The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 16, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Absolutely: PuraT
Today's Weather-Oregon. Washing
ton and Northern Idaho Fair.
Interview Trullinger Hardesty. 4JS
Commercial street, about your electrtc
' ai work.
Another shipment of those dainty
ad appetising, cheese straw just In at
Johnson Bros. -
A complete set of ping pons given
with six packages of Malt Breakfast
Food by Johnson Bros.
The trial of P. J. Lynch and Theo
dore Tobiason. charged with kidnaping
wilt begin In the Circuit Court this
morning.' v
The ship C. F. Sargent will finish
her cargo today at the can factory and
will start on her trip to Brltol Bay
on Saturday. ''
X """""""
Svensen's book store sells all the
latest msjraslnes. stationery, school
supplies, musical instruments, novel
ties, pictures,' etc., etc.
Captain Jack Reid has brought down
a logging outfit from the John Day for
Norris Staples and will take it up to
Tucker Creek, where a new camp will
be started. .
Roslyn coal lasts longer, is cleaner
and makes less trouble with stoves
and chimney Cues than any other coal
on the market. George W. Sanborn,
agent. Telephone 1311.
Art rugs? Carpets? Fancy rockers?
Iron beds? Go-carts? Stoves? Ran
ges? pictures? Frames? Anything
In the house furnishing or .decorating
line? See H. H. Zapf.
Don't forget that tonight at Fishers'
opera house Braty Bros." moving pic
ture show and illsutrated songs will be
on exhibition. Reserved seats are now
selling at Griffin's Book Store.
County Clerk Clinton yesterday is
sued marriage licenes to Frank Beh
nke of . Pacific County and Lottie Scn
wegler of Clatsop County and to An
drew Wilson and Esther Schwegier,
both of this county. .
The W. C. T. U. will hold a regular
meeting this afternoon In the room on
Bond Street at the usual hour. It is
urged by the officers that there be
rood attendance as busines sof Import
ance will be transacted.
" Plumbing out of Joint? Need some
tlnwork? Ring up No. 1031 for John
A. Montgomery, 423 Bond street, who
WW promptly attend your wants with
the latest sanitary plumbing fixtures
and most skilful workmanship. Tin
nlng. gasfitting and heating.
The telephone boxes to be used by the
residents of the new Lewis and Clark
line are on hand and the work of put-
tins- them In will begin today. Trul
linger and Hardesty are to put on the
finishing tpuchos and the line Is ex
pected to bo la. pperatlon, by the latter
part of this week. It Is expjected that
the wire will be kept pretty hot until
the novelty wears off.
Beaty Bros are the gentlemen that
gave the first moving picture show ev
er given in Colorado, New Mexico, Ari
zona, California, Oregon, Washington,
Montana, North Dakota, Idaho, and
dan. These gentlemen have visited
every state and Canada and Mexico
It is an acknowledged fact that Beaty
Bros, have the only six picture ma
chine on earth with Diamond project
ing lens, which they had made to or
der July 1902 by Thos. H. Edison.
These machines have six sprockets
which do away with all that quiver.
Beaty Bros, have all their pictures
mad to order and a majority colored.
They carry the latest at any and all
times, both in moving pictures and il
lustrated songs. Beaty Bros, are cer
tainly among the most successful show
men on the road as they rent all opera
houses outright. This show Is hot to
be classed with the cheap shows of
wmicb we have had so many. - Beaty
Bros, play all cities on a guarantee
that they give entire, satisfaction or
money'refunded by manager of the op
era bouse. Fishers' opera house, April
11 Admission 35c and 50c. ; ", ?
Lyman Way has been released on 1200
ball that amount being approved yes
terday by the Circuit Court. J. P.
Flnley and William Frasler of Port-
Ian 1 are sureties tor the amount. Way
Is to b tried for stealing two nets and
hi trial will com off In the June term
of court. :
A number of young men in the city
contemplate organising a boarding
club. The plan is to rent a suitable
building with sleeping, dining and so
cial rooms and engage a steward to
car for it thus providing larger prlv
tlgese than boarding houses afford with
no greater cost.
The Colotvd Masons of Washington
and Oregon have organised the first
Grand Lodge of the order on the Coast.
It embraces the six lodges in the two
states five In Washington cities and
one at Portland. The meeting at which
this action was accomplished terminat
ed Tuesday In Seattle after two days'
DENT'S DAT. MAT It On President's
day. May 2L the A. A C. R. R. will
sell round trip excursion tickets from
Astoria to Portland an d return at S3
for the round trip, good to return May
The bark Harry Morse finished! tak
ing on the outfit of the Columbia River
Packers' Association yesterday and
with her large crew on board was tak
en down to the lower harbor by the
tug Wallula. As her sails are not yet
in position she will probably not get
to sea before this evening or tomorrow
for the voyage to Nushagak, ,
The American demand for English
coal is again in evidence, and many
large vessels are being loaded and
started for our country as rapidly as
possible. The demand for the cele
brated Host eater's Stomach Bitters Is
also largely increased, because more
people are learning of its wonderful
curative powers in cases of stomach,
liver, kidney and bowel disorders, and
having tried one bottle they are be
ins convinced of Us value, and won't
nscept anything else in Its place. This
will be your experience, too, If you
will only give It a trial. It will build
up the run down system in the spring,
overcome that tired, depressed feeling,
purify the blood and cure loss of ap
petite, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipa
tion, biliousness, and la grippe. Don't
fail to try It.
Cheap Fuel.
Fir slabwood, stove legths, J2.60 per
cord. Boxwood $1.50 per large load.
Phone S211 Black. Kelly, the trans
fer man. ,
., Hats Trimmed Free
Mrs. Ingleton has Just opened a fine
line of spring hats and flowers, with
waists, white skirts and muslin under
wear. Pompadours and hair switches,
and all kinds of ladles and children's
furnshing goods at sale prices. Welch
block, Astoria, Ore. . ' -f
Teachers' Institue
The annual Clatsop county teachers'
Institute will be held May 6, 7, and 8 at
Astoria. The day sessions in the high
school building, evening sessions at the
Methodist church. Ail teachers of this
county will be in attendance prompt
ly. ' The nubile cordially invited to at
tend day and evening meetings.
H. S. Lyman, School Supt.
Now Open.
After being handsomely remodeled,
refurnished and enlarged, the famous
Toke Point Oyster house is again open
to the public. The celebrated Toke point
oysters and all other delicacies will
be served In our superior style at all
Private rooms.
Boat for Sale.
Fishboat and web for sale by Oeo.
Eleo, administrator, No. 417 Bond
Competent colored man desires po
sition. First-class, all-around cook for
hotel, restaurant or camp. Strictly
sober and neat. H. Davis Parker
House, Astoria, Ore.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
All druggists refund th money If It
fall to cure. E. W. drove's signa
ture 1 on each box. !5c.
Pears' soap is dried a
whole year. That's why it
lasts so. It wears as thin
as a wafer.
8oU all over the world.
Subscribe for The Morning Astorian
It is full of news, and worth the price.
ta -our school Instruction la gtvea ta
wording, eapttaltalng, punctuating, para
graphing, o. AU our teaching Is practi
cal; th education w gtv la mable. A
sun with US pays-th sac of ear
gradual, buatnaa nan and wessm,
and as bookkeepers and stenograph!;
prove this. Opa all th year; students
admitted at any tin.: catatonia tree.
Mrs. George Colwell entertained 0
ladles at an afternoon card party yes
Deputy Fish Commissioner Link Bur
ton of Washington was In the city yes
terday. Miss Lila Sutherland returned home
last evening from an extended visit
In Idaho.
Albert Dunbar returned yesterday
from Portland, where he had spent a
few days.
Peter Grant and Lawrence Sullivan
are here, having arrived last night
from Portland.'
Alfred Schroder is on a trip to Tllla
mook County In the Interest of his firm
Ross, Hlggins 4 Co.
Deputy Fish Warden Webster went
up to Mayger last night on business
relative to his office.
Mr", and Mr. J. T. N. Calloway
will go up to Portland this morning to
spend a day In the city.
' Mrs. C. W. White and sister Miss M.
Leona Townsend were here from their
home in Warrenton yesterday.
Mrs. T. S. Trullinger and little son
John Paul are spending the week with
Mrs. W. G. Howell at Mount Tabor.
Miss Annie Peterson, who has been
at St. Mary's Hospital for several
weeks with lung trouble, is convales
cent. Lou Wilson was In from the 'Lewis
and Clark yesterday,' His daughter
Myrtle Is suffering from acute nerv
ous disease and shows little Improve
ment In her condition.
Contractor C. G. Palmberg went to
Portland . last nlghft Today he will
be in Vancouver at the opening of the
bids for the proposed clearing to be
done at Fort Stevens. There are three
bids in from local contractors.
N. P. Lind, who has been employed
as coach painter for the A. & C. R. R.
for the past four years .has resigned
his position and today he will go to
Portland, where he resides. The posi
tion at Warrenton has been taken by
J. B. Keates of Taeoma. Mr. Keates
has been employed by the Northern Pa
cific for 20 years and Is thoroughly ef
ficient in his business. Mr. Llnd will
go to work for the City and Suburban
Company of Portland.
FOft 30 DAYS
I ofiVr for the next 30 days the follow
ing lino of cigars at Portland prices:
Manara Banquet, Sancanas T. Hya, El
Sidelo, El Telegraffo, El Symphonle, La
Sorrento, . La Belle Creole, Iiosa Al
Mayo, Owls, Exports, Childs, Oremas,
Sailor .Prine, a union label cigar.
fioy-U Bengals, two packags of Dur
ham free with each 100.
Manila Gems, 3 for S' cents; Old Vir
ginia Cheroots, J for E cents; Porto
Rican cigars, 600 and SO free..
Some bargains in Chewing and Smok
ing Tobacco. Don't forget the fact that
Trices will be satisfactory.
Pipes and Playing Cards, Cigar Hold
ers, Amber and Meerschaum.
Goods delivered to all parts of the
city free of charge.
Agent for the Portland Safe and
Lock Company. , Safe sold for cash or
on the Installment phvn. Call and see
ample and get prices.
5I5 Commercial Street
& hone&51 and 287 1 Two Stores
Moving Picture Business
Present 60,000 latest colored Moving
Pictures, guaranteed not to quiver or
Jack and the Bean Stalk, In 10 beau
tiful scenes; Th Jolly Old Maid From
New York; Mis Maud Allen the Fly
ing Lady, and many others. Also the
latest illustrated song sung by
Prof. A. W. HAD LEY
, America' Greatest Bar
itone, assisted by
Pon't fail to see Beatty Brother at
Fishers' Opera House, Admission 26
and SO cent. Ticket on sale at Grif
fin' Book Store. J
(Continued from page 1
tlm of the mob, and later tonight hun
dreds again assembled and rioted
through the negro section of th city,
burning house and stoning negrVs,
and finally drovt every negro from the
confine of Joplln. The polk- wer
Aormons Name
Kansas City, April 15. The annual
conference of the church of th re
organised Church of the letter Day
Saints assigned the 13 apostles to flilds
as follows:
F. M. Shehy and W. W, Greene,
Eastern states Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick; Hertmui C. Smnth. Indl
ana. Illinois, MMilinn and Wlscoi',
sin; F. M. Smith. Iowa, Mlnnestos,
Nebraska and North and South Da
kota; W. H. Kelley. Rocky Mountain
division; Joseph Luff, Colorado, Ne
vada and Ariaona; C. F. Griffiths, Or
egon, Washington and British Colum
bia; J. W. Whit?. Missouri, Kansas
and Indian Territory; John W. Flush
ton, British Isles; Peter Anderson,
Scandinavia; J. W. Wright and C. H.
Itutterworth, Australasia, Besides
these nearly 400 ministers were ap
pointed to other places throughout th
United State and many foreign coun
tries. The church number about
K0.000 and la scattered very widely
throughout the world.
The conference reaffirmed Its con
demnation of polygamy, declaring that
the bonk of Mormon forbids the prac
tice. The conference adjourned to
meet next year at Klrtlond, Ohio.
Chicago. April 15. A dispatch to the
P.ecord-Herald from Washington says:
Officials of the Department of Ag
riculture, famllar with the food test
being conducted by Dr. Wiley, say the
pink complexion taken on by the young
men who are the subjects of experi
ments ire not due to chemicals In the
food, but to the complete elimination
of all impurities from the blood brought
out by eating pure food alone. No
drugs have been mixed with the food
for the !ast few weeks in order that
Dr. Wiley might observe the contrast
in the effect of the pure food and that
adulterated with borax and other chem
icals. Up to date, it is said, the rhcmlcnls
have been shown to be absolutely harm
less and In several cases they have
been found beneficial. The subjects
only eat at stated times with the great
est regularity as to amount, drink noth
Ing alcoholic and smoke only with the
greatest moderation.
Base Ball Scores.
Natl league
At Portland Portland 1, Spokane 4.
At Seattle Seattle 1. Taeoma 7.
At San Francisco Butte, 8; San Fran
Cisco, 3.
At Los Angeles Los Angeles ,1; Hel
ena 0.
At San Francisco Oakland, 5; Port
land 2.
At Sacramento Sacramento, 16; Beat
tie 2.
At Los Angeles San Francisco, 2;
Los Angeles, 1.
WashlnRton, April 15. The wedding
ot Miss Kdith Nw!amls daughter of
Senator Nowltniis of Nevada, to Chas.
,L. JohnHton of MaSHai'hun tts, which
occurred here yesterday at Woodley
was followed toduy by the announce
ment of the engagement of Senator
Newland's second daiiRliter, Miss Je
ainU, to the groom's brother Dr. Wm.
ADllM rnrVre aaj
virvnni vwrraVK
In comparing Grain) and coffee
remember that wbtle the taste is
the tame Grain-0 gives health and
' strength while coffee shatter the
nervous system and breeds disease
of the digestive organs. Thinking
people prefer Grain-0 and it ben
efit!. TRY IT TO-DAY.
Atgroeatt trtrywhtr. ; Ite. and toe. per package,
First -C1aH Work
Fine Wattin g Sold
469 Bond Street
Neatly nrln'ed stationery I a delight
to the artistic eye. The Astorian Job
Printing department dot that kind of
Ancient and Modern Ideas on the Subject.
' Time and Disease the Effacing Agents
of Beauty. What Has Science Done
. to Restore the Lily and the Rose?
Soerttea called beauty a hort -lived tyr.
assy, Plato a privilege et nature, Tti'rliu.
a delightful prejudice, Tiixliruatu
tllwt ehesL CbmiI illtry klnr1""'
lluiutr a !ontu (I ft ol nnlum, Uvtd t.mir
of lh gwU. Ariirtull. afflmctl beauty
, wss better than all the KWr uf rutfoomivu
, dauoa la th world, and yet ttuu f Uiom)
dltflsguUlnd autnorlUos bat kilt ervu a
alnl of how beauty I lo t prtutel, or
IhtraTaraof uv.udiUvaMdill. Tim.
mo bh)Bus lbs Illy ml Ui ru Into Ui.
pallor of ag, dlteu dot th Ulr fsc with
eutoMou dutgunuoi snd erlan Uio
Roataa no wits intlghuy auaaet, moth, If
oi nut, eorruvu th glory of .r. tcclh,
and Hp yet beautiful by defacing h com.
pkxlOB, sad all lb watltiT soul with
agoay aupsakabl.
If .or, b th snoappr condition of on
afflletod with sllfhl ski blealthes, what
must b. th fMttnjra of thot In wham tortur.
tag tumor bar for year, ru riot, covering
la ski with seal sad mm sod sharg lag,
tb blood wtlh poltotMMU .LdmuU to bteom
a part of las .yttoa unul dthf II Is vala
to antapt to porfor sue Mgerlag. Death
is assay adshl be eoldtrd a bits.
lag. Tb blood awl tuld to b Int.
prsgnatod wtlh lery olontool watch, wb.a
discharged throng h th. porat vuoa lh tor.
fM of th body, InOwMt and burns unul, ta
hi. tforti for rtlltf, to loan lh
ski with hit nail., nd not unul Iho blood
tow dost iufflcltal rwllaf eotM to hum aim
to desist. '
Thus do eoaplaxlOBsl d.ftctt )rg Into
torturing dlMM, and piqued vanity glr
place lo rani luf ring. A llttl. wart a lb
boss or elMtk grow, to 4h ail dtTOorlng
lupus, patch of totter lh palm et th
hand or oa lh Itsab radtltnly lh
body i lb lery taibrsee, a bruit o th
leg xpantU Into gnawing ulcer, which
leacaot out lit fangt to th tuBmr't boart
la amy paroijitu of pain, a .null karoo I
la th Bck aulUpll. Into doton, whk-h
at away lh vitality, great pearl Ilk. tralet
grow from Utile raaa-ltk IntammaUont la
luca sbusdaac at to paateradulliy ; Sad to
oa may w. depict lh. tnCrlnst to which
poor human aatur Is tubjsci, all of whkh
latolv great mnlal diatrttt bocaua of par
tonal dlatguraliont.
If ttr war not toolbar tittrnal dlaesa.
knows, cs.m aion would b .undent
lulllcUon on mtnkls4. ' II ptrtadat all
elattea, sod dstotadt Iniparually Ihronjih
goneraUoot. Wall torn tr coiuuntlr
.ar.loped IB it, olhert bar. It eondued lo
mall patehe la lh. twra, on the tcatp, on
lh braaO, 0 lh. palm, of th hand, on
lh limb, clo.. but crerTwhrro It. iIi-IIik-.
Ur foalur. I mall walvrjr blUtcr, ttln li
illMharK'anarrltl fliilil, ronaliiir Ural, lu
tamoiaUon, ami InU'ii.o lurhin lilni(.
worm, letter, tcallvd hnail, itamtniit. Monj
lo this raljran'l Ik hlng onlvrot ili-,'..
lorta.U, our UHHtern l. ri.., mm n
mwUirK.r iwarl tralc, .UuU'l uti a i i lncil
bae, whkh blt'Cl. un,n the icunn;il if Uw
trale, llo tw, -t and itvotdi'd,ii.uf ll.
IinK'llKu, liatlr'. Itrh, ory.lpil.,, mi l a
ror o( minor itliorlcr mala lijj In paM
the eanloKue of cUrnl ili' i-. i t iho
kin. Thu. far w hive ma le u tlHiUm
lo lhoo ttiSlrtlon nhlch n.a t'-uulitiaOy
Impurllloa of Iho IiImhI, i. : .AhI.Iuk ot (he
8 land ot the throat, nicer nn th't mvk and
mba, liiniors, atm-va.!', and nicn-uttni mi.
tun, wl h ! of li.ilr, lx r.n Hie linle
ll.t ran U couiprvhrudid In th one uid
It lain llielKUniciu ol lirtii'Uif . c!-ll.-:ir
Ing humor and ailct-tiutia of thr.kio. a nip,
and bhHnl, with !" ol luilr, llwl tir l utloma
remedlr. hiivu ai-hlcvtil lliulr $rtawt aoe
oca. Ortuuml In i'omon.liion. artro,iii.-iillv
compounded, altatdiitcl- pure, uorliaittiil,ii
lo Uio moat di'llmiR itnd Mm.tlLe, ito-y pn
tent t )oiiiik and old the irn.-l ii. i c.-ritl
euratlre. o( nHxIrrn lliiua. Thla will iw
eonatdereel atroni; lanKuiio y tho.
qimlnlod ttllhtliecluArNi-lernnrl ii.i.o. (.f
blood and .till bumora, lull It U lilHU.l I..
Innumerable. iitreiwfawlo-re all the n-ine hi
and method In Tugnc haio fatk-d It i-uie,
tint. In nmny raaea, to rrlH'Ve, e- ei.
ThcCiilli'UvaTn'utinei.t la at vm-o Biticr.
aMe, .peedv, ocnnomti'.tl, HUd roiiifiri-hi'it.
tlie. I'lillic the altiTted pait lie. iy mth hot
W:iter and f iutlrurii aoiip, to eti iiioe fie
fin-o ol eruM. and ai-iil'., od -oiuwi tiiu
tliii kiihcl eulli lo. Drv wlttx ' i.u-l i I'no.
(jeneral niacksmitliing. Boat and Canniry Work.
Sne us or High Clas Work. Shop Cornnr of Fif
teenth itiul Dimno Street, near St. Mar'g Ilofpital.
IMionn U.VH.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
A V ALLaLBN Tenth d Commewjhil Streets
Bottled or In Je's
Free City Delivery
North Pacific Brewing
W. ar prepared to make them on
short notice and of th best material.
Let us gtv you estimates on any kind
of castings or pattern work. Lowest
price for flrst-clas work. , ,
and apply Culleur tnlmnt to allay Uchlftg
IrrltatioM, tint' ludammaUon, and Math, sua
ho il, ami, 1411), Uke tutlcur, t
rod and cloaiw Ui Mood. Thlf Itaalm.Bl
allunl lii.Lii.t rulli f, portult and le
In Uio ttMcrvat furuia of (vin and olhw
iKllii;:, buitiln;, and aealy humttra, and
pultiia o a tuood.r, uorutuneul, aud m-uiionu.
'il eu;D of trturt:iii. ili.tlurlug humor.,
ivinuia, rtahea, and luiUuiiuuUoii, trout
Inf.iuc to a, hen til other rcwollvt tnd
lh Hurt ph) alelam fall, Th n lumlle. cou.
UluUnglh Cullrur aioi will repay atiruUuy of ' Uiclr rewarkabl
Cutlriiia Ap contain In a modlaod form
th. bmmUcIuiiI propcrtiet of CuUi-ur Olnl
Mtnl, Ui grval all euro and pureal and
twcelo t of tiuulllonU, eoaiblntd with Hi
iwwl delleaio aud rvfrealilug uf tower odor.
II port lo and turlaoniac III porrt of lh
kill, and Imparts trutlty to lh. oil lUadi
tad tutwt, Ihua rtumltblag ta outll for
wkolatow Bwltor, whkh, if rataltwd, would
taut pimple, bUcUKMut, rht, elly,
swthy tkla, tad vUter ecmplotonal dltftg.
tratloaa, is wU at tualp af aetioB. tadlrrt.
lalloaa, falling hair, aud baby nabtt, lit
gtnll aadoooUnnoua tcuo lh natural
lubricator of lh tkla kp ih latwr tras.
paianl, toft, Ooiibto, and baalthy. Iltnct IU
tonataBt , aaalatod by at otcaaloBal at of
CutlouraOtulmanl, raUat lh fab-tal e
pleilaa, tt oftol, whlttat baada, sad tb
moat luiurtont, glvtty hair within th dumala
of th. stoat adraarod MlaMIno knowrtdg to
Cuucur Olnlmanl It lh atott tnertaiful
.ttoraal ouraur. for tonurlug , dltngrlog
humortof Iht tkla and tnaln, lueludlng lost
f hair, la proof of whkh t alagl. tBotstlag
wilt n, sracaHimi bv t hot talh wlUi Cuttcur
Soap, tad followsd hi lh caaw hj
mil dot of futlrura, It tuiUclenl ,
to atonl ImmadiaM rvlltf la lb wl dta, :
mating form tof Ikhlng, burning, tad tftlr
humor, penult real aud ileep, and Dotal to
ipeadjoura whan all other rwitla fall. II
It Mptraltly to la lh. treatment ot Infant,
tad children, churning, toothing, tod htal.
Ing Dm moat dl.traa.iun of lutanule humor.
and proMrrlnf , puilfrtug, tud boauurjrtng
l)iHn, aealp.and hair, ,
CuUeura tilnlmeiil oaaee, tl th. asm I
Uma, lh charm of Mtlttyuig In tlmpk)
tin. of lh tutlHof all fix, I raring for
lb. tkln, acalp, nalr, and hand far mora
tlodnally, agrceaWy, an I eeonomlrallr lima
Die nwl expn! of bulct emulllei.l., a hi I.
freo from cr.ry Inaiedleni of ( doubtful or
diinaoroiuelMiat'l r. 1U "(Jne SulilTraaW
niCMi of llio llunds" or" sine le Tnatment
f Ihe ll ilr," or ui aller llili'lle.,f), in,,
a-ih, leuula, rl lttr, prrlhs, or anjr hiiI,
Mi hlniohiieriloii u'tli Uio uhi ol Cuuuta
ISot.n. la anntrlrnl eeldi-ili'e ot till.
(111 reuii die for tli putlileallun oflh
bhvid and t krrul.ilirts fluida, n'HiAapma. he
tu purl Jr. medic I in tienl ntieura Itnaoltent.
It lieu .!.;. -a and rcaoliv anay hem.
'IiimuhI tnoritl us, I lioMUd, and other
lu..iu.a ui Iho blind, win. h iio rta lo .well.
Ineaof ll.o (.In. "I.., xiiu. In Iho tooea, and
loilunna, dl-il.iili. .Miptluiia of Iho lin
and aealp, u lib lo vf hair.
I nlii'iirn Iti'a ilveul tvtend It. rxirlfjrtnf
liiiiiHiieeiijr menntiif Ilia laiuw lo the .url.iro
ol tlm Mn, n'lvrtiigifttiuiiiiH.iiirUMinoiOon,
I hunt, i Md bo'nuand aooilitiiR aud bent,
ttt,:. JlciR'U U a:i.,t.. In (ou tieititieiil of
d int( t'ti n a oi I '.i .kin, ar.ilp, .io
b!o i.I. ith Im a rf li'ilr. 'it-it l!l 1 1 Iw per.
m ine Hj i iin .t In el. . inl lonivlie. aloua.
Tim u iiu le.l I t ' l nit r,i lie of. I ui ui: a r' wlf a l.lhelr .i-ld'Wtil.
ili due to too p.'i'Mur it ii voiniiimid iiloii. of
ll.o , u 1 o l. iv iiae.1 t'latn, li l diilli iilt lo
le.lho t o fc Mlh of Uto bu.lnea
done li' dvr till., ii;i r.e. Kunii n ainnll lirln
nihi 111 I-m-..o'ii'. lollil, rtkido-t p.ejiellro
nndi'Ki ..t o i, u iln t in IiUmI IiO'Im, roniit'
b'a-r!v;i , nn 1 lin.M In'lllleiefH'i', t'lttli ura
ri'i.ied.i 11 eooie I le tii'iiii--teniailvaa
nt tiilr t i'M. t.ti 1, lo !, of nil iimo, for no.
wheic 111 l o !. -i.n v id M.rd i'Iiii' In to tai
Imiiid -tuolliei itiirvft hiiiit Uii'in III tKpiiUr
II) and -tie 11 ever.', i lt.mi llnd wth tftnry
i.op! llo-i hue iintriii the aituie recap
ion 1 fir e inl ii' ot In.' OHith nre the onljr
limit to tiictr.!.oth. Tttey htite i-omucrtd
Iho Moi .'I.
the p al of iiooulnr Juditment all thlnat
mimdnoe nrit itmlli tome. 'I'haolrlliioil
- . i h n ieuilumd Ita tenllet la favof of
Company, Asjoria i
H Cress Wcrts,,
Oor. 18th aid rrtaklla trei
ttfc,", ;arvitI-;-' amp
Nw Turk. April ll-Alrxaininr B.
Intte. for savarsj ynr ov.rer of
m. hard Crok.r' vital al Wantng.
Rngland, I In this elty .nrout for
9n PraneliKO, where he will have
I'imrg of th racing table of Colonel
.lame Ltaoelle, II say Mr, Crok
rr' rmrs mad a stak. for him last
tentoii that not many of the KngllsK
rachtg mn could qiml. 4 ,
nothfstwr. N. T., April 15.-?lil(
t'lnntre of lh. Tuavaroro Trib, whoa
rlvltlted name I EHss Jnhnaon, ha
tuiitx'dcd In dvfeatlng th movement
lo oust him, II ratd on lh fact that ,
he atarti'd the Kansas land claim
ttgnhut the Oovarnmenl, whkh result
ed 111 the distribution tit .000,00
among th Hl Nations. Th ballot
liHhl .11 to 17.
JKwkk Fall. N. Y., April U.-Th
following notice ha been posted In ev
ery dciartmrnt If lh Welter A. WoorJ
Mowing ft Reaping Machine Company
"dn and after April II. th price ef
all piece work In this department will
be Incrtatwd 10 per cent and all day
wur' lll be increased It cents pet
The InrreA I attributed to a great-
tr demand for labor In other place anrl
to general prosperity.
nf Astorin, at Astoria, In th State
of Oregon, at "the closai of buslneat,
Aprli , lt3.
I.imi) mid discount ..
tivi-rdnfls, aei'urrd and
I'. H. Iloiul to secure
n.m to
1M.TM n
1,000 w
HtiKka, siH'urltifs, ete
Other reiU rtnt owned ....
One from National lianka
(not rrarve agents)
I i from Hlute Itanks and
1'unkir .M.m.l
Due from approved reserve
K-nt 1KJ.310 M
ltit.rnul-iTViiiuo stamp .... 104,41
(,'hei'k mid other cash tlrms, 400,11
Notp of other , Natlomil
Iltinks , :0 .00
Niik'ls mid iftita ,
Uiwful niiniry nanrve In
bank, vis:
Speilr. lJD.tXlO.OO
liili-mi'lln fund with U. B.
trmstirer (9 lr cent of clr
iiilalliiii , ttS.IMr
Total ..7SS.37,f
i.iAini.rriKrt. '
Cr.llul stork paid In I 00.000.00
Klirplu fund (0,000.00
i'lullvl.l'.l iirottts, lr ,
.,'ti..' and tales mlil 13.482. M
Nuttonnl itiink note out- .
Sliili llng U.DOO.OO
IiiillvidUiil iIi'Ikw.
II sulijwt to
click ir.l.l.W;- f
Dctiiiind I'lrtlfliati1 i
tit il'Niit iS9.SKtt.T3
Certified i lierks l.00 tT.7.744.7t
Tut nl ; ..wa.ttiM
sttultt -t Or,'gtm. County of t'laiMip. s:
!. H. H. Onril'in, riifhlir of the above
niinif.l bnnk, do solemnly swear that
the nbiivi statement Is true to the tost
of my-knowledge and belief.
S, 8. (lnllDON, Cashier.
iula rlln d anil sworn to before an
this Uth iliiy of April, 1901
.. It. THOMHON. Notary Public,
Ccirri'd- Atli'St:
O. C. FIiivbI, ,
W. P. McOregnr.
Jiiiob Kainm, Director.
and all points enalTlnd south' are best
reached from Mlnnenpolls final
8t. Paul via
The Northwetcra Llinited
The peer of all trains between the
fin cities 1 th famou i
For Lowest Rate, IIimi of Train,,
etc., address
i Aldjr St., Portland, Or. ,
Gen. Pas. Agt, Bt Paul, Minn,
SarR, r.ll.M. a.h llrucrlat
I UKIt an ti.U a-.'.illo km, rnita
IliblaaHklM. 1ktt.a, Mat
War-Ba SballlHMa .at Iwltaa.
la.fc a77a.rDrall,arM4.ta
f S f aaUMl.m
tat "Hallaf Air l.adlw," . biiar, b ra.
i.- Ml. l, Saltb
lalM. ('klakwUr 'baail.l
m. ilaatoaa, .. t-HilX. VS.
v'"-i"-rfWi.iV 1fet,.'Met"S'-l-,.
; f -