The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 14, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Today' Weather Western Oregon
and Washington Cloudy and unsettl
; ed, with shower.
Present yoor Presto coupons to us
ad we will present yon with a full sis-
d 13c package oC Presto for 5 cent.
Johnson Brother. '
Roslyn coal lasts longer. Is cleaner,
and makes less trouble with stoves
and chimney flue than any other coal
on the market. George W. Sanborn,
agent. Telephone 1311.
Art ruga? Carpets? Fancy rockers?
Iron beds? Qo-carts? Stove? Ran
ge? Picture? Frames? Anything
In the house furnishing or decorating
line? See H. H. Zapt.
Svensen's book store sells all the
latest magasines, stationery, . school
supplies, musical instruments, novel-'
ties, pictures, ere., etc.
A dancing parly will be given at
Xnapptoa tonight in honor of Miss
' Frances Thomas. The steamer Elec
tro will leave her wharf at 7:30 to ac
commodate the invited guest .numb
ering about 30 couples.
' Plumbing out of joint? Need some
tin work? Ring up No. 1031 for John
A. Montgomery, 425 Bond street, who
will promptly attend your wants with
the latest sanitary plumbing fixtures
and' most skilful workmanship. Tin
ning, gasfittlng and heating. I
Fishermen: Dixie Queen, In U-o.
palls, 40 cents, P. A. Trulllnger.
Interview Tmlllnger Hardesty. 433
Commercial street, about your electric
al work. - 4
. Th-s s tea liter Klmore will leave A-
lorla for Tillamook bay points Wed
ncsday, April IS, at I o'clock a. m.
F Q. T. Moor ha started In the
clam canning Industry at Warrenton
placing- an order for cans in Astoria
Geo. DeMoss will play two cornets
ax the same time tonight at the Metho
dist church. This number alone Is
worth the price of admission.
It you love orchestra music pay the
moderate admission at the Methodist
church tonight and hear the DeMoss
Concert company. Reserved seat at
Griffin's book store.-
The concert by the DeMoss enter
tainers at the Methodist church Tues
day evening, April 14, will beyond ques
tion be -.he event of the season. Tick
eta at Griffin's book store.
The Oystervllle Clam Canning com
pany ha also taken up the canning of
crabs. C. E. Kerlee, of the company,
think that the canning of the crab will
become a very Important Industry, a
they will, to some extent, take the
place of lobster, which are now too
scarce and expensive to be extensively
It is a wonderful soap
that takes hold quick and
does no harm.
No harm ! It leaves the
skin soft like a baby's ; no
alkali in it, nothing but
soap. The harm is done by
alkali. Still more harm is
done by not washing. So,
bad soap is better than
What is bad soap? Im
perfectly made; the fat
and alkali not well bal
anced or hot combined.
Wl) it is good soap ?
Sold lt ow the world.
Soros) sow make shoe for sB Moyt n4 Ca-ta, Youth
and Mima, Women and Me.
ft all shape art lites, and In all leathers, and for on oc
casions walking, ridins. golfing, street and bouse wear.
Beautiful creation in suppers for dr.
AH over the world, and m every Ungxws, cnthutldKle
wearers of Sorotts testify to the wonderful quail tie cf
this remarkable shoe.
II toot ornter doe. liP t m. sen.1 ti cl(.mrnttvnnt
blank iml copy of our nw NonlU, Miumin ltuUn love aturv,
' Th Sharps ot Sieele," by Julisu S vl, with ! U-suiiml
UluMraUon. AtMtcM.
SOROSI shoi' cry, nkw Vnee. . o I tun,
The ladles of the Every Monday club
ivin ira m. tea and anron sale at the
residence of Mrs. Charles S. Brown
Franklin avenue, Tuesday, AprH St.
Repair to the boiler of the steamer
Munzanlta will be completed this week
Captain Gregory expects to receive ord
ers for a cruise In Alaskan waters soon.
Tom Soencer started up the river
with a seining outfit and 30 homes-yes
terday. In tow: of the launch Chinook.
The Sanborn-Cuttlng company will get
the Ash.
The reserved seat sole for Beaty
Bros, moving picture performance at
t.i.H..rV Thnnklav evenlna- opens to
morrow at Griffin' book store, instead
of Tuesdiy as formerly announced.
SmsJlnox of a malignant type is said
to be raging through eastern Oregon.
