ASTOltIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, UK)b BREVITIES Exceptionally nice bananas at John i son Bros, today . Crushed strawberry tee cream at Tagg's candy store. Come and vote foe the most popular ' Forrester May 12 M the dire musle . A large assortment of One toilet soap ' is displayed at the store of Johnson Bros. "'; v Interview Trulllnger tt Hanfesty, 4SJ Commercial street, about your electric al work. ' .'.. If you fall to see he vaudeville at the dime musse you will miss the show of yroir life. The steamer Sue H. Elmore will leave tor Tillamook on Thursday morning at S o'clock. E. B. Kunsl;r Is Btarting a new log gins camp on the Lewis and Clark, near St&reboldt landing. Come and see our special photo bar gain, $1.75 per dosen. Up-To-Date Stu dio 17 Tenth street, ; Arthur W. Carlson, native of Sweden was yesterday admitted to full cltixen ship in the county courts. Furnished housekeeping rooms to let ' over the Palace restaurant. Inquire at The A. Dunbar Co.s store." Today's Weather Western Oregon and Washington Increasing cloudiness followed by showers. Cooler except near the coast. " . A. O. Hanrand was taken to Port land yesterday to be taken care of by his friends. He had been taken Into custody here on the charge of insan ity. Roslyn coal lasts longer, is cleaner and" makes less trouble with stoves and cMlmney flues than any other cqal on the market. George W. Sanborn. agent. Telephone 1311. The names of the stockholders In the newly incorporated Arm of Boss, Hig gins A Co. were garbled In yesterdays Astorlan. They are: J. T. Ross, J. C. Higjins. E. Z. Ferguson, H. C. Thompson and Geo. W. Warren. Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon, physician and surgeon, has offices over Griffin's book store, rooms 7 and 8. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m, and 1:80 to 5 p. m. Of , Wee phone Main 2411. Residence phone 244J. A good workman, using good mater ials, makes a good Job and saves much annoyance. Tou especially need the best in plumbing, gas fitting, heating appliances and tinwork. Call on Joha A. Montgomery, 425 Bond street, and avoid trouble. Phone 1031. iA EUROPEAN PLEASURE TOUR. Hon. Benjamin Young and dau ghter Miss Caroline will start east some time this month to join a party of ; friends at New York for a pleasure tour through Europe. They expect to be gone at least five months, and are unrestricted as to routes destination or time. Mr. . Young is getting his varied interests In shape so they can take care of themselves. He returned yesterday from South Bend .after setting thjngs in order on his Cedar river ranch. It may be necessary for him to make a trip to British Columbia before start ing on the eastern trip. Mr. Young FIXTURES , Robins are here ft Hires s l m. Ttas imim Mrlsr Mate. J I j Una. Bold ,virwh. I ff j or trf mill for a onta. J ! ! caiBus.snnsce. M ssjMssjMjjsjjMsssssiBsaes 0WQ ETfrywiieTie. in ouxn ivi eiuu wc vtr-lyon9: PERFECT Tooth Powder Used fey people of refinement for over & quarter of a century put PARED Y T ' " left his native city Malino. Sweden, almost 40 years ago, t the age of 15, ;nd has visited It but once since. This is the third time he has planned to tour Europe, "and I will make It a go this time If I have to borrow the money." says the Jolly old capitalist. Four la dles and four gi-ntlemen will make up the party. The others are all old friends living at Spokane, New York and Xorth Carolina. AH will meet In New York and will then use their Joint pleasure as to the future, which prom ises for them an enviable round of en joyment. THE NEW GYMNASIUM. The upper room of the Flavel build- lug on Bond street, formerly occupied bv the A. F. C, will be converted into an up to date gymnasium by the Com merclal club, this arrangement having been reachid at a general meeting of the club last evening. The room had been offered by the Flavel estate and It wus well known that the members were all along favorable to the plan. A covered archway wil be built from the club rooms to the gymnasium, a pe tition having already been presented to the city council to grant permission for the nroDOsed ImDrovement. This permission without doubt will be ob tained, whereupon work will at once be commenced. The new gymnasium will be Itted