The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 01, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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TKJ.EriioNIS Ml.
1'i'HIiiii.I, Jan. ai . Wti-t n Oregon
and Washington. Unlit ruin 01 snow.
A. Dunbar
JUJor Dubbin will pjxuk tn Ilia M.
K. thurrh thin morning.
l-'nur up-to-date barber at the Otxl
iIimii , You don't have to wait.
I'. II. rooitf'm' annual nl will i.
llvely loe on Saturday, February 7.
Another week of splendid bargains to
It! given ut C. II. Cooper. Halo po.
Itlvely flow on Sutunltiy. February .
For Kent -A furnished front room.
uuUide dour. 140 Koufth street.
JiiNt In. some very
Ha In tin (. Johnson
nlre Imported
Only a few day more of the great
.it mil" .it Svenson's book afore.
Sw-wt .-ream it cnta a pint. No
Hiarge for whipping. Tagg's randy
Knows for rt'iit, furnished 01 unfurn
Inhwl; also for housekeeping; over Pet
eismi A llrown'n shoe store.
Fancy eastern (coin-ffd) hanm, IB
mi. I lit renin per pound. Kvery liiun
giiaruiiki'd to hi' first cIhhm, Johnson
'!cmiln. eastern codfish, I'aWlii'
mist codtttdi, Norway mackerel, tier
ing nd anchovies In slock at Jnhnnon
lire. (
You will always And the Dent 15c men)
In the city at tho nislng Sun restau
rant, No, 612 Commercial street.
Itonyin com I last longer, ta cleaner
and makes lea trouble with stoves
and chimney fine than any other eoal
-on tha market. George, W. Sanborn,
agent, Teh-phon 1311,
Plumbliig, tinning, gua and team
fitting at lowest rates and In work
manlike manivjr, Orders promptly ex
ecuted. Shop, No. 4-5, Bond stteet
Huve uu heard the popular Ml",
You'll Wish Me Hack Home Day,"
"Itoae, My Hone," nnd ."Devotion"?
' These arid all other late, popular and
cIhhsIc inmlc on s.ile at Commeiilnl
lr,'t. ,
The mall mute nf Frank Lleiu'itwobcr
'him been takptl by Andrew Dalglty,
who. In turn, luia been succeeded by
Ted But Inn who for some time tin tieeti
acting tin Hiib4tltulu carrier. '
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arise in the family
every day. Let us answer It to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dosaort.' Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling! no
taking! add boiling water and set to
eool.-T'lavora: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry, Get a package
" at your grocers to-day. lo eta.
An our spring stork will not arrive
Mure lliu 10th of (hi mouth, we have
decided to give our patron one week
more at i-i-eiliil sale price. C. II.
The regular meeting of the city coun
cil will be held tomorrow night. Sev
eral Important matter will be brougtit
up fur action.
For pure drug and medicine, per
fume, onp, toilet requisite,, bruahea,
rublwr goods, puna and stationery see
Cliurle linger, druggist.
I have from one to 10 thousand share
of alork nf the L Hoy Mining company
(In llohemla district) for le. Addre
H. While. S02 1-! gevond tret. Port
land, Ore.
The two boy In the Dragolkh family
living In the vicinity of the Clataop
mill are rapidly recovering from
smallpox with which they have been
suffering and It la anticipated will soon
be entirely well,
The Alk. Flahermen's racking
company'a at earner Nortli Htar la under
charier at the . preaont lime to the
Callender Tranapnrtntlon company and
la engaged In towing log raft. Yen
terday the North Star took a raft of
M5.000 feet from Deep rtver lo Knapp
ton. ' ,
The funeral of the late Frederick CI.
Pniel wni held yeaterday afternoon.
Th aervkva look place at Orace.churcn
and were conducted by Rev. W. 8.
Hhnrt, The pallbearers were (3. Zelg
ler, I.ymun C. Kinney, Thoma
vllle, I. 4. Btokea, K. W. Tallait.
John Fox, Thomaa Dealey, and Marttn
Foard. The Interment was !n Green
wood and the service at the grave
were private.
.V case of acarM fever wa reported
yeatenlay evening In the family of Kamarti, on Alameda nvenue In
Weat Atorla. The patient Is the two
venr old child of Mr. K a mar a and la as
yet only mildly 111, the dlseaae hav
ing nmnlfeated Itaclf In a Very light
form. However, a strict quarantine
ha been eatabllshed on the home and
will be retained until there la not the
xllKhlcat evidence of the malady. The
hoiiHii la the next to the last one on the
avenue, situated beyond the Suoml ball.
Hlugur Hermann yeaterday stepped
down nnd out of the office of general
laud comnilaaloner. He said: "I may
leave W.iKhlntrton In a day or two. and
(viaalbly may remain here some time,
Just when I shall depart has not been
determined. My congressional candl
lacy I do not care to say anything
annul Jut yet. It's been such a short
time since Mr. Tongue died, and I've
been so buHy preparing to turn over
t!ils office to Oovernor Rlcharda that 1
have not had time to consider It. I
expect to go directly to Itoavburg and
take up the practice of law. I'll be In
Washington frequently, as I expect to
have a large number of cases to try be
fore this office and department. My
fumlly remain here until my boy Is re
leased rum school, early in the summer."
The people of the txwlil and Clark
valley uro not making much headway
In their efforta to secure a better road,
and the. dm cea for the success, of
their efforts are at present anything
but bright. Ilcently the county court
addressed a communication to the
'oinmittae named by the settlers to look
aflr their Interests, requesting that
tin planking which had been torn up
be replaced. The court suggested
that, after this aa-done, It would be
proper for the settler to petition the
court for relocation of the highway.
Yeaterday County Judge Trencbard re
ceived tt reply from the Committee In
which tht Information was contained
that the planking would not be replaced
and In which wis a demand that the
court order the work done. The conwl
munlcatlon did not aerve to strengthen
the tinsltlon of the settlers wth the
court, and until the people living In tne
valley aasumo a more reasonable atti
tude they will probably not receive any
assistance! ' The court does hot take
kindly to their' action In squandering
In lawsuits the fund provided for road
, 0. I I'eteMon, 3, W. Rellh and W.
J, Ingnll have been selected as) a
committer to arrange for the establish
ment of a telephone Una to the Lewis
and Clark valley. Arrangements huve
been mad for connection with the tet
cphone exchange; In this city, and tho
proposed line la rearded a a certainty,
W. J. H ully, the hardware store and
tlitshop man, ha moved from his old
location oil Hond at reel to No. 470-172
Commercial street, oppoalte the Ilv
lilve, where he has a well appointed
storeroom and shop, a One stock of
stoves, ranges, bnth tubs, plumbers'
goods, hardware, tinware, etc., and
tho bent of facilities for plumbing and
lento fltttng.
Arthur R. Peterson of the Occlilt-nt
Kin her hop la making extensive im
provementa to his place of bualtiem
and haa Inn ailed a fourth chair. This
will lie it r.-at accommodation to his
patrons, and will do away with the
long walla that every man must endure
In barb-r hop. It la Mr, Peterson's
Intention to thoroughly renovate Ma
place of business and make It the finest
In the city,
Captain Jordun report that there
waa a heavy fall of snow on the north
shore yeaterday and the previous night,
At Deep lllver snow covered the ground
tn a depth nf five Inches, and It la re
ported that It waa 17 Inehea deep at
Crooked Creek. Hnow squalls jnere en
counter 1 by all the small ateamir
plying out of Astoria and navigation
waa rendered extremely difficult. The
Oatxert made her trip aa usual last
night, but Captain Ornng waa not at
all plaed with the outlook when he
left hi dock. '
Dean Meltea, ,a well known timber
man of Portland, who haa been vtattlng
In the drays harbor region, aaya the
sawmill m"n over there have the ad
vantage over thefr brethren In Port
land. "They only pay IS a thousand
for saw logj cn dray harbor," he aald.
"w hile the nill'i of Portland are com
pelled to pay ;u. This Is a sheer ad
vantage of $3 H-r thousand feet for a
alnrter. while the Gray harbor mills
have exavtly the same market for their
product (hat the mill of Portland have.
At the aame time (he timber lands are
valued mu'-h higher over there than In
Oregon, and they are bought and sold
now on the basis of $2 per thousand
stumpage for what timber they contain.
It will thua be seen that the logger
over there have to pay more for their
land than the logger of the Colum
bia river do, while they sell their log
for 5' percent lesa.' He think the
time Is coming when Oregon timber
Inn Is w ill change hand on the atump
nae basis instead of by the acre, aa
at present, and that the era of cheap
timber Inula haa already been pasaed
In the Webfoot statu.
In deference to the Judges of the
court of the Fifth Judicial district, com
prising the counties of Clacktma.
Clatsop. Washington and Columbia,
Represent alive Webster, of ClacKamns,
hua Introduced a bill In the house to
provide for (he payment In each divorce
rase of a fee of $10, to be known as the
district attorney' fee. the money to go
Into the treasuries of the respective
counties. Several years ago thia fee
was charged and a considerable reve
nue waa realln-d from It. A Portland
attorney, however, brought a teat case
In Astoria, and the supreme court com
pelled tho return of the fee, holding
the law- did not authorise the collection
of thia sum of money. In Multnomah
county, the Third district, the ice la
churged and the counties of th fifth
district want this revenue coming their
way. Oregon City, a popular place for
Portland couplea to dissolve their mar
riage bonds, will realise something like
$2100 a year If the bill becomes a law.
The section of importance In the bill Is
"It shall be the duty of the cleVas of
the circuit courts In tho various eoun
tie comprising the Fifth Judicial dis
trict of the state of Oregon to exact and
collect from the plaintiff In any divorce
suit, the sum of $10, at district attorney
fees; aald sum shall be paid by such
clerk to the county treasurer and snail
become a part of the general fund of
such county."
Hon. John Hahn returned last night
from Salem. He reported that his
boatpullera' bill had passed the house
without ft single dissenting vote. Mr.
Hahn addressed the house with refer
ence to the measure, and, while expres
sing autlafactlon that the bill Would
pass, aald he hoped there would be no
votes agulnst It. His hope wa real
ised, and the bill now goes to the sen-
ate. Mr. Hahn said he waa firmly of
the opinion that Senator Fulton would
be elected. He regarda the acquisition
of Representative Hawkins a moat Im
portant. Mr. Hahn said a prominent
member of the legislature euld yeater
day morning before the ballot was tak
en that Mr. Fulton needed only three
votes, and the Impression prevails gen
erally among those on the Inside that
the Astoria man will be elected on
Monday or Tuesday. "I have watched
the situation very closely," said Mr.
Hahn, "and cannot see how Mr, Ful
ton can be defeated. Of course, his
defeat Is not Impossible, but I am of
the opinion that it Is highly Improb
able. Tho men who are voting for
him are Intensely loyal, and there will
be no desartlons from his camp." Mr.
Hahn added that several Multnomah
men wanted to vote for Mr, Fulton,
but that they had not yet mustered up
the courage to do so. The Clatsop
representative I flown on a frying trip
and will return tonight,
''Member of the Multnomah dclega
tlon In the legislature created some
merriment yesterday In raatlng their
ballot. Mr, Hahn slated on nt return
last night. Two of the men who are
being voted for In a 'complimentary
way are Charles W, Hodson and Char.
le W. Nottingham. When their
friend- Cunk nnd Bailey rose to cai
their ballot, they pronounced "Charlea
W." In a alow manner, and about ev.
ery one present In the house thought
"Fulton" would follow. The little
Joke perpetrated by the Mujtiioinah
men created no end of amusement.
After attempt for several days that
were attended with Indifferent results,
Weatherman Johnson yesterday sue
ceeded In covering the ground with
snow to a depth of about two Indies
At Intervals during the entire day the
beautiful fvlj, and by night the ground
was covered. Enthuslnsls got out Ihilr
slelehs and the merry Jingle of slelgn.
bells wa heard for the first time in a
year. A the sleigh dashed through
the street thJtr,occupanta were targets
for throngs of boys. The snow was
soft and no one was Injured. Indlca
tlons are favorable for continuance of
the present weather for some day to
Trade between th United States and
Porto Rico Is growing remarkably,
We now take over one-halt of (he ex
ports anJ supply four-fifth of their
Import. This I a remarkable show
Ing In so short a time since that island
was und :r Spanish rule. The record
of cures bai l of Hostetter Stonuich
Bitter l the beat evidence of the value
and merl. It contain. It therefore ap
peal to you personally, especially If
you are a sufferer from toss of appe
tite. nauA, hirtburn. Indigestion
dyspepsia, sleepl-aenes 'or malaria,
fever and ague, and want to be made
wdl agtln. It will strcngten and tone
up the entire system and purify the
blood. Don't fall to try a bottle. today.
It ha nev-r been known to fall and
can therefore be relied on In your rase.
For sale by alt druggists.
Owing to the fact that a good many
of our pa.rons were unfortunately un
able to attend our great January clear
ance sale, we have decided to extend
the time to February the 7th.
The unclemency of ' the weather
should not prevent housewives and
others from tnklng advantage of Shana
han's special offer. - Swarat broken
lines wilt be sold at price eren lower
th in the January sale prices.
6 SO Commercial street.
DamagMl Stock Now Selling at Re
duced Price.
The damaged stock of clothing, wraps
cloaks and millinery Is now being sold
at remarkably reduced prlcet In order
to make room for an entirely new stock
coming. Don't fail to call and see the
goods. Almost have them at your
own price.
MRS. INGLETON. Welch Block.
)ii(hI(I! LocIkom to Hi-lid Delega
tions to Participate In f lie
Local Kvcnt.
Sunday, May 17, w ill be a memorable
day In th hlatory of Astoria aerie of
EiigU-s. Oovernor Chamberlain wl!l
be here for the occasion, and large dele
gations from outside lodges will visit
the city and take part In the memory
.'rvlce to be held on that day. Yea
terday Worthy President Wise, Pasi
President Laws and Joseph Grlbler re
turned from Salem, where they exacted
from the governor a solemn promise to
visit AstorU on the third Sunday In
May, which has Ven iet apart by th
grand lodge of Eagle as memorial day.
When the delegation of Astorians cal
led on (he govjrnor, he rtse smilingly
from his desk, and with both hands ex
tended, exclaimed:
"Weil, boys, how are you? And how
Is Astoria?"
"Astoria's like It always Is, governor"
replied Mr. Laws. "Everything is
booming, and we are out planning lo
add to the general activity."
'Rut. tell -ne, what brings you here?
I had hardly hoped for .this pleasaa!
call." '
"We are here an behalf of Astoria
aerie of Eaglas and the people of As
toria generally to invite you to visit tne
city on the third Sunday In May Ea
glea" memorial day. We want you to
deliver the memorial address, and' we
are not going to take 'no' for an ans
The governor's face took on a seri
ous expression. "Now, I would i-e c
too glad to visit Astoria and make an
address on memorial day, but If I do
so It will jecome necessary for me to
accept similar Invitations from half tne
cities in the state. Yon know how those
matters are. Once a person make a
start, there's no end to It, and my new
duties are sufficient to keep my time
fully occupied. I'm afraid I'll have
Jieeause They Are for a Specific Pur
Nothing can be good for e-erythlng.
Doing one thing well brings success.
Doan'a Kidney Pills do one thing,
They're for lck kidneys.
They cure backache, every kidney 111
Here I undeniable evidence to prove
It. :,
Mr. A. M. Weaver, of 118 N. A,
street, Cripple Creek, Colo., whose hu
band Is superintendent of U. P. R. R,
quarries, says: "Doan's kidney pills
ar a remedy in which I have great con
fl'k-nce and I heartily re-endofse what
I have before stated about them In our
Cripple Creek papers. Some three
years ago I gave them to our little girl
who waa troubled with a weakness of
the kidneys. A few dose checked the
annoyance and a short continuation of
tho treatment cured her. She has had
very little trouble since, with the ex
ception nf when she caught a severe
cold; then there were symptoms of re
currence, but a few doses of the pills
never folia to ward oft an attack. I
recommended them to a lady friend of
mine some time ago who ' used them
and was also benefitted. I keep them
constantly In the house so as to have
them on hand In case of recurrence. I
do not hesitate to advise any mother to
use them In her family where neces
slty demands."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cts.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T, sole
agents for the United States.
Remember the name DOAN'S and
take no other.
Electrical Works
421 BOND ST.
We are thoroughly prepared for
making estimate and executing
orders for all kind of electrical
Installing and Repairing
Supnlles In Block. Wa sell the .
celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call
up Phone 1ML
H. W. CYRUS. - Mgr
"You'll do nothing of the kind." came
In chorus from the three Astorians.
CVe have promi'wd the people of As
toria that you would visit them, and
wo can't go home unless you agree to
make the memorial address. We pur
pose camping right here until you say
'yea' "
The governor laughed heartily.
Weil,"' said he, "If that's the way you
feel about it, I'll come, If it's the last
official act of my executive career."
'Now, that's the way to talk!" said
Mr. Wise. "We are going to make
the memorial services notable, and I
am sure you will enjoy your visit." ;
And so the Astorians departed In a
happy frame of mind. ' They reached
Portland In time to Join the Relegation
that went up from Astoria to surprise
the Portland aerie at Its meeting. The
coming of the Astorians mid been
kept secret, and there waa an entnus
lastlc demonstration when they filed
Into the hall. Wben the committee of
three that had awaited On the governor
told of the success of their mission, the
Portlandar came to ihe conclusion thai
it would be a good plan to sen" down
an excursion for the memorial exercis
es, and a .pchl train Will be run. The
matter Is In the hands of a committee.
A prominent Eagle from Eugene who
was present said he would try and
make arrangements to send a carload
of lodgmen from his city, and the local
aerie will make extensive preparation
foe the event. It la probable other
lodges will alM send delegations to Astoria.
Commencing February 15th and
continuing until April SO, there will be
low rates In etTect from the east via the
Illinois Central R. R. to all Oregon,
Washington and Idaho points. If any
of your friends or relntlvea tn the east
are coming west while these rates are
In effect, slve us their name and ad
dress, and we w 111 make tt our business
to see that they are given the best pos
sible service. We operate through
personally conducted excursion cars,
and In fact give you the benefit of the
latest conveniences known to modern
railroading. We have 15 different routes
between the east and west, and are In
position to give you the benefit of the
best combinations. Write us and we
will give you full particulars. B, H.
Trumbull, Com'l. agent 111. Cent. R R.
142 Third street, Portland, Ore.
Masquerade. Ball
Sons of Hermann
Gentleman Maskers
Lady Maskara
.. 50
.. 25
Eight Handsome Prise to Be Given.
When the cold wave flag is tip, freezing weather id on the way. Winter
la here in earnest, and with it all the miserable symptotns.of Catarrh
return blinding headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous 'discharges
from the nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad
taste in the mouth, fetid breath, nausea and all that makes Catarrh the
most sickening and discustinsr of all comnlalnt it feel in a of ner.
onal defilement and mortification that keeps one nervous and anxious while
ib ue company oi omers.
In spite of all efforts to prevent it,
the filthy secretions and mucous mat
ter find their way into the Stomach
and are distributed by the blood to
every nook and corner of the system;
the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact
every organ and part of the body, be
come infected with the catarrhal
poison. This disease is rarely, if ever,
even in its earliest stages, a purely local
disease or simple inflammation of the
sose and throat, and this is why sprays,
washes, powders and the various in
haling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity
is sometimes back of itparents have
it and so do their children.
In the treatment of Catarrh, anti
Kanchester, Vs., Karoh 0, 1001.
Oentlamen:-1 hadallth synptoa
that aooompany thia dla, soah aa
mucns dropping In th throat, a eon
taut deslr to ha wk and pl t, feeliasr
of dryneaa la the throat, eongk aad
pitting npoa rising la th morning,
eab forming la th bom, whiah re
quired mnoh effort to blow oat, some
time causing the bom to blMd aa4
leaving mo with a lick liMdaoa. Z
had thus saffar.d for fir ysar. -
I ommao4 to take S. 8. B. aad
after I had taken throe large bottles,
I Botlo4 a hang for th botteav
Thai aMuxagd,X oatlan4te take.
It and la a short whU wa entirely
Ktk and Via Sta Bichmond, Y.
septic and soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the
head and throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh
permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relieved of its load
of foul secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which haa
no equal as a blood purifier. It restores
the blood to a natural, healthy state and
the catarrhal poison and effete matter
are carried out of the system through the
proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the
blood all its good qualities, and when
rich, tmre blood reaches the inflamed
membrane and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh infected
portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and the
patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints.
8. S. S. is a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could injure the
most delicate constitution. It cures Catarrh in its most aggravated forma,
and cases apparently incurable and hopeless. Write us if you have Catarrh,
and onr physicians will advise you without charge. - - c.
For tlie convenience nf our cnstouiers we have
installed another telephone direct tn our Hard
ware Derwrtinent. If yon want the Grocery,
Fruit or Liquor Department or office, please ask
fr Main IH. If 3011 want the Ilarowaje De-.
purtinent pleawi Hk for Main 1601. Quicker
service will be given when complying with above.
Kindly mark the same on your telephone card.
Opened January 1 1903
Best Entertainment at Moderate trices
Corner Seventeenth and Commercial Sts.
All our goods are marked so,
and now we are offering sonie..
unheard of bargains at 10 to 15
per cent off on everything. All
our goods are the best eastern ,
. made no shoddy. P .
Iron Beds, Bedroom Suites
Folding Beds, Rockers and Mat
tings in largest assortments
Nothing better.
H. II. ZAPF, : The House Furnisher
New and Second Hand
We have now an elegant lot of upholstered chairs, couches and settees,
which we are selling out at
Prices to Suit Purchasers
Stoves, Tinware, Graniteware, Ca rpet laying, upholstering, repairing.
Adams (Q. Henning'sen
416-422 Bond Street "
- r