The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 23, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    Morning Astorian
Established 1873.
Eent b mail, per year..... 86 00
Sent by mall, per mouth
ftarved bv carrier. tr month 6cV
Bent by mail, per year, in advance 11 00
The Astorian guarantees to Its ad
Tertiwra the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
River. .
The dark history ot Poland Is to be
repeated in Finland. The people of
that nation are a sober, Industrious
and libeity-lovins people. The cxar
of Russia seems determined to crush
' out their national life, and to Russlan
hte them.
A dispatch from Helslngfors, Finland
announce? that a decree has just
been published which provides that
the governor-general Is empowered,
when he deems It necersary, to close
schools, shops and factories, to pro
hibit private meetings, dissolve pri
vate associations and expel from Fin
land all persons a ho ara considered un
desirable. Expulsions, however, ex
cept in cases which do not permit of
delay, must receive imeprlal sanction
Person expelled may be ordered to re
side in certain places within the era
pire. The decree becomes operative
In three years.
To a people who love their home as
do the Finns and also love their liberty
this leaves the hard cljoice of staying
and enduring oppression or leaving
the home of their childhood, abandon
ing the land of their birth, breaking
home ties and casting their lot with
strangers. Russia Is without conscience
In her territorial ambitions.
It la some consolation to know that
richest in the world even if we do have
difficulty In getting hold of money our
selves. Of the four hundred billions of
wealth In the world we have almost
one-fourth or an average of $1235 for
each man, woman and child. Our per
centage of debt to wealth is lower
than that of any other nation. There
are now eight gold dollars In the na
tional treasury for every person In the
United States. These facts could not
exist were conditions not favorable for
the accumulation of riches. Then we
must decide that failure to acquire a
portion of the spoils reflects only on
the individual.
Accorlng to the estimates of the de
partment of agriculture, the American
wheat crop of 190 J will be greatest that
the country has ever produced. The
acreage of winter wheat is 34 millions
this year and It is predicted that this
vast area will yield more than 500 mil
lions of bushels of grain. The winter
and spring conditions have been per
fect, the experts say, for the growing
crop and there is no probability of fail
ure later In the year. We are accus
tomed to large figures In this country,
but this estimated crop is far ahead
of anything that has ever been record
ed. It means a prosperous year for the
fanners and an unprecedented amount
of business for the railroads, and in
cidentally Increased activity in all oth
er branches of business.
Oregon City aspires to be the manu-
Malthoid Roofing.
Fire resisting. Will
thoroughly protect all
buildings covered with
it. A better roof
ing for less tost than
any' other roofing
made. Quickly ' laid
and lasts for years,
tend fr bookltt.
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San Franciwo, Seattle,
Pertlsnd, Lot Aneclu
I and Denver, Colonel.
facturing center of the northwest, c
willing to the Record, The proposed
construction of a bridge across the
Willamette by the Southern Pacific
railroad is objected to because It would
pevent hip from coming up the riv
er io that city. Says the Record: "Or.
tgon City one day to the great sur
prise of her quiet ;wpultkm, will forge
ahead and take her place among the
cities of the west." Success to the ef
fort, but that it will ever b really nec
essary to dig a ship channel to Oregon
City may be considered doubtful. That
such prosperity shouM ever come as
a surprise ' is still more Incredible
Btams do not come by night any more.
General Lew Wallace has been ask
ed to appear In a new role that of rule
maker and Judge In a genuine classic
Roman chariot race, the chariots to be
built as they were In the time of the
Caesars, and drawn by four matched
and mettled horses, harnessed abreast.
The Indiana State fair Is to witness the
event and the managers want to "re
produce some of the features of the
Ben Hur race." Surely not that feat
ure where the young Hebrew deliber
ately, but apparently by accident, ran
into and upset the chariot ot the haugh
ty Roman who had once been his
friend. That was the chief feature of
the race, but It is a bit too strenuous
and ultra-realistic for reproduction.
It Is said that more men have died
and are burled on the Isthmus of Pan
ama along (he line ot the proposed
canal than on any equal amount of
territory in the world. Our authori
ties expect to be able, by better sani
tary arrangements, to reduce the mor
tality in future operations, but who
shall say how msyiy thousands of our
own citizens may be sacrificed before
the waterway Is completed? , v
A recent lecturer on wireless teleg
raphy says communication can be car
ried on between points 3000 miles apart
Messages that go 704 miles when the
sun isb shining will travel 2000 miles at
night with the same expenditure of en
ergy. Opinions are reserved as to
whether the wireless system can be
worked half way round the globe.
If reports from the Philippines are
true baldness should be placed upon
the list of disabilities which entitle a
soldier to a pension. It Is said that
owing to the warmth and moisture
the hair is almost continually wet.
thereby producing baldness. ?
Taka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money it It
falls to cure. E W. drove's signa
ture is on each box. tic
Bridge Proposals
Notice is hereby given that plans,
specifications, strain diagrams and bids
will t.e received by the county court of
Clatsop county, state of Oregon, until
5 p. m., Tuesday, May 5th, 1903, for the
huildimr, construction and erection of
a drawbridge across the Lewis and
Clark river in Clatsop county, Oregon,
according to such plans, specifications
and diagrams. , ' -
Location of bridge is shown on maps
nt w on file in the county clerk's office
as approved by the Hon. Secretary of
war. '
liriijgs to be a steel swinging draw
bridge with a clear space of 70 feet on
each side of the draw rest. As la al
so directed by the Hon. secretary of
war. .
Approaches to be pile trestle with a
IS foot clear road or driveway. Bidders
shall attach to their bid a certified
check equal to 10 percent of the same
and check made payabie to the order of
the. county clerk or may deposit the
amount in cash at time of filing his or
their bid.
Said check or cash to be forfeited to
the county of Clatsop, state of Oregon,
if after an award is made or bid is ac
cepted said bidder fails or refuses for
a period of two days to enter Into con
tract and file a bond as may be re
quired by the county court aforesaid.
Payments for said bridge to be made
by warrants drawn on a special fund
created by the county court of Clat
sop county, Oregon, at their regular
term In January, 1803, same being a levy
of 1 1-2 mills on the dollar for a term,
of four years. Bids to be sealed and
marked "Proposals for Draw Bridge
across the Lewis and Clark River," and
Wed In the office of the county clerk.
' The county court, however, reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
By order of the County Court t
J. C. Clinton. Clerk.
, Itching plies? Never mind If physi
cians have failed to cure you. Try
Dean's Ointment. No failure there.
60c per bottle. For sale by Charles
Rogers, druggist.
Cheap Fuel. . s
Fir slabwood, stove legths, $2. SO per
cord. Boxwood $1.60 per large load.
Phone 2?11 Black. Kelly, the trans
Scrofula manifests itself, in many wavs. Swelling of the glands of tie
neck and threat, Catarrh, weak eyes, white swelling, offensive sorts nit J ab
ac sses, skin eruptions, loss of strengthanl weakness in muscles nnd joints,
It is a miserable disease and traceable in almost every instance to some
i.iii uy u n via taint.
Scr.iful is bred in the
bone, is transmitted
Irota parent to child,
the seeds are planted in
infancy and unless the
blood is purged and pu
rified and every atom of
the taint removed Scrof
ula is sure to develop at
some period in yonr life.
ISO South
Noremedy equals S. S. S. as a cure for Scrofula. It cleanses and builds
up-the blood, makes it rich and pure, and under the tonic effects of this
treat Blood Remedy, the general health improves, the digestive organs arc
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and harmless; an ideal blood
purifier and tonic that removes all blood taint and builds np weak constitu
tions. Our physicians will advise without charge, all who write us about
their case, ISook mailed free. .
L. E. SELIG, Leese and Manager.
An event of much importance!
great Tolstoi play.
Now playing to crowded houses In
New York, London, Paris and Berlin.
Exciting the curiosity of the entire
Management of AIDEN BENEDICT.
Produced with special scenery for ev
ery act and a cast of extraordinary
Prices Reserved seats, 1: gallery,
50c. Advance sale of seats opens Wed
nesday morning at Griffin's book store.
Astoria National Bank
at Astoria in the State of Oregon, at
the close jt business April 9, 1903.
Loans and discounts 3266,134.35
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured 5.0S6.70
U. S. Bonds to secure clreu-
lation 12.500.00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds.... 1,250.00
Stocks, securities, etc ....... 55,95185
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 3,833.01
Other real estate owned .... 9,955.00
Due from. National Banks
(not reserve agents) 235. CO
Due from State Banks and
Banker - 9,168. 6
Due from approved reserve
agents .' ......... 159.214.12
Internal-Revenue Stamps ... 210.36
Checks and other cash items. 2,648.69
Notes of other National
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents
Lawful money reserve In
bank, viz: .
Specie $00,022.35
Legal tender notes. 1,998.00 62,020.35
Redemption fund with U. S.
treasurer (5 per cent of
circulation) 625.00
Total 589,738.H
Capital stock paid In t 50,000.00
Surplus fund 10,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses an dtaxes paid 9,237.57
National Bank notes out
standing 11,850.00
Individual deposits
subject to check. 9221.U4.39
Demand certificates
of deposit 104,813.62
Time certificates of
deposit. 182,710.56 508,650.57
Total .......1589,738.14
State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss:
I, J. B. Hlgirlns, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement, Is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
J. B. HIOGINS Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 16th day of April, 1903.
GEO. C. FULTON Notary Pubi c.
Correct Atttest:
T. K. Warren,
Oeorge H. George,
Wm. H. Barker, Directors.
You are hereby notified thai under
the law all cases ot Infectious diseases
must be Immediately reported to me.
All births, deaths and burials must al
so be reported. That In case of quar
antine being declared of any person or
place, it is hereby made the duty of the
Sheriff, all Constables and other offic
ers of the county to see that same is
enforced. A violation will subject the
person or persons to arrest and One.
This order does not include the city of
Astoria, as same Is subject to orders of
Its officers.
County Judge and County Health Officer,
Scrofula aptx ared oa tl. bead of aty
little araadoh.ld wkoa only It aaoutaa
old, and spread rapidly over bar body.
Tli diMut nuil ttiavaed the. nail
we frd ah would lose her tight.
ineot phyaicUat war conauued,
to relieve the lathe in
could do nothinc I
nooant. It was then that w deoldad la
try S, 8. That medicine at one mad
a speedy sad complete aura. She is bow
a young lady, and has nevar had a alga
ftf th a I Mai, to raturn.
Btt Street. Baliaa, Kak.
strengthened, and there is a gradual but sure return
to health. The deposit of tubercular matter in the
joints and glands is carried off as soon as the blood
is restored to a normal condition, and the sores, erup
tions, and other symptoms of Scrofula disappear.
Hats Trimmed Free
Mrs, Ingteton has Just opened a fine
'line of spring hats and flowers, with
waists, white skirts and muslin under
wear. Pompadours and hair switches,
and all kinds of ladies and children's
furnshing goods at sale prices. Welch
block, Astoria. Ore.
I oftVr for the next SO days the follow
ing line of cigars at Eiwtland prices:
Munara Banquet, Sahcann T. Hya. El
SUIi'lo,' El Telegraffo, El Symphonle, La
Sorrento, La Belle Creole, Rosa Al
Mayo, Owls, Exports, Chllds, Oremus,
Stillor Prlne, a union label cigar.
fwyl Bengals, two pat-kags of Dur
ltm free with each 100.
JUnlla Gems, S for S cents; Old Vir
ginia Cheroots, 3 for 5 cents: PoMo
Rioan cigars. 500 and 60 free.
Some bargains In Chewing and Smok
ing Tobacco. Don't forget the fact that
prices will be satisfactory.
Pipes and Playing Cards, Cigar Hold
eis. Amber and Meerschaum.
Goods delivered to all parts of the
clly free of charge.
Agent for the Portland Safe and
Lock Company. Safes sold for cash or
on the Installment plan. Call and see i
ampies andTget prices.
515 Commercial Street
,)iie.'i.l and 2871 Two Stores
Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar
racks, Wash., April 16. 1903. Sealed
proposals. In triplicate, will be receiv
ed here until 11 o'clock A. M., May 5,
1903, for erecting and painting one 75
foot iron flagstaff at Fort Columbia,
Wash. Information furnished here, U
8. reserves the right to reject or accept
any or all proposals. Envelope con
taining proposals should be marked:
"Proposals for erecting and painting
flagstaff at Fort Columbia. Wash." ad-
I dressed F. H. Hathaway. C. Q. M.
The Joys
JF you cannot afford to visit the wonders of the
earth, do the next best thing. tSecure a set of the great
Dr. T. Le Ball
52 Commercial street, Astoria Ore,
Is Now Handling the Celebrated
Eastern Oysters
For Wholesale and Retail Trad ,
Also Shoalwater Bay Oystera
Nick Itazeppl. Prop.
Andrew. Asp,
Viih Inter, IlirUsiltk ti lnrttiiMr
Special Attention Ohn to Ship art
8tamboat Rtpalrlnt.tieneral Black
mlthlnf, First-elms Horsa
ShoelBg, aic
Telephone 131.
All goods shipped to our cars
Will receive special attention.
No S38 Duane St. W. J. COOK. Mgr.
Electrical Works
421 BOND ST.
We are thoroughly prepared for
making estimate and executing
order for all kind ot electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies In stock. We soli the
celebrated 8HELBT LAMP, Call
up Phone U(L
H. W. CYRUH. - Mar
Central Meat Market
Vour order for
mtrau. bolb
Will be promptly and
iMiiacUirlly attended to
3. W. MORTON, Pre.
Telepaone No. n.
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping.
Agent Wells, Fargo and Pacific.
Express Companies. Customs
House' Broker.
Subscribe for The Morning Astorian
It Is full of news, and worth the price.
and Advantages of
H contains over 5000 beautiful views,
taken in all parts of tin- woild, and over
W0 pag's of description.
: No library Is complete without It,,
Every -neber of the family will enjoy
It. Every student needs It.
You have only to cut out this coupon
and mall It or bring it with your name
und address to TheAstorlan office, and
you will receive full particulars with
sample page and pictures free of cost.
This Is no catch.
C, W. BatTDentist
Mansell Bulldlnf.,
ITS Commercial street, t v Astoria, Ore.
Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon
Office Over Griffin's Book Store.
Mmisell HUlg ,
Phone Itlaok mi
i'i Commercial St
i' ". Astoria Ore
LMIly pain loses Its terror If you've
a bottle of Dr. Thomas' F.loctrlo Oil In
the house, Instant relief In casra of
burns, cuts, spralus, accidents of any
sort. " For sale by Clias. Rogers drug
V. S. Engineer office, Portland, Ore.,
Man.h SS, 1903, Sealed proposals will
be received here for 475.000 tons, more
or !'. stone for extension nt jetty at
mouth ot Columbia river, Oreg., nnd
W.t-li,, until U a. in , April 30, 1WJ,
and then publicly opened. Informa
tion on application, W. C, Langfltt,
Cupt. Engrs, . j
Fight hour law are ignored by those
tireless little workrsDr. King' New
Lite Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion, bll
tousiieea, constipation, tick headache
and all stomach, liver and bowel
trouble. Easy, pleasant, ante, sure.
Only IS cent at Charles Roger' drug
store, .-'i'
P. A. Danforth ot LaOrange, Oa.,
uttered tor six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg; but writes
that Bucklen' Arnica Snlv wholly
cured It In five day. For ulcere,
wounds, piles, It' th best salve In
th world. Cur guaranteed. Only tt
cent. Sold by Charles Roger, drug
glut. The Utile folk love Dr. Wood s
Norway Pin Syrup. Pleasant to take
perfectly harmless; poltlv cure for
coughs, cold, bronchitis, asthma. For
sal by Cha. noger, druggist. "
Portland I'sioa I
111 10
for a Maria sad
I lOpw
Tarl-ortiaBd iad W.y
10 Wya
A.birialiHr" Warraninor
novel, Fort Hi.m,
Hsmmond and AXorla
! m
4M p k,
'7eaaid1wfniGia, io p m
flavel, iiMiaitmd, fort
HteTe"lol Anwrls
St a
Sunday only. ,
All train make dot eonnaeUonj at
Gobi witb an Northern Paoiflo trains
to and from th But and tmnd
points. J, C. MATO,
Gent Freight and Pa, Agent
Travel Experienced
The culture and happiness of travel
may be derived from a study of this
fascinating mrk
Th entire set of 12 beautiful volumes
delivered free on payment ot 10 cents
a day, Investigate at once. Do not
; delay, '' : ,j " "
Please send me free sample pages,
views and Information a to how the
great John L, Stoddard Travel Lec
ture may bs obtained for 10 cents a
' Name
Street and No.... ,
i - City
The I'ubllo IHlpram of Astoria Cltl
sniti Are What Count. Put
llcliy I What th Peo
ple Want. j
Let thm tell U.
Let the 'Ubllu uneaa on th subject.
It moan totter understanding.
Moan Ion mlry In Astoria,
Mean ronriiinnre In a good thing.
Easier to believ your neighbor than
stratis-wr In a far away town.
Kidney disorder urinary disorder
Are on the decrease here.
Pon' kidney IH are relieving
bat kftche and curing eUlsen,, , , '
It t their dally work, , -
Here' a case lf point:
ttiHm Ituitr who l employed with
the Orvgon Railroad and Navigation
coiiipany, ana lysines bi si nwong
street, I'ortUnd, says', "I had more
r ! (rouble with my kidney for a
yonr or more. My bark bothered nw
with ar Irritating win. lin'
Klilm-y I'lUs were m ommttndod to in
ami I liot a hot, I conimmul to use
them n directed and to my surprise
when I had taken about half th box
the naln Kfl my back, Every kidney
ufrnr should know about Doan's kid
ney Dill."
Plonty nor proof like tbl In Astoria
people. Call at th drug tor ot Cha
Hgt r and ask what hi euslomer re
port. For l by all dealer. Prlc
soc a twx. Fosier-MJiDurn uo. uur-
falo, N. Y sole gnt. . Remember
the name-Don'e-n4 take no other,
Proposal tor beef and mutton: Of-
(I Chief Commissary, Vaneouver liar.
racks, Wash., April I, lM. Scaled
proposal for furnishing and delivering
fresh Iwef and mutton foe it month
beginning July 1, 1908 will fet received
here and at offices of commissaries at
Fort Stevens, Oregon; Poise Barracks,
Idaho; Forts Caey. Oanby, Flagler,
Wall Wail. Wright, Worden. Lawton
and Vancouver Iiarracks, Wash., until
II a, m. May t, IMS, and then opened.
Information furnished on application.
Envelope containing proposal should
be endorsed "Proposal for Fresh Beef
and Mutton," and adddred to com
missary of post to be supplied, or to
Col. F. E, Nye, rblef oom'y.
"Just In the nick of time our Utile
boy was aved," writ Mr. W, Wat
kin of Pleasant City, O. "Pneumonia
had played sad havoc with him and a
tnrribl cough wt In beside. Doctor
treated him, but he grew worse every
day. At length w tried Dr. Xing'
New Discovery for consumption and
our darling was saved. It' now sound
and well." Everybody ought to know,
It's th only sure cure for cough,
cold and lung dleae. Guaranteed
by Charles Rogers, druggist Prlc
Wo and 1 Trial bottle free.
Scrofula, salt rhum, erysipelas and
other distressing eruptlv disease yeld
quickly to th cleansing, purifying bow
er of Burdock Blood Bitter. For sale
by Chaa, Roger, druggist.
Neatly printed etatlonery la a delight
to the artistlo eye. Th Astorian Job
Printing department doe that kind of
at Home
fer man. '