... I w. NOTIOB! Books, Periodicals, Mazarines. &&, fro IxHD !:a T:!x;i i:n Tb Library without pvmiici, Any CriO fwnd L'Uflly of . UJCh offend. pot PUBLIC LDMRY ASSOCUjm .win oe iisdic 10 projftAJ VOLUME LV1. ASTOKIA, -OKiasoy, Til U 1S1) AY, FKKKUARY 5, 1903. NUMBER 31. 1 I II I II 1 1 1873 1903 BUSINESS CLOTHES When you buy business clothes you want them business like in'pricet but it isn't good business to have clothes that are not stylish, nor to pay too much or too little for them. We've got the famous Crotiso & lirandfgi:o units licio for you; and with that statement we answer every question you can think to mhIc about looks, style, tail oring, fit and btisinoBS-like prices. You can prove the truth of all we say in live inin ntea; we're waiting for you to come and sw. !$ P. A. STORES The Best Restaurant 1 Rcfulir Mtals. 2S Cents Sunday Dinners c Specialty Eerytnlni the Maiket Affotds The Palace Cafe Palace Catering Company CLOSING OUT AT COST! For the Purpose of Going Out of Business CLOTHING, BOOTS AND $HOES, FURNISHING GOODS Everything GoesProfits are Yours Come in and See :::::: : Chas. Larson Wlch Block 652 Commercial Strut. S E B: FISHER BROTHERS AflTOHIA, - OWEGON VALENTINES Wholesale and Retail J. N. GRIFFIN THE BEE HIVE THE BEE HIVE REDUCTION NEWS noys' Cap, former prices (0 and 25c, all Mo Boys' Winter Weight Suits, $1.B0 and 1.75. for 11.75 for $1.25 12 75 fir 1200 13.00 for ....$2.25 , Indies' Flanelette Wrappers, $1.35 and $1.28, for. Mo ladles' Flanalette Wrappers, $1.00, fro 3o A few more three-quarter length Indies' Skirts, prices cut In two. Bale still lontluoa on Bklrta. We have aold a great many walking skirts. TUB GhEATBST BARGAIN A pleated, all-wool skirt, worth $3.75 at 12.25. Comes 'In blue and gray. Every one woneders at the Children's Shoe bargalnsi We keep digging them up. , HUME VOTES FOR HARRIS Fulton Does Not Get Support of Representative as It Was Believed He Would. OTHERWISE ALL THESAME Number of Minor Hill I'hnmmI by Nciinte-CiovernurCliaui-borlaitt KIkiin Hill Imor-ornlliir('oulllc. Salem. Feb. 4. --(Special) Represent ative Hum whh present at today' c. slon and cmt hi Initial vote fur Unit ed State senator. Hut h did not cunt It for C. W. Fulton. a It whh generally expected he would. L. T. Harris, speaker of the lunio. and one of the very strong Fulton supporter wa the recipient of the honor. Seaker Kar ri hit not yet begun to make arrange ment to move to Washington and prof) ably will not. There W8 no other development In thi! contest and the vote stand the same, whlrh I a follow: Fulton St (Jeer 16 Wood 17 Mill 12 Scattering 9 A turrit i Hill were called up end aMd a follow: Hy Crolsnh A lorul measure to ivru late mutual Insurance rnmpnnlr-8. Hy Sweek To regulate Sunday clos ing. tlnyden's Home MM. to authorize the building of It nine on public road und hlijhway. also was passed, a was also Hanks' bill .fluting to the execution of deed. j HUM were introduced by Muys. byi request, to require county clerk to muke cntrle of payment on Judg ment. Hy Mny To require Judge to ren der decision In ease within 90 day. Hy Mulkey To regulate the sale of liquor In Incorporated title. Hy Pierce To amend the code rela tive to assessment and taxation. Hy Smith of Multnomah To prohibit the .Ie of exploitive to children. Salem. Fob. 4. The hnune was cal led to order at 10 o'clock by Speaker Harrla. The first business of the ses sion wn the swcariiiK Into office by Secretary of State Dunbar of Represent ntlve Ilmnea of Coo and Curry coun tle, who ntade hi appearance for the first time this morning. Senate hill wore given flrt and sec ond reading and referred to commit tee. Committee report were then read, recommending the passage of certain bill. The Multnomah delegation, a a special committee, reported favorably on house bill provide for the pur chase of county supplies In rase of an emergency, relating to the port of Port land, regarding the salary of county t superintendent In Multnomah county, and to '.H-ovldo for the appropriation of all claims by the county auditor. A message was received from the governor Mating that he had signed the bill to Incorporate Couullle. The committee on labor and Industry reported on ;hc bureau of Information hill, At the same time suggesting that It be referred to the committee of the whole and made a special order ui bus iness, arguing that it was not right, to sidetrack other measures for something not requiring an emergency and the house decided not to give It the right of way. tlm swale, but killed in the hiu on the thuory that the .republican In corner" ar lM-it-r able to Judge the anviKaWllty of the passuge an than mi legminture. FI'NHTON WILL T)MM.M) I'ElWilTMKNT OF COLl'MHIA Order Issued at the War Department testerdly Makes a Number of Important Mlllltary Assignments. Washington, Feb, 4 A general order dated January 27. making a number of highly Important military assign ment Wits Issued at the war depart ment today. I'nder thi order the fol lowing change will occur: ' aiajur ueneral Arthur Mi-Arthur I assigned to command the department of California, to relieve Major Oeneral Robert Hughes, who will be retired April II. Major General John C. Hate will re- llev Major Oeneral MacArthur of the command of (he department of the lake April 11. l-ri(ra(lr;r iciier.il Janx F. Wade will relieve Major (Jeneral Davis of the command if th division of the PhiHr pine on or before June 2. On being relieved MmJoi- Oeneral Davis will re tire. ttrlxadler Oeneral Leonard Wood will procceu to Manila for assignment to command the department of Mindanao. HrlKa.ller Jeneral Geo Randall will be relieved of the command of the de partment of the Columbia April 1 and report to the commanding general of the division of the Philippines. Iirlgadler General Funston w ill be as signed to the command of the depart ment of the Columbia. Brigadier Gen eral Frank Haldwln will succeed Gt-tier-al Funston. ' ' t Hrigudlcr General Sumner-will be re lieved In the Philippine and proceed to Omaha to command th department of the Missouri. 4 Itrlgn iler Jenerul William H. Caster will report Jo the commanding general of the division of the Philippines to re lieve ttrlgadler General Wade who will lie pro;n-t d to major general on retire ment of Major General Hulse In April next. He will relieve General Davis of ihe commund of the division of the Philippine In July. It I understood ho III exlrclse command of the forces In the Philippine for a few months only and that he will then be succeeded by General Leonard Wood. FL'MES OF NITRIC ACID WORKED DEATH TO FIREMEN. Concluded Their Work nt the Fire and the Next Day Baleful Effects Kilted Them. Milwaukee, Feb. 4. Four firemen ure d -ad and nine others are said to be seriously III from the effects of Inhaling fnmn of nitric acid while righting fire at the plant of the Schwnb Stamp and Seal company last night Victims of the disaster were not overcome for many hours after the fire, when one by one they succumbed. The dead: James Foley, chief: An drew White, Captain; Edward Hogan, pipeman; Thomas Droney, ptpeman. Assistant Chief Clancy's condition Is critical. Captain Peter Iincaster Is dying and Truckman William Meloy. William Kennedy and Daniel McArthur are se riously 111. The mm became 111 today and rapidly grew worse. SHY ABOUT THE HAGUE Every Effort Will Be Made to Set tle Venezuelan Question in Washington City. ( Caravans of camel are bringing arrr and ammunition and store of food and grain to the rebel headquarter, snd ftom all urce It I learned that trouble Is expected. PRESIDENT ENCOURAGES PLAN Preferential Treatment Will Ik; Accorded Allies for Three Months So They Will lie Honored. Washington, Feb. 4. Every effort Is being made by the representative of the allies to secure a settlement of the Venezuelan dispute without sending It to The Hague. In this effort the Ital ian and Rritlsh ambassadors ana the German minister. Baron von Sternberg, are receiving the endorsement of Min ister IJowen and the cordial approval of the government of the United States. It I understood that the president, w hile In no way concerned with the ne gotiations 1 personally In Tuvor of an agreement being reached at Washing ton. This fact it Is believed wlli have a prompt bearing on the decision of the British and German foreign 'officials. The British ambassador and the Ger man minister have cabled to their gov. eminent the fact that Mr. Bowen hae expressed his willingness to give. the allies preferential treatment for three months, that they may emerge from the controversy without Injuries to thir honor. The allies have not yet replied to the last representatives of their envoys here, urging acceptance of this plan. Advices reached here from Berlin this afternoon of an Important nature, but assurances are given that they were sent prior to the submission of the last proposition and affected only a detail of the controversy. The renort mi not discouraging. It may be some days yet before a final answer Is received at Washington. but all negotiators are hopeful of a successful outcome. PREPARE TO MAKE AJT ATTACK ON CARACAS. STORM IN THE SOUTH. Louisville Visited by Severe Rain and High Wind That Blork Traf fic and Stop Communication. Louisville, Feb. 4. A heavy rain which net in over Louisville last even ing continued Intermlttingly during the night, accompanied by wind which at one time reached a velocity of 4 miles an hour. The wire of the Lou isville Railroad company, the Citizens' General Electric company and the Pos tal Telegraph company became crossed during the night, burning out the dyna mo plant of the telegraph company and working damage to the power plants. Falling trolley wires caused a tempo rary suspension of street-railway traf fic on the two lines. CH.irlit rnrrr a 3INUW SIUKW IN CHICAGO Most Awful Blizzard in Years Vis- :i. I L it .i i nt l u uinc metropolis diock ing Ail Business. SHUT OUT FROM THE WORLD NO TROUBLE AFTER ALL. Stormy Weather and Alert Police For-- i Kept Down Disturbance. j Waterhury, Conn., Feb. 4. Stormy weather and an extra precaution on the part of the authorities carried Water bury through the dangerous hour ol night without serious trouble from the streetcar strlk that was confidently ex streetcar strike that was confidently ex night. WAS FRENCH BARK. Vessel Enroute for San Francisco Is Wrecked and AH On Board Are Drowned. London, Feb. f The large vessel wrecked off Durabog reef yesterday was the French bark Van Stabel, Cap tain Quimper, which sailed from Glas gow January 17 for San Francisco. All persons on board are thought to have been drowned. MORE BLOODY BATTLES. Armies Crowd Things to the Gates of Fes and Capture Leuder. 467 Commercial Street,' - Astoria TO ASSIST KX-SLAVKS. Senator Hnnna Introduce Bill to Pen sion "Ole Cullud Folks." , Washington, Feb. 4. Senator Hanna today Introduced a bill granting pen sions and bounties to all ex-slaves who were freed by the proclamation of Pre Went Lincoln during the war of the re bellien. It provides that persons over 50 ycars,and less than 60, male or fe male, shall receive a cash bounty of $100 and monthly pensions of $S per month: person bet-ween 0 and 70 year of age, bounty of $300 and a pension of $13 er month, and person over 70 years of age a bounty of $500 and a pension of tU per month. London, Feb. 4. According to a dis patch published In the Morning Leader from Tangier, the Spanish embassy has received news of still more bloody bat tles than that which took plnce Janu ary 29. " The Sulton's troops, numbering 12,000, attacked the pretender's new encamp ment, treachery and bribery again giv ing the ahemtlnn army the advantage. A terrible fight took place around Du Ilamaras' person and according to the latest account continued right up to th gate of Fex, where after losing 2500 slain, Du Hamarns was finally raptured. WILL LEAVE IT TO CONGRESS. Washington Legislature Not Willing to Memorialise Representatives. Olympla, Feb. 4.-The house today In definitely postponed the senate Joint memorial -Instructing representatives In congress from thla state to work, for the passage of the omnibus state hood bill. The memorial had passed QUARRELED OVER RELIGION. One Negro Convict Brutally Murders Another While Asleep, Philadelphia, Feb. . James Pratt, a negro aged 37 years, who was serving a sentence of 20 years for burglary was murdered In the Eastern penitentiary hei-e today by Cornelius Bush, 21 years old, also colored, sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for assault and battery. The men quarreled over religion and when Pratt went to sleep Bush crushed his skull and then cut his head off and put It on a table. ANACONDA GETTING GOOD. Gambling Houses In the Montana City Are All Closed. Anaconda, Feb. 4. All the gambling houses in Anaconda were closed today by order of the new attorney. Government Does Not Despair and Ex. pects to Break Up the Revolution by Decisive Action. New Tork, Feb. 4. An army of rev. olutionlsts Is now almost at the gates of Caracas, says the Herald' Caracas correspondent, and everywhere In the city preparations are being made to repel the attack. Trenches are being dug and citizens are being drafted Into the military ranks Animals are being seized for the government service. President Castro Is as cool as the proverbial cucumber, and is displaying a tireless energy. He Is on horseback day and night, directing the defensive operations. Despite the dark outlook, many per sons believe that the government will triumph over the divided revolutionary leadership and the unsoldierly crowds of the insurrection. The Matos revo lution has at last reached a point where some decisive action must take place within a very few days. Bulletins of victory and defeat are now being circulated in Caracas as a result of the fighting Just south of the capital. These bulletins are not trust worthy The significant feature Is that defensive measures are being pushed. The blockaders have notified the La Guayra authorities that ' if they see Venezuelan soldiers In town they will shell the fort. This notice Is Inexpllc. able to the La Guayra authorities as Venezuelan soldiers occasionally pess In the streets on their way to fight thi- revolutionists. La Guayra look up on the notification as a new- tack of the Germans to assist the Matos revo lution and are asking: "Where la the peaceful blockade?" QUARANTINE ENDED Manila Declared Free From Cholera By Health Officers. Manila, Feb. 4. United States quar amine officials have declared Manila free from cholera, thus ending the quar antine, which has lasted nearly a year. All Traffic WasStopped-No Quo tation Received From Kew ' York I7nt.il Vnnn Tiva : Lives Were Lost. Chicago, Feb. 4. Today and last nlgnt Chicago was the scene of the worst blizzard in years. Wire are down in every direction and all tele graphic lines except those of the Chicago-Milwaukee roads were unwork able, a were the Tong-distance tele phone wire, except one line to Omaha. For hour this morning Chicago wa cut off from new of the outside. ' No quotation have been, received from New Tork up to 11:30. Nearly a foot of snow fell yesterday and last night a rain and sleet storm, accompanied by a gale of wind, completed the havoc. Street-car traffic Is demoralized and all ineondng trains are reported late. The storm continued today, hampering the work of the repair crews sent out in every direction by telegraph com panies. Two Uvea were lost and num erous accidents have occurred. OVER A CENTURY OLD. Stratford, Ont, Feb. 4. Mary Ann Mills, the oldest woman in Canada, is dead at her home in Woodham. She was in her 115th year, having been born in the county of Fermanaugh, Ireland, on October 18, 1788. With her husband she came to Canada irtlS57. MARCONI SYSTEM FOR STEAMERS. New . York, Feb. 4. In a statement issued by the Marconi Wireless Tele graph company. It is suggested that all of the fast steamers of the Inter national Mercantile Marine company will be supplied Immediately with wire less telegraph plants. x REBELS IN CHINA . PREPARE TO MASSACRE. Large Army I Getting Ready to Ex terminate Every Foreigner In the Section Empress Alarmed. Victoria. B. C , Feb. 4.-Chlnese pap ers received by the empress of China have further new regarding the crisis in northwest China. Th writers say that the situation Is most serious, for. in Kansu, a large army Is being organized to proceed against the foreigners and only the ex- lK'Sure of this movement and the aid It is recelvlnng at Pekln will open the eyes of the statesmen of Britain, Amer ica and Germany to the danger which threatens foreigner In China. C. J. Anderson. China Inland mission ary In Alnnan, says in a leuer jvas-r Is full of the rebel troops, who all want to fight and say there will not be one fooilgn devil left All travelers are being searched and letters opened SaleEsten dec Until Saturday February 7 our patrons may have the benefit of COST PRICED Finest Goods in the City. Our Spring Stock Arrives Feb. lO C. H. COOPER r ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Steamfitters 525-527 BOND STREET