The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 19, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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( brevities ffr
i Today Weather' Oregon Pertly
cloudy; light showers. Western Wash
ingtonShowers. Wanted A girl for housework.
ICS Tenth Street.
' The American barkentlne Georglna
came Into port yesterday.
Sweet ana Juicy navel oranges, beet
Equality at the right price, at John
ton Bros,
Interview Trulllnger Hardesty. 433
Commercial street, about your electric
al work.
- The coasting steamer Grao Dollar
arrived down from Portland last night
at S:S0.
The British ship Crown of India Is In
the harbor having arrived down yester
day evening. .
Another shipment of those dainty
and appetising, cheese straws just In at
Johnson Bros.
A new Invoice of those beautiful and
curious sea shells just received at Sven
son's book store.
The Emily Henderson pure white pea
seed and many other popular varieties
at Johnson Bros.
The Oklahoma, brought down a log
ging engine yetserday for Morris Sta
ples new camp on Tucker Creek.
V. The, tug Voaburg lowed the schooner
Oakland Into Kehalem Bay on Friday
to take a cargo of lumber to San Fran
cisco. ;.' . "
The O. R. A N. steamer Columbia
arrived down yesterday afternoon and
In the evening left out for San Fran
cisco. , Svensen's book store sells all the
latest magaaines, stationery, school
supplies, musical instruments, novel
ties, pictures, etc., etc.
' The steamer Sue H. Elmore is expect
ed to arrive from Tillamook today if
the weather permits. The Alliance is
also due from San Francisco.
The American barkentlne Georglna
arrived in from San Pedro yesterday
to load lumber at the Inman-Paulsen
mill. She left San Pedro March 27.
Wanted-Tsro or three furnished
rooms for housakeeping in a nice loca
tion, by man and wife; no children.
Address J. T..U, care Astorlan of
fice. . 'Vi-.r. : .
Lester & Warren's sawmill at War
renton is now running day and night,
thoueh not at its full capacity. A
scarcity of mill hands interferes some
what -.with its operation.
Art rugs 4 Carpets? Fancy rockers?
Jron beds? Go-carts? ' Stoves? Ran
ges? Pictures? Frames? Anything
In the house furnishing or decorating
line? See H. H. Zapf.
Roslyn coal lasts longer, is cleaner
and makes less trouble with stoves
and chimney flues than any other coal
on the market. George W. Sanborn,
agent; Telephone 1311.
t The remains of the late Mrs. Ander
son will be interred this afternoon In
Greenwood Cemetery. The funeral
services will be held at 2 o'clock from
Pohl's undertaking parlors
A union meeting of the downtown
congregations will be held at the Me
thodist Church this evening in which
the various pastors will speak on the
Bubject of Sabbath Observance,
Eighth grade examinations were sue
cessfully passed by Bessie Gray and
Nellie Dawson In District No. 2 and
Maud Turley in District No. 29, which
entitles them to enter any high school
In the state. These examinations are
held as directed by the State Superin
tendent in all the districts in the state.
The next will be held on May 20, 21 and
22." A marking of 80 per cent or over
. Is required to pass.
1 Wires i
I I "I L .. J ' I
no. i uorrvswv i
if iSvtCs
The Forwters of Clatskanle gave an
enjoyable social last night that was
attended by the following visitors
from here: Phil Hadden, Chas. John
son, Edgar Gearhart and Frank Hart.
Judge K. Osbora has sold his launch
the Rover, to the Struckmelers at Se
attle for use In connection with their
logging business and In carrying pas
sengers across the river to connect with
the railroad.
William, the S year old son of Ed
Malone. a resident of Grays River, died
at his home yesterday afternoon. The
funeral will be held from the family
residence vhh Interment In Grays
River Cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Humphrey was commit
ted to the asylum for the Insane yes
terday by County Judge Trenchant.
This will be her fifth trip to Salem, she
having been released ss cured on four
former occasions.
Fifteen employes are busy at the
clam cannery of Bergman & Segurd
9o n, at Warrenton, and more are to be
added. The cannery Is running very
smoothly and Is a very cleanly and
well ordered institution.
Business on the west side is on the
gain. At Seaside numerous buildings
are being erected and the permanent
population is very materially Increas
ing. Warrenton, Hammond and New
Astoria, while not booming, are mak
ing a substantial gain. - '
Plumbing out of joint? Need some
tlnwork? Ring up No. 1031 for John
A. Montgomery, 5 Bond street, who
will promptly attend your wants with
the latest sanitary plumbing fixtures
and- most skilful workmanship. Tin
ning, gasfltting and heating.
Captain Albert Betts and Miss Lau
ra Humbel were married in Portland
yesterday. Both of the contracting
parties are residents hero and will
make their home In this city. The
knot was tied at the home of Captain
John Betts, brother of the groom.
Mats Jonason. who was arrested by
Chief Hallock Friday and turned over
to Sheriff Linville yesterday, is being
held on suspicion of bting insane. His
condition Is Improving and he may tum
out to have been only temporarily off
through boose. He admits having
been in custody before.
A tribe Jf Improved Order of Red
Men was organized at Seaside last
night making the eighth lodge for that
community. Delegates from the As
toria lodge went down to assist In the
I organization and they were the fol
lowing: Doctor Henderson, Doctor
Rosenburg, William Pohl, Chas. Dah
letrom and J. S. Stelner. ,
Thomas McCann, who is now enroute
' for Alaska on the bark Harry Morse,
as machinist for the Columbia River
Packers' Association, has already put
in two seasons In the North at other
points. He began his trade in the
Columbia Iron Works and by close at-
itention to the detailB of the business
rose rapidly in the esteem and confi
dence of his employers. He now at a
rather young age has a fine position
and his townsmen are pleased at his
success. Mr. McCann will be absent
j for five monthB.
W. F. Halderman of Warrenton
carried off three silver cups as special
prizes awarded to Clatsop Beauty, his
handsome pointer. One of them was
presented by the East Oregon i an of
Pendleton for the best pointer bitch;
one by Peaslee Bros., for the bes poin
ter bred"' in Oregon and one by the
Bank Cafe for best pointer In novice
class. Minnesota Joe, the pointer
0TE wil commence on Tuesday morning next to close out our $27,000 worth of merchandise, consisting as
V V follows: Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Lace Curtains, Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, Ladies' Muslin Underwear,
Ladies' Cotton and Wool Underwear, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Men's and Children's Underwear,' etc' Nothing
reserved at this Closing Out Sale. Sale doors open at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. Store for rent and fixtures for sale."
owned by Harry F. fcelgner of The
Dalles, had the yellow ribbon pinned
on his collar as the prise dog of the
show. This was no surprise to anyone
as both spectators and owner were con
fident Joe had no superiors.
Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar
racks, Wash., April 11 1903. f Sealed
proposals, In triplicate, will be receiv
ed here until 11 o'clock A. M., May &.
1S0S, tor erecting and painting one 75
foot Iron flagstaff at Fort Columbia,
Wash. Information furnished here. V
3. reserves the right to reject or accept
any or all proposals. Envelopes con
taining proposals should be marked:
'Proposals for erecting and painting
flagstaff at Fort Columbia, Wash." ad
dressed F; H. Hathaway. C Q. M.
(Continued from page J
This morning the body of one of the
burglars was discovered in a vacant
lot in the upper end of town. As the
bullet was tear his heart it was pre
sumed that lis companions had to drag
or drivs their dying comrade from the
bank to her hs was found. While
he was shabbily dressed on his body
was found a gold watch and $44 In
Wllloughby was shot In both legs and
It Is supposed that he fired the shot
that killed the burglar. Great excite
ment prevails In the town and a posse
has organised to pursue the burglars.
Hats Trimmed Free
Mrs. Ingleton Has just opened a fine
line of spring hats and flowers, with
waists, white1 aklrts and muslin under
wear. Pompadours and hair switches,
and all kinds of ladles and children's
furnshing goods at sale prices. Welch
block, Astoria, Ore.
Come and bring your friends to the
Tea and Apron Sale at the home of
Mrs. C. S. Brown, on Franklin Ave
nue, Tuesday afternoon and even
ing. Some very Interesting musical
selections will be rendered during the
Cheap Fuel.
Fir slabwood, stove legths, 12.50 per
cord. Boxwood $1.50 per large load.
Phone 2211 Black. Kelly, the trans
fer man.
I ofi'er for the next 30 days the follow
ing line of cigars at Portland prices:
Manara Banquet, Sancanns T. Ilya, El
Sidi'lo, El Telegraffo, El Symphonle, La
Sorrento, La Belle Creole, Rosa Al
Mayo, Owls, Exports, Chllds, Oremas,
Sailor Prlne, a union label cigar.
Royil Bengals, two packags of Dur
ham free with each 100.
Slanila Gems, 3 for 5 cents; Old Vir
ginia Cheroots, 3 for 5 cents; Porto
Rican cigars, 500 and 50 free.
Some bargains In Chewing and Smok
ing Tobacco. Don't forget the fact that
prices will be satisfactory.
Pipes and playing Cards, Cigar Hold
eis, Amber and Meerschaum.
Goods delivered to all parts of the
city free of charge.
Agent for the Portland Safe and
Lock Company. Safes sold for cash or
on the Installment plan. Call and se
amples and get prices.
515 Commercial Street
& honelMl and 2871-Two Stores
First-class Work
Fine Watches Sold
469 Bond Street
Newsy Items of Interest to the
4 Fair 8x.
Man's recreation is going "home, wo
man's In going sway,
There are now over TOO lady univer
sity graduates in Ireland,
In South America chrysanthemums
Iften measure 15 inches In circumfer
Some Japanese young girls when they
desire to look extremely captivating,
gild their Hps.
Mrs. Mary .Van Cooper, the original
of Dickens' Little Dorrlt, is still liv
ing at the age of M years.
What is more repuslve than a man or
woman with dirty teeth? Clean them
every day. You will feel better.
. ,
The timid girl does not tremble and
get pale because she is afraid, but she
If afraid because she trembles and
gets pale.
Some of our own sex when seen walk
Ink down the street have too much of
a mannish gait. Don't swing your
arms or take such long strides.
A Philadelphia girl has sued a hospit
al doctor at the rate of $332 a square
Inch for skin he removed from her to
graft on another patient.
Girls from Germany are now enticed
to go to South America, where flatter
ing tales aretold them concerning the
grand opportunities.
Charles H. Swift, third son of the
late Mr, Swift, Is blng sued by his wife
for a divorce. She charges that he re
peatedly Btruck here with his fist.
Have you planted your flower seeds
yet? Make an extra effort this year
and plant something new. Try and
have a bed of flowers different from the
other folks.
Mrs. Jacob Vanderbllt who obtained
a divorce from her husband In 1896 has
opened a store In Fifth Avenue, New
The father of twins has arrived at
the concl'isi n. a local paper says, that
the reason the doctor is called a
"stork" at ,'ertaln times Is on account
of the size of his bill.
The finest complexions In the world
are said to be in the Bermudns.This
is accounted for by the fact that the
inhabitants live almost entirely on on
ions. So murh for onions. ,
Quoen Alexandra has adopted high-'
necked gowns for theater wear, and a
cttblegr im from London says the smart
set la much exercised. Um, well, those
people need exercise.
The msn of of Mercer County, Pa.,
are trying hard to be arrested by the
Sheriff, who Is Miss Mary O. Lytel, a
beautiful young lady. She Is very suc
cessful In enforcing the law.
Should Queen Wllhelmlna remain
childless, there Is no Hollander of
birth who is entitled to enter the throne
The people would be ruled by a German
Prince, who Is next In succession.
Quite the dressiest of the hats which
are to be worn for all save dress oc
casions are those made of raffia, that
grass fiber which Is constantly adopt
ing Itself to some novel use.
Infanta Eulalie. the Princess from
Spain who created such a lot of ex
citement In America several years ago,
is trying to have the Popeannul her
marriage. She wants to marry
Mr. and Mrs. George Cunningham of
Gloucester City, N. Y., are the parents
of triplets, all boys. President Roose
velt sent a letter of congratulation to
the parents and three of his pictures
for the boys.
Out of the 150,000 children who a sur
geon at Leeds, England, has examined
as to their fitness for factory labor,
50,000 have been found to be rickety in
eonseqeuence of Improper feeding when
babies, ,
The Rev. Father Coffee of St. Louis
says that women should not be rele
gated to the kitchen and nursery as
their sphere, but, on the contrary, they
should take a part tn pubic affairs gen
erally. ,
Women prompters havt been tried
with success In Berlin theaters. It was
found that their voices were heard
much bettter across the stage than
those of men and less audible In the
Mrs. John Jacob Astor Is believed lo
own the most costly ring In America,
It was made In Purls and has three
large emeralds surrounded by de
mons. The ring Is valued at $10,000 by
Women have as yd not Invaded the
ranks of the city fir departments, still
not less than T women In the Vnlted
States rt retained In the same gen
eral class of "watchmen, policemen and
Dr. Lotta D. Swisher of Chicago
makes a plea for fewer children In fam
ilies who cannot afford to give them
the right kind of education. Too oft
en marriages occur that the offspring
suffers In quality.
Many women who da not talk much
are extremely popular because they
are good listeners. Do not alfc merely
for talk's sake. Have something to
say Read, observe and note the con
versation of bright people.
Mrs. King of Corpus Chrlstl Tex.,
owns more land than any other woman
In this country, perhaps In the world.
Her holdings are not less than 1.300,000
acres, located In the counties of Nueces.
Hidalgo, Starr and Cameron. Her late
husband, Captain King, was one of the
old-time rattle barons. Mrs. King has
about K.000 cattle gruslng on her broad
of Astoria, -at Astoria, in the State
of Oregon, at the close of business,
April 9, 1903.
Loans and discounts .. ..Tl .$.'4T.104.9S
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured S.W0.41
t'. 8. Bonds to secure clr-culallon-
13.500 00
Stocks, securities, eto 120,758 37
Other real estate owned .... (.000.00
Due from Nattonal Banks
(not res.'ive agents) 3.909. it
Due from State Banks and
Punkors C0.S21.1S
Due from approved reserve
agents 189,310.50
Internal-revenue stamps .... 104.41
Checks and other cash Items. 400.38
Notes of other National
Hanks -W W
Nickels nnd cents 93.1S
Lawful money reserve In
bank, vis:
Specie 139.WO.M
Redemption fund with If. 8.
treasurer (5 per cent of clr
culallon tti'.iX)
Total . $..783.93;. fit
Capital stock paid In $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 00.000.00
Ifiidlvldf-d profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid I.W92.1M
National Bank : notes out
standing 12.500.00
Individual depot t
Its subject to j
check '. $518,166.97
Demand certificates
of deposit 139.2Wi.73
Certified checks 289.00 r,7,?44.70
Total $783,937.84
Stats of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss:
I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
8. 8. GORDON, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before tne
this Uth day of April, 1903. .
C, R. THOMSON, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
O. C. Flave?,
W. F. McGregor,
Jacob Kainm, Directors.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises In the family
very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious, and healthful dessert, Tre
pared lo two minutes. No boiling I no
baking add boiling water and set to
tooL Flavors: Lemon, O rati go. Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Oat a package
at your grocer to-day. lo ctr.
TacherV Instituc
- Thu annual Clatsop county teachers'
Institute will be held May (, 7, and at
Astoria. The day sessions In the high
school building, evening sessions at the
Mothodlst church. All teacher of this
county will be In attendance prompt
ly. The nublla cordially invited to at
tend day and evening meeting.
II. S. Lyman, School Supt.
The Boston
Best soil Nestest Eatinj House la Astoria
Try Onr 2 5-Cent Dinners
! Prompt Attention
GciHjrnl llhtcksmithitig, IJtmt ami Cannery Work.
ik-c n for High Um Work. Simp Crmr of FiN
teoiith ami Dunne Stim-tn, noiir St. Mitry's IWpitul.
IMione 2.WI.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of nil kinds at lowvst rat, for fisheriM'!!,
Fanners and Loggers.
As V ALLEN Tenth nnd Crnntnerchl Streets
Bottled or in Kegs
Free City Delivery
II North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria
W ar prepared to make Ihem on.
short notice and of th best materials,
Lt us five you estimates on any kind
of castings or pattern work. Lowest
prices for first-class work.
L. B. BBMO, Lmm and Manager.
An vnt ot much Importance! The
groat Tolstoi play; , ;,'
Now pUylng to crowded bouse In
New York. London, Pari and llrrlln.
Kxcltlng the curiosity of th entire
world. " -J'' : ,7 ' t ;
Management ot AIDKtf BKNBDICT.
Produced with M?ell scenery for v
ery act and a rast of extraordinary
Prices Itescrved seal, $1; gallery,
60c. Advance sal of seats open Wed
nesday nuirnlng at Griffin's book store.
Nil!. Class Chef j
Scow Bay Iron 0
Brass Works
I'M. IMh auil FisnkMu
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