I VOLUME LVI. ASTORIA, OKEGON, THURSDAY, tyARCU 19, 1003. NUMBER' 07. Ly nch Is : MEMPHIS IS FLOODED B V Mara IUmI Tailored EVEItV plcco of cloth wo iiho iii our good-clothe, making is shrunk before it's cut up until it won't shrink any more; an important fuc tor for you to know; ono of tliu thing tlmt make our clothes fit, weiir and keep shape well, If you've worn ordinary rcttdy-nmdo "cheap' custom mitktf, you know y contrast what right hr!nking mcani. P. A. STOKES Clothier and Furnisher TWENTY-FIVE CENTS OFF For Every Dollar's Worth Bought Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. This offer lasts to March lO, 1903. CHARLES LARSON Wikh Block 651 CommtrcUl Stmt. 51 i A Full Line of MECHANICS' -n- ' 'r': ' TOOLS FISHER BROTHERS Fancy and .Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, , TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest ratoe, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers, As Vi,ALLEN' Tenth and Commercial Streets NEW ARRIVALS In Late and Dcsiiublo Assortment DRY GOODS AND FOOTWEAR Come In and boo. What, yon buy htro is good and . the prices nro right. Tlonoral Sloi-o, Corner of Bond and Eleventh Streets. V. H. COPPEY Another Charge to Be Preferred Against the Man Who Kidnaped Young Charles Gardner. ACCOMPLICE IN THE TOILS On (he Fifth of This Month Victim Was Enticed On Ship and. Forced to Sea. hi i wii mi iii mi mm hmhi mwuiiim ii ii , mill MUM mm C2, The Chicago fL Perfect in touch, speed, dura ) Mlty nd appearance, $35. VISIBLE WRITING J. N. GRIFFIN HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND, - - OREGON Thw Urk doings of the shunghiilers continue to (tuna to the light of day. Tim guml tut t made In arresting the lead-r til'lH fair to remit In the com plet inearthing of thslr nefarious bus Iiickh and the preventing of further crime. Sheriff Llnvllle In workng Ilka a beaver on the cases and yestcrdny arretted Joseph Alt new, commonly tmown a motty, rnargeu win ine crime of kidnaping. Agnew hns made a full o'lft'oalon to the sheriff and other, not only admitting hit own guilt, hut again Incriminating the arch fiend. Paddy Lym-h, who, Agnew says, procured hi assistance In shanghai ing a man under the name of A. Antler nun tin the ship Musselcrjig on March 8. Agnew was rrquestcd to go to (he office of British Vice-Consul Cherry ami sign the name John Rcntt to the snipping articles, and furnished him with ft sailor's allotment or advance note signed with that nn mo by Lynch himself. Thla Agnew refused to do but hs did go and sign the name A, Anderson being furnished with anothtr advance note bearing that name by Lynch. He says Lynch gave aa a rmri for thla procedure that ha had n old man at 111 a boarding hnua whom he wanted to ahli, and he was afraid tha captain might object to him on account of hi ogp. Who the man wiih. who was by this villlanoua nieunn I'luced on board the ship; whether he wna drugfred, clubbed or merely Intox Icnted, an.l how he fared on chip board may never It known here. Agnew la In Jail awaiting a hearing, which he will have tomorrow, Lynch's Bail Raised. The Indignation which was so freely x pressed when Paddy Lynch waa per milted to go at large on tils own rec OKnlsoncit again found expreaslnn yea turduy, with the result that Juatlce Goodman deckled to raise the twill to rooo. Sheriff Llnvillo wan dli'ected to pro duce him In court for that purpose, but Lynch was found to bu Confined to hla home on liond street with a severe abceiw In tils left ear. X'lion receiving a written certlficule from Doctor Hen derson to the effect that Lynch wan not In a condition to be moved, the sheriff left him In ehargo of . Deputy Fred Iillnn, lie will remain In custody ui til new bonds are executed to the sal Infliction of the court, A new charge will probably be entered against him on account of the Agnew affair, The state of fueling !n the city aguln- at Lynch Is Indicated by ,un acton taken yesterday evening at a meeting of many of the leading ladles of the city, representing the Woman's club and the Rending club. The ladles re solved that the ball under which Lynch wns permitted to go at large was insufficient, and declared lit favor of prosecuting him and other offenders to the full extent of tha law. On be Ing Informed by the sheriff of the ac- tlo.i of Justice Good man In raising the amount of the ball the lades comlpll- mentsd his discretion, With one of his vlctlma'and two of his henchmen now in the sheriff's charge, one of the latter making a clean breast of the crime In which he par ticipated, and other direct evidence sgalnut him. it begins to look as though the crimes which have been per petrated by Lynch and hs gang will receive a degree of vengeance, In some sttites tho penuHyfor kid naping is death, In Oregon It is from one to 10 years lit the penitentiary, SEN. MSWLAND'S FIHST SPEECH. Washington, March 18. Senator NtiV laulls of Nevada In his maiden speech In the senate today appeared as an open advoeato of the annexation of Cuba to the United tUaies. He offer ed an amendment to the treaty, invit ing Cuba to become one of he state of the union. I All Tracks Leading From the West Into the City Cut Off By the Flood. TWO TRAINS ARE SURROUNDED First Time In History Four Judges Bit Together In the Fa mou Merger Suit Now Begun. St. Louis, March 11-For the first time In the history of the Unitedl Kiatc an1 by authority of a special art of congress passed last February, four United States circuit judge are sitting together to hear arguments In a ens?, the CAuae being the fight of Uie government against the Northern Beourltis company of New Jersey I the celebrated merger suit. Under this special act the Vol ted States circuit court for the district of Mlnneso'a Is holding Hs session in St Louts In the apellate court room, and by this arrangement '.he case can go Immediately from this court to toe su preme court of the United State wherein, as a general court procedure It would areanrlly go through the court of appeal an da delay of from two to three years would probably en SU. " Most of today's session was take up with a presentation of the argu rents for the government by Assist' ant Attorney General Beck. After he hart concluded late In the afternoon the argument for the Northern Becurl ties company was begun by George Young. Before Toung finished the court adjourned until tomorrow, when he will ontlnuo his argument. Burned Ship Is Located Vessel Carried Treasure Cargo Which Will Be Saved by Those Who Found It. San Frunclsco, March 18. Among the passengers on the steamer Newport w hloh arrived front, South and Central American ports today, waa Captain E. V. Johnston and a party of treasure hunters, which left here last Novenv her In the hope of locating the wreck of tlni sUlu-wheeler Golden Gate, which was burned to the water's edge off the Mexican "uoast In 8r,a. The ' Golden data carried m'uch treasure. Captain Johnston reports that the ves sel, submerged In eight feet of water, was located und some of the treasure found. He returns to this city for ap pliances for recovering the remainder of the gold. i ARRESTED AT HONOLULU Honolulu, March 18. (By Pacific cable,)-Captaln J. T. Smith, master of the new Pacific Mall steamship SI berla, which vessel Is now on her maid en trip from San Francises to oriental ports, waa arrested yesterday by the federal authorities on a warrant charg Ing that last January, whe nhe was captain of the City of Peking, he re fused to take back three Japanese that had been ordered deported. Bonds were Immediately give nand Captain Smith was not detained. Late last night the Siberia proceeded on her way to the orient. BUFFALO BILL PLEASES KING London, March 18. King Edward has sent Colonel Cody, "Buffalo Bill," a hnndnome scarf pin with tha royal cipher in diamonds surmounted by a crown, as a souvenler of his visit to the Wild west show here lost Saturday, PuftKcngent Compelled to Ktay On Hoard Cars and Their ItniiH-rilate Itvllof In Very Doubtful. Memphis, March lS.The flood situa tion tonight shows a number of new and serious' developments, and there Is scarcely a ray of hope for improved conditions except in the fact that the tributaries f the Mississippi to the north of Memphis are reported to be fitJIInrf. One of the must serious developments of the last 24 hours is the washing out of all lines of railroads entering the city from the west and a complete ty ing up of rullrotd tracks through the Memphis gateway to that section. Bo suddenly did the rise come In the section of Arkansas across the river from Memphis after the St. Francis le vee brok at Trices Landing that two passenger trains were caught between the washed out points and are now surround .-d y water. On each train re about 75 passengtrs and crews, and tonight over 100 of thesejwlll remain on the trains with no prospect of be ing taken off until tomorrow or later. lty taking risks several handcars sue ceeded In reaching the water bound trains today and about SO passengers were brought to this city. The re moJnder refused to attempt to return. Claims lie Is Innocent Charged With Poisoning. Colored Doc tor Protests From His Cell. Phlladeluhla. March 18.-From his cell In the central police station George Hossey, who is accused of conspiring ir. nnlnnn Will Dans, has given out a declaration of Innocence. He says: "What has come out about my kill ing or poisoning people is untrue In cv ery respect, and I want to contradict It. I understand they are trying to get evidence ngainst me.but they can not do It, becaust I did not do It Elev druggists have been examined In h district attorney's offiee. The declaration by Frederick Slioyer, as tKinnr district attorney, that detec tives have found where Mr. and Mrs. Williams obtained arsenic is thought to have some relation to the Hossey cbm. It is now Known mm u m for evidence In the Williams child mur der ense unearthed Hossey. Some of the authorities spparently see sonu significance In the connection of a couple of spiritualists with bom Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Dans. Report With Roosevelt Washington, March 18. Judge Gray and Carroll IX Wright, president ana records!' respectively of the anthracite strike rnmttilsslon. today handed to President Roosevelt the report of that commission. It is said the report wm be made public Saturday. ENTERTAINS COMMISSIONERS Woshlngton, March 18. President Roosevelt entertained the members of the anthracite coal strike commission at dinner tonight. The report ot the commission, which wns delivered to the president today, was unanimous. It will be made public Saturday. Died In San Francisco. San Francisco, March 18. Rudolph Goetx, formerly a grocer at 1200 Jirst avenue, South Seattle, was found dead In his room on Third street last night. He arrived, here on March 4 and was last seen alive on Monday night. RUGBY TRIUMPHANT. San Francisco, March 19. The final and deciding game of the polo tourna ment between the Rugby (English) and Burllngame (California) teams as won by the Englishmen, the score being seven to three. Presidleinif Mississippi Senator Directs Hot Shot At Roosevelt In Speech On the Negro Question. CUBAN TREATY WILLBEV0TED Every Effort Will Be Made Today to Save Measure Which Is Threatened. Washington, March 18. Before ad journing at 7 o'clock tonight the sen ate entered Into an unanimous agree ment to vote on the Cuban reciprocity treaty at S o'clock tomorrow. The ex ecutive session covered six hours and blow to the growth of the beet sugar clams of the treaty.' McEnery, of Louisiana, said that the admission of Cuban sugar at re duced rates would prove as severe a blow to the growth of the btefsugar Industry as it would to the cane sugar production of Louisiana and Texas He said practically the entire popu lation of Louisiana would )e affected by an approval of the treaty. The race question was again discuss ed in the stnate today. Money, of Mis sissippi, spoke for two hours, his re marks having a direct reference to the action of the president ia closing the Indianola poetofflce. He delivertd himself of some severe strictures on the president, stating In the coune of his remarks that Mr. lioawvelt was lot president of AiiierU, ca. but president of the black btit. At tlm? he was closely interrogated by Foraker and Spooner. ' ' He. declared that of all the a;rotnt mJts evr made In Mississippi, none had ever given such general disgust as those made by thla' administration.. There bad been raised the question of the social equality ot the negro, but thira never could possibly be any so cial equality bttween the two races. "There is race prejudice In the south", he said, "and thank God there is." "Would you disfranchise the .legro as to voting," asked Foraker, "and If so, should that not be taken. Into ac count In fixing representation In con-; gressr "That Is another question," said Money. "It to the feeling in the south that no colored man, no matter what his qualifications may be, shall hold a. federal office." ., It is said at the state department that the sharpest kind of work will be required to save the treaty from to tal failure, if It Is ratified by the sen ate with amendments aa proposed. Tht slightest amendments will require the convention again to be ratified by the Cuban congress and the time allowed for an txebange of ratifications expires on the 31st Inst. If there is any failure on this point a new treaty will have to be drawn. ' . SILVER MARKET. .... Silver. 48 1-4. ' j& j& NEW j& j& WAITING We are showing the latest and nobbiest waistings in Astoria just arrived from New York. Your inspection invited. C. H. COOPER ECLIP E HARDWARE CO. mbers teemfittef 523-527 BOND