up after the most modern style. A new floor will be put in and the furnishings and appointments gea erally will be of an excellent nature. HATS TRIMMED FREK. Mrs. R. Ingletmi will continue her re duction sale of hats skirts, waists and ladies' and children's furnishing goals until OctoVr 1. Call and see the line. Also carrv a complete line of hair switches and pompadours. Prices will suit you. MRS. R. IXGLETON. Welch B'ook. DI3QUISED BY WHISKERS. : An attendant of the in?ane asylum arrived here yesterday and returned with Eric Jvanalnen, who recently es caped from the Institution. Eric has been residing at Olnty since he arrived In this section end the reason he was not recognized at once by the county officials was owing to a Mowing beard he had grown since last .seen by them. LARGEST SHIP IX THE WORLD The new steamer Cerdic recently built is the largest and probably the strong tst vessel of its kind ever built. When she recently set sail from Liverpool for New York a large crowd saw her start on her first long journey. There is air K a large crowd of people throughout our country who are dally witnesses to the fact that Hostett-r's Storr.aih Bit ters positively cures stomach, liver and kidney .-omplaints, because it cured them. It will do as much for you too, if you will only give it a trial. It pos itively cures headache, belching, nua- sea. Indigestion, dyspepsia, Diuousness, nervousness, insomnia, and malaria, fe ver and ague. Be sure to try it at once. The genuine is for sale by all druggists and general dealers. Don't accept any other. ' Cheap Fuel. Fir siabwood, stove legths, $2.50 per cord.' Boxwood 21.50 per large load. Phone 2211 Black. Kelly, the trans fer man. THE FAMOUS Toke Tolnt Oyster House receives con stantly fresh supplies of the delicious Toke Point oystari dtrc-ot from the beds. We serve the most toothsome and appetizing dishes In the city. Short orders at any hour, day or night. Broil ed steaks a specialty. 0 ETIRIMG . . It is our aim to close out this stock Drew Goods-All 5c and 40c dress uo A.P.C.dres. glnKhams. clos- VArAW RSET8 AT LESS Mon's Underwear, closing out : Children's 13.60 Mackintoshes, as quickly as possible and we have KWls. closing out price, per yd. 2c Ing out price, per yard 8c THAN FACTORY PRICES. prU.e ,.$U0 rlosln out price .gg resolved to make bigger reductions All B0c and 0c dress goods, clos- Uc Percales, light and drk pat- 8000 REMNANTS AT 8 CENTS ,r..00 Men's Pants, closing out Children's Short Jackets, closing in many different lines of goods to out Pric. V' 890 terns, closing out price, per yd.lOo fe.VCH. p,re ,2 M m preeB M(J close them out quickly. We broke 75o dregB g00i$ cltMrfn, out price, . 12,Ac outing Flannels, closing out ' tace Curtain, at half the price Boy,' Suit, at just one-half form- Children". Underwear. , 10, 12,15. all records last week, TW. week Per rt Pr yard Sc asked before the sale. fr prlwg- 18, 2 and 27c, worth double. JZ the 8tore y 8Km AT Bu,u' wortv:i ,r,e8' ,B M Mftck,nto 1lru'youpTne',,you ' I eaie price . 14,95 closing out price I2.M don't think you are getting bargains FOR SALE. STORE FOR RENT SPECIAL ROUND TRIP HATES Between June 4th and August 8th, the Illinois Central will sell round trip tickets from Oregon and Washington points to Chicago Cairo, Memphis, and New Orleans at Greatly reduced rates. Tickets good for three months. Going limit 19 days. Returning limit 10 days after atartlng west. Stop over prlvl- llges either wsy, west of the Missouri river. Sale dates are arranged to be convenient for delegates to conventions of National Elurational association at Ronton; Elks at Baltimore: Woodmen at Indianapolis; EngW at New York Shrlners at Saratoga; Knights of Pyth las at Louisville and Commercial Trav elers at Indianapolis. You can tak your choice of IS different routos Write us. We will cheerfully give yoa any detailed Information you want. 13 H. TRUMBULL. Commercial agent, H Third street, Portland Ore. REDUCED SUMMER EXCURSION RATES. The Denver A Rio Grande popularly known aa the "Scenic Line of the World" has announced greatly reduced rounitrip rates from Pacific coast points for the benefit of teachers who will spend their vacation In the east, and of delegates to all the prominent conventions N. E. A., at Boston; A O. u: W., at St. Paul; B. P. O. E., at Bantlmore; Woodmen of America at In dlanapolls; Eagles at New York; Myst Ic Shrine at .Saratoga Springs; K of r. at Louisville, and T. P. A. at In dlanapolls. Tickets at reduced rates will be based upon one' fare for the round trip but will be sold only on the certain days. These tickets will carry dtopover privileges on the going trip. giving passengers an opportunity to vis It Salt Lake City. Glenwood Springs, Colorado Springs and Denver; and will be good to return any time within $0 day. Passengers going via the Denver & Rio Grande are given the privilege of returning via a different route. For the rate to the point -you wish to go. and for dates of sale and other parti culars as well as for Illustrated pamph let, write W. C McBRIDE. General agent. 124 Third street Portland Ore. TO THE PUBLIC. Notice is hereby given that the North west Construction company, a privnte corporation organised under the lawB of the state it Oregon, has. pursuant to the laws of said state, executed and filed supplementary articles of incorpo ration for the purpose of authorizing said corporation to engage in new enter prises, as follows: 'That in addition to the business en terprises and pursuits In which this corporation proposes to engage, as set forth and provided in its original ar ticles of incorporation and Its supple mentary articles of. incorporation here tofore made, executed and ffled, the fol lowing shall be added to and form a part of Article II of said articles of In corporation, no.v on file, and this cor poration proposes to engage In the fol lowing business and enterprises, to-wlt: "Also to do, carry on, and engage In generul contracting business, and to make, enter Into, execute and perform contract for the erection and construc tion of buildings and structures and all manner of works, public and pri vate, and as well to furnish and sup ply materials for any and all such works." This is published by order of the board of directors of said corporation. Dated this first day of May, 1903. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO., By T. H. CURTIS, President. Attest: F. D. KUETTNER. Secretary. Subscribe for The Morning Astorlan It is full of news, and worth the price. To Look Well .your blood must be pure to give your complexion that peculiar freshness which can only be obtained when your system is in good working order. Beecbam's Pills will put you in condition. Beech am s Pills .!! 1 t c A J S?- I PROFIT BY THE EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS" - v GRAIN) VJ THE PURE V J CRAIN COFFEE In comparing Grain-0 and coffe remember that while the taste Is the tarn Graiu-0 gives health and strength while coffee shatters the nervous system and breeds disease of the (digestive organs. Thinking people prefer Grain-0 and its ben efits. THY IT TO-DAY. Attracts sterrolMit; He. aed Me. ptr pscitg, Teachers' Institue The annual Clatsop county teachers' Institute will be held May t, T. and S at Astorli. The day sessions In the high school building, evening sessions at the Methodist church.' All teachers of this county will' be In attendance prompt ly. The public cordially Invited to at tend day and evening meetings. H. S. Lyman, School Supt. CHICAGO ani all point's east and south are beat reached from Minneapolis nnd St. Paul via j'MliiIiit.i5 The North western .Limited The peer of all tr u:. between these fine cities Is the famous For Lowest Hates. Tlm-;s of Trains. etc., uddrets H. L. SISLER, GENERAL AGENT. 248 Ald.-r St., Portland, Or. T. W. TEASDALE. rim Pl Ant - Sl Til Ulnn Don't Guess at It But If yea sm xovnr east writs ns for our rates and let us teU you about the service and accommodations offer. ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD THROUGH TOURIST Care vie, the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write oa about your trip as we are In a posi tion to give yon some valuable Infor mation and assistance: 631 ml lee of track over which are operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or oassenger rates call on or ddreea. C- LJND8BT, a H. TRUMBBLL, T. F. A R. A. Coral Aft. 143 Third St. Portland. Ore. Feo, G. P. & T. A.. St Paul. Minn. Neatly prin'td stationery Is a delight to the artistic eye. The Astorlan Job Printing department does that kind of printing. PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co.,Agts. SPRING STYLES AH the best mod els for this season's hats soft and stiff. All the uewvet colors. & aa they look to the eye. Our price, M. You get your money's worth In quality every time. Sole agents for Hewe'e U hats. 8. DANZlUEH & CO, Some Inter esting Facts When people are enntetiptetlng l trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beet senr'. obtainable as far as speed, comfort end safely is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CBNTHAL LINOS are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to maae erase con neottone with diverging lines at ail Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Care on through trains. Dining oar service uneiotlled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first -cJas i vice, aak the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over.. The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct ic4iectlons at St Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and au points Bast For any further Information call on any ticket agent ,or correspond wit JAS. a POND. Oen. Pass. Art. or J AS A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE OF SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, guardian of Richard E. Hurg ren. Insane, by authority of the roun ty rovirt of the state of Oregon, for Multnomah county, will, on Monday, the 3Sth day of May. A. D. 1901, at the hour of 13 o'clock, noon, at the front door of the count? court house, In the city of Astoria. In Clatnop county, state of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cosh, all the Interest of said lllrhard E. Hurgren, insane. In the undivided half of the west half of the emitlienut quarter of section it. In township i north of range 7 west. In Clatsop county, Oregon. Sale subject to confirmation by the county court of Multnomah county, Oregon. Dated, April 18. 1903. II. H. NORTH UP, Guardian of Richard E. Hurgren, In sane. 4-21-5-22. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE OF SALE. Notice l hereby given that the under signed, guardian of Allen A. Hurgren, Insane, by authority of the county court of the state of Oregon for Mult nomah county, will on Monday, the 25th day or May. A. D. iau3. at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the front door of the county court house In the city of As toria, in Clatsop county, state of Ore gon, sell at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, all of the Interest of said Allen A. Hurgren .Insane, in the undivided half of the west half of the southeast quarter of section !, In township 8 lorth of range T vest, In Clatsop county, Oregon. Sale subject to confirmation by the county court of Multnomah county, Oregon. Dnted, April 18, 1903. II. II. NOItTHCP, Guaidlan of Allen A. Hurgren. Insane. 4-21-5-22. TELEPHONE AUIN 661 BUS ! The Boston : ? 8JK) COM MF.ItCIAL NTKKKT Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria Try Our 25-Cent Dinners " Prompt Attention MARINOVICM 4M44rWWWHH4H4WWWMmHf DRY GOODvS SHOES, OIL CLOTHES RUDDER BOOTS. APRONS FOR FISHING SEASON V. H. COFFEY EXPERT HORSESHOEING General Blticknimtliiiig, Bonl and Cannery Work. 6fe us for High 0!as Work. Shop Gownr of Fif. toonth and Duano StrwU, near St. Mary's Hoiital. HOLMES S SBIBB RT lhHir 2Mi. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS - - . , - Supplies of all kinds at lowtt rates, for fkhertHtm, Farmer and Loggers. As Ve ALL, BIS Tcntb tt Commtrchtl Street KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Bottled or In Keg Free City Delivery North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria xnxnzRznxttznzt z::znz::zuxnzitznxtanxuisxuzxt:xzuzzzxt:x B 6c O VVVMrWMpWMVWWyVVWViAiVVIrVVrrVArVSrW Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BlfTWEKN CHICAGOi-5 NEW YORK Via WA8IIINUTON, l. V. Finest and Fastest norios of coaches, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawing Iloom Cars. The Finest Dining Car Service In the World Is operated by tlio Baltimore it .Ohio Railroad. B. M. AUSTIN, General. Pass. Agt. - - Chicago, 111 uznznzsznzsxuzuznznznznznz Restaurant ! High Class Chef & BOSKOVICH tuiru in tlio world. Palatia nznxnxnzszttznznznznxttZM 1 1 ISn-M .Tf xk' i f