ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, ' 190 4. THREATENED WITH DEATH. WltncM In New York Minder Case Ke. eetve Threatening Letter. New York. Jan. 27. -One of the wit- nenei In the cane of William Hooper TounR, accused of murdering Mrs. An nie Pulltrer, has called at the district attorney' office In reference to an an onymous letter he said he had received throuth the mnlls threatening him. The man was unhered Into the office of Assistant Attorney Clark with whom he was closeted for some time. v hen he left the building ho refused to tell his name or to give the contents of the letter. Mr. Clark also refused to di vulge the victim's name, nor would he let a copy of the letter be given out. It ta also said that the letter threatened the witness with death is he testified at the trial. It was said to have con tained excerpts from the "blood at tonement" doctrine of the Mormon church. The witness was much excited over the affair and appeared to be in fear of bodily harm. As the letter has not been given out for publication, it is supposed that the district attorney's office has taken It seriously. INDICTMENT WAS FAULTY. Murderer Goes Free on Technicality After Serving Twelve Years. Chicago, Jan. 27. Because of errors In hia Indictment, John Dennlson, who was convicted of murder 12 years ago and received a life sentence as penalty, has been freed on habeas corpus pro ceedings before Judge McEwan. Dennlson was accused of the murder of a man named Dillon and at the same time a man named Burke was Indicted for robbing Dillon. The drawer of the Indictment against Dennlson substitut ed Burke's name for his and worded the document so ambiguously that it was practically nullified. The confus ing sentences were erased, but it is not known whether the erasure was made before or after the trial. The law pre sumes that the erasure was made after ward, and principally upoa tnis tecnnic- al ground Denlson was released. Denison Is now but 3S years old. He had long given up all hope of release. NEW FAST MAIL LINE. Canadian Government to Reduce Time From London to Vancouver. New York, Jan. 27. The Irish Times claims, according to the London cor respondent of the Tribune, to have the most excellent authority for stating that the Canadian government is ao solutely determined to institute a fast steamship serv'ce as soon as possible, by which mails can be landed at Vancouver within eight days from Lon don. The Dominion authorities have not vet fixed a port of call on this side of the Atlantic, and Ireland is pushing the claims of Blacksod bay, which is nearer Halifax than any other port in the United Kingdom. PATIENTS BURNED TO DEATH. Fire in English Insane Asylum Causes . Serious Damage. - London, Jan. 27. A score of insane patients were burned to death by a fire at the Colby Hatch asylum this morn ing. The' outbreak occurred In the Jewish wing of the Institution. The flames spread with great rapidity and before they could be got under control five wooden buildings were gutted. All the effors of the officials were directed to removing the insane in mates, but the latter became wild with excitement and so panic-stricken that not only were they unable to help " themselves, but greatl ylmpeded the op eratlos of those trying to save them. There were nearly 600 women in the Showing Some people begi 11 fM C to show age before AJiAke) the meridian of life vJr U reached, or they have lived out half their days. They are prematurely gray, haggard and sickly, and seldoui free from an ache or pain of some description. Cold feet, chilly sensations, stiffness in muscles and joints, weak stomach and poor digestion, lack of energy, and drows iness, nervousness, etc., show that old age has been reached ahead oi time. Bad blood and weak circulation more often produce these miserable feelings and signs of de cay than anything else. An inherited taint or poison of some descrip tion is at work in the sys tem, nmitif stagnation aud a Keneral unhealthy condition of the blood; and this, and not the weight of rears, is drag fng you down to an untimely old age and snaking life a protracted torture. For purifying the blood and toning up the circulation nothing is equal to S. S. S. It removes from the system all the waste natter that haa been accumulating for years, and makes the blood rich and pure, stimulates tli e appetite and digestion, and invigorates the entire body. S. & S. it I purely vegetable remedy, and the best purifier and tonic for old peo ple, and those who are beginning to show age because of the ran down condition of the blood. With rici, pure blood there is bo reason why old people should not re tain the happy disposition and buoyant stums ox vuuui. If you have a can ceroussore.Knen matisra, or any of the ailments com mon to old age, write us about it, and our in Tit . J ' uttWAHj,tinM. Boek on Blood and Skin Disease free. Tki Swift Specifio C.f Atlanta, fit. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Used by people of refinement for over a Quarter of a century PRSFARCO BY burdened annex at the time the lire was discovered, and most of them were safely trajsferred to the mam build ing, which was uninjured. Some, how ever, escaped and are still at large, rud dering It difficult to ascertain the x act number of those burned to death. LOST ALL HIS HAIR. Prominent German Professor Hold Candle Too Near His Head. Berlin, Jan. 27. Professor Mormsen, whose flowing white locks are con spicuous at all the scientific gatherings In Berlin, has lost all of his hair. He climbed on a ladder to the topmost bookshelf of his library to get a vol ume, and held a candle too near his head, with the result that his hair caught fire. The professor succeeded in throwing the skirts of his study rown over his head and smothered the flames. His face was considerably scorched and his locks were partly consumed. The professor remarked to the members of his family who ran to hia assistance: "It isall over with my beauty." ENJOYED LONG SLKEP. Illinois Maiden In Somnolent State for Four Months. Chicago, Jan. 27. "I want to go to Kate Fishers; I am tired of this town," was the note Dora Meek wrote to her mother last night after suffer ing 120 days from a sleepy trance, says a dispatch fo the Record-Herald from Centralis, 111. September 2S, the girl, barely 17 years oM, was working in a restaurant here. She went to sleep and for 10 days took no nourishment. Since then she has been in a somnolent state. Fjr several days she has been recovering rapidly and appears to be the very best of health. She wrote the note while her mother was absent, us ing the pencil and pad kept at her chair. FELL TO HIS DEATH. Iron Worker on East River Bridge Plung-;s 156 Feet Into Water. New York, Jan. 27. Hundreds of per sons witnessed the death yesterday from ths center span of the new East river bridge of Patrick McDermott, an Iron worker. lleDenriott fell 156 feet. He had been working on the iron work on the Wil liamsburg side of the bridge and with hiv fellow-workmen had just raised a large iron girder. While standing near the end of the iron work, be lost his balance. The men on the bridge thought they saw McDermott swimming for the shore, but they were evidently mis taken. TOOK DISEASE FROM CLOTHING Long Island Woman Comes to Her Death in Peculiar Manner. Kicksville, L. I., Jan. 27. Interest has been aroused by the death here of Mrs. Hugh Bennicker. Her husband died about seven years ago. The cause of his death was typhoid pneumonia. Two weeks ago Mrs. Bennicker, for the first time since her husband's death, examined his clothing, which she had stored away in a trunk In the garret. A few days later she was taken sudden ly ill wit hthe same disease which caus ed his leath. Doctors say she con tracted the disease from germs In the clotlhng. MORGAN'S LATEST PLAN. American Financier to Promote New Canadian Railway Line. New York, Tan. 27. A dispatch to the World from Boston says that J. P. Morgan, according to an Advertiser story, will go to Ottawa and submit to the Canadian government a propo sition to take charge of the Domin ion railways. In case this mission Is not luocess ful, he will propose as an alternative to finance the new Canadian trans-continental lino. KEPT SINGULAR PROMISE. New York, Jan. 27. In accordance wlht a promise made to her husband before his death, Mrs. Robert Long of Llndhurst, N. J., from the deck of a tug boat, scattered over the waters of the Narrows the ashes of her husband's body, which had been cremated, re peating, as her husband has asked her to do: "O'er the blue sea; o'er the blue sea " GETS BIG DAMAGES. New York, Jan. 27. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Fajardo, the widow and adminis tratrix of Theodore H. Fajardo, who was killed In the accident In the Grand Central tunnel on January 8, 1902, re ceived in the supreme court a verdict for $40,000. SURE THING FOR ANKENY. (Continued from page 1) upon the Preston delegation. The situation Is at such tension, however, that a few hours may settle the con test. TELLER'S ELECTION LKUAL. Governor Will Sign Certificate When It Is Presented to. Him. Denver, Jan. 27. Attorney-General Mlllpr hia given an opinion that the election of Teller as United States sen ator Is legal, and Governor Foabody will sign the certificate of election as soon as it reaches him. NEWLANDS ELECTED. Carson, Nev Jan. 27. The legisla ture today elected Francis G. New lands (dcm.) United States senator. The election will be ratified In Joint session tomorrow. At Vnfl Ri llflliC? ! tXlV yVU UlllUUDf , Do you have Sick Head- j arches? You can be quickly ; and easily relieved by taking ! Beecham's Pills FISHERS' OPERA HOUSE L. E. SEL1G, Leese and Manager. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 Mr. J. Saunders Gordon Presents In Verdi's Grand Masterpiece "II TR0YAT0RE" With America's Leading Prima Dona ROSE CECIIA SHAY And an all star support. Forty peo ple. Brilliant Seenery. New Costumes. Electrical Effects. Prices Reserved seats, J1.50; gallery, 73 cents. Seat ale opens Wednesday morning at Griffin's Book store. (On account of the great expense at tached to this attraction the free list will be entirely suspended.) RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimate and executing order for all kind of electrical Installing and Repairing Supple In stock. We sdl the celebrated SHELBY I.AMP. Call up Phone 11 SI. H. W. CYRUS, - Mgr THE WALDORF C. F. WISE, Propr. Astoria' principal resort. Fine liquor and cigars. G. (Q. Bar r, Dentist ManseU Building. (71 Commercial St, Astoria, Or. TELEPHONE RED KKL ( MR tr IPC