ASTORIA. OREGON, SUNDAY, MAY 17, IWXJ 2. Morning Astorian . Eitabitthtd 1873. CUNlQNl - RATBSi ' ent by mail, per year, ... . .,..$6 00 Bent by mail, per month.. ......... 50c Served bj carrier, per month.... 60c SEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mall, per year, ta advance $1 00 The Aatortan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any aewspaper published on the Columbia River. ' " '; THE ASTORIAN PUBLISHING .CO., THE TREATING HABIT. Various contemporaries hav made comment upon the treating habit, says the Tacoina Ledger. It Is a habit so bad as to be Indefensible. It is not only bad, but absurd. A man goes into a soloon with intent to take a drink He finds there a group of friends. According to the prevailing ethics he may not take his own drink without In viting these friends to Join him. Each one of the group feels It Incumbent upon himself to 3o the honors In turn. The result is that a man who wanted one drink, and perhaps would have been no' worse for it, gets half a dozen or, more, and mentally, physically and in pocket Is worse for the experience. In some states there has been an at tempt to legislate against this prac tice, but legislation will never have the slightest effect. The reform must be through the individual. Ko man would hesitate upon entering a haber dasher's shop, to buy all the collars he needed, and he would not feel the slight est Impulse to ask his friends whom he niight find present to take a collar with him. The rule to apply is the plain rule of commonsense. Abolish the treating habit and there would be far less drinking, and there would be few er exhibitions of men with more liquor In them than they could carry with grace and ease. To take a drink at a bar and refrain from asking all ob servers to Join Is a test of courage. The man who does It Is likely to be called stingy, but far better to be call ed this than to waste money, time and health in an endeavor to be a good fel low, for the sort of good fellowship thus established is wholly without sta bility, and, while It lasts. Is valueless. If a man desires to take a drink and lias the price, the affair Is in large measure his own. It Is an Imposition to expect him to buy a drink for some body else, or to accept the drink ten dered by somebody else. Through treating there are drunkards made and extravagant practices established. Oft en the man solicited would rather be excused, but feels that to do so would be a violation of courtesy. A far nicer courtesy would be in refraining from asking him to drink. - ROT AND NONSENSE. The supplements of the Sunday pa pers simply reek with rot and non sense. The space writers have gone daffy In their nervous excitement of .trying to find something new. Inven tion, whlsh Is legitimate, has been suc ceeded by bughouse Imagery. ' Particu larly is this true in the "woman's page. ;" '. i One of Sunday's Seattle papers con- r talned halftone pictures of a woman being lulled to sleep and cured of the blucis by'havlng a mandolin picked at her left ear. A column or so of ex planatory type acompanied it. Sun day after Sunday the "woman's pase" MALTHOID ROOFING 4? 5 Made of felt, thor oughly saturated with P&B compound. Not impaired by varying temperatures. Does not evaporate, crack, expand or contract. A low priced roofing that can not be equaled, f4 tw kMkUt The Paraffine Paint Co. Sn Francises, Scsttlt, Portland, Lot Anjtltf and Denver, Colorado, w r glares wlt some such serious nonsense. The delineation of ankles and still high er portions o lh to""' flure, "with broad descriptions of lingerie, all of which might look well In a medical Journal, fill page after page. Silll worse is the page or so of Eu ropean scandal-divorce, elopements, gambling episodes, royal drunks, risque Imperial dkloes. etc., etc.. all Interest. Ing to a real student of history, per haps, but simply outrageous reading for immature and unstable minds. Don't forget, either, the weekly bud get from New York, where the vulgari ties of the W are made to equal If possible the European examples K seeks to emulate. And children's pages mostly slop, the prime topic justnow seeming to be foolishly Incredible tales of distorted animals whose very existence any child sees to be a physiologiealJmpos slbllity, but which, nevertheless, are, with big Sunday dinners, filling the land with nightmares and mental dis tempers. With so many good things In this big, busy world to write about why don't the Sunday supplements get better? Everett Record. TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE. An exchange tells of the excellent re suits obtained In manual training In an English school, -the plan being aH school garden. The plan provided each pupil of proper age with a garden patch 30 feet long and nine feet wide. Three feet at one end of each patch was de voted to flowers and an equal space at the other end given ts tush fruits; the remained er was) planted with vege tables. In the first year of the experi ment the loss to the school was about $1! an acre, but the work was 'continued and with the training of the children better results were obtained, so that last year the school made a profit of about l&M an acre. The report adds: "Before the gardens were formed the site produced not a shilling's worth of food for man or beast. It was an un cultivated gravel bed many feet in depth, known from time Immemorial as Hungry Hill." Exercise Is conducive to health and growth. Think for yourself, rightly if you can, but think. It you form wrong conclusions today your thoughts will lead you lo discard them tomor row. Exercise the mind by thinking, and your mind will grow and brighten. A good lady once remarked to Dr. Adams, the celebrated divine, that his sermons were a tittle too long. "Ah, sister," he said, "I'm afraid you don't like the sincere milk of the word." "Yes, I do," said she, "but you know the fashion now is condensed milk." FOR 30 DAYS I offer for the next 30 days the follow ing line of cigars at Portland prices: Manara Banquet, Y. Hya, El Sidelo, El Telegraffo, El Symphonic La Sorrento, La Belle Creole, Rosa Ai Mayo, Owls, Exports, Childs, Oremas, Sailor Prine, a union label cigar. Royal Bengals, two packags of Dur ham free with each 100. : Manlia Gems, 1 for cents; Old Vir ginia Cheroots, 2 for 5 cents; Porto Rlcan cigars, 500 and SO free. Some bargains in Chewing and Smok ing Tobacco, Don't forget the fact that prices will be satisfactory. Pipes and Playing Cards, Cigar Hold ers, Amber and Meerschaum. ' Coods delivered to aH parts of the city free of charge. Agent for the Portland Safe and Lock Company. Safes sold for cash or on the Installment plan. Call and see amples and get prices. P. A. TRULLINGER 515 Commercial Street Phone.'m anil 271 -Two Store Soatt's SanM-FepsIo Capsules a positive CUHI wm Inflwnmttlen or Gaunt of the Bladder and S1mm Kldnaya. Ko eun so pay. Cora qnkklr and Pens aentir lha wont cat, of Uonerrbawa nj Olt, so Diattrof how long ataaoV lot. Abaointel; harmlM Sold br drairUU. Tti !! ?' .T T 1 1, postpaid, 'TBI tAITAl-FtPSm BO, Sold by C'has. Rotters. 459 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon. . i "The Biggest Sensation Everywnere UIUIPUT The smallest sterescope with th strongest optical effect Highly fin ished In different colors with rich gold and sliver decorations (mountings-. Including 20 V. T. Photographs. Views of art (genre). Price only IL Sent everywhere prepaid la letter form. AGENTS WANTED, " Llliput Steresccpe Company FORREST BLDG., Philadelphia, The Innocent The Guilty The world to-day is full ci innocent sufferer tram that most loathaomt disease, Contagious Blood Poison. People know in a general way that it is a bad disease, but it all its horrors could be brought before them they would shun it as they do the Leprosy. Not only the person who contracts ft suffers, but the awful taint is transmitted to children, and the tearful sores and eruptions, weak eyes, Catarrh, and .other evidences of poisoned blood show these little innocents are suffering the awful consequences of some body's sin. So highly contagious is this form of blood poison that one may be contaminated by handling the clothing or other articles in use by a person afflicted with this miserable disease. There is danger even in drink Ing from the same vessel or eating out of the same tableware, as many pure and innocent men and women have found to their sorrow. The virus of Contagious Blood Poison is so . - .sprat's BLOOD POISON IS HO first little sore appears the whole ff;ii?AT3 RESPECTER OF PERSONS tainted with the poison, and the skin is soon covered with a red rash, throat, swellings appear in the groins, the