The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 13, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Hevenue Cutter Preparing to Penetrate
the Frosen North Seas.
V Channel, K. F Feb. It The revenue
cutter Seminole, from Boston, has ar
rived naWy at Port Basque, after a
terrlfflo battle lasting 1 hours with
Arctic lee..
The Seminole Is now 100 miles from
the Imprisoned fishermen In the Bay
of Islands. Between this ' point and
where a dosen or more schooners, some
American, are held fast in the froscn
sea. still heavier Ice must be encoun
tered before the Seminole can succeed
In reaching her destination.
The Canadians, who for more than
it month have endfavorJd to penetrate
the ke Hold, have given up hope of
Chicaso, Feb. 11 Betting as a feat
ure of college life was condoned last
nisrht by Walter Camp of Yale at the
annual dinner of the Tale '"Uib of Ohl-
reachin their countrymen in the Raylcago, Riven at the University club,
of Islands. They think It Impossible j uamMM -moiir the stu.l.nts. he s-
laborers, all of the employes of the
Chicago Shipbuilding company have
gone on strike In support of the ma
Altogether 1000 men are idle In the
big South Chicago plant. The trade
include blacksmiths, bollermakeis,
steamfltters, woodworkers, engineers
and others. The machinists ask for
nine hours of work a day and the pay
ment of the union wage scale.
Take Away the Knocks in Football and
the Sport Is Spoiled.
for the Seminole to force her way
through the pack of Ice, but The Amer
ii.ana will make the effort after coal
and more provisions are added to the
revenue cutter's stores.
No word has been heard from the
fishermen since one of the fleet which
escaped the Ice stopped at this port
and. reported the plight of the others.
It is believed the men on the ill-fated
ships are In danger of starvation and
grave fears are entertained that many
have succumbed to the cold. The Sem
inole carries an extra supply of blank
ets, clothing and medicines. She will
attempt to break up the ice about the
fleet, but if unable to do this will try
to get near enough to the vessels to
remove the crews.
serted, was not so much the result of
excitement over football games as it
was the effect of examples set by men
of the business world.
I "Then they want the dangers ellm
j Inated from football." he continued,
j "We. perhaps, might amend the rules
J so that the boys might not be hurt, but
! it Is doubtful If the boys would get as
J much out of the sport. Tou cannot
eliminate danger from (he life of a
boy from the time he gets his first
knife or falls out of a cherry tree un
til he gets to play golf. There is no in
crease in the so-called evils of football."
Ailment Almost Reaches Epidemic '
Form In New. York City.
Canadian Pacific Will Open Up Terrl-
tory for 10,000 People.
Montreal, Feb. 12. The Canadian
J Pacific Is asking the Dominion govern
New York, Feb. 12. Twelve deaths i
I ment to give it 2.500,000 acres of land
from 3.300.000 acres still due the com-
a. the result of the grtppe-an increase (pany n
oi iw percent over me ee w,orc j Kat and Calgary.
were reponea tasi wan in uiim m j, j
The company was granted 25.000,000
at the outset and has generaly receiv
el it In alternative blocks. As the
(Continued from pngo 1)
and there were nearly four times as
many deaths recorded last week as
.. .. i territory It now seeks will have to be
umk year, juuioutn ne OWu . , rrIgatrf? the oompany wants ,
more prevalent than at any time for sio
several years, the cases seem to be . . M.t. ,
1-5 ... -
will cost rrom JS.000,000 to J10.000.000 for
Irrigation, and this Is provided for.
The remaining S0O.O0O acres are asked
s for from
Might and physicians are of the opin
ion that the situation wll not grow j
worse to an alarming extent !
Canadian Footballists Spend aPleasant
Time in Great Britain.
government lands in Mani-
j toba. If the plan Is carried out, land
j enough to settle 10,000 people will be re
i deemed from waste.
New York, Feb. 11 The Canadian i
football players will leave London this j
morning for Liverpool, where they will j
embark on the Allan liner Pretorian, j
the London correspondent of the Trib- i
une saya. They return home with j
pleasant memories or the reception ac- :
corded them in all parts of the United ,
Kingdom. A record of the tour, includ-
ing two matches played at Halifax. 1
shows 10 victories, two drawn games j
and 13 defeats. '
By Careful Management Has Been Re
duced to Only a Few Tramps.
New York, Feb. 12. The proeeseions
of unemployed which have been block
ading traffic for many w;eks, says the
London correspondent of the Tribune,
are now reduced to small battalions
of tramps and rouniers incapable of
work. The collections made by the
bondholders are so small that it is
difficult to obtain recruits except for
short marches. The movement is likely
to collapse any day, but police precau
tions are not relaxed. Scotland Yard
has controlled the remarkable muster
Chlcaeo. Feb. 12 -With the exception i ot id,9r3- tramPs and socialists with
The Employes of Shipbuilding Company
Go Out on Strike.
of the chief engineer, a member of the '
Marine Engineers' union, and a few j
Itching, Scaly and Crusted
With Loss of Hair
Speedily Cured by Cuticura
Soap and Ointment
When Every Other Remedy and
Physicians Fail.
Warm shampoos with Cuticura Soap
and light dressings of Cuticura, the
great skin cure, at once stop falling
hair, remove crusts, scales and dandruff,
soothe irritated, itching surfaces, des
troy hair parasites, stimulate the hair
follicles, loosen the scalp skin, supply
the roots with energy and nourish
ment, and make the hair grow upon a
weet, wholesome, healthy scalp when
all else falls.
Millions of the world's best people
use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura
Ointment, the great skin cure, for pre
serving, purifying and beautifying the
skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts,
scales and dandruff, and the stopping
of falling hair, for softening, whiten
ing and toothing red, rough and sore
hands, for baby rashes, ltchlngs and
chaflngs, tn the form of baths for an
noying Irritations and inflammation,
or too free or offensive perspiration, in
the form of washes for ulcerative weak
nesses, and many antiseptio purposes
which readily suggest themselves to
women, r well as for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath and nursery. Cuti
cura Soap combines in one aoap at one
price the best skin and complexion
soap and the best toilet, bath and baby
soap In the world.
Complete treatment for every hu
mour, consisting of Cutloura Soap, to
cleause the skin, Cuticura Ointment, to
heat the skin, and Cuticura Pills, to
cool the blood, may now be had for
one dollar. A single set it often suffi
cient to cure the most torturing, disfig
uring, Itching, burning and tcaly hu
mour, eczemas, rashes and irritations,
from infancy to age, when all else fails.
j B-?loved President of Wellesley College
j Is Eulogized.
j Chicago, Feb. 12. The life, charac
ter and works of the late Mrs. Alice
; Freeman Palmer, president of Welles
I ley college, have been eulogized at u
j memorial meeting in her honor at Ful
lerton hall Art Institute. President
James B. Angell of the University of
I Michigan paid an eloquent tribute to
j her memory.
i Others who speoke were Miss Adeline
; Emerson Thompson, Miss Marian Tal
j bot and Professor Wiiiliam Wardner
I Hale.
George E. Cortelyou Will Become Sec
retary of Commerce and Labor.
New York, Feb. 12. The new cabinet
officer required by the department of
commerce bill, who will be known as
the secretary of cemmerce and labor,
will, the Herald announces, be George
B. Cortelyou, now secretary to the
the president. This was decided by
Mr. Roosevelt as soon as it was evi
dent that the new department would
be created. The appointment meets
with approval among all public men
and carries out a wish of President
San Francisco, Feb. 12. Captain Wln
fleld S. Overton of the artillery corps,
who has been appointed by the war de
partment to take charge of the subma
rine defenses of the artillery district
of San Francisco, has arrived from
Willets Point, N. Y., where he has been
taking a special course in the torpe
do school of that place. He will enter
on his duties at once.
White Plains, N. Y., Feb. 12. Willie
Shannon, who was found guilty for his
connection with a pool room alleged
to have been run In Yonkers, has been
sentenced to Sing Sing prison for one
year at hard labor. Shannon declares
he was only a telegraph operator In
the pool room and broke down when
he heard the sentence.
dltlnus of employment are not always
the same and therefor a uniform scale
applicable to the whole United States
would not be Just.
"We have made every effort to con
vlnce Mr. Mitchell and his friends of
the utter Impracticability of his avftente
Our chief objection to his organisation
was that it was a rival and competitive
business. We could never see the
wisdom of permitting the bituminous
it'lu'rn to Inject themselves Into the
anthracite mining situation. It has
pioved to be just as mischievous as we
believed it would be.
' In audition to the fact thut the min
ers' unljn was controlled by a hostile
Interest, we objoeud to It because we
cannot delegate to the miners or any
other labor union the right to determine
who shall be our employes, The law of
Pennsylvania and the charter of the
Philadelphia j& Reading Coal & Iron
company in express terms give to the
president and directors the power of
appointing all such oiffecra, agents ot
employes as ihey deem necessary. We
have the right to employ any honest
men without discrimination as to re
ligion, nationality or membership in
lalor orgnnlx.ttions. This is a right
we will not surrender. We do not
object to our employes Joining labor or
ganizations. We will not agree to turn
over the management of our business
to a labor organix-itlon because some of
our employes belong to It."
The two sessions were extremely In
teresting. The greatest interest was
manifested In Baer's appearenee before
the commission. He concluded his ad
dress by making the proposition to
pay contract miners on a sliding wage
scale, th'Ir wages to fall or rise with
the market price of coal at New York,
hut in no case shall wages go below the
pres-.'nt basis.
Complaints Filed Against Brick Com
pany for Importing Workmen.
San Francisco. Feb. 12. Captain II.
H. Sohell of the immigration bureau
has left for New York with 15 brick
makers in his charge. The men came
to this country several months ago,
and the San Francisco Brick company
will have to answer in court for the
presence ot the men here. For the last
two months the brickmukers have been
detained on Angel island. As the hear
ing of the charges against the brick
company seemed far distant it vas de
cided to take the depositions of the
men and then deport them.
When -.he brickmakers were taken
Into custody 13 separate Indictments
were drawn up by United States Attor
ney Marshal Wooilworth, each charg
ing the brick company with violating
the contract labor law. The penalty
in each case ie fixed by the law at 1000.
Fifteen new complaints were filed in
th.; circuit court by the United States
attorney. Each of the complaints
charges a violation of the law in ad
vertising in foreign lands for laborers.
As the expwise of boarding the brick
makers has been heavy for the gov
ernment, special effort will be made to
recover the $20,000 now asked,
son, the electric power house at Stay
vemuit Falls, Rloctrlo park and the
Hudson railway. The company had
been unable to pny Interest since an
accident two years ago In which several
Uvea were lost. The road will be re
organised and continued under the new
First One ot the Kind Will Ho Seen nt
St. Louli Fair.
St. -Louis, Feb. 12. The Louisiana
Purchase exposition w III be the first in
ternational fair to have a representa
tive refrigerator exhibit. The varlour
uses to which mechanical refrigerators
Is applied will be exhibited. There will
be a skating rink and ut certain fixed
hours during the day there will be a
roKular snow storm. The largest Ice
refrigerating plant in the world wilt be
1Tl$ A UTT tailoring
0 11 ljAiiJilM roMPA NY
Congressmen Have Protracted Discus
sions on Appropriations. "
Washington, Feb. 12. The house
made slow progress with the sundry
civil bill today, completing only 27
pages and leaving 40 pages still to be
disposed of. The delays were occas
ioned by a rather protracted discussion
of the item in the bill for the maln
tainence of tha White House and con
siderable debate on the Item appropri
ating 13.000.000 for relief of distress In
the Philippines.
Captain Chas. D. Slgsbee Will Be As
signed According to His Wishes
Washington Feb. 12. Captain Chas.
D. Slgsbee, who has been considered In
connection with the command of the
navy yard at Bremerton, has expressed
a preference for the assignment to the
command of the League island navy
yard at Philadelphia and his wishes
will be respected.
Prices Asked for Supplying Armor
Amounted to Same Total.
Washington Feb. 12. Bids were op
ened at th navy department today for
supplying 5668 tons of armor. The
Carnegie and Bethlehem companies pre
sented precisely similar bids, prices
asked ranging from $400 to $420. a ton,
making the total of each bid $2,333,640.
Albany & Hudson Railway and Power
Company Gobbled Up.
Troy, N. Y., Feb. 12. The property
of the Albany & Hudson Railway and
Power company has been offered for
sale and bid in by a representative of
a trust company which holds a mort
gage of $2,500,000.
There was only one bid $1,250,000.
This sale includta all of the com
pany's property In Columbia and Ren
selaer counties, the gas plant In Hud-
Until different means have been adop
ted from those Irlrd lu the past It
seen about useless to make any fur
ther effort to locate the North polo. It
Is also useless to make an effort to cure
disorders of the stomach, liver, kind
ncya or bowels unless you use Hostet
ter'a Stomach Bitters, which Is world
renowned as a cure for such ailments.
It will strengthen and tone up the weak
stomach, restore the appetite, and
stimulate the liver and kidneys. There
Is r.o medicine In the world so good as
trm Hitters to cure sick headache,
heartburn. Indigestion, dyspepsia, con
stipation, liver and kidney troubles or
malaria, fever and ague. When In
need of a remedy of this kind do not
fail to try the Bitters. It will surely
do you good. Don't accept a substitute.
You Never Know the Moment When
This Information May Prove
of Infinite Value.
It Is worth considerable to any reader
to know the value and use of medicine, j
for If there Is no occasion to employ it,
In the meantime, frail humanity 18 sub
ject to so many Influences and unfor
seen oontintrencles that the wisest are
totally unable to gunge tie future.
Know, then, that Doan's Ointment will
cure any case of hemorrhoids, common
ly known as piles, or any disease of the
cuticle or skin, generally termed ecs
ma. One application convinces a
continuation cures. Read the proor:
T. H. Thomas, nttoniey of 600 E.
Bennett avenue, Cripple Creek, says:
"I Just as emphatically endorse Doan's
Ointment today as I did In the montn
of June 1899. At that time I went to a
drug store for a box which I usefl for
Itching hemorrhoids. A few applica
tions gave wonderful relief, and a snort
continuation of the treatment cured me
There have been symptoms of a recur
rence sine, but a few applications of
the remedy never falls to bring positive
relief. My opinion of Dwan's omtmem,
then expressed, Is the same today as It
was when It was first brought to my
For sale by all dealei.4; rrtre W rents
per box. Foster-Mllhurn Co , UulTuI
'. Y. sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name DOAN'S and
take no substitute.
For sale by Charles Rogers.
285-285 1-2 Washington St.,
Four Doors East of Perkins Hotel
And We Are Ready to Slash
Prices to the Bottom j& j& j&
We lmve tmulo onrnolvo fit mo it with tho joplo by giving thorn t ho groulot vnluo vvt-r
known in ltiVtory the putt nontton, hut thin mile will he a hunmior. Wo nifui. to give tho wngo
rummer mmitlit umti inlntii ui will tittf lu fiirtmHmt fit u Liiti liitt.a t. Vt nv jt.miiuitliul
to (lu this to inuko room for tho r-niiidcst lino of uih'IimiiiimI tuiloi'-iiuilt irinif clutliiiiL' ever
shown in the world. Figures ami (futility that talk:
1405 ftuita to pick from, consisting of double ami single bwtstwl Sucks, Frocks, Full Drvftaktid
Tuxedo, made of cheviot, eawtiiiirrr, twrnnlF, & II. broadcloths, etc., vuluod from $23 to 50.
In Our Overcoat Department
$11.45 :
Uuy choice of 218 3 4-lciigth Uo.x -onU, valued fnxrt $'JU to $40. 123
KaglniiH, umtlo of the very mi material, iimdu by (!liicgV leading tailor
nt from 25 to $13.
uys choice of oil JNIk-liuptl ifvurcoflU, nmdo tip nt black uiifamkliutl
Worsted. T!iilcU, and Vicuna. None of theso coat were made un
or less tlum $50,
The Motto Which Made I n I'iuiioiin:
"Satisfaction or Money BacK"
This Is Strain's Way
Masquerade Ball
The Boston Restaurant
Sons of Hermann
Gentleman Maxkers $1.00
IiJy Milker M
."Mwtatoro M ;
ChiMrcn ;j
El'it Handwm lrtr to Ito Glfi'n.
ttto roMMi.iu iAi. NTitr.irr
Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria
Try Our 25-Ccnt Dinners
1 Prompt Attention
High Urn Chef
1100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of thl paper will b
pleased to learn that there la at lent
one dreaded dlseaxe that science lia
been able to cure In all Its BtaguB and
that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only poHitlve cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh twins
a constitutional disease requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken Internally, acting direct
ly upon the blood and mucus surraces
of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
trie patient strength by building up tne
constitution and assisting nature in do
ing its work. The proprietors nave so
much faith In Its curative powers, that
they offer one hundred dollar for any
case that It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Use Perrin's Pile Specific
The Internal remedy cures
by removing t he cause. It
Aires all diseases of the diges
tive organs. For sale by all
druggists. Dr. Perrln Medi
cal Co., Helena, Mont.
Interesting pamplet mulled
free by asking, , .
These tiny Cipiuie are superior
to Balsam of topaiDa.-
Cubebs oi Injections and Army
the same disease! with
out Inconvenience.
Electrical Works
4 21 BOND HT.
We are thoroughly prepared for
making estimates and executing
orders for all kinds of electrical
Bottled or In Keg
Prco City Delivery
I North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria
F.MIL SCIIIMIM T, (i.n. ial Mutiux r.
Installing and Repairing! '
Supplies In stock. We WI the
celebrated BIIELBT LAMP, Call
up Phone 11(1.
H. W. CYRUS. - Man
Or. T. Ii. Ball
624 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore
C. (II, Barr, Dentist
ManaeU Bolldl&r
(71 Commercial St., Astoria, Or.
C. J. Trenchard
Insurance Commission and Ihtpplog
Agent Walls Fargo and Pa
clflo Exprese Companies. Cue
torn House Broker.
Im NoOtl us flu- I'lucr W lie re
Im Ih ii ii Tact tired
Central Meat Market
Your order, for
mt.ts, both
Will be prom pny nd
niiicttctorlly .wndrd u
3. W. MORTON, Prop.
Telephone No. nu.
Land Office Business a Hpecislty.
Rooms 1 and 2, Welnhard Bldg
Oaao Oitt,
CutbirtlTs Creosote Shingle Stains
The Most liumlilfl, IViwrviitivi-, mill
Hdiidmjtne Stninson Ibe Market.
Nothing kaops out the wintlior like liirt(li- tn the wnlk N.ilhu
rfiirv and beautifies sliinules !iki'Ciitlirtli't4 Muinn,
Cutbirth also maki tho Ixjuf COITI'.H I'AINT f.r Hie U.iioms ,f ull
vater craft.
XXIXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
B 6c O
Baltimore S: Ohio R. R.
Yinml and KaHtest aeries of truiiiH in the world. Puhitia
oucIioh, Pullman Buffet Parlor ami Drawing Itooin Cars.
The Finest Dining Car Service in the World
Is operated by the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad.
B. M.AUSTIN, General Pass. Agt - - Chicago, 111
This ilfDitare Is on ersry bos of the (testae
Laxative Hmmnftiilnlr!a
vvm -.cT..t:: .. : x"""-
i "umj urn nures ci4 la ea