4. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 190;. Morning Astorian Established W7J. RATBSi Sent by mail, per year, $6 00 Sent by mull, per month 60c Served by carrier, per month ..... . 60c CUNlONl THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY. The rally wonderful development of the beet sugar Industry during the last 6 years In most excellently shown by om statistic that The treasury de partment has issued of the world's pro duction of sugar. The growth of sugar consumption is also strikingly shown: In 1840 the total sugar -frop of the world was only 1.150,000 ton. In 1900 it vaa 8,800,000 tons. The world's pop ulation did not double during these 60 years, yet Its consumption of sugar increased fully right times. The rapid increase In the production of beet sugar furnishes an even more striking ex hibit This discovery of' sugar in the beet waa made by a German chemist, Mar gr&ff, as early as in 1747. No practical results followed his discovery, however, aa the cost of obtaining sugar from the beet !sy labratory methods was too high as compared with that of cane su gar. Little progress was accomplished until about 50 years later when another German chemist, Achard, succeeded in extracting sugar from the beet root on a comparatively large scale. In 1S12 a manufactory was in operation at Si lesia, In which, under Achard's direc tion, about 20 quintals of beets were worked up daily, and about five uounds of sugar extracted from very quintal. The high price jf suar prevailing at that time all over the European con tinent by reason of th blockade and the great Interest and favorable atti tude taken by the different continental governments toward the new experi ment caused it to be a success for a short time. With the downfall of Na-' poleon and the opening of European ports to the entry of colonial products the price of sugar declined and most of the beet sugar establishments were abandoned Experiments continued to be made. however, and at the end of the third decade of the nineteenth century the beet sugar -industry began to show signs of permanent success. The tech nical points were proved and the cost reduced. The development of the in dustry in the United States has arisen largely from the successful experiments in Germany. In ISca the total beet sugar crop of the world was only 182,000 tons. In 190.' It was 5,510,000 tons. In 1840 beets supplied less than five percent of the world's sugar consumption whereas in 1900 beets supplied 67.71 percent. "Thun the sugar producing area of the world," says thU treasury bulletin, "has in less than half a century been shifted fiorn the tropics northward, and the farmer of the temperate zone has shown his abolity notably to compete with the low priced labor of the tropics, but in doing so has reduced by one-half the cost of the article produced." OUR NEW CHANCE IN CHINA. The determination of the representa tives of the European powers to force China to pay its obligations to them in gold instead of sliver, which Is the cur rency of the empire, stands a chance to precipitate another -crisis. Since the time, when, about two years ago, China agreed to pay the indemnities to cer tain European powers, as well as to the Vnlted States and Japan, growing out of the Boxer outrages of 1S99-1900, sil ver, has declined 20 percent in commer clai vallie an It'is almost certain: to drop further, owing to the change to the gold standard which Is about to be made in the Philippines and in other parts of the orient. This, of course, will add seriously1 to China's' burdens. It. is apparently the intention of the Washington government to try to have the, Chinese case submitted to The Hngue tribunal. All the governments which signed the protocol two years ago exjipt that of the United States seem disposed to push this matter of th payment of the Indemnity In gold. The United States Is trying to get the rest of the powers to grant concessions to China, owing to the drop in silver, which was not foreseen at the time the adjustment was reached. Thus far none of the other countries appear dis posed to ahour any lenience, . Un doubtedly Hi feeling that China Willi not be able to pay the Indemnity, and that thus an excuse will be furnished (or seising tome' of Its territory, has much to do with the attitude of the empire's creditors. The United States should use all it Influence to get some concessions for China, and to get the matter submitted to some Impartial tribunal. It is clear th it China will not be able to meet the terms ofthe allies if the gld stipulation should be mtorvea. l ne determination of the Euroivan nations to extract their pound of flesh will lead to grave complications In China, which will once more bring the question of dismember ment In burning shape. If the United States succeeds in having the matter referred to arbitration, she will gain another brilliant triumph for peace and progress whicJ will add to her prest ige throughout the world. From the New York Sun we learn that the Plnkerton detective agency in that city has a record of bank rob- beries committed In various parts of the country from September 15, 1902, to January 8 that Is within a time of loss than four months. Evidently the bur glar business is booming, and there is great activity among the more enter prising members of the profession. The crimes have been committed in small towns only, but the number is the largest on record in so short a time. The chief seat of the activity of the burglars is the Mississippi valley, but several robberies have occurred in New York, in Pennsylvania and In New England. The one farthest west occur red in Utah, not a single one being re ported for the entire Pacific coast. In the south there were a few, scattered from South Carolina t Texas, but the i great majority were grouped around Chicago for a storm center. It appears that of recent years the banks of large j cities have become virtually secure from attacks of this kind. The bank' robber of today has learned that the! safety appliances and the careful ! watching that guard the banks of aj city are more than he can overcome. I Consequently he turns to the country' towns and works for such booty as he ! can find there. Concerning that phase I of the subject the Sun tells a curious j story of an attempt at burglary In a ! prominent western bank, which was carried out in such a manner that "the detectives who investigated it were more than suspcious that It'was under. laxen in tne interest of a company which makes an unusually hard kind of steel for the manufacture of safes." If there be any justification for such sus picions he have a new danger to fear, for If the manufacturers of safes begin to make a show of attempts at burg lary Just to get an advertisement for their goods there Is no telling what we may come to. Furthermore, it is up to Chicago to explain why these things are thickest where her influence is strongest. ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brorfio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25c, 4, WHY THEY SUCCEED. Because They Are for a Specific Pur pose. Nothing can be good for everything. Doing one thing well brings success. Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing, They're for sick kidneys. They cure backache, every kidney ill. Here is undeniable evidence 'to prove It. Mrs. A. M. Weaver, of 113 N. A. street, Cripple Creek, Colo,, whose hus band is superintendent of U. P. It. R. quarries, says: "Doan's kidney pills ar a remedy !n which I have great con fldt-nce and I heartily re-endorse what I bavir before stated ibout them In our Cripple Creek papers. Some three ycais ago I gave them to our little girl who was troubled with a weakness of the kidneys. A few doses checked the annoyance and a Hhort continuation of tbo-treatmcnt cured her. ; fche has had very" little trouble since, with the ex ception of when she caught a severe cold; then there Acre symptoms of re currence, but a fe.v dosas of the pills never falls to ward off an attack. I recpmmepiled them to a lady friend of mine some time ago who ui-ed them and wa also benefitted. "I keep them constantly In the house so as to have tbem on hand in case of recurrence. I do not hesitate to a1 vine any mother to uie them In her family where neces sity demands." For sale by all dealers., -Price 50 cts. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, cile agents for the United States. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. G. (j BaFf, DCntiSt ManseU Building. (71 Commercial St, Astoria, Ore, TELEPHONE RED MM. H v FOUNDED A. O.I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE Or LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD, C"h At - - - Sn.soo.ooo Catstte Ata In United ntt, .aio.ejs C. A. Henry & Co., General Agents 213 Snnsome Street San Pranelsco. Cal SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AGENTS PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co.,Agts. Steamer SUE The Largest, Staunchest, Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips every five days between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.50 Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co. and the Astoria & Columbia R- R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents Astoria, Or. or to Lv. A C. R. R. Co. B. C. LAMB, Tillamook. Or. Portland, Or. r 7UII iv Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two years SAMUEL ELMORE & ONE DOLLAR cannot be expended to better advantage foi yourself or absent fiiends than in a year's subscription for the Semi -Weekly Astorian It gives all the city and county news twice each week foi only one dollar a year in advance. j j B 6c O Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN CHICAGO 55 NEW YORK Via WASHINGTON, I). C. Finest and Fastest series of trains in the world. Palatial caches, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawing Room' Cars. The Finest Dining Car Service in the World Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. B. M. AUSTIN, General Pass. Agt. Chicago, 111 rxnzzttznzttxzuxuzzmnxxuiznzznzttz2xsznz:t "let iho COLD DUST TELEPHONE MilN 661 H. ELMORE O.H1N, Co. Portland. Or. J1 CO., Agents. Aatpria, Ore. Mm day cur work' THE WALDORF C. P. WISE. Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Pine liquors and clears. ANDREW LAKB Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Prices Reasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. 4S3 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. FRAEL & COOK IRAN3113R COMPANY. Telephone 1st DRAY1NG AND EXPRESSING All roods shipped to our ear Will receive special attention. No 538 Duane St. W. J. COOK. Mfr. Andrew Asp, Wiri laker, llirlMitl tU Itrwkrtr FIRST-CLASS WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Special Attention Given to Ship are Steamboat Replrlng.General Buck smithing, Flrtt-CUM Horse Shoelng. etc CORNER TWELFTH AND DUAN1 "The Itiggest Sensation Everywhere." LILIPUT The smallest sterescope with the strongest optical effect. Highly fin ished In different colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mountings-. Including 20 V. P. Photographs. Views of art (genre). Price only tl. Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form. AGENTS WANTED. Llliput Steroscope Company FORRESTBLDO,, Philadelphia. A STARTLING SURPRISE. Very fc,v couldb ellcve In looking at A. T. Houdloy, a healthy, robuiut blacksmith of Tllden. Ind., that for ton years he suffered such tortures from Rheumatism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change foi lowed his taking Electric Hitters. "Two bottk-s wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge In over a year." Th-jy regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improve di gestion and give perfect health. Try them. Only 0 cts. at Chas. Rogers drug store. NORTH COAST LIMITED. Is only run by the Northern Paclflo between Portland and Minneapolis and St. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Missoula, Butte, Livingston, billings, Blsmark and Fargo. Eight of these trains are on the run dally, four east and four weat. Each is a solid vestlbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining car, day coaches, mall, express and baggage car and the elegant observa tion car. Each train is brilliantly lighted with over 500 lights and the beautv of It all Is you can travel just aa cheaply on this train as on any other. All representatives will be glad to give you additional Informa tion. A. D. Charlton, Assistant Gen eral Passenger Agent, 265 Morrison St, Portland, Oregon. STARTLING, BUT TRUE 'If everyone knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life Pills Is," write I). H. Turner, Dempwytown, Pu "you'i sell all you have In a day. Two weeks use has made a new man of me." Infallible for constipation, stomach and liver troubles. 2Ge at Chas. Rogers' drug store. LUCK IN THIRTEEN. By sending thirteen miles Wm. Splrey, of Walton Furnace, Vt., got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Saive that wholly cur'id a horrible fever sore on his leg. Nothing else could. Posi tively cuures Bruises, Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, Bolls, Burns, Corns and Pile. Only 26c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers, drUTflnt. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For I n fi urn nistlon o 'Btsrrh of tbii Maiiikr and Klwued KUlacy. Uo curs bo pay. (,'un-. quickly and Perms sent!? Iho worst csms of Coiiorrliorit snd 4lft, So malt wof bow ions ntsnil. fntf. Aoitulutttly briiilfR. Bold by dmxnnti. Prlct (1 00, or by nisll, pottimJcL Sl.W, I hoses, lt.it. THI SANTAl-rtPSIN CO.. V" SSIISFONTS.HS.OM.O. Sold by Chas. Rogers, 451 Commerci al Street, Astoria. Oregon. rriii,i m A familiar name of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known II over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental Unas, securing to paesengers tne nest service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, or a variety equaled by no oilier line. See that your ticket read via "The Milwaukee" whm going to any nolnt In the Uulted fttats or Canada, All ticket agent sell Ihfrm, For rates, pamiililet or other lnfor. rnai Ion, addemi, J. W, CAHICT, C. 1. RDDT. Trav, 1-s. Agt 'l.-n. Agt, Portland, Or. Portland, Or. C. J. Trenchard Insurance Commission M. Snipping. Agent Wells Fargo and Pa cldo Kxpresa Cnmpaitlaa. Cus tom How Broker. ASLfCICP AMID FLAMES. Breaking Into a biasing home, some firemen laWly dragged the sleeping In mates from death. Fancied security mid death near. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. ' Don't do It. lr. King" New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Keep It near, and avoid suf fering, death aud doctor' bills. A lenspoonful stops a lnate cough, per sistent use the limit stuborn. Harm less and nice tasting. It's guaranteed to aallafy by Chas. Roger. Price Mc und 11.00. Trial bottle free. NORTHERN PACIFIC Tlmo t'tml olTritliiit PORTLAND. s Leave Arrive Puget Bound Limited. 7:25 am l.tt pm Kansas Clty-Sl Lout HiMH'hil 11:10 am lltpm North Coast Limited I JO p m 7:00 m Tacoma and Seattle Night Kxprvsa ll:4t pm i: nt Take Puget Sound Limited or North Const Limited for amy's Harbor pnlnta Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym- plu direct, Taka Puget Sound Limited or Kan ma Clty-Bt. Louis Special for point on South Bend branch. Double dally train scrvlca on Gray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle, A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Paaeenecar Alt, iit Morrison St., Portland, Or. THE Experienced Traveler IS ALWAYS FOl'ND ON THE FA MOt'S TRAINS OF For It-; Know They Are the Best In Kvery Respect. The Northwestern Limited I '.illy lh'twen Mlnncupolla, Hi, Paul and Chicago, Is ihe Peer of All Trains. Kull Information in regard to lowest rati and comfort In traveling 1 gladly furnished by II. L. MI.3LEK, GENERAL AGENT, 2 Ald.-r St., Portland, Or. T, W. TEASDALE, Uni'l pttssenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. ..Portland - Sstoria goute. STR. -BAILEY GATZEKT." Dally round trip except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Leave Astoria 7 p. m. Through Portland connections with steamer Nahcotta from llwaoo and Long Beach Point. White Collar Line ticket inter changeable with O. R. ft N. C. and V. T. Co. tickets. The Dalles Route STR. " TAHOJHA." and "METLAK0" Dally trip azceot Sunday, TIMfc CARD Str. "TAH0MA" Leave Portland Mon , Wed., f rl 5 a. m Leave Dalles, Tae., Thur., Sat, 7 m. m. Str. "METLAK0" Lv. Portland Tuea., Thur.. Sat, 7 a. m. Lv. Dalle. Mon.. Wed., Prl., 7 a. m. landing at foot of Aldei Street, Port land Oregoa. Both I'h cms. Main I5L AGENTS. J. W. Crlchton. Th Dalle, Oregoa A. K. Puller. Hood River, Oregoa Wolford tc Wyer, Whit Salmon, Wn. ; Henry Olmstead, , ... Carson, Wn. I John W. Tottsn, Stevenson, Wn. J. CWyatt, Vancouver, Wn. A. 3. Taylor, " f: Astoria, or. B. W. CRICHTON. Portland Oregon. UISHISTIS'S VMALtftiM PNYPjyAL PILLS ArE. ai )"!'.!" i.ii.iio Mk Dmrnn Hi Hi lt gals'. )) Mf JIH s-JH IMlMitflrAlmii. Talr H Hh, Hrfn timmifrf Haib)tliHUiii n4 Imtltv iloctsk Hu; t jruar Orugi-(, nl 4. lamp tor Jri 1ml Nr TmIInmhUU Md 'anMr htr .Btllngi,(f Iftttr, W P Cum Mall 1,01el,mnnfnU Hultl b IlrMlsia. I'hlrslsMUtr- 4 firs till HP. jlc! yrP. I'UILA ?A GUOHSMAN'H PATENT WHITING JUNG Tli most Important Improvement of th eg In th art of pen manship makes th poorest writ er a splendid penman In a few week by th use of this ring. En dorsed by prominent college presidents and board of education In Europe and America. Sampl doxen assorted else sent poet paid for fl, slngls satnpl 26a, When ordering a single ring stst whether tor man, woman or child, nm Eire, supply co. HI I, FOURTH IT Philadelphia. IS . S3 TICKETS TO AND PROM ALL Points East vu SHORT LINE TO St PAI'L, DULUTII. MlNNBAl'OLltv CHICAGO AND POINTS BAST. Through Patar and Tourist Hit pr. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Car. Dally Train: fast time. For rates, folder and full Informa tion regarding lit keU, rout eio. call on or address J W. PHALON, ir. DiokaoM Trav. l a. Aft. City Ticket Agt IJJ Third Street, p.llnd. A. B.C. DKNNI8TON. G. W. I. A 111 First vnu. Beattl. Wash, NOT1CM FOR PUBLICATION United Btate Und Offue, Oregon City, Oregon. Dec. 17, IWL Notice I hereby given that In com pl l.i m- with the provision of the act of emigre of June 1, UU, entitled "An act for the sale of tlmlwr land In th stales of California, Oregon, Nevada." and Washington Territory," a extend ed to all public land slate by act of August i Wt. OMORGK C, MAltlD, on of the heir of Frank C. Ilalrd. deceased, of PortUnd, rounty of Mult nomah, state of Oregon, ha this day filed In this office hi sworn state ment No. Wt, for the purchase of lot 1, I. 7 and I of section No. 22. In township No, I north, rang No, 7 west, and wll offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ills claim to said innd before Ihe register and re. crlver of this office ut tiregtiu City, Or., on Monday, the Mll day of March, 1SU3. H name as witnesses: W. G. Pres ent t. Kll Foster, N, K. Foster, P, O. Wage, nil tf Astoria, Ore, Any and all iwmon eUlmtng ad versely the above-described laud are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said lth day of March, im. ('II AH, II. MtMlRErt. 1-0-3-10. Register. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO WITH DRAW INSURANCE DEPOSIT. UT THB IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN In accordance with th requirement Of the laws rf lha Ulal. 1.,w. relatlv to Insurance companies, nolle ucrouy given ins i in imperial In surance Company,-Limited, of London, England, desiring to cease doing bua luess within the State of Oregon, In tend to withdraw It deposit with the treasurer of ssl.i stat an mn is claim against said company shall be int-u nn tne insurance commissioner within six months from the second day Of HiMttanilur ions lh. ..... ...,).. . . - ' i hi. t, iq wing 1 UW date of the flrt publication of this no- urn-, wimornw us deposit rrom th State Treasurer. IMPERIAL IN8URANCB CO., LTD. By WM. J. LANDERS, Manager. Dated at San Francisco this 1st dar of September, Itoj, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Lund Offlie, Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 20, 1902, Notice Is hereby gltren that In com nllnnce with Iho provisions of the act of congress of June S. 187S, entitled "An net for the sale of timber lands In thd state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory," a extend ed to all public Imid state by act of August 4, 1812, KNUTE T, IIKRVEN, of Portland, county of Multnomah, late of Oreaon, hn this day tiled In this office hlit sworn statement No, 669 for the pur. hunt) of the lots 16, 18, 17 and IV of section No. 1, In township No. 4 north, range No. g west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for timber r stone than for Agricultural purposes, and to oHtablirih his claim to said land befor thu agister and receiver of this office at Oregon City, Orgon, on Thursday, the 12th day of February, IMS, - - , , He names ns witnesses; i Charles W, Mead. John W. Nondcl, and Hugo H. Nondcl, all of Portland, Oregon: and Jumca C. Pope of Elsie, Oregon. Any nd all person claiming d vorsely the nbove-dcscrlbtd land ar requested to file their claim In thl of fice on or before the 12th day of Febru ary, 11)03. CHAS. D. MOORES, 11-25-1-30 . ru-g-teter. 1 sets tiny Csptulet r tup not Cubebl ot Injer tiont bik!Aimu CURE IN 4S HOUniVl. th ssm diMiMt with out inconveriienc, ,y.'y h all IWurriitt. Foley's Honey Tee heUM lungi aodiUofit fh cough.