s ASTORIA. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1003. a , .. i Canned goods are the best. Wo have full variety. KOSS, HIGGIN3 (SL CO. Report of the, Fish Warden THE TIDBH FOR MAY HlRh Water. hnUirday , WUNDAT . Monday , , Tunmlny . Wednesday Thursday , VrMy . . Wttturday , MtjNiiAr . Monday , , Tuesday , , Wednesday Thursday , : . A. II, P. M. ti.m. ft.1 b.m. fir TTl 1:65 !.: T.I .. I J:4I l.l 1:11 T.O . 4:45 7.1 ;! l.l .. 4 Sill 7.1 7:11 7.1 .. 1 7:1 l.l liar. 7.1 .. I 1:41 1,7 1:11 7.7 . 7 1:11 1.110:11 7.1 .. 1 10:11 7.110: 6 .t .. 1 11:44 7.1 11:11 l.l , 10 1T:31 7.1 . 11 0:l 1.4 1:16 f.l .. 11 0:61 1.4 1:66 7.0 ..IS 1:34 l.l 1:34 l.l . 141 1:60 1.0 1:14 l.l Low Water. " hat." Friday . 7" ., Haturday , . , ftUNDAT . . Monday . , , Tuesday . , , Wednesday . . Thttrduy , , Friday . , , Hattirdtiy , , , H1JNDAT . . Mtmdny , , Tuesday V , Wednesday . ' . Thursday . , J M.. .P.J h.m. ft. h.m. T il l:4I.0.4 lomo - 1 10:40 0.0 11:04 i 1 11:40 0.0 . 4 0:10 1.111:45 i 5 1:16 . 1:63 . 1:46 1.4 1:68 i 7 l:SI 1.1 :(7 I 4:60 l.l 4:60 9 1:40 0.4 1:40 . 10 :2 0.1 :!2 11 7:O-0.1 7:0S 13 7:46 -0.1 7:42 13 1:20 0.0 1:10 14 1:61 0.1 1:61 M. ft 1.0 1.2 o!i l i.i t 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.0 1.1 I I Are you doing to the W0 KLDS FAIR at St. Louis, Mo. Y OU may if you buy your Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Un derwear, Trunks, Sox, Shirts, etc., at Herman Wise's store. A number with every $IO pur chase. Keep your slips if you only buy a dollar's worth. When yotr have 910 worth together you will re ceive a numbered certificate, which entitles you to an equal participation in the distribution 0 the r FOUR REE IRST-CLASS ROUND TRIP TICKETS which Herman Wise gives to his cus tomers. Why trade elsewhere and lose this splendid chance? HERMAN WISE Cjtf Reliable Clothier and Hatter Meet me at Hoeflcr'a soda foun tain. Bend In your orders for Wyoming coal. S. Klmore ft Co. Flihennen: Dixie Queen, In 16-o. jiall. 40 cent. P. A, Trulllnger. The welltt shop In tho city. SIX rtlt at the PuU:e bath. Four up-to-date barber at the Ocol dent. You don't have to wait. Oray river Cull cream cheeae war ranted the brat on the coast. IVpot and sole agency at No 417 Bond street, Bond Htret-t market. Wholesale and retail. Improve your flower and vegetable garden with bone, or land plaster, fer Wiser, for tale by Johnson Broa, New atock of fancy good juit arriv ed ut Yokohama Bniaar. Call and e the latent novelty from Japan. Tou will nlway And the best 16c meal In the city at the Rising Sun ro taurant, No. Oil Commercial street, Rooms Some choice housekeeping room now vacant and for rent, over Petersen & Brawn's shoe store. . Pure and wholesome Ice cream, 16 o a pint. Delicious Ice cream soda and confectionery at Turk's candy store. 9 FEET bv 112 FBI And all the smaller sizes of rugs. ; We have them in Axmin ster, 'Body Brussel, Tapistry Brussel and the Crex Rug. See windoy display. CHARLES HEILBORN 8 SON 590-592 Commercial St. Receipts of Departmet for Apri Are Flattering-Operations of Hatcheries. . The report f Master Fish Warden Van Duwn submitted yetsrrduy before the state board of fish commissioners at Xulem show the receipt of his or nee for the month Just past to amount to $1,71.1, M, Of this total, ilW.14 came from line and sale of eontrp'mnd flh In dlntrlrt No. 1, the sum o. V 162.60 was I'olloeted on account of llctnm't and In District No. 1 fUG was taken In the Mime manner. These license p ply to irlllnets, ! nets, traps, seines, stutlonary wheels, wow wheel, dealers and runners.' In addition to the re celpis named, the report reads: "In addition to the above, I beg to report that complying with the request of th board, Mr. George Kaboth, sur ety on the bond of Henry Jlultman tins I m Id In the sum of ninety five and .60 ttM) to muke good certain sums of money that Mr. Pullman, while serving In the capacity of deputy fish warden collected from sundry parties for licen se and afterwards failed to turn over to the department." The amount made good by Mr. Ka bnth Is )95.M. Following this the fluh warden says: M to the disposition that I am to make of thl money, I would respect fully ask for Instructions for at the time that the money was collected by Mr. Bultmitn, there was but one Hatch ery