4. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, lOOil THE OLD Absolute! Pure THERE iS NO SUBSTITUTE FAST PASSENGER TRAIN RUN'S INTO OPEN SWITCH Engineer and Fireman Are Fatally Burned, But the Passenger All Escape Injury. Memphis. Tonn., Jan. 2S. The Illinois Central-New Orjlans special from Memphis for New Orelans, which left here at 12:15 o'clock this morning, was derailed and wrecked by an open switch at a lumber company's side track In an industrial suburb ot the city. Five of the sewn cars were derailed and overturned and th locomotive was smasnea. isoi a single iiassenger was Injured and none of the train crew was killed outright, although the engineer and fireman were fatally Injured and three other members of the train crew were seriously hurt. The fatally in jured: . Harry Norton, engineer, Memphis. John AlcUanvftie, fireman, Watervme. Miss. Seriously injured: J. P. Meyrick, baggage master, Ful ton, Ky. Frank Ethridge, mail clerk. Reuben Davis, mall clerk. Th switch at the siding was open, although the switch lamp showed a clear track. It Is believed that it was deliberately opened and the lamp set with the white light showing by wreck ers, for the purpose of ditching the train. The engine collided with a cut of heavily loaded box cars on the side track, and the entire forward section of the train left the rails. The mail cir was crushed and the combination and baggige coach was cut sparely In half. One of the Pullman sleepers was thrown at right angles to the track, but remained upright. The rear simp ers did not leave the rails, and the occupants escaped with a slight shak ing up. There were about 65 passen gers on the train. The engineer and fireman were caught In the ruins of the engine and were. scalded and burn ed. Both will die. The train is the fastest and hand somest on the northern line of the Il linois Central. It consisted of a mail coach, combination buffet and baggage coach, two day coaches and three Pull man sleepers. y RUMORED LOSS OF DIX. The I-arge Transport Reported Lost With All on Board. Seattle, Jan. :f3. An unconfirmed ru mor was current among shipping men late last night to the effect that the transport Dix had gone down this side of Yokohama, with all on board. No details were given of the wreck and it is Impossible to locate any credible origin for the st jry. The Dix sailed from this port De cember 31, bound for Manila via Nag asaki, with a heavy cargo. Her load consisted of 3,500,000 feet of lumber and 998 tons of forage. Captain Hopkins was In command of the transjwrt, with Captain Theodore Sternberg, U. 8. A., In charge of the HOW IS YOUR WVBR? USB HI Par Bilbo and Nervous Murder, such a Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, aiddlneas, Fulness and Swelling after meals. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chilli, FluebingseHteat-LoM of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Cost! veness, Blotches on the ikln, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, die. Thm flrmt ftoaw will fftV) Hallo In Twanty Mlnutam. This is no fiction. Every sufferer ia earneetl y Invited to try one Box of these Mils, and they will b acknowledged to be " WORTH A CHJINEA A BOX." BCCOHAM'S PIUS, taken as directed, will quickly restore Female to complete health. Tbey promptly remove aoy obstruction or irregularity of the system. For a Wesk Sfeiaach,' Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver they sot lik magic a few doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organ ; Strengthen ing the mnteular aystem; restoring the Inng-lost Complexion; bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the Rammbud or Haalth thm wholm Pttyaloal fjiartDf of the human, rme. These are "facts" admitted by thousands, in allcuuses of society, aad one of the best guarantees to the Kervons and Debilitated is that Ptacham'a PVlm harm thm fmrfmst Mala of any Pmfant Madlolna b$ thm IVaWaf. Full directions with each box. Prepared only ky THOMAS BEECHAM, St Helens, Eng., an tea Caaai St., New York. Sold Everywhere, la Boxet, to canto and 25 cent RELIABLE vessel The 3ix vaa acquired by the government during the war with Spain and Is one of the largest freighter own ed by the United States. Major O. S. Bingham of the quarter master's department stated early this morning that he had received no word of the wreck. He stated that when he gave the sailing orders to the Dix it was to proceed direct o Nagasaki. There coal sufficient for the trip to Manila and return was to be taken on. At tfle return to Nagasaki ballast coal was to be taken on and the transport was to come direct to Seattle. The course to Nagasaki would bring the transport In the route of the Jap anese steamers, and it is possible the report may have come from this source. MAY SUE GOVERNMENT. Marconi Jealous of Rival Inventor and May Charge Infringement. Boston, Jan. 23.--A special to the Advertiser from Wellfleet, Mass, says: Before leaving this place for New York. Mr. Marconi dropped a hint of possible serious complications for the United States government It appeares that he his already nego tiated with the United Slates govern ment concerning the right to use a sys tem of wireless telegraphy over the en tire country. The terms were consid ered by the president and were finally rejected as too high. For nearly a year experiments have been made in Washington and officers think they have an invention which will equal .Marconi's. The Italian inventor knows of this and intends to stand up for what he believes to be his rights In the matter. "This thing is to be settled in the courts. I do not care to say much about it now, but I will say that an ! action will be brought for an infringe ment of the invention," he said posi tively. VICTIM OF KNOCK-OUT DROPS v Returns Home Alive but Minus Bills and Bonds. New York, Jan. 23. Louis Dreyer, a wealthy Jersey City produce merchant, who disappeared mysteriously from his home Monday morning, has returned in a dazed condition. A physician stated that Dreyer was suffering from the ef fects of knock-out drops and refused to permit his family to interrogate him until he had fully recovered. When Dreyer disappeared he had in his posesaion $4000 in bills and bonds valued at $7000. He did not have eith er the money or the bonds when he returned. ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED. Properly Commemoratel by Navu Of ficers. New York, Jan. 23. The P ruvian and foreign warships in Mrt at Callao dressed ship and lirrd royal salutes at noon yesterday, says the Herald' Li ma, Peru, correspondent, in honor of the second anniversary of King Ed ward' accession to the British throne. FLATIUON IN DANGER. Famous Triangular Building Causes too Much Atmospheric Disturbance. New York, Jan. SS. An action la to be brought In the courts here to tie elm that tlie ts-slory structure oc cupy'wr the "V" fotmcd by the crowing of Broadway and Fifth avenue, at Twenty-third stnvt and known as the "Vlatlron" building Is a publi eund pri vate nuisance. The complainant Is the occupier of a store on Broadway opposite the high huildlrg, whose plate glss windows have been broken twice by the wind, during the past three months. In his complaint he holds the building respon sible .for the unties of the wind, the currents striking the structure and be ing deflected to the streets and against his windows. Among the witnesses will be experts on air currents, architects and people who In passing have been roughly handled by the wind, wine being thrown to the sidewalk. Mr. Vincent al so asks damages for losses on stock, and for loss of business, alleging that peopie avoid the vicinity since the building was erected and the wind commenced Its pranks. SEATTLE STEAMER HELD. Mexicans Demand Big Pay for Fumi gation of Vessel. Seattle, Jan. S3. For refusing to pay $1200 In gold for what her master and owners, the Globe Navigation company of this city, say is an exhorbitant charge for an unnecessary fumigation, the steamship Meteor, Captain John Roberts, is leUlned at Guaymas, Mex ico. The matter Rt the Instance of the company has been called to the at tention of the state department at Washington, which has in tarn referr ed the subject to the '.'nlted States minister to Mexico. Yesterday '-he owners of the vessel authorized the payment, under pro test of the sum demanded, through th! United States consular agent at fluaymua. COAL STEAMERS OVERDUE. Ten Colliers In Danger of Weather on Atlantic. Heavy Boston, Jan. 23. Anxiety In view of heavy weather on the Atlantic is being felt for some of the foreign steamers now on their way here with coal from British ports. The British steamer Farnham left the Tyne December 21 and was last reported off the Pfil two days later. The British steamer Cle matlc sailed from Newcastle, England, December 30 and the Hailemoor, also I'ritiih, sailed from Shields the same day. The Exemor left Cardiff January 1; the Morocco left Hull January 2, and six other steamers left coal ports on January 3. None of them has yet been sighted. INCORPORATED BY WOMEN. Tcnessee Oil Lands to veloped by Ladles. Be De- Decatur, Ala., Jan. 23. The Great Southern Oil & Development company, with a capital stock of $2,000,000. has been Incorporated to develop 100,000 ai res of oil land in the Tennessee val ley. The president of the company Is Mrs. P. Collings of London, a sister of Sir Marcus Samuels, the lord mayor of London. Among the other officers who are all women, are: Vice-president, Mrs. F. W. Campbell, Liverpool England, wife of the Manager of the British and General Express company; secretary and general manager, Mrs Raynoldson of New Dfcatur, Ala. EASTERN WEATHER. Everything Blockaded in Newfound, land Gales at Sea. St. Johns, N. F., Jan. tfewfound. land Is experiencing a very severe snow storm. AH traffic on the railroad Is Impeded and trains are three days overdue. It took six engines and four snowplow to extricate passenger trams bound for St. Johns from the snow. Steamer are also greatly delayed, a gales are sweeping the coast. The northern seaboard Is blockaded by Arc tic Ice and coasting steamer have been forced to abandon their trips to the north. PROMOTION FOR DUNN. Chief Inspector of Chinese Immigration Ordered to Washington. San Francisco, Jan. 3. James R. Dunn, chief Inspector in the local Chi nese Immigration bureau, has been or dered to proceed to Washington, tt is probable that he will be assigned to the New York offl.ie. The succehsor of Dunn at thl port will fc Charles Meahm, at present In charge of the Immigration office at Boston. Meaban is expected to arrive here within the next week and he will then assume charge of the office. INIURED AT COK."3 OVEN. Furnace Man Was Overcome by J he Intense Heat. Buffalo, Jan. 23. Charles Westphul, a furnace man, and Mlchale Schultz, a helper, employed at the Buffalo Union Furnace company, were terribly burn ed last night while about to load one of the coke ovens. When the oven door was opened a sheet of flame shot out from the furnice, enveloping the two men. Wettphal dropited to the lloor, overcount by the heat. Ho will die, Schulta tucivedcd In getting out of tho building. PRESIDENT HAPLKY KNOWS. Democratic Spirit coks in Necessary for Sue ColleiiCS. New York, Jan. SI Member of the Wesleyan University club gave their 34th annual dinner lint night At the Waldorf A uorlii, Xnmint the sprnker were President Bradford of Raymond, Pivsllont Arthur T lladley of Vale, Professor Franklin (lidding of Colum bia and PiofesMor Thomas B. l.lmhtiy of the Boston Vesl-yun. President Hadley In speaking In re gard to hi to ist said: 'The strong point In Wesleyan, the strong point In every American college Is that It Is the plate where voit knew all tdout the man. Wherever you have the content with men rmd man you h.ive the ollgn. Wherever we h:we 11. thi wo have the college spirit.'' Continuing. Dr. Hi' IVy said that h. did not favor htirtmt!fc the cc'lige course nnd thought It would be ddil mental to the student to do so. WANTED TOO MUCH. And I.ost What They Had Cattfornlnn No Sucker. New fork, .Ian. S3. Lst year D. O. Mills was assessed In this city on II, 0(10,000 personal property. He then told the commissioners that his legal resi dence was San Mateo, Cal., which fact relieve 1 him of any personal tax here, but that he was willing to pay on an assessment of $250,000, as he xtent so great a. part of his time in New York. His offr was accepted. Mr. Mills. It was understood, was to ,ny on the same uss intent this yar, rut the commissioners put up the assessment to 1500,000 and Insisted that Mr. Mills should pay on this rwuvint, whereupon he promptly swore off entlrelv. EX-PIUSIDENT KNOX DEAD. Fifty-Four Years a PiMor and College Prealdetlt. Baltimore, Jan. 2i. -Th? Rev. Dr. James Hale M.nou Knox, ex-presldent ol Ui Fxytte college, Kaston, Pa.. Is dead In this city. Dr. Knox was bom in New York. From 1X4S to K1 he served as wslor of the church at Ger man Valley. N. H., nnl ftm.i :M to 1S53 as pastor of th-j Reformed Dutch church .tt Easton, Pa. From lv'3 to 185 lie was pastor of the First Pres byterian ehurc-1 of liermantown, Pa. He accepted the raster Ue of the Pres byterian church at Britol, Pa.. In 1S73, which position he held until I'M, ,heii he was elvtej preaid'nt of Ln Fayette college hs aueces.iot of Dr. Cattell, and served until 1900. JAMES O'MEARA DEAD Veteran Newspaper Man I'nsxes Away At Santa Rosa. Aged TH. Santa, Rosa, Calif.. Jan. 23. James O'Meara. who many years ago ranked among the foremost Journalists of the Pacific coint, died here tonight, ijted 78 years. In editorial capacities he was con nected with the San Francisco Ex amlner, San Francisco Chronicle, Pt rt land Oregonlan and Portland News. Masquerade Ball THURSDAY EVE, FEB. 19 GIVEN BY THE Sons of Hermann AT FOARD I ST0KEJ' HALL ADMISSION. Gentleman Maakers $1.00 Lady Masker 60 Spectator CO Children 26 Eight Handsome Prizes to Be Given. Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your orders fbr meat, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and natlNiacixirtly attended tn a. W. MORTON, Prop. Telephone No. .'HI. Andrew Asp, Waini jMrr, Blackmuilk ui Bonthkotr Fmmr-CLA8s work at REASONABLE PRICES. 8 pedal Attention Given to Ship ard Steamboat Repalring.General Blaok mllhlnf, Flnrt'Claia Horee ShoelDff, i& CORNER TWELFTH AND DUAN TO CURE A COLD IN ONE) DAY Tak Laiatlv Promo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money If It fall to curt, E, W. Grove' signa ture li on each box, tie. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very few couldb ellev In looking at A. T. lloadley, a healthy, robuust blacksmith at Tllden 1ml., tint for ten year he suffered such torture from Rheumatism few could endure and live. But a wonderful change fol lowed hi taking Electric Bitter. "Two bottle wholly cured me," he write, "and I have not felt twinge In over a year," Ttwy retrulftte the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism i Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improve di gestion nnd give perfect health. Try them. Only drug store. (0 eta, at Chax. Roger G. 01, Bart, Dentist ManseU Building. 171 Commercial Bt,, Aitorla, Or. TELEPHONE RED KML Dr. T. h. Ball DENTIST. Sit Commercial Street Astoria. Ore C. J. Trencliard Insurance Oommiawion ftnd Shipping Agent Well Fargo and Pa ct Ho ExprM Compauale. Cus tom Host Broker. . PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMHANY. Telephone tL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All good ihlpped to our car Will receive special attention. 53) Duane Bt W. J. COOK. Mgr No THE WALDORF C. F. WISE, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Fine liquors and cigar. ANDREW LAKE Merchant Tailor I New Good, Winter Samples, Per feet Work, Price Reasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. m Commercial St., Astoria. Ore. RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST, We are thoroughly prepared for making estimate and executing order for all kind of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In stock. Wc sx-ll the 'celebrated BHELBT LAMP. Call up Phone lid. H. W. CYHUH, - Mgr ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LEAVE FOKTUKU AliKI VR It 00am 70op m Portland Un on liaixit Kor Aat'irla and War Holritai AHTOHIA " "Fur Fortiaud Vhd W..y Point I II 10 a oi 9 40 ) u 7 a m 1 10 p ui I II. Wan 1080 pm HKAMDK DIVlHlON Aitirtsfnr Wsrrtmtoli, Flavel, Kort H event, ! ro II a a SMp', 7 0 m MO p li, 10 41m m Hammond and Aitorla 6 16 a m 8alde for WarrenUm, 1 12 SO p m SS0 a m nav.1, Hammond, I'orl I 7 W p n iJ&!lJ2L.-.Ye';ta.iiil Antoria "i j g. Sunday onljr. All train make close connection at Ooble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the Kaat and Hound Points. j. c. MA TO, Oen'l Freight and Paaa. Agent Don't Guess at It But If yd ti ant imiiir f.at ur for our rate and let u tell you about the service and aranmmorintlnna ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, THROUOH TOURIST Car via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write u about your trip a we are In a posi tion to give you some valuable Infor mation and assistance; 6319 mile of frank over whlr.fi im nna., tmA of the finest train In the world. rxr particular regarding freight or oaenger rate call on or addreaa. . V. I-.1KIUBK.I, a. H, TKUMBELL, T. F. A R. A. Cotn'l Aft. 141 Third Bt, Portland. Ore. DYSPEPTICIDE The greatest aid to DIGESTION. IN PLAIN All our goods are marked so and now we are offering some unheard 6 bargains at lO to 15 per cent off on everything. All our goods are the best eastern made no shoddy. Iron Beds, Bedroom Suites, Folding Beds, Rockers and Mat tings in largest assortments Nothing better. V H. H. ZAPF, ': The House Furnisher FURNITURE New and Second Hand We have now an elegant lot of uphoUter.'d t hulr. cout he and eltee. which we are soiling out at Prices to Suit Purchasers StoV', Tinware, Orunltuware, Carpet laying, upholstering, repairing. Adams , 416-422 GROCERIES For the Very Best Articles of Food, at Prices That Are Right, Be Sure to See V. H. COFFEY Department Store, Corner Bond and Twelfth. The Boston Restaurant km ( (MMi:it( iai. ntui:i:t Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria Try Our 25-Cent Dinners' Prompt Attention X MARINOVICM Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, . TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinrN nt loweM rotes, lor tinlx-nntti, Farmers nd LoERt'ru. A V ALLEN lLBlL?LV.v.!?.l.l,r!L.,l,I?,,!c KOPP'S.FAMOUS BEER Bottled or In Keg Free City Delivery l North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria KM 1 1, NCIIIftll'FF, jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxuxixxuxxx ...THE CITY In Noted hn In MiuiiiiiM-l Cutbirth's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable, Preservative, anil Handsome Htuioi od tbo Market. NothlnK keep out tbe wealbnr like hngm on the wall Nntbino j.resorve and beautlttfl eulogies like Cutbirth,s stain. umg Cutbirtb also mko tbe boat COPPER PAINT for the bottom of all vster craft. FIGURES Henning'sen Bond Street High Class Chef & BOSCOVICM 444444444444 Unit-rul MunajriT. ixxrrxxnxxxxxxxxxxnxixu OF ASTORIA... the I'laeo Where tired., XXXXXXXXJ : mzxxxxuxnxxxxxxxxaxx