Dr. Woods Hutchinson, state health or
fleer, ha gone to the cene to investi
gate. The cases are reported as very
1 ietu(y Webster was unable to bring
his contraband salmon to market in
the launch yesterday, because he had
so many nets on board there was no
room for the fish. Half a ton of fish
was captured near Maygers.
William L. . Tmlllnger and MMard
F. Hardesty. well known electricians.
have formed a copartnership and open
ed a store at 433 Commercial street.
They will do a general business In elec
trical supplies .installing and repair
ing: for which a long experience gives
them eminent qualifications.
DENTS DAT, MAY 31. On President's
day. May 11. the A. & C. R. R. will
sell round trip excursion tickets from
Astoria to Portland an dreturn at 33
for the round trip, good to return May
22. -
Otto Ytge, cubln boy on the ship C
F. Sargent, had the misfortune to clip
on the deck and 'treak a bone In his
wrist yesterday. He will be able to
make the trip to Alaska with the ship.
There was no regular meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce last evening, a
Quorum ,iot' being present. This was
occasioned by the absence of the presi
dent fron the city and there not being
anything ot especial Importance on
The steamer Edith. Captain Harry
Haslln. came down to the tlsh receiv
ing station at Point Ellc and to As
toria with Hon. J. G. Megler on board
yesterday. All la ready at the Brook
field cannery for the opening of the
The city churches" observed Eaater
Sunday with appropriate music and
exercise. Special anthem and solos
were rendered and the Sunday school
pupils, under the direction of their
teachers an superintendents, acqutttted
themselves in roles that were much appreciated.
The notvd Tracy bloodhounds ran
afoul of a sensation yesterday which
eel I pap J anything hetetofore published
durlnic their public career. They were
dashing their strenuous way along the
street, making deep-volced melody at
every Jump. Unhampered by keeper
Even children drink Grain-O
because they like it and the doc
tors say it 3s good for them. Why
Dot? It contains all of the nourish
ment of the pure grain and none
of the poison of coffee.
Atgreccn enrreban; 19c. udttc per ptckate.
they were, but with collar linked by
a short strap which kept (hem nicely
together. Neck and neck were they on
the home stretch when a telegraph pole
hove In sight and steered straight be
tween the racing hounds. When their
head cam together on the after side
of the pole, there were more dog stars
In sight than were evor discovered.
Roth tracker dropped though shot
by Tracy' rifle, and laid there as
If don with the rough bark of life.
When they finally regained their sens
es, and feet, they were led home In
bnyless silence, and they have not yet
found out whst struck them.
Keaty Bros are the gentlemen that
gave the first moving picture show ev
er given In Colorado, New Mexico, Ari
zona, ( California. Oregon, Washington.
Montana, North Dakota. Idaho, and
Utah. Thqse gentlemen have visited
every state and Canada and Mexico,
It la an acknowledged fact that Beaty
Bros, have the only six picture ma
chine on earth with Diamond project
ing lens, which they had made to or
der July 1M3 by Thos. H. F.dtaon.
These machines have six sprocket
which do w.iy with all that quiver.
Beaty Bros, have all their picture
made to order and a majority colored.
They carry the latest at any and all
times, both In moving picture and Il
lustrated songs. Beaty Bros, are cer
tainly among the most successful show
men on the road a they rent all opera
house outright. This show I hot to
be classed with the cheap show of
wslcb we have had so many. Beaty
Bro. play all cltie on a guarantee
that they give entire satisfaction or
money refunded by manager of the op
era house. Fishers' opera house, April
11 Admission 35c and 5.
By an agreement between the Astor
ia Loan office and the Retail Clerks'
union, this tor I allowed to keep
open after I o'clock p. m. for the pur
pose of receiving pledges with the un
derstanding that no goods are sold af
ter that hour. C. W. HPIUUGS.
Funeral Notice
The funeral services of the late Char
les T. Hellborn will be held on Wed
nesday at 13:13 p, in. at Grace Epis
copal church, conducted by the rector,
Rev. Wm. Seymour Short. The pro
cession will leave the residence on Ex
change street at 13 m. Friends are
Invited. The Interment at Greenwood
will be private.
Subscribe for The Morning Astorlan
It Is full of news, and worth the price.
Skin Humours. Scalp Hoinours,
Hair Humours,
Whether Sfsnpla Scrofulcus or
Hereditary ....
Speedily Cured by Cutlcura
Soap, Ointment and Pills,
When All Other Remedies end
Best Physicians Fail.
In th treatment of torturing, dltfi
nrlng, Itching, scaljr, crusted, pimple,
blotchy and scrofulous humour ot th
(kin, oalu and blood, with Km of hair,
Cuilour Soap, OlnUneot sad PIU hart
been wonderfully successful. Even
the most obstinate of oonitltutlonal hu
mours, such as bad blood, scrofula, In
herited and contagious humours, with
lost ot balr, glandular swellings, ulcer
out patchea lo th throat and mouth,
ore eyes, oopper-oolored blotch, a
welt bolls, carbuncles, sounrr, itios,
ulcer and sore arising from an Im
pure or Impoverished condition of the
blood, yield to th Cutlcura Treatment,
when all other remedies and method
And greater still, If possible, I Ui
wonderful record of cure of torturing,
disfiguring humour among Infant ami
children. Th suffering which Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment have alleviated
among Hie young, and the comfort
they hve afforded worn-out and wor
ried parent, have led to their adoption
In counties home priceless cura
tives for the skin and blood. Infantile
and birth humours, milk crust, scall
head, eczema, rashes aud every form ot
Itclilng, scaly, pimply skin and scalp
humours, with lost of hair, of Infancy
and childhood, are stieedily, perma
nently and economically cured when
all oilier remedies suitable for children,
and even th best physicians, fall.
Social Dance
Astoria Council No. 106 Young Men's
limtltut.i will give a social hop at Han
thorn's hall Wednesday evening, April
15. A pleasant evening Is promised
lo all who attend. Tickets Wc.
Silver. 41 1-4.
Flrr-C1M Work
Fine Watches Hold
469 Bond Street
Cheap Fuel.
fir slab wood, stove leg the, II. W per
cord. H' wood 11.60 pr large load;
Phone SStl Wnck. Kelly, the trans
fer man.
Hats Trimmed Free
Mrs. Ingleton ha Just opened a fine
lint of spring hat and flowers, with
waists, whits skirt and muslin under
wnr. Pompadour and hair witch,
and all kind of ladle end children'
furnshlng goods at sal price. 'Welch
block, Astoria, Or. ' ,
Teachers' Irtstitue
The annual Clatsop county teacher
Institute will be held May s, 7, and I at
Aatarlt. Th day session In th high
school building, evening session at th
Methodist church. All teacher of thl
coun( y wilt b In attendance prompt
ly. The public cordially Invited to at
tend day and evening meeting.
(. 9. Lyman, School Bupt,
Moving Picture Business
Present W.oon latest colored Moving
Pictures, guuruntved not to quiver or
Jsrlc ind the Henri Hlulk, In 19 beau
tiful sceivs: The Jolly Old Maid From
New York; Mis Maude' Allen the Fly
ing Lady, and many other. Also th
latest lllun'r itrd songs sung by
Prof. A. W. HAD LEY
America's tlreatest Bar-
llone, aeslnted by ........
Pon't fall to im. lUutty Druthers at
Planers' opern House. Admission 3
and W rent. Tli kt on sale at tlrlf
fin's li'xik tttore.
ill Ji iw ii,
rHE BIG SALE IS STILL ON and will Continue all through Caster Week. This week will be a
week of unprecedented selling in every- section throughout the entire store, a selling for which
many months of exclusive buying has filled our various stocks to the extreme of completeness.
We are showing a fine line of WOMEN'S SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS replete with every touch of
elegance that the best designers can supply, and Men's and Boys high grade Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings.
' Our showing ' is at its height just
now, just the kind which fashion de
mands. You cannot fail to be suited
in this stock; and then the price are
so small, aa they are at least ONE
THIIiD LESS than like goods sell for
Baby Ribbons, two yard for., le
Safety Pin per paper le
Best Pins, per paper lc
Best Six-Cord Thread, per spool..., 2c
Corset Cover, food muslin (c
60c Men' Shirt, 16 lnchec long..8Sc
Lace Curtains, per pair 46c
Toilet Paper, 10 roUs for 16c
Table Oil Cloth, per yard 16c
Ladles' 60c Sailor Hats 26c
New Spring Wah Goods
82-inch plain white Indian Linen,
worth 10c, one sale at,, ,6c
13-Inch Fancy Batiste, all colors,
many pretty design, worth 12
and 15c, at' 8c
22-Inch White Oxford, one of the
latest styles for waists, worth
ana S5c, on sale at ...24c
J2-inch Silk Grenadlnei, very lat
est 1WJ shades, worth 70 and 76c
on sale at Mo
SO Inch Fancy Dltnltys, all da;
ind neat fffdres, i63 lyte,
worth 26c, on sale at.... 16
New Suitings for Ladies Wear
38-lnch all wool etamlne, all col
ors, regular values 75c, on rale
at 18c
5f-lnch all wool Scotch Suiting, all
new shades, worth $1.30, on sale
at ." 11
U -inch fancy all wool etamlne In
color and black, worth 11.35,
on sale at H
Boys Sboes
On pair of Topsy Hoe given with
the sale of every pair of Boy' shoe.
Boys' Heavy Box Calf Shoes, worth
11.60, on sale at 11.88
Boys' Fine VIcl Eld and Box Calf
Shoes, worth 12, at $1.60
Sales ot New Spring Silks
2500 yard Wash Siik, per" yard... .Me
27-inch black Taffeta Silk, per yd..Wc
SS-lnch black affeta Silk, per yd..$l.i
SWnch black guaranteed Taffeta
Silk, per yard...; .........$1.3
Men's Underwear
A complete stock of Men's Medium
and Heavy Weight Underwear,
Men's fine guage, heavy cotton, at 46c
Men's fine wool, worth 11.25, at No
Men' fine gray, all wool, worth
11.75 at 11.25
Men' brry all wool. Worth tt.iS
at tt.M
MInmcn Shoes
One pair of Topsy Hose given with
the. sale of every pair of misses' shoes
Misses' heavy box calf shoes, worth
, 1160, at..
Misses' Fine VIcl Kid shoes, light
or hoavy sole, worth 12.50, at. .$1.75
Ladle Shoes
On pair of Topsy Hose glvea- with
every pair of Lad Irs' Shoe.
Ladle' fine VIcl Kid Shoes, light or
heavy soles, worth $2.50, at.,..$l.5
Ladles' fine Dongola or VIcl Kid
regulur price $3.60 and $3.75, on
sal at $2.60
Men's Shoes
One pair of Topsy Hose given with
the sal of every pair of Man's Shoes,
Men' line Box Calf Shoes) worth. .
$3.60, on sate at $2.60
Men' Fin Blucher Style, New To
hoes, worth $4, oa sale at. .$3. 26
Sale of 1003 Kid Gloves ' .
. W handle the celebrated J. T. Sim
mon Glove. Every pair guaranteed.
Real French Kid, at $1.00
Fine French Kid, regular prlc $1.60 ',
and $1.75, on sale at. $1.25
""The celebrated Admiral brand mad
by 3. T. Simmon & Co. at $1.50.
(J rent Hale of New l.m 1'nrtuliM
30 pair ot new Lace Curlain al....4V
V pair of new denlgn I.hc Curtain
worth $1.40, at 9H
50 pair new lace curtulns, every
pulr worth $2, ut JM3
30 pair fine Iuce Curtains, new and
neat design, made to sell at $5,.
at ,. $j,m
35 pair ot IlrusHi'l Net, new design,
made to sell nt 17.50, on sale
at jr,
Hojh Clothing
Everything In our Hoys' Suit De
In order to make quUk work of this
sat, we make some tremendous prlc
concession thot put this sale In a
clns by Itself.
25 Boys' two and thns-plec auks,
.all wool, worth $3.60 and $4, on '
al t $1.50 .
IS Boys' two and thrce-plec suits,
worth $2.60 and $3, on sale at $1.$
27 Boys' two and three-piece suit,
worth' $2 lo $2.60, on sale at $1.60
These are without doubt the best
Hosiery bargain ever offeredinAstoiia
These bargain ore only made possible '
by th buying .advantage we possess
as member of the great syndicate. Re
member they are the celebrated TOP8T
Misses hose 5c
Ladles' lac hose ,......23o
Ladles' fine hose 25c
Boys' heavy hose J6c
Man's heavy hose ', 6c
Men's fin black hose I0o
Men' lace hose ,2o0