0 ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL Hi, 1903 2. Horning Astorian Eit.bluM 1873. RATES) Sent by mail. per year.... ....Sti 00 tent by Mail, per mouth... 50c Served by carrier, per month ...... 60c SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by mail, per year. In advance 51 CO Th Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertiser the largvst circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. THE ASTORIAN PCBLISHIXQ CO.. ALREADY DIGGINO THE CANAL. To the outside public t least to a large part of It in this country it was no doubt something of a surprise to learn from Washington dispatches, says the New 'York Commercial, that the United States Government is already enpaed In digging the Panama Canal. This,, too before the Republic of Co lombia has taken any action in ratifi cation of the canal treaty already Igned by the Government of the Unit ed States.- The title to all the existing canal rights, properties and improvements is still vested in the Panama Canal Com pany, to which this Government has , promised to pay S40.000.000 for their transfer; but, when that tentative agreement was reached the construct ing company naturally wanted to quit - the work, as all money paid out for it from that date would be a dead loss to the company. So it was arranged through our Department of State and the company that this Government should pay for all the work done be- . tween the reaching of the agreement and the taking of formal possession. It is stated on good authority that the Panama Canal Company now em ploys on the Isthmus 160 civil engin eers, IS physicians and 1500 .foremen and laborers. For what they are do ing now these men will be paid by the United States. It Is estimated that the daily expense of construction is at least 15000. j So, In addition to the f 40.000,000 to be paid for the porperty, the United States already ewes the canal com , py for nearly two months' work at tTiOOO a day, and the bill will keep on increasing until Colombia ratifies the treaty and titles to the property pass, f 'Till te well enough if our Govern ment is getting what It pays for if, too, the work Is being done as cur own canal engineers would approve. Oth erwise, we are tied up to a pretty sharp bargain, H would appear. And the Colombian Government can , keep us tied there Indefinitely, If it sees fit to 7 delay ratification of the treaty. The sub-committee of the Isthmian Canal Commission that sails from New York for Colon is to investigate the affair from the time the United States assumed responsibility for construction and will ascertain the exact cost both for work done and to be done. , It is sincerely to be hoped that the Republic of Colombia will put an end speedily to the existing arrangement by ratifying the treaty. Otherwise the canal company may build It In its en tirety, with the United States paying nU the bills. CLEAN OUT! A man's mouth is supposed to belong to himself, and he often resents ad vice or instruction, to what he shall put Into it. say from it. or how he shall MA1IMD mtmmmwH Maltboid Roofing. Fire resisting. Will thoroughly protect all buildings covered, with it. - A better roof ing for less cost than any 'other roofing made. Quickly laid and lasts for years. tni far booklet. The Paraffine Paint Co. Saa frindKe, St.ilk, Portland, Lot Angtlct and Denver, Coloridi car for It. Some men take great pride In showing a handsome act of teeth. teeth of unusual whiteness, or con talning un unusual display of gold tredemark of the dentist. Others modestly hide their mouths with the largest possible mustaches. Still oth ers, and there are far too many of them open up to view a, mouth full of what nature Intended to be white teeth, but what have become by lack of car and cleanliness only mosa-grown relics. How any man can close his Hps over teeth covered with a, growth of fungus thriving In the soil of a thousand menls Is a marvel of disgust which is almost too shocking to mention, but it is a not unjommon sight. That such a mouth la a disease oreeoer is un- questfoanble. ' " Not less condenmable Is the neglect whiih illows a child to grow up to young man or womanhood without learning the advisability of caring for the teeth. A boy or girl whose dis colored and uncleanly teeth have never known the use of a brush is at dis advantage In society and business as well as In health, and the failure of parents to attend to such matters Is little short of a crime. dollar's worth of dentistry would set the matter right for either the child or the man. and a moment's daily care would prevent such a condition arising again. It is safe to say that many a man. If he saw his teeth once really clean, would not return to the former condition for 50 times the den tist's fee. PACKER SWIFTS MAXIMS. The buslnss maxims of Gustavus Franklin Swift, head of the great pack ing firm of Swift & Co.. Chicago, show something of the methods which con tributed to his success. Here are some of them: "You can never make a big succes working for somebody else. No man, however rich, has enough money to waste In putting on style. The richer a man gets the more careful he should he to keep bis head level. The man that doesn't know his business from the top clear down to the bottom Isn't amy kind of a. business man. Business, religion and pleasure of the right kind should be the only things in life for any man. A big bead and a big bank account were never found together to the credit of any man and never will be. No young man Is rich enough to smoke 25-cnt cigars. Every time a man loses his temper he loses his bead, and whin he loses his head he loses several cbaaces. Next to knowing your own business it's a mighty good thing to know as much about your neigh bor's as possible especially if he's in the same line. The man with the big gest title and salary should be tbe bigest man in the firm. The best a man ever did shouldn't be his stand ard for the rest of his life. The suc cessful man of today worked .mighty hard for what he got; the successful man jf tomorrow will have to work mighty bard to get it away. Bridge Proposals Notice is hereby given that plans, specifications, strain diagrams and bids will lie received by the count court of Clatsop county, state of Oregon, until 3 p. m., Tuesday, May 5th, 1M3, for tbe building, construction and erection of a diawbridge icroBg the Lewis and Clark river in ClatHoy county, Oregon according to such plans, specifications and diagram. Location of bridge is shown on maps new on file In the county clerk's office as approved by the Hon. Secretary of war. I'ridge to be a steel (twinging draw brldqeavith a clear space of "9 feet on each side of the dra rest. As. Is al so directed by the Hon. secretary of war. Approavnes to be t.ie trestle with a 1V foot clear road or driveway. Bidders shall attach to their bid a certified check -equal to 10 percent of the same .iml check made payable to the order of the county clerk or may deposit the amount in cash at time of filing bis or their bid. Said check or canto to be forfeited to the county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, if after an award is made or bid is ac cepted said bidder fails or refuses for a period Of two days to enter into con tract and file a bond as may be re quired by the county court aforesaid. , Payments for said bridge to be made by warrants drawn en a special fund Created by tbe county court of Clat sop county, Oregon, at their regular term in January, 1903, same being a levy of 1 1-2 mills on the dollar for a term of four years. Bids to be sealed and marked "Proposals for Draw Bridge across the Lewis and Clark River," and filed in the office of the county clerk. The county court, however, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the County Court ' J. C. Clinton, Clerk. CRUSHES THE LIFE The most .loathsome and repulsive living tuinirs is the seroeot. and th vile: most aegnuiin? of all human diseases is Contari.w MnA PnU.. serpent sinks its fangs into the flesh and almost instantly the poison passes thrnb. the entire body." Contagious Blood Poison. besmoinr with alrttlo --- - vwM.lnaa cm; ump 01 piooa ana spreatis throughout toe "VS,tem'i '"'S1 r,,iBs "PI" in th ni rh nd cotper colored splotches, break out on the body, the mouth and throat become ulcerated, and the hair and eye brows fall out ; but these vtuptomt are mild compared to the wretchedness and iufferinjr that come in the latter nUjtes of the disease when it attacks the bones and more vital parts o! the Jv 4i. a contagious fiTu P etlB&' abscesses wUU.c. lCra is corrupted ana poisoned, and unless relief comes soon this serpent disease tightens its cotls and crushes out the life. The only ant Hint tnr 1 ..r..t .... . a c . . . . . - ' irus 1S0.0. posed entirely awiui taint to Stronsr mineral dry tip the sores and drive in the disease, but do not cure permanently. Send for oar home treatment book and write us if in need of medical advice or special information. This will cost you nothing. t THE SWIFT SPCCFJC CO., ATLANTA, CM. HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel PORTLAND, - Steamer SUE The LargaaL StannchesL Steadiest, and most seaworthy ever 0a the rant. Beat of Table W1U make round trips Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.BO Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. and the Astoria ft Columbia R. R. or Portland, 8a Franotaoo points Bast. For freight and passenger rate apply to Samuel Elmore & Co. Ueneral Agents Astoria, Or. ar to lA. C. R. R. Co. B. C LAMB. Tillamook, Or. Portland, Or. PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co.,Agts. AS - Is Represented at Home and Abroad by the DAILY HORNING ASTORIAN A lire, clean family paper. Price CO cents per month by carrier or $6 per year by mail. The only paper in Astoria having Associated Press Telegraphic News, SEHI-ViEEHlY ASTORIAN Published on Tuesdays and Fridays, It gives all the local, county and telegrapic news and it costs only . : 1 R Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years SAMUEL' ELMOPvE fc OUT uioou Poison is seen in all its hideous. and sickening ulcers and tumors show a is Mtws ftsMfy, com. of vegetable ingredients. S. S. S. fs 11 I destroys every vestige of the poison, purines the blood and removes all danger of transmitting the otners. Nothing else will do this, remedies, like meirurr and nntash in the Northwest - OREQON H. ELK10RE and Stat Room Acoomroeda- every five days between. and U O. R. It N. Co. Portland. Or. TELEPHONE MIN 661 TORI A YEAR OF SHAREHOLDERS CO., Agents. Astoria, Ore. C, W. B&rr Dentist Mantel! Building. &7J Commercial street," Astoria, Ore. ' TKXEPHONR RED SMI. Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON. Office Over Griffin's Book Store. OSTE O PATHY DR. RH0DA CHICKS Mfttisell Hldg. Plume Black S0M 57S Commercial It Astoria Ore. Dr. T. L. Ball V DENT' ST 824 CommervUl street, Astoria Ore. Columbia OYSTER HOUSE Is Now Handling the Celebrated Eastern Oyatcra For Wholesale and Retail Trade, Also Bho.l.vtr Bay Oysters FRESH EVERY DAY 105-107 TWELFTH STREET. Nick Kazeppl, Prop. Andrew Asp. Wifti laker. Ilartailk ii4 fermietf rtHST-CLASfl WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. 8pelal Attention Given to Ship art Steamboat Repatrlnf.Qeoeral Black smithing, First-CUia Hire Shoelaf, CORNER TWELFTH AND DO AN! PRAEL & COOK rtUNdFEU COMPANY. Telephone ttL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our oaf Will receive special attention. No Ul DtiaiM St W. J. COOK. Mgr. RELIANQH Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates ana executing orders for alt kinds af electrical Instilling and Repairing Supplies In stock. We lt the celebrated BHELBT LAMP. Call up Phone lift H. W. CYRUS, - Mar Central Meat Market 643 COMMERCIAL ST. Tenr orden for mt.u. kola FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and tatl.fat'Uirlly ill. iiard to 3. W, MORTON, Pre. Telepoone Vo; sjl. C. J. Trenchard Insurance, Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells, Fargo snd Pacific Express Companies. Customs House Broker. MORE) RIOTS. Disturbances of strikers are not near ly as grave as an Individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep. nervous tension will be followed by ut ter collapse unless a reliable remedy I Immediately employed. There's noth Ing so efficient to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's wonderful tonic and effective nerv In and the greatest all around medl cine for run down systems. It dlxpels nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia and expels malarial germs. Only SOc and satlnfactlon guaranteed by Cha.. Rogers, druggist. Helping piles? Never mind If phyl- clans have fulled to cure you. Try Doan's Ointment. No failure there. 50c per bottle. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA . RIVER RAILROAD. LEAVB VORTI.ASW ARRIVE J 00 m Portland Union ).nnt 11 10 a m 7 0U p m For A.torla aud War to d n Point " A8TOB1A 7 4ft a RiFTortuind aliTsoTsi (lOpui Point. Iwsopn) tlKAtlCg DIVIHIOW 15. m I A.toria tor WaTrentoo. '1 7 to a m 11 m a ml Fl.vel, Fort Ha'Trm, 4 'XI a Z i 60 P '" I Hammond and Astoria 10 46 a m 6 It a m I SwmMo for W.WnUfn.Trw b5 no m fl.f.1, Hammond, for! f Si I jJ-P-mI Jijeve1'. and. AnUirla I 26 j n Sunday only. All train mak close eonneotlona ait Qoble with all Northern Paclflo trains to and from th East and Bound points. J. C; MAYO, ; CWO'l Freight gnd Paa. Agent LIST THEM TELL IT, The Public tnterwwes of Astoria CHI. stni Are What Count. Put llolty la What the Po j Iile Want. . Let thenr tell It, Let the ;ubllo uttesk on the subjwt. It means better understanding. Means less misery In Astoria. Means confidence In a, good thing. Easier to believe your neighbor than stmngvrs In a fr away town. Kidney disorders urinary dleordi-rs, Are on (he decrease here. Doan'a kidney pills are relieving btu'kache and ourlng oltlsens. It Is their (tally work. Herd's case tit point: tleorge Rutter who Is employed with the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company, and resides at 291 Second street, Portland, says: "I hud mow or Irs. trouble with my kidneys for a year or more. My back bothered me with ote Irritating pain, Lvnn's Kidney Pills were recommended to me and I got a box, I commenced to use them aa directed and to my surprlee when I had taken about half the box the pain left my. bach. Every kidney nunVrer ahould know about Dosn't kid ney llla.H t Plenty nor proof Ilk this In Astoria people. Call at the drug store of H Roger and task w hat his customers re port. For sale by all dealer. Price Wo a bog. Foster-Mllburn Co., Bur fato, N. Y.. sole agent. Remember the naiiitPoan -nd take no other. ... i- V ;- Proposal for beef and mutton: Of-(L-e Chief Commissary, Vancouver Bar- racks, Wash., April I, IM, Sealed proposal for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months beginning July I, 1901 will be received her and at offlcea of commissaries at Fort Stevens, Oregon; Boise Barracks, Idaho; Forts Casey? Oanby, Flagler, Walla Walla. Wrhcht, Worden, Lawton and Vancouver ttarracka, Wash., until 11 a. m. May 9, 190 J, and then opened. Information furnished on application. Envelope containing proposal should be endorsed "Proposal for Fresh Beef and Mutton," and adddrcued to coin mlasary of post to be supplied, or to Cut. F. K, Nye. eblef com'y. TRAGEDY AVERTED, "Just In the nick of time our little boy wa saved," write Mrs. W. Wat kin of Pleasant City, O. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set In beside. Doctor Heated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we trtod Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption snd our darling was saved. He's now sound and well" Everybody ought to know, It' th only sure cur for coughs, cold and lung disease. Guaranteed by Charles Rogers, druggist. Price COo and tL Trial bottle free. . Bixllly pain loses It terror If you've a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Electric OU In th house. Instant relief In cases of burns, cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort. For sal by Cha. Roger drug gist. , Offl of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar- racks, Waah.. March 2S. lfOi. Sealed proposal, In triplicate, will b received her until 11 o'clock, a. m., April 24. IMS, for furnishing fuel at military prists In this department for fiscal year commencing July 1, IMS. Information furnished here or by quartermaster at post. United State reserve th right to reject or accept any or all propos als or any part thereof. Envelope containing proposal (hould b mark ed: "Proposals for Fuel at " ad dressed F. H.' Hathaway, C. Q. M. IT. S. Engineer office, Portland, Or,, March !3, 19CI, Sealed proposals will be received her for 475,000 tons, more or less, ton for extension of jetty at mouth of Columbia river, Oreg., and Wash., until 11 a. m , April JO, 1003, and then publicly opened. Informa tlon on application. W. C. Longflit, Cupt. Engrs. A WORKINO OVERTIME. Eight hour law ar Ignored by those tireless litti worker Dr. King's New Life rills. Million ar si ways at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, bil iousness, constipation, sick headache and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Easy,' pleasant, safe, sure. Only IS cents at Charles Rogers' drug store. IT SAVED HIS LEO. -P. A. Danforth of LaOrange, Oa., suffered for six1 months with a frightful running sore, on his leg; but writes that Ducklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured It In fiv : days, : For ulcers, wounds, piles, It's the best salve In th world. - Cur guaranteed. Only M cent. Sold by Charles Rogers, drug gist Scrofula, sn.lt rhum," eryslpela and Other distressing eruptive diseases yeld quickly to the cleansing1, purifying pow er of Burdock Blood Bitters, For sale by Chas. Rogers, druggist. . - A FINE LIBRARY. , Of 140 volumes I found on ch of the Northern Paclflo' "North Coast Limited" train. Don't forget that these ar th only train opera tea in the West that ar lighted throughout ny electricity. Th Utile folk love Dr. Wood's Norway Pin Syrup. . Pleasant to take perfectly harmless; poaltlv cur for coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma. For ale by Cha. Rogers, druggist. "THE POETRY OF TIIR ORANtin,1 "It appeal to you, when th fruit Hang rip snd wet on th tree late m Wlirunry, or early In March. Then th hloMoma break but, and th tree ar yellow with golden globe, and Whit with orang Dower. It may be that a flurry of snow has whltonod th mountain tops, and then you hav an artistic background for a tropical for t. Th air I full of sunshln, and h.avy with th fragrance as night come on, and than, If th moon b shlnlng.you hear at midnight through open window, tbt oC of the mocking bird In th titd grove, and it Mm teemed so melodious before," An experience Ilk this Is possible any winter, and It U worth a Journey M a thoua'id mile, while you can liav It, liy taking th scenic Sbaata rout throug th grand and pluturesqu Bis-" kiyoti and Shasta mountains, to soum em California. Compute Information ttltnit th trip, and derorlptlv matter, telling about California, may b bad from uny Southern Paclflo agent, or W. K, t oman. Ckn, P. Agl., S, r. Co., Line In Oiegim, Portland. Oregon. mm V Oregon Short Line ANtt union Pacific TIMW SCllElK VIM ' From Portland. Depart Arrlv. Chlrago Portland Salt Lake. Deovr, Qixclal 1.20 s. vlallunt Ingtun. Ft Worth. Oma ft9D.IB. ha. Kansas City St. I Aula, Chicago and East Atlantic Salt Lak. Denver, Ft. Worth, Oma ha. Kansas City, St Louis. Chi caco and Bast Waffaw'alia7""" Lewlsion, Bpo kane, Minneapolis, St Paul, Duhath, Ullwauke. Cbl rago and Bast Exprea I. IK p.m. vlallunt 10.10 .. litgton St. 1 au FastMal p. m. l.X m, via. pokand 79 hour from Portland to Chicago. No change of can. OCEAN AND RIVER 8CUEDULB. -From Astoria AU sailing date subject to chango. For Saa Francis co every five days. CofumbiallWef" to Portland and Wsy Landing. Ta. iil it a. at, Dally ex oept Mot Daly ex cent Burj Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria o tld dally xept Sunday for Uwaoo,' connecting there with train for Lone Beach, Tlgi and North Beach points. Returning arrive at Astoria am ev ening. O. W. LOUNSBERRT.AgwL Astoria. A. U CRAIO. QeneraJ Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon. Luxurious Travel Th. -Northwests Dmt'Jd" train, electrlo lighted throughou', both Insld and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, tb finest train la th world. They embody tb litest, newest and b.t ideas far comfort oonvenlseas and luxury ever offered tb traveling public, snd sllogeihsr ar tb moot complete and spleadld TroJuottoo tt tb rr builder' art The iptMidid Train COMMOt With Tie Grcit Norther Tbe Northers Pacific tad , Tic Candlai ficlflc ' AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO nd the CAST. No extra chart, for these suMMo soommodations and all rla of tick ts ar available tor paasag on tb trains on this line see proteoted by th Interlocking Block System. Some Inter esting facts When toeoole are eontenalaitlns trip, whther on btMlnes or pleaaur, they naturally want .-.the beat erv!. obtsJnabl a far speed, comfort and safety i ooncemed. Bmploye of th WIW?ON3IN CENTRAL LINES - ar paid to serve the public and our trains ar operated o a to mak oloa con neotlon with diverging line at all Junction point. : " ; Pullman PaJac Bleeping and Chair Car on through train. Dining car servloa unexoillod. Jrfeal served a la carts. In order to obtain th first -oltm ser vice, ask the ticket a rent to sell rou ticket over Tbe Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct UMhectlon a St Paul for CtUoaco. Milwaukee and all point Bast ' ' . . , For any further Information oall oft any tlcke gent ,or oorreapond wttli A8. o. POND, Qen. Paa. Art. , or JAa A. CLOCK, Mawaukee. W. FaMy'd Kiinzy Card ...'i xi"fi!:;.: