2. ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 190U Horning Astorian - EiUbllht4 1875, RATBSi Sent by mail , per year 96 00 Bnt by mall, per month 60c Served by earner, pr month 60o PREVENTING FOREST FIRES. The Minnesota legtslaure, like that t Washington, is wrestling with the proposition to devise wine method of preventing the spread of forest fires, so destructive to standing timber, besides Imperiling the lives of settles in the heavily timbered districts, says the Post-Intelligencer. The Minnesota leg islature Is of the opinion that one of the surest methods of preventing forest Urea, 1b to require- nil loggers to clear up the waste products of logging oper ations, to burn all' the tree tops and limbs, thus clearing the ground to per mit of a new growth of forest timber while doing awny with the dry de bris, in which the great majority of forest Arcs first start In the act passed by congress, pro Tiding for the sale and removal of tim ber from the Chippewa reservation in Minnesota, the following provision was Inserted at the request of Mr. Pinchot, United States forester: "Each and ev ery purchaser shall be required to burn or remove a sufficient amount of the tops and refuse to prevent danger from fire to the timber left standing." ' The .Minnesota law regulating the re moval of timber from the state school lands, contains a similar provision. But public safety Is not assured so long as such large areas of land in private ownership are unaffected. Therefore a bill has been Introduced into the Min nesota legislature, (is an amendment I the forest preservation act of lsS5. extending a parallel provision to pri vate lands. The bill introduced requires that all tops and refuse left after logging opera tions of any character shall be remov ed or burned before the first day of April following the cutting of the tim ber, care being used in burning to pre vent any damage to the standing tim ber and adjoining property. In rase this Is not dpne, the chief fire warden Is required to destroy the tops and . ether refuse, and for his services In this respect is given a first lien upon all the timber cut off the land, to be ; enforced by suit entered on his behalf ' Jby the county attorney. A further pro rision authorizes the fire warden to burn any tops and refuse of logging operations now on the ground and mhith in his Judgment is likely to be dangerous to any settlement or village, : and appropriate money out of the state treasury to pay for the work. Other provisions are designed to give due notice to the fire warden of the va rious logging operations which are car ried on, In order that he may see to the enforcement of the law, The proposed law seems practicable and one destined to do much good in the direction of protection from forest ; Is an hereditary disease, and one for which a tainted ancestry or blood poison ed parentage is responsible. It is trans ; mitted through the blood and shows ? itself in swelling and ulceration of the I glands of the neck, catarrh of the head, weak eyes, sores, abscesses and skin erup tions, with a gradual wasting away of strength and vitality. It also attacks the ' bones and joints, resulting in white swel ling, hip disease and deformities of every kind. We see the effects of this awful blood taint every day, but it exists in so , many funns that often it passes for some S thinirrke and is treated as anotherdisease. Scrofula robs the blood of its nutritive 'qualities, and it becomes too poor to pro- duce healthy """ Tur PICT i and development, end KL Ulr I ; thin, emaciated bodies ... ' and pallida waxy com- Ur M 1 pleiionsare the result. TAlWTCn V fl1 a rmiKlitlltional ' SGElOFULii f remedy; one that works ANCESTRY. ' through the blood, Can , " reach a disease that has been transmitted through generations or oeen mming in tit t.lrwj? ainre birth. ,'" & S. S. cleanses the blood of all scrofu- lous matter and tubercular deposits, and ' when rich, pure, health-sustaining blood . Is again flowing in the veins there is a gradual disappearance of all the danger ous symptoms of Scrofula; strength returns, and complete cure is effected. 8. 8. 8. contains no strong minerals to derange the sys w teal, but can be taken by the very old, as 1 well as th middle f,J sged and young.with VV outanyharmfulsfter effects, f ins Jeasi Injury to the most delicate constitution. If you have sny sijjns of Scrofula, ot Tour children are Hunted or slow of rrowth. p!e sud sickly, wriw us, . out pbyicun will sdvwe you free of cliargt T.I Swift SseeiSl Cs AUaeU, Gt. fires. It Is a fact, in western Wash ington at least, that forest fire do not originate tn the standing and unbroken timber and only spread Into such tim ber along the lines In which it has been opened by settlement and logging op erations. The tops and refuse from log glng operations are the fuel In which the forest fires first start. If they are burned and removed during the spring or fall, when forest fires are not likely to spread from them, the liability of fires in that section is almost done away with. Furthermore, on the grounds burned over, a new forest growth will spring up far better, and there Is thus a very much better chance of the whole area reforesting Itself with out further trouble. The lumbermen of the state are the ones most Interested In preventing the forest fires. They are the heaviest sufferers when such fies occur; and they souUl not oppose the enactment of any practical legislation destined to do away with or minimize the evil. The majority of them would doubtless Interpose no objection to the proposed law, the protection of which extend' Ing their own interests, is sufficient to offset any burdens which the law throws upon them. Considerable attention has been giv en in the east 'i the vote of Vermont in favor of local option as against state prohibition in dealing with the liquor question. Vermont has been a prohi bition state for 50 years, as the origin al prohibition law was carried In 1S53 by a majority of about 1500. The vote for local option this year is about the same, but it Is to be noted that with the population which Vermont had 50 years ago 1500 was a big majority, while now It Is but a slight one. In fact, the vote shows that the prohibi tionists are still strong, and that if the local option laws do not prove effec tive It will not be difficult to bring al-otit a return to the old order. The change of sentiment among the Vcr- monters is KaiJ to be due mainly to a recognition of the fact that prohibition does not prohibit, and. moreover, has a tendency to breed a disrespect for law In all parts of the state clubs were or ganized for the .purpose of procuring liquor, and In addition the number of places where It was lllictly sold were numerous. Finally it was pointed out by the physicians of the state that there was nn alarming increase In the use of drugs of a harmful nature, and it was believed that a moderate use of wine or spirits would tend to check the evil. All of these things taken to gether formed a public sentiment fav orable to a repeal of the prohibition law. The prevailing opinion of New England papers is that the Vermont vote signifies the virtual faUure of the prohibition policy in that section of the Union. Of the New England states there are now only two, New Hamp shire and Maine, that remain in the prohibition column. The others have tried it and have abandoned it. Even in New Hampshire it is paid it will not last Ions', for the same causes that brought about repeal In Vermont are acting in that state, and there are al ready, signs that the people an ready to follow the Vermont example. One of the curious features of the con test was the appearance of the liiiuor men on the side of the prohibitionists. It is said they had found they could make bigger profits selling liquor ll lictly than they could hope to do under high license. That in itself Is a strik ing illustration of the folly of enacting laws the j.eople will not support, and Vermont is to be :ongratulated upon learning that lesson at least after her fifty years of experience. A VERY CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engine though every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain." writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman. "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up I got a bottle of Electric Butters, and after talcing It I felt as well as I ever did In my life." Weak, sickly, rundown people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Charles Rogers, druggist. Price CO cents. WONDERFUL NERVE. Is dlsnla.y?d by many a man c-nflurlns pains of accidental cuts, wounds, bruis es, burns, scalds, sore fY-et of stiff joints But there Is no need for It. But Wen's Arnltal Halve will cure the pain and kill the trouble. It's the best salve on earth for piles, too. 25c at Charles Rog ers, druggist. C. J. Trenchard Insurtne Commission and Shipping. Ai-nt Walls Farfo and Pt cllo Kxpritws Corniitaisa, Cus tom Hoiu Broker. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Astoria. In the State of Oregon, at the close of business February (, 1903. RESOURCES. . Loans and discounts ....... '.$4,1S4 21 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 43 19 l S. Bunds to secure circula tion M.500 00 Stocks, securities, etc 120.758 ST Other real estate owned .. 6,000 00 Due from National Ranks(not reserve agents 9,954 87 Due from State Banks and Bankers 45,325 !8 Due from approved reserve agents 174,?M 92 Internal revenue stamps .... 1W 10 Checks and other cash Items.. 21 15 Notes of other National Banks 1.710 00 Nickt-ls and cents 173 32 lawful Money Reserve in Bank. vis. Specie .. t!34,iW0 00 Legal tender notes.. 1K 00 134,790 00 Redemption fund with V. S, treasurer t3 percent of cir culation Co 00 Txal $771.0.11 St LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in i 50.000 00 Surplus fund .. 50.000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses paid 12,639 14 National Bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to cheek 3507,174 49 Demand certificates of de posit 138,608 IS Certified checks .... 90 00 645.872 67 Total $771,031 81 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this loth day of February, 1901 C. R. THOMSON, Notary Public. Correct Attest: O. C. Fluvel, V. M. Ladd, Jacob Kamm, Directors. READ ALL OF THIS. You Never Know the Moment When This Information May Trove of Infinite Value. It is worth considerable to any reader to know the value and use of medicine, for if there Is no occasion to employ It. In the meantime, frail humanity is sub ject to so many influences and unror seen contingencies that the wisest are totally unable to guage the future. Know, then, that Doan's Ointment will cure any case of hemorrhoids, common ly known as piles, or any disease of the cuticle or skin, generally termed ecs-iand ma. One application convinces a continuation cures. Read the proor: T. H. Thomas, attorney of 600 E. Bennett avenue. Cripple Creek, says: "I just as emphatically endorse Doan's Ointment today as I did In the month of June 1899. At that time I went to a drug store for a box which I used for Itching hemorrhoids. A few applica tions save wonderful relief, and a short continuation of the treatment cured me Thrre have been symptoms of a recur-r-noe since, but a few applications or the remedy never falls to bring positive relief. My opinion of Doan's Ointment, th?a expressed, is the same today as It was when it was first brought to my notice." For sale by all dealers; rrtee 50 cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo N. Y. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name DOAN'S pnd take no substitute. For sale by Charles Rogers. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card of Trains leaves Anlves " T-mr a am Puget Sound Limited. 7:26 am 6:45 pm Kansas Clty-St Louis ui"t,u' ..aa.av Norton Coast Limited 3:a0 p m 7:00 a m , vTrL? d "'eNight t.K;:;" V.il7 i' l? ' Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points ! Take Pupt Sound Limited for Olym-1 l" Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas Clty-St. Louis Special for points on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Grays Harbor branch. B'our trains dally between Portland, Tacorna and Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passeneger Agt., 255 Morrison St., Portland, Or. GROSSMAN'S 1 AT IS NT WltlTIXG ICING The most Important improvement of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writ er a splendid penman in a lew weeks by the use of this ring. En dorsod by prominent college presidents and boards of education In Europe and America. Sample dozen assorted sis sent post paid for fl, single sample. 25c. When ordering a single ring state whether for man, woman or child. PENN MFG. SIPPLY CO. 119 8, FOCIITH 8T.. Philadelphia, DYSPEPTICIDE ThsrriUstHt DIGESTION. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. This signature Jt flX on very box. 15c. J.iib RKDUCED RATES FtOM TUB EAST Commencing . February 15th and continuing until April 30, there will be low rates In effect from the east via the Illinois Central R. R. to all Oregon, Washington and Idaho points. If any of your friends or relatives In the east are coming west while these rates are In effect, ive us their name and ad dress, and we will make It our business to see that they are given the best pos sible service. . We 'operate through personally conducted excursion cars, and In fact give you the bcjieflt ot the latest conveniences known to modern rallrotuling, We have 15 different routes between the cast and west, and nre In position to give you the be no lit of the best combinations. Write us and we will give you full particulars. H. It. Trumbull, ConVI. agent III. Cent. R R. 143 Third street, Portland, Ore. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver bar ricks. Wash., February 5, 1903 Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will bo re ceived hers until 11 o'clock it, ni, M.trch 6, 1W3, and then opened, for furnishing and delivery of a'l material required by the plans and specifications for tho construction of electric light plant for Fort Stevens, Oregon. V. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part there- j of. Information furnished on applica tion. Envelopes containing proposals! should be marked "Proposals for ma terial In constructing electric light plant at Fort Stevens, Oregon," and addressed to F. H. Hathaway. C. Q. M. "WHERE TO HUNT AND FISH." . Northern Pacific's new game book Is now reudy for distribution. Illustra tions of live game a particular feature. Four full pages from Seton-Thomp-son's drawings made specially for this book. Send address with six cents and book will be mailed to you by Chns. I lis ".'J!Li 5tFul Mlnn- Some Inter esting facts When dpodIp Are conte n.ilaLl.ur a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best servVe obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety ts concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINKS are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the flrst-claas ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines you will make direct lo.itiectlons at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points Bast. For any further Information call on any ticket agent ,or correspond wM JAS. C. POND, Oen. Pass. Ag"t. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wit TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VII SHORT LINE TO Bt PAUL DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND POINTS FAST, i 'J nrougn Palace and Tourist tn epers, 1 ninlrn U I.I. T I V. m Cars Daily Trains; fast time. por rates, fulders and full Informa- 11911 regarding tickets, routes etc., call on or addn.fw j w pla,,,N t- rurKanra ' TraV VaiTAgt. City Ticket Agt ivz Th rii Htret PrM-llnnrl A. B. C. DK.NNISTQN, 0. V. P. A 612 First Avenue. Seattle. Wash. CHicnrsTrrs rsAitMi mnmmi pills I I'ltWSVr'MI. KullftltuLlaf. Hi t in 1 1 u. t,.ni'M,l) 'J H ,.!. U,h... u.rnu tthnm, f.i.j of ytui IMuritm nr witl 4. la Uini for lJ.tt.-,'..M. 'i M..I.I. If t l 'fi.llrfH.l-1. .HI..." t,T r. IUH MmII. lO.t.OU iMtimoiilfc . R'tlub, It l"it .. , I ni,.,.,B, fermkal Co, tfatta. ihU FRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. Telephone I2L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our car Will receive special attention. No 53Dnane St. W. J, COOK. Mgr. Andrew Asp, Hirm laker, Ststlmmilk lit! HnreliMr riKTr-CLABa wotik at REAHONAULK I'JUCEfl. Special Attention Olv.n to fihlp arf Hltambost It'pslrlnK,0nrsl lilack smithing, Klrat-cUis (lursa Shoeing, sis. CORNER TWBLTTH AND WAN P Castings We are prepared to make I hem on short notice and of th best materials. lt us give you estimates on any kind of castings or pattern work. Lowest prices for first-class work. TELEPHONE NO. 3451. new . mm fire Of New VV. P. THOMAS, UNLIMITED LIABILITY litis been Underwriting on tlio SAMUEL ELMOIIB Steamer SUE The Largest, fitaunrhest. Steadiest, and most seaworthy veassl ever on the route. Meat ot Table and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips every Ave days between. Astoria and FARE Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. and the Astoria A Columbia 1L It. for Portland, Baa Francisco and all points Ka.it. For freight and passenger rates apply to SotnucI Elmore Co, (Jciicral .K'iits Astoria, Or. or to C. R. R. Co. Portland, Or. B. C. LAMB, Tillamook. Or. POUINDEI) . U. 1710 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE or ixwnoN THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE l.l THE WORLD. Cash Aaavta ... Sii.aao.oao Cah Aiaiia In United Mtatoa. a.ois.uja C. A. Henry & Co., General Agents 213 Saosome Street . Sao Praoclsco. Cat SAMUEL ELMORE & CO.. AGENT5 PACIFIC COAST COMPANY C For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co.,Ajfts. Don't Guess at It But If ou are govng East write tis for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOirtllHT Cars via (he ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Clnolunatl. Don't fall to write us about your trip as we are In a posl tlon to give you some valuable Infor mation and assistance; 6319 miles of track over which are operated soms of the finest trains In the world For particulars regarding freight or oassengpr rates cell on or sddress . C. LINDBUT, B. H.TltUMBKLL. T. F. A R. A. Com'l Aat 141 . Third . St.. J'orttand, Ore. THG WALDORF C. K. WISE, Propr. Astoria's principal resort, Kins imr. and cigars. Jim IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron 0 Brass Works (tor. isth and Viankltu arnt mm mm Zealand Mgr., 5an Francisco. OF SHAREHOLDERS IVitie Count ovoi twenty-two ywir CO., Agent; Astoria, Ore. H. ELMORE Tillamook $3.BO O. R. A N. Co. Portland. Or. OAL TELEPHONE MilN 66! A FINE LIBRARY. Of 140 volumes Is found on each of the Northern Pacific's "North Coast Limited" trains. Don't forget that Ihese are the only trains operated In the West that are lighted throughout tiv rWtrlrlty. ' "The Ii Iggcst Sensation Everywhere." L.IL.IPUT Tho . smallest sterescope with the strongest optical .fleet. . Highly Sin Ishrid In different colors with rich gold and . silver decorations (mountings-. Including 20 V. F. Photographs. Views of art (genre).. Price only 11. Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form. AGENTS WANTED. lllipot Steroscope Company FORREST BLDO., Philadelphia. Scott's Santat-Pepsin Capsules a PfisiTive mnr For iBfUitimBllon eritarrh of th. IIMilrr aail IHmiuhicI KiilD.?.. No our. no pay. Our., quickly F.rma pnOf ih. rt cum of tiiiuariiiara anil i '!, so maii'tro I' tonic alanil Intf. AlMulnti'lf bwnilraa. oM by itr.u.lnU. frin II Ml, or tr all, poalii.iil Sl.tu.ikoiM.s'i.fl. THI lAKTAl-PtPIK CO, W" susriTaM.OMM. Sold by Com. Boers, 411 Comment si Strati Astoria, Orsiroa. A "TIIW POKT UY O F Tl I W OR A Nil K," "It iMals to you, when the fruit hang, rips ami sweet on the tree Into In t'l'brimiy, or t-arly In Manh. TltPn tho hlosmiins turitk out, ami the tiwa are ynllow with golden glulxs, and white with orniige llowora. It may In) that a (lurry ot mow has whltrmtt the inountnln I'M, and thott you linve an iirtlstlu bat-kground fur a tropical for est, the air la full of aunahlte, and heavy with the fragrant aa night conies on, and then, If the moon be ehliilng.you hear at midnight tiirotigtt o(vn windows, the song of thn mouMns- bird In the sfntt'd ttrove, and It never aeciiifd so inolodloua lwfuro," An oxiierlciii o like (Ills la puaslbln nny winter, and It la worth a Journey ot a th'tuo'iiid mllra, while you mil lutve It, I)) Inking the sci'iilo Hliaalo route tlinuiit th irranil mid plrUiro'i le Hla kiyoii nnd Hlmsin inoiiiilitliia, to loutn- nn t'nliro.-nla. tSni.pli'to InforttimlOn itliout the trip, and oVrcrlptlve mutter, tilni ulxmt CnllfornlA, moy bo bad from tiny Htmthi n I'm lHo etit, or W. R I'ommi, 0"it. Vh, Agt.. H. 1. te., I.ln' In OivKnn, I'oilluinl, OreUitn.J SAVKIi I'I'.OM TKKU1III.K DK.VTII. Tim rmnlly ot Mta. M. L. UuUbllt of Hiii'Kt'liHi, Trim., r her dying and were povirleiia c (t her. The inwt akHlftil id)akiuii nnd every rom4y iihu.i, f.iih-a, while loiiBiiiiitlon was eliw ly but surely Uklng liar life. In this terrible hour Dr, King's New Dlacovtiry fur CoiiMiinitplon turned despair Into joy. The Drat Injltle brought linnr- dime it I Itf and Its lontluod use com- plek'ly cuifil her. Uuitranted bottles liv and It. Trial bottle free at Clls. Uogers' drug store, ' ' NOUTil COAST LIMITED. ! Is only run by the Northern Palflo between Portland and Minneapolis and Kt. Paul, through Taoonia, Seattle. HiKikaiM, Mianoula. Huttn, UvlngalAn, Hllllnita, lllaniark and Fargo. Klght of these trains are on the run daily, four east and tour wart, Kach la a olid veatlbuled train, carrying stand' ard Pullman tourist aleepera, dining car, day coitcliea, niall, eipreas and tuiKKinto car and the elegant observa tion cur. Rnch train Is brilliantly lighted with over too lights and th beautv ot it all Is you can travel Just Set cheaply od Uila train as on aoy other, All repreaentatlv Will ba glnd to give you additional Informa tion. A. D. Char ton. Assistant Oen- nil Passenger Agnt, tto Morrison St. Portland, (inuron. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. .EAVK POKTl.ANil AllHIVK on m I Portland t'n nn la,t I II 10 am Wpm 7Uvpw Cnr Aal rla arid fl r i roinu AHTUKIA Jtm I F t I'eriUnd ami W. y (10pm I pol i U fllinaai stAMIiR UIVlBHiN H. in Ai,,rU fr w'urreiiumn" 7 4a imam Klivr.!. Van Km I in... 0p4 llammniKt and Aalorla IOU.ra iliin I .Hnuide Mr Wiimiliii'lM mi n n :! m H.v.i, ll.mm nd. "on Ima 'r " ! "l""' and AH.irU lJ a la 'Sunday only. All trnlna make oloae connections at Ooble with all Northern Paclflo train to and from the East and Sound olnts. J. C. MAYO. OfJllJljrht nd Pass. Agent Oregon Shorj Line Union pacific AKO T1MK Ht;HKU- ULKS From Portland. Suit Lake, t),nvcr, Ft. Worth, Omn. ha, Kansas City St. 1.0111s, C'hlt iiKO and Kant, Salt Luke, DenverT Ft. Worth, Oma. hn, Kunmis City, St. Ixnils, Chl ciiKO and Unit. Walla" Wallah Lewlslon, Spo kane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chl- Di'psrt. Arrive. t.'hltiiKo Porilund Hpeclal 4 30 p.m. 9:20 a. vtallunu InKton Atlantic Kxprearf S ir. p. m lOJfta.'m, viallunt- Ington Pt. I'niil i M 7:38 p,!m, i. FnatMall 4 p. m, via. Spokand i'jiro and F,ast. 70 hours from Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. ' OCKAN AND ItlVKR HCIIUDULffi, From Astoria- All sidling ditpg" siibj 'cl to 'Jhnnge. For San Francis to very five days, 7u7in. Columbia ill ver " 4: a. m Dally ex cept Mor Duly ex to Portland nnd cept Siir Wiiy LbiiiIIiikh. Steamer Nahcolia leaves Astoria on tide dully einept Hundny for Ilwsco. connecting there with trains for Long Ileuch, Tlg)i rind North Reach points. Returning arrives at A "tori same ev enlng. O. W. LOUNHRHRRT, Agent Astoria, A. U CRAIQ, neneral Passenger Agsnt, Portland, Oregon. -0 LlvyO Mo . ..