The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 27, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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II A III, K POOUdUlnion n) pr pmkug
i'ani'akio ri-otru (luiKton-t) !r iH"k8 . , w
fltlHl' (II, O, Good) lW pnckiige '
lMtlCHTO (II. O. tl.MHli) per package '.. Z
injun iiUKAu ruim (ii. o. aootm) m package' i"' t0
F.VUINA (Hood fjood) ,wr package 6o
Lot or other good at price, ftmt mid look wVr'our counter
TltlLtCl'llONE .
TO IAt 8 WEATIIEH, Jan, 3.-Vetern Oregon
aim weetern Waahlngtim, ruin or
know; aoutherly vslnd.
r our
A. Dunbar
A alilnnent of nice Northern Bpy op
plea Just In, Johnaon Uro.
only a tew day mom of tho great
t ut mil? itt Hvenaon't book (torn.
8wet -irea-n IS cents a pint. No
charge fur whipping. Tgg' randy
Juat In -a ahtpment of fine green ol
ivs in bulk. Wa have alio a line of
nice olive in bottle. Johniton llron.
You will alway find the bent 15c meal
4n the city at the RUiug Sun reilau
rn(, No. ll Commercial tret.
Kiun-y oiiatmn (corn-fed) haw, 16
mid It cent r pound. Kvery ham
guaranteed to be firm cliiaa. Johnaon
minn minm ueicriornte witn age
"ring your preacrlptlona to Charle
Uogcra, itrugglat, and have them prop
tiy vojiipniinnia . witn fnU, pure
uosyin com laat longer, la cleaner
and make lea trouble with itovc
and chimney flu ihun any other coal
on the market. Oeorgo. W. Sanborn,
ag'-nt. Telephone 1311.
riumumg, tinning, gaa and atcam
fitting at loweat ratea and In work
manlike manner. Order promptly ex
ecu ten. snop, No. 425, Bond atreet
Call nnd have ui explain to you how
to procure Falrbunk Five Plato Fulry
calendar free. They are worka of
art -and free from advertlalng. Call
mid at dUplny at our atoro. Johnaon
liro. . ,
Hecliil service will be held at the
Norwegian-Daman Methodlat church,
Tuesday. Wednesday, Thureday mid
Friday evening of till week. Preach
ing hy Urn paator. Good munlc and
Uiglng. All Rcandlnnvluna nru Wel
come to KHI'tlclplltu. .
In comparing Graln-0 and coffee
romember that while tho taxte I '
Hi same Orain-0 give liealth and
trengnn while cone shatter tho
Dervou ayitom and brood disease
of the digestive organ. Thinking
people prefer Oraln-0 and it ben
efiu. W IT TO-DAY,
AtgraeMt rrriMf IH, af IN. Mf packnga
1 ry a pound of our perfection blend
Mocha and Java coffee, mid If It dot
not pl-aae ynu, your money will be re
funded by u. Johnaon Uro.
itcv. w. , Hhort announced litat
night that the hour ' for holding the
morning service at Urine church lur
lug the week had been changed from
to 10 o'clock.
II, F. Coffey hn rralftied a super
viaor of road district No. t (Svenaen),
and the county court ha appointed
MI' hael Kenncy a hi ucceiior.
Deputy I'nlted State Marahnl Itob
erta and Pretsel arrived down on laal
night train with two deaerters from
the Oermun training ahlp Cecelia. The
men were placed abord lunt night.
The Chinook Uun club defeated the
Ilwaco club at a ahoot held at Ilwuc
on Hunduy. Tlie acore waa 214 to 171
J. Mullock of llwuco acored the bunt
total, breaking 22 out of a poaalbte i'
Mia Murgnret Uuaey haa removed
her tfock of aheet mualu to No. 42
Commendttl atreet, the office of A. II
Cyrue, wh-,re a large nwortment of the
luteal muHle will be on aalc at Portlund
Dan J. Oouller.'who realened hi uo-
altlon a receiving clerk for the O. It
N. Co., to engage In bualnea In
Alaakii, will be aucceeded today by C
H. Maddlx, Jately with the A. & C
It. It. Co,
The Puh club will meet In regular
aeealon tomorrow night, when aeverul
mhtter of Importance will he brought
up for action. Among other matter,
the committee upixitntcd to liuiutre In
to the elatua of the park fund will eiib-
tnlt He report.
A Utile of the beautiful uno.v fell laal
night about dark, but the Inevitable
ruin put In an nppenreutu and the pret
ty flakes melted away. Indication
ar bright for mere anow, however, and
(her? will doubt lira be some loiatlng
lu tore ths week 1 out,'
When Jamea W. Welch waa in Port
land a fe daTi ago, George II. Hlmea,
aiwretory of the Oregon Pioneer aaao
elation, filed a requcet for BOO rople of
the book of Aatoria, recently Inaued
The book are dealred for dlatrlbutlon
to the atrnngera who vlalt the permn
nent exhibit at the Portland city hall.
Kverythlng In our etore goe at aale
price exept what haa already gone.
lliiiidrcda havo taken advantage of our
great cut clearance aute, but we have
lota of alloc left, good ahoea, nothing
better In town. Now la your chance.
Only one week more. Price will not
be o low for unother year. Peteraon
ft Itrown.
The Astoria companlea operating
cannerlea In Alaaka have requested the
Alaaka Flnhenii'n' union to name a
committee to confer with a committee
of ennnerymen regarding the price of
fth for the coming aeaean. The union
meet next Saturday night nnd It I
probable that a committee will be np
pointed ut that tlni,. .
V. J. Hcully. the hardware atore and
tlnahop man, haa moved from hla old
location on Hond atreet to No, 470-47!
Commercial atreet, oppoalte the Be.
hive, where he haa a well appointed
atoreroom and ahop, a fine atoek of
atovea, rangea, bath tuba, plumber
gooda, hardware, tinware, etc., and
the beat of facllltlea for plumbing and
atcam fitting.
Z. H. Greenough yesterday tendered
hla realgnatlon a mailing clerk at the
poatofflce, and hla place haa been filled
by F. P. Lelnenwcber. Mr, Green,
ough haa mining IntereRta in southern
Oregon nnd will leave shortly to attend
to them. Mr, Lclnenweber, hi ruc-
ceaaor, waa formerly a carrier, and In
turn la aucceeded by Ted Sutton, a (le
aervlng young man. Tho promotion of
Mr. Mutton leavea a vacancy in the
siihatltute that la yet to be filled by
PoMttuuater Heed.
The Primtlng aoclety held a meeting
luat night. A good attendance wa prca-
enl and very Interea'lng explanation
of the (1h earning procea wa given
by W. O. Hembu, He exhibited aome
cana of Columbia river iarlln put
up by hi own prociaa, H will go fur
ther Into the subject on Monday night
next. An Intelligent lecture wa given
on the etrlke by F. C. Hackman and
the meeting concluded with a debate.
An Improved bicycle, known aa the
"hill climber," I the Invention of a
Mr. Hcharbach, formerly of Pe Ell.
W uah. The new machine I a chiiln-
leaa, and It gear can be adjuated by
the rider, without demounting, from
fin to 61 ir to 36 enabling him to climb
atNpa which could not be attempted
with ntt ordinary wheel. The decent
la made by meuna of the toaatcr brake.
and the geur la readily rcedjuatcd for
apoedlng. The hill climber sella for
The "K'h-iola of the city were opened
yeaterday, after having been cloaed tl-
moat alx weeka. The attendance waa
not a large as before the holiday,
many of the )arent being fearful that
there wa still danger from scarlet fev-
er. However, the teacher ud gr?at
rare In admitting pupil, and thoae who
were thought to have been expod to
the dlaeaae were sent home. During
the day member of the board vlalted
the different school buildings and a-
alaled the principal.
When the Gordon-Shay grand opera
company appears at Fleher' next
Thursday evening, an audience will, In
all probability, assemble the like of
which hu not been aeen before ..1 A
lorla. The grand tour of tlie company
hua met eminent aucc?aa, and J. fcitun
dera Gordon, the famous Impreaario,
hua ulri udy been assured of the success
which, if the :vporta from all over the
south where the company hus lr;ady
ben heard, are to be credited, will be
richly deserved. The company, which
la the lurgeat one that has been at en
here Includes some 40 artists, mualctana
cf the orchestra, thorns, ,nen and wo
men. Tho company haa a repetolre
of alx operua. These ore "Fuuat," "II
Troviitora." "Carmen," Mignon," "Cav
allera Uutitlcina," and "II Pagllaccl,'
il Trovatore," In rcaponse to Innum
eruble reiueata, la th cwork thut hua
Ixvn deeded upon tor production here
It la by Ion odda the handaomcat of
the productions.
er' offer a $9075, and Wilson Bros.'
110.4(H). Tha local customs official
have forwarded 'lie bid to Washington
with the recommendutlon that tha con
tract m awarded to Mr, Leather.
Columbia r!vr tanner are not keep
ing pace with the packer of the sound
who are taking up line of the lndiatry
which have hitherto been neglected,
but for the product of which thera I
plainly a demand, and the conduct of
which I Inevitable on western waters.
For Instance, young Pug-t sound rer-
rings and smelt are being canned at
several places and find a ready sale,
When properly processed they are said
to eiunl the best of Maine sardines.
They are usually labelled "domcatic
Bardlnf," but one very successful ptck
er, OapUIn Graham, who will soon
erect an extensive plant on Belllngham
bay, ny he Intend to change hi la
bels from "sardine" to "smelts," be
lieving that hi product I superior to
sardine. The cannery of the Port
Townaend company cost over $."0,000, I
equipped with the very latest machin
ery and employs about 76 men during
the entire year. At Blaine a plant
ha ben established for the canning of
crab. It bas a capacity of 00
per day, and Is operated the year round.
The .owners are confident of the success
of their enterprlae.
Thre! Mills Provided to Complete
the New ftchool House In
West Astoria.
President Welch Names Men Who Will
Look After Various Interests
for the Present Tear.
HcKlnnliiK tonight and continuing un
til auch lime aa the Mongolian element
la aatlaflcd thut the evil spirit has been
frightened away, there will be a din In
Chinatown that will keep people awuke
of nights. Astoriune have become ac-
I'liatomed to thla annual introduction to
noise, and indeed the Chinese New Year
festival has come to be regarded as a
regular event of Interest alike to whit
es and orlentuls. While the Chinese
population Is not nearly so great as It
used to be, nevertheless thee are still
many Chinamen In the city, who will
see to It that the explosion of fireworks
Is carried on with quite as much seal
as heretofore. The large Chinese
stores have made extensive prepara
tion for the New Year celebration.
and the Chinese quarter will be a point
of interest for some days to come. The
Chinese New Year is the most Import
ant Mongolian festival. On that day
euth Chinaman forgets his woes and
settle! his differences with his fellows,
Animosities are burled and good cheei
is In evidence on every hand,
Two lie cas?s of starlet fever were
reported yeaterday to City Physician
Cordlner, Die patients are the 10 and
12 year old daughters of J. G. Nellxilnn
who lives on Thirty-third street. The
home ha been placed In quarantine.
One death occurred yesterday from
scarlet fever, the victim being the In
flint daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John
Uluslih. The 'lilld hud been III for
several day. Th funeral was pil
vutely conducted and th Interment
wu In (li'jenwond, There were four
children In th HIuhIi h family when th
dlaeas broks out and all have died
of th dlsesss,
The county court met In a 'ljour.ied
sesrlon yeaterday, when a communlca
tlon wa received from the county
Judge of Tillamook county with refer-
nce to the proposal recently advanced
that a road be built that would connect
Astoria with Tillamook city. The peo
ple of Tillamook county have long beeiv
nxlous for a road, but when steps
v ra once taken here no enthusiasm
was manifested In the adjoining county
The Clatsop county court deferred ac
tion on the proposal until after the
present legislative session, so that the
members may become familiar with the
new road law. A letter from the peo.
pie of Elsie asking that the Nchalem
road be graded a tar as the funds
would ollow was received and ordered
filed. The New Style chophouse pre
sented a bid of 14 1-2 cents a meal for
feeding ,'ounty prisoners and It wua nc
cepted. Tlie bid of the Budgett, 15 3-8
cents per Inch, waa accepted for print
ing the proceeding of the county court
In the weekly edition. A bid from the
Herald was presented too late for con
sideration, -
Bids were opened yesterday by Depu
ty .Collector Parker for the construc
tion of the new customs launch recent
ly provided for by congress. Three
offers were received nnd R. M. Leath
ers was the lowest bidder on each of
the different specifications. The fol
lowing bids were presented for a bout
with Scotch marine boiler: Baker &
Hamilton, Sun Franelaco, f 11.040 ; R.
M. Leathers, H0.42G; Wilson Bros., J10,-
750. For No. 10 Roberta boiler, the
bids were: Raker & Hamilton, $11,219;
R. M. Leuthera, $9325; WINm Bros.,
$.)7r,0, Tim bid for No. 11 Roberta boil
er were: Baker ft Humlln, $11,896; It,
M, Leuthera, $10,000; Wilson Bro., $10.;
f.'Ji. Bids were also naked for a differ
ent pattern of Scotch marine boiler,
with 71I0 engine, surface condenser
and dynamo and 12 light. Mr. Leath
er' offer a $10,000; Wilson Bros.,
$R40. For tha lam slyl of engine,
with No. 10 Hubert boiler, Mr, Julh.
er bid $9475, and Wilson Jlroa,, $'jwn,
With No. II Robert boiler Mr, Leath.
A !ore and enthualustic meeting of
the Astoria Chamber of Commerci was
held last evening and considerable
business of Importance was discussed.
The chamber I without a secretary at
present, and It was drlded last night
-to defer the election of that officer until
the next regular meeting. President
James W. Welch announced hi com
mittee for the year, as follows:
Executive K. W. Tallant, J. T. Ross
and F. A. Fisher.
Commerce and navigation J.' Q. A.
Buwlby, a. W. Lounsberry and B. Van
Railroads and transportation -J. W.
Lounsberry, H. F. Proel and J. 8
Leglalatlon and ludlclary F. J. Tay
lor. C. R. Thomaon, J. C. McCue.
Membership B. Van Duaen. J. E.
Gratke. B. F. Allen.
Manufactories and Industries J. E.
Gratke, A. Dunbar, F. J. Taylor.
Statistics and compilation J. S. Del
linger. P. B. Sovey. William F. Gratke.
Roads and public highways Martin
Foard. J. L. Lovell, E. W. Tallant.
Reception P. L. Cherry, O. W
Lounabcrry. S. S. Gordon, J. Q. A
Bowlby, C. H. Cooper, V. J. Taylor, J.
E. Gratke. Samuel Elmore, B. F. Al
len, John Fox, B. Van Dusen, Dr. A.
A. Finch. J. S. Delllnger. D. K. War
ren, J. N. Griffin, E. W. Tallant, Dr
J. A. Fulton, A. Dunbar. C. A. Cool-
idge, C. W. Fulton.
In submitting his committees. Pre!
dent Welch stated that he Intended
watching their work, and that he would
remove at once those rommltteemen
who were careless or refused to attend
to matters referred to them for action.
"The work of the chamber Is altogether
too important for any committee to
shirk Its duty," said President Welch.
"and If the men I have named will not
attend to their duties I will find others
who wl'l."
The secretary pro lem was instruct
ed to makj reply to a letter from Hutch
Inson, Kan., Inquiring for Information
as to thi advantages offered here for
the establishment of a wholesale gro
cery house. According to the letter,
wholesale grocery houses have become
very numerous In the section In quc'
tlon, and the firm that writes was told
by a Kunsan that Astoria would be an
excellent place to locate.
Several other matters of much im
portnnce wvre discussed at length, but
at the request of the president they will
not be made public at this time.
At the conclusion of last night's
meeting President Welch entertained
the members at supper. The gathering
proved an especially hnppy one, and
the large number present spent a very
pleasant evening.
The -r.nual meeting of the taxpayer
and the school board was held last v
enlng at the Bhlvely school. The n tet
Ing sanctioned a school tax levy cf 11
mill for the coming year, S mills being
for the general expenses of the district
and i mills to provide a fund for the
completion of the Taylor school prtm-
The recommendation of the board
wa for a 2 mill levy for the latter
purpose, but on the solleltatlpn of Mr.
Fran Kankkonen, who represented
West Astoria, and who contended that
a larger amount would be neceseary for
the proper furnishing of the building,
the construction of necessary walks,
etc., the meeting agree to a 1 mill
levy. The school lax levy last year
wa 8 mills for school district expenses
and 2 1-2 mills for the construction of
the Taylor school building. The amount
necessary to complete the Taylor school
Is about $1900.
Of the $75,000 bonded indebtedness of
the district, $44,000 will nature during
the present year, this being the xplr.
atlon of 10 year from the time the
bonds were Issued. It waa decided to
make an effort to refund thla amount
if money 'ould be obtained for the pur
pose by popular loan at 4 or 5 percent
thus making a saving in interest. The
remainder of the bonded debt has 10
years longer to run. The report of
Treasurer Thos. Dealey showed tLat
the doattng debt had been reduced dur
ing the past year to the extent of $4,
344.84, leaving only $230 unpaid.
The reports, showing the amounts x
penled during the past year and the
estimates for the present year have al
ready been published In substance.
The very sn ail attendance of 13 per
sons, including the members of the
school board, was Justly taken as In
dicative of the general satisfaction ex
isting among the taxpayers and school
patrons as to the conduct of the af
fairs of the schools by the board.
The members of the board are held In
high esteem and are deserving of the
gratitude of the city for their wise and
faithful services. v
R. A. Hawkins is over from Ilwaco.
Samuel Elmore returned last night
from Portland.
George Hlbbert of the Chinook Ob-
server is In tho city.
j. ueiuntrer nas returned from a
short vlalt to Waahlngton towns.
S. O. Williams, editor of the Skamok-
nwa Eagle, and Mlsa Wllllama, were In
tho city yesterday.
A. J. Johnson left luat nlirhl tnr
texaa. to muke some forestry Investi
gations for the government.
M. C. Van Tyne has resigned his po.
slton with tho Morse department storo
and leaves this morning for Eugene,
where he will accept a position with
a larger mercantile establishment.
Col. J. M. Adair and on are visit
ing In Portland.
D. M. StunrJ and Capt. McCop wtre
visitors to the west side Monday.
Mrs. Win. Dean will move to Mar-
quam, wasn., the last or tne week.
Mlas Rose Kindred Is going to Mar
quam, Wash., for an extended visit
Warrenton Is again Jubilant ever the
prospect of a new mill In the spring.
The Woodmen nve a pleasant maa
querade ball In their nail Saturday
Rev. Wm. 8. Short held services In
St. Thomris' chapel on Wednesday ev
Mr. Edgar Dean of Goble was down
on Sunday to visit his mother In East
Warrenton. '
Mi's. D. K. Warren has been visit.
Ing her daughter Mrs. II. C. Thompson
In Portland.
Miss Cora McCoon has returned from
Astoria and will remain home the rest
of the winter.
J. A. Mclntyre has returned from
a two weeks' visit to his parents In
southern Or3gon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill returned
from Portland Friday. Mr. Hill has
been In southern Oregon ranch hunt
J. W. Cawlker and family will leave
at an early day for Westport, Wash.
where Mr. Cawlker will can clams In
The Warr-'on mill will start up In
a fe- days. It has been idle over
month and many substantial repair
have been made.
Mrs. A. J. Hill was In Portland last
week with her sister, Mrs. Powers, who
has recently undergone an operation at
Good Samaritan hospital.
Glean-up Sale
Of Flannel Waists, Silk .Waists
and Flannellette Skirts
Lot 1. all 75c and 1 Waists.. $ li
Lot 2, all $1.69 and $!.$
Waists... 125
Lot S. all $150 Waists.. 1 00
Lot 4, all $2.25 and $2.75
Waists I 48
Lot 5, all $3.00 Waists.. 1 $
To go at a price without any
regard to cost
$ 5 00 and $ 00 Suits.... ..$ 2 50
10 00 and 12 00 Suit...... 7 50
15 00 and 20 00 Suits 12 50
All $4 and $5 811k Waists. ..,$2 50
All $ and $7 Bilk Waists.,.. 1 59
$15 00 Overcoat $11 50
$12 00 Overcoats .... 7,50
Lot 1 50c Waist......... J9c
Lot I, 40c Waist ; 30c
Lot J, 9c Waist ...55c
Lot 4, 75c Waist....: ....3c
Lot t, 26c Waist ...,lo
Morse Department Store
For the convenience of our customers wo hare
installed another telephone direct to our Hard
ware Department. If jou want the Grocery,
Fruit or Liquor Department or Office, please ask
for Main 9t. If jou want the Hardware De
partment please ask for Main 1601. Quicker
service will be given when complying with above.
Kindly mark the same on your telephone card.
- Ore.
DamagHt Stock Now Selling at Re
duced Prices,
Th damaged ato. k of clothing, wrap
cioah am mfiiinery Is now being sold
at remurksbly reduced price in order
to muka room for an entirely new stock
coming, Don't fall to call and sea th
m....AM LA...
Bwu., minimi nit ineni at your
own price,
Mil. INOLKTON, Welch Hlotk,
Northern Pacific' now gam book It
now ready for dlatrlbutlon. Hluatr
lion of llv gim a particular feature.
Four full pf from eiun-Thomp.
on' drawing made paclally for thl
houk, Hand adder will all rent and
book will U mailed I r by ( ha.
Opened January 1, 1903
Best Entertainment at Moderate Prices
Corner Seventeenth and Commercial Sta.
We are bt-epAred to maka tfiea oa
hort notice and of tha beat materials.
Let as give you estimate on any klaA
of castings or pattern work. Lowart
price for Orst-clasa work.
Scow Bay lien ft
Brass Works
Oar. 18lb and Franklio arei
Clearance Sale
$7 Cfl Takes Choice of 800 Unclaimed Tailor-Made Suits
Vi wV Mafje by the Royal Tailors, valued from $20 to $35
$7ft 5ft Takes choice 01 '200 pair of pants valued
P tJV t3.dV at from $5 to $9.
$7 5ft For Overcoats made by leading tailors. Good
value at $20 to $30.
For Coats and Vests valued at from $12.50 to $25.
ODD VFW A tab,e to pick from at 50 cents a
WV ! 10 1 J choice Va,ue at from $2 jo tQ
These Goods are made from the
very best materials and are all in the
latest styles.
STRAIN'S WAY Satisfaction or Money Refunded
235 Washington St., Portland
Pour Doom Below Perkins Hotel
i. ft, U. JP. T. A. IL Paul UlM,