Dcoks, Periodical?,, tA:aznc.i, &.C, Are hot to ba Taken fcilto Library without permission. Any cno (ijnd KUilly of such offense, ASMA fwSUC WW ASSOCIATiOX jLfbje Jo prosecution. ,. iff 1873 1903 ""PMCMMM Jl L-U.. L.IM'. '! F""W!!9P"W ' r"li"i'il'Hlfll'7ir"" i .. 1 'p- "'TT VOLUME. LV1. , r ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, ".JANUARY 15, 1903. - . I II ill Itl'.lc 1:1 . v . 1 " ' ' ; PURE LINEN UNDERWEAR i f r o iTyY J In this age ofjhysi cal culture and advanc ed sanitary ideas linen Is universally regarded by authorities as the only perfect material for un derwear, because it is perfectly adapted to the needs of the shin. IT PREVENTS COLDS Get the Genuine Belfast Mesh MOLD ONLY I1Y P. A. STOKES .. The Palace Cafe The Best Restaurant I eiulr Mens, 25 Cents Sundsy Dinners iSpeclilty Erytbinc the Market Affords Palace Catering Company SELLING OUT Entire Stoch Mens and Boys Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, must be sold before February I. Going out of business. EVERYTHING AT COST PRICE. Chas. Larson WtlchBloik ' 6 CommtrcUl Stftti. S E B . FISHER BROTHERS AHTORIA, - . - .OREGON EXECUTIVE INSTALLED Governor Chamberlain Sworn in at Salem by Chief Jus tice Moore. DELIVERS HIS FIRST MESSAGE Scleral JtiHwiuuieitiiitUoiiN Are Minl AfllVrlliiff the Inter est ol I lie People oj' Astoria. HAl.KM. Jan. 14 (Hpccjal. ) George K. Chamberlain today assumed hid dull as fovi't nor of Oregon. The In sinuation took place at 2 o'clock, nl a Joint meeting of the tw house of the legislature, the on tit being adminis ter. Ijy Chief Justice Moore. The ran. Vii of the vnli' cast In the June elce tlon showed thut Mr. I'liHtnbf rinln'M plurality over Mr. Furnish mix The snll tU-n were pin ked Hi the instal lation n J tin- ceremony wan extremely interesting, Immediately lifter Hi limiiguri.tlon Governor Chamberlain appointed John Minuting as Jlstiif-t utiorncy, n position vacat.J by Mr. Chamberlain's accept ance of the governorship. AH talk of refusal on the purl of ih republicans to canvass ihe iti'r for governor unless Mr. Clmnibrhln receded fiiim hlti -siltoti lli.it hp Mini the light to name hi Httcess'ir tin district attorney turn-1 d mil to be hot air. numbers of the legislator'! generally agreeing thut the Bovi itinr 'Vm i orti'i-t in hln opinion, The I'm llunit i h ii tiT hill pacRpd lHith hmiiu'4 of thi lfil.ilulure tiMlny, iro Init throuiih without a itlnKt'iitlni; voice. The liniuviirutlon oVtMHlmilmvi-d th' mniitorltil ultuntlnn tol:iy, hut from thin on tlie rotnlii; coiiti'Kt will hold thi liit.-('iit if , m'.MntH'm hoiI InM.ylKtH, That Mr. Fulton" fenc1 rc In hotter hiiw thna thusi of imy other fundi. il!t who h iMM-n plm tfd In lut ymirn I Uf kiiowl-.Iifi'd .u:il hid nvfiinii Ik iiilmltwd lonisht by wiinr of Mr. anr Miptmrtfr. IniliM-d. Ii In uhlxpi-rcri inou.iil that Mr. fiver' t frli'nds will com out for Mr. Pulton it the iIkIh tlltt'. nivl thiit thi' ex.gtfvernor 'lll iro out for Hit- liimented I'oiiKtvuioimn Tomstit-'n jdin-e. Senutor Mlli hcli will ncfoinpiiiiy the body of t'oiiBiVHsmiin TonRiie o Ulllsboro and will lie at the cupitill 'tett week, lie will iinulM Mr. Fulinn In ifitlliiff hln foriin In Hluipe. Hlld hln jirenenre will ilmiliili'KH liavt A 4et'ldedly beneflriiil etT.vt on the I'lindldify of th Antorlan. WHO WANTS THEM? One Bet Encyclopaedia Brlttanlcn. 31 valumen, complete with Book CW .' $41.50 On Temple Ed I lion of Hheakenpeare, to volume If you wUh lo ntak wyne addltlims to your library let ui flgun with you, , c" ' 1 . J. IN. GRIFFIN THE BEE HIVE BARGAINS AT THE BEE HIVE Silk Hhlrt raisU, taffeta, peau de wlr and Imperial taffeta reduced from IS to 12.50. Thla la the greatet buruuln we have ever offered. The flret uuitomef geU flrit choice, . Every woolen walet reduced to co it. Sale of eklrte, claoki and suite at III continues. The publlo ehowa IU appreciation by the lively way these cut-priced goods are being bought. $2 and 13 eklrte, leu than coat at 5o Children's Woolen Hone, lOo Women's Lace !oe So, High grade best corset, originally S3 iwd II, at 50o. M bleached sheeting 19o Unbleached S8 muelln 1-2 o. Children'! nnd Mlssss shoes, unbroken lot's form- er price 11.60 and 12 for II THIS MORNING IS TflB BEdT TIME TO TRADE. 467 Commercial Street, - Astoria XKW OyVERNOIfS MKSSAC.K. SALRM, Jan. H.-(Spi'( lal.--t'iover-llor 'luiip.tr'i lain delivered hlK Iniui giir.il Mddri'HH to Hie niomlierH of the two hotifi-s .oon after the oath of of liee hiJ b.'en adnilnlmered to him. The niemuse was sweeping in lis mope and eotnewhiit surpriHlng. for the gov ernor recommends the abolition of health officer and hounnan nl Auto rlii positions which, he declined, ale flll.'d by the Quarantine official at As- Imla. He touched on all matters of Iniportiuiie to the male, particularly upon the method now In vogue of i-ol-leetlng state tares. He txiinted out that the asseused vnluatiou of the ntale hnd gone down from lltiO.uOO.OOO lo JUT.. IHMI.OOO, aiol recommended that the leg islature clothe the executive with au thority to name a commlxMion v Inves tigate the question aim report a suit able rule to correct the ubuse. Governor Chamberlain denounced the practices of the "crimps" operating at Astoria and Portland, saying the present laws were inadequate to the protection of the shipping interims. He recommended that the legislature should memorallze congress on the sub. Ject, and ad Jed! I recommend also that the laws of this state be amended at this session In these particulars: First, create u severer penalty by way of both fine and Imprisonment; second. Invest the municipalities of Portland nnd Asto- rla with broadest authority to enact ordinances on the subject, operative within their corporate limits, not in consistent with the general pui'iHise aiuf scope of the laws of the state, cut ting off the right of appeal in cases arising under such ordinances, thus avoiding delays of which I have spoken." In discussing the pilotage system of the Columbia river Governor Chamber lain called attention to the report re cently circulated that a combination! between the Oregon and Washington pilots was talked of, the Idea being to raise rates. He pointed out that the Washington rates are much higher than those of Oregon, and urged the legislature to take action that will ren tier Impossible a combination such as was talked of a few months ago.. Regarding the positions of health of- eer and boatman at Astoria, the gov. einor's iiii4e .otititlm-d the follow, lug slut mailt : 1 . 'Tht' law in fo fur as It provides f,r u health officer at Astoria with 'a sal aty af $HW per annum, v,:t;i a: lmt imm at t&M pr annum, ought to tie re IK'Uled. Por a number of ytant past this h.ia been a sinecure. All the du lled prescribed for such officer are now ciM'.'red by the United H tales quaran tine officer 'it thut port. He has prece ded e over iiny state officer, and has a well equipped quarantine stutiori and boarding steamer. When a vessel ar Tecs with contagious disease on board It In at once sent ovej to the United Hlutes quarantine stntjon near Knupp ton, Woah., there kept till alt dunger Is passed uint then properly disinfected. Kverf the-state health officer, without a riMlt from the federal officer, would not bf allowed to go near It, Its passen gers or crewTA federal quarantine sta tion has been maintained at the port ii, tine 1 'or about three and a half years and la In charge of an officer In the federal service. Such is not the case at either Coos bay, Gardiner or Yaqultm bay. These officers might still lie re tained, but the amount of service per formed should be Inquired into and a salary paid each commensurate there Willi. Those now pe.ld are loo large for the service rendered Ihe state." governor Chumberlnln scored Hie act of 1f rcdlstrlctlnif hn state Into sen atorial unJ representative districts. The dlslriits hiv. he declared, lw-en gerrymandorud, and gross Injustice has resulted. AtV-ntlon is called to the fact that one senttorlut district the Ninth extends from the Columbia river on the ntrth to the California state line on Ihe south. This, he said, Is a man licet in justice to the people of the die It ict. whose representative Is not in touch with their interests. IteOistiict Ing of the slate Is urged. The trovernor recommends that ev erything jioslble be done to secure an open river; .hat all executions take place at the penitentiary; that a lax be levied on all foreign corporations; that an Inheritance tax be provided for; that a labor bureau be established; thai all slate ofticiuls be placed on Hat salaries; that the number of state nor mal schools be reduced to twp; thai the Lewis and Clark fair appropriation he made. Kx-Oowrnor (Jeer presented retir ing mi Ufa.", in ihe course of which he called attention to the Mays law. that prod. Irs for the manner in which Cnlred State senators shall be Weeted. CONFISCATE COAL MINES The Powers of Congress To Pass Such a Measure" Is to Be Investigated. HEROIC REMEDY PROPOSED SUES FOR INSURANCE. Husband Mysteriously Disappears and Death Is Assumed. AUUNV, ' N. V.. Jan. H.-ln the court of appeals yesterday was argued the appeal of Ihe riohemliin Roman Ca'.hollc First Central union of the t'nltd States from a decision of the uppelatlve division flf the first depart ment In favor of Marie Jurdn, admin istratrix of the estate of her husband. Prank. Jardn. late of Manhattan. The case is Interesting in view of the fact that Jarda mysteriously dlsap peired, his death being assumed. He was Insured In the organisation, which Is a mutual benefit association. The le gal point Involved Is regarding Mrs. Javda's technical Hght to sue. not be-; in named ns lienelkiary. The lowe court sustains her right us admlnls lialiix representing nil hetrg. Hill May Be Introduced Author Iziiijf Goveriiiiit-nt to Inr I'litiMj ami Control All .Mines Hiid Itrdx. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14,-The chair man of the Judiciary committee of the house today Intrxluced 'he following resolution: ' Resolved. ThKt the committee on JudWary Is authorized tnd here by directed to Investigate and re port to this house, with all conven ient speed, the opinion of that com mittee as to the power of congress , to declare that a necessity has arisen for taking possession of all c al, coal beds and coal mines in ihn United States and all lines of transportation, agencies, instru ment and vehicles of commerce necessary for the tramqiortatlon of coal, and if In the opinion of that committee the power exists and a mcesity for the exercise of such power has arlen, that the commit tee forthwith reiort to this house .1 bill dcpiring the necessity, pro viding fully and In detail the occas ions, mo:l, conditions and agen cies for said appropriation that will fully arid completely exhaust the power of congress in ihit regard." BLOWN INTO FRAGMENTS up a plan for the settlement of the Irish land question tjr the sale of the land to the .enints, was a passenger on the Cunrd liner Invemiar In an Interview he said: "The lar.d question was talked over and threshed out and the result of the conference will be the new bill for ' land purchase, which will be presented to parliament In March. We want the government to assist In the purchasing of the land for the tenant. It will be a co-operative plan and enable the ten ant to get the purchase money at the lowest Interest. The government will not be the loser. If the Irish land WlljONLY ONE BODY RECOVERED i.iinn-B ui me lorm we desire, tne gov- i ernment expenses will be greatly de-l creased by. a reduction of the police,! law expenese, etc. Terrible Fate of Employes of Pow der Works-None Survived to Tell the Tale. RAILROAD VIOLATED LAW. Btored Explosives In Building and as Result Five Men Were Killed. Other Scattered About on Three Acre Explosion ICeiliicedi ' the Huildlngr to Kliid linir Wood. NANIMO, B. C., Jan. ;4. A terrlfio explosion occurred at the Hamilton Powder company's .works at 8:40 this George Simonettl, James; WASHINGTON. Jan 14. The bill re ported from the ways and means com mittee yesterday to provide a rebate of duties on foreign coal for one year was passed In short order by the house to day by practically a unanimous vote 2TS to 5 those voting against 'it being Cushman and Jones (Washington), Gaines (W. Va.'i. Mondell (Wyo.) and ralmersnn (Pvui.J. all republicans, The bill was considered under an op eration of the rule w hich cut off an op portunity to amend. The only opposition to the measure came from some of the members rep resenting .he coal states, who express ed a fear that the admission of Chinese mined coal from Canada,' would Injure the coal Industry of their states. HOUSE HILL OX COAL PASSED IN THE SENATE NEW YORK, Jan. l.l.-The New York Central Railroad company Is on trial In the Herkimer county court, says a ' Times dispatch from Utica. N. Y.. i charged with murder In the second de-1 mornln gree. i Fulford and 10 Chinamen were killed. The railroad house In Herkimer was Only one body, that of a Chinaman.' the scene, of a terriffic exolosion in i .... a . August, 1901. Five men were killed.! 7,7 ,7 7 1 It transpired that the .ailroad com- j M,y Uwa to frant.. pany had stored high explosives In the j Th3 sun 0"on storage house ex building contrary to law and to the ploded from tne concussion exploding village ordinance. j the g-llgnite mixl.ig house 400 feet The company was indicted for violat- j away, where the greatest loss of life ing the penal code and for murder in is supposed to have occurred, the "second degree. The railroad's at-! The ground was excavated to a deoth torneys moved to dismiss the Indict, ment, but the court denied the motion and evidence as to the contents of the building and the explosion is being heard. The trial w ill last several ifevs. LORD BERESFORD ARRIVES. Great Britain Must Not Give Credit to Bankrupt Republics. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Vice-Admiral Lord Charles Bereford, who was a pas senger on the Kaiserin Maria Theresa said: "My visit to the United States has nothing to do with the internation al Mercantile Marine company." Regarding the Venezuelan affair Lord Charles said: "It will . teach Great Britain a lesion of the danger of in ternational complications by allowing unlimited trade credit ito a bankrupt and unscrupulous-republic like Vene zuela and trying to collect bad debts by coercion." of six feet where the buildings stood. The buildings were blown into kindling wood and scattered with fragments of human flesh over several acre. The tramway was blawn up and a length of steel rail twined spirally around a tree like a lash. The works are three miles from Nani- ' mo and broken windows here testify to the tremendous force of the explosion. It Is impossible to assign the cause of ' the explosion as there were no surviv ors. ,. '.., INDEFINITELY POSTPONED. Montana Ladles Will Not Be Able to ' Vote tor Awhile Yet. HELENA, Jan. 14. The senate to day by a vote of 13 to 12 decided to In definitely postpone a bill for the sub mission to the people of. the constitu tional amendment giving suffrage to women. OItt AlWtt SALE. DIED AT AGE OF EIGHTY-SEVEN. Well Known County Judge and lawyer Is No More. CHICAGO, Jan. 14,-John C. Chuma-so-ro, for ninny years a well known fig ure nt the Chicago bur and formerly county Judge of Monroe county, New York, Is dead at the residence of his son here at S7 years. Mr. Chumsero was born In Nottlng- nani, cnguinu, out came to the United States with his parents at an early age, settling in Rochester, N. Y. He studied for the law and was admitted to the Rochester bar, where he prac ticed for a number of years. Just be fore the wnr he was elected Judge of the county court of Monroe county, serving 14 years. He came to Chi cago In 1879. WEALTHY GENERAL. NEW YORK, Jan. H.-Geneiul Sal vador Vergil, says a Herald dispatch i... i. . . . Hum nipuixiHo, vnue, nas been ap pointed chief of the general staff to replace General Emilia Koine, who has gone to Europe with a military com mittee. -3eneral Verga Is a veteran of the revolution of 1891. but the ex tent of his military talents has never been tested. He Is very wealthy. DINNER FOR CHOATE. NEW YORK, Jan. H.-The executive committee of the Pilgrims' club haf completed Its arrangements, says the London correspondent of the. Tribune, fort Its dinner to Mr. Choate, to which all the resident nmbasadors, all the United States ambassadors and minis ters on the continent and all members of the Biltlsh government will be Invited. Tillman Enlivens Session With De nunciatory Speech-Statehood Bill Dlvussed. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. - The sen ate today acted promptly on the house bill providing rebates of duty on coal and passed It unanimously without de bute. The militia bill also was passed. with an amendment striking out of the bill the section providing for a reserve force of irained men. thus removing objections made against It. For an houe and a half Tillman occupied the attention of the senate in a character istic speech in which he denounced trusts and monopolies and severely criticised the attorney-general. The statehood bill was up for a short time during which McCumber spoke in favor of granting statehood to Okla homa. Arizona and New Mexico. Aldilch offered a committee amend ment and added a new section to the Dill providing that provisions of the ringley act shall not be construed hereafter to authorize Imposition of any duty on anthracite. as amended the bill passed unani mously.. BETTER THAN VON HOLLEBEN. New Ambanador Will Urge Community -of Interests. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Referring to the Cologne Gaxette's assertion that next to late Ambasador Pauncefote no diplomat enjoyed In Washington such popularity ar Dr. Von Holleben, a dispatch to the Times from Berlin by way of London says there is an Impression, however, that Baron Speck von Sternberg is to be Instructed to work on different lines and to try to emphasize the community of American, German and British interests as far as he can," His antecedents nnd sympa thies, it Is believed, qualify him for the role. , Is Now in Full Blast. We Have a Store Filled With BARGAINS Everything in the House Reduced C. H. COOPER r PLAN TO ASSIST TENANTS. Co-operative Scheme on Foot to As sist the Irish Poor. NEW YORK, Jan. 14.-Captair Shawe-Taylor, the son of an Irish land lord and one of the organlxers of th' Irish Land Conference committee which met in Dublin recently to draw HAPPY NEW Y E A R Welwish all of our customers prosperity for the comingfyear. In order to insure that, patro nize the 4? ECLIPSE HARDWARE Plumbers aniisteamfuters CO.