The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 14, 1903, Image 1

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    Mum mmmimw
on. .
Tho Young Man's Fancy
, , .... . ....... t -".. . .-
4 U
. l I ""111 I
BftANDtOEt, Manufacturing .Tailors, title. N. Y., answer that ques
tion withgarments that make, possible the wearing of clothes of In
dividual effect at fair prices.
and P7 R E
. The Chicago ...
' 'erfect in touc,l sPeed dora"
;? - W bllity and appearance, $35.
. i; 1 J. N. GRIFFIN
SI1H Petticoats, $4. $4.75 $5 and $9
Silk Dress SHirts, $10.00 to $20.00
Silk Monte Carlo Jackets, $9 to $11
WASH SlilRTS-Demims, 85ci Grass
cloth, 3I.OQ1 Linen, $2.00 to $3.0.
White Skirts, 85c to $3.00.
(a supposed (6 turn to lovt In the tpmg,
end we ' might add to thoughts of
clothes of brighter hue and more stylish
cut thsn In the felt
Thrtt Dutton Sack
exemplifies wht the swell C &
B. tailoring does for the nobby
young man of to-day who has a
cultivated taste for dressing
.well The fine taUored appear
ance at purchase Is -continued
after wearing It. MadtofweU
aftrunk selected fibrin.
cut short-walitcd and
slightly full overthe hips.
The tailored touch in the
design of the front and
cut of the lapels makes It
the select young man's
expression of
Custom Tailor
tlOt'iy rsr' as seen In the metro-
,m. 9 rolitan cities. What
, -does it cost to dress
CO VJtll ? ClOIKt &
When you want htm you are
are always In a hurry, We
are always (lad to respond to
your hurry calls and relieve
the difficulty. V have much
experience in repairing and
new work and will fix the tad
plumbing and supply the good
on short notice.
rhone Black S18B
470-471 Commercial street. . '
Attempt to' Introduce "Scab"
Workmen on Portland Build-
insj Caused Trouble.
Chief of Police Called Out 50 Men
-Contractor Obstinate fyrt
Was Ordered to Desist.
v Portland. April tS.-An attempt by E.
H, Moorehouse to set two nonunion
pnMra at work "on It Welnhard
building this afternoon st 1:30 o'clock
ended almost a soon 'as It began,
Ins; o the orders of Architect Lewta.
Mr. Lewis Informed Mr. Moorehouse
that things were not' ready, and that
n soon as It was time for the painters
to go to work he would be notified
officially. This closed the Inridrnl and
Mr. Moorvhouss retired with his two
men. ' T ' ' .
When Chief Hunt was told thTs nwirn
Ing that n attempt would be ntadi
to break th strika on the Welnhard
hullJIng he prepared for all emergen
cies by ordering ut two reliefs of tt
men In rath. The flrsl relief was
mawhated at 1:18 p. m. and marched
to the corner of Fifth and Oak under
CapUIn Moore, a Here the o(fU
were stationed so as to command all
approaches M the building. WHhln
iud was placed to clear the Interior
and keep it clear. ,
Sharply at 1: Mrf Moorehouse. ac
companied by Nelson Walling and an
unknown milnter, came Into the build
ing - to start la. work. Inmantly the
strikers who had stayed Inside sur
rounded the men with cries of "Quit!"
Iter money waa offered them to leave
their Job. 'At.liiii the amount ?wa
raised to over 110 a mart If they would
put down their buckets and refuse to
work. ' . f C i . :j t
Bofli meir mod , pnt- and - ngry
words ensued.: Chief Hunt appeared
In company with Architect Lewis, and
Mr. Moorebouse called his two men
nnd told them - to sturt to work at
painting the frames of the windows.
The crowd oulslde shouted, and trouble
seemed Imminent, when Mr. Lewis no
tified lr. Moorehous to quit work.
The frames are not ready. They have
not been fitted aa yet. When we the
ready to have the wodk done you will
be notified. "
Tm not afraid of those men out
side." snld Mr. Moorehouse. v
"That's not the question' said Chief
Hunt, "I'm here to keep order. Mr.
Lewis Is In authority, arid I can't al
low you to net against his orders.
That would be a breach of the pence,
and precipitate trouble."
"All right." answered the contractor,
and his men put down their buckets
and brushes In perceptible relief. Al
most bv marie the street outside clear
ed, and a minute afterward there was
peaca about the Welnhard building.
Most Ancient 1
San VrinKliivi' A nrll IS. The eilTllt'St
American clvlliaflon. far ante-dating
the swnerally accented limits of pre-
Columbian culture, has been traced In
Psru by Dr. Max Uhle. director of the
anthroplogical excavations and ex
plorations of the University of Cali
fornia In that country. ' Where, here
tofore. Inea tradition had led scientists
to believe that Peruvian civilisation ex
tended back "only a few centuries be
fore the coming of the Spaniards, the
archaeologlcnl work of Dr. Uhle has
established the fact that a great civ-
lllltatlon nourished 2000 years earlier,
at the least estimate, and that a cul
tured race, of higher development than
the Incas, was In existence before the
Trojan war.
This remarkable discovery follows as
a result of the studies made In the two
expeditions which Dr.. Uhle led In re-
cent years at the expense of Mrs.
Phoebe Hearst and under the auspices
of the University of California.
Too Handy
With Revolver
Hartford, Conn., April lJ.-Dominlck
Paclflco, an Italian, 18 years old, shot
three men In this city last night. ' An
drew Halltsey was shot In the abdomen
and will probably die. Jeremiah Con
drn was shot In the top of the head.
The bullet wm extracted. Thomas
Flt?erald, who recently returned from
tbe'Phillpplnts, grabbed the Italian
and was shot In the shoulder.
, According to witnesses, Halllsey had
an argument with in Italian, when
Paclfiro cams along on a bicycle,
Jumped oft and began shooting. He
was found half an hour later biding
In a closet In a house pear the scene
bf the shooting. He claims that fonr
men attacked blm. ' 1 . .
Klchard Powers wa arrested for
knocking down s man! who said he
could Identify the prisoner. Over 2000
people followed the prisoners to police
headquarters, and therefwss some talk
of lynching the Italian.!
Kew Yrfrk, April 11. Coarh Hanlao
of Columbia university crew, has Is
sued two sweeping challenges to Har
lem river oarsmen. ; In behalf of his
varsity eight , he offers to row any
picked crew on the Harlem rtver a
mile and a half and give tbem a start
of 10 seconds. ' In behalf of bis fresh
man eight, Mr. Hanlao makes the
same offer to an picked eight of Ju
nior oarsmen. Mr. Hanlan want both
races to be rowed for challenge cups.
Wife Slayer Cuts
His Own! Throat
f Sulem, April lS.-John Cr'al-
4 co, the Italian convict who was
serving a life sentence at the
penitentiary for the killing of
his wife In Portland on Febru-
ary 84, through Jealousy, ended
his existence at the prison to-
dav by cutting his', throat and
severing bis. windpipe with an e
Instrument knows, aa the cell 4
knife. He had been In prison e
only two weeks.
A Mathematical
Freak Dead
v Trenton, N. J.. Aprtl li.--Wtlllam
Yallanc. the famous lightning calcu
lator, who could do ant- sum In math
ematical calculation mila.ily and with
but an Instant's hesitation, Is dead,
need SO years. About a week ago he
was taken to. the State hospital suf.
ferlng from a severe mental strain.
believed to be the result of his work
with figures.:
Vallance could duplicate the feats of
any of the lightning calculators and
then beat them all by stating Instanly
any desired date in history. ' He could
not tell how he knew history, but would
retail oft fsct after fact without ever
making a mistake.
He could give Instant answers to
such' aritmetlcaf questions as multiply
3)19,107 by 4641, Feats lit algebra were
his delight.
' ' ' ' : 'V' ;
Pun Pablo. Cal., April IS. The South
era Pacific's Oregon train No. 11 struck
a horse and Jmggy near Stege, 14 miles
from San Francisco, Injuring three la.
dies Miss Mary Fay of Alameda and
the Misses Wilson of Oakland, .Miss
Fay's hip was Injured, the elder Miss
Wilson's head and eyes were hurt and
the younger Miss Wilson had an arm
and her Jaw Injured and some teeth
knocked out ,
San Francisco, Aprlt 13. Three of
the Alaska packers fleet sailed on East
er Sunday for the north with nearly
60:) ennnery hnnds and fishermen. The
vessels were the bark W. W. Case, the
bark Nicholas Thayerand "the ship Ta-
coma, and alt were bound for the
canneries on Bristol bay. They will
be followed today by the ship Euterche,
Are You Satisfied
with your prtsent income ?
Do you feel that you eould
earn more if given the
I desire' to secure the ser
vices of a few good men who
can give all or a part of their
time to selling a security, that
is attractive to conservative
investors. ..
Bank references required.
lettsrs tmttd u strlstly eeaMtatkl.
' laHrlmt sf Dsmsttie Atmlea,
Tie Mutul Liftt Inwrtiioe OemseaysfNtw Vera,
tt nam new Yerii, N, Y.
Information Has Reached Postmaster-General
That Will
V Cause Inquiry.
Head of Department Will Follow
Up Clues and Will Make It
Hard for Wrongdoers'
Washington, April 13. Postmaster
General Payne tonlgh t gave out a
statement In which he announced that
the investigation of the affairs of the
po toff Ice department will be continued
and that any person found guilty of
wrong doing will be dealt with sum
marily. The statement follows:
"During the months of January and
February, Information reached me,
wbkh I deemed It for the public in
terest to Invstjgate, and I personally
gathered such information - and facts
aa would enable the officers of the de
partment to undertake proper Inves
tigation Into the truth or falsity ofthese
reports. I directed Fourth Assistant
Postmaster-General Brlstow to take
proper steps to Institute the necessary
inquiry. The Investigation will be
continued, and if any wrong doing la
discovered the parties guilty will be
summarily dealt with. If the system
or method of doing business In the
department Is faulty, propef remedies
will be applied without fear or favor.
I Inaugurated the investigation with
the determination that It should be ex
haustive.. It is proper for me to add
that I laid before the president infor
mation which I had In my possession,
and that he fully approved of the ac
tion proposed by me."
Officials Violated
the State Law
Denver, Col., April 13. Governor
Peabody has notified the members of
the five and police board of Denver to
Appear before htm on Tuesday next to
show cause why they should not be re.
moved for alleged malfeasance and
misfeasance in office. The particular
charge for which they must stand trial
Is permitting gambling In the city In
violation of the law. '
Horrible Deed
of Insane Man
Holyoke. Mass.. April IS. Narclsse
Gague, aged S8, while Insane, killed his
wife at his home last night itnd cut
his own throat. The man had been
recently acting strangely. It Is thought
he becameangry with his wife for some
reason and struck her with a flat Iron.
breaking her Skull, and then cut her
throat wltha bread knife.
, The Alaska Fleet
The bark Harry Morse with the Co-
ulmbla River Packers' . association's
cannery outfit on board is due to sail
for Nushngak, Bristol bay, tomorrow.
She signed 52 men yesterday for the sea
son. She will also carry 74 Chinese and
28 Japanese for the canntry crew. The
Morse la in command of Captain Rey
nolds. The cannery will be in charge
of Superintendent John Carlson. G.
Payne goes as accountant. John Mc-
Cann as jiiachlnest, Wm. Hubbard as
assistant, Z. C. Davis as engineer of
the steamer Alarm. Sterling Price as
captain of the steamer Occident, Louis
Jackson as beach boss, and Charles
Laity as retort roan. The expedition
goes equipped to pack 53,000 cases of
salmon. .
The ship Berlin is to sail on Thursday
for. the Alaska Fishermen's Packing
company, with gg white men. W Chinese
and 50 Japanese. They go prepared
for a pack of 60.000 cases, and Super
intendent P. A. Berglund says he ex
pect to bring back that many. He
takes as foreman, J. A. Carlson of II
waco. and as beach boss. Peter Seines.
The steamer North Star will also leave
for Nushagak on April 21 with 11 more
The C. F. Sargent, loading for the
Portland-Alaska Packing company.will
probably also get away this week. ,
"Macbeth." "
John Griffith, as Macbeth, made the
hit of the season, "Better than any
thing in years," perfectly grand," etc
ere the expressions used by those
who witnessed the play. That a per
formance of an unusually high order
was on was evidence by the unrest
and annoyance In the galleries. It was
too deep for the hoys and young men
who? capacity Is for minstrelsy and
vaudeville. They were out of place
and should have remained away. John
GrltlTlth was an entire satisfaction even
if he do 4 resemble Bryan and had
been under the doctor's care all day
yesterday. Warren Con lan as Mac
duff and Miss Louise Ripley as Lady
Macbeth made a house full of friends.
The costumes and scenery were of the
finest and were not abridged because
the play was given in Astoria Instead
of Chicago. If all plays were of the
ord?r of A idea Benedict's Macbeth not
much would be said against the stage.
but many people would have to remain
away because it is too realistic for
their nerve. , '
To Oust McGovern.
Although one of its principal pro
moters and the manager who in two
years brought It to bankruptcy. Thos.
B. McGowan. who was appointed re
ceiver for the Pacific Packing Navi
gation company, never owned more
than four shares In that company. On
account of this record John Cudahy,
the Chicago packer, has filed a petition
with the wooer court asking that Mc-
Gowan be immediately ousted from the
receivership. Mr. Cudahy states that
he was a shareholder In the Pacific
American Fisheries company, which in
two years cleared over 8300,000. This
was one of the concerns absorbed by
the P. P. N - H further says that
while the P. P. ft N. Co. was be
coming Insolvent, the Alaska Packers
association was paying nine percent
dividends. He thinks that Mr. McGov
em is an Improper person to handle
the affairs of the company, because
he is a larire shareholder in the Pacific
Selling company, which has had the
handling of the P. P. ft N. output.,
Intimating that the former company
mlfht have profited at the expense
of the latter. . .
Charges Preferred. .
Water Bailiff Marshall may become
seriously Involved for-soliciting money
from fishermen with the understanding
that they could fish unmolested. . The
fishermen not only rejected the offer,
but reported the matter to Sheriff Lin
viile. Charges have been preferred and
Muster FUh Warden sn Duseir will
institute an investigation.
New Spring'
1 sT
525-527 D0ND 8TPJ2T
President Roosevelt js .Situated
Where He Can Look At Bur
falo and Things. -
When He and His Assistant Are
Not Doing Affairs of State They
Do the Cleveland Act.
Butte, April 18. A special to the Inter-Mountain
from Clnnebar says:
President Roosevelt is having the
time of his life in the national park.
Just now he is about 30 miles from
Fort Yellowstone in the midst of elk.
In a few days he wilt move to another
camp where be can observe buffalo,
mountain sheep and antelope.
While he is absent from his train
Secretary Loeb is virtually head of the
United States. He write all official
communications to the heads of de
partments in Washington, answers
letters from bureau chiefs, and decide
all questions that are ordinarily pass
ed upon by the president. The private
car Elyslan Is therefore the temporary
White House and a little desk, built
in the dining room of the car. is Dep
uty President Loeb's office and cab
inet room combined.
Assistant Secretary Barnes might be
termed the cabinet. The cabinet and
deputy president meet every morning
to atttend what correspondence comes
up, and then adjourn the seat of gov
ernment to ' Gardiner or Yellowstone
river,, where the trout are Jumping.
The regatta committee is doing good
preliminary work for the coming event;
and do not propose to fail. It Is ex-.,
netted to secure a magnificent Chinese
dragon with a hundred uniformed at
tendants for the parade. At Joe, of
the Kc Lung company, who achieved
connptcous success us knight of the
dragon some years ago, is lending his
assistance to the project.
and BOYS.
Styles Just in