ASTORIA. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 28. 1903 2. Horning Astorian EtubliiJwd i73. RATBSt font by mail, per year . ;...W 00 Sent by mail, per mouth., 50c Served by carrier, per month. 60c SEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mail, per year. In advance It 00 The Astorlan guarantee to its ad vertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. THE ASTORtAX PUBLISHING CO. OSTEOPATHT VS. LOREXZ. Aceoidlne to F. J. Barr. D. O., In the Sal-Jin Statesman, the much-vaunt' ed achievements of Ir. Lorenx, of bloodless suraery renown, may lose some of tlulr "hlne when compared with the results produced by the more humble and less heralded school of os teopathy. According to the article in question the same cures are effected, requiring no longer time, and without retorting to the "heroic" method which requires the patient to be placed under a profound anaesthetic, and the appli cation of extreme physical force which, while it does not cause the blood to flow on the surface, nevertheless must rupture and tear the muscles, liga ments, nerves and Wood vessels, and cause inward hemorrhages which must be taken up by the circulation. - The method of the osteopathist in re ducing a congenital dislocation of the hip is simply this: By manipulation the various muscles and ligaments are re laxed, stretched, developed and made healthy, as are the nerves and blood vessels, producing a proper circulation and vitality. When all is ready, with out the tearing and bruising of the parts, and without the use of anaes thetics, the bone is placed in its prop er position and is held there, not by a plaster cast which must be worn six months, but by the muscles and liga ments themselves, which have been ren dered healthy and useful. rr. Biirr states that hundreds of cures have been made by this method ly the founder of osteopathy, Dr Still, and by his pupils, and thinks they should have jlue credit. Possibly If Dr. Still had come from across the water and had received a fee of 130,000 for healing a rich mans child he would be as renowned as Dr. Lorenx. The f.tct that the latter only claims suc cess in 60 per cent f his cases would seem to Imply the possibility of im provement on his methods. IN NEED OF LEGISLATION. It Is said on high authority that nev er before were there so many Ameri can ships unemployed as now, says the New Tork Commercial. The subsidized ships of foreign nations accept cargoes at such low rates that, were these American vessels to meet these freights their voyages would all be made at a large loss. It Is practically impossible Just now for most American ships to ret foreign cargoes at anything ap proaching living rates. For some years past the grain trade from the Pacific ports to Europe has been the principal one of the very few still left in which our "American ships could engage profitably. But now sub sidised foreign craft chiefly the ships of France are fast driving American ships out of that trade. Nine Ameri can ships and barks are now lying un- chartersd at San Francisco alone, and three or four more are Idle at other MALTTfOID ROOFING" !ULS"'3 The new high gride roof ing for low cost work. On ihed, factories, warehnusei, barm, depott, wharves. AH buildings of large roof sur face that require protection from the elementi. A better roofing st the lame price has never been produced. ten for eoofcltf. - 4 The Paraffine Paint Co. San Francbco, Seattle, Portland, Lot Angeles and Denver, Colorado, Pacific coast pom. This inability to compete w ith French craft In the grain trade has had the Inevitable effect "of driving American vessels Into other trades, and these in turn have become over-crowded; so that the rates of freights are now so low in moat In- stance that the returns would not briii in to theAmerlcan owner enough money to pay the Cost of operating their ships. AXTt-TREATERS ARK RIGHT. The formation of an anti-treat so ciety atChlnook Is severely ridiculed by certain votaries of the free and easy ktr, whose thirst and habits require the social glass, but It is a step to wauls compliance with the dictates of sot-er Juigment on the part of Its mem- Iki. Granted, that all men have a ripht to drink as long, as deeply, and as often as they wish, wherever they choose and with whom they please, ac cording to the statutes and according to custom, it cannot be denied that there is yet something to be desired in present day methods" of tippling. No nun knows better than the mixolo gist that the treat habit Is the money producer iu the business, and that it Is responsible for niost of the drunk and unpaid grocery bills. The members of the club are to be commended In their resolution to confine themselves to the satisfaction of their own Individual thirst without influencing others and without regard to the needs of the bar till. . -, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. This signature & on every box. 25c. M3wvw. Bridge Proposals Notice is hereby given' that plans. specifications, strain diagram and bids will be received by the county court of Clatsop county, state of Oregon, until 3 p. m., Tuesday, May 6th, 1903, for the building, construction and erection of a drawbridge across the Lewi and Clark river In Clatsop county, Oregon, according to such plan, specifications and diagrams. Location of bridge 1 shown on mips now on file in the county clerk' office as approved by the Hon. Secretary of war. I I'ridge to be a steel swinging draw bridge with a clear space of 70 feet on each side of the draw rest. As Is al so directed by the Hon. secretary of war. Approaches to be pile trestle with a ! foot clear road or driveway. Bidders shall attach to their bid a certified beck equal to 10 percent of the same ami check made payable to the order of the county clerk or may deposit the amount in cash at time of filing hi or their "aid. Said check or cash to be forfeited to the county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, if after an award is made or bid is ac cepted said bidder fails or refuses for a period of two days to enter Into con tract and file abond as may be re. quired by the county court aforesaid. Payments for said bridge to be made by warrants drawn on a special fund created by the county court of Clat sop county, Oregon, at their regular term In January, 1903, same being a levy of 1 1-2 mills on the dollar for a term of four years. Bids to be sealed and marked "Proposals for Draw Bridge across the Lewis and Clark River," and filed in the office of the county clerk. The county court, however, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court J. C, Clinton. Xllerk. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, 'Wash., April IS, 1903. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be receiv ed here until 11 o'clock A. SI., May 5, 1903, for erecting and painting one 75 foot iron flagstaff at Fort Columbia, Wash. Information furnished here. U S. reserves the right to reject or. accept any or all proposals. Envelope con taining proposals should be marked: "Proposals for erecting and painting flagstaff at Fort Columbia, Wash." ad dressed F. H. Hathaway, C. Q. M. MORE RIOTS. Disturbances or strikers are not near ly as grave as an Individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of Sleep, nervous tension will be followed by ut ter collapse unless a reliable remedy is Immediately employed. There' noth Ing so efficient to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Electric Bitters. It'i a wonderful tonic and effective nerv ine and the greatest ail around medi cine for run down systems. It dispel nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia and expels malarial germs. Only 50c and satisfaction guaranteed by Chas, Rogers, druggist. PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. f Telephone X2L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All good shipped to our cava Will receive special attention. No m Duane Bt. W. J COOK. Mgr Neatly prlned stationery is a delight to the artistic eye. The Astorlan Job Printing department does that kind of printing. EGEEMIM No disease causes o much bodily discomfort, or itches, and bunts like Eczema. Beginning often with slight redness of the skin it gradually spreads, followed by pustules or blisters from which gummy, sticky fluid oo. es which dries and scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It ap pears on different parts of the body but oftenest upon the back, arms, hands, teg ami jace, ana is a veritable torment at times, especially at night or when over la ISM I id of mr heated. , . The cause of Kae m is a too acid and general unhealthy con dition of the blood. The terrifying itching and burning is pro duced bv the overflow through the glands and pores of the skin of the fiery poisons Ms thin acid blood and cleanses and builds up the general system, when the skin clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears. Send for our free book on the Skin and its diseases. No charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPCCtFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Astoria National Bank at Astoria In the State of Oregon, at the close of business April 9, 1903. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 3266,134. 35 Overdrafts, secured and un-' secured 5.0S.70 U. S. Bonds to secure circu lation 12.SOO.00 Premiums on tT. S. Bonds....- 1.250.00 Stocks, securities, etc 55,962.45 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 3.S33.01 Other real estate owned .... 9,955.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 2S5.60 Due from State Banks and Banker 9,168. 3 Due from approved reserve agents 159,214.12 Internal-Revenue Stamps ... 210.36 Checks and other cash items. 2,643.69 Notes of other National Banks 695.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 158.46 Lawful money reserve in bank, vis: Specie 3C0.022.3S Legal tender notes. 1,998.00 62,020.35 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625.00 Total , 3589,738.14 LIABILITIES. ' Capital stock paid In 50,000.00 Surplus fund' 10.000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses an dtaxea paid 9,237.5 National Bank notes out standing 11,850.00 Individual- deposits subject to check. 32-1.1:6.39 Demand certificates of deposit ........ 104,813.62 Time certificates of deposit 182,710.56 508.630.57 Total .....J38S.738.14 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, J. E. Hlgsrlns, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. HIGGINS Cashier.' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of April, 1903. GEO. C. FCLTON Notary Pubi c. Correct A tttest: D. K. Warren, George H. George, Wm. H. Barker, Directors. FOR 30 DAYS I ofi'er for the next 30 days the follow ing line of cigars at Portland prices: Manara Banquet, Sancanaa T. Mya, EI Sidelo, EI Telegraffo, El Symphonle, La Sorrento, La Belle Creole, Rosa Al Mayo, Owls, Exports, Childs, Oremas, Sailor Prine, a union label cigar. Hoy tl Bengals, two packags of Dur ham free with each 100. Manila Gems, 3 for 6 cents; Old Vir ginia Cheroots, 3 for 5 cents; Porto fticun clgurs, 500 and SO free. Some bargains In Chewing and Smok ing Tobacco. Don't forget the fact that prices will be satisfactory. ' Pipe and Playing Card, Cigar Hold ers, Amber and Meerschaum. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. :- Agent for the Portland "Safe and Lock Company. Safes sold for cash or on the Installment plan. Call and see ample and get prices. P. A. TRULLINGER 515 Commercial Street PlioneSSl and 2871-Two Store A FINE LIBRARY. Of 140 volumes 1 found on each of the Northern Pacific' "North Coast Limited" trains. Don't forget that these -are the only train operated In the West that are lighted throughout he electricity. CHICMrSTts-e; rnm I.-. EfiriYROYAL. PILLS MATE, Aiwararelia..!. LcuKo ak ItrvH tor r-t.lCHIJSTKU'H J.NCUSH la KKff a4 6M Wittlo boim. hiM wlibblweriWwn. Tnlt no other. Htnt: nMiM BBtitjti aiil J ja na tion, Rut of our JJruggut. or d 4. ta Partlenlt.M, TMsv.i.l 4 IU l T rr I, utUtm," M Unm , l j r tsa-m HsalL Ifl.lKMi TeadBlrtftikL fi,.l. ha n DraUilt. 4 iiitf-hs-nt "kl..l il SaMlUi SETS THE SKIN on rmE experience at tiara patents en tht tn- hands that Itched ena I As I burned. Muiim muca aiecotarorv A ttuu went by It grew worse, an I was eoavtaoed l that aAlicted with Eeuni. 1 eoe. auitea several nayslcisns sad a . bee of specialists, and veed several -tarsal applications, receiving but sliest temporary relief, la February I decided to try i, a. 8 aad in tbaa a month I experienced a change for lbs better, and by Key all symptoms had disappeared, and I found myself entire ly cured, and have bed no return of the diaeaae since. W. . HBUBH. Xanairer Stockman's Advertising Agency. Station A, Kansas Otty, Mo.. with which the blood-current is over loaded. . While external applications, such as washes, soaps, salves and powders aresoot hing and cooling they do not enter into'the blood itself or touch the real cause of the disease, but S. S. S. does, and nitrifies, enriches, and strengthens the "THE POETRY OF TUB ORA.NOE.' "It appeals to you, when the fruit hangs ripe and sweet on the tree latn tn February, or early in March. Then the hinsMins break out, and the trees are yellow with golden globes, and win it with orange flo.vers. It may be that a flurry of snow ha whitened Hi mountain tor, and then you have ai artistic background for a tropical for est. 'The air is full of sunshine, end heavy with the fragrance as night come on, and then, if the moon be shining. you hear at midnight through open windows, the song of the mocking bird In the scented grove, and It nevei seemed so melodious before." An experience like this la possible any winter, and it Is worth a Journey ot a thousand miles, while you can have It. by taking th scenic Shasto routs throug the grand and picturesque Sis kiyou and Shasta mountains, to south ern California. Complete information alxuit the trip, and descriptive matter, telling about California, may be had from any Southern Pacific agent, or W. E. Conian, Gen. Pass. S$t.. S. P. Co., Lines In Oregon, Portland, Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LIAVI r-ORTLAKU ARRIVI I00sn 70opm Portland Va on Danot 1 11 10 m For Ait-el snd Way ipu Points I ASTORIA 7 4SSBI 610pm rr Portias ad Wy Points . IIWs 1080 bKASID DIV1810M 15 ii m Astoria for Warreotou, KUtel, Fort H evens, Hammond and Astoria "Seaside for Warren Ion, Flare!, Hammond, Ton Stevens snd Atorle 7n t Wp a, 104t. n tl 45 a at 8 sop u 6 15 u HAO m JSklB m U BO p is 7 ID b m Sunday only. AU trains make do connection at Goble with all Northern Padflo trains to and from the East and Sound points. J. C. MAYO. Qen'l Freight and Pa. Agent PliASUM' AN I f R The Joys IF you cannot afford to visit the wonders of the earths do the next best thing. Secure a set of the great JOHN 1. STODDARD MVEL LECTURES YOU WANT ONE WORD IN TIME. I rtetler Than , Two Afterwards A 1'haw-e to Profit by an Astoria Man' Exiwrlcnce, Jt Is i strange thing how people will put away an opportunity until too late; It Is only little things that go la make up our every day existence; the trouble la we don't pay sufficient attention to them. Uackach I a little thing some, time It comes after a hard day's work or a slight cold, it will poas oft you say; It I only the result of overtaxing my back; It Isn't the fault of your back but your kidneys. The exertion or straining has Interfered with their del icate inechanMam. You call It back ache, but U really Is kidneyaehe. If the kidneys are not relieved chronic dl order set In and that Is where the "little thlni" ihould not be passed over. An Astoria man has learned to appre ciate what delay means. W. R. Mcintosh whose place of resi dence Is at SM Harrison avenue, says; "For years I suffered very much from lameness and soreness across the small of my back, To turn In bod gave me painful twinges and when I was not working but simply standing around there wna a constant aching over my hips. The kidney secretions gave me no end of trouWe, I often thought I, had gravel, so painful were the secre tions In passing. I read about Dunn's Kidney Pills and not a box at Charles ltogers drug store on Commercial St, On taking them I soon noticed an Im provement In my condition and the psln across my hack was soon wonder fully relieved Though 1 did not take Doan's kidney pills as regularly s I should have done .they did me a great deal of good." For sale by oil dealers: price W cent Foster-Slllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Ren.eiulier the name Doan' ' and take no other.' "Cure the cough snd save the life." Pr. Wood's Norway Pine Byrup cure coughs and colds, down to the very verge of consumption. For sal by Chas. lingers, druggist. Proposals for beef and mutton: Of fice Chief Commissary, Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., April , 1903. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning July 1, 1903 will be received here and at offices ot commissaries at Fort Stevens, Oregon; Boise Oariack. Idaho; Forts Casey, Canby, Flagler, Walla Walla, Wright, Worden, Lawton and Vancouver Barracks, Wash., until U a. m. May t, IMS, and then opened. Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposal should i be endorsed "Proposal for Fresh Beef and Mutton," and adddressed to com missary of post to be supplied, or to Col. F. E. Nye, chief corn y. "I had a running. Itching sore on my leg; suffered tortures. Dnan's Oint ment took away the burning Itching, Instantly, and quickly effected perma nent cure." C. W. Lenhart, Howling Green. O. For sale by Chas. Rogers, druggist. Subscribe for The Morning Astorlan It Is full of news, and worth the price. and Advantages of it contains over DOW beautiful views, taken In all parts of the world, and over SOW patfes of descriptions," No library Is complete without It. Every member of the family will enjoy It. Every student needs it. Vou have only to cut out this coupon and mall it or bring it with your name uiid iddres to TheAstorlan office, and you. will receive full particulars with sample pages and pictures free of cost. This Is no catch. IT YOU CAN Dr, T. L. Ball DBNT'IT 854 Commercial street, 1 Astoria Or. Columbia OYSTER HOUSE It Now Handling the Celebrated Baa tern Oysters For Wholesale ana Retail Trade. Also Bhotl water Bay Oyster FRESH EVERY DAY JOft-107 TWELFTH STREET. Nick Kaxeppi, Prop, WATCH REPAIRING Flmt-ClMM Work Flue Watches Mold BOOK KXUlANcn CASH PAID rOI( BOOKS OP All KINDS, OH BOOKS EXCHAN0ED. 469 ' Bond Street Andrew Asp, Wig Itker, lUttttlll lis ItrsKketf riRirr-cLA&i won at REASONABLE FRlcn. Bpeelal Attention Oiva to Ship are Steamboat KPalrlng.Onrai luaek mliblng, Ftrst-Oass Hon. Shoeing, ik. CORNER TWCI.FTH AND DC AN! RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. W are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and eiecutlng order for all kind of electrical Installing and Repairing BnpiJIe In siock, Ws sell th celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone UtL H. W. CYRUH. . ' Mar Central Meat Market 643 COMMERCIAL ST. Your orders lor cats, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly sad aalislmcforlly nudd to 3. W. MORTON, Pre. Telepkoa Nit. 31. Cheap Fuel. Fir slabwood, tov legth. IJ.BO per cord. Boxwood tl.tO per large load. Phone KU Black, Kelly, the trans fer man, .. Travel Experienced The culture and happiness of travel may be derived from a study of this fascinating work, , . '"", It-: : 'iht entire set of ll beautiful volumes delivered free on payment of 10 cents a day. Investigate at once. Do not delay. COUPON, Pleas send me free sample puges, view and Information a to how the great John L. Stoddard Travel Lec ture may be obtained for 10 cent a day. ".. ' Name , Street and No City , AFFORD IT ACT TODAY C, W. Barr Dentist Mansell Building. 67J Commercial street, Astoria, Ore. TKLRPIIONH HED 101, Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon PIIT0ICIAM AND UltOEON. ' Office Over Griffin' Book Blore, OSTEO PATIIY DR. RH0DA CHICKS Mansoll DHIg. Phon HUck 0S (7 Commercial St Astoria Or. "Now good dlgestloa waits on appe tite, and health on boUt." If It doesn't try Hurdotk lllood Hitlers. For sale by t'harle ltogers, druggist, U. 8. engineer office, Portland, Ore,, Mnrch IS, 1903. Seated proposals will be received her for 475,000 ton, more or less, stone for extension of Jetty at mount of Columbia river, Orvg,, and VUh., until 11 1, mi April 30, 1901, and then puhllcly opened. Informa tion on application. W. C. Langfltt, Capt. Kitgr. WOKK1NO OVEUTIMI5. FJkIiI hour law are Ignored by those tireless little workere-Dr. King's New Life rilla Millions tr always at work, night and day. curing Indigestion, bil iousness, constipation, sick headache and all stomach, Uvr and bowel trouble. Easy, pleasant, af, sure. Only S3 cent at Charles ltogers' drug store. "' ' ' : !. . IT SAVED II( LEO, P. A. Danforth ot LaOrange, G., suffered for 'i month with a frightful running sore on hi leg; but write thai iiucklen' Arnica Salve wholly cured It In Ave days. For ulcer, wounds, pile, 11' th best salve In th world. Cur guaranteed. Only tt cents. Sold by Charles Rogers, drug gist. Mphtherl sore throat, croup. Inst ant relief, permanent cure. Dr. Thom as' Kltx-trlc Oil. At an drug store, For sale by Chas, Roger, druggist. TRAOKOT AVERTED. "Just In th nick of time our little boy was saved," write Mrs. W. Wat kin of Pleasant City, O. "Pneumonia had played sad havoo with him and a terrible cough et In beside. Doctor treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King New Discovery for consumption snd our darling was saved. He' now sound and well." Everybody ought to know, It's the only sure cure for cough, cold and luag disease. Guaranteed by Charle Roger, druggist, rrlce Me and IL Trial bottle free. C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping, Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific Express Companies. Custom Mouse Broker. 0 F 1 1 at Home 1 : Hr. JU41M . fMiLA r