The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 29, 1903, Image 1

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    ' - fXilj t? V:ia.i F::r lb
v.-.hvut r tr.:rio,i. Any
I f u., ty if ; G.lonsu,
'il be liublo iu pro3f.cullon.
V Mm
V Ik
EVERY jiifce vf cloth wo
lino ! our good-clothe,
making it shrunk before it'
cut tip nntil it won't shrink
any more; an important fac
tor for you to know; one of
the things that make our
clothes tit, wear and keep
If you've worn ordinary
ready-made M cheap" custom
make, yon know by contrast
what right shrinking means.
Clothlcrjand Furnisher
1 ' . ; '
Water Pouring Through Crevasses in
Perfect Deluge Drives People
Wild With Terror.
Only Six Blocks 1
Above Water
The City and Surrounding Coun
try Scenes of Devastation
and Immense Losses of
Property and Stock.
jj ! J.. ,i wjgifo J"'' ' '
The Chicago:
Perfect in touch, speed, dura-,
bility and appearance, $35.
When you want tirm you are
ars always In a hurry. We
' are always glad to respond to
your hurry calls and relieve
the difficulty. We have much
experience In repairing and
new work and will flx the bad
plumbing and supply the good
on short notice.
rhons Black 2185
470-473 Commercial street.
I Muslin
Ws Rive a brief description of afew numbers taken at random from
our large stock of Muslin Underwear. This underwear has been se
lected from thres factories. The se garments are liberally mads and In
the best styles. -I ;'..'" 1 : .. ,. '
Flaln Coriet Covers, 10c. F rench Corset Covers, two groups of six
tucks each, embroidery on the neck, 86c. Fitted Corset Covers, five
rows hemitltched ruffles, 40o. French Corset Covers, four, groups of
four rows of H, 8. Ruffles, tOo. V-Shaped Night Gown, four rows of
Insertion, 7Go. Square Neck Gown, five rows of tucks on each side, em
broidery edging, 85o. Square Neck Gown, lace, insertion and ruffle
with lace edging, $1. V. Neck Gown,' two rows of Mind insertion and
eight rows of tucks between, $1.20.
White Skirts, deep ruffle, one row Insertion, lace and dust ruffle, 75c.
Skirt, two large flounces, two rows val. Insertion snd lace, dust'
ruffle, $1.46. White Cambrlo Skirt, lawn flounce, six tucks embroidered
insertion, six tucks above flounce, dust ruffle, $2.10. .
, We have a large assortment In Children's Underwear, drawers and
Skirts, and outslses In Gowns and Drawers, All choice styles and t
unusually low prices. " ' ' '
New Orleans, March 28.-Only six
blocks of the city of Greenville, Mia.,
Are above water today. No lives have
been lo i ns far as la known, but the
situation la serious. The water from
La Grunge crevasse, s now 400 yards
wide, will flow Into Fish lake, Black
bayou, the Sunflower' river and fewer
creek. It will overflow the greater
part of Waehlngum and Sharkey coun
ties, and will entirely submerge lea
quetma county, with stnall portions of
Yaxoo an! Warren. ' Many of the
stream into which It finds is way are
already swollen and full from back
tfr and continual rains. The Yaxoo
rlvsr, which la the final outlet of the
watars. Is already backing up stream
and overflowing the lower portions of
Iaaqunmi and Shaikey counties, and
as the .tool Is thus cut off from. Its
natural outlet U will necessarily ao
cuniulnti and back up In the upper
country. ;'-
The river la falling by reason of the
crevasse, and the force of the current
Is considerably lessened on the Ark
ansae side, where, several wenk places
In the levee have been reported.
Greenville,. Mls, March 28. The
water continues to pour through the
crevussa at La Grtnge, five miles south
of this city, at a fearful rate, and the
sur.imndlng country1 for miles is
ercd by two to Ave feet of water. The
break has wHened over night and
now about 400 yards wide. .
Thft w ildest excitement prevailed here
Inst night, and reports of loss of life
were received from the Tuxedo and
liuenrv k additions,' but this morning
no confirmation of these rumors Is at
hand, and It Is believed that all per
sons living In these localities had suf
flclent warning to escape. The loss of
livestock, "however, will be enormous,
as hundreds of horses, mules, cows and
hogs were swept sway.
This morning the water submerged
tho entire southern part of the city.
Protection levees are being built in the
middle of Washington street, and
large force of convicts and volunteers
have bcea at work all night. The bus
Iness portion of the town has so .far
escaped the encroachment of the flood
but the water Is rising rapidly and f
worst Is feared.; Last night the two
electric light plants, located In the
southern part of the city, were sub
merged, and before daylight the city
was left in total darkness. This Is a
serious damage and will add .to the
danger the next few days.
Greenville, Miss., March 88. The sit
uatlon here tonight Is quite as serious
as it was last night and Is spreading to
new sections of the elty foot by foot.
The great crevasse In the levee five
miles to the "outh of the city Is widen'
tng, and mile after mile of fertile del
ta land Is being covered by the waters
as they rush Inland from the gap.
The developments of tonight . are
awaited with uneasiness. At the cre
vasse forces of men have been battling
all day against torrents of rain, fight
ing for every foot of the leves that Is
being eaten away . on either side of
crevasse by the seething waters. H is
very probable that the efforts must
be abandoned and the levee allowed
to go, as the crevasse has grown wider
with each hour, until tonight It Is
more than 800 yards across.
In Greenville very little of the town
Is free from water, and it seems proh
ibit that the entire city will suffer
a disastrous deluge.
summute deal that t III mean much
to the lumber dealers of the state. He
Is at the head of a project to trans
mit wuter power from Klugura fulls by
means of a big flume for a distance
of more than a mile to a proposed
plant with which his coinpay Intends
to furnish electric power to the city
of Buffalo, v
It Is part of the scheme to build this
Hum of redwood. The plans for the
undertaking call for 13,000.000 feet of
lumber, which a number of the local
'Arms, after several meetings with the
eastern representative, have agreed to
San Francisco, March 28. E. A.
Maltby, president of the'Ontarlo Pow
er company of Buffalo, Is here to con-
Anxious to
Settle Strike
Coniiany and Strikers Come Together
but Accomplish Little.
Seattle. March 18,-The fact that of
ficials of the Seattle Electric company,
representatives of organised labor
and delegation of business and pro
fessional men wereln conference try
Ing to settle the strike hud a quieting
effect upon the situation today. A
heavy down pour of rain also served to
dampen the srtior of tmme and thinned
out the crowd on Pike street to a mere
The striking, street ear men expect
ed much of the meeting. They would
like to see the strike settled and they
say It could be settled In 10 minutes
If President Furth will just sa ythtat
Ihe company will recognixe them. That
Is Just what Furth will not say, how
ever, so the two parties to the conflict
are jus as farapart as ever. A party
of business men succeeded In their
efforts -to bring the two sides together
!n conference, but the meettug was bar
fen of results.
tallun In Guatemala was destroyed by
the recent eruption of the Santa Maria
volt-am, has Just returned from an In
siHttlon of the devastated district.
He says that the account of the cost
to Uuaemala of Bunta Maria's
were, not exaggerated, and It wilt take
a couple of years and perhaps longer
for the coffee Industry to recover from
tho bio
"This year's ciop will be pretty fair,"
he added. "a!U"iiKh much of the cof
fee Is damaged.'some of it badly. Next
year's.crop will bt poor.
"The lubor released from the ruined
flncas would have done much to save
the situation, but unforunately these
laborers, and others for whom there Is
plenty of work waiting, are at present
In the militaiy service of the republic.
It will be several years before Guate
mala recovers from jhat volcanic- out
break, and some of her plantation will
never be anything but barren wastes."
Buffalo, March 28. Th eleventh an
nual reunion of the Ancient Scottish
Rites Masons has come to an end with
a banquet. Covers were laid for 400.
Colonel Krsncls Ward of this city act
ed ss toastmoster. The thirty-second
degree, sublime prince of the royal sec
retary, was conferred upon "5 candi
dates today. ,
Death Struggle
In East River
New York, Merch 28. James Murphy,
a tugboat captain, was discovered
struggling with an unknown man In
the East river yesterday. He was
taken on board a passing tug and died
before becoming conscious. The' other
man, whose identity la unknown, was'
drowned. It was learned that both
men belonged on board the tug William
A. Kane, which had sunk.
Consul Sorry
That He Spoke
Experiences Regret for Having Given
Dr. O'Brien Written Sendoff. .
Dresden, March 28. United States
Consul Cole, has, a wording to a note
published by an official of the Dres
dener Journal, expressed hi regret to
Premier Metzschenbath for giving Dr.
O'Brien, the American dentist who was
recently expelled from Saxony, a cer
tificate expressing sympathy with him
and reflecting on the Saxon- govern
ment ' ' ' ''"' . 'V' T"'"
sliecE! to
Admiral Dewey Satisfies the President
as to Indiscreet Speech Lately
Delivered By Him.
Correct One
But No Harm Was Intended and
the Reporter Was Cautioned
to Not Make Public the
Statements Uttered.
Baloon Will Be
A Swift One
New York, March 28. The Spencer
brothers, the well known aeronauts, are
nothing If not enthusiastic, says the
Tribune's London representative. They
are at present engaged In the construc
tion of a. new navigable baloon, for
which they are using a 24-horse power
motor. This gives an indicated speed
of 2 miles an hour, with a breeze of
35 miles an hour in the some direction.
They say it is quite possible that Lon
doners this year will see an airship
rushing overhead at the rate of 60 miles
an hour.
for President
At Los Angeles Los Angeles, 6; Se
attle, 4.
At Sun Francises San Francisco, 2;
Portland, 1, (10 Inmngs.) .
At Sacramento No game on account
of rain.
Telegraph Wires Will be Strung
Along His Course in
Washington. March 28. At the In
stance of the president Admiral Dew
ey called at the White House today
and made a full explanation of the
recent newspaper report In which the
admiral was quoted as saying that the
Conribean sea maneuvers were an ob
ject lesson to the kaiser more than
to any other person. The admiral as
sured the president that he had no
intention of reflecting hi Interview on
Germany, her emperor, or her ma
jesty, and while the statement cred
ited to him were substantially correct.
he bad cautioned his - Interviewer
against quoting him. It was staled
that the Admiral's , explanation was
satisfactory to the president
It is not believed further official no
tice will be taken of the incident
Berlin, March"28. The Interview of
Admiral Dewey has angered the news
papers here, and even those of a usu
ally moderate tone refer to It In a bit
ter manner. For Instance, the Vos
sische Zettung says: .
"The American navy is evidently
suffering from a lack of modesty. Its
le.ider evinces something unspeakably
immature. One can only, stand amazed
that such intensified self-compliance
should take root in the people of Ger
man origin. Such behavior would not
excite wonder If It had occurred
some Central or South American re
public, or Hayti. Admiral Cwey Is a
worthy Imitation of Captain Coghlan.",
Remarks Attributed to Admiral Dewey
Not IJkely to Cause. Trouble.
Berlin, March 2S. The German for.
elgn officials say that do not believe
diplomatic ruptures will result from
the recent pterv!ew " with Admiral
Dewey, published In a newspaper of
Newark, N, J and containing refer
ence to the German navy.
The officials say they are reluctant
to believe that the admiral was cor
rectly quoted, especially In view of
the good will he showed towards Ger
many in messages exchanged with
Prince Henry, and should the Inter
view turn out to be true It will protj.?
ably prove somewhat dlsiuroing to the
pleasant relations with the United
States. No official Information has been
received on the subject from Wash
ington. , '
Silver. U 1-4.
gold and Silver
Caused Heavy
Loss to Coffee
Accounts of the Eruption of Santa Ma
ria Not at All Exaggerated.
San Francisco, March 28. Louis
Hlrsh of this city, whose coffee plan-
wear out .
So do
Buf itf&Hej 6.
Sole A gent for Astoria.
Livingston, Mont., March 28. In ord
er to afford President Roosevelt the
best of telegrahplc facilities during his
paik trip, the Western Union Telegraph
company will place a score of men at
work next week stringing extra wires
from Gardner to Livingston to afford
direct communication from the, park to
Chicago and thence to the national
Major Pitcher, commandant at Yel
lowstone park, makes the announce
ment that he will permit no corres
pondent or photographers to follow
the presidential party Into the reser
vation, with the exception of military
messengers, nor will he allow any one
to follow the chief exectutve. except
those whom he chooses to have ac
company him.
President Roosevelt can ride horse
back from the Mammoth Hot springs
to Golden Gale, a distance of five miles,
but beyond that the snow Is about 18
feet deey, and all travel must be done
on skis. -
According to recent advices the pres.
ident will not go to the Jackson Hole
country, as the snow there Is deeper
than In the park, nor will an attempt
to ride on horseback from Fort Tellow
to Cody be made. v
Baker City, Marc h28. The pury In
the Armstrong murder case returned
a verdict of murder In the first degree
this afternoon, after having been out
all night. Armstrong will be sentenced
next Tuesday morning.
New Spring' Styles Just in
8f end