district and one hatchery runfl while now the state I divided Into two hatchery districts. I would alo ap preciate being Instructed a to the mat ter of my Issuing license now, to rover for the seasons for which the money were paid, for it la somewhat out of the ordinary nd my book have been closed and account all reported for those years (1901 and 1902)." That section of the report dealing with the full of Water Balirf Marshall says: "April 13, charge were preferred by Thorns Llnvllle, hertff of Clatsop county, igtlnst S. J. Marahall to-wit That, on Saturday, the 11th day of April, 1903, snld Marshall did attempt to extort money from certain fishermen N. Btanovlch, Antone Coolltch and var loua other at Clifton, Oregon, as a bribe for the unlawful privilege of per mitting 'lie ald persons to flh on the Columbia river during the closed ea son. and although no money was recelv ed or paid as :ald bribe, the said 8. J Marshall did attempt to negotiate with one W. L. Patterson to Induce the said fishermen to pay said bribe the amount of which was 1100. April 16th the matter having been duly Investigated by myself, vlthf the assistance of Mr Mnvllle, sheriff, and Harrison Allen. district attorney, I found that there was sufficient cause to believe that said 8. J. Marshall did attempt to ne gotiate and receive the bribe as afore said, and In consequence his resigna tion as a watsr ball ft wa demanded and received." A to the hatchery operation Mr Van Dusen report: "At the Ontario hatchery the Inst of the young salmon fry were liberated Into the Snake river April S2. The to tal number at young fry planted during the month wa 1.228,500. We are now taking down the temporary shed that we had erected over the hatching trouKh and are mavlng It back from the bank of the river where It will mfe from high water. The troughs have all been removed and placed on high ground.' At the South Cooa river hatchery the Inst of the young fry were liberated Into the headwaters of Katch Ins slouuh a tributary of the South Coos rlvjr, April ?0; everything per tnlnlng to the station was cleaned up and carefully stored away In the hatch ery building; and the station closed for the season, April 22. An Inventory of all supplies and material on hand was made and filed In the office. The amount - f Chinook salmon fry planted by this station this season was 8.08G.577 of which amount 900,500 were transplant ed and llbernted Into the Couutlle riv er; those remaining were all liberated Into the South Coos river and tribu taries," The disbursements against the tie pnrtment for the month amount to $510.48. They are as follows: 122. 90 of which la against the general fund, for state printer, 1369.85 Is again st the hatchery fund, district No. 1, (water bullffs), 1UT.65 Is against the hatohery fund, district No, 2, Coos riv er hatchery," ' " I other point, end listening to the grand 131,000 chapel organ at Palo Alto, That organ pleased me more than my first pair of boot, t could hardly get away from It. The mammoth hardware store of Miller, Schlaas k Scott had much In terest for me. blng In my line. They have 460 epmloyes In th store. When man applies for a Job they look up hi record, ascertain to certainty hi habits and character and where he ipsnd. bis leisure time. Some Astoria young men would find their swath too wide for those method. All of the Al irnka Packers' association' fleet have ailed for the north except the Star of Prance, which salts tomorrow. Hugh Murray, who ustd to be foreman for David Morgan In his Astoria cannery, goe In this Vessel to superintend the company' cannery t Ohllcat. P. H jonnson, anotner Astoria man, once connected with the Scandinavian can nery, is now on his way to run an A P. A. cannery on Bristol bay. Many ships are Idle In San Francisco bay and shipping men complain of the pre vailing low rate for foreign charters. The French ship have the best of It Their subsidy keeps them goltfg" at profit, rian Francisco weather Is de llKhiful In winter, but in summer there Is no climate so near rfect a that which we enjoy at Astoria." IWm't mis It. What? Why, the mu pee of sldeshoys, May 12. ,' HOME FROM CALIFORNIA. ., After a two months' sojourn at Ala meda, Cal!t.,' and vicinity, Mr. and Mr. Martin Foard and daughter returned home yesterday on the Columbia. Their stay in California was occasioned by Mrs. Foard's poor health, and her many friends will be pleased to know that h Is now entirely recovered. The climate proved to be very helpful. Mr. Foard remained with his wife during her convalescence. , Said Hei "I en joyed the vacation very1 much, though not In need of It, for myself, and spent the time visiting old friends. Inspect ing the mercantile establishment of the Bay city, admiring the Santa Clara valley, the view from Tamalpal and THE ANNUAL COUNTY TEACHEHS' INSTITUTE Th Clatsop courity teachers' Institute opens this morning at the high school building, and will continue until Friday evening, ihe day sessions at the high school and the evening cessions at the Methodist church. The public, and peclally all persona who are interested In education, will be welcomed to these exercls?. A large number of teach' ers will be In attendance, and dlstingul sl.ed educators will assist. Following Is the program for today ' Morning. Mmlc, IWUtratlon and organisation. Methods E. D. Reesler. , ltecess, History W. D. Lyman. Music in the Schools O. A. Rus sell. , Afternoon. Music, Heading E. D; Ressler. Course of HtudyJ. H. Acker man. Recess. " Recreations In Chemistry A. L. Clark. Evening. At M. E. Church. Music. Adiress Monmouth to Astoria E. I. Ressler. . Address-Educational Monument of Columbia River W. D. Ly man. Solo Mm. J. T. Rosa. Address Educational Progress of the Past Year J. H. Acker man. :10 1:50 10 21 10:40 11:40 1:31 1:40 2:25 1:10 120 g 00 1:15 8.25 Come to the dime musee Tuesday night, May 12. MAYDAY EXCURSION. Arrangements have been made to run a boat and scow to Greenwood ceme tery on Memorial day, Saturday, May ill . The boat will leave about 1:10 p. m. and will stay at Greenwood .about two hours. The scow will be covered If there should be rain. Tickets will be on sale In a. few days at the office of C. E. Foster on Commercial street, and at Pohl's undertaking parlors. For bath. Kent A six room house Inquire of J. W. Welch. with FORESTERS, NOTICE. All members of Court Astoria, For esters of America, are requested to at tend the meeting this evening. Final arrangement for the entertainment of the grand court will be made, and there will also be Initiatory work. Personal Mention. Lyman C. Kinney is In Portland to day ' ... ' Mrs. Capt. as. Tat ton Is visiting In Portland. Ray Mclntlre was up from Hammond yesterday. H. C. Hilton of John Day was In the city yesterday. Geo. L. Col well returned from Port. land last evening. Frank Spittle went down to Ham mond last evening. " Miss Annie Gilbert came down from Portland last night. Mis Callle Munson wa here from Sklpanon yesterday. Mrs. Herman Crohn and little son went to Portland last night. Mr. A. H. Kllnt wa over from Gray river yesterday. Robert Hill of Warrenton was shop ping In Astoria yesterday. I. H. Imhoff, the monument man of Portland, is in the city. Mr. T. T. Geer Is visiting her moth er, Mr. 1. C. xrutiinger. Mrs. B-nJ. Worsley was In the city froth her Svensen home yesterday. Superintendent Dorsey B. Smith re turned frofn Portland to Ilwaco yester day! Messrs. C. A. Hanthorn and F. P, Kendall returned to Portland last night. ; Churle Stone, Jr., arrived home last evening on a visit to hi father and aider. . Deputy Fish Warden Webster went up to St. Helens last night on official business. Charles Rchubbe superintendent of the Eagle Cliff cannery was In Astoria yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Alfred Kinney and Mr, Brenham Van Dusen returned from Portland last evening. F. P. Baumgartner, agent in Port land for the Gray Steamship company. was in Astoria yesterday. The Mira Annie Powell, Lucy Mor ton and Nellie Gerdlng came down on last night' train to attend the Institute. Purser J. E. Burns of the Columbia, Is absent from hi post during the pres ent trip, owing to the illness of hi father. Mrs. George Ralston and her niece, Miss Martha Curtis of Dundee, Ore., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Stuart. Mrs. White of Goldendale, Wash., formerly Miss Ella Hess of Youngs river, is down visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chos. Hess. Mrs, H.A. Woodbury Is here from Portland, the guest of Miss Mary Wbl dby. Mrs. Woodbury Is accompanied by her little son Francis. Mis Florence Carnahan went to her home at Clatsop last evening to remain during the rest of the week. She Is accompanied by Miss Gertrude Kearn ey, who will be Miss Carnahan' guest for a few days. - Mrs. G. W. Lounsberry and family and Mrs. Nelson Troyer and Samlly will go to the beach today to spend. the balance of the week, Incidental to the holiday afforded the children by the teachers' institute. F, OULAKD SILKS In $1 and $1.25 values. Gen uine goods not substitutes or imitations, now on sale at 69 and 79 cents season's latest designs, all the popular colors and the most artistic styles. sUfe A. DUNBAR CtX DO YOU DRIip TEA OR COFFEE We have through a fortunate purchase secured a quantity of tea that is equal to the 60c grade which we can sell you FOUR POUNDS FOR $1 Our line of Green Roast Coffee wIU Interest you today. Call ; and see If w cannot make an Improvement for you on the brands you have been using. Tickets given free. FOARD & .STOKES CO. Astoria - - Ore. Marine Notes. Economy Brand Evaporated Cream I goes farthest tteldei the palate, Pleating in .ppwruxa. howi tmoouuy from tne can, most Mtizinff. most nourishinff. the abor up latal on all sur brands is an Insurance policy for Its uitsgTity, purity ana uumil preparation. Insist upon your dMMr giving you Economy Brand ana set tnai our laoai it en tht oan. Take no sub-stituts. HELVETIA HUJC consshsihw co. Hif bland, Illinois, Two of the massive pontoons for the drydock for. the Port of Portland, be ing built at Vancouver, are to be laun ched at 3 o'clock this afternoon, so the contractors telephoned to this city yes. terday, says the Oregonian. Theyliave been waiting for several weeks for the Columbia to rise to the desired stage In order that expenses in the launching of these huge structures might be les sened. The water has come up to Ithln a foot or so of the required height several times, but as the wea ther turned cold it. has receded each time. The sunshine of the last few day has commenced melting the Snow In the mountains and the river is rising steadily. 1 . - The Fannie Kerr, the hulk of the Brit Ish four-masted steel bark of that name was reported by cable td have gone ashore at Formosa, The history of thl drift Is most interesting, the dis tance covered by the abandoned wreck being among the most remarkable on record. She was abandohed May J9, I9i2 In latitude North 26 86, longitude West 169. At this time all the hatches were blown off and the flames were coming out of the hatch ways March 22 1903, the vessel was sighted by the Brit ish steamer Heathdire. The Fannie Kerr was at the time half loaded, had no masts, and only a bowsprit. She was last sighted April 4 off the south end of Fontfosa by1 Ihe Norwegian steamer Taurus.! She WAS boarded by some of he crew of the TaiirUS, who reported discovering nothing but a lit tle soap. It was decided that hulk was not worth taking In tow..,-.- ' NOTICE TO DEBTORS. ,, Notice is hereby given, that on ac count of the, death of Charles T. Hell born, and the necessity for an immedi ate settlement of his estate, all per rons Indebted to Charles T. Heilborn at Son art) hereby requested to call and pay their accounts. . ,. Chas. A. M. Heilborn, Executor. IRON BEDS SOUND HARD $2.50 But they art) the most sanitary, convenient and cheapest bedsteads you can use. We now sell them as low aa .... We have a suprlus of our spring Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. To reduce stock we will sell at price which all can afford. Bes qualities and styles. Buy quickly. H.f H. ZAPF - The Housefurnisher 03tMW COMMERCIAL STREET t 1 j Palace Cafe The Best Restaurant I Regular Meals. 15 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty ' Everything toe Market Affords Palace Catering Company f UPHOLSTB R IN G Bring Your Orders to the F U R N I TSU R E EM PORIUM , ! Everything for the House. . . . ' New Store at 504-506 Bond Street Adams Henningsen ' " "'"""MaJiatJsBsjsjisjS(sajlSr, HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, . ! OREGON I Of New Zealand s. W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San, Francisco. UNLIMITED , LIABILITY. OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years, SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore.