ordinary cream or th other brftnd. Thar ar many pro ducer of Eportd Cream, but we produc ninety per cent of ftU that is used in th world, which howt that nine-tenth of tha peopJa hftv found our good to be th best St that you buy EviporaUd Cream which bear our cap label reproduced herewith. It it th cp of mrit-th HELVETIA XILK COHDENSIHQ COMPACT, Highland, Illinois. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By buying our DRY GOODS, SHOES, RUBBER And Oil Goods, Groceries. Cured e Meats Flour, nnd Feed. V. H. COFFEY Corner Eleventh and Bond. The Boston KM t'OMMKKC'ML MTftKKT ' Best and Neatest Eating: House in Astoria Try Our 25-Ccnt Dinners i Prompt Attention MARINOVICH Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CICaRS . '. ' Suj-i'lits of all kinds at low?t nit?, for tMinm. i Farmers him! Imt. ! A. Vs AlwaLQN Tenrh M QenweryUI Street).- ii KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER j Bottle Or In Ken Prco City delivery North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria EXPERT HORSESHOEING ' General Hlckinitliiiig, I?mt and CiuiiM-ry Work. Sctiiiu for Higli Clan Work. Slum Corner of Fif teenth and Duaiio Streets, near St. Mary' 'Hospital.' HOLMES t$ 8E1BE RT Phoue SMI. Castings W r prepared to make, them on short notice and of th best materials. Let us riv you estimate on any It kid of castings or pattern work, Lowest, price for first-class work. . TELEPHONE NO. 2451. TOBACCO cigars i TURKISH PATROL for cigarettes. Fine. I GOLD SHORE PLUG for the pipe. Unexcelled UNION MADE UNION LABEL Agent for the Portland Safe & lock Co. Call and see samples. ,y ?Two P- tign of hontt good. ) Restaurant High Class Chef & BOSKOVICH , i - IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE . Scew Bay IrcaG ! Brass Works Oor. 11th 4 Prsnkilii ei f CJWe o yonr Order for " 5 Latest and Best Phono- J grajili and grai)liophone , records. '' '; a"i t ! i 'ATrumnfjer.