The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 08, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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J (Hires )
I TtankastMrlkm XT'
II Kw gfcUont. SW mrr V
Homo-ma le candy at the dime musee.
Exceptionally nice bananas at John
Boa Bros.' toiajr.
5 Crushed strawberry lee cream at
Tare's vandy Btore.
Today's Weather Western Oregon
and Washington Showers.
For Rent A si room house with
bath. Inquire of J. W. Welch.
A large assortment of line toilet soap
Is displayed at the store of Johnson
Grand voting contest for the most
.popular Forester Tuesday night at the
dime musee.
Interview TruUlnger tt Hardesty. 453
Commercial street, about your eleetric
J al work. , .
Come and see our special photo bar
gain, tl-73 per dosen. Cp-To-Date Stu
dio 178 Tenth street.
Furnished housekeeping rooms to let
over the Palace restaurant. Inquire
at The A. Dunbar Co." store.
The great dime musee is to have
many new attractions. Come Tuesday
night. May 12 to see them at the old
A. F. C. hall on Bond street.
Water consumers will take notice
; that Saturday, May 9th, is the last day
on which to pay water rates to avoid
the penalty charged all delinquents.
City Treasurer Dealey learned yester
day morning of the death of his sister,
' Mrs. Minnie Addis at St. Louis. Mr.
Dealey had not seen his sister for near
ly 40 years.
RoBlyn coal lasts longer, is cleaner
and makes less trouble with stoves
and chimney Dues than any other coal
f on the market. George W. Sanborn,
agent. Telephone 1311.
The Clatsop Mill company has begun
to cut the lumber to be used by Con-
tractor Lebeck for the rebuilding of
;.the Necanlcum bridge he having let a
contract to that jompany to do so.
Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon, physician
and surgeon, has offices over Griffin's
book store, rooms 7 and 8. Office hours
10 to 12 a. m, and 1:30 to 5 p. m. Of
: lite phone Mii" 2411. Residence phone
Wanted Agents to sell gasoline en
kines, marine ')nd stationary. You can
soon pay for an engine for yourself
with your commissions. Address R.
W. Jamiesjn, 716 Pacific avenue, Ta
coma, Wash.
A county road to connect the "new
Lewis and Clark bridge with the dyke
road leading from Youngs bay was pro
vided for yesterday when Judge Bowl
by and others filed a deed for a 40-foot
right of way across their property for
that purpose. "
We are now receiving shipments of
strawberries dally direct from the grow
er. Lsave us your standing order and
we will see to it that you will be sup
plied with the best berries the market
affords, at the right price. Johnson
John Kosal ,the young man who
alighted from the Seaside train at the
foot of Sixth street on Wednesday ev
ening while the train was in motion is
a sailor. He came to Astoria on a
lSrltibh ship three months ago. While
nn Inc un his bruised scalp, setting his
broken collar bone, and pulling the
splinter from hts knee and elbow. Dr.
Ptlklnirtou took occasion to advise him
that, next time he wanted to go a.-hore
from a train while under way he should
keep his berth until she comes to an
chor, or get a line out and make fast
to something and use a gang plank. '
Steanvr W. H. Harrison arrived In
Taeonu Wednesday from Vancouver.
B. C. bringing 4S5 sack of gold con
centrtte from the New Falrview mines
and valued at KM. nl tt;,7i worth
of copper matte. The cargo was for
the Tacoma smelter. J".
A good workman, using good mater
ials, makes a goxl j'b and saves much
annoyance. You especially need the
best in plumbing, gas fitting, heating
appliances and tinwork. Call on Johii
A. Montgomery, 43 Hond street, and
avoid trouble. Phone liHl.
The coasting steamer Alliance arriv
ed in from San Francisco and way
points last evening fc'ilh W passenger
and full cargo. Captain C. C. Han
son is In command, Captain Hardwick
blng off on a vacation. Since the Al
liance has-been burning oil instead of
coal for fuel she has proved to be a
faster boat. The new fuel is very sat
isfactory, requiring less space than
coal and being much easier to handle,
cleaner, and giving better results. She
takes oil enough in San Francisco tor
the round trip.
Just as -he steamer Nahcotta was pul
ling out from Ilwttco yesterday the sig
nal gun at Fort Canby was heard and
the life saving crew was observed to
be pulling out toward the bar. Nothing
couli be seen In the haze, but tt prob
ably meant that some luckkss fisher
man had been upset in the breakers.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore left yes
terday for Tillamook but was forced to
turn back after reaching the open sea
as she woald have been unable to cross
the Tillamook bar in the heavy south
easter which came up. She had 16 pas
sengers -n board, most of them eastern
emigrants whose first introduction to
salt water was very touching.
At tke Front
The Boston Restaurant ;
Best an J Neatest Eating House In Astoria
Try Our 2 S-Cent Dinners
Prompt Attention High Class Chef I
For Cooling anfl Cleansing
In Gases of netting, Burning,
' Scaly Humours,
And for Renovating and En
riching the Blood.
The Best and Most Economical
Yet Compounded.
Cuticura Resolvent Pills (chocolate
coated) are the product of twenty-live
years' practical laboratory experience
in the preparation ot remedies for the
treatment of humours of the akin, scalp
and blood, with loss of hair, and are
confidently believed to be superior to
all other alteratives as well as liquid
blood purifiers, however expensive,
while enabling all to enjoy the curative
properties of precious medicinal agents
without consuming needless expenses
and often injurious portions of alcohol
In which such medicines have hereto
fore been preserved.
Cuticura Pills are alterative, antisep
tic, tonic and digestive, and beyond
question the purest, sweetest, most suc
cessful and economical blood and skin
purifiers, humour cure an J tonic-digestives
yet compounded, iledium adult
dose, one pill.
Complete external and Internal treat
ment for every humour may now be
had for one dollar, consisting of Cuti
cura Soap, to cleanse the skin, Cuticura
Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cuti
cura Insolvent Pills, to cool and cleanse
the blood. A single set, costing bat
one dollar, is often sufficient to cure the
most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp
and blood humours, eczemas, rashes.
Itching and Irritations, with lost of
hair, from Infancy to age, when phy-
siciaos ana mi outer remedies Ian.
It has taken the lead, and keeps
(Continued from page three.) J
sumed wl'h the truth of the beauty of
holiness and the holiness of beauty."
Rev.. Wm. Seymour Short spoke on
"The High Meaning of the Teacher's
Work." which he defined as "a useful.
lovkijr selfsairiflce." Mr. Short men
tioned that the highest or Ideal results
can nevr be attained in school work
when the fountain head Is left out,
which fountain is named In the text,
"the Fear of God Is the beginning of
Wisdom." - He plead for the use of the
piactical and the practice of the use
ful and hoped to see the time when the
grand stories of the Bible would be
restored to the text books.
On the theme "Edocatlon and Relig
ion," the Rev. Father J. F. Waters
made an able presentation of the sub
ject of schools with and without religi
ous Instruction. The substance of some
of his statements is as follows:
True education must aid at the eleva
tion of man's whole nature, physical,
mental, moral and spiritual. Any edu
cational system which neglects the
moral elemjat will come to woe. This
was tried for 15 years in France, when
religion wis banished from the schools.
The result was un enormous Increase In
crime, snU.ide and Illiteracy among the
young. Differences of oplrioln on relig
ion prevents It3 being taught in the
public schools, but this can and should
be overcome. To exclude religious in
struction Is to curtail the good Influen
ce of the teacher where It might be
most potent. If there is not room on
the curriculum .hat should be remod
elled to tdmlt It. Banish something
less necessary. The churches cannot
do Justice to the needs of the case. The
home cannot. Divorces and other caus
es make the home an unsuitable quan
tity. Ig.ioraoe and eagerness for
wealth oftn prevent proper training of
the young. Whatever we would Intro
duce into .he 'Ife of a nation we must
first introduce Into the schools. "If I
might control the school. I would guar
antes the home, the church and the
In spite of rain and wind a merry
party of ladles and gentlemen took
passage on the steamer Eclipse yester
day, bent on exploring the site of the
now famous fort of Lewis and Clark.
The scen la two miles above the rall-
road bridge. M the lewls nnd Clark
river, and is now marked only by the
spring which provided water for the
ramp of the explorer a hundred years
j ago. The spot was duly inspected, and
1 the "gles" endeavored to Imagine It
I as occupied by the heroes of a century
ago when the noble red than dwelt In
the land. Ross Nicholas was to have
' give;) on, it his famous talk on bird
life, but the six birds in the township
t got wind of the Invasion and few up
J the creek. The only feathered bipeds j
j In sight were a shytepoke and a duck,
and as they would not sing a note they
: were not classified. The -party then In
j sperted Ihe Jetty and the bar from the
j steamer and returned to the city.
Day Sessions at High School.
9:00 MupIc .
S.10 Methods E. D. Ressler.
9 50 Civics J. H. Ackermnn.
10:S0 R-fess.
10:10 U. S. History W. D. Lyman.
II iO Reading E. D. Ressler.
l.0 Music.
1:40 Chic J. H. Ackerman.
S.28 Reading E. D. Ressler.
?30 Rec?ss.
2 10 U. S. Hlstory-W. D. Lyman.
3: JO Qu.tlon Box J. H. Ackerman.
At M. E. Church.
S:0fl Music;
Sltf Recreations In Local History:
Graduating Class of the Astoria
High School.
swlti'lu-s and Hitidour. Price will
suit you. MUX. It. l.NOLETON.
W.lch p'ock.
Tit tC FA MO I'll
Toke Point Oyster lloi'Se receive con
stautly frvh supplies nf the d-IMou
Toke Point nym r direct from the
bed. We serve the most toothsome
nnd appetizing dlshe In the city. Short
orders at nny hour, day or night, Broil
ed steaks a specialty.
Notice I hereby given, that on ac
count of the death of Charles T. Hell
born, and the necessity for an Immedi
ate settlement of his estate, all per
rons Indebted to CharN'S T. Hellborn
& Son are hereby requested to call and
pay their accounts.
("has. A. M. Hellborn,
Kxncutor. .
the roomy retiring room coy com
partments and the many little m
vcnlence especially arranged for their
cnmfo.'t n the
Cheap Fuel.
Fir slabwood, stove legths, 12. SO per
cord. Uoxwood $1.60 per large load.
Phone 22U Black. Kelly, the trans
fer man.
Mrs. R. Ingleton will continue her re
duction sale of bat skirts, waist and
ladles' and children's furnishing goods
until October 1. Call and see the linn.
Also carry a complete line of hair
!" Gnerat DIackmithing, Hottt and Cannery Work.
See tie for High Ola Work. Shop Cornnr of Fif.
tot-nth and Dnano Streets, near St. Mary's llofpitttl.
IMioiic 2.KII. "
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest raU, for fishermen,
, - Farmer and Loggers. -
A V" ALLBN Ttnti tad Commcrctat Stmt
Bottled or In Keg
Free City DelK'cry
I North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria I
rxmnxttxaxOTtixi ;;xni.ixaxaxKxmax:u:ixiKXxxaxxaiiaxxHri
Northwestern Limited
every night between Minneapolis, 8t.
Paul and Chicago via
Before starting on a trip no matter
vhere write for Interesting Informa
tion about comfortable traveling.
H. L. 8ISL.EII, General Agent,
132 Third Street, . Portland, Or.
.Q. W. TEAHDALE, -n. Pa Agt.,
Ht Paul, Mln.
SPniNQ BTTLKS All the best mod
els for this seuson's huts-soft and Miff.
All the newest colors. $5 as they look
f.r l" e' "ur price, xou got your
M'' m""e,f't worlh ,n quHiy every time.
Sole agents for Hawe's 13 hat.
; Baltimore Ohio R. R.
Finest ondFastoit series of tr.vim in tli) v.irl.I. ' FahitU
coaches, Pullman Uufrut Parlor mid Drawing iwora tuw.
. The Finest DiningCar Service In the World
Is operated by the Baltimore & .Ohio Railroad.
B. M. AUSTIN. General Pass. Art. Chicago, 111
!atax8Xxtaia3txtaxxaxx oxaxaxuxKxaiainxaxusaiMJ
It is our aim to close out this stock Dress Goods-All S8c and 40c dres 12',4c A.F.C.dres gingham, clos- LAMES' CORSETS AT LESS j Men' Underwear, closing out . Children' . M W Mackintosh,
as quickly a possible and we have goods, closing out Pr., per yd, 84c. Ing out price, per yard.. 8Kc THAN FACTORY PBICEB. ptl.e IU0 dosing out price .....I1.W
resolved to make bigger reductions AH 60c and 0c dres goods, clos- 15c Percales, light and dark pat- 8000 REMNANTS AT E CENTS $r,.oo Men' Pant, closing out Children' Short Jacket,, closing
in many different line, of goods to ou V r frn, clolng out price, per yd.lOe BACH. prit, ..2. nut price 59c.
close them out quickly. We broke 75c dres good, closing out price, 12'4o Outing Flannels, closing out - iMt Curtain at half the price Hoys' Suit at Just one-half form- - Children' Underwear, 8, 10, 12, 15.
all record last week. Tbl week Per yd .'..4ic price, per yard i7..,....8c asked before the sale. er price; : 18, 22 and 27c, worth double.
we are going to crowd the store -So anfl Taffeta, silk. ' per LADIES DRESS SKIRTS AT i Men' All-Wool Suits, worth 19; Ladles' (5 all-wool Mackintoshes, Don't glv u your money If you
with anxious buyers. yard 49c HALF PRICK. . . .. .... . ale price $4.5 clpslng out price i W.19 don't think you are getting bargain
i i ' . "