The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 23, 1903, Image 1

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' U XIV NO. 112
s ' ?' - .v.". V.-.v,..,-
Why not have young hair and look young?
It's easily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor.
Al ways restores color, stops falling, i
1911. turn.
All of Astoria wm out to greet Sena
te Fulton. Democrat vied with re-
pablloaas U doing aim honor. Thai
rich snd the poor, the banker and tb
mechanic, the mdooI children aod all
the people were there.
At the depot upon arrival of the
tralaV there was a Jam the like of
which was never before seen la As
toria. Oecrge Washington, Andrew
Jackson and Abraham Lincoln days
CYEMT M Oil HIS10XT were not la It The 4th of July was a I
mere sideshow. Ko man ever bad a
more Batter! ngraception. There were
l; ;. l, ." : -.ft , ;ti IT
II. S. Senator Fulton' Has
Grand Ovation lodayv
Compromise Reached That;
Will Seat the Mormon.
oould live la teste. V
It la estimated that the cost of
camp w accommodate 200 people
would be about $75,000. Dr. Lederle
will aubmit hla plan to the board of
estimate as soon as he obtains a suit
able site. .... ''"- ', . ,.
The ttalted State "Js."
, (Baltimore American) '
"The United States Is," or "the Ucl
ted States are." 1
For Tears the contest ha waged as
to whether the third person singular
flarlne Procession Escorts Railroad two special cars, eonUlning Henstor I MMt Fsvo Federal Amendment Pro-1 present Indicate of the verb "to be"
Train to Depot-Happy Occa
' . " sloa for Thousands.
I Fultoo's guests, 140 In number, 40 of I
I them being ladles. There were 111
members of the legislature along, In
cluding Bon. John OHL I didnt
blotting Fdytaajy Must
', Help Kearas.
should be used In connection with the
noon "United States," or whether the
proper form Is not that of the present
indicative plural of the same verb.
The battle of the grammartana has
Double Harcmcrless, as shown in Cut, only $35.
ed for Pattern and Penetration
The bct nun In'the country for the Money
Shoots as well And is as safe a any $75
Doublc-Darrclcd Gun. 1
For sale by
A. G. SPEXARlll.
Ll, ijllailfil jff ' "
l i J 9i v - 1
This has been a gala day In Astoria, quite mt on the band wacon." said the 8u Lau Cm Feb-13 -A deal
United States 8enator Fulton'i reoep- represenUtlve of Portland's great book 00 br hUi APtte E61 Bmoot of laot been without Thterest to the gen-
Uon has absorbed the entire attention (store, "but I waa sot disappointed in aa Mormon chnrcb, the senator-elect I era! public; but now they may lav
of the Astoria people. At 11 o'clock all the results von i betl" There was from "tah,-wlU be seated by the Unl-1 aside their arms and enjoy the truce,
the stores sad places of business were nenr prooeeslon followed a States 'senate, d bat promised I for the committee on revision cf the
eioaea and tue enure olty and SU her I maa B laUHtk before, albeit tt was t0 M one or BOSt eosaUonal re- lawa has, to reviewing the federal
oooatry Blghbors turned out to dojwi,0uy jnpmpt,, without effort Um polltloal flghta Ja the history statutes, decided that .'the United
Honor to Astoria's favorite son. ' , ' tooriraalaa It' K lun sooo mod1 or tne aenate will be amtoablT settled. I States la." The singular present of
The executive oommlttee mapped J tuje4 the streets and followed the ear 11 ta "erSed today that negotiations the verb "to be" will, therefore, be
out Its piogram and had thousands of triage containing Beaator Fulton and Dm recIle the stage where the deal I used In the forthcoming edition of the
ojrouiars distributed over the city to 1 his beautiful and eosular wife. It u M 800(1 oloae1 ; I ceTued statutes, and from the legal
mrorm tne people, as no paper Issued ma. be added that the senator's faith- x&e nH0D or the agreement by I viewpoint "the United States are" will
this morning. The circular was e I fnl mastiff. "Oojoael' waa in the pro-1 1,0,011 8moot Is to take his plaoe in J cease to exist.
Astorla's reception to BenatosFuit flgppjjj-pj- of the apostle being per
ton. Weloomel Program Senator I w. v. , HiMarmu th ntnr' mltted to assume his duties he shall
and escort will arrive on regulartraln Mpbew x, prooeMlon stopped t oont to the passage of an Iron-clad
k w, n t ry t i i I . I tti. o...
II Iff 1 1 I . vcpvu .oianue i- (be Occident, where Hon. John waiuu wu-
lwl1 llfnttMAA Inula Itl Muvirt tr.ln frnm Tnnriilo..L ' .. . . Irfltutlnn fnrhMiJInw th nrrfl tit
u . . ' " r . , .jjui.. j i Jw n-cenuv snown uai
"TT . : "m m " pyRmle.n0wonly found In the in
at, ui'iww . . which ClAtnnn'a faTnrttn ann madA a 1 1"""'"""
Prehistoric Race, Now
Found la Africa.
Big Tind in Cowlitz Pass fa
Cascade Mountains,
cession will form at depot, H. 3. 1 whih fitotann'. tmvnrit inn m.A a prisonment upon oonvicUon. The
Parties contemplating purchasing I Wherlty grand marshal, line of I brilliant response. An OregoalujDlA ooatttuetoDaTe,ria
Wuk'hoa are Invited to examine my stock
of gold watches, with all the higher
grades of
American Movements
march will be west on Commercial to
Ssyeqtb : north on Seventh to Bond
OB Bond to Occident; Hotel. Ad-
dress of welcome by Hon. "John H.
8mlth." ."I .
Last night a special reception eom-
artist and' WH dood naar and ucuon l auoh eases. .. The aposUe
sanaior la to advocate tnu amend-
cenor or Aincawere, durlns pre
historic times, spread over parts of
Europe. Numerous skeletons found
in Silesia show that the stature of the
took off the entire scene.
...... . ... .. . I meet.
jjnairman patriaea Mmm wen w-1 I men they represent was not much
trcducedHoa.B. H Eddv and He n aoaiuon to inisomootisiopieagei l"..j,rri,i;!"'i'
Andrew 0. Smith. Hon. Bank, of n,nM,el! to ohttrch ,nfltt
Multnomatu and also Bewwsentailve eno fa 9ttod to 8eD8tor
mlttee of il, with E. W. Tallant chair- 8heUeT pf j, of whom mad inomaa jLearns or some man nearns
man, went up on the train to escort K. rvr fimrth ... th-lmT nm to the senate two years
rW MH..5MonaswprKiB.D 8eMtor Fuiton down tW. morning. I man who nominated H. W. SootL He
from now. It la asserted that Is mat-
quality of goods is guaranteed to alL
above four and a half feet. There
were pygmies In Switzerland and in
Alsace alaa ' 7- . ' "" ' " -
Many of the latter were four feet In
height. These dwarf races were In no
wise degenerates. They ' appear to
I H ' CKVPlAim 466 Commercial Street
J. 11. UUU Astoria; Oiwgoa
Tka niwaMAnra nf tha rtiamhar Afl .. ..... . . . , . Iters stand Senator Heart) a ta ahsolntel
, 7 - "saw jsuimoman a neat proaucs was - - -"have persisted up to comparatively
Commerce and of the Push club were his first choice but he waa proud to hMero' the situation aa regards the L nt Um8v , ThJ 8
among the number. ' At Uo'olock aU I Kpt rjlatuop's best produot as OraJqi,Pwwnoimo"scaaa " J for Instance, were contemporary with
the shipping la the harbor, gaUydeoo- UB..nnitdRtataaftBator. niaaan. TiinrDmincic i the Romans and they oontlnued opto
" .. . I I ivuutvuvtnui
rami wun unitea Btawe naga, aauea tlmentota common interest between
up In a marine parade to Tongue U. tw0 Ditoei vu cheered. I c.mni. ttrmA M Hh 1 if .i,oina nm
North Yakima Une to these Fields
Abandoned Better Go Oowa
Cowllta River.
TicoMi. Feb. i3. Oeorgo Wykel of
North Yakima sod several associates,
who own the anthracite coal fiol.Ss re
cently discovered at Cowlitz Pass, are
endeavoring to establish rail commu
nication with their property via the
Taooma Eastern Eallway, At Eie
time a line was projected from North
Yakima, but the distance was so groat
and the country to be traversed so
rough that the idea was not considered
The ' Taooma Eastern is already
constructed to Eaton vllle and will
soon penetrate as far as Elbe in the
foothills of the uppper Klsqualiy.
From this point there is a natural
pass termed Pleasant Talley country,
by travelling which the road would
reach the Tilton and Cowlitz Elver
00 uc tries, thus giving the output of
ths mines a direct route to tidewater.
These coal fields contain practlcaHy
the only coal yet found In the state
which compares favorably with the
hard coal otthe east.
.The Ilwaca Journal says a largo
eorps of U. S. engineers will take
charge of Fort Canby and modernize
that fort' The Journal is reliably in
formed that the department propose
to put in two batteries Of the first class,
which means two disappearing guns
similar to those at Fort Columbia,
also that large improvements to the
barrack buildings,, military roads,
etc., will be made at this time.
la Teats.
liorseshocr and Wagon Maker, Logging Canp Work
, General niackamlthing, First-Class Horseshoeing, Etc. ,
Sole Agent for the AMERICAN Farm date
rrfr lutlftli end Duare Ftitots ; Astoria, Oregon
romw wnero a uemouswauon wa. i RepresenuUve Bhelley Is one of the
made as , the regular train came bandot"8a.H After these eame Clat-
arouno toe ront inrougn we cut, jop's own representatives. Haaa and Kiw T01. Feb. 23.-8Inoe Dr. Led-
with the special oars of Senator Ful. Carnahan,each of whom made neat erle. president of the board of health,
m . a . ... a - . 1 I I
tone, suite awacnea. ine nwuue 1 -pwch,,, Carcahan broaght oheers. I tnnounoed his plan for the establish-1
eur wrry neionea lonn a national He Mld FuRoa'ielectlon meant plenty ment of a oamp tor persons suffering
salute of l guns as befltted washing- 0f water on the bar and that it had from pulmonary tuberculosis, he has
ton s birthday and the presenoe 01 a already floated the German bark Al- received communications from anum-
Bana Whiskey la the bent In the
world; absolutely pure. For Bale at
The National. '
JL1L3 t .
H. C. BOWERS, Mgr. Special Rates to Astoria r
Eclipse Hardware Co;
Plumbers and ;
Steam Fitters
Sole Agents For Bridge, Beach & Co. '
..... .. .
Superior Stoves and Ranges
0 atlonal senator. The steamboats all
screamed out with their whistles and
with noise and jollity the marine pa
rade made a processional down to the
A. & 0. B. depot Here the dlstin
gvished Astorlan was met and wel
comed by Mayor Burprenant and a
n umber of leading citizens. The
mayoi 'a address wis neat and brief
stern lxie.
Squabble la Maaila of Independent
ber of people who have property for
sale. Sr. Lederle'a Idea la to select a
sits on high ground la the vicinity of
the Hudson river and he has now un
der consideration several sites above
High Bridge. . ''7777'
There are about 40,000 persons in
11 trim rtrr!! rrrv . .'
a 1 s
; ioc
Shopping Bags v
Traveling Baskets
Tooth Brushes:
Hair Brushes
Hiirou, Feb. SI Evidence Is aoou
mulatlng which praotlcaUy oonflrms U,,clty "8 torn tuberculosis.
w ai ..a the belief that Blshep" AKlipay's "a " Ulat
vmi vaaaaavsy Ma v u uswassaj wavM 1 ------- . . , I
tobySenatotFalton.,,,; -chismati. movant is generating
into a triangular political oombina- ...b.
tlon wlth Worklngmen's Union and 01 "pm ruoon is ai.uw a pa
ths Nationalist party, and that it Is Uent and " obvious some years
absorhlnaamalorkv of the lrreoon-l would dapee before funds could be
1 0 liable. In the Nationalist party. m omm " wsutunon.
"This combination la a aatural re-vt- eWati proposal is for the city
suit of the necessity tor widening the P10!1 D Wealthy localities
field of IndeoendentCatholtoism. Thelna cmP8 wbere patients
future of the movement probably will I
S lii
:M A'
.'ft va
I be largely political.
W)a) eaegia) aa)aavae ejaeaH j 531 Commercial 'St jpirtloularsapply atthisoffioe. jiflm
Is tobaono Injurious? Is a subject
' that has been subject that has been
discussed until it is threadbare.
It is not our intention to open up
the subject but we wish to say to
smokers that we have the
Best C igars
Oq the market and can please all
smokors. We also carry all the
host brands of tobaccos, and are
well prepared to supply the trade
at the lowest rates. ' I . .
Villa and Estate Near New
for miner Resort.
Ha veal
Niw Hivin. Fob, St Town Clerk
Waterbury Is authority for the sUto
ment that the. recent parch ass of the 1
yllla and estate at Stamford adjoining
the famous , Book Hill Dairy Farm, I
once the property of Captain Benjl-
man Greene, who la a fugitive from
I fustics In Quebec for connection with
the Carter frauds In Savannah harbor,
ts for a country seat for Admiral Dew
ey, who Is in future to make this al
summer home.
For sale Six hives of Italian bees
and fixtures complete. For further!
I ' I I 1 I SI
I 1 1
I 1 I I
BV - . ,
attulajfify Par -:
That's. 'Al
The Reliable Clothier and Halt ;r
Commercial St - .' : : . Asicr:- '