The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 16, 1903, Image 1

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    ijvsm, ynuvii) j a v nurt a i i, ltru).
u am a i w - m j vs aj w
A Complete Wardrobe
must ncedi Include t,
Kmtir Overcoact
ll Is an INDISPENSABLE tothe man n
bout In his Prince Albert or evening
in long enougn to cover eiiner.
properly tike the place t ,,
of the Ivernesi. Ihlt . V"" r
coat li made of black I ij,
Vicuna and ii!;J t v' III
lb tiftn In all high
grade tailored ones. As
top coat for general or business
wear It displays what every
good dresser look! for In cloth
ing Individuality
and Character
As In all garments made by
Caousi &, the tailor-
inn is wnat makes the eoit.
You coul J set the same results
from a flrst-cbis tailor but
leam to dress well on
W Economic Basis
1 III I Ol
"1U -A "
t C & 0. garments. They are never cheap, but it can be realised
fer wearing them that you are getting
Wins Ouitt
Trade of Central and Southeastern
Oregon Will Not Be Lost
to Other Points. . 1 '
Good News From the EastRepresentative of Chamber
of Commerce Gains Valuable Concessions
for Oregon Metropolis. ;
. Portland, April 15.T. 15. Wilcox, who .went to New York as
rcpruscntHtive of the Portland Chamber of Commerce for the purpose
of interviewing E. II. Ilarriman regarding the construction of a rail
road from soino point on the 0. IJ. it N. line into Central and South-
cm Oregooftoday wired that liiu mission wait successful and that the
0. R. &, N. Co. wjll construct the road within a short time. .
4 This annoqnceinent, it i believed by inerchanU here, will secure
for Portland the.tradc of Central and Soiitlivastern Oregon which it
was feared would be diverted to San Francisco or Salt Like in case
a road was built from the Southern Pacific or the Oregon Short Line
into Oregon. , , , , ,
Ed. Segerstrom of the Worlds Fair Saloon Died Suddenly Last Night
-No Violence Was Done-Was Lying Opposite Astoria ' ;
Hotel Where He Had Fallen While Enroute
for His Home At Midnight. .
The Chicago
P Perfect in touch, speed, dara-
Zj-fflt HE! bllity and appearance, $35.
When you want him you are
are always In a hurry. We
are always glad to respond to
your hurry calls and relieve
the difficulty. We have much
experience In repairing and
new work and will tlx the bad
plumbing and supply the good
on short notice. ' .
Phone Black S185 ;
470-478 Commercial afreet.
The body of Kd Sciterstrom, senior
proprietor of-the World's Fair Saloon,
corner of Fourteecnth and Commercial
Streets, was found lying on 'the
sidewalk on Seventeenth Street, oppo
site the Astoria Hotel at 12 o'clock
teat night. .
The coroner was unable last night to
ascertain the cause ot his death. It
was evident that It resulted from nat
ural causes, as his valuables had not
been molested, ,
Mr. Segerstrom left the saloon after
U o'clock, Intending to go to his resi
dence on Exchange Street, near Eight
eenth, and had reached the block when
he fell. His hat was still upon his
head when the body was found by par
tes going home from the ball at Han-
thorn's hall. Near It lay a bundle of
clothes which he was carrying home for
Mr. Sandberg, who Is bound for Alas
ka on the Perlln. -
The body was taken at once to the
coroner's office. Two gold watches,
some checks and several dollars In mon
ey were In the pocket;.
Mr. Segerstrom was born In HolUax
Sweden, In )S61, and about a year ago
was married. He .was a member of
the Improved Order of Red men.'
r m A B
511K Petticoats, 04, $4.75 $5 and $9
Silk Dress .Skirts, $10.00 to $20.00
Silk Monte Carlo Jackets. $9 to Hill
WASH SIURTS-Demims, 5cj Grass
cloth, 9lOOf Linen, $2.00 to $3.50.
White Skirts, 85c to $3.00.
, v. , ; . j i .. ,
Higest Tide in
Many Years
New Tork. April 15.-.VI1 ulong the
coast the flood and storm was the
worst In yeara. At Atlantic City and
Asbury Park, the severest Northwester
that has visited that part of the Jer
sey Coast since 1893 has been raging
for 21 hours. .The tide at 9 o'clock last
night was the highest that has been
known for 18 years.
Huge breakers are crashing .against
the piling beneath the piers and pavll
Ions, and In some places the board
walk, with tremenduous force.. Jieavy
timbers have been ripped up by the In
cessant bombardment of the waves and
carried out to sea.
Directed Murder
of General Otis
Washington. Anrll IB. While ex
amining the papers captured from Fil
ipino Insurgent Agents, Captain John
M. Tavlor of the Fourteenth Infantry
has discovered a remarkable document
endorsed n the back with directions to
kill General1 Otis. That endorsement.
Captain Taylor Insists, Is In the hand
writing of Agulna'do, the Insurgent
Helena. Anrll IK. Ranchers In the vi
cinity of Augusta are suffering great
loss through the appearance of a mys
terious disease which Is killing cattle
by the hundreds, The disease gener
ally kills in a few hours. -
fiance Sets'
Bristol. R. ., April 15. With the
piainmusts and most of its rigging in
place and the bowsprit attached, the
bow of the cup defender Reliance, hus
settled and she' floats now with the
bow much lower than the after part
Kven when the main boom is on board,
and the bout attains her designed bat
lance, It Is thought that he will still be
dlittlnguishable from the other 90-fobt
ers at a distance by a dip forward. It
seems certain that she has a lower free
board than the Constitution by at least
six inches.
The riggers are at work rigging up
a double bob stay which Is somewhat
of nn Innovation in cup defenders.
An extra set of spars, Including the
gaff, boom and mast, exact duplicates
of the ones now aboard, are being made
for the yacht. -
Held Up a
Aail Carrier
Oregon City, April IS. An unknown
man held up a mall carrier near Eagle
Creek this afternoon. He cut open
the pouch and secured a registered
package. Then he ordered the carrier
to- proceftd and disappeared in the
woods. :
Albany, prll 15. A bill appropriating
(50,000 for the expense ot the trip to St.
Louis Fair April 27. of Governor Odell.
his staff, and a regiment of State Mili
tia was passed by the Senate today.
The measure had previously passed
the assembly..
Employe Who Had Entered the
Park In Direction of Presi
dent Is Arrested.
Cinnabar, April IS. President Roone
velt Is somewhere in Yellowstone Park
between Hoda Buttte and Yanceys. He
will probably arrive In the later place
this evening and tomorrow evening
will com Into post. On Thursday he
will start for the geyser country.
An Incident which occurred in the
Park today shows how closely every
approach to the President is guarded.
An employe of the Yellowstone Park
Transportation Company was discov
ered by a member of the Third Cavalry
about Ave mile from where the Presi
dent mde his amp. The man prob
ably was there on business, but the
soldier asked no questions and would
listen to no explanation.' He placed
the employe under arrest and march
ed him to post headquarters at the
point of s pistol. There the man dis
closed his Identity and was released.
Railroad for
Central America
Chicago. April 15. A dispatch to the
Tribune from New York says:
Plans have Just been consummated
for the Immediate completion of a line
of railway In Central America extend
ing from the Atlantic to the Pacific
roast, which it is believed will have
the effect of diverting a large share
of the Central American exports from
foreign ports to those of the United
states. The coffee output aloW av
erages 1,000,000 bags annually, of which
almost the entire amount la shipped
to Hamburg and other Euroiiean ports,
due to the dltUcuHirs in transportation
to the Atlantic seaboard.
Alexander Hollander, who has for
several weeks been In Central America
in the Interests of aa American syn
dicate of whjih . Mr. James Mo
Naught, former counsel for the North
ern Paclflo Kullio.uJ. Is president, lias
Just returned to New York.
The new railroad Is to have its terniln
nl at Puerto Barrios. The freight will
be carried by way of the Gulf of Pen
sacolti or New Orleans and It will re
duce the time ot transportation froi
two months to two weeks. Already
140 miles of road are completed.
Niagara Falls
Are in Danger
Chleug'i. April 15. A dispatch to the
Tribune from Buffalo. N. Y., says:
Before the Westminster Club here
last night D. T. Welch, who was the
father of the Niagara Falls Reserva
tion and the original promoter of the
Niagara Falls Power -"'Company, sail
that the Chicago Drainage Canal, Ir
connection with the power companies
now; being formed, were fast relegating
the XlaKri to the past. He said:
"Enough applications are In Albany
now for permission to build and oper
ate plaats to take water from Niagara
Uiver to reduce the flow over the falls
at least one-fifth. The Chicago Drain
age is carrying a great volume
of walef downwards toward .the Mis
slsslppl, diverting It from the fallsr.
The Canadian Government Is granting
franchises to companies to use the wat
er as ; fast as we are oi . this side
Steps should be taken to restrict the
number of concerns allowed to use the
water of the river, or It will not be
long before our grand cataract will be
Mob Lynches a Negro Charged
With Murder While Sober
Citizens Protested, v
Policeman Had Been Murdered
and Rage of a Mob Was
Vented on Negro.
ioplln. Mo., April 15. An infuriated
mob took Thomas Gilyard, a tramp Ne
gro, from the City Jail tonight and
hanged him to a telegraph pole. .The
negro was charged with having mur
der Policeman Leslie, who was shot
dead last night in the Kansas City
Southern Railway yerd while endeav
oring to arrest several negroes suspect
ed ot theft. ' '
Leslie had ordered a number of ne
groes who had taken refuge in a box
car, to surrender, and when they fail
ed to do so he fired several shots at
the car. During the shooting a negro
slipped from the ear and coming up be
hind the officer shot him through the
head. --: .
The ?lty attorney pleaded with the
mob to allow the law to take Its course.
but .vlthout avail. A number of men
seixed the negro and pulled to prevent
him being hanged. For some moments
it was a veritable tug of war, but re
inforcement of the free end of the rope
proved stronger, and the negro was
Anally swung up.
The. lynching of the Negro served
to only temporarily satisfy the lndigna-
(Continued on Page 4.)
i ...
Lantern Starts a Blaze At Beau
mont That Caused Million ,
Dollar Loss. .
Three Blocks Were Destroyed and
Many Derricks Went Up
In Smoke and Flames.
P-eaumont, April 15. A tire on Spin
die Top, which started at 1 o'clock
this morning, did damage that is es
timated at from twaXM to 11.000,000.
Two hundred and sixty-five derricks
were lost. Two hundred rigs were on
the producing wells. The fire started
from a lantern at the Caldwell OU Con
pany's well. The flywheel fit the ea
gine struck the lantern and ignited the
derrick and the flames spread with
tremendous rapidity, three blocks. No.
36, 37 and 38, being in ashes by I
o'clock. No effort was amde to ex
tlnguish the fire, for It was impossible
to get with a hundred feet of the
(lames. No one vas injured.'
It is estimated that two-thirds of the
companies In the burned district will
be unable to recover from the damage
done by the fire. ' '
Evannville, Ind.. April 13. The foil
ed States monitor Arkansas arrived
here today. " She is the first modern
warship to come up the Ohio aa far aa
Evansville. The Arkansas will take
part in the World's Fair dedication at
St. Louis.
Men of Enthusiasm
character and push -Are you
cramped in your present
business ? No matter what
your business is, do you feel
the need, of a wider field?
If you do and think you can
sell an Investment security to
conservative men, write me
giving your ago, business and
bank reference.
All itttm trsattd as strictly cootnHi.
uTUWt tf DsismUo AfMiltS,
The MatMl Lift IsM-Mte 0-Mr Vsrk,
la Mum ttrttti New Vtrk, N. V.
Cbe good elotbts event ef thz season.
We have arranged with the renowned tailoring house of
Str&tim Bros., Chicago, to display tbeir entire line of
fine woolens in the piece at our store on
The display will be made under the supervision of I special
representative from Chicago; 500 newest patterns in the line;
low prices. Even if you're not yet ready to order, call and let
us "post" you. We can interest you.
c. ii. c o o:pie r
525-527 D0ND STREET