4. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, FEURUARY 8, lOOii Iff II fFIatlroni MOlT 0IT. 1S0 do ayoir Bvcrchivnt. . HERMAN WISE, Sole A iron t for Aslorln. immk i S5. I I horses. Near Aladdin, In Crook county, 40 head of entile dttnl ot an unknown dim-use, whkh It w believed has lnen checked. In HIk Horn county Mr. Sea bury killed a number of hoi-ws affected with glanders. Twice the officer had started home when h received tele grama announcing the appearance, of the disease at other places than thone visited, and he returned to snmp out the contagion. SCHEME TO SAVE MLKDRRER. WISE AND OTHERWISE BUI Before Wyoming LeRislature Abolish Death Penalty. to THE GEXERAL PVBLIC ':": IS AGAIN CARELESS Owners of Property In Oceanview Cem etery Will Not Call at City Hall for Deeds of Property. Once again the negligence of the gen eral public Is made apparent. For several days past a notice has appear ed In all the daily newspapers of the city regarding owners of property In Oceanview cemetery to call at the office of the city auditor and secure deeds. 1 11 Not a soul has called. desDlte the Im- P8"' Horn 001)1(1 nnrtant fact that thorn aimm.led to are Prison on habeas corpus Cheyenne, Feb, T. An innocent ap pearing bill introduced in the Wyoming legislature on January 31 is now credit ed with having for Us purpose the sav ins of the life of Tom Horn, convicted of the murder of Willie Nlckell and ! who Is now under sentence of death. , The bill abolished capital punishment and becomes operative against all sen tences of death already pronounced and not executed at the passage of the act. The bill changes the punishment for crimes now punishable by death to life Imprisonment but seems to apply only to crimes to be committed in the future. Is claimed by some that should It be released from ' proceedings interested financially and sentimentally . but th llf Imprisonment clause Is not The "don't care" feeling prevails to an stent that makes property owners in different to their own interests. But perhaps the general public, does not quite understand. Yesterday an Ast'orian representative called on Audi tor. Anderson and quizzed him about the matter. The auditor explained that the muddle for it is another mud dle came about through the lax man ner in which business has been conduc ted of late years. He said that some 3C) or 409 bodies had been buried in Oceanvtew, which to the property of the city, but that few of the persons purchasing lots had received deeds to! the property. They paid their money, took a receipt for and were provided with a borlal permit. Legal evidence of their title to the property does not exist in the form of deeds, and to get the -matter straightened out the audi tor caused the notice to be published. There has been no response and the officials are beginning to wonder if the people who own lots In Oceanview have entirely forgotten about it. The city records have not been properly kept, with the result that there Is no thing to show the names of the deceas ed persons whose bodies repose on the west side, or, indeed, the numbers of the lots which have been sold to vari ous parties. If the auditor can suc ceed in arousing enough interest, he will try and learn the names of the persons burled at Oceanview, the names of the persons who have pur chased lots and the exact discretions of the property. Developments thus Tar would tend to indicate that he will not be successful In his effort to awak en property owners to the fact that their 'nteresta are vitally at stake. It -should be recollected by owners of lots that the permits held by them are not sufficient to fully establish their title to the properly should complica tions arise. If the auditor can straigh ten out the matter he will Issue deeds, and property owners will not then have cause for fear that perhaps their lots may pass into other hands at some fu ture date because of the muddle now existing. A brief visit to the city hall will abvlate the possibility of the sale of an occupied lot to some other per son, which, It wUl doubtless be agreed, wmiiri he a most deplorable state of affairs. retroactive, as is the clause abolishing capital punishment and there would be uo law under which Horn could be held. The bill is In the hands of the judic iary committee, the chairman of which was one of Horn's attorneys at the time of the trial. WILL DEPART POK HOXDCRCS. Active Preparations are Being Made by Cruisers for Trip. San Franoisco, Feb. 7. Active prep arations are being made for the early departure of the flagship New York and the cruisers Boston,, MarMehead und Ranger for the coast of Honduras Stores for all the ships will be placed on board today, though the task Is not a light one, and the work may run over Into tomorrow, Admiral Glass has received no orders fixing a time to sail and it is possible that he will he detained here until the arrival of written orders. There is a probability, however, that orders will be received here by wire in which case the four vessels may get away tomor row or Monday morning. . THE CARPENTER'S WOOING. "Oh, beam of my life, my awl to me!" He cried his Hume addressing "It I ads sucha love as yours, I'd ask no other blessing!" "I am rejolst to hear you speak," The maiden sold with laughter "For though I hammer gullesa girl, It's plane what you arejjafter; Now, If rile love you Just a bit. What further will you ax me? Can will you be content with that Or will you further tacks me?" He looked hand saw here words were square "No rival can displace me Yes, one more favor I Implore, And that Is, dear Em, brace me!" Eugene Field. WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY DINNER American Society in London Will Ob serve the Day. New York, Feb. 7. The annual Washington's birthday dinner of the American society in London will be held at the Hotel Cecil on" February I?, according to a dispatch from Lon don to the Tribune. The chair will be taken by D. C. Halderman, president of the society, and 450 guests are ex pected to be present. Invitations have been Issued specially to a large num Iwr of prominent commercial men throughout Great Britain. David R. Francis, ex-governor of Mis souri, and president of the St. Louis exposition, will be among the speakers. MOKE PAY, FEWER HOURS. Carpenters Join Bollermaksrs In Strike and Foundry Closes. fhlcairo. Feb. 7. Two hundred car penters, members of the Shipbuilders' Protective association, employed by the Chicago Shipbuilding company, South r-htj-mro. have auit work. Joined the 600 bollermakers and Ironworkers who in lit Mlde their tools Thursday. The strikers demand more pay and a reduc tlon of hours of .labor. The entire plant of the Western Steel Car & Foundry company, at Hegewich, has been closed as the result of the strike of 30 engineers and 40 firemen tnr higher wases. Nearly ISOO men are thrown out of employment. LITTLE GIRLS ARE BURNED. While Their Parents Were a Work the ; House Caught Fire. Passaic, N. X, Feb. 7. Two little girls were burned to death yesterday at Wellington. They had been locked in the house while their parents were at work. They were the -children of Frank Zabolusky, who works In a dye house. His wife works in the botany ' milt t Tbe house was burning fiercely on the inside when the neighbors discover ed the fire. Those first on the scene found it impossible to enter, although neighbor said the children were in side. Afterward, the charred bodies were found. CHECKS CATTLE DISEASE. Veterinarian Has Been Hard at Work In Northern Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyo.. Feb. 7.-Btat Veter inarian Eeabury has returned from the northern part of the dtate, where he hM been battling' with unkunown dis eases among cat 11 and (landers among IN INTEREST OF CHARITY. Christian Herald Send Emissary to Stricken Finland. New York, Feb. 7. Among the pas sengers sailing today on the steamship Blucher of the Hamburg-American line, is Dr. Louis Klopsch, who will vis it the famine-stricken provinces in Fin land, Lapland and Sw?den, In the in terest of the Christian Herald relief fund. , A third remittance of $10,000 has been cabled to the central relief committee of Helsingfors, and $5000 to the Swed ish Famine commission, Stockholm, for th? relief of suffering Swedes, making a total of $30,000 thus far cabled from the famine fund. NEWSPAPER MAN DIES. H. B. Woodbride Held Positions on Leading Journals. Chicago, Feb. 7. H, B. Woodbridge a well known newspaper man, is dead at St Paul, Minn., of consumption. He was formerly editor of the Chicago Times, city editor of the New York Sun and telegraph editor of the Omaha Bee.' Mr. Woodbridge was 40 years old and was a native of Vermont. He was a son of the late United States Senator Woodbridge of that state and was a graduate of Dartmouth college. Mr. Woodbridge was unmarried, but sev eral members of his family reside In Vermont CIGAR BOX FACTORY BURNS. Cincinnati, Feb. 7. The building oc cupied by the Frank Unnewehr Cigar Box factory at the southwest corner of Seventh and Culvert streets, was en tirely destroyed by fire this morning. Loss $75,000. Dr. T. It. Ball DENTIST. $24 Commercial Street Astoria, Or G. 01. Barr, Dentist Manse 11 Building. 171 Commercial Bt., Astoria. TSLKPH0N8 RED ML Or. That would seem to have Just about settled the matter but Charles Follen Adams (Yawcob Strauss) thought oth erwise and proceeded to go Field sev eral better. This was Yawcob' pro duction, i THE SEQUEL. ' She came full chisel to his arms. It really made hltn stair To have hr make a bolt for him Before he could prepare. He tried to screw his courage up. And did his level best -To nail the matter then and there. While clasped unto her breast. Says he: "It uugurs well tor me. Awl seems to hinge on this; And what is motise plane to see. The porch child wants a kiss." Ha kissed her Hp, he kissed her cheek. And called her his adored He dons his claw-hammer next week, And she will share his board. A Kansas paper heads Its marriage notices, "Sontenced for Life." Many ictims, however, have their time re duced for bad behavior. When we have wireless telephony, one may expect that when one calls for a number one will lear the reply, "The air Is busy." Short I am going to get married and settle down. Old Friend Don't you think you ha'l better settle up first? J. Pierpont Morgan Bays that Noah organized the first trust. And, as the trusts yet do, h saw that the stock he had on board was well watered. "A noise arose In the orchestra A the leadei drew across The Intestines of the agile cat, The tail of the noble hoss." U is related that Henry Irving's wife was very much opposed to the profes sion of acting, though her husband be longed to It. She never permitted her sons to attend a performance, but when they pleaded so hard to be allowed to see Edwin Booth when he was In Lon don, the lady wrote to that actor ask ing him for two seats, for his perform ance of "Hamlet" saying that she would reallyjike her boys to see an ac tor play it. It is said that her hus hand had recently finished a 200 night run of the play. A squad of ignorant Italian laborers were engaged In laying a section of sewer pipe along one of New York's thoroughfares. The boss of the Job wa: a big burly Irishman who was trying to explain how he wished the pipe plac ed. The men who had recently landed In the new world, knew not a word of English, so failed to carry out their orders. Finally the provoked boss called to three Irish laborers who were digging in a trench near by. "Come here, boys." he said, "and show these Eyetallans how to carry a piece of pipe they don't even know how to do that much." The three men did as they were or dered, then one of them, looking com miseratingly at the foreigners, said: "And them's what they make Popes out of!" PHARAPHRAaE. How sleep the brave who sink to rest Untroubled by that vlclou pest? Oh, that they would Impart to me The way to circumvent the Ileal -Bulletin. The reason that they sink to rest Untroubled by the vicious pest, Is simply that their rest Is deep, And not the kind that comes from sleep And so the way at least the best To circumvent the vicious pest. Is death; but It will useless be To try to kill the pesky flea. VERY WET. ( second time. He wus finally reamed and led up the gang plank aboard Hie ship. As he stepped dripping Uxn the deck, still holding his damp stogie firmly bet .veen his teeth, a sympathetic pnssentw whj had et-n the accident, rushed up to the angry little billionaire and ald: "And how did you fwl, hhu- man, when you went down for the second timer "Wet. Mudiim, very wvl!" una hi short answer as he huwtom-d In I he dl rvctlon of his stateroom. I UK GOT THE PRIZE l A clergyman passing through a village- street saw a number of boys sur rounding a dog. Thinking that some cruel deed was In progress, the clergy man hastened toward the boys and asked what they were doing. One of the lads replied that they .vwre telling lies, and the boy who told the biggest lie would get the dog. The clergyman was knocked at such depravity, and be gan to lecture them on the sin of ly ing, and concluded his remarks by saying: "Why, when I was a little boy I never told lies." The boys were si lent a second, and then one of them said sadly. "Hand him the dog." . WHITHER RELICS SOLD ! An Vuruhllshed Poem by the Kam- I our Author Brings STRAIN 285-285 1-2 Washington St., TAILORING COMPANY Four Doors East of Perkins Hotel THE KNIFE IS SHARPENED And We Are Ready to Slash Prices to the Bottom j& j& j& Wt Imvo iuiuIo iMii'st lvos fiinioii with ttio nooplu known in liihtory tint piist m'nsoii, but thin tytlo will lit) n t-ai'innjf iio)ie mien vmiit's tw win not io forgotten Tor n long time to tutu', We lire eoiiipdlctl to do tliU to iiinke room for the pnmlcst lino of unduiiiii'd tiiilor-nmdu riii clothing evpr shown in the world. Figures iiihI quality that talk: ''' H'VII,K 'I1'"1 (jrt'iiftst vul ui cvvr nun mot, vt e mean to give Ui waco- Recently a boatload of sightseers while landing at Malta on the Mediter ranean, met with a disagreeable acci dent. In the party was an American capitalist and Iron manufacturer. At the moment of the accident, this wiry little man, known to have the quick temper, was puffing vigorously at a large stogie hi sfavolrte smoke. As he went overboard and down, the stogl wnt out, though not out of his mouth. On coming to the surface of the water he failed to grasp bold of the boat, and sank out of sight for th Friday evening some manuscripts of John O. Whlttler and letters formerly owned by him were sold at auction In New York city to secure funds for the maintenance of the old Whlttler home stead. Among the purely Whlttler relics an original unpublished nml laxt slanu of the poem published in the '50!, "To My Sister," a Mama which is signed In full by the author, was sold for $23. The Btanxa runs tlni: And knowing how my life hath twn A weary work of tongue and pen; A long, harsh strife with strong-willed men. Thou will not chide my turning To con at times an Idle rhyme, .To pluck a flower from childhood's clime And listen at the evening chime For the sweet bells of morning. The original manuscript of the clfild poem "In School Days," of nine stunins together with two additional simians composed afterward, brought $510. At tached to the manuscript was a Seller to Lucy Larroll. editor of "Our Young Folks": : Dear Editor I.ury: 1 could not : : make versos for the pictures, hut : : I.send thee herewith a bit, which : : I am sure is childish. If not chllil : like. Re honest with It and If It : : seems too spoony fur a grave : : Quaker like myself, don't com- : : promise me by printing It. When : : I get a proof, I may see sometli : lng to mend or mur. ; : Thine truly, J. O. W. $6.95 FOR CHOICE OF ANY SUIT IN THE HOUSE 1105 suits to pick from, cuimUtinu of tlouhlo ami dingle-ltrviwU Sacks, Froekn, Full DrenidiuJ Tuxedos, made of elieviots, canniuierv, tveeili,F. & II, Immdolothn, etc. valued from to W) In Our Overcoat Department $8.45 $11.45 ltiiys choice of 21 3-4-lengili Ilox Coat, valued from Ktiglans, made of the very best material, made by Chicago's nt from $25 to $15. to $40. 12.1 leading Uilom IIujH choice of 50 8ilk-lined Overcoats, Worsted, Thibet, and Vicunas, None for lew than 51). made up in black untinishitl of theso coats were made tip The Motio Vlti-li Made I n Fiunoii: "Satisfaction or Money Back" This Is Strain's Way Masquerade Ball THURSDAY EVE, FEB. 19 GIVEN BY TrIC Sons of Hermann AT FOARD I STOKES' HALL ADMISSION. (IentU?mnn Mankera $1.0o! I.ady Misk-irs 50 j ftpwUtord M Children jil Efitht Hnndsonie I'rlited to llo tllvn.! GROCERIES For the Very Best Articles of Food, at Prices That Are Right, Be Sure to See m V. H. COFFEY Department Store, Corner Bond and Twelfth. DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP To Whom It May Concern: ThU In to notify all parties concerned, that the partnerHhlp heretofore existing between P. 0. Larson and Henry Hoeck has been, by mutual connent, this day dis solved. The said Henry Iloetk has succeeded to the property and rlnhls an I business, the said P. G. Larson re tiring therefrom. All bills now owing to the firm must be paid to said Henry Hoeck. Pa ted February 2nd, 1903. HENRY HOECK. P. O. LARSON, Andrdw Asp, tH liltr, lUdtuiti u4 IrtwtiMf F-IKCTT-CLABa'wORK AT REASONABLE PRICHS. Special Attention Given to Sbp aN Buambodt Repslring,aner! Black smithing, Firdt-OaM Horse Bhoelog, ate CORNER TWELFTH AND DUAN1 Use Perrin's pile Specific The internal remedy cures by removing t he cause. It lures all diseases of the diges tive organs. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Perrln Medi cal Co., Helena, Mont Interesting pamplet ' mailed free by asking. Cowing & Cowing ATTORNBTI-AT-LAlr Oregon City, Oregon, Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL. ST. Y'tur wtlfra rr oirnt. tniib F It ES II A K 1) S A L T Will hr promptly anil t;i uc.orlly itU-ndrd In J. W. MORTON, Prep. TYIonont! Sn. Wl. KOPPS FAMOUS BEER t Bottled or In Kcj; Prcc City Delivery i North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria KMII, NCIIIMI'IT, tJ.iuiul Miiiingcr. rxxzzzzzzzzzzzxxzxxzzzzzzxzztnTOzxzzxzzxzzzxxnzT ...THE CITY OP ASTORIA... RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimated and executing orderd for all klnda of lectrlcal Installing and Repairing Supplied In stork. We d"ll the celebrated 8HBLBT LAMP. Call up Phone JltU. H. W. CYRUS. - Mar C. J. Trenchard Insurance Commission and Snipping. Agent Wells Fargo and Pa cific Express Companies. Cus tom Hons Brokd. In I Noted n (lit; IMuir Where ManiiliK-liired tit wssMdsaMdm CutbirtlTs Creosote Shingle Stains The Must lnriil)lc, l'nwrvntiv,,, anl IliimlHotnn Sliiiiid on (In- Murki l. Notliinu ki't-DH nut tbi hhhIIiit like uliinii!.- on I In- xiill. V.,il.,.. preserves ami boatillll hIiIiilMi s liku CutMrtli'H Hinins. Culbirtli also trinlte. the liest Cul'I'KIt TAINT fur iiutiMm. vater cralt. i.f nil li UXURIOUS YEL Th, "Northwestern Llml'id" trains, electrlo lighted throughou', both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, tbe finest trains la the world. They embedy tbe latest, newest and bHt Ideas for comfort. eonvnlnn and luxury ever offered tbe travelling public, and altogether are tbe most complete and splendid prjluction it th car builders' art. These spltndld Trains Connect With...., .. The Great Northern The Northern Pacific aod The Canadian Pacific AT OT, PAUL FOR CHICAGO and tbe CAST. No extra eharg. for th.s. luo.rinr acommodatlons and all rlassts of Uck ttd are Available for paastge 00 the trains on tbl line are Prolctd by lb Iottrlocklog BIimIi ystem. (xzzzzzzzzzxzzzzzzzzzzzxzzz xxxxxxxxxxxxzxzzzzxxzxxxx? fnxxuzztJZuxt4Xsxx::xxazazx:ix:;xnxazxxKxiaxxzxar'. ff a B & O Baltimore 6k Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN CHICAGO S NEW YORK Via WASHINGTON, I). '. Finest and Fastest scries of truins in the world. Fuhuia oaelioH, - Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawing Hoom Cur. The Finest Dining Car Service in the World la oirratcd by tlio Baltimore it Ohio Railroad. I B. M. AUSTIN, General Tass. Agt. - Chicago, III &zuxziizzzzzzi:tzijxzzttzijizjixiizztizxiixuxuijiii Tils slgMtan (sea every of lbs (NnM Lflxiflve Hrotnrt.nnln!nT.,.1J. 77TVXitbe nmAi tut trwaCtj u e Ur,