t 4. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1003 V TIIEOLD RELIABLE know better. They know what tre mendous benefit have come to wegon through the working of the Dlnitiey tariff and they will know what to do. and aim what not to do, with it man who while professing to be ; reiviollean utters foul falsehood and mtrriloiis scandal ng.tlnst the republican party and Us leaders. Somoliody will some day revise the tariff, but we do not think that H. W, Scott ill huv n hand In that revision; certainly not as H I'nlled Statt-s sct.utor he.triig the credentials of the republican Kclsla ture of Orejron." POWDER Absolutely PunaT 7HEREIS NO SUBSTITUTE ASTOIUAN WRITKS FK"M SAl.KM PitMkH Election of Fulton Not Utter Than Thiimlsy. New An .Vstorlan who has been at Sa!ui j during the session of the legislature, j In a letter to a friend in this, city, ex 1 presses the belief that Senator Fulton j will be leeted on Thursuay. Ills U t ter says in part: "It will be remem- bei-ed that prior to the legislative ses sion the prediction was freely made ' - that Senator Fulton would have to win York Publication Ridicules HU! early in the session if he was to win. at Senatorial sulfations. ; Events have demonstrated that . . i this belief was erroneous. Mr. Kul Pears' soap brings health and the color of health to many a sallow skin. ROUGH ON EDITOR SCOTT. The American EconomM, a New Tork publication, Joes not take kindly to the alleged senatorial aspirations or Hon. H. W. Scott. Says that pa per: "H. W. Scott, editor of the Portland Oregonlan, is a candidate for election to the United States senate ty trie votes of the republican majority in the Oregon legislature. There is, we be lieve, no prospect of his election. He is so far from being a, republican that at a distance his candidacy seems like a Joke. No mat in Oregon has done ton's supporters have remained firmly with him. and he has gradually added to his strength. This has demoralized the. opposition. I am convinced that H. w. Scott will not now attempt to gain the plum. In spite of all his dis claimers, it is pretty certain that he was after the toga, but he no sees no hope of election, and it will be a sur prise to me If he comes out as an active candidate. Mr. Fulton's 34 votes leave him 10 short of a majority, with the present number of absentees. He will gain several more early In the week. more harm to the cause of republican- j and I look to see the deciding ballot tern iu that state than this same Scott, i on Thursday. I m told that the Mult Editor of the leading newspaper of! nomah opposition to him thus far has Oregon, it has been in his power to te- j ben merely for effect, and that some of tray the party and knife Its nominees. He has most industriously, exercised that power. In spite of Scott e.nd the Oregonian, Oregon has been held in the republican column. The earnest, de voted men who direct the republican newspapers of the state outsido of the Oregonian have "worked hard to coun teract Scott's treachery and mendacity, and they have succeeded. These n en may be depended upon to take care or Scott's senatorial ambition. He does the members of the delegation from ' that county will go over to him in a I day or two. I also have It on unques tioned authority that the 34 votes re corded for Mr. Fulton do not repre sent anything like his real strength, and that an actual gain of tour will serve to elect him. Politicians at tne capital agree that the Astoria nan cannot now be defeated." In a letter to a friend here Senator Fulton expres ses the belief that he will certainly oe PERSONAL MENTION not deserve a single republican vote. elected. He says his prospects are He should look to the oflir side, the ; brighter than ever before. side which he has always hel;jed, for; recognition and reward. "Hew rar scott is rrom being eiismie i to the honor of election by republican ! votes to the United States senate the columns of the Oregonian furnish daily j John Craig was over from Chinook proof. In the Issue of September' 28 i yesterday. appears on the flrrt pa a big cartoon j Misg u (n porUand which reprints Uncle Sum as being j y beaten and mauled by trusts armed i with bludgeons 'abeled Tiigh tariff.' j tenant Weeks was over from Ft. In the following day's issue is an edi-! Stevens yesterday. torial leader ridiculing the statement ! H. G. Van Dusen has returned from of Senator Hanna to the effect that 'If ! an official trip to Wallowa. the time comes when the tariff needs w. W. Hidehalgh has returned from retlsion it will be done by the mea who ! a business trip "to Tillamook. made the tariff.' Free trade liars like Scott ' of the Oregonian are 'he only ones wno j say that the schedules were written and i the tariff tnade by rapacious robbers j outside of congress. The country j SORE HANDS Itching, Burning Palms, Painful Finger Ends, With Brittle, Shapeless, Discolored Nails, Us Well as Roughness and Redness, ONE NIGHT TREATMENT Soak the hands on retiring In strong, bot, creamy lather of Cutlcura Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Cutlcura Ointment, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, duriag the night, old, loose kid gloves, or bandage lightly In old, toft cotton or linen. For red, rough and chapped hands, dry, fissured, Itching, feverish palms, with brittle, shapeless nails and painful finger ends, , this treatment Is simply wonderful, fre-' ?uently curing in a single application, n no other way have Cuticura Soap and Ointment demonstrated their aston- a lahlng curative properties more effec- tually than in the treatment of the hands, especially when tortured with . Itching, burning and scaly eczema. Complete local and constitutional treatment for every humour of the akiu, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, ' may now tie had for one dol iar. Bathe freely with hot water and Cutlcura' Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts ' and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cutlcura Ointment freely, to allay Itching, irritation and inflam mation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take the Cuticura ltesolvent 1111s, to cool and cleanse the blood. Tills treatment affords Instant relief, permits rest and sleep In the severest forms of eczema and other itching, burning and scaly humours, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure of torturing, disfiguring humours from lufuncjr to sg, when all other remedies and the best physician fail. Herbert Bransford returned last night from a brief trip to Portland. Emil Erickson a resident of Warren ton, visited the city yesterday. Jacob P.osshart a West Side business man was In the city yesterday. , George Moore, sawyer for the Warren j ton mill .isited the city yesterday. F. P. Kendall of the American Can i company is in the city from Portland. i Mrs. Wheeler and daughter Miss , Cora Magoon came over from Sklpanon j yesterday. t J. W. Cawker and Mrs. Cawker were in the city yesterday from their home until Saturday. February 14. at 4 o'clock p. i. Wednesday Penmanship, hlstoty, spelling, alwbra. ivadin.x, school law, Thursday-Written ciithimeti.-, the ory of teaching, i;ru:nnmr, bookkeeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, apograph)-, men tal arithmetic, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, physchology. v For Country Papers. I'ommenelng Wednesday, February 11, at 9 o'clock a. in. and continuing until Friday. February 1J. at 4 o'clock p. m. First, second and third grade certi'leates. Wednesday Pennmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic-, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arithme tic , physiology, civil government. Primary Certificates. Wednesday Peunmanshlp, orthog raphy, reading, arithmetic,. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology. W. S. LYMAN. School Superintendent Clatsop County, Oregon. ed, by two Italians, with whom tly collided at Fulton and North Ilalslead streets. The assailants escaped In the mist without pursuit. The fog terlously impeded nd traffic, Fven In th do.vu town district the at mosphere was so misty that mntormcu and cab drivers exierlcnced difficulty In avoiding accidents. Further out ex traordinary precnuilons were necessary to avol I collisions. Street cars I'.oved slower than usual and b vaied trains wore also delay d, TO IMPUOVK cMI.l'Ml'IA, Pill Introduced In Congress For Item tlt of Northwest. Washington,' Feb. 2.--A sundry nlll was reported to the house today, tine million dollars Is orovided for column-liii,- l! imorov.'nicnts at the mouth of tlx- Columbia, and 173,ihH for the com pletion of the extension of public bul'il liigs at Portland. Other Items of ttue;--ct to Oiv.ron are tfc.'t for the 'Macka. ivas fish hatchery. The sum of siuo.wti Is appropriated for the hn'ruor at Ta-coma. STRAIN 285-285 1-2 Washington St.. TAILORING COMPANY Four Doors East of Perkins Hotel M VNSFiKl.n Itl'YS YACHT. Boston, Feb. 2. -The schooner yacht Amorita has been sold for Thomas Mi -Kee of Pittsburg to Richard Mans'lcM. the actor. 1 THE KNIFE IS SHARPENED And We Are Ready to Slash Prices to the Bottom & j& liavt- miulo ourselves (annum with tlio u'oiU liy yx iIumh tin- pvulii4 value ver known in history tlio liant tu'iisoii, but .this ulo will U n hiiiniiici'. Wo inciiii to L'ivu tlit' WHL't!. tiiniiiicr ihhiiIo mifli values its will not 1k foi'iroltiu) for it loii time to come. Wr lire fciliiliflU't to do this to iniiko I'tKiin for tlio oitintlcst lino of uui'htiiiu'il tuiloMinnlc shown in the worhl. Kiouivs :tnl (jimlity thut lnlk: Wl' lll't' fOIIIJlflU'tl pruii' clolliinj ever LIST OP LETTERS Remaining Unclaimed for SO Days February 2. 1903. Allison W Mrs Anderson Annie Bowman Tom Clizy Y Mr Dearing J S Foley Charles Mrs. Fry Charles Mrs Haavin Ivor A Mr Hamen William Hitchings L Hulme A E Kinyon Caty Miss Lindberg Victor Login J C Mahan Ed Malagamba Francisco Mastln Win C Maxwell Jennie Miss Sechet Fanny Mrs Smith H Taylor Geo W Rev Taylor W N Mr Thomson R R Trocham L B Mrs. Welch O M Mrs Wickatom Chas Mr Whigam Burt Mrs Foreign. Bradtbu' v Christian Grung Kristoffer Herr. i in Warrenton. i i Captain Joseph Harriman arrived In I yesterday from the lightship to spend i a short vacation. Mrs. J. A. Malarkey has gone to ! Portland where Bhe will remain th' balaace of the winter. ! P.ollie W. Watson, publisher of the Tillamook Herald, arrived In the city last evening and v. ill remain for a few days. ! Miss Mabel Jeffers who recently com pleted a term of school In the vicinity of Kelso, Wash., Is in the city the jiuest of Mrs. J. A. Rannells. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Barnes nave re turned from a month's vacation spent with relatives in California. They vis ited many points of Interest during their absence. Captain Henrietta Blgney, a Salvat ion army officer, will leave this morning to resume charge of the work at Walla Walla. Captain Bigney was formerly stationed here. R. A. Hendricks has resigned as engineer of the quarantine steamer El ectro and he and Mrs. Hendricks will remove to southern California where they will remain for an Indefinite per iod. Tom Parker Is down from Portland for a fear days. Mr. Parker will enter the service of the Vancouver Trans portion company In a few weeks on the run between here and Portland, as mate. TFACHERS' EXAMINATION'. Notice is hereby given that the coun ty superintendent of Clatsop county, Ore., will hold the regular examination of applicants for state and county pa per at the courthouse, Astoria, Ore., as follows: For Stat Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February 11 at S o'clock a. m., and continuing OUR POHTO P.ICO TRADE GROWING Trade between the United States and Porto Rico is growing remarkably. V.'e now take over one-half of the ex ports and supply four-fifths of their imports. This Is a remarkable show ing In so short a time since that Island was und-.-r Spanish rule. The record of cures back of Hosteler's Stonwch Bitters is the best evidence of the value and meri it contains. It therefore ap peals to you personally, especially If you are a sufferer from loss of appe-tlt-, nausea, hiartburn. Indigestion, dyspepsia, sleeplessness or malaria, fever and ague, and want to be made well agiin. It will strengten and tone up the entire system and purify the blood. Don't fall to try a bottle today. It has never been known to fall and can therefore be relied on In your case. For sale by all druggists. ACCIDENTS AND ONE DEATH RESULT FROM DENSE FOO. Traffic of Chicago Is Impeded and Col lision of Pedestrians Causes Se rious Shooting Affray. Chicago, Feb. 2. -A dense fog, hlch settled down over Chicago last t.lght, was the :ause of the probably fatal shooting of one .nan, the wounding or another and a number of accidents In different parts of the city. A collision of pedestrians, which the victims say was due to the fog, led to the shooting. Patrick Welch was probably fatally wounded, and his com panion, Patrick Nolan, slightly wound- 0 in OFFICE! ARC OPEN to two classes of person: book keepers, and stenographers. Wt bars not been able for months past to meet the denund on us for hsip. Quality C0-U-niftbat ta wnJr our frsduateinTso competent, and why so many of them are In positions. Verily, it pays to attead our school, open all the year; students admitted st any time; aatalogua free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE FORTLAIO, OREGON A. P. AKStSTROMO, LL.B., PRIRCIPAb BoUHDjiANDfOOT With muscles drawn tnd throbbin with pain, and joints swollen, stiff an tender, the rhcunutic patten t is as helpless pendent us tuouiih bound hand sua foot. No disease causes such inteuse suf fering, such sharp, nerve-racking pains ss Rheumatism, and this unfeeling mon ster, unless checked, crushes the strength and hope of its victims. When the system becomes infected with Cric Acid and other like poisons they are bsorlted into the blood and lodged iu the muscles, joints mid nerves. Then with the suddenness of au electric shock, pains begiu to shoot through tlieimiscleor joint siTected, vhich ofien swells and inn.iines, and becomes tender, feveriah and sore. Unless treated through th? i VS. ' blood Rheumatism V$fCL?; RrowssteadilyworM!, Si,."!& finally en din if in shrunken muscles, immovable joints, shaky nerves, auci the invalid's rhiiir or feteir-- c:uto!ie The cure of Rheumatism cm never be conip'.eteor pcrnt.iucnt until the acid b!ol has been puiitkd and the sys tem cleansed U oil poisonous matter. S. S. S. docs this promptly and surely, because it is a perfect blood medicine, and an auti lote for the irritating acids that cause Riic-.imatisni. S. S. S. purifies and invigorates the polluted, state.iant blood, and when a free, healthy circulation U again estab lished, the gritty, corroding panicles air washed out of the acuiiiiMnukclesandl I H Iv V- " - IT-a joints, and the i IWf '"n!:,;J . . nM Slip 3P comes and the cure- is permanent because the cause has been removed end nothiuj remains in the blood to produce another a'.t. ck, Write fr sjivcial book on KUcumatLira. Th Swift Specific Co., Atlinta, Ga. FOR CHOICE OF ANY SUIT IN THE HOUSE $6.95 1405 otiit to pick from, uoinsintinj' of tloiililo ami fiiiirlf lnviisti'd Sucks, Frocks, Full Ircsi Tuxctlos, made of cheviots, cnssiuiciv, tweeds, 1'. & 11. brumlelotlis, etc,, vultied from Cfl to ps ami tr.o. In Our Overcoat Department lliijs choice of illS-si l leiiirtlt Ho U.iittt, vnlucil from to f ill Uui'litiit), untile of tl at from $.0 to $15. 1!iivh choice of 50 J 'ili"s.Ji"hl' "fjli" very heat iimteriiil, mit.lu by Chicago's hwling tailor $11.45 i y clioice ( on fMlk-liiiotl OverconU, niinltt no in h uck uiiiiiiiMictl Worsteds. ThilK-ts. niul Vienna. Xmm of tlu. .iuu u-nrn uniilo m. or lew than Sol). Tlio Motto Which Miulc l' I'iuiioh; "Satisfaction or Money Back" This Is Strain's Way C. J. Trenchard f insurance Commission and Snipping. Agent Wells Farfo and Ta ctile KxprM t'omianls. Cus tom Hons Broktf. Masquerade Ball THURSDAY EVE, FEB. 19 GIVEN BY THE Sons of Hermann AT FOARD 1 ST0KEJ" HALL Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your orihrs for aicebi. tniiti FRESH AN I) HA LT Will Iw pmmpllt unit uc'urlljr tU'hil..l to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Ti'lopnone No. ;lt. ADMISSION. Gentk-man Markers $1.00 ldy Hiskra 60 Spectators .'. 50 Children 26 Eight Hamlsome Prizes to Be Given. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, on the 3rd day of January, 1903, upon a judgment and decree ren dered therein on the 22nd day of De cember, 1902, In favor of H. O. Van Dusen, administrator of the estate of A. K. Stone, deceased, plaintiff, and against Phoebe F. Knapp, The Clat sop Mill company, C. W. Hamlin, P. Olsen, John Hutchcroft, E. Ogclvle and Phoebe F. Knapp, executrix of the es tate of A. Knapp, deceased, defendant, for $1874, together with Interest there, on at the rate of 8 percent per annum, the costs nnd disbursements of this suit taxed at 120 and the costs of and upon this writ commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following de scribed real property, to-wlt: The northwest 1-4 of the southwest 1-4 and the southeast 1-4 of the northwest 1-4 and lots No, 1 and 6, all In section No. 8, township No. 8, north of range No. 7 west of the Willamette meridian, to gether with all and singular the tene ments, hereditaments and appurten ances thereto belonging, nil in Clatsop county, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 9th duy of February, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said day, in front of and at the courthouse door In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the above described real property or so much thereof as may b necesoury to satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs and all accruing cost. TH08, LIN VI U.K. l-.t-. HherlfT Clatsop County, Oregon. Andrew Asp, Warrni laker, Bliirksmitb n4 lertciotr FIK.:T-CUAS3 WOIIK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship art Steamboat Repslrlng.Qeneral Black smithing, First-Cluts Horse Shoeing, me. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUAN1 RELIANCE Electrical Works! 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimate and executing : orders for all kind of electrical Installing and Repairing Biipnlles In stock. We s II the celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone llsX H. W. CYRUS. - Mr GROCERIES For the Very Best Articles of Food, at Prices That Are Right, Be Sure to See V. H. COFFEY Department Store, Corner Bond and Twelfth. I The Boston Restaurant i .". ommcih i m. mtii:i:t Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria Try Our 25-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention High Class Chef MARINOVICH & BOSCOVICH ANDREW LAKE Merchant Taiior New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Price Reasonable, and Work Done With Dispatch. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIG ARS Sullies of all kinds at lowot intt n, Toi hVlirnurn, Farmers and loggers. A. V. ALLEN TManU'ommcri'itil Struts ij KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER j 482 Commercial St, Astoria. Ore. Use Perrin's Pile Specific The internal remedy cuivh liy removing t he cause. It nirt'D all iIIhchhi-h of the Hk-h-tlve orii)H. For sale hy all druggist. Dr. pen In Medi cal Co., Helena, Mont. IntereHtliiK puinplet untile I fr-e by fwklnir, Bottled or In Keg Free City Delivery ! North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria j nxxxxxnxxxxxxjjcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxray ...THE CITY OP ASTORIA... In SoUnl hn tiitt rince Where In niainiiiK'liirctl, CutbirtlTs Creosote ShinoleStains Tim Most Durable, l'rttservntivit, him I Hiinilsome Hliiins on tbe Market. NothliiK keeps out tbe nwttliflr like liinK1is on the wnll. Notliinif liresorves Hint Ijettntillo hIiIul'Ics Ilka (.iitliirth's stain. " C'tttblrtU Also mskos the Ixwit OOlTEK I'AINT for the )nUnnt of nil vster craft. mxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxrxxxxxx3