2. Morning Astorian Established 1873. fUNIONI R4TB8I Bent by uiail.per year...'.,.... Brut by mail, per month.. ... . BerveJ by carrier, per month. .86 00 . 60c . 60c EMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mail, per year. In advance 11 00 The Astorian guarantees to It ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. THE ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO. THE SPEECH THAT FAILED. Accidents will sometime happen even in such well regulated Institutions as that of the Portland Journal, whose Saturday evening edition contained full report of a speech which was never delivered. Congressional Candidate Reames was scheduled to address the Native Sons and Daughters of Oregon cn Saturday afternoon at Champoeg Had It not been for the train wreck which prevented his arrival all would have been well. The text of the speech had of course been mailed by the hustling campaign correspondent of the Journal, who duly wired Instruction to "kill" It when the wreck occurred. Through some bungle his message was delivered to this paper Instead of to the Journal, which came out with the full speech,' prefaced with this ac count of Its reception: The aoDearanee of Mr. Reames on m the stand was the signal for an out hurst ofenthusiasm, and If this may be taken as an example of his popularity with the people of Marlon county, the county may as well be taken out of the doubtful column and rlaeed to his credit. His address was highly appre ciated for Its delivery, historical Inci dents and patriotism. He was loudly applauded and the young man left a most favorable Impression with his hearers. The people of this section showed their usual hospitality to the visitors, and the event will long be re membered by all who were present" This Is but an illustration of the manner in which this strenuous age Is bound to overreach Itself occasionally. In order to be thoroughly up- to date and never scooped, chances must be taken which leave no guarantee that disaster may not result. This Is not only true of the newspaper business, but of many other pursuits in this busy age. Men are bound to keep up with or a little in advance of the pro cession at whatever cost. They can not all succeed always. There Is at least one sentence In he above quo tation which cannot be well contradict ed. That is the last one. The prob bllitlea are that linger Hermann would not suffer much by the balance even If It had really reported facts, as the old standard bearer Is sure to be elected. STATISTICS MISLEADING. Statistics show that crime is Increas ing, but they da not show that the world Is becoming worse. Statistics often are misleading In" this respect. A city in which arrests arenumerous must not, by reason of this fact, be set down as wicked. It may be that the difference lies In the manner in which the laws are enforced. There fore the city of many arrests may pos sess many points of moral excellence wholly lacking in the other. Taco ma Ledger. JVIALTKOIIi Never corrodes, never iweati nor expands j in. fact never gives any trouble of any kind end ii used for all classes of work. A very superior covering for barns, factories, depots, canneries, tanneries, sheds and mining property. St.4 fcr kMklM. The Paraffine Paint Co. Sen Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Loa Angeles sad Denver, Colorado. i II WELL INSCRED. Rodman Vanna:nakr, son of John Wannamaker, has reontly had his life insured In a Chicago agency through the Philadelphia, agents, for l,0OO,WQ the annual premium upon which Is $i0 m. He now carries $i,(HO,0OO life insurance and Is one of the most heav ily Insured Individuals. He Is exceeded In thts respect only by the King of England. John Wannamaker, the fath er of Rodman Is insured for about half the amount. In view of the establishment of the dei'artm.;nt of commerce and labor, it may be interesting to note that the In teroal commerce of the United States last year has been estimated by the government statistician ;.t J.H.OOfl.OOO.OOO Fifty years ;go il was only J.tVXW.0O0 The manufactures of the United States are nearly double those of tlroat Rrit aiii and Ireland, and about eo.ul to those of France. Germany and Russia combined. This Is the circle: Every farm hoy wants to be a school teacher; every school teacher hopes to be an editor every editor would like to be a banker; every banker would like to be a trust magnate, and every trust magnate hopes to own a farm and have chickens and cows and pigs and horses to look after. We end where we begin. Missouri leads the apple growing states of the union, there being 2C,000,- 000 apple trees in that state. This year the crop will be worth J20.00O.fl0o, or 3,000,000 q excess of the annual wheat crop. There are two sides to the immigra tion problem. While some people in America are rather too sweepingly de ploring record breaking Jays at Ellis Is land the Norwegian government is sad because of the departure of from 30,000 to 40.000 sturdy, Industrious people ev ery