ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, Vm. 3. CREAMERY CHOCOLATE This Chocolate Cream is composed of the best Imported Cocoa. Hot water Is the only addition required to make a delicious cup of chocolate. 25 cents per can. Iro&s, HIGGINS (& CO. THE HORNING ASTORIAN twmphonI: mi. t TO DAT S WEATHER Portland, Jitn. SO. W(iin Oregon and Washington, occasional rain, cool r during Aftrnmin. Ladies' Suits $9.98 6 $14-98 Regular Prices $12.50 to $25 THE A. Dunbar J Co. Special cut itla of book and picture l Hvinen' book it or.. Home-made dill pk-kela ar.d kmut t Johnson llrn., the grocer. 8w(t irearo It cent a pint. No rhargn (or whipping. Tagf candy tore, All the ordliuiiuv paused nt the last setslon of th city roundl wr lgied yct"r Jy by Mayor Huprvnnnt , You will always find the bout 16c meal In th city at Ilia Riving Bun restau rant, No. 6lt Commercial ilwt, Cull And see the latest novelties from Japan. Largo tock of fancy good. Yokohama rtnxiuir, tit Commercial st County Judge Trenchard yesterday iwjlvd a wire from Senator Fulton authorising a aulmcrlptlon of :'5 for the new sawmill. Coal to burn. The famous Wyoming coal for domestic use, $8 per Ion. Good lump itova coal at $8 per ton ItioneMI. K'more & Co. Rooms fir rent furnished or unfurn Ixtiedj lngto or connected; nowly fln- Utie.1; gait and electric light; In bust ns center 23 Commercial street. WANTED 5 TOUNO MEN from A toria to at one. prepare for Positions In the Qovernment Service. Apply to Inter-Stat Corres. Inst. Cedar Rapid, la. . Wanted - Rooms and board with a nice private family, not north of Pranklln'avenue. Write full particu lar and terms. M. K. Z., rare As torlan office. The French ahlp Surcotif arrived down from Portland yesterday morn ln wlth( wheat for South Africa. , The veHBcl lout her anchor near Uiookflotd ami a wrecking crew are now trying to recover It, What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arise In the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a uenciou ana neaithful aessert. pre pared ia two minute. No boiling I no baking I add boiling water and set to eooL Flavors; Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawlwrry. Get a package at your grocer to-day. lo cU. I GREAT SALE I (Q)a Hie four masted sehooner Virginia left up the river yesterday (o take o lumber) The Amerl'.'dA bark Colonu left up the river yesterday. Hhe will load lumbV for fallfitruU. The coasting steamer I-ukme arrlv' down the river yesterday. She hna lumber for California, 'I lie l). It, A N. steamer Ueo W. Kl dr nrrlvud In from Ban Francisco with freight tin I few passenger. Tim Prcnh bark Colonel d Vallebol Mareull has reached Seattle, the vea. sel Ht thla port taut Thursday for the mtund city. The steamship Rllcrlc arrived dow yesterday with lumber for Manila. A toon aa iho bar permit h will pro ceed on her way. rtonyln coat hut longer, I cleaner and make lea trouble with tove and chimney flue than any other coal on the market George. W. 8a n born agnt. Telephone 1811. The funeral of the i.tte Mm, Annie Ness waa held yeilerdiy from Pohl undertaking prlors, Itev. Fnthw Dleh imiin onicmmg. The Interment waa In flreenwood cemetery. Plumbing, tinning, gaa and team nttlng At lowest rate and In work manlike manner. Orders promptly x ec u ted. Shop, No. 425, Bond street JOHN A. MONTGOMERY Every five days we. receive large shipment of navel orange dlrcetfrorn the best orange localities In California Tim imallty la now vVry good, being sweet and lulry. We have them at all price according . to slse. Johnson Hro. . Jack Grant waa down from Portlan yesterday. He no sooner heard of the move to establish new sawmill than he hunted up the committee and ilonnt ed -'5. "Any time you folks want to esln)llnh a new enterprise In Astoria count on me fur a ubscrlptbn." mid Mr. Orint. Recruit are w.nlcd for the life sav in service at Caie Dlaainioli'.tment and Captain Stuart was over from there yesterday looking for able bodied young men. The Inducements held out are good and not much difficulty Is unit clpnted In securing the nees,iry quota of life saver, Artlis of Incorporation of the Kopp Rain Lumber company were filed In County Clerk Clinton's office yesterday. The Incorporator are John Kopp, N IT. Rain. John Kopp Jr. and CarlTioen. tgen. The capital stock Is placed at I1W.000 divided Into 1000 shares. This company Is to erect the big mill In the east end. An Interesting game of football was plnytd last Sa'urdny on the ground of Ulshop Scott academy between tennis made up of the students and sailors from the English ships now at Portland No goal waa made and the game was hotly contested from start to finish. A return game will be plnyed next Satur day and .til avnll.ible footballlst have evinced desire to witness It. Mrs. Dudley Rlount hna received no- lire that she has been awarded a hand some piano as the successful contest ant In a guessing contest conducted by a monthly publication m New York city, Mrs. Olount came nearer than any other In guessing ihe number of votes cast by the states of New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan, and Is to lie congratulated upon her very good fortune. The Annual number of the Paclllo Lumbsr Trade Journal of 8eattle con tains soma Interesting figures ns to the growth of the Industry during 1903 The Journal say vhnt 266 new lumber companies were organised on tho coast, Ith X total capitalisation of (30,533,800. Of the 40 new concerns organised In Oregon, seven .are Astoria concerns, with an aggregate capitalisation of $401,000. Oregon exported 41 foreign lumber cargoes, of 40,122,856 feot. Alvln Holloway, formerly a motor nmn In this city, died Monday night In Portland. Mr. Holloway recently re signed his position here to accept nn- other In California, a It wits deeded that the southern climate would be bene.lcl il for his health. He had In tended to visit for a lime with relatives In Portland and died suddenly while In that city. Deceased was married a few months ago to Miss Iowel of this city. His wife was with him it the time if his death. Marcus Husinan, the cattle king, I out with the announcement that As toria Is now supplying Seattle with beef, He will ihlp a carload of 'attle to the sound city this w-k, and two carload next week. It I his Inten tlm lo pay a vUlt to Seattle, perhaps for the purpose of buy'ng that town Refor departing he would like to wag er $II0,0(W,W0 ngalust II 00,000,100 that C. W. Fulton will be elected tTnlted 8tat senator. .He sl.inds reidy at any tlm lo post tort ill of !., Lumber business Is getting a move on In Tillamook, It I reported that par ties or that plare will build a mill of 40,000 feet cnpnclty and that It will be months, In cetnolli shrdl shrdluuu turning out lumber Inside of three months. In connection with the mill tho operator have contracted 10,000,000 feet. The Tillamook lagging company U nlso spreading Itself, arrangements having Iwen irfcted whereby n large logging camp employing 40 men will be In operation on he Miami river within 10 days. The committee named to solicit the ivcesiary money to land the Kopp. RnlH sawmill yesterday visited local bundled lien, and In a few hour col Iwte.l $900. Only three refusals wf re met with. Mr. Whipple stated Inst evening that the di-al was closed, and that bids for driving the foundation would be called for In a few days. The mill will be larger than the Clatsop mill and will have a substantial payroll, The committee desire to extend It th auks to the merchant for their gen crou support. New from Sulem was eagnriy sought yesterday by Astnrlans, who were nnx lout lo know how the first ballot for United States aenator resulted. A message received stited that Represen tative Halm had voted for Mr. fulton, Mr. Hahn decided on this course a long time ago, but the fact wa not generally known. His action was warmly vommended yesterday by re publican and democrats alike. The vote for Mr. Fulton ?-do,'S not rep resent anything like his full trngth, and It was grnr.illy commented upon yesterday that In declining to show hi full strength the Astoria man was con ducting a wle campilgn. At Monday night's meeting of the city council a "liilm was read for fU fr nn Clatsop county. The bill, It ap pears, was for crushed rocK, put It was not hIIdh.. I. A hill for 113.50 for rock had been presented and paid ut the for mer meeting, and the councllmen would not pay il the second time. The claim of the water commission for more than isooo fur hydrant rental, was also-disallowed. Tho commission make no effort to collect the rental, but present Its rhilm that the taxpayers may know of the good work It Is doing. Another Claim not allowed was that of W. A Uoodln for 13. The claim was for x tra work on Thirty-fourth street, but the coun -ll wn of the belief that the work was provided for In the contract Local No. 343 of the Mill and Lumber Workers' union will have a big gather Ing thl evening. Beside the regular business to be transacted 35 new mem bers will be Initiated. Thl organlxa tlon I comparatively a new one but the all along being manifested In It lends to the belief that the union Is gaining In strength and popularity. L, Mears Is prsldnt and C. M. Christen son is secretary and both officials ore I'ntlrlng in their effort to secure new member and make of their union factor in the community. Tonight, af ter the Installation exercise a sumptu ous spread will be the order of things and the large number of guests to be anticipate an enjoyable time. The expert accountant, George Clark Is In tho dty from Portland nnd will expert the books of the county offices. Mr. Clark has recently been In Raker county, where he hna been similarly engaged. It wo be who discovered the shortage In the book of the sheriff of that county. Thv defalcation Is sup posed to be due largely to the deputy sheriff who is thought to be the biggest icdmp of tha two. Thi sheriff was in th east t the tlm the shortase was discovered, but he hurried home at once to answer the charge. The amount stolen has not yet been ascertained and perhaps can never be lorrwtly es timated but It Is thought that the fig ures will reach in '.he neighborhood of $30,000. Of the salmon market the Sart Fran. ctsco Trade Journal says: A feature of the market I a final drop In open quotations for pink and chums, with even the lower price not having a re vivifying effect. Pinks are weak at 62 1-2 to 55 cents and chums at 40 to 45 cents. The price of pinks are the lowest since 1S9S when they opened at i2 1-2, Advanced to 47 1-2 cents and i:lo.i cd tho season at 50 cents. Tho pack last year was quite heavy and In the absence of much of a demand the slock now held by first hands Is plnced at around 400,000 cases of pinks, alul of chum It appear safe to say that fully 65 percent of the total pack Is In first hands, At the low prices quoted for both pinks and chum quite a loss will ave to be met by canner with tock atlll In hand, a also by the' trade with stocks unsold. We are Informed that the r. P. & N. compapy has told pinks at 60 cents New York delivery which figure places the price at about 50 tts, on the sound. Alaska teds and also sockeye are very scarce and firmly hold for well known desirable brand with the tendency to higher figures. Dr. Lyon' PERFECT , s Tooth Powdor Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century pus PARED iy In the death last week of John Whal llka, then passed from life the last of CiUhlamet' Indian, say the Telegram At one tlm there was quite a colony of the noble redmcn In this vklnlty, One by one they have passed to the happy hunting grounds. Almost since Calhlamet hu had a postofflce John has been one of Its resident. Quiet, good nutured and Industrious, the old man wo.1 the friendship of many with whom he came In contact, and hi fa' miliar flguri will be long missed. He was between 75 and SO years of age, of strong physique and so well preserved that he might easily have passed for 50. Hi originally came from Hrltlsh Columbia, and belonged to the Queen Charlottes Island Indians. lie was sold a ft slave to Jumcs RlrnK f'lther of A. l. iilrnle, and by him brought to Cathlamet some time between 143 and 1H45. After Mr. Rlrnle's death he lived at Oak Point for some time, and later on took up a claim on the tide- lands Just below town, where he tend ed for the past 20 years, making dally visits to town, and on holiday occa. ions appearing In the long black frock coat nnd fancy handkerchief which ev. ery resident in Cathlamet knew so well PERSONAL MENTION Robert Clark I here from Seattle George P. Deckum Is In the city from Portland. W. W. Whipple left last evening for Rucado, Wash. Miss Munson wa In the clt yester day from Skipanon. William Hangman of Warrenton visit ed the city yesterday. Clarence White was In the city yes. terday from Cathlamet. H. L, Molon and O. C. Riches, Port landers, were In the city yesterday. Clifton Staples has gone to Mt. Angel where he w ill be enrolled as one of the students. Charles Rrandt a resident of Cathla met waa doing business in the city yesterday. W. W. Plllsbury, .the well known randy drummer was In the city yester day. He will do this section this wek. - - HIGH TRIRUTE TO THE ARMY After making a thorough lnvestlga tlon of the prevailing conditions of af fair In the Philippine Islands during the past year, the Inspector general of the army, In his report pays a high tribute to the courage and kindness with which military operations have been carried on. The highest tribute I also paid to the celebrated Hostet tcr's Stomach Ritter by people all over this broad land, because of Its reliabll Ity In cases of sick headache, vomiting, heartburn. Indigestion, dyspepsia, liver complaints or malaria, fever and ague. These people having once tried It and proved Its value will not accept any. thing else. If you are a sufferer from any stomach, liver or kidney complaint you need the Ritters at once. It will surely do you good. Your druggist will supply you with the genuine. NOTICR TO CONTRACTORS Senlid bids .vlll be recclv'tid until 12 o'clock, noon, Saturday, January SI, !903, nt the office of the American Can company, 539 Worcester bull ling, Pert- land, Oregon, for -furnishing materials nnd construction IT wharf, fuctory, warehouse and lithograph biuldlngs. In accordance with plans and specifica tions which may be seen at the com pany's offica. Each bid must Je ac companied by certified check for five pot-cent of amount of same. The com pany reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any Informality In any bid. FIRE SALE. Damag'd Stock Now Selling at Re duced Price. The damaged stock of clothing, wraps cloaks and millinery Is now being sold at remarkably reduced prices in order to make room for an entirely new stock coming. Don't fall to call and see the goods. Almost have them at your own price. MRS. INGLETON, Welch Block. REMOVAL SALE. After February 1 we will occupy our new store at 470-472 Commercial street, with an entire new stock of stoves, ranges, tinware, general hardware and plumbing goods, until that date our present stock will be closed out at from 15 to 25 percent off. Everything goes. Call early, W. J. SCULLY, 431 Bond rit. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Mr, A, Clawgon having left our em ploy on expiration of contract, he la no longer authorised by us to contract for work in our line of business. B. F. ALLEN 4k BON. RECAL'KB OF THE PLAGUE City Council Recommends Retaining Health Officer at Thl Port. Following i the text of the resolution Introduced by Councilman Jen H Hansen Monday evt-nlng recommending th retention of a state health officer; Whereas, the federal quarantine act of February U. 18S3 (27 statutes at large, peg? UH) Provide that the Unit ed States quarantine officer of each port of the United States, where c.uar antlne stations are established, shall coo x-rate with the state and municipal stale officer of the port and assist such officers in enforcing tho state or mu- r,l- Ijnil health regulations where ade quate to prevent Ihe Introduction of contagion or infectious diseases from foreign rouutrles Into the United Slates or from one state in the United State to another, and, whereas, It Is a known fact that bubonic plague has existed In part of Han Francisco for more than one yer and also exists in the fcrm of an epld-smlc on the coast of Mexico, and there Is great danger of its beln In troduced Into Oregon, and as the lives of our people are more important than the trivial cost of maintaining the pro per health regulations, and, whereas, the right and duty of protecting the health of Its Inhabitants constitute one of the soverign rights of a state, and under Its police control, and should not be surrendered to others, therefore be Resolved, by the ommon council of Astoria, That we express ourselves In favor of retaining a state health of ficer at this port and the present quar antine regulations, and we recommend that the stati liw be aT-.'ed so rs tc require any vessel coming Into a jxrt of this state from ary other port where bubonic plague It known to exist to be fumigated Defore landing at any dock so a to cause all xats on board to be killed. That a copy of thl resolution be sent to each of our representatives in the state legislature. 00000000000000000000 WISE AND OTHERWISE. oooooooooooooooooooo They called her a gem in the rough, But people all knew 'twas a blough; For folks were aware That she got the stare Because her old dad owned the stough. The elder Rooth acquired a skull for use In "Hamlet" in an odd STORY OF manner, according to a A SKULL story In Seen and Heard. The tragedian, somewhat in his cups, was traveling near Louis ville, when he took a horse from a field and rode off with It. Horse-stealing at that time was a capital offenee in Kentucky, and the greatest horse thief was a man named Fontaine. Rooth was soon overtaken, and when asked whore he got the animal said: I captured him in a field back there" "Indeed." said one of the farmers. "And what might your name be?" 'My name U Fontaine," said Rooth, without a smile. Fontain?" ejaculated both men at once. "Then you are the very man we want. Come back to town with us." 'Certainly," said Rooth, In the most good-natured manner, and, wheeling the horse, he rode back to Louisville, with his captors. The city jail was then in charge of Colonel Thomas, who knew Booth well. "We nave brought you Fontaine the hsrse thief and claim the reward," said the farmers, proudly, addressing the jailer. "Where Is he?" they were asked. Booth was produced. "Why, what does this mean, Mr. Booth?" asked Thomas. T haven't the slightest idea," said the great tragedian, with the utmost simplicity. "I met these two men with this horse, and they insisted upon giv ing it to me. I guess they stole It. I think one of them is Fontaine." The rustics were about to be locked up, when, by the most singular rolncl dence, a man rushed to the prison door on horseback and shouted out the in formation that the real Fontaine had been taken Into custody. Booth made Fontaine' acquaintance In jail, and the horBethtef, who was executed later, left by will his skull to the actor. MM Since we purchased those two little Polled An mm nltrs last PIGS spring we have learned considerable about swine raising,' . When the pigs are young feed them milk; It Is not necessary to stick your finger In their mouth to make them drink. They know how to start, but unless the mtlk gives out they dont know how to stop. When they grow larger feed them anything you Ilk and they'll like It too. Pigs are not particular. Some people put rings in pigs' noses for ornaments, but we do not consider this necessary, If the pltf has a pretty curl in Its tall. A stockman told us that pigs llFte coal, but we haven't fed any since the strike, as tliey seemed to like corn just as well. Our pigs will be placed on the market soon, after which we expect to buy a new overcoat or a pair of sus penders. "WHERE TO HUNT AND FISH." Northern Pacific' new gam book 1 now ready for' distribution. Illustra tion of live gamt a particular feature. Four full pagea from Beton-Ttomp- son'i drawing made apeolally for thl book. Send addreu with six cents and book will d mailed to you by Cliaa. 8. Feo, Q. p, T. A, St Paul, Minn. Clean-up Sale Of Flannel Waists, Silk Waists and Flannellette Skirts ' . FLANNEL WAISTS. Lot 1, all 75c and $1 Waists.. $ M Lot 2, all $1.(9 and $1.9$ Waists.. .... .( 1 25 ,Lot3, all $1.60 Waists 100 Lot 4, "all $2.25 and $2.75 . Waists 1 48 Lot 5. all $3.00 Waists , 1 9S MEN'S SUITS. To go at a price without any 'regard to cost. $ 6 00 and $ 00 Suits $ 3 50 10 00 and 12 00 Suit 7 (0 15 00 and 20 00 Suits 12 50 Morse Department Store OUR REDUCTION SALE BEFORE INVNT0RYCOME EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE 20 per cent off on Fancy Crockery 25 per cent off on Bisque Vases and Figures 10 per cent off on Fancy Stand and. Hall Lamps 10 per cent off on Floe Blue and German China Ware and Dinner Sets. -10 per cent off on all Plated Ware except 1847 goods. FOARD & Astoria THE ASTORIA Opened January 1, 1903 ASTORIA'S NEWEST HOTEL . Best Entertainment at Moderate Prices Corner Seventeenth and Commercial Sts. JACK DENCK Castings We are prepared to uaka then oa short notice and of the beat materials. Let ns give yon estimate on any klnA of oaatlngs or pattern work. Lowar price tor Srst-claa work. TELEPHONE NO. 2451. Clearance Sale $7 CA Takes Choice of 800 Unclaimed Tailor-Made Suits VI W Made by the Royal Tailors, valued from $20 to $35 v , $7Cn-Cl gf, Takes choice of 1200 pair of pants valued $L dU"Pd.;JU at from $5 to $9. $7 'sO For Overcoats made by leading tailors. Good value at $20 to $30. $5.09 For Coats and Vests valued at from $12.50 to $25. film VPCTC A table full to pick from at 50 cents a W 1 J choice. Value at from $2.50 to $6. These Goods are made from the very best materials and are all in the latest styles. STRAIN'S WAY Satisfaction or Money Refunded STRAIN TAILORING CO. 285 Washington St., Portland Four Doors Below Perkins Hotel SILK WAISTS. All $4 and $5 Silk Waists... .$2 (0 All and $7 Silk Waists.... 3 60 MEN'S OVERCOATS. $15 00 Overcoat $11 60 $12 00 Overcoats.... 7 60 FLANNELETTE SKIRTS. ' Lot 1 60c Waist.,.. ..$Sc Lot 3, 40c Waist 30o Lot 3, C9c Waist. ............. ..55c Lot 4, 75c Waist.. ...tic Lot S, 25c Waist...... 19c STOKES CO. Ore. Proprietor IRON, STEEL, BRASS And BRONZE Scow Bay Iron 0 Brass Works Or, 18th and Franklin are: