The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 15, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Only a Few Bo?? of those Famous
remain and to close up this con
signment we will tell them at
$1.25 the Box
High Water, A. M, I P. t, tow Water. t A. M. ) PM.
""" pku. " b.iS iC h7m.V fiT fiat. , fijinTl (iT" "CSC fC
JtUNUAT . . . li i 7i lillM SWlMT . 1 .III "till "; "f :ll l.'l
Monday . , . , II 1:11 I.S l.-OS T. Monday . . ...13 :01 0.1 7:l 1.1
Tuesday 14 1:45 1.4 1:47 7.1 Tuesday . . ... 14 1:40 0.1 1:13 I.I
Wedmwday . ..II I:t7 1.1 1:11 1.7 Wednesday t ..It 1:17 0.1 1:0)1 1.0
Thursday , ,. . i 1:00 7.1 4:11 I.I Thursday . , .. 1 0:tS 0.1 1:4(1 1.1
rVlday . . . ...17 1:11 7.1 4:11 I.I Friday . . . ...17 10:14 1.110:10 .
tiaturday . , .. II 4:10 7.1 1:46 1.0 Baturday . . ..ID 11:1 1.411:17 I.I
KUNDAT . . ,.1 1:10 I.I 1:43 1.0 8UNIMT . . .1111:04 1.7
Monday 20 1:11 I.I 7s4 1.1 Monday . , . . 10 0:& t.l 1:01 1.1
Tuesday . . ..11 Till 1.0 1:44 I.I Tuesday . . .. tl 1:47 1.7 1:00 1.1
Wednesday . ..SI 1:45 1.1 1:11 7.0 Wednesday . ..21 t:tl I.I l:8 1.1
Thursday . . . SI l:4R 1.410:16 7.1 Thursday . . .. 1:10 1.7 1:11 I.I
Friday 14 10:41 I.I 11:00 7.1 Friday 14 4:40 1.0 4:1 1.1
Katurday , . ..1511:11 7.111:11 I.I Haturday , . . is 1:14 1.1 1:11 1.1
SUNDAY , . . !ll:l 7.1 SUNDAY . . .14 4:06 0.1 1:04 1.1
Monday . . ... 17 0:14 1.1 1:04 7.1 Monday . ... ,.(7 1:45 0.1 1:47 l.t
Tuaaday tl 0:10 1.7 1:10 7.1 Tuaaday . ... 2ft 7:17-0.1 7:10 I.I
Wednesday . .,2 1:20 1.1 1:15 7.1 Wednesday . :10 -0.6 1:15 t.l
Thursday . . .. SO 1:10 I.I 1:11 7.4 Thuraday . . .10 1:15-0.1 1:05 1.1
Meet ma at Hoefler' aoda foun
tain. ' Band In your order (or Wyoming
coat. 8. Rlmore Co.
Fishermen: - Dixie Queen, In lt-oa.
Ialla, 40 oenta. P. A. Trullinger.
The iwelleat ahop tn the city,
artist at tht Pala: bath.
Four up-to-date barbera at the Occi
dent. You don't have to wait.
Aak tor our LUterlnated Tooth Pow
der, It I the .nicest powder and the
large! bottle on the market, - It will
please you to try It. , Charlea Rogers.
We are agents for the best
Felt Mattress on the market.
Maufacturer's guarantee
with each one. Try one and
you will surely be satisfied
as to their worth. Price, $15.
590-592 Commercial Street
Kaufman Garments
are up to the minute in style, none
of the highest priced merchant
tailors show any more advanced
styles than can be found in the
"Kaufman Garments." Think
ing men will readily note the ad
yanced style3 shown each season,
equal in lit and finish to the high
est tmced merchant tailored pro
duction, and to tell the difference
would be a difficult task.
If you want the highest class of
artistic tailoring vou will surely
find it in a "Kaufman Garment."
Ttti Kaufman Tweedham It a unique Idea In
a two-button double breaited lack coat
Unusually chic In appearance. Suitable lor
high clan young men'i trade.
Sold by
If Schilling'! brat baking powder
doea not pleaae you your money will be
refunded by ua. Johnaon Bro.
Mew atock of fancy gaoda Juit arriv
ed at Yokohama Basaar. Call and i
the latent novelties from Japan..
You will always And the beat 15c
meal In the city at the Rising Sun re-
taurant, No. Ill Commercial afreet.
, . ' 'u
Dr. Nellie S. Vernon haa recently lo
eated permanently In Aatorla for the
purpose of practicing medicine and haa
secured office over Griffin' book atore
where alia can be found from 10 to 11
a. m. and 1:30 to I p. m.
Indications Favorable for Prosper
otu Summer's Work-Prepar
ations Well Advanced.
The royal Chinook aprlng salmon i
again the legal prey of neta, aelns,
trapa, wheel and weirs. The far famed
Columbia I known to have ben well
stocked with ft good early run of al
mon during, the past month. More
nhrmm started out luat evening to
lay out their net ' than have been
known to commence with the opening
of the season for year.' The early
run haa atlmulated preparation In all
department of the Induatry to that the
canneries and cold storage are now
ready to handle all the fish offered
Thua the nvivm open and flatting haa
The following IT cannerlea will be op
erated on the Columbia river during
thla season f I'. J. Medowan A Bona,
three planta. at MrOowana' Ilwaco and
Oiacadca; Union Flahermen'a Cooper
ative Packing company, Tallunt-Oran
Packing company, Banbom-Cuttln
Packing company, and A. Dooth Pack
Ing company, at Aatorla; 8eaborg, al
Hume station; Mejler, at Brookfleld
Harrington, at Harrington; Point Beu
fert.'at TheDallea: Warren, two planta
Cathlamet and Warrendale; Columbia
River Packer association, four planta,
the Elmore and Kinney cannerlea at At
torla, the Eureka cannery and the one
at Rooater Rock. There will be a
leaat 10 cold Horace planta operated
aa follows: Tallant-Orant, 8. Schmidt
ICo., Union Fishermen's. J. IJnden
berger, Vrndaysael, Warren. A. Booth
Columbia River Parker', Martin Both
find lhe Portland Cold ' Storage and
Packing company. ' .
Theae planta are now all In
readlnaa, or nearly so. except the cold
atorage of the Tallant-Orant Packing
company and the Ilwaco cannery of Mc
Oowan A Bona, vhlrh latter la Intend
ed for una later in the sraeon.
Price for flah will be the aame aa
laat eaaon, I cent for cannery flah
and I rente for cold atorage, or flah
weighing over IS pounda.
The opinion la expreaeed by aome
that moat of the early run of aaluton
ha already paaard Aatorla, and that
but few flrh will be taken until another
run mukea Ita appearance. Thl haa
uaually been the experience tn former
year, and hence I not unexpected
Should they continue to be a plentl
ful aa they have appeared to be during
the paat month both flahennvn and
packer will be moet happy, though an
unuaually large pa:k would have
tendency to reduce prleea. ,
The nonappearance of tlnplate la now
by far the moat aerloua problem before
the canncr. The American Tlnplate
truat I being aoundly berated up and
down the river for falling to ahlp tin
plate ordered month ago In time to
arrive her before the aeaaon opened
Should a heavy run of flah continue
there might be aome lntereatlng dam
age aulta filed on account of the eh Ort
ega of tlnplate for can.
Opening priiva for Columbia liver
aprlng aalrnon are: Flats, 11.45; talis
11.35, and halve 85o per doien.
, Stockholders Organize
The annual meeting of the atockhold
en of the Wolf Creek Mining and De
velopment company waa held Saturday
at the company' office and the follow.
Ing director were elected:
Dr. E. H. Thornton, Portland Ore;
John Hahn, Astoria, Ore.; Scott Box
orth, Salem, Ore.; A. V, Pendleton
Aatorla, Ore.; M. B. Moaorth, Port
land, Ore.; J. H, DeForce, Astoria, Or;
N, Boater, Portland, Ore.; E. A. Clem,
Portland, Ore,; Dean Bianrhard, Kam
lor, Ore, '
At a meeting of the dlirectora held
last Monday, the following officers
were elected:
Dr. E. H. Thornton, president.
John Hahn, first vlee-president.
Dean Blonchord, second vice-presi
dent. '
M. B. Boxorth, secretary.
E. W. Vrlghtv treasurer.
This company own 180 acres of plac
er ground, four quarts claims, two
aluable water rights and more than
five million feet of fir timber In north-
em Josephine county, southern Oregon
, Pilot Commissioners
The board of pilot commissioners
held a regular monthly meeting yester
dny afternoon, all the members of the
board being present. Captains Fler-
chen and Coulson had their branches
of service renewed.' The bar pilots
had submitted a communication to the
board requesting that the schooner Son
Jose be purchased to be placed at their
disposal and thl was read. The mat
ter was ordered placed on the table and
no other action was taken during the
meeting. The communication asked
that the sale be mode a directed by
the legislature and later this may be
done but for the time being the board
will sustain the action of their prede
cessors. V Need More Room
Improvement are still going on at
the Astoria Box company plant. John
M.vttaon ha been engaged to drive
Hllng for an extensive addition to the
lumber wharf. An extension of ISO
feet on the railroad spur, and a new
log boom, making In all a large Im
provemcnt. The plant la crowded (o
It utmost capacity and more room I
Imperative. The longer spur I need'
ed to permit of mora car being loaded
at one time, and the additional wharf
pi; will make It more convenient for
large steamers to take cargo.
Marshall Not Heard From
Since charges hive been preferred
against Water Bailiff Marshal, that of'
fleer haa been so busily engaged In hunt
Ing down Illegal fierimn that It ha
been Impossible to communicate with
htm on the subject. He la at present
In company with Deputy Warden Web
ster and hi exact location I of course
not known. Doubtlesa the two men,
now that the Ashing season hs opened,
will return possibly to here or some up
river point, not later than tonight and
then Marshall's side of the story will
be heard.
At Home Again.
Dr. and Mrs. August C. Kinney re
turned last evening after an abnence on
three weeks from the dty. Mra.
Kinney haa been visiting In the Wlllam
etta. valley. "The doctor travelled In
Washington, Colorado aiid Iowa for a
rest and recuperation and to make uv
vestlgatlona in his specialty, tubercu
losis. He return much Improved In
health and well pleased with the result
of his trip. In speaking of hi trip,
Mr. Kinney said: "I found the weather
In Iowa cold and bleak, with nothing
green In sight as we have It here. One
thing which struck me very forcibly In
my rather extensive observations in
that state waa that the men there ap
pear to be stronger, heartier, health
ier and more robust than the men of
Oregon. On the other hand the wo
men seem to be more frail end less
healthy than the women of Oregon."
Coroner Has Body.
Coroner Pohl returned from Aldrich
point near Clifton on the launch .Elk
last evening bringing the body of a
man which was found on the tldehutd
yesterday. The body had evidently
been In the water some months and Is
beyond recognition. While the coron
er did not search the body last night
he I nearly aatlfted that it I that of
Albert Anderson, who left Westport In
a skiff about December 1, laat, and was
not afterward seen, Anderson kept a
whisky scow and had been drinking at
the time of his disappearance. Pos
sibly the existence of a silver watch
on his person may be the only defi
nite means of Identifying the body as
that of Anderson, aa he waa known to
carry a sliver watch belonging to Chas.
Wise. The body will be examined to
day. It Is not likely that an Inquest
will be held.
Diamonds and Hearts .
Diamonds and Hearts," the play to
be produced for the benefit of the Aa
torla Commercial club la to be pre
sented at Fisher' Saturday, April X.
The play will be produced by a strong
and well selected home-talent company
Mr, I.. B. Perclval who is directing the
piece, say the company la progressing
rapidly and rehearsal are taking place
dally. The drama has a very strong
and Interesting 'Jot and abound in
thrilling situations. , "Diamonds and
Hearts" la a standard play pleasing to
audience of all grades, and fs full of
comio situations as well aa aome very !
affecting passages. While this play Is
continually being given by the best
professional talent. It is not beyond
the ability of first-class amateurs, and
aa It is in the hands of competent per
formers it sannot fail to result in an
evening ot successful enjoyment.
A Notable Enterprise.
The foundation for the new Presby
terian church ha now taken definite
form and shows the building to be
planned on an extensive scale and mod
ern ideas.. The building, roughly
speaking, will be about To by 04 feet In
slse, consisting of a main auditorium, !
havina- a cruciform nlan am) Lr,
semicircular Sunday school room un-'
der which will be an extension base-
ment containing social .room, kitchen,
furnace room, etc It will have three
entrances and vestibules, a study, par
lor, ana a magnificent tower. One of
th"most striking features l the Sun
day school room, which is planned ac
cording to the most approved Sunday
school architecture. It Is divisible In
to seven seperate class rooms, besides
the main central space, and every por
tion can be Instantly made visible from
the platform by the simple removal of
curtains. The auditorium la to seat
400 or more, and the Sunday school
room 250, though provision - is to be
made to throw the room Into one large
auditorium which can be made to hold
700 or 800 people. The general plan of
the Improvement as shown by the arch!
tects' prespectlve Is most pleasing. The
ground will be handsomely terraced
and beautiful, and the finished property
will be one of which the city may well
be proui. The commendable enter
prise shown In the undertaking will pro
bably act a an inducement to neighbor
nig property owners to Improve the
vacant lots and dress up their property
to be In keeping with the handsome ed
ifice, v -
Are Entered for
the Bench Show
String of Blooded Dogs Were Taken
to Porland Last Night
More Today.
The bench show will open in Port
land today and will last through Sat
urday evening. The prizes will be
awarded by Oeorge Raper. the famous
English judge, and who is recognized
by dog fancier aa being without a peer
in the business. .
Many blooded canines will be on hand
and Astoria will be well npreen'ed
William Martin has charge of most of
the entries from here end last night he
took hi charge to Portland. They
rat gd In slse from Lou Sprauer's
cocker spanlal Leo II to Senator Ful
ton's St. Ifnird Colonel. They trsv.
rled In the baggage coach ahead and
their various alzes. shape and antics
presented an amusing spectacle. Be
fore the train drew out the car was
thronged with visit and owners and
much Interest waa shown In and favor
able comment made upon the animals
about them.
The dogs that went up last night
were the following:
Colonel, St. Bernari; owned by Sen
ator Fulton, v,;
I Boy and Walla Walla Queen,
pointers; and Jack, Irish setter, owned
by K. D. Bain. "
Pell an Don, bloodhounds, owned by
Chea, Wise.
Mike, Irish setter, owned by C. K.
Queen.' Irish setter, owned by Chas.
Leo II, cocker spaniel; owned by L.
Sprauer. .
Frits, Scotch collie; owned by L. J.
Carlson. (
Another string will go up this morn
ing. Among them will be Beauty,
the bulldog owned by Mrs. J. T. Ross.
Beauty male a reputation for herself
last year and haa many good point
that go to make up a record breaker
of her class. Two of her puppies,
owned by W. E. Tallant, will also be
entered at this show. Clatsop Beauty,
the handsome pointer owned by W. F
Haldermao of Warrentoa, haa already
been entered.
Will Feed the Hungry
The efforts being made to raise a fund
to send to the famine sufferers In Fin
land are meeting with great success. A
large committee of generous hearted
men and women, with K. A. Jurva as
chairman ha been at work during the
past two weeks and as a result gather
ed together about (600. . About 1200 of
this sum waa realised at an entertain
ment and social held last Saturday ev
enlng at Suoml hall. As an Instance
of the enthusiasm shown tn this noble
work It is related that Mrs. Martin
Johnmn secured 100 cakes for the sup
per by her own solicitation. The l00
Is equal to 1000 Finnish marks. As
a mark there has almost the purchas
ing power of a dollar here, the slft ta
equal to nearly 13000 In effect.
Lyman Recaptured.
The liberty of S. W Cyman, the pris
oner who escaped from Detectives near
Oohle a few day ago, haa been short
lived. The highwayman was captured
Monday evening near Linnton and Is
now in the Portland dty jail The cap
ture waa effected by Captain Simmons
and Officer Tichner, the latter holding
tip Lyman at the point of his revolver
after both officers had descended from
the engine on which they were riding.
Detective Snow had warned the resi
dent along the line of :he presence ot
Lyman and this greatly aided the men
In pursuit. The fugitive's face was
greatly scarred as the result of his leap
from the train so there was no trouble j
In Identifying him when once he was
seen. The officers learned they were
on the, tiackjof their man and boarded
a freight at Warren. This Is some
miles below Linnton and when they had
covered the distance between the two
place and had passed the latter a
h0?' Lyman waa seen by the side
f th track and was captured without
trouble. He offered no resistance and
expressed pleasure that the whole thing
was over.
Now Open.
After being handsomely remodeled,
refurnished and enlarged, the famous
Toke Point Oyster house Is again open
to the public. The celebrated Toke point
oysters and all other delicacies will
be served in our superior style at all
hour. Private rooms. Eleventh
atreet. ,...- -
Boat for Sale.
Flshboat and web for sale by Geo.
Eleo, administrator, No. 417 Bond
street. ,;
"The annual meeting of the Grace
church branch of the Woman's auxil
iary to the board ot missions will be
held in the cbur-jh Thursday, April 1,
at 1:30 p, m. Will the diatrlot visitors
pleaae take notice t Election of offic
er and delegate to Diocesan meeting
In June.
VAe place to bur all the smart
creations for spring wear.
A store full of snapping bar
gains that suggest quick acton
If you know a good thing. Many
splendid costuming hint in the
new suits, skirt and waists
Our plain and fancy etamlnex, plain and novelty voile, plain and
fancy crcpons, fancy knottted twine cloth, wire frame novelties, worst
ed crashes in art mixtures, baak et and canvas cloths, seeded eoliennes,
mix id xiballnes, panne cheviots, Sicilians, alpacas, ' brtlliantlne and
fancy mohairs Scotch plaid suiting. ' - a ,
Everything for the ladles and children,
Fishermen who need Fishboat
Oars, Boat Stoves Clocks, etc.,
should first see our stock and
examine prices. Full assortment.
a Specialty. : Prices Lowest of tie Low.
Adams & Henning'scn
Next to Peterson $ Brown,
ilhe Bostoii
Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria
Try Onr 25-Cent Dinners v
Proipt Attention
Striking individuality In cos
tumeswhat every smart'y
dresaed woman covets easily se
cured if you select from our new
importations. Excellence and
broad variety mark the display.
- Ore.
Best Restaurant 1
RegBlar Mesls. 25 Ceata
Soiidiy Dinners a Specialty
' Everytilif tic Market Affords
Palace Catering Conpany
Comirjercial Street,
. 5
Hiifi Class Cbcf I