The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, January 24, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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. vcryvStal; ..
Dominion vSugar
Portland, Jan. M-Orcgon nntl Wash
limtnii, Haiurduy, ncraslunul rain.
This Week
A. Dunbar
Only few days more of the great
out ul nt Hvcnson's book store.
8wtt MT-n It centa a, pint. No
chargsfor whipping. Taggs candy
Just In a. shipment of fine green ol.
Iv In bulk. We have also a line of
nice olive Jn bottle. JohnHui) Urn.
You will always tlnil the Dent Mo meal
in the cny at the Rising Hun restau
rant. No. t Commercial street.
The ateimor Melville Dollar crrlved
down the river yesterday afternoon
from Weatport with a cargo of lum
ber. Bhe U bcund for Hun Francisco.
llosyln coal lasts longer, la cleaner
ami makea loss trouble with atovea
and chimney flues than any olhor coal
on the market George. W. Sanborn,
ent. Telephone Ml.
Plumbing, tinning, gaa and ateam
fitting at lowest rate and In work
manlike manner. Ordera promptly ex
ecu ted. Shop. No. 425, Bond atrcet
Cull and have us explain to you how
to procure Fairbanks Five Plate Fairy
. li.n l.irs fri. They are works of
ail wl froa from advertising. Cull
itiirl soo display at our atore. Johnaon
liros. '
Kvery five days we receive lurge
hlpmenta of navel orunges direct from
the beat orango locedltles In California
The quality la now very good, being
aweet and lulcy. We have them at all
ni'li-ea according to alze. Johnaon
The (Vluml)l.i River Fishermen's Pro
tcctlvj union haa Indnracd Representa
tive Huhn's bill which glvea boatpullors
nnd labor.ira on aelnlng ground loins
on gear and fish for money due them
' The union paused a resolution
lug enactment of the law, and'the roc
rotary was Instructed to ao Inform the
member of the Clatanp delegation.
Even children drink Graln-0
because they like it and the doc.
tora say It Is good for them. Why
sot? It contains all of the nourish
ment of the pure grain and none
of the poisons of coffee.
Tlr IT TO-DAY. ,
AtreeMtrtyR IK. aol Mo. par oMkagc
Miss Clu Inline Hurlli srrlved down
rrom union Inst night to stay over
Tue teamr lKnpalch arrived yrs
lenluy Han Franclaco, Mhe will
lake on lumber for San Franclaco.
The atennmhlp Kldor departed ycslcr
day morning for Hun Franclaco. Bhe
took on at Astoria a large quantity of
shook and oyatera.
The HuK'in Htnteaiimn, which baa
been very loyal to Governor fleer Ir. hla
aenatoriiil caudlducy, concedes that
Hcu,ttor Fulton' strength la 40 vote.
Mont thing! delerlorate with age
llrlng your prescription to Charles
Roger, druiwlst, nnd have them prop
erly compounded with fresh, pure
Thu Clatsop Mill company' lion fuc
lory hua been operated only threes
quartet of the lime during the past
week. The factory will be run on
full time hereafter.
ITIvnttf Charles It. Harris, Thirty-
fourth company coast uililleiy ut Fort
Htevrns, ha becil transferred to th
feventeenth Infitntty aud ordered to
Vancouver barracks.
Mr. Jennie T1uey received a letter
from Hnrramento yesterday atatlng
that the death of her ou, Wm. A
Rusey, wn eitud Ity imnunioitla, after
a abort illness. He died In a hoapltat
where he had been taken , by friend
who gave him every attention.
The reftil-tr meeting of the Aatoila
Woman club will be held at the Pyth
ian hall at 2:S0 till afternoon. The
subject fur the day la "Modern Wit nnd
Humor." Ml Dora tladollct will have
charge of th prjfrram. The responses
to roll call will be appropriate to the
subject .
Everything In our atore goes at sale
prices txvepl what haa already gone.
Hundreds have taken advantage of our
great cut clearance ate, but we have
lot of hoea left, good hoc, nothing
better In town. Now la your chnnce
Only one week more. Prlcea will not
be o low for another year. Peteron
A Ilrown.
Senator Miller of Linn ha received a
tel. (tram from the New York World In
quiring whether the aentlmenl of the
democrat of Oregon la favorable to
wnrd Judge Alton R. Parker of New
York a democratic Candidate for
president. Senator Miller, who lademe
cratlc national committeeman foi Ore
gnn. haa replied that It I.
County Clrk Clinton I In receipt of
communication from the clerk of sev
eral school districts, which show that
the following levle for achool purpoaea
have lieen made: District No. 9, 8 mills:
No 10, 5 mills, No. 12, 16 mill, No. )3.
5 mill; No. 18, fB mill. No. 23, 10
mllla: No. 25, 5 mill; No. I'd. 5 mill;
No. 27, 5 mills; No. SB, 6 mill; No. S5.
12 mill; No. 32. 2.6 mill.
Hon. John Fox, who ha returned
from Salem, cxprense the belief that
C. W. Fulton H1 be elected during
the coming week. Mr. Fox aay there
I a etrong eentlment In favor of the
Aatorla man, and that he will rec-lve
upiHirt from IcglMlutoia who arc now
voting for lh mla vllnneou candidate.
Ho I very '.vvll plonaed with the. imt
look, a I Senator Fulton.
New wa received yesterday from
Wuahlngtnn city that ordera hud been
tunned at the r department relieving
Captain Langfltt of the engineer cortm
from duty In thl (the Thirteenth)
llghthouae district, and aalgnlng Cap
tain William H. Hnrta to duty In his
stead. Captain Langfltt' a new station
ha not been decided upon, but will be
before the arrival of Captain Hurt
from the Philippine, where he I now
A Mil to make drunkenness a mltde-
meitnor imi been Introduced In the
ho'ixo of representative by Shelley of
Lane. Mr. Shelley think the meas
ure will be passed, becuuse It doe not
go to the ex'.rerne of prohibitionists, "If
tho act can be enforced," said he, "It
should be passed. I think it can be
enforced." "Ithall be unlawful," says
the bill, "for any person to be found In
a state of Intoxication or drunkenness,"
Any person convicted of violating the
act is to be fined not less than 15 nor
more than l!f, or to be Imprisoned not
less than live days, nor more han 15
days; and for the aecond offenw the
penalty is doubled. "Any person con
victed of violating thl act the third
time shall be deemed a common drunk
ard and be treated accordingly."
Henator Williamson haa Introduced a
bill In the senate to make the Lock-
wood primary elation law applicable
to all cltlea of 2&00 Inhabitant iratead
of towns of 10.000 Inhabitant, a at
preiint, The law now pplM only to
Portland, but if amended It" will apply
lo Balem, Astoria, Pendleton, I'.uitene,
Albany, The Dalle and lluker City.
The Willlntmum bill uIko purpose to rt
peal the prevent primary law relating
to ''Hies of 2000 Inhabitant, which law
w not prii'llettble nd ha never
been lined.
The German hlp Peter Itlckniera ur-
rlvd out at Plymouth Wednesday, af
ter a pa'ige of 114 day from Astoria.
The trip wa a very fair one. consider
lug that the vesiud left port with a crew
of only 11 men. The master of the
Ult killer declined to pay the rale de
mandnd by the iKiardlnghouse mtifier
for men and when he left wa short
six men. Evidently no mishap occur.
red on the voyage, which wa a sur-
prise, a 11 wua freely predicted that
the vessel would be compelled to put
Inlo m way port and all to her
The first cttue of scorh't fever to be
rejvjrled for a week developed yester
day at the home of John ItluiMYh, who
r-sH1 at 15 Klghte-nth street. The
patient I a little girl, whoe condition
I not regarded a dangerou. City
Physician Cordlner at once pliwed the
house unlcr quarantine rugulailon. aihcr rase of scarlet fever
occurred in the neighborhood In which
Rlaslch resides, and no concern ia felt
on account of the development of thl
latest case It has been definitely de.
cldvd that the school will resume their
S"lnna on Monday, unl1 more new
owe are rcportej.
l.uwr-n e M. Hulllvun, a sailor
iKiardlnghousr keeier. pleuded guilty
Ix-fere Judge ter In Portland Thurs
day afternoon to a charge of having
unlawfully boarded the HrltUh ship
Klverdal J week ago. lie wr.s
lined which he paid. Mr. Hullivuu
remarketl : "I plead -d guilty bemuse
my attorney, Henry F- MHIInu, Is at
tending the reunion cf the legislature,
of which he I a member and therefore
I unnW-' to be here at tlls time to
attend to the trial of the ens. This
I the first fine I ever paid In my life." was very good nntured about
the matter, and siet some lime nt the
ooirthi.un.. chatting with friends. He
says the tutors on the vessel told him
they want'-d to leve her Iwsuw they
were fl so poorly.
A suit showing that large commis
sions may be made In realty was lim.l
tutil In the circuit court yesterday.
The plaintiff la Janus Flnlayson and
the defendant John Steel. The com
plaint mite that the defendant owns
320 acres In section 1. township G north
of rung1! west. On DecemU'r 21
last he asktd plaintiff to ft.ul a pur
chs?r for the land, which he agreed to
sell for Jl'ioo. Mr. Flnluyson found a
buyer In the person of James Elwood,
who ngreel to pay $2160 for the land.
KlwooJ tendered the defendant 11200
for the property and the plaintiff S13t0
a hla commission, but the defendant
refus-Hl to execute the deed unless he
were paid $3200. Now Mr. Flnluyson
come In and demand thnt hi com
mission be paid. Mr. Elwood ha al
so died suit against Steel, asking that
he be compelled to Issue the deed.
D. K. Wurren was over from the
west side yesterday, and while In the
city confirmed the report which has
been current for some-time that large
sawmill would be built at Warieiiton.
Mr. Warren say the promoters have
not yet organised, but that enough of
fers for stock have leen received to In
sure the success of the undertaking.
He Will be the principal owner. It Is
the Intention to locate the mill on
Sklpanon crack nt a point where roll
and water shipments may be iiade.
The mill will huve a dully output of
ubout 100,000 feet and will employ more
than 100 men. It will do much to ad
vance the Interest of Warrcnt.m, and
the people there look for a substantial
guln In population. ' The organisa
tion of the company will be perf-eted
within a short time, and it Is expected
the mill will be running before the
year la out.
Will the Oermnn four nutated steel
bark Paul Rlckmers, 2810 tons, from
Rangkok to Rremen nnd now out 230
dnya, and laBt reported tit Anjer. 184
day ago, reach her, destlatlon? That
la the proposition on which the largest
amount of marine speculation In the
history of the Pacific coast Is now oc
curring. Since the English speculat
ors offered $1000 In payment of every
$100 In case of the nrrlvul of the Rlck
mer, speculators all over the coait re
gion have been falling all over them
selves to secure the opportunity of tak
ing some of the English money. The
to two clause of persons: book.
keepers, and stenographer. W have
not besn able tor months past, to meet
the demind on u for help. Quality
count that Is why our graduate are so
competent, and why so many of tbera
are In position. Verily, It pay to attend
our school. Open all the ytaf; students
admitted at any time; catalogue free.
Do you know the most
luxurious bath in the world?
Have you used Pears'
old alloeer the world.
Paul Rlckmer I known to be a no
toriously low sailer, and her stability
cannot lie questioned, In proof of the
fact that she I a low sutler, her run
nlng time between Bangkok aVid Anjcr
on her present voyage may be Instanc
ed. The voyage of 1400 or 1500 mile
occupied the Paul Rlckmer 46 day,
wherea the fair passage time Is be
tween eight and 10 day. The Paul4
Rltkmoir wa formerly the Winder
imtre. She wa built In Wn at the Mid
ford Haven yards of T. R. Oswald k
Co., and she I owned by the Rlckmer
company. Reinsurance on the British
bark Dunearn. 194 day out from Car
diff for Sitka, I still quoted at 20 per
cent. She ha never been spoken
since he sailed froirf Cardiff wUh
cargo of 2f,10 ton of Welsh ronl for
the government station at Sltki.
Speculation on her I not at nil hiavy
Representatives Hahn and Carnahan
arrived lout night from Balem, and
will remain In the city until Sunday
night. Roth gentlermn have InlrO'
duccd several bill of inqiortuiice to the
people of Clatsop county, and In con
versation with a reporter last night M
Hahn said they could be examined by
persons calling at his store today. He
think thttt perhaps Uxa! attorneys
may want to go over the measu
Mr. Carnahan ha presented a bill to
abolish the present poll tax law. The
poll tax required under the present law
Is $1, which Is taxed pgolust every per
son between the age of 21 and 50. Mr
Carnuhnn' bill entirely repeals this
section. Another bill by Mr. Carna
han requires that all elective and ap.
polntlve officer shall give bond with
some surety company, the cost of the
bond to be borne by the stale. A third
bill by Mr. Carnahan lengthens the
t-rm of assessors from two to four
The senate committee an medicine
and pharmacy' has reported favorably
Senator A. C. Smith's bill for the ere
atlon of a state board of health. .This
bill received the Indorsement of the
Ma-ion r.umty Medical society at Its
m.vtlng last Tueslay cvonlng. und will
be given. the full support of the mccH
cal profession. Because of the fre
quent neei for a board of health Ir the
lust two yews the bill Is likely to pass
both houses. It provides for a board
of seven members, of whom six are to
be appointed by the governor and the
seventh to be elected by the first six.
The board I required to keep vital sta
tistics nnd make Investigations regard
ing the cause and prevention of disease.
The board Is to be vested with power to
estubllsh quarantines which sheriffs
and other peace officers must enforce.
The ;ounty Judge and county physic
ian are created a county board of
health wlfh power to establish quaran
tines. It Is made the duty of physic
ians. mM wives, heJds of families, etc.,
to report all births, deaths and contagl-
ou diseases. The bill carries an ap
propriation of J5000.
After making a thorough Investiga
tion of the prevailing conditions of af
fairs in the Philippine islands during
the past year, the Inspector general of
the army, in hla report pays a high
tribute to the courage and kindness
with which military operations have
been carried on. The highest tribute
Is also paid to the celebrated Hostel
ler's Stomach Rltters by people all over
this broad land, becaune of its reliabil
ity In cases of sick headache, vomiting,
heartburn.. Indigestion, dyspepsia, liver
complaints or malaria, fever and ague.
These people having once tried It and
proved Its value will not nceept any
thing else, If you are a sufferer from
any stomach, liver or kidney complaint
you need the Bitters at once. It will
surely do you good. Your druggist
will supply you with the genuine.
Damaged Stock Now Selling at Re
duced Prices.
The damaged stock of clothing, wraps
cloaks and millinery Is now being sold
at remarkably reduced prices In order
to make room for an entirely new stock
coming. Don't fall to call and see the
good. Almost have them at your
own price.
MRS. INQLKTON, Welch Block
Mr. A. Clawson having left our env
ploy on expiration of contract, he Is no
lonser authorized by us to contract for
work In our line of business.
After February 1 we will occupy our
new store at 470-472 Commercial street,
with an entire new stock of stoves,
ranges, tinware, general hardware and
plumbing goods. Until that date our
present stock will be closed out at from
15 to 25 percent off. Everything goes.
Call early. W. J. SCULLT,
431 Bond tit
Of Purchasing a Piano or
You Will Save Money by ChIHiik
on V Today.
We have dedlfJ lo l'i tor 1rM.-h
store In As'liii f-r the present, and
this will lie ihe art day to keep orf-.i.
We have ti e foll iwlnr rMigal.i. fcr
today only:
A large rabhiA griin l plain- wa r ut
case, regular wtall price 1325, will be
sold today for $210.
Another fine mahogany case piano,
regular retail price 1425, goes today for
Also a late style Estey organ, fancy
case, regular retail price IS5. Price to
day, $70.
We have a second-hand Mason &
Ilmlln organ In good order which
goes today for $20.
Fasy payments on these Instruments
If desired.
We will sell our 00c sheet music to
day for 25c per copy.
Everybody knows"what the old re
liable Fischer piano Is. It ha been
before the public for over W years,
We have a fine one in stock which can
be bought at $1S0 less than regular
price today only. Remember the name
and number:
The Allen & Gilbert Piano Co..
464 Commercial atreet, next door to
Seymour's Jewelry tore.
FIRST LUTHERAN The usual ser
vices, both morning and evening.
vice at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10
a. m.
METHODIST Rev. Harold Oberg
will preach both morning and evening
Evmlng subject: "Trimming the
OR ACE Services as usual, 11 a. m
and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school will be
omitted. Service at Holy Innocents"
at 3:30 a. m.
RAPTIST The usual service will be
observed. Sermons will be preached
from the following subjects: "The
Believer's Happy Condition," and "The
Petition That Prevails."
The pastor will occupy the pulpit in the
morning nt U and evening at 7 45
Morning subject: "The Unconquerable
Hero." Evening: "The Fire of Love.
Somj service atr7 p. in.
PRESBYTERIAN Sunday school
and all other services as usual. l! the
evening the pastor will ntinue the
series on "How We Got Our Bible.
Theme for this sermon: "Wycliffe, Tyu
dale and the Early English Bibles."
Seated bids will be received until 12
o'clock, noon, Saturday, January 81
!903, at the office of the American Can
company, 639 Worcester bull ling, Frrt;
land. Or-gon. for furnishing materials
and construction of - wharf, factory,
warehouse and itthograph biuldings, In
accordance with plans and speiftca
tlons which may be seen at the com
pai.y's office. Each bid must lie ac
companied by certified check for live
percent of amount of same. The com
pany reserves the right to rejeet any
or all bids, waive any Informality
In ny bid.
He took "Up his oar and paddled his
boat o'er the river to get a load of ore.
The llllnolB Central ftatlroad office
at Portland, Ore., has a small supply
of nicely mounted wall maps of the
United States, 32x38 Inches, also Cuba
and Porto Rico, enlarged. If you will
send us 10 cents In stamps we will send
you one of these handsome maps, post
age prepaid, by return mall.
If you Intend going east or know of
anyone coming west, from any point
east or south of St. Paul, Omaha or
St. Louis, we would appreciate the op
portunity of writing to you or your
friends about the details. To say that
Is the purpose of this advertisement
but the maps are free. Address B.
H. Trumbull. 142 Third street, Portland
Breaking Into a biasing home, some
firemen lately dragged the sleeping In
mates from death. Fancied security
and death near. It's that way when
you neglect coughs and colds. Don't
do It Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption gives perfect protection
against all Throat, Chest and Lung
troubles. Keep It near, and avoid suf
fering, death and doctor's bills. A
teaspoonful stops a laat cough, per
sistent use the most stuborn. Harm
less and nice tasting, it's guaranteed
to satisfy by Chas. Rogers. Price 60c
and tl.00. Trial bottles free.
Clean-up Sale
Of Flannel Waists -Silk Waists
and Flannellette Skirts
Lot 1, all 75c and $1 Waists. .$ to
Lot 2, all $19 and $198
Waists.. 1 23
Lot 3, all $U0 Waist... 1 00
Lot 4, all $2.25 and $2.75
Waists 1 48
Lot 5, all $3.00 Waists 1 9S
To go at a price without any
regard to cost
t 5 00 and f 00 Bults. $ X 50
10 00 and 12 00 Suits-.... 7 SO
IS 00 and 20 00 Suits 12 SO
Morse Department Store
20 per cent off on Fancy Crockery
25 per cent off on Bisque Vases and Figures
10 per cent off on Fancy Stand and Hall Lamps
10 per cent off on Floe Blue and German Cnina Ware and
Dinner Sets.
10 per cent off on all Plated Ware except 1847 goods.
Opened January 1 1903
Best Entertainment at Moderate Prices
Corner Seventeenth and Commercial Sts. .
We are prepared to make thesa. oa
short notice and of the best materials.
Let us give you estimates on any kin
of eastings or pattern work. Lower
prices for first-class work.
Clearance Sale
t7 LTA Takes Choice of 800 Unclaimed Tailor-Made Suits
v' W Made by the RoyaL Tailors, valued from $20 to $35
t"? CA tt CA Takes choice of 1200 pair of pants valued
wWil at from $5 to $9.
t7 ca For Overcoats made by leading tailors. Good
$! 3U value at $20 to $30.
$5,00 For Coats and Vests valued at from s12-50 to $2S-
nun VCCTC A table full to pick from at 50 cents a
XJVV tEjIj choice. Value at from $2.50 to $6.
These Goods are made from the
very best materials and are all in the
latest styles.
STRAIN'S WAY Satisfaction or Money Refunded
285 Washington St., Portland
Four Doors Below Perkins Hotel
All $4 and $5 Silk Waists.... $2 SO
AR $ and $7 Silk Waists.... 3 60
$15 00 Overcoats $U 50
$12 00 Overcoats 7 64
Lot 1 60c Waist.. ..S9e
Lot 3, 40c Waist.. ....80c
Lot 8, 0c Waist ....56c
Lot 4, 75c Waist...... 63c
Lot 3, 25c Waist.. lc
Scow Bay Iron D
Brass Works
Cor. 18th snd Fianklln are: