. fkslf r- .1 one 4 ,.' , ? v v VOLUME , LVI. ASTORIA, OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1903. NUMBER 9V .J i i t 1,. A II 1L 'win r I 1873 1903 Th Yoarifl Man's Fancy 1 f ii Is supposed to" turn to love In the spring, nd we ' might add to thoughts of clothes of brighter hue 'and more stylish cut than In the (all. Smtxri-Sac thr Button Sack exemplifies what the swell r. & B. tailoring doti for the nobby young man of to-day who hast cultivated title for dressing welt The fine tailored appear ance at purchase Is-continued after wearing It. Made of well shrunk selected fsbrlea. cut short-walstcd . end slightly full overthe hips? The tailored totich In the design of the front and cut of the lapels makes It the select young man's expression of Custom Tailor Style. as seen In the metro polftan cities. What uini If mtt tf ArMmm Biakoboii, Manufacturing Tailors. Utlca. N. Y., answer that ques tion with garments that make, possible the wearing of clothes of ln dividual effect at fair prices. P. A. STOKES JUST RECEIVED ONE HUNDRED BOXES OF FANCY APPLES FISHER BROTHERS COMAENCES IN EARNEST Before Beginning His Tour Presi dent Roosevelt Laid Cor ner Sione of Gate. FOLLOWED MASONJC RITUAL 'The' Chicago Perfect in touch, speed, dura bility and appearance, $35. VISIBLE WRITING J. N. GRIFFIN Chief Executive Thanked the People and Spoke of Won ders of the Park. Gardiner, April 24. President Uoose velt thli afternoon resumed hi tour of the west. Before going, however, he participated In th laying of the corner ton of th new gale at thr northern entrant to Yellowstone park. .The ceremony waa performed according t the Masonic rttunl and waa In charge nf th fraud offlcet of the stale f Montana. Special train brought hun dred of eople here, Including ii larae Imdy or Masons and no the weather w ixrfM't the eeiw waa a vary pret ty one. Th president rode down from the vit accompanied by Major Pitcher and wa escorted to the (tally decoml rd stand where he delivered an ml drrM. Troop B and C of the Third cavalry from Fort Yellowstone, were drawn up in fnttit nf the tand n a guarj of honor. Frank E. Smith, grand miultr, conducted the services. The preiild (tit. oil behalf of tin' Musun of the slate, waa presented with a Mu- onlc chnrm mounted on a nugget of Montana gold. The prealdent begun hit nddriHia by thanking the people mid ml'tlcr for hla enjoyable two week' holldur, and then vpoke of the mtturnl wonder of the park. At the conclujlon of the ceremonie tht pr-fuldent' train pulled out . for Mvlngiton. Mere John Rurrowa will leuve the party and will ieiid a ehort time at Hnokane, With., and on . .1 rnih In Montana, aftif which he will return to hi home at reekklll, N..T. There w nlaed In the atone a pie tute of Pmldent Hooeevelt, a number! of coin, coplea of newapapera and Ma onlc -emblem. ' mifii, ha tieen rernptured by the NU- iiniKimn rtW. A number of promin ent coimervatlvea have been linprlaon d by ordT of Prealdent Zelaya. The headiuitrter of the revolutloolvi la at Omelape, where General Emllluno Ch untorro la reiKirted to hove 60 men ful ly equipped. . BL'TI.VO CA MFOKNIA TIMBWl. Two Million Invented Iurln the runt Year. Moetly From Eat. Kim Frinrlw o, April H-JiinU'rn cap ItullBt are Inventing largely In Cali fornia Umber lund. A well known turn ber man atntea that fully 110,000.000 baa been paid during the laat year for title to tinlbtr land In Ciillfomla and that other tract had been acquired by buy ing title to homenteader where uvh a roure wai poaalble. In addition to prevlnu trunnaetlona Texa Arm I reported to have purchased 30.W0 acre of RiiKiir pine land In Mendocino coun ty for tuOO.OOQ. and a Mlnneeota com pwny l aaid to be negotiating for the transfer of about M.OOO acre of timber hind In Sierra and I'lumii count lei. the prir being In the neighborhood of 11, 000,000. , NO WX)DI.B IN THIS. Senator Dnlt'-y of Texn ftecelved a Fee of IL'00,000. chliMKo, April S4. A dlapat'h to the ntord-Hernld from New York ay: I'nlted mate Ht-nator llailey or Tex n i reviving eongmtulatlon on hae !ng rex-enlly been paid a fee of $200,000. John Klrby. the "Industrial Kink" of Texn recHttly determined to refinance one of hi large eompanle oiiening In the pine forema of aouthenetein Texa and employed Mr. Bailey to aaalit In enllHtlug New York financier In the enterp.-lne hi compen nation to be a fee J and clniinliiKlon amounting to t.'dfl.ono, The negotiation were auwessful and Mr. Klrhy hna Informed TeXH friend that Mr. Bailey received that amount. R1SHOP MORELAND HAS HKKS KX iNKRATED. Itevldence Out of Diocese the Charge Yet Under Inve. ligation. Only Umfi A CONSPICUOUS MAN IS THE PLUMBER.; When you want him you are are alway In a hurry. ' W lire alway glad to reipond to your hurry call and rellev th difficulty. We have much experience In repairing and new work and will fix the bad plumbing and aupply the good on hort notice. W.J.SCULLEY Fhon Black 2185 470-a Commercial itreet. LADI ES ' S U I T S We have received today a lot of ladies' swell suits newest cape effect. OUR 51 Lit SKIRTS AND WRAPS Are attracting marked attention. They are great ' values in quality, style and price. Our assort ment of Chidren'a Dresses is complete. Kilts for baby boys, two to four years. Heavy White Pique Dresses for girls- Colored Percales, 6 to 13, at COo, 75o and $1." " " ' " THE BEE HIVE AS TO MANCHCRIA. Condition There Bring Out Interesting Fact aa to Naval Strength. , In view of the Inteat development In Manchuria, the naval aerength of the varloua power In Chineae water become intereatlng. The i;nilan llwt ha been gradually Increased un til now It number 13 veenel. France haa 31 ahlpa, and 20 where In India and Coovhln and China watera. Great Britain at laat count had M war vensflu In Chtnee water and Germany 17. The Kentucky and Oregon are the only American battlenhlp on th A Hatlc itatlbna, but there ore ii other mailer American warahtpa. Including two monitor, and aome amuller gun hoata In the Philippine water. Japan ha a strong naval force on the coast. . BPIE9 ARB AT WORK, Preparing Explosive In Oaae War I Declared. Vlcotrla, B. C. April .H.-Trnvelers who nave arrived here recently from north China have told of how the aplea of Japan were at Work In Manchuria. and of the Japanese grained disguised a laborera, or .commercial men, hud cache of explosive stored at various plnee along the Russian railway ready to blow up the line If war was declared between Japan and Russia as a result of the controversey over Manchuria. GOVERNMENTS WILL PROTEST London, April 24. The Associated Pros learn that there la In content' platlon forcible joint protect on the part of Great Britain, the United States and Japan against the Russian demands In.th matter of the sover clgnty of Manchuria. vetoes Alum bill. Bill a Passed by "Baking Powder Leg- Ulatur" Fall Flat. Hnrrlsbuvg, Pa., April 24. Governor Pennypacker today vetoed the bill re cently passed by the legislature regu lating the -manufacture and aale of nlum baking powder. The governor tated that the bill was passed through the Influenc of rival baking powder eompanle. RECAPTURED BY REBELS ; San Salvador, Republic of San Sal vador, April 24. Advlcea received here from La Union, Salvador, confirm the report that Fort San Carlo at the lake entrance of the San Juan river, Nlca- tnn Francisco. April 24. According lo the Chronicle the board W Inqnlry considering the charge mode by Rev William Bollard of Vallejo against Bis hop William H. Moreland of Sacra mento bits gone far toward exonerating the bishop on nil the counts. Practical ly on one point only, that of his rest dence out of the diocese. Is now under consideration. All of the other charg' es have been laid on the tuMe, as not having been substantiated. NO USE FOR THE SPEAKER Miller Made Too Much Use of the Gavel (o Suit Majority of the House. OPPOSED HIS COMMITTEE The Chair Appointees Have Been Made the Minority Through Fear of Whitewash. ftpringfllfrd. III., April 24. -The Illinois house of representative by a vote of 72 to SO declared no confidence in Its presiding officer, John H. Miller, and alleged the unwarranted use of the gavel In furthering the proposed enactment affecting street railway fram hi; In Chicago, led to the riot yesterday. A committee of five, all personal fol lower of the speaker, had been ap pointed by him to Investigate the rhaige of bribery In connection with the Mueller traction bill. There was A ationg feeling among anti-Miller leg ilntor that there wna the possibility of a whitewash, and step were taken to Increase the committee In uch a manner a to have the speaker's ap pointees In the minority If anything In the line of a whitewash should be attempted. Tbe Miller men fought haid to retain the committee as orig inally appointed, but were outvoted, and the report of the committee was n.njle a special order for next Tuesday morning. At the same timea subpoena Issued for George W. Hlnman of Chi cago waskcnade returnable on the same dule. It la the Intention of the house to Interrogate him in regard to the facta upon which the editorial In the Inter-Ocean of Chicago. In connection with the Mueller bill, was based. honesty, Incompetency or reprehenst We conduct against Mr. Hermann chief comolaint against Mr. Hermann van thht he was not sufficiently severe upon Oregon men who were holding of iMal position in this state, so that re ally Mr. Hermann waa blamed for not "Marin? with the secretary lusplclon of dishonesty against the people who h.ive been Mr. Hermann' neighbors and constituent for these many years. The differences between the two men will not Impair Mr. Hermanns strength In conferees In the least, and no repub lican who wish. to please the president nnd bis administration will cast hi bat lot for tbe democratic nominee for con gress." . - NO NEED OF AN INQUIRY General Funston's Request That His Acts In Philippines Be Investigated Refused. ... SCARLET FEVER AGAIN. There I a case of scarlet fever at the corner of Thirty-eighth and Grand avenue, and the house na been placed under quarantine restriction. H. E. eteffmsen lives there and It Is his 13 year, old son Gearhart who has the dis ease. The usual precautions have been taken by City Physician Pilkington to prevent any possible spread. NOT NECESSARY, SAYS ROOT No Faith Placed In the Letter In criminating the Captor of ' Aguinaldo. RETURNED THE DOCUMENTS? Pekln. April 2.-Accorlng to a Chi nese story when Prince Chlng, grand secretary .received the Russian de mands he returned the document to M. Pluncon, Russian charge d'altulres. and refused to consider them. SMl'DGLIG CASES SETTLED. San Ju.in. Porto Rico, April 24. A settlement of the smuggling cases ha been effected by Treasurer WUloughby. He has recommended to Attorney Gen eral Ha.1lan that tbe cases be dismissed from the district court. This has been done. POLICE MAKE RAIDS. Chicago. April 24. Ten alleged get rich-quick concerns were raided today by the police and a wagon load of Htnttnnery and literature was taken to the police station. PORTLAND SEES THINGS. i. Tortland. April 24. A large meteor wn acen In the heaven north of the city tonljtht. The Best Talent of the country is drawn into business by the rewards of success in commercial life. The shortest path to success .a if' . i 1 is open to tne seuer tne advocate of trade. I desire to secure a few of the best seller obtainable, men of character and ability who can interest those who buy investment securities. v v In writing' give your age. occupation and bank reference. AUUUtrtrMtdUtrictlyaS4atlaL GEORGE T. DEXTER, SuprlMdiit t Dtmntl Agsaalsi, 1st Mutml Lit lMrM CeatsMy f New Ytftl, Nwm. treat, Nw Vera, N. V. . CERMAA'S WILL NOT EXHIBIT Chaise Literary Piracy as Reason for Cutting St. Louts Exposition. ' New Tork. April 24. German manu facturer and exporters, cable the Ber lln, correspondent to'.UM Herald, pro pos to boycott the St. Louis epol lion. Out ot. 1$ large- firms allied to the Essen chamber of commerce, all but one have resolved to refra'n from exhibiting and a report just received from Sollngen announces that .all the manufacturers and large industrial firms belonging to the chamber of com me roe of that city have resolved unan imously not to exhibit. Only a few weeks ago German pub lishing houses agreed to boycott the St. Louis exposition because of defect ive copyright laws and the wholesale translation of German publications In the United States, equivalent to liter ary piracy, The firm of Krupp, of Essen, which waa the largest German exhibitor at Chicago, obstinately refuse to exhibit at St. Louis. Similar resolutions have been carried by numerous chambers of commerce, especially In tne industrial regions of the Rhine, Yestphalla and Silesia. In Saxonla it is learned the feeling a ml list exhibiting at St. Louis is acute. Base Ball Scores. PACIFIC COAST. LEAGUE. At Portland-Portland, 6: Seattle, 1. At San Francisco San Francisco, i: Oal:Und, 4. At Los ngeles Sacramento, Si Los Angeles, 1.. .. PACIFIC NATIONAL LEAGUE. At San Francisco San Francisco, 1; Helena, 0. At Seattle-Seattle. 10; Spokane, 1. At Tacoma Tacoma. 1; Portland, 0. At Los Angeles Butte, 4; Los An geles, 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At New Tork New Tork, S; Boston, 4. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, St. Louis, 7. At Brooklyn Philadelphia, 4; Brook lyn, 0. At Chicago Chicago-Cincinnati game postponed. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Philadelphia Boston. 2; Phila delphia. 1." At Washington Washington. T; New Tork, 1. At Detroit Gleveland game postpon Washington, April 24. By the direc tion of the secretary of war, Judge Ad' vocate General Davis today addressed a letter to Brigadier-General Funston refusing bis request for a court of In quiry to Investigate his conduct In the Philippines. In a 'etter addressed to the pret dent by Herbert Walsh of Philadelphia, Pi.. It is charged that on or about February 10, 1899, certain orders In respect to the treatment of prisoner of war were given by Funston to the regiment of which he was at that Jmfe colonel, as a consequence of which the prisoners of war were put to death dur Ing tbe progress of an engagement with an enemy at Caloocan, province of Lu zon. P. L, by officers and enlisted men of the Twentieth Kansas volunteers. Advocate-General Davis' letter says: "The secretary of war directs me to express his satisfaction with your at titude In respct to the above-mentioned allegations, as expressed in your ur gent request that the Incident be made a subject ot exhaustive investigation. The matter has already been made a. subject of official Investigation upon three separate occasions. In no Investi gation waa there any testimony elicit ed showing, or tending to show, that orders directing the killing of prisoners of war had been given by you at any time." . EPIDEMIC SPREADS. Palo Alto, Cal., April 24. Ktntee'n cases of typhoid rever developed to nlsht, making a total of 133. There are 33 cas?s In Stanford university. WYOMING'S GOVERNOR ILL. Cheyenne, Wyo., April 24. The con dition of Governor Deforest Richards has taken a change for the woie and he Is now considered critically ill. A physician I in attendance constantly. ALL NONSENSE, SAYS FULTON . The statements being made by an adverse press that Bmger Hermann is at outs with the administration and that his elecUon to congress would be an embarassment to Oregon's Interests Are constantly receiving knock-out blows from those who are thoroughly acquainted with the subject. Perhaps the most convincing expression yet de livered on the matter were made by Senator Fulton, to a representative of the . Telegram, . In Salem yesterday. Asked about the attitude of the admin istration toward Mr, Hermann, the sen atnr said: "It 1 all nonsense to talk about Mr.: Hermann being objectiona ble to President Rooaevelt or the cabi net. The fact is that Mr. Hermann Is very popular with th president, with congress and with nearly all the heads of departments. Secretary Hitchcock and himself had differences of opinion relative to administrative details, but Mr. Hitcheock makes no charge ot die Our Tailor From Chicago MR. ROLFE Will remain until FIVE O'CLOCK TODAY C. H. Cooper ECLIPSE HARDWARE Mi '" i Vv . " " "' - ' , " ' '" " 8fS end feemfifters 525-527 BOND STREET