vtvT mrs. ida Supreme Deputy of the H irs. Mcdonald, No. 477 Beaubien Street, Detroit, Mich., is a orom- inent' woman who was greatly benefited by the great woman medicine, Wine of Cardui. Mrs. McDonald is the supreme deputy of the Maccabees of the World, and one of the most widely known nmM. in thm TTnitatfl WWiUSU ' " . States. Thousands of women gather to hear her lecture everywhere she goes. Sie great work she has done for the iccabees is appreciated by every member of the order. She was so ab sorbed in her work that she neglected to give her health proper care failed to fake warning that the symptom of approaching kidney trouble gave her, the sallow complexion and torpid liver. But Wine of Cardui cured her the came as it has cured thousands of others and Mr. McDonald has written this letter in order that other suffering women may secure from Wine of Cardui the same relief she got from it. "for four years I suffered with torpid liver until my ikin looked yellow and dull, I the found my kidneys were ilftcttd and had lever pains acrot my back, and I felt Mn. Ma McDonald. WINEofCARDVI Masquerade Ball THURSDAY EVE. FEB. 19 GIVEN BY THE Sons of Hermann AT FOARD t STOKES MALI ADMISSION. Gentleman Masker 11.00 ' Lady Mtukra 50 ' Spectators , CO ' Children 26 KlRht Handsome Prises to Iks Given. ANDREW LAKE Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Sample. Per- fect Work, Price Reasonable Work Don, Wltn D,gpalch. ss commercial st Astoria. Ore. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Vour orders for ami. both F II E S II AND SALT Will he promptly and MlUmr'orlly nfrndrd to 3. W. MORTON, Pro. Telephone Nn. sal. Andrew Asp, Hitn later. Blifhiuiti ltd flor.ior J'IKCT-CLASS WORK AT j REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship at Steamboat Repalrlng.General Black smithing, FIrft-Clats Horse Shoeing, ic 1 CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE Robt. A. fliller ATTORNEY AT LAW Ex-Register V. 8. Land Office. Land Titles and Land Office Business a specialty Timber Lands bought and sold. Map made. Correspondence solicited. Room 3, Welnhard Bldf Oregon City, Oregen Cowing & Cowing ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Oregon City, Oregon. Omce Room 4, U. S. Land Office Bldg. ! Prp :tive In all the courts of the State. United States Land Office Busl ncss a Specialty. (t T, UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL The "Northwetern LIml'Jd" train, electric lighted throughou', both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains I the world. They embdy the Utest, rawest anl best ideas for comfort, convenljice and luxury ever offered the travelling nubile, and altogether are the mcsl complete and splendid production cf th' car builders' art. These splendid Train connect with The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for theae superior acommodatlons and all class of tick et are available for paasige cn the train on this line are protected by the Interlocking Bloc!: System. W. H. MEAD, H. L. SIBLER, General Agent. Traveling Agt. Portland, OrejMO. Mcdonald, Macctftee oi me vrorio 4ht I mutft An gAmethln to regain my health. A Mend sdvocsted your Win of Cardui trcatmeat to strongly that I decided to try ft, although I hid llttls faith In patent medicines. 1 am now very thankful that I did to, tot within ten days bltsied relief am to me, and In leu than thr months I was cured, and kava n loved fine health ever since. I know there Is nothing better for sick woman who wishes to enjoy per. feet health and am very pleased to give my hearty endorsement." No suffering woman can afford to ignore such a Tetter as Mrs. McDonald writes. Her plan and advice have proved valuable in building up one of the greatest women's organizations in the United States and she takes time to give advice which she knows will help yon. , Do not delay in securing this medi cine. There is nothing to gain and everything to lose by delay. The choice is before you. Will or will you not secure relief now by taking Wine of Cardui? Ail drupgigts sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui as well as 25o pack ages of Tbedford's black-Draught. A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. IN THR CIRCUIT XURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR CLAT SOP COUNTY. In the matter of the application of Norn FlUpntrlck, to register the title to the following described land nnd premise, being a tide Island, situate In the Columbia river In the county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, bounded nnd described a follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 73. SI chain north and 5S.17 chain wt from the quarter corner between section No. 19 and No. SO, In township No. , north of range No, , west of the Willamette Meridian, ami running thence north 48 degree 30 min utes west 13.50 chains, along the Urn' of low water mark! thence north "I de grees 45 minute west 14 chains along the line of low wuter murk thoiue south 2 degree. 15 mlimtc cunt 3. SO chain ulong the line of low water murk; thence north 71 degree west 5.S5 chain along the line of low water mark; thence north 85 degree west 6 chain along the lino of low watr mark; thence south 45 degree east 8 chains along the line of low wuter mark; thence south W degrees west 6 chain along the line of low water murk; thence aouth !4 degrees ent .W chain along the Hue of low water mark; thence east S chains along the line of low water mark; thence aoulli 15 ; degree east 4.(0 chain along the line of low water mark; thence south S de grees 45 minutes east 13.60 chains ulong the line of low water mark; theme north 79 degrees east 1.90 chains along the line of low water mark; thence south 76 degree east 11.40 chain along the line of low water mark; thence north 37 degree 3 minutes east (.: chain to low water mark; thence north 65 degrees west 4.60 chains along the line of low water mark; thence north 4 degree 30 minute west 7 chains along the line of low water mark; thence north 40 degree west 4.M chains along the lino of low water mark; thence north 59 degrees eut 1.30 chains to the place of beginning, together with all riparian rights, wut.r right, wharflng rights and prlvlllge border ing 'on and adjacent thereto, to the channel of the Columbia river. To John O'Brien, W. K. Tallant, Sanborn-Cultliig Co., nnd to all whom It may concern, take notice: That on tho nineteenth duy of January, A. I). 1903, an application was tiled by the said Nora FltpatrUk In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Chit son county, for Initial registration of the title to the lands and premises above described. Now, unless you appear on or before the 23rd day of February, A. 1). 1903. and show cause why such application i shall not be granted the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of tho application, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Itncss my hand and seal of the cir cuit court of the ftate of Oreg.m for Clatsop county, this 19tli day of Janu ary, A. D. 1303. .1. O. CLINTON, Clerk. FULTON RROS., Attorneys for Applicant. NOTICE TOR PVULICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Origon, Jan. 5, 1M3. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory," as extended to nil the public land states by net of August 4, 1892, LAURA B. KIDDER, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has thlB day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 6005, for the purchase of the southeaat t-4 of the southeast 1-4 of section 3i and west 1-2 of southwest 1-4 and sc 1-1 of sw 1-4 of section No, 34, In town ship 5 n, range No, 9 w of W. M. and will offer proof to show that the lund sought la 'no.' valuable for it tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office nt Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 6th day of April, 1903. Hhe names as witnesses: Wm. Luce, Robert M. Fry," Lester M. Lelund, and Edward J. Elliott, all of Seaside, Ore gon. Any and all person claiming ad vernely th9 above-deaorlbed land are requested to file their claim in thl of fice on or before said 6th day of April, 1903. CHAS. B. MOORES, 1-13-8-20 Register. NOTICE rOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, January 3, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of hi intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mado before tho register and receiver at Oregon City, Ore., on Feb ruary 26, 1903, Viz: THOMAS E. DWIEIl, H. E. No. 13,953, for the southeast quarter secllui. 11, township 5 north, range 10 west He names the following witnesses to prow hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Vollmer, Bartholmew J. Burke, Chas. Hanson and .Tame T. Burke, all of Seaside, Oregon. CHS. a MOORES, 1-6-2-13. Reglater. flAHNER SALVE, th moot hoftllns aalv in the worlfr IN PLAIN FIGURES mmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm t All our goods are marked so, and now we are offering some unheard of bargains at lO to 15 per cent off on everything. All our goods are the best eastern made no shoddy. V V Iron Beds, Bedroom Suites, Folding Beds, Rockers and Mat tings in largest assortments Nothing better. . H. H. ZAPF, ; The Home Furnfaher 1 FURNITURE New and Second Hand We have now an elegant lot of upholster thnlr. com hr and n-ttcn, which w are celling out nt Prices to Suit Purchasers Stove, Tinware, Qranlteware, Carpet laying, upholstering, repairing, Adams . Henningsen 416-422 Bond Street GROCERIES For the Very Best Articles of Food, at Prices That Are Right, Be Sure to See V. H. COFFEY Department Store, Corner Bond and Twelfth. The Boston XUt ( OMMK1U Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria Try Our 25-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention MARINOVICH Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIG ARS 8uilie8 of nil kinds at lowtt twUnJm liMit-micn, Fanners aivl IxBgc r. A V ALL 13 IN Tenth BBil l'niTitinrclat Mtctt KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Bottled or In Keg Free City Delivery North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria HiWIL SCIIIMI'FF, J iH'i-iil Milliner. ...THE CITY OP ASTORIA,.. Im Noted tm tho IMwe WIht In Mnnnliu'titri'd... , ,m Cutbirth's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable, Preservative, and Handsome Htnius on the Market. Icmds out the weather like shinnies on tha walla. Nnthinii H preserve aud beautifies shingles like (JUiDirio aio ino iub uBii vvi vater craft ' Restaurant I VI, MTIir.r.T High Class Chef & BOSCOVICM 4v44444.44vt4 imixixaxtitxxxxuxuxay Cutbirtli's stains. m. min i ror ine notioms oi an