The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 22, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Our business
IWH floods, K.celWnl flervke, Courteous Treatment, Active Clerk. I7n-
usual llrgnln, Bi'lect Qualities, Energetic Management.
Irur inn wtoh we win su an 01 our vannra nuup, in quart oin,
(enough In a run for tlx to eight people) Imludlng Prsnco-Amerlrsn,
Hnydor and Armour', up to 40-cent value, at 20 tent a tan.
Hign .Water.
Data. '
Sunday . .
Monday , , ,
Tuesday , ,
Wednesday .
Thursday , ,
Friday . , ,.
Haturday , r
Monday . . .
Tuesday , ,
Thuraday . ,
Friday . , . .
Monday , , ,
Tuesday .
Wednesday . -Thuraday
Friday . , .
Haturday .
- Monday . .
Tuesday . , ,
Wednesday ..
Thuraday . . .
rrlday . . . ,
Haturday . . ,
Monday . . .
Tuaadny . , ,
IX. A. M.
h.m7 ftT h.m.
1 1:00 1.1 1:07
I l:lo l.l 1:41
I 1: 0& l.l 1:16
4 1:42 l.l 4:10
I 4:17 l.l !;&
I l:ll 7. l:4o
7 1:10 T.7 1:01
1 7:l T.t 1:17
I 1:15 T.t 10:18
10 10:0 7.7 11:17
1111:00 1.0
II 1:01 T.I 11:01
13 0:41 1.111:10
14 l:l l.l 1:14
11 l:it l.l 1:17
U 1:10 1.4 1:00
17 1:01 l.l 1:41
II l:i l.l 4:li
11 4:10 T.I 1:10
20 1:01 T.4 1:12
21 1:17 l.l 7:40
12 T:0l l.l 1:11
II 1:11 l.l 1:41
14 1:17 1.710:12
21 10:14 l.l 11:10
211(10 T.I 111 41
27 11:14 7.6
21 0:11 T.I 11:11
10 0:11 l.l 1:11
10 1:14 1.4 1:11
11 l:l l.l 1:41
MARCH. 1101.
1 a
T.I !
f 9
Monday . .
Tuesday . ,
Thuraduy .
Friday , .
Haturday .
Monday . ,
Tuesday . .
Thuraday .
Friday . .
Haturday .
Monday , ,
Tuaadny . .
Thuraday .
Friday . . .
Haturday .
Monday . .
Tuesday . .
Thuraday .
Friday . . ,
Haturday ,
Monday . ,
Tudy .
A. M. P. M.
h.m. tu hin. ft
TTi' 1:06 1.6 1:11 1.4
. . I 1:44 1.1 1:44 1.4
... I 1:17 l.o 1:24 l.l
.. 4 10:14 0.110:00 l.l
. 111:12 1.011:00 l.l
.. 112:10 1.1
.. 7 0:06 l.l 1:1s l.l
. 1 1:17 1.4 1:60 0.1
i . 1:00 1. 6 4:00 0.T
, . 10 4:16 l.l 4:61 0.1
..11 1:16 1.4 1:41 0.1
.12 1:01 l.l 1:12 0.4
.. 11 1:61 1.1 7:11 0.1
..14 7:84 0.1 7:41 0.1
. 15 l:lt 0.7 1:23 1.4
, . 1 1:00 0.7 1:67 l.l
, . 17 1:44 0.1 l:li S.4
..1110:10 1.010:12 l.l
.. 10 11:11 1.2 11:00 1.4
...20 11:11 1.6U:( l.l
..11 1:12 l.l
. 22 0:11 4.1 1:16 l.T
.21 1:17 4.0 I:ll 1.7
...24 1:41 l.l 4:10 l.l
.. 25 4:13 .l 4:14 1.4
..! 1:17 l.l 1:11 l.l
.. 27 1:66 1.0 1.01 l.l
.21 1:11 t.t 1:40 l.l
..2 7:08 l.l 7:14 1.4
. 20 7:46 l.l 7:49 l.l
1 8:15 0.1 1:18 l.l
The recant heavy froata tiava ren
der! pisturag had throughout thla
section, but not to d'uch an extent a
to leaaen the uauul output of the vteam
erloi. Manager Hkyle atate, how
ever, that hod the froata not owurred
tha output would. In all rotmblllty,
have Increased, ji soon na tha' rains
resume tholr wonted away and 'hey are
liable to moat any :lm. there will be
an uhiimlfiw-e of cream and thin will
lnd a rch Impetus to tha manufac
ture of butter.
More ma'-hlnery ha arrived for the
proioad cherae factory at Nehalem
and (he factory will jirobiihly atnrt up
In May. The manufactured article will
be h.i'ilrd Into thla ;lty nd will be die.
loosed of to loral merchants or htpid
anrooa. Tna operation or aucn a
business will be of markwl benefit to
Nuhalmn dairymen and they gladly
wlfome the Induatry. It la the
In tn t Ion to operate tha factory for tha
flrat season from May to not Utter than
Tortland. Mann II. Weatern 4
4 Oregon and WashingtonFair. 4
Bend In your ordert for Wyoming
coal. 8. Elmore Co.
Four up-to-date barber at tha Occi
dent. You don't have to wait.
Wjomlng coat. THE HOUSE COAL.
Bend ordar to 8. Elmore A Co.
Bihool atippllea, tatlon-ry and aomo
thing to read at Bvenaon'a book a tore.
Ring up Red 1074 for Th. Frederick-
on of Z071 Pond street, for reliable
piano tuning. 1
For Itent-Tvo or three furnlahed
roonia for housekeeping. No. IJ Tenth
Wanled-A boy or kIi'I to atrip to
bacco In a rlgar factory. T I'onuner.
oll atreet.
Typewriting done at reaeonuble rate.
Composition ft apeclalty, Will C.
Pleliop. Central hotel.
You will aiwaya nnd t,he beat 16c
meal In the city at tho Wslng Sun res
taurant, No. Ill Commercial atreet.
For Rent-Three room furnlahed for
houackecplng. Inquire at Scully'
hardware atore, Commercial atrMt, be
tween Ninth and Tenth.
I am veiling th Inrgeet cake of pure
white- Imported olive oil caatlle aoap
aver old here for tha money. Call and
ae for yourself. Itoger, druggist,
C. Hihmldt nnd Company' smoked
Itoyal Chinook Salmon la th nicest
thut mon-y can buy. It la smoked In
thla city dally. Try It. For sale by
Johnson Brother, tha grocer.
numbing out of JolntT Need some
tlnwork'.' Ring up No. 1031 for John
A. Montgomery, 425 Hond treet, who
will promptly attend your want with
Jhi latest sanitary plumbing fixture
and most skllfi.l workmamdilp. Tin
ning, gasnttlng and heating.
For ltent-Furnlshed and unfurnlsfi
ed rooms; No. 247 Ninth atreet.
Wanted Furnlhd room for light
house-kwplng. AJdret K. W. P.,
Aatortan office.
The steamer Elmore will leave As-
totlrt for Tillamook bay points nn Fri
day morning. March 27, at 8 a. tn.
Mr. Ross will hold her spring open
nig of millinery on TueUy and Wed
nesday, March 24 and 25. The ladles
of the olty are cordlilly Invltde.
Wanted Manager for branch office
we are locating here In Aatorln. Ad
dress promptly, with referencee. The
Morrla Wholoaal Houae. Clnclnnatl.O.
Coopers' pure olive oil la manufac
tured In California from olives grown
on the celebrated ranch "Elwood." It
la guaranteed to be absolutely pure and
unadulterated and la without a doubt
the finest olive oil on the market at the
present time. For sole by Johnson
If. S. Engineer office. Portland. Ore.,
Mar. h 13, IWiJ. 8eM proposals will
le received here for 478.000 tona. more
or ls. stone for extension of Jetty at
mouth of Columbia river. Oreg., ,ind
Wash., until it a. m , April 20. io.
and then publicly opened. Informa
tion on application. W. C. Lnngfltt.
Cupt. Engra.
An Important deal In Portland tmat-
rlcal clrclea was consummaied yister
day when W. M. ItumoU of Husscll A
Drew, proprietor and manager of the
Third-Avenue theater. Seattle, aniounc
ed that , acting In the Interest of the
Stair & Havelln theutrlral ayr.Olcute.
he had plut hased a controlling Inter st
In C'ordary' theater. Portland. Mr.
Cordray Is rstahied aa managing pro
prietor. .
Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar
racks, Wdih., March 18, 1003. Sealed
ptopokuls, In triplicate, will be received
here until 11 o'clock, a. m April 18.
1903, for clearing grouiMKat Fort 8lev-
ens, Oivgon. Information furnished
here or by quartermaster at post. U.
8. eserves the right to reject or ac
cept nny or rill proposals or any part
thereof. Envelope containing propos
al should be narked: "Proposal for
clearing gound at Fort Steven. Ore
gon," addressed F. H. Hathaway, C.
Q. M.
?l, so no official action under It can
be taken before that tlm. In any
event, before th porta railroad tan
be made of service, the govurnment
will be reintred to pnd something
like !30,0A( In blowng out a point of
rock that Interfere with (he oaMg
tlon of the channel of the big t-ddy
That Is Included In the Hart Jroject
for Improvement at the dalles, and
them I no doubt that It will be done
bt for the portage road .-oulj possibly
Lbe put In operation. It I atd that
construction of the toad would tnke at
least six months.
Cushion Tires
and Automobile
Gears. Some
thing New. s
Sole Agents for the
590-592 -Commercial Street
Preparation go on apac for the
nixmlng of the Ixhlng scaaon on April
It. The plant which will be operated
on the lower river ib'.se f Mo-
(lowan ft Hons, Union Fishermen' Co
operative Packing viompany, Tallant-
Grant Packing company, Columbia
hlvr Packera' association, Elmore,
Kinney and Eureka cannorlea, San-
Ijorn-Cuttlng company, A. Mooth A
Co., J. Q, Meglcr, II. A. Seahorg or-d
Hapgcod k Co. llesldea the canner
ies there will be the cold storage plant
of S. Schmidt ft Co.! J. Undenburger,
F. W. Warren Vendsyseel and the
Packer. Indication are favorable for
an early run of considerable blxe, and
something more than an average seas
on Is confidently hoped for. Prices
have already bc?n named at II 35 for
tall. II. 41 for flats and 85c for halves
Cans, provision, ma-.'hln'-ry, build
ing material, boat and other auppllr
are being accumulated for shipment to
the AUnka c-nnnerlea represented here
The Parksr have added a conld.jr.
able number of ooat to their flret,
nnd in also framing additional acow
to be taken up. The Alaaka Fisher
men' Parking company I also pre
patlng the materiul for a large acow
to no north.
What Men Wilt Wear This Spring
SL'ITS The newest thing In gentie-
men'a spring suits Is the "Prince H n-
ry" sack, a sample of which may be
seen In one of Herman Wise's show
windows. " It come In a fancy cheviot
mixture, vertical pockets nnd Oxford
back. .
Strou Ilros. High Art "Hopkins"
sack, or the Ksuffman "Aldershot" are
very almllur. They are a plain seml-
mliltary cut sack, broad shoulder ef
fect, m-:dlum corset waist and mostly
4-button. Vest are generally cut
high. .
HAT-i The newest style have that
swagger, broad effect, and yet they
are very nobby. Mr. Wise had a
special quality of hata made for him
of aelected stock and every one guar
anteed. He haa named them "The
Astor," after our own city. Being the
latest shines, of best fur and guar
anteed, he rxpects most good dressers
In Astoria to wear "The Astor."
His Arm Torn Off.
John R. McClane, a young man 2S
years of age and formerly of Portland,
was caught In the live rollers tn a
Ho(iilntn sawmill, on Thuraday last.
He sustained Injuries from which he
may not recover. The accident oc
curred while sawing some heavy tim
bers, at which work McClane was as
sisting. In some manner the unfortu
nate man's left arm was caught in the
rollera, tearing It off at the elbow and
cutting him about the face and head
In mnny places. The arm waa also
broken above the elbow, but owing to
the critical condition of the patient
the physicians deemed It unwlae to op
erate for the fracture. The patient Is-
reatlng easily In the Hoqulam hospital
and unless It becomes necessary to
amputate the arm above the fracture
It Is though he will recover. Oregon
Inn, Mr. McClune la a brother Of O.
F. McClane. foremrly of The Astorlim
Job office, and was In Astoria alout
two weeks ago on a visit.
Proposed Portage Railroad
Governor Chamberlain, Secrstary of
State Dunbar and State Treasurer C.
S, Moore Thursday made an Informal
Inspection of the route for the porpos
ed Btute portage rullroad from a pnnt
above Celllo falls to the big eddy, five
miles shove the city of Tha Dalles.
This would make the road S 1-4 miles
long. No ufticlul action can be taken-,
however, Before May 21, when the law
will become effective, unless there shall
be a referendum. The members of
the board said the purpose of the trip
was to fet In mind the general situa
tion, the lay of the land, etc, so a
to be able to handle the matter In
telligently when It (hall com vp for
consideration, Tha law authorising
the construction of tha portage rail
road will not go Into effect until May
From Siuslaw
Meyer ft Kyle tug. the Robarts,
arrived from Siuslaw yesterday. Aft
er repairs made at the Astoria Iron
works Captain Johnson will proceed to
Portland, where he will take on board
three logging engine for use In the
camps m the Siuslaw river. There
are three mill at the mouth of that
river having m combined dally tupac-
Ityof over 100,000 feet, and a fuorth
mill is building. The timber Industry
I enjoying a boom.
Steelhead Hatchery
Fish Warden H. O. Van Dusen has
returned from visit to the Salmon
river hatchry, where he went to
alart Superintendent Thomaa Brown
on steelhead work. Thl I the only
hatchery in the country -vhlch nropa
gate Rteelhead except the government
hatchery on Rogue -iver. Mr. Van Du
sen expect to turn loose about half
a million steelhead fry during June
and July. The Salmon river hatchery
Is the one ;he Push club raised the
money to establish 1ve 'oars ago.
A Leader
On entering tho ator of The A. Dun
bar Company one can readily perceive
that its popular manager Is abreast
of the times. There I not a wrinkle
In the perfectly displayed stock which
would be suggestive of the -country
atore. Every feature and detail of the
establishment speaka of that up-to-dateness
which make use of newest
Ideas and methods. That such efforts
please and succeed. Its evident pros
perity prove, and It furnishes an ex
ample which might be of profit to any
businfra man.
Plead Guilty and Paid Fine.
William Walghren, arrested by Dep
uty Webster last Wednesday for Illegal
fishing, waa allowed to withdraw his
plea of not guilty yesterday and to
enter one of guilty. The usual fine
of ISO waa assessed by Justice Good
man, and promptly paid. The charge
against Stanley Bell, who was held with
Walghren, was withdrawn by Prosecut
ing Attorney Allen, on the ground that
Bell only acted aa boat puller for
Walghren. The "00 pounds of salmon
they caught were quickly disposed of
by the dealers who secured them, aa
they were fine, well flavored fish.
City Teachers Hold Meeting
An Interesting session of the City
Teachers' association was he'd yester
day forenoon In the Olney school build
ing. The study of the book "Con
quest," which has been conducted for
some weeks, waa token up under the
leadership of Misa Dora Badollet. A
committee was appointed to arrange a
program for the next meeting v hlch
promises to be of an musuatly Inter
esting character. An election of offic
er to serve the term now beginning
wis held and resulted as follows: Pres
ident, Mr. Lemon; vice-president,
Miss Slnnott; secretary, N. Stupp.
Famous Dogs. ,
Don and Bell, the two bloodhounds
which didn't catch Harry Tracy, are
in the city, having been purchased
from the Walla Walla penitentiary by
Charles Wise. The animals are In the
rear of the Waldorf and are the ob
jects of much curiosity by visitors.
Don Is 3 year and 6 months old. Bell
has lived 2V years. The latter I rated
by those who know to be the finest
specimen of her race In the country.
They are the genuine hounds which, in
company with the posse, made things
Interesting for Merrill and Tracy for
ao long a time, so there la every reason
why they should be celebrities.
Newsboys Entertained
The newsboys of the Budget were
entertained yesterday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, J. A .Rannella,
corner of Eighth and Duane streets,
the event being In honor of the birth
day of Noble. Noble is IS years old
now, but out ofconslderatlon for the
feelings of his young guests, consented
to conttue as a boy last night. The
evening was spent In gamea and va
rious Juvenile amusements, " and the
youngsters were entertained by. by sev
eral flano and vocal selections, espec
ially provided for them. Later, when
they wera ushered Into the dining room
and beheld a large cake In the center
of the table wth "Budget" worked in
the center of the frosting, they were
unable to talk for some time, through
being choked by emotion and cake.
There were other things beside cake,
all of which' the boy highly enjoyed.'
The progressive and enterprising store which makes it pos
sible to choose from the newest creations In ladies' and
children's wear at all seasons of the year and to secure the
latest and most desirable effects and highest grade materials
at lowest bedrock prices.
New Suitsg50.
Ready Made
Suits, street and dress skirt in all
the lat?st shade', and material
smooth and rough effects, plain and
mixed wejvm, checks ' and Invisible
atrip;, skl'rs trimmed with the new
turrfeil back straps, also banded, t tltch
ed and pitted, many very Jauntily fin
ished In the new yoke effects, jackets
In a great varls'.y of novtl adapta
tions of the stele, broad collar and cas
sock sleeve style.
Make attractive facet. We have ex
quisite new and dainty turnover in
fine white and Persian embroidery.
Myriads of styles, color and happy
effects tn silk, linen and lace. Stock,
tin, twlce-aroutid cellar, etc.
Wash Materials
Lovely Invention In wash - fabric
for waist and suits just at hand for
the opening spring demand. Nothnig
! so.oeautlful offered hero before. Per
yard 10c to 11. . i
lOc to $1."
Out of Town
j& Friends
Receive as good treatment a though
yoa called In Deraon. W will be pleas
ed to mail you samples and prices, and
will send your samples promptly and
Our stock includes everything for the ladies. All values
guaranteed. No Misrepresentations. All invited to call
and get the styles and view our handsome stock, whether y ou
purchase or not. : ,J,.
A. Dunbar Co.
mA. Dunbar Co.
A. Dunbar Co.
Program Rendered and Supper
- Served for Sake of
The entertainment given last uight
by Seaside lodge. A. O. U. W., in the
hall on Ninth street, brought cut a
good attendance and realised sub
stantial receipts. The function was
given strictly for the sake of charity,
and every cent taken in will be ap
plied for that purpose. Seaaide lodge
Is always in the front rank when it
come to giving, but owing to the great
expense put to of late through the pur
chase of the Presbyterian church prop
erty, had decided to resort to Cher
means of meeting calls other than
drawing on the general fund which has
become somewhat depleted because of
essential obligations. Hence the en
After the program, which as n n-
dered in the auditorium, adjournment
was had to the social room below
where an elegant Ipread waa indulged
tn. By charging a small admission fee
the lodge realised an amount In the
neighborhood of 130.
The program was greatly rrjoyed
and was encored throughout It fol
lows: Violin solo Miss Irena Parker
Vocal selections Finnish Sextettes
Recitation Miss Katie Kelley
Vocal solo ....Mils Katherlne Shlvely
Talk on the object of the A. O.
U. W ...Brother Win ton
Parody on "Mr. Dooley"
Andrew Dalgity
The piano used was furnished by
Eller's Piano house, A. It. Cyrus.
Chaplain Gilbert Lectured.
About 50 members and guests of the
Heading club were entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Thomp
son last evening, and were privileged
to listen to Rev. K. S. Gilbert, pastor
of Calvary Presbyterian church In Tort
land. Mr. Gilbert was chaplain of the
Second Oregon during Its set vice In
the Philippines, and his lecture on life
in that country, Illustrated with native
curios, was highly Instructive and very
cntertanntg., The chaplain will preach
today at the Presbyterian church,
New Ferry Service.
Hereafter the launch Shamrock will
operate regularly between Cathlamet,
Wash., and Weatport, Ore., making di
rect connection with A. & C. R. R.
morning trains for Portland and As
toria, leaving Cathlamet at 7:30 a. m.
dally and remaining at Westport long
enough to transfer passengers to and
from east an dwest bound trains.
Tha Aatortan Publishing company Is
better than ever "quipped for turning
out all kind of Job printing promptly,
In the latest and neatest styles and at
honest prices. Send In your order.
BsassesassBsas in i n saasassaa
Fishermen who need Fishboat
Oars, Boat Stoves, Clocks, etc.,
should first see our stock and
- examine prices. Full assortment.
.-: .... ' .. ...... . : . ;;..;;-v'.
Astoria Ore.
Newly Refitted and Furnished
V Good Table, Comfortable Rooms, Eeas- ;
onable Kates and Courteous Treatment. '
JACK DENCIt - Proprietor
217 Seventeenth Street, Near Commercial, Astoria, Ore.
; In Late and Desirable Assortment
Come in and see. Wltat yon buy here is good and
''. the prices are right. Geueral Store, Corner of Bond
. and Eleventh Streets.
-... ;y. P- F PETERSON, Proprietor.
Eleventh Street
We are prepared to make them on
short notice and of th best materials.
Let us give you estimates on any.kkid
of casting or pattern work. Lowest
price for first-clas work.
Stew Uzy IrnO
Circs V&Ls'
Cor. 18th end Fruklla srei