ASTORIA. OREGON WKDNSDAY, APRIL 29 1003. 3. "THERE IS NONE JUST AS GOOD WHITE Is King H nil th modern Improvement .-ball bearing and y running .Wng up Tel. No. 41 una our talesman will cull. Second-hand machine tak.n In itling a part payment on new one "When you get a White, you et Hit best." A man iUd todays "i have hud a Whit machine In my nous St years, and It' all right yet." TEUMBEASls-AHHO It INSTALLMENTS. ROiSiS, HIGGINiS & CO. ACIENTJ) foil CLATSOP CWNTY. THE TIDKH FOH APRIL. Hlph Water. bat. Friday ." .777 Situriy , , , KUNDAT . . . Monday . . . . Tuesday . , . Wednesday . , Thursday . , Friday . . . . Saturday , . . HUNDAT . . Monday . , Tuesday . . .. Wednesday , . Thursday . . , h.m. t:l 4-10 6:10 fl: 13 T:Sa l:4 1:41 24110:43; 11:91 U;19 0: 14 0:So 1:1 l:Iol M. 1.t 7.1 (.0 t.l 4.4 P. M. h.m. 4; ill SMStl.O 4:41 7:4 1:44 fill 10,16 .U:00 Mi 1.61 1.7 . II 11:44 1:04 l;to 1:36 1:111 ft. 4.1 4.0 Low Water, lt, Friday . ftaturday HUNDAT Monday . Tuesday . Wedmsday Thursday Krlday . , Saturday . HUNDAT . Monday , Tuesday . Wadncaday Thuraday . A. ih.m. TTTTfi? 10:14 . .- IS 11:1, . . . I U:0 . . . 20 0:16 . 1:47 . .. 12 1:61 . .. 21 1:60 ... 24 4:40 . .26 1:24 . . 24 1:06 .. .. 27 4:46 . . . 2 7:27 . ..2 1:10 . .30 1:66 M. ft Y. i l I 1.31 1 1.0 1 9.4 0.1 0.6 0.8 P. M. h.m. 10:10 11:17 'i!oi t:oo 1:61 1:61 4:391 6: 1:04 1:47 7: 30! 1:16 1:06 ft. t.l I.I 1. 1.1 1.2 I.I THE COMING MAN (SOD TOT LAST week we dwelled on the superior worK m&nshlp of our "Hand Tailored" Men's Suits. Now permit us to' say that our BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Suits are Made by Superior Tailors AGES: 3 to PRICES $3 20 to $20 HERMAN WISE &i Reliable Clothier and Hatter POKTLAND STRUCK SITUATION. Th strlk situation In Portland la expected to bo finally adjunlod In the next few day and tbat by arbitration. Th union man hava axpraaavil their willingness so to do and hava Appoint' d representatives to meet member of the master oswx-lstlons. A strong few ty baa been prwwnted to lh master laintra' association by Mayor Wll llama In whit h h urge that organlso tion to follow out th proposed plan. It la agreed generally that If an agree ment I not reached soon that nonunion man will be put to work. In that event th outcome la not pleasant to content piat. In peklng of th situation laat venlng Telegram wild: "Th mem twin of ih building trade unlona hav rarrlrd out th plan Inaugurated laat Friday night at th maaa meeting, fur a It I In their power to do o: and now It rest with th master pointer and maatr builder to do th rt, Thla la practically the altuatlon after the action taken by th building trade council Inat night, and reaultant action taluy by the president of that body and Mayor Williams, aa expresaed in the communication of that official to the employer. Aa yet thr ha been no im-II.m taken by the contracting paint era and builder, and not a word will bJ ld by them n to what action la likely to be when thematter la finally taken up. It la a fut that a confer ence waa held thla afternoon, but It I claimed that th mayor communica tion had not then been received and wn not the subject of dlacuaalon." OCR CITT TO HAVE LIQUID Ain. Aatorla la to have an opportunity of witnessing the marvelous things done by liquid air, an engagement having been marie for a aplendld lecture and expert demonatratlon to appear at Klh era" oira houae on Friday evening, May 1, bringing a aupply of genuine liquid air and complete apparatus with which to perform the doxen of startl ing experiment that have recently At tracted world-wide attention. Liquid air boll violently when placed on l-e, and freexea water when placed over a fierce fir; It render tin and Iron brit tle a glass, freexi quicksilver ao hard that nail are driven In a two Inch plank, ateel and electric light carbon will burn In It, rubber become Ilk gins. Liquid air can run, a heavy en gine ran be made a more powerful ex ploelve than dynamite will produce com plete condition of cool, out of garbage, etc. and there are score of practical uses for It component guana. An en tertainment on thla up to date subject cannot fall to be Interesting and pro fitable. A complete demonatratlon of the Marconi wlrelrea telegraphy will aliwi be given. Th high school haa a cured this wonderful entertainment for the benefit of the laboratory which la In grent need of apparatua. The eat Nil will open at Orlffln's book atore at I a. m. on Thuraday for thoee who pledged enough ticket to secure the entertainment, and at 11 m on th aam day for the general public. vorloua entric Herein referred to I shown beyond any question by th un dispute- exhibit filed, betelm" v Fll'.ST STEAMER FOB NOME. The steamer Dawson City will b th flnrt ateanutr to leave for Norn this season, She will aall from Seattle May 12. taking th Inside outheaatrn Al aaka, poasdige to Unlmak pass, , and thence close to th northern Alaaka pen Insula and Bristol bay shor. The steamer Portland will sail May 11 and th Seoator May 31. Th first vessel reach Nom hist year wa the steamer Elk No. 1 arriving titer May 27. FORESTERS GRAND COURT. The committee having In charge the preparations for th grand court of th order of Forester to convene here on May 12, had a meeting last evening to coniplctthe arrangements for that event. A committee will go to Portland to meet the dt-l"(ate and escort them to the city. The court will meet In Odd Fellows' hall. On the evening of th' nth ball will be given In Foard Ktoki-a' hall, and on th 14th an excurs ion will be run to Seaside. A parad1 front the Odd Fellows' hull to Foard 4k Stokes" hall and a banquet seating 300 guests are arranged for the first even Ing. Will FOL'R LUCKY ASTORIANS. Oo to the World' Fair at Louis, at Wise' Expense. St Met m at Hoefier' tain. . Send In your order soda foun- for Wyoming Fishermen: pivlls, 40 rents. Dlxlo Queen, In 10-ox. P. A. Tiulllnger. Th wellcst shop In the city, artists at the Pnla: bnths. SIX Four up-to-date barber at th Occi dent, Tou don't hav to wait. There Is nothing more dainty among toilet water than Blue Violet. I have It In bulk. Half pint 76o. Char lea Rogers, druggist. m - improve your flower and vegetable gardens with bone, or land plaater. fer. ttllxer, for sale by Johnson Bros. New stock of fancy goods just arrlv ed at Yokohama Dnxnur. Call and lee the latent novelties from Japan. Yon will alway find the best 16c meal In the city at the Rising Sun res taurant, No. fill Commercial street. Dr. Nellie S. Vernon ha recently lo cated permanently In Astoria for the purpose of practicing medicine and has secured office over Griffin' book store where elie can be found from 10 to 12 a. m. and 1:30 to I p. m. CLOSING OUT Our stock of frumod and nnfrainod pictures, Ev- erythinij in the art lino will bo sacrificed.-" Our stock ot paintings inoludos Oil Paintings, Water Colors ,;" ' ... . and copies of famous pictnros by eminent artists. Every picture must be sold out as we need 'the room for other goods. ,, , , ..;. . v CHARLES MEILB0RN 0 SON 590-592 Commercial St. TO BE LAID BY PRESIDENT. A grtnlte block weighing between I and 10 tons, out of which the base for the Lewis and Clark memorial I to be chiseled, arrived In Portland yester day from Snake river. It wa loaded onto a big truck and waa hauled up to Otto Svhuman't marble quarry-yard on Taylor atreet, Seven men were engag ed for om time In getting th block off th dray .uid Into th yard where the cornerstone for the monument Is to be made. The stone la a week ove ..ue In arriving. There whs consider :-'le difficulty In transhipment from boat to freight car at Rlparlu.. The block is almost square; It la a little over 7x7 feet, and Is pronounced a niece piece of ; marble. Four big horses attached to the truck had a good deal to do to pull the load. The architect on the monu ment say that while there was delay in getting the stone,-lt will be ready for dedication day May 21. The other da Mr. Wise made glad the little hearts of the children by giv ing thitn noise producing toys. Now It Is the turn for the older ones.' In order to Increase his business. Herman Wis the Reliable Clothier andllatter, make (hi offer: With every 110 worth of good bought at hi (tore Mr. Wis will give a coupon entitling the holder to participate In the distribution of the tickets. You need not alwuy buy $10 worth at one time; save your ale checks given with every purchase and when you have 110 worth of checks you will re ceive a coupon. Of course these four first-class round trip ticket Including berths and meals will cost Mr. Wise about 1500. but the Increase In business which Mr. Wise will enny will bring blm mora than that qrnount back. The St Louis fair will be the greatest the world ha ever seen. The progress made In manufacture, the arts, and sci ence sine the last world's fair ha been marvelous and probably never again will you liave th opportunity to ee these wonders of the Vwentlcth centu ry. . You know that Herman Wis ho the largest and finest stock of men' and boy' togs, he ha on price and treats his patrons generously. Why not trade with him and get the opportunity on these free round trip ticket to the won derfut St. Louis fair? DEDICATION OF ST. MARY'S. The new St. Mary' church edifice I now almost complete. Only a few more finishing touches remain to be applied. It Is a handsome structure and a credit to Astoria. The lofty ceiling, the state ly columns, the spacious choir loft, the richly beautiful oltars,. the exquisite coloring of th memorial windows and the comfortable pews make It a place of worship to be proud of. The day set for the dedication Is May 24. Arch bishop Christie who laid the corner stone will officiate at the dedicatory services. Father Lane Is expected to be here by that time, as he I steadily Improving In health. ' AL TVA3 SURPRISED. About 10 couple, chaperoned by Mrs. Robert Wallaca and Mr. August Frlcke, awooped In upon Mr. Al John son laat evening, end Mr. Johnson was surprised like inythlng. 'Although tak en somewhat off his guard, Mr. John son soon regained his usual compos ure and was able thereafter to enter tain his guests royally; and the guests, being prepared, and being In an enter taining mood, -entertained Mr. John son., So the upshot of It all vashat everybody vas entertained. The feat ure of th ven!l)g was the telling of fortunes, and this, and other forms of amusement, kept, the company In high good humor until the breaking up thereof, GRABBED TOO MUCH TIMBKR. Yesterday's Orcgonlan contains an article-stating that a late ruling of the Oregon City land office charges open violation of the land laws against Ban ker Chuid Thayer and Merchants Had- ley and Leaoh of ' Tillamook These gentlemen had obtained title to a large number of timber claims In that coun ty. It Is recited that the entry fee for thrtteen claims were paid with a check drawn by Claud Thayer, and that all of these aawell a others are being contested by Cho. E. Hays of Portland. The decision, which Is In the cases of two filings,1 recommends their cancellation, adding: 'That Thay er and hj confederates were knowing ly engaged In a flagrant and open vio lation of '.he law In the matter of the ENTERTAINED ON PERRY. ; Cnptoln Falling of the revenue cut ter Commodore. Terry, yesterday enter- tallied a few of his gentlemen friends on board of his vessel. The guests were the following: Senator Fulton, Collect or of Customs Robb, ex-Collector of Customs John Fox, and Messrs G. C Fulton and Albert Dunbar. This Cap Label Is a guarantee of the purity and rich- imu ol Evaporana cream in tn eon I which bears IL Insist on seeing tt bwor you buy, or ask your oaaiwr for Economy Brand Evaporated Cream ft toes farthest Is most asDsHs- tn and mora pleasincto tt y loan an watery imitations, i HELVETIA MILK CONDXHSIBOCO. Highland, HI, U.S. Ju InVtraMOwi,' PERSONAL i- MENTION Wm. Darker returned from Portland laat evening. , John Faroman w over from Ka- el yeterday. John Heldt of Itosberg wa In the city yesterday. P. A. Ba.borg waa down from Eagle Cliff yesterday. - Jacob Kahn, th bid man, spent yes terday In Astoria. Mis Helen Rlggs of Ilwaco wa In the city yesterday. . Nels Sankala, the Ilwaco aelner, ws In Astoria yesterday. Mi r.ose Kindred wa over yester day from Warrenton. Mis June Stanley of Seaside spent yesterday In th city. Frof. II. S. Lyman went down to Hammond last evening. ?et,atlan Qlaser of Olney wa doing business In town yesterday,. Mrs. F. J. Winton and Mis Winton were passengers on the up train laat evening. Th little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruse has been quite ill but Is now recovering, x -v, ; ; , . Mr. Capt. Wilson and daughter ar rived In Astoria on last night's train Dr. T. L. Ball and A. 8. Skyle ar rived home from Oregon City laat evening. O. H. Bellinger of the O.- R. & N, engineer office In Portland, was in the city yesterday H. Cullender came over from Il waco yesterday afternoon where he had been on a business trip. Frank Connor returned last night from Rainier where be ho been act ing agent for the A. & C. R. R. Master Fish Warden Van Dusen left last evening for a tour of Inspection on the Columbia. He will go a far as Celllo. 4 George Welch' condition waa report ed yesterday as decidedly Improved. Very sanguine hopes are now entertain ed for his ultimate recovery. Mr. and Mr. W. A. Crane and son were passengers on the Lurllne last evening for Portland. Mrs. Crane and the boy are bound for Chicago on a visit. Mr. Crane returns this evening. Rev. Mr. Welch and wife, Presby terian missionaries In Tillamook county are vlaltlng Rev. and Mrs. Marcottte. They return on the steamer Elmore tomorrow. MESSAGE! ON CUFF SaTZD LIFE. In the recent fire tn one of our targe cities an actor made known his pres ence on the roof of the burning build ing by writing a message on his cuff and casting it to the street. This wise act resulted In saving hi life. It is also a wis act for anyone suffering from stomach, liver or kidney disor der to commence taking Hostetter'c Stomach Bitters. It may" be the means of saving "your life,' too, because when these disease are allowed to run with out attention serious result often oc cur. Comment taking the bitter to day and notice the Improvement In your condition. Especially In the spring it J every beneficial. It will also cur la grippe. Indigestion, dys pepsia, constipation, biliousness and In sofflftla. Avoid all substitutes. r LACE CURTAINS YOU CAN. AFFORD THOSE NEW CURTAINS NOW. IN OUR SHOW WINDOW YOU WILL SEE SOME EXTRA FINE 11.75 LACE CURTAINS WHICH WE WILL SELL AT ll.OS WHILE THEY LAST. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE. The A. DUNBAR CO. DO YOU DRINK TEA OR COFFEE W have through a fortunate purchase cecnred a quantity of tea that I equal to the 50c grade which we can sell yon FOUR POUNDS FOR $1 Our line of Green Boost Coffee will Interest you today. Call and ee If w cannot make an Improvement for you on th brand you. have been using. Tickets given free. ' f FOARD . STOKES CO Astoria - - Ore. BIRTH NOTICE. Born, Tuesday evening, April 28, 1903 to Mr and Mr Edward G. Miller, a son weighing 11 pounds. AH doing well THERE IS NONE BETTER. Th neatest . and swellest eating place In Astoria Is that famous resort, the Toke Point Oyster House. The beat, in the market Is none too good for Its patrons.- Short order and quick service at any hour, and everybody sat isfied. 3, : Cheap Fuel. Fir slabwood, stove legths, 12.50 per. cord. . Boxwood 11.50 per large load Phone 2211 Black. Kelly, the trans fer man. f- , ISHERS' OPERA HOUSE L. E. Sellg. Lesee and Manager. One Big Laughing Night WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29 EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION The Comedian ARRY CORSON CLARKE Presenting Sidney Rosenfeld's Screaming Comedy HIS ABSENT BOY THE EVENT OF THE SEASON Admission Reserved seats, 75c: .gal lery, 50c. ' Seat sal open Tuday morning at Griffin' Book Stor. IRON BEDS SOUND HARD $2.50 But they are the most sanitary, convenient and cheapest bedsteads you can use. We now sell them as tow as .... We have a suprlus of our Bprtag Carpets, Linoleums and Mattings. To reduce stock we will sell at price which all can afford. Best qualities and styles. Buy quickly. - : " H. H. ZAPF - the Housefurnisher KMm COMMERCIAL STKEET J The Palace Caf The Best Restoarontl RefBlir Meals. 25 Celts Sunday Dinners a Specialty s . s . Everytalnr tae Market Affords Palace Catering Company f ' UPHOLSTER I NG Bring Tonr Orders to the , FURNITURE EMPORIUM Everything for the House . . ; " New Store at 501-506 Bond Street Adiims Henning'sen HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel in the Northwest PORTLAND, - 5 OREGON Jfip fiuinim; v Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr, San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two year SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore,