i ' i ; t "'ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1003. LooKing for Better Prices? . 1 1 1 LobKirig for Bettef Goods? Hi (M)ri h nwd not I long nm, both art lwuy to bt found at our lor. If you doult our wont, call wt csimlno our good and w will fonvlm you (hut V hv the liwt of vrythlng t price that will pvwr you.. W want hr of your palronui. A mall trial ordw will fonvlnr you that w cell thv lxt of everything In our line. I ROSS, HIGGINS (EL CO. MONTIIL.Y TIDE TAIJLEH itiKh Water. Data. MtlNDAY . Hotiday . , . Tuna day . . , Wodiicaday . Thuraday . . Wriday . . . Saturday . , HVNUAT . . , Monday . , , Yuaday . , ,, WWdnexlay . Illiiraday . . . I Vlday . , .. Hwturday . .. MUMMt . , Monday . , . Tttaday . . ,, Mfadnraday . , 'lliuriday . . , KWUy Saturday , . , HUNDAT , , , Monday . , Turu'luy . .. , Wadmwday . , Itiuraday , , lYMay . . , ,, Halurday . .,, 'A.M. P. M. I h.m. ft h.m. ft. 1 1:03 ?. 1:M 1.S t i:H (.0 3:44 7.1 S 4:16 .) 4:15 (.7 4 4:07 1.0 t:J (.1 i 6: 411 l.o 4:65 t.t :45 7.K 1:11 I.I 7 7.M 7.1 ;47 l.f I 1:06 1.0 10:41 1.4 101 It 1.111:41 7.0 ill 11:1 1.4 ..... II 0:17 7,6 11,01 I.I IS 1:10 7. 11:67 1.7 13 1:10 I.I 1:43 I.I 14 1:11 1.4 !: 1.1 15 1:06 l.t 1:11 1.7 II 1:40 1.4 4:01 7.1 17 4:11 I.I 4:l I.I 11 l:0 7,1 1:01 1.7 1 6:57 7.1 7:l 1.4 10 l it 7.1 l:li I.I 31 1:00 T.t 1141 1.7 11 :04 7.1 10:14 1.1 13 10:00 7.1 11:10 I.I 14 10:51 7.4 U:M I I 14 11:15 T.I 14 0:11 7.1 11:14 7.1 17 1:02 7.5 12:51 1.0 II 1:11 7.1! !:! 1.0 HCimUAHY, 1901. Low Wnter. "" DalV.' " HUNbXr ."7 Moniluy . .. , Tunaduy , . ., Wndnoadny , , Thnraduy ," . rVlday Kutiir.lny HUKKAY . i. Monduv . 'TUHidny t , ., , Wvdnnidny , , i Thnraday . ,, Krl!ay 1 Hiilunluy . , , ! HUN DAY . . . Monday . , , . . Turaday . . , ! Wtdrioaduy , . Wdnvaday . , : Tliurmiiv . jKriilay . , . . nniurnay , , . HUNDAY . . Monday . , ,. Ttivaday . . ., WadiiMday , Thurada . . Friday tfaturdny , . . ;.'.". r. ur h.m. ft.' h.m."j 1 1:03 2.2 1:10 0.1 2 1:44 l.t 1:45 1.1 110:15 1.7 10.M l. 411:14 1.111:15 2.4 5 11:40 1.6 0:11 1.0 1:17 1.2 7 1:!4 1.4 1:13 O.I 2:51 I.I 4:to 1,4 9 4:111 1.4 6; in -0,1 10 6:14 1.0 6:09-0.4 11 IMl 1.6 1:64-1.1 12 7:05 2.0 7:15-0.2 U 7:61 1.1 1:14 0.0 14 1:21 1.4 1:60 0.1 15 1:14 1.2 l:2 1.0 14 10:12 1.2 10:06 1.7 17 11:06 1.4 10:48 2.4 1 12:02 1.1 I" 11:17 1.0 .1.01 i. 20 t40 1. 6 :1 J.J 11 1:67 I.I l:l 1.2 23 2:16 2.1 4:11 1.1 13 4:21 1.1 1:00 0.1 14 6:12 l.l :4i 0.4 15 1:63 o.l 1:17 1.1 2 1:27 2.1 l:4 l.l 17 l:6 2.4 7:15 0.7 21 7:30 l.l 7:41 0.1 THE HORNING AST0RIAN ";: TELEPHONE 111. TO DAY 8 WEATIIEH rortUlld, Ft'b. l.-VekTii Oregon nl Wiu.liliiKloii-Plunvcr. Oood iri'irnlng' Havr you bought on of Wl.f i. Biwt UI 17 (0 ulUi? Four up-to-date barbon at tho O- il-l-nt. You don't hav to watt. ' All I ho liilett booka, panott and ing tna a 8vt?nm'a Vwok utora. Wyoming rcml, THE 110U8K CHJAL. rtnd oidfr to 8. Klmora Co, ' Yu will alwayi find tho tout 16c mtal lu tha utiy at the Itlnlug Sun rtau t.int, N, 015 Commarclal ttrtrt. tlwwt i-rAin 15 ifiita a pint. No .harg for whipping. Tagg'a randy alore. For fjitod, rrllnldp piano work ae your local tuner. Th. Frtderlvkan, imi llond atrt. Phone M74 lUd, You will Ihutik ua for reminding you that our hvadiifhe tablula never fail, or If thy do, we return your money, t'harli'i Itngt ra, diugglat. J tint urrived A car of the famouf Wyoming oal. Flncat In tho world for dom"Hll,,' uk. Hrnd or phone your ordttr to 8. Klmnrc A Co. Phone Main m. Sptx lal utile of rarnt-t remnanti, 500 IMltinm to wlort from, Imludlng ux ndnatMH, vrlvetg, and body Uninnel, whk h we are olTuiing at fartory prlc, Kio window display, Chug. lUllbom A Sou. The Kpworth Ixgue of the M. E. chunh will give ft Oeojgo Waahlngton aoclal nt the imraonage, corner of Ninth and KuchAiige atreeta, Friday evening, February 20, All young people nrc cordially Invited. An rnergvilo miimiKcr for oltke to be ojeind In this city for large manufac turing comrn. Salary $100 per month extra riniinl.Mlona and expenaea, 1500 emh ecuilty required. Bent of ref ernee. Addreaa Munnger V. O, box MA f)lm Frnnclvo, Cnllf, What Is itie trouble? Faulty pHtnio log and poor flxturea? For the beat unitary plumbing goods and gklllfnl thorough workmanship aehd your or dera'to No, 42S,Itond atrect. Tinning, grtd-flttliig nnd heating. John A, Montgomery, W. J. .Soullythe hardware atore and ttnuhop ninn," haa moved from hln old location on Bond street to No. 470-472 C'onimurulul utreet, opposite tho, Ilee hlvewheic he hna a well 'appointed xtoreroom and shop, a fine itock of atove", railgea, bath tuba, plumber' goods,' h.ndwnre, tlnwnre, etc., g,nd the bent of facllltlea for plumbing and attam fitting. 1 Noi Dessert More Attractive Why we gelatine and pend ' hours soaking, sweetening, flavoring and ooloring when Jeii-0 rroduoas better roeulU in two minutesf ETerything in the package. Simply add hot water and sat to eooU It "a perfection. Atul prise to the house wife. No trouble, lees ex pense, Try it to-day, ' In Poor Fruit Fhw Torsi Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Rsp fcerry, Atgrooera, ,, lOo. i , , Hend In your order for Wyoming coal. 8. Kltnore A Co. Fern y selected Spltu.-nberg and Raid win apple at Johnaon llioa. (lood morning! Have you bought olio of Wlae'a special $7.50 SUltsT Iti'Simnnlble party want to rent a house; must be modern; will pay 120 to 126 per month: address P.O. bog Mo. Carpet reinnanls-SOO different pat torns at lens than wholesale prices. Very suitable for ruga. See window dUplny.. Chas. llellborn A Son. (looil service, and good goods, at tho right price la what you want when pur chasing gtocrrles. (live us a trial and we will see to It that you will lie pleas ed Willi the goods, service and prke. Johnson ltro. The suit of John L. Bock against the city of Astoria has been set for trial March I. Plaintiff aska 1MO0 danmgea for Injuries suffered by falling through a defective street on August 21, 1900. The case was trUd In March. 1102, but the Jury disagreed. ? In the circuit court yesterday Jennie Rlmomls was granted a decree of di vorce from Frank Slmonds. . The com plaint stipulated cruelty and failure to provide as the grounds for action. The plaintiff la allowed under the decree to resume her maiden name, Jennie Palmer. The bill Introduced by Kepresenta tlv Cafmihnn "to fix the aalarlea of deputy countyNifflelala has been with drawn. A new measure haa bven offer vd by Senator Fulton and has passed the upper house. It provides that the sheriff of Clntsop county shall appoint three deputies, One of the lending features of the library entertainment given Tuesday evening waft the vocal selection by Mlsa Hhnw of Portland. It is seldom that an Astoria audience bus the pleasure of hearing a vocnllat from abroad who sings with the perfection that Mlsa Shuw does ind the applause, which aniou'ited nearly to an ovation, attest ed stronger than words the apprecia tion flt for her artistic endeavors. .. , - . - - rt Office Coastructlug Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore., Feb. 4. 1903. Sealed proposals In triplicate, will be receiv ed nt this office until 10 o'clock a. m March 5, 1903, nnd then opened, for the construction of a plank road on Fort Canby pillltnry reservation, Washing ton."""' Plans and spflclflcatlons may be seen and further Information obtained here, lUh'ht Is reserved to neeept or re ject any or all proposals.'! En(vi)lopVs should bo marked "Proposal for Pnnk Itond at Fort Canby, Wash," and ad dressed to floo; t. flooiUle, Capt. nnd Quartermaster, t'. S. Army. mmmm Plstrlct Attorney Allen yesteixlfty re turned an Indictment agulnst E. F. Libke, J, N. Ifeckard and D. Heck aid, charfilng them with injuring n jilnnk 'road. The case has been set for tr'ul March 4. This Indictment la an other stop In the notorious Lewts nnd Clark road case. The three men In dicted constituted a settlers' commit-: tee appointed to build the road. They determined upon a new route and took It upon themselves to remove some of th planking from the original road. This resulted In a suit Instituted by ob jecting tettlars, -ind the case will be fouuht out In the courts. The set tlers have been unable to get together In the matter, and the prospects for a new road through the fertile valley of the Lewis and Clark are' decidedly poor. ' '"' ' ' - " "' 1 '..Oood mortilrHrt Hav "yoti botfght one of Wise's spei lal 17.60 suits? Airam Buorenen, who Is . residing with his uncle, Mr, Saarenvn In West Astoria, bad the misfortune lust night la meet with a fall on the premises of hi hom that resulted In a fractured skull, Dr. O. P. Kates waa summon. d and ho pronounce th young mnn a seriously hurt but that be I ronsrl nus nnd that tha Is hope of hla re- coory. The 'njnred man la II year of age ond arrived her from Finland a week a.. I Healed proposals will be received at the office of the lighthouse Inspeutor, customs hoUNO, Portlund, Ore,, until It o'clock m., March II, 1901, and then opened,. for, furnishing and delivering provisions and fuel for vessels and sta tions In the 11th lighthouse district dur ing the nV'iil year to end June 30. IMI, in acconiiincv wan speemcattns, coiies of which, with v blank proiatsais and other Informntion, may be had upon application to Commander C. U. Cnl klns, V 8. N., Insiwctor. The boivling committee of the Com mcrcltil dut ha issued another call toe recruits tot a trip to Huletn. The manner In Which (he team I to be se lected haa not been announced a yet by Mr. Wise, tut It is probable a try out will be Inaugurated. There Is plenty of food naterliil In the club, and it Is .expected that Mr. Wise will get to gether an aggregation that will win laurels for Itself on outside alleys. Last night Mrs. Hannaford secured the best ladlea score and won the prise which th committee had offered. ' Will F. Hall, manager of the Hall Packing company of Poitland, ts In the city advancing the Interesta of hla busi ness. Mr. Hall 'is making a feature or their Eugt brand ta males and i meeting with flattering success In In troducing the goods throughout the northwest. The house docs a heavy business with this article In Ran Fran cisco and California generally, but in this part of the world the tamale la somewhat of a novelty. Mr. Hal) carries sample with him and last night they were served hot and steaming to a number of Astorlana, who appreciated the palttable treat. a The work of making preparations for floating tha stranded bark Aletemlxe Is progressing satisfactorily, and the chances are that the vessel will easily be huui'd bn"k Into deep water when the high tide set In esrly next month. Yesterday three mushroom anchors, each weighing 6000 pounds, arrived down the river and were taken to the ship. There were also two steel ca ble, each 2000 feet In length. In the shipment. The anchors will be placed out and the cable run from them to the two engines aboard. Dy the time the high tide occur everything will be In readiness for tho supreme effort to float the vessel. ' , Tonight the Weston A Herbert Vaude vllle company open their tow-nlKht en gagement at Fishers' opera house and from all appearances they will be greeted with a crowded house. Among the company are the Four Bragdons who are a special feature from New York. They do a very funny Irish knock about act which Introduces lit-tie-Clifford, tho I year old Irish corn median, termed the pocket edition of Johnny Kay. The Three Rosebuds do a very enteralnlng specialty Introduc ing singing, dancing etc., and with We ton and Herbert, Hugh J. Kmmett,' Lit tle Carrie, Mlsa Muy-Mycra and Kdlson latest Improved bioscope an evening can be well spent. Secure your seats at Griffin's book store. An order restraining the persons mim ed from Interfering In any way with the BrltlsJahlp Riverside, the crew of the vessel of the captain, Porter, was serv ed yesterday on J. J. Kenney and Pat rick Lynch, local sailor bonrdlng-house muster. Captain Porter newr makes port that trouble does not ensue, and he haa been enjoying hla full share re cently at Portland. Some days ago three men whom he had engaged to work on the outward, trip were set up on and beaten at Portland, and the act was laid at the door of the run.iers. in an effort to pravent repetition of the trouble, the captain Instituted the re straining proaeedtnaX and in a general way Included all Columbia river boarding-house master In the complaint. Galloway' bill to license sailor board ing house men and to protect snilors the measure known as antl-crlmp bill passed the senate with amendments. The bill us it passed finally la different in so many respects , from the bill ns presented that the author probably would scarcely recognize It, but It Is generally conceded that as passed the mensuro Is a tho.'jUKhty good- one, and that it will meet with the necessities of the case fully. When the bill was called up Senntor McGinn explained Its provisions nnd advocated Its passage. Some changes had been made In the bill as It came from the house, he mild. The house bill had provided a license for keepers of sailor boarding houses of $50. Thl had been raised to 1250. The house bill hud provided that sailor hoarding house keepers furnish a bond of 120,000, Thla was prohibitory und hud been reduced to 15000, It was the general desire of the people, he thought, that this bill should pass, and he there fore hoped It would do o.. The bill wa then placed on final pasage, and not a dissenting vote was recorded. itiood mornlnf U : Havl; fine of 'Wis.' special 17.60 suits? ffirlfAIDfRGflS BACK SON Lust night' Portland Journal con talned the following statement with reference to II. W. Hcott's candidacy: "From a careful canvass of the" situa tion it Halem, and from Information secured from reliable sources the Jour nal i in a position to predict that at about midnight tomorrow night, at the special session of the legislature, Har vey W. Scott wIlL fee elected United HtaleS senator.- This Is the program now, but of course it may be complete ly changed before the time for a ballot. However, thu far the plan for elec tion have not been disturbed." Else whr the Journal has another sio'v, that presents a different phase of th situation., "Tho senatorial Ugh! has assumed a new phase, which is sensa tlonul In the extreme. Jonathan Bourne ts becoming so formidable a factor that panic has seised the supporters of Ilur vey W. Hcott. Bourne's election as sen ator would men complete overthrow of the machine which now dominates Portland politic and there Is a possl blllty that the machine may be forced In order to avert the election of Itourne to throw all It strength to Oeer; The latter Is anything but an acceptable can di late to the majority of the Multnom ah delegation, but hi election would be vastly preferable in the eyes of the ma chine to that of Johnalhnn Bourne It will probably be determined to night whether Scott's name can lufely be presented to the legislature. It will not be presented if there Is any seriotja risk thjit the consequences might aid Itounie."" i ft - ". r The attendance at last eveslngs meeting of the ' Civic Improvement league was quit small, too small. In fact to do any effective work and so the election of officers and the outlin ing of work for the future, scheduled for thaneetlng, will, of necessity, take place later. The Civic Improvement leuaue has bad decidedly an up hill existence almost since Its Inception. The only reason for its existence is that the city may be benefitted and it seems a pity the Organisation has not all along been accorded the heurty sup port of the public that it so much de serves. There are 34 Individual mem bers of the league. and a number of fraternal bodies are identified with the organisation, but In spite of this the Civic Improvement league has some how got lost In tl shuffle. In order to obviate this apparent inattention to a most worthy cause It Is being suggest ed that the league affiliate with some other body in the city, whose aim is for the betterment of the community, at the same time retaining ita Individual ity as the chief factor for practical and Immediate amelioration of the innum erable evil that are constantly In evi dence when an organized movement Is not on foot to keep them down. The Idea is to have the Push club or the Woman's club take y he league under Its wing, so to speak, and that would be ample assurance that a quorum would Invariably be in attendance to transact business and more attention would naturully be, given to It seeing that another organisation, a larger and stronger one, would be directly Inter ested in Its success. The league could act somewhat as a committee on mat ters of Improvement are guided and encouraged by the club, with which It would be affiliated, would unquestion ably attain the object for which It has for so long made such Inneffectual quest ft c?an city. Good morning! Have you bought on of Wise' special 17.50 suite? P.I 1 CROWD ATIEN'IS GERMANS' MASQUE BALL Almost One Thousand People Take Part In Annual Merry-Making of Sons of Herman. At moat 1000 people attended the mrisque ball given last night at Foard & Stokes' hnli by the Sons of Herman. The lanre pe.vllion was gnlly decorated and presented a brilliant scene through out the evening. The costumrs of the maskers were attractive and altogether the ball was an unqualified success. The Columbia orchestra rendered ei cellcnt music, which added greatly to the pleasures of the night. The Judges Olnf Anderson; L. H. Sprauer and Monroe Sander, the latter of Portland, awarded the prises as follows: 'First Best dressed lady-r-W- Harry Jones; prlxe, rocking chair, .. . Second Best dressed gentleman Vic tor Llndbeck: prlae, center table. ,'.. Third Best sustained lady'a charac ter William Simpson; prise, lamp. Fourth Best sustatned gentleman's character Sidney Snow; prise, umbrel la. V Fifth Second best dressed lady Mrs Fred J. Brown; prise, water pitcher. Sixth Second best dressed gentle msn George Malar; prlxe, " smoking set.' - Seventh Second best sustained lady's character Mlns Jennie Porter; prlxe, rug. ' Eighth Second best sustained gentle man's "character Louis Haufte; prise, shaving set. SENMATIOSAL FINALE TO KIIAI'JNJ CAHK. Willlutii Martin Kize Child at Kelso and File With Slob 7; at III IlceU. The senKHllon.il kidnaping of the lit tle I year old son of William Martin by Mrs. Martin, last week, had a fitting climax In the sensational manner in which the father regained custody of his child. Yesterday Mr, Martin re turned to the city with tho boy, aftet one of the most exciting experience that a father ever went through for a child. On last Thursday evening Mrs. Mar tin carried off the child from the apart ments of her husband on Commercial sfeet, between Twelfth and Fourteenth Th'! woman hud left her husband some weeks previously to visit friend at Kelso, Wash., but he failed to return, and her husband learned that It was ber purpose to remain ' permanently away.. Mrs. Martin returned unex pectedly, secured the boy, placed him in a hack and hurried with him to the eastern portion of the city, ' where mother and son hoarded a waiting launch, Mr. Martin's efforts at the time to overtake the runaway mother were unavailing. However, the father waa not content to let matters rest, and ever since the kidnaping he had been .-naklng quiet inquiries as to the whereabouts of the woman who had stolen hia child. He finally located her at Kelso, where she was living under the name of Mrs. B. Logan. The launch -on which she made her sensational get-away from Astoria had taken her to Kahuna, from which town she proceeded to Kelso, a few miles north on the line of the Nor thern Pacific. , On Tuesday Mr. Martin appeared at Kelso, and on Wednes day morning he found his boy, who was playing In the yard of bis new home. The father Jumped over the fence on teeing the child, and, taking It in hi arms, started down the railroad track Mr. Martin witnessed the coup that her husband had executed and at once she set up a cry for assistance. -Mr. Martin soon found himself inthe un comfortable position of a fugitive, with a crowd of men, women, boy and dogs on his trail. However, he continued the flight, and it seemed for a time that he would outstrip his pursuer. Among those who bad Joined in the pursuit were the town marshal, a depu ty sheriff and two other men, who un fortunately had the good Judgment to enlist the service of a handcar. On this car they started after the father, and were not long tn overtaking him. W hen within hailing distance the mar shal commanded Mr. Martin to stop and surrender himself Into the custody of the law. The officer was about to biing his gun into play when Mr. Mar tin covered the four ' men. He ex plained calmly that the child belonged to him; that he had done nothing wrong, ant thit my effort on the part of the men to arrest Ms flight would be resisted. He told hi little story In a manner which carried the conviction that he meant exactly what he said. and those who know "Billy" Martin will agree that the officers and their companions displayed excellent Judg ment when they acted on the sugges tion that the father should not be mo lested. Instead of . mixing matters with him, they started back for town, nnd Martin continued happily on his way. The crowd Which had followed kept at a respectful distance. Mr. Martin reached the Cowllts river In safety, and came across two wood men, A. D. Chamberlain and Simon Cuthware. He related to them the incidents of the previous hours and of fered to pay them handsomely tf they would take him to Aatorla. Mr. Martin did not purpose -to run the risk of a trip on the t Iver boat, and ao the wood men took him In a small boat down the Columbia to this city. They arrived at noon yesterday after a Journey of 60 miles, and the father haa since been busv receiving the congratulations of his friend. , ; v :.A '! ":.,','' 4 Mr. Martin will now Institute divorce proceedings against Mrs. Martin,; ; He" will ask custody of the child;' and pend ing settlement of the case will see to it that the little fellow does not fall into the care of hla Knother,., i . -.': .. Altogether, the episode wa the most exciting of the kind that was ever en acted In this part of the country. Mrs. Martin Is due to make tho next move, but It is not at all probable that Mr. Mai tin will allow himself to be caught napping. "' - , - ' . , flood morning! HaVe you bought one of Wise's special 37.50 suits? C. OI, Barr, Dentist , Manscll Building. 67S Commercial street, ' ' Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED 2061. . NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. .Notice Is hereby given that it Is un lawful for any person or persons to op erate or maintain, or lenve In a condi tion to take fish, In any of the waters of this state, any set-net, gill-net, fish trap, fish wheel, seine or any device or apparatus or gear used in catching sal mon fish or sturgeon, without first hav ing obtained a license. ... Any person found violating any of the provisions of this act will be proeei cuted and all gear found in violation thereof will be seised and condemned. All licenses issued during the year 1903 expired December 31, 1902, License tees tor the year 1903 are now due. and payable at the office of the fish warden In the Page building, Astoria, Oregon. '' H. Q. VAN DUSEN, , Master Fish Warden. " ' : " ry ,.- All Cooks Delight fa wing Economy Brand Evaporated Cream Novor tours, alwaya ready, never causes disappointment at tho lost moment when meal are ready to w served. . I our cook will be delightad becauso it i so handy; you will b delighted because it it th purest and most appetizing. We ar placing tha cap label reproduced herewith on ' very can of our product This it done for your protec tion. Our name on th label mean that it it tho best richest and purest Ask your dealer for Economy Brand. HELVETIA VOX COirDEIf SIHa CO., Highland, fil. tServiceable Baskets Made in Japan From 20as to $1.50 Telescopes, Shopping Bags, Traveling Baskets, Lunch Baskets, etc. Tooth and Hair Brushes From 25c to $1.50 Highest Grade lladu in Japon ' FOARD SL STOKES CO. Astoria - Ore. THE ASTORIA Opened January 1, 1903 ASTORIA'S NEWEST HOTEL Best Eutertainment at Moderate Prices Corner Seventeenth and Commercial Sis. JACK DENCK Proprietor Now is the time to bay Heating and Cooking Stoves AT LOW PRICES AH kinds of House Furnishing Goods, Carpet Laying and Upholstering. Adams Hennihg'sen 416-422 Bond Street , , v NEW STYLE CHOP HOUSE P. F. PETERSON, Proprietor BEST ARRANGED EATING HOUSE IX ASTORIA EVERYTHING THE MARKET AFFORDS Eleventh Street Astoria The Best Restaurant, j Regular Meals. 25 Cents . Suaday Dinners Specialty ' . E erythlng toe Market Affords " Palace Catering Company '' The Palace Cafe 0( o THE WORLD'S MEDICINE. To5 TO t U J FOR ALL BILIOUS and NERVOUS DISORDERS, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind, Weak Stomach. Impaired Piftcstier;, Disordered Liver & Female Ailment" Piwawd only by th Proprietor, Thoma Bwcbam, St Helm, Erg., td ft Uni Street, New York. Sold Tywlr la bos UW. mm a,