The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 22, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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At th BEE
Tuesday and
March 24 ami 25
Walter Blackstock, a Canadian, was
yesterday . granted first citizenship
papers beore County Clerk Clinton.
The regular meeting of the chamber
of commerce will be held tomoirow
evening at T;30. A large attendance is
"No. 17," the mamoth freight engine
of the A. A C. railroad, hauled last
night's passenger to Portland, the reg
ular being taken off for the purpose of
being brightened up.
Mrs. Bans Peterson of Alioona,
Wash., was shopping In the city yes
terday. Mrs. Peterson says Altoona,
which formerly was called Hume Sta
tion, is having a building boom, many
residences going up, and a cold stor
age and other buildings.
The launch Elk Is patrolling the riv-1
er with Deputy Wardens Burton and
Webster for passengers. The officers
are on the chase for violators of the
close season fishing season law and the
launch has been chartered for the pur
pose by the fish commission.
Richard J. Vincent, formerly with
the White Collar line, has accepted the
position of bookkeeper with J .G.
Megler at Brookfleld, vice Robert Fip
layson,' resigned. " Mr. Vincent has
been acting agent for the Pacific Ex
press company and when he assumes
his new duties the agency will be
turned over , to JR. G. Prael.
The Astoria Literary and Debating
society will meet at the usual time
and place on Moday evening. A select
program wil be given and the subject
for debatewill be announced at the
meeting by Principals Mr. Charles
Hough and Mr. Pye. The quarterly
election cf officers will also be held.
All the members are requested to be
present, and others are cordially in
vited Assessor Cornelius is making good
progress with his work so far, being
nearly through with the business
houses of the city. Vp to date the as
sessments made show an. increase .of
about $14,000 in valuations over the
same property as assessed last year.
- The obje:t In raising the valuations is
to make a more equitable showing for
the county and to make it possible to
reduce the rate of taxation, which is
now 50 mills, on a very low valuation.
By the courtesy of Dr. Earle a merry
party of about 20 couples went ovr
to Knappton on the Electro last even
ing to attend a daiicing party given
In honor of -Thomas Simpson, who is
spending a few days In the mill city.
A thin, vapory smoke, lazily ascending
from its crater may be the only visible sign
of lift in the sleeping volcano, but
Is a raging sea 01 nre, molten rock ana sul
phurous gases. Those who make their
homes in the peaceful valleys below know
the danger and, though frequently warned
by the rumblings and quakings, these
r ; . ' . . 1 , ,
Signs OI unpenning eruption go ouuecucu.
They are living in fancied security when the giant awakes with deafening
roars and they are lost beneath a downpour of heated rock and scalding ashes.
Thousands of blood poison sufferers are living upon a sleeping volcano
and are taking desperate chances, for under the Mercury and Potash treat
ment the external symptoms ot tne
disease disappear, and the deluded
victim is happy in the belief of a
complete cure, but the fires of conta
gion have only been smothered in the
system, and as soon as these min
erals are left off will blaze tip again.
Occasional sores break out in the
mouth, ared rash appears on the body,
and these warning symptoms, if not
heeded, are soon followed by fearful
eruptions, sores, copper colored
splotches, swollen glands, loss of hair
and other sickening symptoms.
Mercury and Potash not only fail
to curt blood poison, but cause Mer
curial Rheumatism, necrosis of the
bones, offensive ulcers and inflamma
tion of the Stomach and Bowels.
; The use of S. S, S. is never followed by any bad results. It cures
without th slightest injury to the system. We offer $1,000.00 for proof
We will mail free our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which
gives all the symptoms of the disease with full directions for home treat
tnent. Medical advice is furnished by our physicians without charge,
Th party was one of the most pteoa
ant ot the kind Indulged
by the local you8 people thl winter,
everything combining to make It en
joyable. Kefreshments -!re served at
th hotel, table being arrang! for
all the couple at one Bitting and utt
er the party the couples adjourned to
there. The Electro returned with Its
merry passenger at midnight.
Louis Weber of Corvalls Is in the
J. H. Matthews of Portland Is at the
WiltUm Chutter went to Portland
last night.
Fred L. Rusey of Portland is visit
ing in the ttty.
W. J. Ingalls of Chad well wos in the
city yestarday.
John Lew of Fern Hill wa trading
in town yest.lay.
John Foreman, of Xasel, Wash.,
in ths city yesterday.
Walt Ingal's the Chadwell rancher,
was In town yesterday.
Mrs. Sarah Ross returned from a
Portland visit last evening. .
Charles Zlgier and wife cam down
from Portland last evening.
Leon Dow was In the city yesterday
from hli home at Prospect Park.
Mrs. Sabine and daughters were in
the city yesterday from Wurrenton.
N. P. Lund wnt to Portland last
night to spend Sunday with his family.
Lou Wilson and wife were In the city
yesterday from their home on tne Lwis
and Clark.
Auditor and Mrs. F. ! Kuttner re
turned frpm Portland on list nlghfs
John Heldt and Sam Waikef. the
Grays river ranchers, returned home
Frank Sweeney arrived down from
Portland yesterday cr.d In the evening
went to Warrenton.
John A. W. Peterson of Vpper As
toria has accepted the position as cr.p
taln of the Parker launch, Ida Hazel.
William Larson and Levis Wilson,
prominent ranchers of the and
Clark, spent Saturday afternoon In the
city. .
George Moore, the loK?er, w;;s In
from the Lewis and Clark yesterday
and reports business brisk on the up
per river.
Ernest Llbka, the pulp mill contract
or, was In town yesterday on business
connected with his camp on the Lewis
and Clark.
Will ft. Bell arrived down from
Portland on Friday evening and will
spend a few days in AstorU before lt&v
ing for Alaska.
Chris Peterson, formerly county corn
mlssloner but now of Hillshom, arriv
ed yesterday to arrange for rntn? his
Youngs river farm.
A. J. Cohn and B. SnuiTer, two of
Tillamook's leading citizens, arrived on
the steamer Sue H. Elmore yester
day,,. They will make extensive pur
chases of goods to go in on the i:t?xt
1 boat.
Mrs. A. A. Rappleyea, who h.13 b ; n
very ill during the past nln: vfks,
with a oomnllcatlon of disease, is
slowly Improving and hopes are enter
tained .that she will soon be conva
lescent. Mr. and Mrs. Carbton AHip, who
have made their home ut the Oie dur-
within "
Bowling Oreen, Zy.,
March 24, 1902.
GsntUmsn: Tot ovsr four years I
suffered greatly from a severs east
of contagious blood poison. I went
to Hot Springs, staying there four
months at a big expanse. I then con
suited physioians, who prescribed
Heronry. Nothing did m any good,
ia fact, th treatment proved more
harmful than beneficial. I mentioned
my eass to a friend, who told m that
8. S. 8. had certainly cured him. tat
ones commenoed Its use, and in six
months could find no trao of the dis
ease whatever. This was about twe
years ago. I continued 8. 8. 8. tot
some time to maks sure of a penna
nent ours, and I can truthfully say X
am entirely wall.
v ' yy r .
that it contains a mineral of any de
scription. S. S. is an antidote for
contagious blood poison, and the only
radical and permanent cure known. It
destroys every atom of the virus and puri
fies and strengthens the blood and builds
up the Efeneral health.
No Dessert
More Attractive
yChj s gelatine and
spend hour soaking,
itening. savoring
and coloring vbea
produce better results ia twe minutes
Every thing in the peck. Simply add hoi
water and set to cuoL It's perfoctki. A suit
prise to the housewife, Ko trouble, less ex
pense. Try it VmIst. Ia Four Fruit Fla
vors: Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Rasp
jerry. At grocers. IQo.
ing the wnter, will return to llwaco to
morrow, where Mr. AUen will super
intend his preparation for the c-mlng
fishing e.oa, v
Mr. and Mm. R. O. Sastvn are ht-re
from Veo, la., visiting with Mr. end
Mis. Skyt?s. Tha ladle are sisters.
Mr. Saseen visited tuts section IS years
ago and the Impression, produced then
was such as io cause him to renew the
trip. Hi; may possibly nmain per
Largest Individual Taxpayer Ever Re
cordedAsks No Reduction.
New York. March . It Is learned
from tax department sources that In
quiries made as to whether Andrew
Carnegie would ask for a reduction
In his assessment have elicited the re-
ply he would not and that he will pay
on the 45.900,000 (.messed on his per
sonality and on realty assessed at 13.
000,000. Mr. Carnegie will be tne larg
est taxpayer ever recorded on the as
sessment rolls. Ilia tax on personality,
flgurnig at the rata ot U.45. will be
Fiederick William and His Brother
Had the Measles
Cairo, Egypt, March 21. -The Ger
man crown prince, Frederck William,
has so far recovered from the measles
that he is taking two-hour drives.
Prince Eltel, who suffered from the
same disease, has also regained his
usual health.
The English people are very persist
ent In their efforts to recapture the
cup which the Americans have held
for so many years. Another attempt
is to be made ia the summer, and to
that end a challenger Is beng built,
which is claimed will have mow pptfd
than those used In the past. The re
sult will be watched with considerable
Interest by both sides. There has al
so been much Interest maniftesd by
the public In the marvellous success
made by the celebrated Hostettei's
Stomach Bitters during the pust 50
years. It has established a record of
eur?s unequalled by any othftr remedy
of such ailments as heartburn, btltfi.
ing, Indigestion, 'dyspepsia, constipa
tion, insomnia, nervousness or spring
fever. If you are a sufferer we urge
you to try a bottle at onr.e.
Grand Opening.
The ladles are invited to attend the
opening of the Star millinery store,
corner Tenth and Commercial streets on
Tuesday, March 24, and to examine
the stock of high grade spring mlllln
eiy. Mis I. C. Von Ehernbrook.
Having secured the "El Symphonle,
all Havana cigar I can sell these In
four sizes at Portland prices. Also the
"Sailor Prince," a union-made nickel
cigar, giving 100 free with each pur
chase of 1000. Better than the Owl or
export. Another 'nickel cigar, the
Opla, 60 free with ach 1000. Also the
"Flur de Madrid," or "General Arthur"
(Concha size).
515 Commercial St P. A. Trulllnger.
Ladles bats, flowers, walking skirts,
oversklrts, summer waists, muslin un
derwear, pompadours and balr switches
and all kinds of ladles' and children's
furnishing goods at sale prices.
Mrs. R. Ingleton, Welch Block,
Dr. T. L. Ball
521 Commercial street, Astoria Ore.
Dr. Nellie Smith Vernon
Office Over Griffin's Book Store.
C, W. Barr Dentist
Mansell Building.
57S Commercial street, - Astoria, Ore.
CHARLES F. WISE, Proprietor.
Astoria' Principal Resort
Fine Liquors and Cigars. ...
Newsy Items ot Interest to the
Fair Sex.
Short, Inttrutlnj Mtmi SuUbl lor This Col.
amn Are Solkltta1 horn AstorU Looks.
An effort will be made this spring
to have th street costume the bodices
and skirt ot one material.
The editor of a weekly newspaper
In Australia, mfers himself as a prise
to the woman who writes the best es
say on the duties of a wits.
The Amarlcan girl Is the queen of
her sex. She Is the most beautiful
on earth. The girls of India nre
grandmother nt SO and a. shriveled
and wrinkled. .
11 is said thut running adds more
gruce to the female figure than any
mhee exervlss. Tlie whole future of
a maiden lu class! ctlms depended up
on her physical development.
A woman on the west side stands
before the drawing room and practices
her dally physical culture exercises
while her husbnnl In the kitchen pre
pares the family breakfast.
What a woman wills she will has
been ably demonstrated by XXti Anna
Webb ot Summltvllle, who, since las l
July, has managed the affairs of a
50-barrel steam grist of that place.
Don't neglest the 10 minutes rest dur
ing the day. with the feet raised. It
gives the whole body a great sense of j
repose and works wonders In smooth
Ing out the lines of the face,
Cheerfulness " not only lengthens a
woman's' days, but sweetens them.
The woman who laughs at everything
is the hradest kind of woman to kill
and dies game when she doei dl.
The Zaro women of India are su
preme. They wno the men, control
the affairs of the home and nation,
transmit property nnd leave the men
nothing to do. The result is, says ft
scientist, that they are the ugliest wo
men on earth.
New Orelnns bears the honor of erec.
ting ihe first statue In honor of a
woman In the United Slates. The lady
was Margaret Haughery. She wos a
poor lady who made a fortune In the
bakery and milk business and gave
her money to the poor.
Women are going to g-.-t their chance
now in Australia. By a law of the
commonwealth an adult woman has
thj same right to vote as an adult
man. The mule voters in the entire
commonwealth outnumber the female
by nearly 120,000 (P73.0O0).
A Boston girl hus made a 'itillt out
of her old stockings, and talk about
your crazy quilts this was the most
Insane ever, and when she hung It out
on a line the people who passed took
ope look at the dizzy creation nnd
started for the booby factoty BtralKht.
In Fran'? women are allowel to
wear male attire, but they must uy
for the privilege. The amount of the
tax which a woman pays for wearing
male attire Is about $10 per year, but
her willingness to pay the tax docs not
insure her the right to wear these gar
ments. Anna Count'-sa de Castellune sleeps
In the' great bed f Midan e de 8e
vlgne, than which there Is no finer
in all the world. It Is made of gilded
cedar wood. Inlaid with precious stones
and has painted panels ty the great,
est masters of the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries.
Under the Incognito of Mrs, Paul
Kolbe a virtual queen of a group of
South Sea islands and one of the half
dosen wealthiest women In the world,
with her husband and grandson, wus
In New York recently. Her wealth
Is In the neighborhood of nearly 120,
000,000 and she is the lawmaker for
nearly 1,000,000 islanders, who only a
score of years ago were among ihe
fiercest cannibals In the world.
Is Now Handling the Celebrated
Eastern Oysters
For Wholesale and Retail Trade.
Also Shoal water Bay Oysters
Nick Kazeppi, Prop.
Electrical Works
421 BOND ST.
We are thoroughly prepared for
making estimates and executing
orders for all kinds of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supplies In stock. We sell the
celebrated SHELBT LAMP. Call
up Phone 11L .. (
H. W. CYRUS. Mgr
From February It to April JO uncom
monly low rates will be In sffect to
hundreds of points In the west and
Luurthwest from Chicago and fram
many otlmr points on ths Chicago, Mil
waukee and St, Paul railway, well
as from eastern territory. The low
rates will prove especially attractive
to homesetkeia. If you know of ny
one contemplating such a trip, send ths
nume and address to the undersigned
and complete Information will b for
warded free.
II. S. Rowe, Agent Chicago. Milwaukee A
St, Paul Railway. M Third strt,
Portlanl. Ore.
United States Lend Office. Oregon City,
Oregon, February 13. UHU.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed In this office by William II.
Wilson, contestant, agwlnst homestead
entry No. 141TS. made June , 1W3, for
nw l-t section 28, township 7 n. rangs
w, by William Harrlgan, In which It Is
alleged that contestant "knows the pree
ent condition it the same; also that the
heirs of William Harrlgan, entryman
above named, now deceased, have whol
ly bandsned said claim for six months
or more last past, and that he or they
have tever nude settlement on said
above described land; nor has he or hie ever made any Improvements
whatever on said claim; nor has he or
they ever had any work done by other
parties which would lit any way con
stitute settlement required under the
homestead laws and that said alleged
absence from the said land was not due
to his employment In the army, navy, or
marine corps of the United States as a
private soldier, officer, seaman or ma
rine, during the war with Spain, or
during any other war In which the
United States may be engaged." Said
parties, the heirs or legal representa
tives of said William Harrlgan, deceas
ed, are hereby notified to appear, re
spond and offer evldcscs touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on April
2. IMS, befare the register and receiver
at the United Stales land office In Ore
gon City, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a pro
per affidavit, lllcd February , 1903, set
forth facts which show (hat after due
diligence personal service ot this notice
can not be made, It is hereby ordered
and directed that such notice be given
by due und proper publication.
GEO. W. BII1EB. Receiver.
United States Land Office. Oregon
City. Oregon, March 16, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance wl'h the provisions of ths act
of congress of June 3, 1S73, entltlod "An
nit for the sale of tlmbur lands In th
stutos of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington terrllory," as extend
ed to all the public land states by act
of August 4. 1S2,
of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office
hr sworn statement No. WIS, for Ihe
purchase of the sw 1-4 of section No,
3 In township No. 6 n, rungs No. t w,
nnd will offr proof to show that ihe
bind sought is more valuable for Its
tinier or stone than for agricultural
purposoi, and to establish her claim to
said land before thi? register and re
ceiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Monday, the 25th day of
May, 1903.
She namis fis witnesses:
T. II, Illdwell, Dan'l. O. Ross, C.
Iverson, and Charles H. Hull all of As
toria, Oreipa.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely, tho above-described lands are
requested to (lie their claims In this of
fice on r before said 25th day of May,
CHAS, B. M00RE9,
3-20-5-22. Register.
United States Land Office, Oregon
City, Oregon, March (, 1903.
Notice Is hereby glv?n that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
act of Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In the states of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1892,
of Seaside, county of Clatsop, slate of
Oregon, has this day tiled In this of
fice his sworn statement No. 0041, for
the purchase of the SW14 of NE14, Wti
of SEK of section No. 7, and NW14 of
NE of section No. 18 In township No,
5, range'No. 0, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more val
uable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land befre the
register and receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the
18th day of May, 1903,
He names as witnesses: Julius Ros
holt, of 1925 Penn Ave., S. Minneapolis,
Minn.; Andrew Svensen, ot 2836 Col
fax Ave., 8. Minneapolis, Minn.; Jas,
S. Crumbley, of Seaside, Ore.; Charlie
Johnson, of Seaside, Ore. ,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office on or before said 18th day of
May. 1903. CHAS. B. MOORE3,
MO-5-16, Register.
Cowing & Cowing
Oregon City, Oregon.
Omce Room 4, U. 8. Land Office Bldg,
Prsitive In all the courts of the
State, United States Und Office Bust,
ness a Specialty.
Mow it the time to buy Ilentinjr and Cooking Stove
All kind of IIouso Furnishing (JooiIh,
Cnrpet Laying nmllTjilioUtt'riitg. , ,
Adams S Henning'sen
416-422 Bond Street
The Boston
Best and Neatest Eating House ia Astoria
Try Our 25-Cent Dinners
I Prompt Attention
1 Palace
ii Cafe
Is Represented at Home and Abroad by the
A live, clean family pjxir.
by carrier or $ 5 jmt year by
Astoria hitvini; Associated
Published on Tut 8'lny ami r-'ritliiys. It gives till the
local, county nnd tolcjjrHjiio news nnd it cuM only
Ladles, our monthly' regulator Is the
only one thut Is harmlens nml ennnoi
full. Uoxfree. Vita Co., Sia II Mil
waukee. Wis,
C. J, Trenchard
Insurance, Commission and Shipping,
Agent Wells, Fargo end Pacific
Express Companies. Customs
House Broker.
and all points east and south are (test
-retched from Minneapolis mid
St. Paul via
The Northwestern Limited
Jhe peer of all train between these
fln cities Is the famous
For Lowest Rates, Times of Trains,
eto., address
248 Aldjr St., Portland, Or.
Oen. Pass. Agt, Bt Paul, Minn.
' ''. ' ' ;' &
Land Office Business a Specialty.
Booms 1 and 2, Welnhard Bldg .
High Class Chef I
WWWWW wwwww
Best Restaurant I
Hefnlir MeiU. 2SCcata
SuBJiy Dinners a Specialty
Everythlai tti Market Afforda
Catering Company f
I'rico 00 cciita jxt month
irmil. Thtt only pnm'r in
i re 1 tilfirrniiluu c
Don't Guess at It
nut If you are sowi- rail writs ns
for our rates and let us tell you about
ihe service and accommodations offer
ed hy the II.MNOia CENTRAL
from PACIFIC COAST to Chlcaco an
Cincinnati. Don't fall to write ue
about your trip aa we are la a posi
tion to give you some valuable Infor
mation and assistance; Mil mllea of
track over which are operated some
of the finest trains In the world.
fw particulars retardlnc frelsht or
oasssnger rates oall on or address.
T. F1. a A. Coml Aft.
141 Third Bt. Portland. Ore.
Scott's Santal-Pepsiri Capsules
For lBtlmmltia ai Catarrh
of th Hlwklur ana Vifi A
Klilufi. Ma aara so rr.
Cam aaleilr and Pvriua
utly Ilia want l
iianrrhaf awl UIMI,
no nalfrol how lung Und
ine. Abaolttlrltr barailcM.
old bv SruirfUla. ppl-
11.00, or h? mall, poatpaM,
Sold by Chae, Rogers, 461 CommeroU
al Btreet, Astoria, Orsffon.
in er.uona snnitimt
CURE IN 43 H0UR8lntJUf.
the same dneaie with.
out inconvenience.
C1 Selti h all ruviriitf.
Foley's Kidney Cure
maka kidaen and hhddtt tffhL
iTaeae tiny Capsules are superior!
i t0 Ba,Mrn ' Cop
at aa m luoeDi or