hair and eyebrows fall out, and unless the ravages of the disease are checked at this stage, more violent and dangerous symptoms appear in the form of deep and offensive sores, copper colored splotches, temble pains in bones and muscles, and general breaking down of the system. S. S. S. is a specific for Contagious Blood Poison and the only remedy that antidotes this peculiar virus and makes a radical and complete cure of the disease. Mercury and Potash hold it in check so long as the system is under their influence, but when the medicine is left off the poison breaks out again as bad or worse than ever. Besides, the use of these minerals bring on Rheumatism and stomach troubles of the worst kind, and frequently pro duce bleeding and sponginess of the gums and decay of the teeth. S. S. 8. cures Blood Poison in all stages and even reaches down to hereditary taints can be taken without any injurious effects to health, and an experience of nearly fifty years proves beyond doubt that it cures Contagious Blood Poison completely and permanently. Write for our "Home Treatment Book," which describes fully the different stages and symptoms of the disease, IMC SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, StAm WONDERFUL WORK. Lots Like It Being Done Right Here In Astoria. Astoria people are surprised at the work being done by "The Little Con querer." Public expression on the sub ject, brings the matter frequently be fore the people. At first there were many doubters and why not? So many claims of a similar nature have been made with little or no backing, except ing the word of some stranger residing in a far-away place; this evidence was accepted for lack of better. Not neces sary to accept it any longer. All suf ferers from any kidney Hi can find pl enty of local endorsement for a rem edy that, will cure them. Surely the wonderful work of Doan's kidney pills right here at home is proof sufficient to satisfy any skeptic. Read the ex pression of a Portland man on the sub ject: J. Carson employed at the Portland Lumber company, foot of Lincoln street Portland, who resides at S6 First St., says: "I was feeling miserable with a depressing; lameness around th small of my back all last summer. At first I did not pay ipuch attention to It, but it continued to grow worse and finally became so bad that I thought I would have to 'ay off work. To bend or move quickly caused severe twinges; I was often attacked with dizzy spells; specks appeared before my eyes and I had no ambition or energy. In the morning I arose as tired as when I went to bed. In fact I had all the symptoms of a very severe case of kidney trouble. When I was suffering the worst I read about Doan's kidney pills and procured a box. I soon noticed an Improvement in my condition and the pain and ach ing across my back soon disappeared. About six weeks ago I was laid up with a siege of the grip for two weeks. Symptoms of kidney complaint made their appearance again, I resorted to Doan's kidney pills a second time. They Just as thoroughly freed .me of the trouble as in the former case. I can not express what change they have mude in me. I simply feel like a dif ferent neraon." plenty more proof like this from As toria people. Call at Charles Rogers' drug store and ask what his custom ers report. For sale by. all dealers. Price 50c per bo.t. Foster-MUbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office phone Main 2141. . Residence phone Main 2443. Office Over Griffin's Book Store. OSTE O PATHY DR. RH0DA C. HICKS Mansell Bids. 673 Commercial St Phone Black 2065 Astoria Ore. POUNDED A. U.17IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE or ivondon "..;"!; ' THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cash AaactsB m 0 f ii,ao,ooo Cath Att In United auta, .&, 43 J C A. Henry k Co., General Agents 213 Sansome Street - San Prandsco, Cal ulcers break out in the mouth and and removes all traces ol the poison and saves the victim from the pitiable conse quences of this monster scourge. As lon as a drop of the virus is left in the blood it is liable to break out, and there is danger of transmitting the disease to others. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and Dr. T. L. Ball DENT'S! tit Commercial street, Astoria Ore. C. W. Ban Dentist Mansell Build lffg. S7I Commercial street. Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED J061. Andrew Asp, Warts Itktr, llutasiti i lriiMr PIRST-CUASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship are Sttambost Repslring.Oeneral Black smithing, Flrst-Class Horse Bboelag, ate CORNER TWELFTH AND DTTANB RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. Ws are thoroughly prepared for ' making estimates and executing orders for all kinds of electrical Installing; and Repairing Supplies In stock. We sell the celebrated SHELBY LAkP. Call up Phone 11SL H. W. CYRUS. - Mar C. J. Trenchard Insurance,' Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Express Companies. Customs House Broker. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL 8T. Yonr orders for meats, both FRESH AND SALT Win he promptly and stUifactorlly sttended to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Telephone Nit. 321. PRAEL & COOK rRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone Kl. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our care Will receive special attention. No 528 Duans St. W. J. COOK. Mgr. ) CHICHESTER'S EflOLIt'l , Pennyroyal, pills 9 r.V OH.I..1 .ail Unlr e.n!i.. SAFE, Aiwwt rdii.t l, ldim ,.k Df uMIrt fcr ( HICIil.vrWiK r.MJLISH l KK1) UI4 Ceil J .:-'Jllc torn mut whh UiwrfMw.. Takt mn irtWr. SfaM' J tjf it,,,. Ha f ;w Lrrwfcl. r4 it- id t Jg Muua hr I'artlmlira, TotlaMitlaU if Mall. HMMMrrMMaubitl, Hol4,t r all Dfulax. 'alkMr'hrl.IO, IbManama Ma'hi ,.. ''Mil A. V 3& WORKING OVERTIME. Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless little worktrs Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, bil iousness, constipation, sick headache and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only IS cents at Charles Rogers' drug store. Scratch, scratch, scratch; unsbls to attend to business during the day or to sleep during 'he night. Itching piles, horrible plague. Doan's Ointment cures Never falls. Chus Rogers, druggist 50o IT SAVED HIS LEO. P. A. Danforth ot LaOrange, Oa suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg: but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly curud It ta five days. For ulcers. wounds, piles, It's the best salve In the world. Cure guaranteed. Only it cents. Sold by Charles Rogers, drug' 'Coughs, and colds, down to the very verge of consumption yield to the sooth tug, hnllitg Influences ot Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, For sale byChas logirt, druggist. TRAOEDY AVERTED. "Just In the nick of time our little boy was saved." writes Mrs. W. Wat kins ot Pleasant City, O. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set In besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption and our darling was saved. He's now sound snd welL" Everybody ought to know. It's the only sure cure for coughs, colds snd lung diseases. Guaranteed by Charles Rogers, druggist Price 60c and 11. Trial bottles free. Two million Americans suffer .the torturing pangs or dyspepsia. No need to. Bur lick Blood Hitters cures. At any drug store. For sale by Charles Rogers. MORB RTOra. Disturbances or strikers are not near ly as grave as an Individual disorder of the system. Overwork, toss ot sleep, nervous tension will be followed by Ut ter collapse unless a reliable remedy Is Immediately employed. There's noth Ing to efficient to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic and effective nerv ine and the greatest all around medi cine for run down systems. It dispels nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia and expels malarial germs. Only SOc and satisfaction guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. Impossible lo forse an accident. Not Impowible to be piepared for It. Dr. Thomas" Slectrlc Oil Monarch over pain. For sale by Chas. Rogers, drug gist. Don't Guess at It But If yea are ixneiM But write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILIJNOI8 CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Oars via Uie ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write us about your trip as we are In a posi tion to give yon soma valuable Infor mation and asslstanoe; till miles) of track over which are operated some of the finest trains In ths world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or addraas. . C LUfDBKT, B. H. TRUMBELL, T. F. R. A. Com'l Agi 142 Third St. Portland. Ore. S. Feo. G. P. T. A.. St Paul. Minn. Ciil M" TV TH B II f? The Scenic Line TO THE EAST AND SOUTH. Through Salt Lake City, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Offers the Choree of Three Routes Tluough the Famous Rocky Moun tain Scenery, and Five' Distinct Routes East and South of Denver. 3-FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Between Ogden and Denver, Carrying Ail Classes of Modern Equipment. P'jrfet t Dining Car Service and Per- serially Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to All Points East STOP OVERS ALLOWED On All Classes of Tickets. Fcr Information or Illustrated litera ture call on or address W. C. McBRIDE, - General Agent 124 Third St, Portland, Or. ALT 18 NOT SALT It Is a common saying that "salt snli"-meaning that any salt . Is good enough for ordinary use. Ws sssert lite eontraiy. Much suit Is Impure, contains more or less dirt, and Is made by methods which render rleanllness and purity Impossible. The Worchester suit Is mad In such a way that It la hit possible for It to be unclean or Impure, while, best ot sit, w are selling It at about the same pries as any oth.r, snd as It Is rtronger than other kinds, It Is really the most economical, - Johnson Brothers. RKDUCED SUMMER EXCURSION RATES. Th Denver Rio Grands popularly known as the "Sceulo Lin of the World" has announced greatly reduced roundtrtp rates from Pacini) coast points for th benefit of teachers who will spend their vacation In the east, and of delegates to all the prominent conventions N. E. A., at Roetonj A. O. V, W at 8t. Paul; B. P. O. K., at Pnntlmorej Woodmen of America at In dlnnat-ll; Eagles at New York: Myt to f-ltrln st Saratoga Springs; K. of V. at Louisville, and T. P. A. st In dlnnapolls. , Tickets at reduced will be based upon on fare for the round trip but will be sold only on the certain days. These tickets will carry stopover privileges on the going trip, giving passengers sn opportunity to vis It Salt Lake City, GUmwood Springs, Colorado Springs and Denver; and will be good to return any time within SO days. Pnssengets going via ths Denver it Rio Grande ar given th privilege of returning via a different rout. For the rate to the point you wish to go. and tor dates of sale and other parti Hilars as well ss for Illustrated pamph let write W. C. McBRIDB. Oeneral agent. J! Third street Portland Ore, THE POETRY OF TJ1E ORANOE." "It appeals to you. when the fruit bangs ripe and sweet on the tree tat In February, or early In March. Then th hlooeums break out, and the tree ar yellow with golden globes, and whit with orange flowers. It may be that a flurry of snow has whltenud th mountain tops, and then you hcv an artlstlo background tor & tropical for est. The air Is full of sunshine, and heavy with th fragrance as night comes on, and then. If the moon p shlnlng.vou hear st midnight through open windows, the song of tits mocking bird In the scented f rov. and It never seemed so melodious before. ; An experience like this Is possible sny winter, and U Is worth a joamey ot a thousand miles, whll you can liav It, by taking the sosnlo Bhasto routs throug ths grand and plcturesqu Sis kiyou and Shasta mountains, to south ern California. Complete Information about th trip, snd descriptive matter, telling about California, may be bad from any Southern Paelflo agent, or W, E. Com an. Oen. pass. Agt., 8. P. Co., Lines In Oregon, Portland, Oregon. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATES Between June 4th and August 2(th, th Illinois Central will sell round trip tickets from Oregon snd Washington points to Chicago Cairo, Memphis, snd New Orleans at Greatly reduced rata. Tickets good for three months, Going limit 10 days. Returning limit 10 day after starting west. Stop over prlvl llges either way, west of the Missouri river. Sale dates are arranged to be convenient for delegates to conventions of National Educational association at Boston? Elks at Baltimore; Woodmen at Indianapolis; Eagles at New Tork; Bhrlners at Saratoga; Knights of Pyth ias at Louisville and Commercial Trav. elers at Indianapolis. You can take your choice of If different routes, Write us. We will cheerfully give you any detailed Information you want. II, II, TRUMBULL, Commercial agent, 142 Third street, Portland Ore. NORTH COAST LIMITED. Is only run by ths Northern Paelflo between Portland and Minneapolis and Rt. Paul, through Taooma, Seattle, Spokane, Missoula, Butte. Livingston, Billings, Btstravrk and Fargo. Eight of these trains ar on ths run daily, four east and four wast. Each is a solid vestlbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining car, day coaches, mall, express and baggaae car and the elegant observa tion car. - Bach train ts brilliantly lighted with over too lights and th beautr of It all Is you can travel Just sa cheaply oa this train as on any othr. All representatives wUl be glad to give you additional Informa tion, A. D. Charlton, Assistant Gen eral Passeneer A rent S6S Morrison St ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER railroad: UAVE PORTLAND ABiUVI 100am 700pm Fortland Union Iitrtot For Aitorla snd w Points 111 10. stop ASTORIA iVikmi For Porllsna TiTwVy" l0piu Point II do a 1080 p n HfcASlDK DIVISION lis m 11 wa to SMpm Astorla for Warrenton, Flarel, Kort Hievenn, Hammond snd Aruris "SMulde for vVsrrenton, Hlftv.l, Hummnnd, fori Jlve"i and Aitorla T40SBI 40p a, 106a a M'BUp m 7 HO p B Tls s m VSO S D 2M.B.SL Sunday only. Ail trains make dose connection at Gobi with all Northern Paelflo train to and from the East and Sound point. J. C. MAYO, Geal Freight and Pass. Agent uZPH OREGON Siiorj Line limOH R4CIFIC. Ana J TIME SCH ED- ' Depart ULKS From Portland. "Chicago Portlsnd Hslt Lak. Denver, Special Ft Worth, Onta rio s. ha. Kansas City vlallunt. St. louls, Chicago Ins-tun, and East. Atlantic Halt Lake, Denvr, Exprai Ft. Worth, Oma. I. IS p.m. ha, Kansas City, vUltust- St Louts, Chi tngton. rago snd East "VaTuTliaTia; St. Paul Lewlston, - Bpo FastMal kans, Minneapolis, I p; in. St Paul, Dululh, via. Milwaukee, Chi Bpokant Dago and Bast Arrive. :Wn.m. lOiSOa-m, T:St p. m. TO hours from Portland lo Chicago. No change of cars. ' , ; OCEAN AND RIVER 8CHKDULB. From Astoria- Ali sajflngTates subject to change, For San Franol. co every Ave days. "CoTuTmMs7iw to Portland and Way Landings. "TaTiit. Dsly es i a, ia. Dally ss cept Mot rept But Steamer Kahrolta leaves Astoria on till dally except Sunday for Uwaoo, connecting there with trains for Long Beach. Tlgu and North Beach points. Returning strives at Astoria same ev ening. G. W. LOUNS BERRY. Agent Astoria. A U CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. i ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS YU ..TO.. SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. 2 TRAIN DAILY 2 FAST TIME New Equipment Throughout Palace and Tourist 8teprs, Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Daylight Trip Through th Cascade and Rocky Mountain. For Full Particulars, Rates, Folders, Etc., Call on or Address J. W. PHALON, II. DICKSON, Trav, Pass. Agt City Ticket Agt 121 Third Street Portland. 011 First Avenus, Seattle, Wash, A. B, C. DENNI8TON. O. W. P. A. Ill UVUUUt A familiar nams of the Cbloaco. Milwaukee - Paul Railway, knowu all over the Union as th Great Railway running ths "Pioneer Limited" trains very day and night between St Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and OWoAgo. i n only perfect train In th world. ' Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental Unas, securing to passengers the best eervtoe known. Luxurious coadtes, eleotric light, steam neat, oi a variety equaled by no omar lino. Bee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In th Uulted State or Canada. All ticket agents eeU thsm. , For rates, pamphtats or other infor mation, addeas, i. W. CASEY, " H. S. ROWS, Trav. Pans. Agt., Oen, Aft Portland, Ore. Portland, Ore. JLtuxuRious Travel Th, "Northwestsrn Limit' trains, electrlo lighted thronghou', both Inside ' and out, and steam bested, ar with out exception, tn finest trains ta the world. They embody th latest newest and best Idea for comfort convent aflo and luxury vr offend th travailing nubllo. snd altogether ' ftr th most complete and splendid production of ths car builders' an, , , v Thee splendid Trains ' Connect With..... .. The Great Northers The Northern Paciric uni The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR "! CHICAGO and the" CAST. Mi mwtrm ah.. ... tka.. tisMlftgf - w vuaw sjsj su( fjiiisisi ssusyw-'sv acommodationa and all rlasses of tick i mrm avaaiaoi tor passage on we trains on this line ar proteond by th Interlocking Block Bytm.