year. They all come here. There are 143 Mormon missionaries at work In Germany. Their expulsion has been ordered on the ground that their teaching is Incompatible with the laws of the state and public morals. They are all American citizens. rensyivamas new game law ex tends a protecting hand to the bull frog who will be exempt from Interference between the months of November and July. Fine for violation of this law is $25 or Imprisonement. FOR 30 DAYS I ofn-r for the next 30 days the follow ing line of cigars at Portland prices: Manara Banquet, Sancanas Y. Uya, El Sidelo, El Telegraffo, El Symphonic La Sorrento, La Belle Creole, Rosa Al Mayo, Owls, Exports, Chllds, Oremas, Sailor Prine, a union label cigar. Royil Bengals, two packags of Dur ham free with each 100. Maniia Gems, 3 for S cents; Old Vir ginia Cheroots, for 5 cents; Porto Ricun cigars, 500 and 50 free. Some bargains in Chewing and Smok ing Tobacco. Don't forget the fact that prices will be satisfactory. Pipes and Playing Cards, Cigar Hold eis. Amber and Meerschaum. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. Agent for the Portland Safe and Lock Company. Safes sold for cash or on the Installment plan. Call and ei amples and get prices. P. A. TRULLINGER 515 Commwcial Street Phone.'iol and 287 1 -Two Stores NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card of'Traiii PORTLAND. Leaves Arrives Puget Sound Limited. 7:25 am 6:45 pm Kansas Clty-St Louis Special 11:10 am 4:45 did North Coast Limited 3:80 p tn 7:00 a m 1 Tacoma ana Seattle Night ; Express .,. ;.11:45 pm 1:05 an Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Oiyrn pla direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas City-St. Louis Special for point on South Bend branch. Double dally train aervlce on Gray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. 4 THE ASTORIAN JOB DEPARTMENT f or JOB PRINTING , . . A A FINE LIBRARY. Of 140 volumes Is found on each of the Northern Pacific's "North Coast Limited" trains Don't forget that these are the only trains operated In the West that are lighted throughout hv electricity. ASTORIA, MISS ROSE OWENS, No. 720 Seventeenth St., WASHINGTON. D. C "If evtrv suffaiiur woman has the same experience with Was of Cvdui teat I had, yoor medicine will be most popular, About a year ago 1 began to have a worn oat tired feeling with lassitude, palm tn the bad: and head which kept increasing every month. 1 kit that I oeeded something, out to get the right medicine was the trou ble. I finally decided on yout Tine of Caidul and only needed to take three bottle when I was fully re covered HEX Miss Kose Owens, who has a responsible position in the Government service) at Washington. 1. 0.. decided to by Wine of Canlui, she made a wise choice. Over a million women have been relieved of female weakness by this same Vine of Canlui. It is not a strong medicine but may be taken every day in the year by any woman with benefit. It does not force results, bnt corrects derangements of the menstrual organs. It strengthens the nervous system, gives tone to the bodily func tions, acts directly on the genital organs, and is the finest tonio for wo men known to the science of medicine. Jfttt KvmOwmm. WINE of CARD VI ONE WORD IN TIME. Is Better - Than Two Afterwards A Chance to Profit by an Astoria Man's Experience. It Is a strange thing how people will put away an opportunity until too late; it la only little things that go to make up our every day existence; the trouble Is we don't pay sufficient attention to them. Backache is a little thing some times it eonwe after a hard day's work or a slight cold. It will poss offjrou say; It is only the result of overtaxing my back; It Isn't the fault of your back but your kidneys. The exertion or straining has interfered with their del icate mechanlclsm. Tou call It back ache, but it really Is kldneyache. If the kidneys are not relieved chronic dls orders set In and that Is where the little thing" should not be passed over. An Astoria man has learned to appre ciate what delay means. W. R. Mclntoso whose place of resi dence is at 593 Harrison avenue, says: For years I suffered very much from lameness and soreness across the small of my back. To turn in bed gave me painful twinges and when I was not working but simply standing around j there was a constant aching over my hli'S. The kidney secretions gave mei no end of trouble. I often thought I had gravel, .so painful were the secre tions In passing. I read about Doan's I Kidney Pills and got a box at 'Charles j Rogers' drug store on Commercial St. j On taking them I soon noticed an 1m-1 provement In my condition and the pain across my back was soon wonder fully relieved Though I did not take Doan's kidney pills as regularly as I should have done ,they did me a great deal of good." For sale by all dealers; price 50 cents Foster-MHburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Dr. T. L. Ball DBNTST 524 Commercial street, Astoria Ore. C, W. Barr--Dentist Mansell Building. 57S Commercial street, Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 2081. Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office phone Main 2441. Residence phone Main 2443. Office Over Grlffln'e Book Store. OSTE O PATHY DR. RH0DA C. HICKS Mansell Bldg. Phone Black 2065 573 Commercial St Astoria Ore. Castings We are prepared to make them on short notice and of th best materials. Let us give you estimates on any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest prices for first-class work. TELEPHONE NO. 2451. FOUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE Or LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE Ciaihi Aaata Caatb Aaaata In United c. A. Henry & Co., 215 Sansonie Street SAMUEL ELMORE & OREGON, WEDNESDAY, EnaxsaeaBBBn If you are a suffering wo man we would say to you that Wine of Cardui seldom fails to completely cure an rase of female ills. We say 4 vuinoauraiij, it never saw to benefit. Every day hun dreds of sufferers are writing to our I Juliet' Advisory De partment. The letter are opened by person compe tent to give advice. Mrs, Jones was cured by follow iag the advice which was freely given her by the Ladies' Advisory Depart ment Alia Owens was cured without advice by just buying a 11.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui twin her druggist and taking this great medicine in the pri vacy of her home, No doctor's ex animation, treatment or advice is nec essary. 1 ou have read what these two cured women have written. I this not enough to lead you to determine to be rid of suffering r August IX 1300, Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Cameron, Mo., writes! "I suffered totlbly at monthly periods foe three years, I would eometiine jo for seven months with no flow at all. Now I have my health back again and am expecting to be confined in January. I cannot praise your medicine enough." A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Canlui. Andrew Asp, Wijni laker, lUrhaitk is Isnnkotr FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship art Steamboat Repairtng.Oeneral Black smithing, Flrst-Clats Horse Shoeing, etc. CORNER TWELFTH AND DC AN 8 RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing - orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In stock. We sell the celebrated 8HELBT LAMP. Call up Phone UtL H. W. CYRUS. - Mar Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Tour onlrn for meats, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and tsiieiactorlly attended to 3. W. MORTON. Pre. Telepnose No. sji. C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Express Companies. Custom House Broker. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone ttL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our can Will receive special attention. " S38 Duane 81 W. J. COOK. Mgr. No Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Infl.mmatloa r Catarrh (A the Hladil'r and pltwawd Kidney. Mo cura bo pay. Cura quickly and Perma nently ib. wont eun of UonrrSi.a and CU.!, no m.ltrof bow lone ataod. lag. Ab.olut.l7 haran.... Sold by drumtlata. VrW II 00, or by nail, postpaid, ll.l,lboxM,2.7S. THE SANTAl-PEPSIR CO. IllsrOHTAIMS, OHIO. Sold by Chas. Rogers, 459 Commerci al Street Astoria. Oregon. IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay IrcnO Brass Works Cor. Ifitb nnd F soklin see. A. L. 17IO OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Stuatca, gn,goo,ooo' a.OiO.Qjs General Agents San Francisco. Cat CO., AGENTS MAY h 1003 LOW RAT KS TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA For the meeting of the Presbyter! General Assembly to tie held at Los Angeles. Oallf., May S3, to June :, the O. It. A N. Co.. will sell round trip tickets via ateiutier at the low rat of J35.T0. Th.ae tickets will be- good go lag on steamers leaving Astoria on May 13 and IS and to return up to July It, A proportionately low rat will al' so lie made via all mil from Portland or by boat to 8mt Francisco and from thence Southern Paiitlc to destination For further particulars regarding dales rates and routes, rhll on or address tl. W. Ixmnslierry, Agent, Astoria, Ore "1 had a running, Itching sore on my leg; suffered tortures, Doan's Olnt ment took away the burning Itching, Instantly, and quickly effected perma nent cure." C. W. Lcnhnrt, Howling Green, O. For sale by Cha. Rogers, druggist. Proposals for beef and mutton: Of. floe Chief Commissary, Vancouver liar racks. Wash.. April 9. 1903. 8raled proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef mid mutton for six months beginning July 1. 1903 will be received here and at offices of commissaries at Fort Stevens, Oregon; Holse IUrracks, Idaho; Forts Casey. Canby, Flagler, Walla Walla, Wright. Worden. Lswton and Vancouver IUrrack. Wash., until 11 a. m. May . 1903, and then opened Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Freh Beef and Mutton." and adddressed to com mlssury of post to be supplied, or to Col. F. K. Nye, chief com'y. "Cure the cough and savo the life Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs nnd colds, down to the very verge of consumption. For sale by Chas. Rogers, druggist. WORKING OVERTIME. Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work. night and day, curing Indigestion, bit iousness, constipation, sick headache and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 13 cents at Charles Rogers' drug store. IT SAVED HIS LEO. P. A. Danforth of LaOrange, Oa., suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg: but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured It In live days. For ulcers, wounds, piles, It's the best salve In the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 2S cents. Bold by Charles Rogers, drug gist Diphtheria sore throat, croup. Inst ant relief, permanent cure. Dr. Thom as' Electric Oil. At any drug store. For sale by Chas. Rogers, druggist. TRAOEDT AVERTED. "Just In the nick of time our little boy was saved." writes Mrs. W. Wat kins of Pleasant City, O. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set In besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption and our darling was saved. He's now sound and well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for coughs, colds and lung diseases. Guaranteed by Charts Rogers, druggist. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles free. "Now good digestion waits on appe tite, and health on both," If It doesn't try Burdock Blood Hitters. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." LJLJPUT The smallest sterescope with the strongest optical effect Highly fin ished In different colors with rich gold and sliver decorations (mountings-. Including 20 V. F. Photographs. Views nt Art rrenre, ph... i., u. - " " - .i, unii i everywhere prepaid In letter form, i AGENTS WANTED. I Llliput Sterescope Company! FORREST BLDG., Philadelphia, (JKOHSMAVH I'ATKNT WHITING KING The most Important Improvement of the age in the art of pen- manship makes the poorest writ' er a spienaia penman In a few weeks by the use of this ring. En dorsed by prominent college presldimu and boards of education In Europe and America. Sample dozen assorted sizes sent post paid for $1, single sample 25c. When ordering a single ring state whether for man, woman or child. PENN RSFG. SUPPLY CO. 119 S. FOURTH ST., Philadelphia, BK1YRGYAL PILLS m t tr i . - " " T M.1., UrltfUal .-.4 . la- Moll. lfl.A.,it i.,n.-......J 'U.Tf .Mpr-ail,,., .. ll"kln''l.-l'.rrr! JilMa Kaiiu. 1'UiLA. "TUB POKTRT OF TJiR ORANGE "It appeals to you, when the , fruit hangs ripe and tweet on the tret late In February, or early In March. Then the hlosnuins break out, and the trees are yellow with golden globes, and white with orange flowers. It may be that a (lurry of snow has whltemd the mountain tops, and then you have an artlstle background for a tropical for est. The air is full of sunshine, and heavy with the fragrance as night comes on, and then, if the moon be shlnlng.yuu hear at midnight through open windows, the song of the mocking bird In the scented grove, and It never seemed to melodious before." An experience like (hit la possible any winter, and It Is worth a Journey oi a thousand mllna. while you can have It rj Inking th aconto Bhaato route throug the grand nnd picturesque Bit' kiyott and Shasta mountain, to south etn Callfo.'Ola, Complete Information ulut the trip, and descriptive matter, telling about California, may be had front any Southern Paclflo agent, or W, E. Coman, dt-ri. Pass, Agt., ). P. Co. I.lnt In Oregon, Portland, Oregon. MORR RTOT3. Disturbance or strikers are not near ly a grave aa an Individual disorder of the syetem. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by ut ter collapse unless a reliable remedy I Immediately employed. There's noth Ing so efficient to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Electric Hitters. It't a wonderful tonic and effective nerv ine and the greatest all around medl cine for run down systems. It dispels nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia and expels malarial germs. Only SOc and satisfaction guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist v REDUCED RATES FrtOM THE EAST Commencing February 15th and continuing until June IS, there will be low rates In ertect from the cast via the Illinois Central R. R. to all Oregon Washington and Idaho points. If any of your friends or relatives In the east are coming west while these rates are In effect, give ut their name and ad dress, and we will make It our business to see that they are given the best pos sible service. We operate through personally conducted' excursion cars, and In fact give you the benefit of the latest conveniences known to modern railroading. We have It different routes between the east and west, and are In position to give you tbe benefit of the best combinations. Write tie and we will give you full particulars. B. II Trumbull, Com'l, agent 111. Cent. It R. 143 Third street, Portland, Ore. NORTH COA8T UNITED. Is only run by the Northern Paeifie between Portland ana Minneapolis ana Bt. Paul, through Tacoma. Seattle, Spokane. Urasoula. Butte, Livlngeton, Hillings, wsmark ana Fargo. Kigni of these trains are on the run dally, four east and four west. Baeh la a solid vestibuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining car. day coaches, mail, expreea a baggage car and tbe elegant observa tion car. Each train la brtlllanUy tlghted with over Me lights and the beaut of It all Is you can travel Just aa cheaply on mis train aa on any other. All representatives wMl be glad to give you additional Informa tion. A. D. Charlton. Assistant Gen eral Passenrer A sent tU Morrison Bt, ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LIAVI yORTLANO AKKIVI SOOsml Portland Union Darxit 1 11 10 a sn 70tipsa ror Aatiris aud way 40pa I Foists I , ASTORIA 7 41 s m 1 10 p in r.ir I1SC a a Points 101 p SKAflDX DIVISION SIS III 11 HIS a m AMUirls InrsrWiUiii, 7 40 a m rlotel. Kin n ervn 4 00 p u, SMp. Hammond and Aatorls -iu a Vi Mi iTbi 7 IK) p b lilt mTSoaalilc Mr WtrruuUiii, v .' s ml Klar.i, Hammond, fori 1 M n w 1 -nave- ijtnil Anuria Sunday only. ' All trains make dose connections at Ooble with all Northern Pacific trains t ana from mo i jwui ana wouna J. 0. MATO. Orn't Freight and Pass. Agent ANU IDGSAND The Scenic Line TO THE EAST AND SOUTH. Through Salt Lake City, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Offers the Choice of Three Routes . Tlnough the Famous Rocky Moun tain Scenery, and Five Distinct Routes East and South of Denver. 3--FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Kotween Ogden and Denver, Carrying : All Classes of Modern Equipment, Perfect Dining Car Service and Per sonally Conducted Tourist Ex I cut sions to All Polntt East STOP OVERS ALLOWED ; On All Classes of Tickets.' . Fcr. Information or Illustrated litera ture call on or address W. O. MoBRIDE, " General Agent 124 Third St, Portland, Or. ..irCl rlrflLJ; I .OREGON SlIOtyT LINE UNION PACIFICL AND TIMH SCHED tJlwi- Depart. ULES From Portland. ' Ml Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Oma ha, Kansas City St' Iuls, Chicago nnd East.' Arrive. Chicago Portland Special l:S0 a. vlallunt Ington. 4:Mp,m. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Oma. ha, Kansas City, St l-oule. Chi cago and East WsUsTwallsC""" Lewlston, Spo kane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, DUluth, Milwaukee, Chi cago and East Express I. If. p.m. vlallunt, 10:Ma.m, ington' PL rauli Fast Mai p. m. via. 1.33 p. m, Spokane: 70 hours from Portland to Chicago. No change of cars, OCEAN AND R1VKR 8C11EDULB, From Astoria All sailing dates subject to change. Fof San Francis co every five days. 'oIu7nbhrnver to Portland and Ta. in. Daly ex 4: a. m., realty eg cept Mor cept Bui! Way Landings. Steamer Nabcotta leaves Astoria on tide dally eacept 8unday fur Ilwaoo, connecting there with trains for Long Heath, Tig u and North Beach points. Returning arrive at Astoria same ev ening, "i O. W. LOUNSOERRT.AfenU Astoria, A. L. CRAIO, , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS vu SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EA3T. 2 THAI MM DAILY 2 PAST TIME New Equipment Throughout Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet, Smoking Library Car. Daylight Trip Through the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For Full Particulars, Rates, Folders, Etc., Call on or Address , W. PIIALON. II. DICKSON. Trav. Pass. Agt City Ticket Agt 12S Third Street, Portland. 13 First Avenue, . Seattle, Wash. A. D. C. DRNNISTON, G. W. P. A. A familiar nam nt Uu mitnum Milwaukee ft 9 Paul RaJlwar. known all over the Unlim aa the Great Railway running me "fioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and OWoago. ne oniy perfect train In the world." Understand: Conneollona axa maute with all trensoontlnontal lines, securing to PaasengOTS ths hast aarvlna known. Luxurious coaohes, elaotrto light, steam ri, ui a variety equaled hy no other line. Bee that your ticker m ui. nha Milwaukee" when going to aay polrit In the Uulted States or Canada. All ticket agents sell thom. For rates. immDhlaU or nrhr Infnr. matlon, addess. J. W. CA8ET, H. S. ROWE. Trav. Pern. At. an a .t Portland, Ore. Portland. Ore. lillXUfllOUS TwVEL I Th. "Northwestern Llml'M" trains. electrlo lighted throughau', both lnslds and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest train la the World. They em bed V tha lateat. newest and beat Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the travelling uuonc, ana aitogetner are the meet complete and splendid production t f the car builders' art These splendid Train Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific ani The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO aodthe BAST. No extra charg for these superior tcommodatlona and all clause of tick ate are available for paastg on th trains on this line are protected by th Interlocking Block System, t -TO..