ASTORIA, OREGON, 'WEDNESDAY MARCII 25, 1903. SI We have the l&rest stocK of seeds In town. If you don't find what you want we will order It for you. KOSS, HIGGINiS SL CO. MONTHLY TIDE TAHLBH MARCH. lOI. " V'DaU. " l h.rn.lfC h.m. i C HUN DAT ", ..Tl l;00 1.1 :0T ; Monday . . ... I 1:10 I. a !: 7.7 Tuesday .... I 8:06 l.t 1:15 7.1 Wdmdar ... 4 1:41 I.I :! I.I Thursday . . .. t 4:17 1.1 f.ti i.l Krldy IMS T.I 1:40 I.I HalimUy .... 7 1:10 T.7 l:0i I.I HDNDAT .... I 7:S T.I I:i7 I.I Mondsy .... I l:tt T.I 10:11 1.7 Tussday . . . .10 11:01 T.7 11:17 7.1, Wednesday , ;. II 11:0) 1.0 ! Thursday . . .. 11 0:02 T.I 11:01 l.t Friday 13 0:4! 1.1 11:10 l.t! Hnturday , , ..14 1:11 1.6 1:14 1.1, HUNDAT . . . 15 1:65 l.t 1:17 T.I 1 Monday . . . . II 1:10 1.4 1:00 7.4 Tuesday . . ..17 1:01 1.1 1:45 I.I Wednesday . ..U 1:11 l.i 4:11 I.I Thursday . . . II 4:19 T.I 1:10 I.I rrkUy SO 1:01 T.4 1:13 l.t Saturday . . ..II 1:17 I t T:40 HUNDAT . . .11 7:06 l. 1:51 I.I; Monday ... .3 1:11 l.t 1:41 1.1: Tuesday ...,! 1:17 1.710:11 Wednesday .. .16 10:14 1.111:10 7.1 Thumday , . ..14 11:10 T.I 11:41 T.I I Friday . . . .. 37 11:64 T.I flaturday , . ..II 0:11 7. 11:16 T.T KUNDAT . . .11 0:11 1.1 1:11 T.I Monday . . . 10 1:14 1.4 1:11 T.I Tuesday . . .. II 1:61 I.I 1:41 T.T THE MORNING ASTORIAN TELEPHONE ML TODAY'S WEATHER 4 4 4 4 Portland. Marrh 24. Inoreaa- 4 4) inn rloudlnes followed by rain. 4) 4444444444444 Bend In your order for Wyoming coal. 8. Elmor A Co. four up-to-daU barber at tht Occi dent. You don't hav to wait. Wyomlnc coal, THE HOUSE COAL. Bend order to 8. Elmor A Co. Ring up lied 1074 for Th. Frederick eon of 1071 Bond ilrwt, for reliable Tit no tuning. For Rent Tat or three furn'ehed room fur houaktplng. No. 143 Tenth ireet, Tou will alway rind th beat 16c meal In th city at th RUIng Sun ra taurant, la Ill Commercial slreet. Dig shlpmett of picture and photo frame Just In. Alao luteal books and inacailne at Svenson' book itore. For Rent Thre room furnished for housekeeping. Inquire at 8u4Mly' hardware more, Commercial atrnnt, be tween Ninth and Tenth. 1 am aelllng th largeat cak of pur white Imported olive oil caatll soap ver told here for th money. Call and e for yourself, Roger, drugglat' Plumbing out of JolntT Need eome tlnwork? Ring up No, 1031 for John A. Montgomery, 4 llond street, who will promptly attend your want with the Intent sanitary plumbing fixture and most skilful workmanship. Tin ning, gnnnttlng and heating. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar- rack, Wah., March 16, 1903. Sealed piopoMiln, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock, a. m., April 18, 1903, for clearing ground at Fort Stev en, Oregon. Information furnlahed here, or by qunrtcrmaator at post. V. . 9, eaorn-i the right to rejwt or ac cept any or nil propoaala or any part thereof. Envelope containing propoa ala should be narked: "Propoaal for clearing grund at Fort Steven, Ore gon." addressed F. H. Hathaway. C. Q, M. GO-CARTS AND GO BASKETS Cushion Tires and Automobile Gears. Some thing New. Sole Agents for the ORIOLE GO-BASKETvS CHARLES HEILB0RN 8 SON 590-592 Commercial Street D MARCH, 1101. fcow Wtr. ' Dot. HUNDAT'. .7 Monday , . . Tuesday . , ,, Wednesday , . Thursday , . Friday . , , . MHturday . , . HUNDAT . . Monday , . . Tuesday . . v Wednesday , . Thuraday . . , Friday . . . , Halurdoy . , . HUNDAY . . Monday . . , Tuesday . . . h.m. ft. li.mTl tC 1 1:06 1.6 1:13 1.0 1 1:44 1.1 l:4 1.4 1 1:17 1.0 1:14 1.1 4 10:1 0.1 10:08 1.1 011:11 1.0 11:00 1.1 I ll:l 1.1 7 0:06 t.'i 1:16 1.1 I 1:17 I.I t:to 0.1 I 1.00 1.6 4:00 0.T 10 4:18 1.1 4:61 0.1 11 6:16 1.4 6:41 0.1 II l:0 1.1 1:11 0.4 11 1:63 1.1 7:11 0.1 14 7:11 0.1 7:49 0.1 16 I: ID 0.7 1:13 1.4 14 1:00 0.7 1:67 1.1 17 1:44 0.8 1:11 1.4 18 10:lo 1.0 10:11 I.I lll:l 1.111:00 1.4 10 11:11 1.6ll:6 I.I 11 1:13 1.1 33 0:18 4.1 1:14 1.7 23 1:17 4.0 1:14 l.T 14 1:41 I.I 4:10 1.1 16 4:11 I.I 4:14 1.4 34 1:17 I.I 1:13 1.1 17 6:66 t.O 1.08 1.1 14 1:11 1.6 1:40 1.1 II 7:01 0.1 7:14 1.4 30 7:4 6 0.1 7:49 1.4 31 8:16 0.3 1:18 1.1 Wednesday . , i nursuay . . . Friday . . . ,. Saturday , , , HUNDAY . . Monday . . , Tueaday . . .. Wednesday , . Thuraday . . . Friday . , . , Haturday . . HUNDAY . . . Monday . . . Tuesday , , . Th fkandlnavlan llenevolent aocU-ty held a memberahlp social last evening at It hall. The aet-ond quarterly conference of Ihe Methodist church will be held Sat urday evening. . Mr. Raimuaaen will do up lace cur tain to your aatlHiactlon, Leave or der at Oregon bakery. Th steamer Elinor will leave A tori for Tillamook bay point on Fri day morning, March 37, at I a. m. The launch Triton took a acow loud of lumber to New Aatorla yesterday for repairing th Parker 'netrack at that place, The DcMom Concert company, th great lyrle board, will give a concert In the Methodist church Tueaday, April 14. fTh ladle of th Methodlit church will hold an Butter anle on Saturday. April 11. Oreat preparation are be ing made. The funeral of the late MIm Ena Hoaven will be held from the family ivaldwnce at 1 o'clock thla afternoon. The interment will be In Greenwood cemetery .v Clia. S. NeUon of Seattle formerly of Minneapolis, Minn., baa lately vlf Ited thl city ,vlth the Intention of lo cating choice tlmberland. Mr. Wll aivn left for Ilwaco yesterday to look at the tmber In Pacific county, V. S. Engineer office, Portland, Ore., March 25, IMS, Sealed propoaala will be received here for 475,000 ton, more or less, ton for extension of Jetty at mouth of Columbia river, Oreg., And Wash., until 11 a. m , April 30, 1903, and then publicly opened. Informa tion on application, W. C. Langfltt, Cnpt. Engr. The Malleable lump chimney I the cheapest becau It I the best. It will last longer and stand more misuse than any othr that ha ever been produced. You can put It on the lamp wet, and turn the blase up a high you wish. It can be taken from a warm room to a cold one, up atalra or down cellar, out In the open air; leave It In the cold, warm, dry or damp draft without breaking It. For Rale by Johnson Brothers. ' A Elder the Dry Dock Th O. R. & N. steamer Geo. Vf Elder I tlll In dry dock at San Frun Cisco, and may not be In th water again until Thursday. In addition to a cleaning of the bottom, the shaft being repaired. In the meantime th Elder ho missed one voyage on the Portland route. For Pamine Sufferers An enthusiastic meeting whs held on Monday evening to arrange for raising famine relief fund for the sufferer In northern Finland, It wus decided to give an entertainment In Huoml hall on the evening of April 11 for this purpose. and also to solicit subscription In the city. A 'oinmltt'e of 30 people was appointed to act. IIIIIISBWM The Antelope Chartered' Mnr Whitehouse, of the Tilla mook Lumber '.ompuny was In the city yesterday and ha chartered th Pack ers' schooner Antelope for the lumber trade otwn Tillamook and Ban Fran elsco. Captain BJorengen will com mand the schooner. Mr. Whltehouse I a New Hampshire lumberman of ex lerlenc and ability, and I helping to make thfmr go In Tillamook lumber clrcl". Scarlet Fever Again The residence of Frank ' Llndatrom, 2363 Cedar street wa placed - under quarantine restriction yesterday, a case of scarlet fever having developed In the homo. It was hoped yester day that Astoria had finished with con tagion, but th satisfaction ha proved to hav been (hurt-lived. Mr, Llnd stroiu's home had already been placed under quarantine and the new case Is thought to be merely the result of the former ons, and not a fresh cropping up of th disease. Hermann Has Opposition Heretofore Blnger Hermann ha been considered the most likely candidate for the nomination of congressman to succeed the late Thomas Tongue, but now th.!- Is some doubt In th matter. Tl'i- forcei opposed to the ex-land com missioner propose to combine to cir cumvent his defeat, and If .thla trans pire his nomination Is, of necessity, highly Improbable,' Such combination however, not Infrequently fall through a la-k at harmony and Hermann, by conMnuln4 solid with his present con stituency, need not despair. It re quires 87 votes to nominate and the other people have not yet gained any. where near that number who will settle on one man, Advertising Scheme It ha been suggested that a good way to advertise Astoria and Clatsop county would be to place one of the handsome folder now being distribut ed by President Welch, or other suit able printed matter In each caae of salmon aent out from the city. A carload of 600 casea of canned salmon Is usually divided up Into possibly 100 lots of from one to 10 case each, going to retail store In many different towns, and attractive advertising matter1; would in most cases fall Into Interested hands when It would almost certainly be seen and read by many people Shipment Intended for foreign destina tion could be omitted If desired. The usual plan of sowing folder and pam phlet Is notoriously wasteful. This plan would entail no expense and might be very effective. Opening Day. Ye.iterJ'iy was the first day of the annual spring millinery openings at the various city stores where millinery Is qyen. an event of supreme Import ance to the falr?t and best of us. The beautiful displays were worthy the con stant streams of well-dressed and fash ionable ladles who poured In and out of the lavishly decorated display rooms where stylish head .(ear reigns supreme The rage has even taken hald of thhe children, for after school hour the throng was augmented by bevy after bevy of bright eyed, sunny faced school girls, who made the rounds scrutinising dainty bonnet and lovely hats with all the assurance of, veteran shoppers, heedless of the faot that style will change several times ere some of them will need ladles' head covering. " The opening continue today. Bird Society Meets. There was an Interesting gathering at the Chamber of Commerce rooms Inst evening In response to the call for a meeting of the W. R. Lord Bird so ciety, President Tallant, Secretary Miss Badollett and a number of mem bers weri! present and all evinced a marked Interest in suggestions and plans for the future conduct of the society. The main object of the meeting was to discuss methods for arrangng out ings, to especially Instruct the school children during next spring and sum mer, Th society is desirous of ob taining the services of a metier of the John Borroughs society of Portland who Is particularly strong on field wbrk, and under his guidance to con duct an expedition during th session of the teacher' Institute. The matter has not yet been formally brought What Shall We Have for Dessert? Thl question' wise la th family very day. Let us am wet it to-day. Try dellcloui sod healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minute. No boiling! no baking I add boiling; water and set to cooL Flavor: Lemon, Orange, Rasp, berry and Strawberry. Got a package at your grocer to-aay. iocu. before Superintendent Lyman, but will be at an early date, Mis Morgun con senting last evening to express the wish of the society and report at the next meeting. Push Club Tonight President Harrison Allen desire ev ery member of the Push club to be In his place clothed In full regalia to night. Among other business of Im port(m"c to be disposed of Is the que. ton of maknig a proper showing for Clatsop county In the permanent ex hibit maintained in the Union depot at Portland under the uiervlslon' of Colonel Drake.. Clatsop la said to be theonty county In 'he state not repre sented. Colonel Drake is expected to be here to address the club within a rhort time.- This exhibit afford an excel lent opportunity for dsplaylng the pro duct and adverting the resource of the various portion of the state, and It Is hoped to soon appropriate It ad vantage to this county. The exhibit Is on the second floor of the union de pot. . , Reception for President A meeting wa held by the leading cltlsMi )t Portland Monday evening to settle on some way of receiving President Roosevelt when he arrives in that city May 21. After a deal of dis cussion the following program was mapped out and idopte.1 Salute by battery, O. N. O. Review of school children In the park block. '' Laying of corner atone of Lewis and Clark monument, ' Ride through th city. v Dinner at hotel. Reception In front of Portland hotel on Sixth street. May IS. To Kalama on steamer T. J. Potter. - A noticeable feature of the program Is the utter lack of. oanqueta and func tions of a like nature which the citlxens wisely determined would-be tiresome to the strenuous chief execnttve. ' PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. Linton was In the city from Sea side. . . Roy Wilklns of Portland I visiting In the city. Ralph Harder of Melville wa In the city yesterday. John Cole of Young ' River wa In th city yeterdiy. Mr. Charles Callender of Knappton la visiting In the city. L. Andjcson of Chadwell transacted business In Astoria yesterday. Mrs. J. N. Griffin came hame last evening from a vlalt in Portland. William Anderson of Deep River has gone to Portland for a few day. Mrs. W. O. WlWneen and Mis Frances Thomas w?nt to Portland last night. . II. Crohn, E. Z. Ferguson, Will Madison, F. J. Taylor and C. L. Hous ton were In Portland yesterday. ; ,. Captain Al Gates returned from II waco yesterday, where he went to pur chase trap web for use at Ranter. FA Lund la here from Portland. He is nlnklng arrangement to so to Port land for the Alaska Packers' Assocla Hon. Mrs. Captain Rehfield went to her home on Grays rlwr yesterday. Mrs, r.ehheld has been here for sofne time under a yhyslctan's care. Emerson Heath of Ilwaco came over on the Nahcotta yesterday enroute for Seatttle, where he hag & position In the weather bureau .service as super intendent of line repair. Mr. J. C, Trullingcr has been 111 with an attack of grip, complicated with articular rheumatism, during the past three week. She' had been some what Improved until yesterday, when, feeling worse, she decided to go to St Mary' hospital, where she now is. Her many friends hope for her speedjr re covery. THE NEW CUP CHALLENGER. Th English people are very persist ent In th;lr efforts to recatiture the cup which the Americans have held for so many years. Another attempt la to be made In the summer, and to thnt end a challenger Is beng built, which Is claimed will have more speed than those used In the past. The re sult will be watched with considerable Interest by both sides. There has al so been much Interest manlftesd by the public In the ftarvellmu success mode by the celebrated Hostetter' Stomach Hitter during the past 60 years. It has established a record of curs unequallfld by any othor remedy of such ailment as heartbTtrn, belcH ing, Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipa tion, Insomnia, nervousness or snrlna fever. If you are a aufferef wa ur?e you to try bottle at one. FRACTURED " : HIS SKULL FELL EIGHTEEN FEET FROM THE STREET TO ROCKS BELOW -DELICATE SURGI CAL OPERATION Rudolph Larson came near ending his earthly career yesterday by falling from the" roadway on Eighteenth street to the rocks on the beach below, a die tanc of It feet. When reached by neighbor who saw him fall over the railing he wa lying motionless, his head covered with blood from jhastly wounds. Friends soon brought water and washed th blood away and carried him to hi home nesrby. Doctor Cordlncr was sent for who bad the Injured man removed at once to St, Mary's hosptal. His wound consist of two severe skull fracture, one on the top of hi head and on behind the rlrht ear. In the first lamed It wa found necessary to take out a piece of bone the size of a quarter of a dollar In order to remove the splintered Inner plate of the skull which caused a severe depression of the brain. On this being done the brain assumed It normal shape and , the good effect on the patient wa at once apparent. : t t Mr. Larson regained consciousness last evening and was able to pek, though very weak. Doctor Cordiner thinks he will survive hi Injuries. Mr. Larson is 4 year of age and a native of Sweden. He has been In As toria about 10 yean, and live on Eighteenth street and Grand avenue The pliCi winje he fell is on the west side of Eighteenth street about 100 feet south of Exchange. Although the top piece of the railing Is missing at this point there Is sufficient railing to pre' vent any one from falling over if he has control of himself. Mr. Larson has a wife and four children. SAWMILL TO CLOSEDOWN HIGH PRICE OF LOGS CAUSES OP ERATIONS AT KNAPPTON TO CEASE TEMPORARILY. The Columbia mill, situated at Knap- tion at Knappton, -vlll ontlnue In op- month for an indefinite period. The reason for the suspension of milling op erations is the high price demanded for logs. The Simpson Lumber company has mills at different points on the coast and they all, with the one excep tion at Knappton, will continue in op eration and a soon a the company obtains a reasonable reduction Id the price of material, business it Is thought will look up across the way. The price received for logs In that section is f 10 a thousand, and thefarg- est camp on either Grays or Deep rivr puts 200,000 feet in the water dally. An uninitiated person might Jump at the conclusion lhat the operator of that camp, providing he sold all hi logs at that price, would become a millionaire In a comparatively short space of time, but it is a fact that loggers, while some of them become reasonably well fixed in the course of time, do not develop into millionaires by continuing merely In the logging business. The expense of running a logging camp is enormous when taking Into considera tion besides the pay roll and stumpage, the wear and tear,' the occasional slump In th? market and loss Incident to bad weather. Notice to Friends of Organized Labor. All union men and friends of organ. Ixed labor are hereby notified that the San Francisco Oyster House is again declared UNFAIR. Cooks and Walters' Union, A. J. Klaffkl, President. 8. M. Gallagher, Sec. TO THE TRADE. Having secured the "El Symphonle, all Havana cigar I can sell these In four sixes at Portland prices. Also the "Sailor Prince," a union-made nickel cigar, giving 100 free with each pur chase of 1000. Better than the Owl or export. Another nickel cigar, the Opta, E0 free with ach 1000. Also the "Flor de Madrid." or "General Arthur" (Concha sire). 515 Commercial St, P, A. Trulllnger. BIRTH NOTICE. To Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Haraden, In Portland, a daughter. SP.RING SALE. Ladle hats, flowers, walking skirts, oversktrts, summer waists, muslin un derwear, pompadours and hair switches and all kinds of ladies' and children's furnishing goods at sale prices. ' Mrs. R. Ingleton, Welch Block. out all kinds of Job printing promptly, In the latest and neatest styles and at honest prices. Send In your order. C, V. Barr Dentist Mansell Building. 673 Commercial street, Astoria, Ore, TELEPHONE RED 1041. . JL:.U - (Special Showing NEW AND FASHI0NBLE LADIES' UNDERMUSLINS New Stock Just In And when we gay NEW we mean garments which are JtEWLT made from' NEW materials in NEWEST styles. NOT a lot of questionable, unsanitary sweatshop productions, whose only recommendation is cheapness, bnt strictly high class goods. That means they are made to n't well shaped forms, to feel dressy, and to look elegant. We invite you to compare our Lingerie with that with which we come in competition. We know where you will pur chase then. -Call today. Gfce A. DUNBAR CO. 566 Commercial St 'Phone 1331 FOR THE FISHING SEASON Fishermen who need Fishboat Oars, Boat Stoves, Clocks, etc., should first see our stock and examine prices. Full assortment. FOARD a STOKES CQ. v Astoria - . Ore. ASTORIA HOTEL Newly Refitted and Furniahed , Good Table, Comfortable Rooms, Reas onable Rates and Courteous Treatment. JACK DENCK 217 Seventeenth Street, Near NEW ARRIVALS In Late and Desirable Assortment ' . DRY GOODS AND FOOTWEAR Come in and see. What yon buy here is good and the prices are right. General Store, Corner of Bond and Eleventh Streets. , V. H. COFFEY. NEW STYLE CHOP HOUSE P F. PETERSON, Proprietor BEST ARRANGED BATING HOUSE IN ASTORIA EVERYTHING THE MARKET AFFORDS Eleventh Street Castings We are prepared to make them oil short notice and of th best materials. Let us give you estimate on any kind of castings or. pattern work. Lowest price for first-class work. . TELEPHONE NO. 2451. HOTEL PORTLAND 4 ; The Finest Hotel PORTLAND, - Ly.VlI - - Proprietor Commercial, Astoria, Ore. Astoria IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Ircn & CrssslTcrks Ocr. 18th and Frsnklin srs: in the Northwest - OREGON