a Morning Astorian Establiihtd I87S. RATE Si Sent by mail, per year. t& 00 Beat by mail, per month 50c Served by carrier, per month 60c ONE CENT A WORD ACROSS SEAS. Most of the world has longr since ceased to wonder ,-nt any advance In the development of wireless telegraphy, the general conviction .being th;it its practicability Is bound to be estab lished in some way and that very soon nd that we. may as well content ourselves right now in a belief that the wireless method is to be the chief, and the cheapest means of communica tion In the future. "We are under contract," said Signor Marconi In his address at the compli mentary dinner given him at Sidney. N. S.. a few nights ago, "'to transmit mesages for 10 cents a word, but you need not be surprised if in the future messages are flashed across the At lantic at a cost of a cent a word." Nor will anybody be surprised. All the success, all the surprise, incident to wireless telegraphy have long ago been discounted. 'When we wake up sojne fine morning In the not-distant future acd find that we can talk with London or Paris at a cent a word, we shall simply take up the cross-seas con venation as a matter of course. As the if re it Italian inventor ha? , pointed out, the ocean cables serve only the rich, ns a general thing. After nearly 40 years of operation cross-seas telegraph tolls have not been materi ally reduced. The octan cables are still beyond the reach of the masses. It Is only in cases of the most extreme ne cessity that th? middle classes ever send such messages. But all classes rich and floor alike use the land telegraphy and telephone lines with rapidly Increasing frequency. The sup ply of these means of communication can hardly keep up with the demand for the service Is cheap. And cheap ness alon; will make the wireless service jiopular and profitable. The cost of . establishing a trans-Atlantic wireless telegraph service is less than 1200.000 while It costs $4,000,000 to lay an Atlantic cable. So right on the start the inter?st charge on the wire less investment is vastly less than that on a oabIS line. As the arrival of Watt or Brunei or Stephenson or Fulton i lothed the land and waters of ;he two hemispheres with new enchantment and new val ues', so Marconi Is about to add to both. The Illinois state board of health recomm;nd3 that the legislature of that state establish a home for consump tives. It is believed that mortality from tuberculosis can be reduced great ly by segregating sufferers from the malady and providing better hospital cute and treatment. The state could thereby save or prolong the lives of .thousands. The Chicago. Tribune, '. commenting on the- recommendation, - -Bay? that the proposition "will be lis tened to more respectfully than it would have been had it been made a few years ago. The nature of tubercu1- . losii Is better understood. It is known to be an infectious disease, and the desirability of the segregation of pa tients is appreciated. It is conceded that by proper treatment the mortuli ity liom a disease which causes one svenih of all the deaths can be great ly reduced. A community which tol- : ertles a preventable mortality is lack- ' Ing In intelligence and humanity. ' Much pi-ogress has been made by medi- ' cal men of science in almost every department. However, says the Ta coma News, while many of the worst seou-fres from which mankind suffered up to a century or less ago have been ; successfully combattcd and controlled. ; comparatively little has been done to J stay the ravages of tuberculosis. Smallpox, typhus fever" cholera, and other deadly diseases have been In vestigated and discoveries have been made either of measure to remove the , cause or to render the persons Immune from contagion. Sanitation has wrought a great change In conditions under which the diseases flourished. It has been said that municipalities owe no greater duty than to keep the air and water pure and to . secure good drainage. But while water supplies and drainage systems can be greatly Improved and rendered sanitary the air which we breathe while at work or asleep cannot be so easily regulated. The lung would not become diseased so easily If purer air were breathed. Difficult as Is the problem with refer ence to treatment of consumption. It would be possible to secure better air to breathe where men and women are employed. Prevention Is better than cure, and the breathing of pure air would reduce the number of cases of this fatal disease. G. 01, BarF, Dentist Mansell Building. 578 Commercial St, Astoria, Or. TELEPHONE RED J061. Dr. T. L Ball DENTIST. 524 Commercial Street Astoria. Ore RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In stock. We sell the celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone lift H. W. CYRUS. Mgr Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL' ST. Your orders far aunts, boita FRESH A D S A L T will be promptly und saus'ao 'oriiy attended to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Telephone No SSI. THE WALDORF C. F. WI3E, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Fine liquors and cigars. C. J. Trenchard Insurance Commission and Stripping Agent Wells Fargo and Pa cific Express Companies. Cos torn Hons Broker. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LEAVE PORTLAND AKKIVI 8 00 am I Portland Cn on f jt 7 Ov p m For Astoria and W I Points I 11 10 i m SMpic ASTORIA T 45 1 m 10 p li ft Fortisnd und W y 1 11 30 s b Point 1030 n BfcAllDK DIVISION S 15 m I 11 -V, a m Atloriit fT Warreoion, 7 10 a . FUvel, Fun h evens, t 'Xi p u. Hammond and AttorU 10 4,i n. Seaside lor ttarreubm, , 12 50 i m Have , Hanis.'nd, ."on ! 7 '41 p it Steve a ami Astoria tan 6 15 a m I I 3(i o in Sunday only. All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East and Sound points. J. C. MAYO, Gcn'l Freight and Pass. Agent TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VI V SHORT LINE TO ' St PAUL. DULTJTH. MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourist Blepers. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Dally Trains; fast time. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding tickets, routes etc., call on or addreas J. W. PHALON. H. DICKSON Trav. Pass. Aft. City Ticket Agt 122 Third Street, Portland. A. B. C. DfcNNISTON, O. W. P. A (12 First ATenue. Seattle. Wash. A FINE LIBRARY. Of 140 volumes Is found on each of the Northern Pacific's "North Coast Limited"' trains. Don't forget that these are the only trains operated In the West that are lighted throughout electricity. Foley's Kidney Cure cukes kidneys end bhik: iit. ASTORIA. OREGOX. FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1903. QCARANTIN EM.UNTAINED TO PREVKNT PL AG I" K. Guard of Soldiers Will Shoot Any Who Atemupt to Pass-Shipping Is at a Standstill. 'l'CON. Arts., n. 8. Information to the Star from the office of the sec retary of state nt Hermoelllo concern ing the plague situation Is as follows: The strictest quarantine Is maintain ed at Guaymas against Masatlan. A cordon of soldiers has been establish ed from tidewater on the bounadry line between the state of Sonora and fina le, the soldier being stationed with in slglt of each other along the entire distance, with instructions to shoot any one endeavoring to pass the line. The strictest kind of patrol is kept up nloiig :he const. No passports, are Is sued to ships to clear from Ouaymas an 1 no ships are allowed to enter from any point. t The most thorough system of fumiga tion and sanit.iny regulations has been adopted. Lime an ! sulphur Is issued daily to the poor people and streets and yards are cleaned dally. Gover nor Isabel has been ju.iee f.t com plete charge by the federal government. Governor Isabel brands the reports of the last few days to ihe effect that the plague had secured a foothold in Guaymas or In any of the border towns between Guaymas and Slnnloa as false. DEALERS MfST PAY LICENSE. Changes Recommended In Conduct of Match Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 8. The municipal explosives committee has sent to May or Low for his approval the regulations which they propose for governing the sale and use of matches in this city. The mayor will give a public hearing on them on January H. The commis sion proposes a license fee of i'') for the sale at wholesale of matches by firms or persons owning private brands' and the Rrantlns to retailers and oth ers by the" fire commission of a per mit on the payment of a fee of 51") for the storage and sale of matches. It is stipulated that a retail store may carry Its matehmen's grosses or approximately 50 gross of boxes, which hold 100 matches or less; that a wholesale dealer may carry 3.")00 gross, j ilnd the manufacturer or his agent j 250.000 gioss. The last named must store his goods In a brick building, j Other regulations proposed are for the use of strong boxes and stems; the! abolishment of the "fuse" mutch and ; the prohibition of the siile to children! under 10 years of age. The commis sion also recommends the use of the safety match. HAILS DOWN HIS FLAG. Uear-Admlral Retires From Coast fe fense to Asiatic Station. NEWPORT, R. I,, Jan. 8. Rear-Ad-miral Cooler's fliig was hauled down on board the Constellation at the train ing station here yesterday, and as this was done a salute of 13 guns was given. The admiral retires from the com mand of the coast defense of this sec tion and is ordered second In command of the Axlatic station. HEHEW VGTEJUNS OP.OAN1ZE. ALHANT. N. Y., Jan. S.-The He brew veterans of the war with Spain have incorporated to promote social in tercourse and fraternity between vt erin soldiers and sailors of Hebrew faith who served In the irnlted States army and navy during the Spanish American and Philippine wars. The principal offices .vlll be In New York. ESCAPED FItO,M TURKEY. Old Tailor Dies in Indiana Who For merly Worked for the Sultan. CHICAGO, Jan. 8. Joseph Swoboda, an old tailor, Is dead at Terre Haute, Iml., says a dispatch to the Tribune. J He was tailor for the sultan of Turkey for a number of years and escaped j from Constantinople at a time, 30 years a?o, when the sultan was condemning to death person suspected of complic ity In a political conspiracy. t'HAMUERLAIN TO WP.'lHEftS. PRETORIA. Jan. S. Colonial Secre tary Chamberlain replying to an ad ilress of I'urghers today said there was no prospect of general amnesty. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugglstB refund the money if It fails to oure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25c. MAPS FREE. The Illinois Central Railroad office, at Portland, Ore., has a small supply of nicely mounted wall maps of the United Stutes, 32x38 Inches, also Cuba and Porto Rico, enlarged. If you will send us 10 cents la stamps we will send you one of these handsome maps, post age prepaid, by return mall. If you Intend going east or know of anyone coming west, from any point east or south of St. Paul, Omaha or St. Louis, we would appreciate the op portunity of writing to you or your friends about the details. To say that is the purpose of this advertisement, but the maps are free. Address B. H. Trumbull, 142 Third street, Portland Oregon. ' - I ADAMS 6 HENNINGSEN 416-418-420 and 422 Bond Street. Furniture Bought, Sold and Made to Order Carpet laying, Upholstering, Repairing Etc. Elegant Couches and Lounges Now on Hand Stoves, Tinware and House Furnishings Positively the The Boston Restaurant KM) COMMKKCIAL ST It HIST Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria Try Our 2 5-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention ; MARINOVICH IKOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Bottled or In Keu Free City Delivery : North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria 'K.MIL S( HIMI'FF, imnmnir.'.xinnnii M ..THE CITY Is Noted us the Vm v Whore !. MaiiufiH'tiin'il... - Cutbirth's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable. Preservative, and Handsome Stains od the Market. Nothing keeps out the weather like MiinifU on tbe walla Nothint jireservefi ami beantihea shingles likeCuthirth's stains. Culbirth also makes tbe best COlTEK I'AIilT fur the lttoms of all vater craft Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fisliennen, Farmers and Loggers. As Vs ALLBN Tenth and Commercial Streets' Steamer SUE The Largest, Btannchest, Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trips every Are dsys between. Astoria and FARE Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation Co. an 1 the Astoria Columbia R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, Astoria, r. or to JA. A C. R. R. Co. B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Or. Portland, Or. POUNDBU A. L. 1710 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE or LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD, Cri AMt .mm Casta Aaaata In United Htatas, c. A. Henry & Co., 215 Sansome Street - SAMUEL ELMORE & Lowest Prices High Class Chef & BOSCOVICH f ;ihthI Mil mi kit. i zxxxxxxuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh OP ASTORIA... H. ELMORE Tillamook $3.BO O. R. & N. Co. Portland. Or. Sii.Soo.ooo ,6l6,03S General Agents - San Francisco. Cal CO., AQENT5 ANDREW LAKB Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Bamples, Tor feet Work, Prleea ltrasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. m Commercial St., Astoria. Ore. A STAHTLINCJ ttURPltlSB. Very fe.v couMb ellvve In looking nt A. T. lioadley, a healthy, robuust j blacksmith of Tllden. lud that for ! ten years ha suffered such tortures from Rheumatism as few could endure , and live. Hut a wonderful change fol lov d his taking Electric Hitters. "Two j bottles wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not fell a twinge In over , a year." Tbjy regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood mid cure Rheumatism ; Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improve til gistlon and give pel-feel health. Try them. Only 60 cts. at Vims, liogvrs drug store. NORTH COAST LIMITED. Is only run by the Northern raclflo between t'ortlaud and Minneapolis and St. Paul, through Taeoina, Seattle, Spokane, Missoula, Hutte, Livingston, Hillings, lilsmarlc and Fargo. Ktght of these trains art on the run dally, tour east and four west, men Is i solid vestlbuted train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist sleeper, dining car, day roaches, mall, express and baggage car and the elegant observa Hon car. Each train Is brilliantly lltihted with over too llhU and the beauty of It all la you can trawl Just u cheaply on this train as on any other. All representatives will be Klud to give you additional Informa tion. A. D. Charlton. Assistant Orn ernl TaKsenfer Afent, ISA Morrison St, I'ortianii, vrvgon, STAnnhNQ. HUT TKUB 'If everyone knew what a irrand medicine Dr. King's New Life Mil l," writes I). II. Turner, Dempwytown, Pit., "you'd sell all you have In a day. i Too wweke ut has made a now nuii ; of me." Infallible for constipation, ' utonuch anil liver troubles. 25e at ('has. lingers' drug store. i "WHERE TO HUNT AND FlSH." i i '. Northern Parlflc's new came book U i now rcoily for distribution. Ulustra Hons of live gam. a particular feature. Four full pases from Beton-ThomP' i son's drawings made specially for this tiooK. Bond address with sU cents and book will be mailed to you by Chits. 9. Feo, O. P. T. A.. St. Paul, Minn. i LUCK IN THIJtTEEN. Hy sending thirteen miles Wm. Hplr;y, of Walton rurnacc, Vt.. trot a (mix of Hucklen's Arnica Baive that wholly curjd a horrible fever sore on his leg. Nothing else could. Posi tively cuures Hrulsvs, , Felons. Ulcers, Eruptions, Dolls, Hums, Corns and Piles. Only 16c. Guaranteed by Chun. T 1 .... Amtt.a .1.1 j "The Ulggest Sensation Everywhere." LILIPUT ( Tho small-it sterescope with the ! strongest optical effect Highly fin ished In different colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mountings-. Including ,20 V. F. Photographs. Views of art (genre). Price only 11. Sent everywhere prepaid AOENT3 WANTED. In letter form. Llliput Steroscops Company FORREST DLDO., Philadelphia. FRAEL & COOK j TRANSFER COMPANY, I Telephone 12L DRAY ING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our care 1 Will receive special attention. I No 531 Duane St W. J. COOK, Mgr. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Fnr InSnmmitldil or Oidirrti if Mi Hl4ri1rr and PUemird KMnnya. No car nu pay. (Jure quick!? and' Fenuk. Rfiitlr v weril er of Uuiir'ho Mil Ukrri, no matt? r uf how long umu1 log. AtMeluti'ly birmiini. Hum bjr drorplilii. Prim SI (Ml, or hy mall. uoHpnld. 11.00,1 boif,'.'.!5. THE SAHTAl-PEPCIN CO. SSLISPONTAINC, ONIO. Sold by Chas. Rogers, 469 Commerci al Street, Astoria, Oregon. Don't Guess at It Hut If ou are gevig East write u fur our rates and let us tell you about tlie service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Car via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to writ tu about your trip a w are In a posi tion to give you som valuable Infor mation and aselst&noa; Ml mile of track over whloh are operated som of the finest trains In the world. ' For particulars regarding freight or oassenger rates oall on or address. . C. LIMD8ET, B.H.TRUMBBLU T. F. K. A. Com! Aft. ltt Third St. Portland. Or. Foley's Honey Tat beula lung unditop the couch. Jllll AKLnnP AMID FLA MBS. Ilresklnii into a Warning home, some firemen lately dragged the slneplnf In males from death. Fancied aeeurlty and death near. It's that way wann you neglect toughs and colds. Don't do It. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Keep It msr, and avoid suf fering, death and doctor's bills. A teuspoonful stops a laate cough, per slstont use Ihe most stuborn. Harm lens and nhe tasting, It's fuarantend to satisfy by Chas. llogers. Prhe Mo and IIOO. Trial bottles free. 4 Andrew Asp, Hayns laker, BUrl,H tit imnkm nr..".T-CLAflrt WORK AT HKAHONAMLK I'ttK'tSS. Hiwolsl Attention Oivn lo Ship aH HUsmlKist ltapslrlng.Unersl Ulsck iinlihlng. Flrst.CIs Horse. Shoeing. COflNKR TWBljrTII AND DUAN NORTHERN PACIFIC Tlnu Cunl uf Train PORTLAND, leaves Anlvea Puitt Sound Limited 7 IS am l; pm Kansas Clty-Bl. Iula Hp.ciI II 10 am tAi pm North Coast Limited I SO p m 1:00 a m Taroma and Seattle Night Kxuress lt:it pm I K pm Take Pog't Sound Limited or North Const Limited for Grays Harbor point Tnk Puget Bound I J ml led for Olym pla direct Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas city-Bt. tauts Siecial for point on South llend branch. Pouble dslly train service on Ofay's llnrbor branch. Ktmr tritins dally between Portland, Taroma and Seattle. A. D. CJIAIILTON. Assistant Oeneral Pnosenfaer Aft. 8 Morrison st Portland. Or. THE Experienced Traveler for ho knows they are the bestpL!;; Kor He Knows They Are The Ib-l f,hc North western Limited dully between Mlntieaolis, 8t. l'uul and Chicago, Is eth pter of alt train. Pull Information In regard to lowest rates and comfort In traveling gl.olly furnished by II. It. Oeneral Agent, BIHl.KIt, Portland, Ore. T. W. TKAHDALK. Ueu'l Passenger Agent, Ht. Paul, Minn. MR COLLAK LINE ..forllaod - Mm oute. STR. '"BAILEY CATZERT." Dally round trip eioept Sunder. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. n. Leave Astoria T p. aa. Through Portland ooruieotlons irMJi steamer Nahootta from llwaoo sod Long lleaoh PotnU. White Collar Line tickets lnar. changeable with O. It A N. Ce. and T. Co. tickets. The Dalies Route STR. " TAH0MA," and "METLAK0" Dally trips saoeDt Sunday. IIMt CARD Mr. "TAH0NA" Leave Portland Mon., We4., rrl., J a. m. Uave Dalles, Tues., Thur., Bat., 1 m. Str. "MUTLAK0" Lv. Portland Tues.. Thur.. flht.. 7 . m. Lv. Dalles, Mon., Wed., Frl., 7 a. m. Landing at foot at Alder Street, Port land Ore go &, Ootk 1'bonna. Main 161. AO R NTS. W. Crichton, The Dalle. Orsroa. A. K. Fuller. Hood Itlver. Oreaon. Wolford A Wyers. White Ralmon. Wn. Henry Olmstead. Carson, Wn. Jonn W. Totten, Stevenson, Wn. J. C. Wyatt, Tancouver. Wa. A. J, Taylor, Astoria, Ore. K. W. CRICHTON. Portland t)rego. PENfi Y f?Q VA L 'PI LLS ArK. 4iarfKitibt t.r4l ak Iwfrttl 1"' iti.n aiii wttiti (w'itllrt iwna viim ' ''. Tmkf mitt. KcfW 'nfj.rtiHi -sia)IH1lsMa) gilifl im taltOHNM AN'N PAT UN T WRITING KINO The most Important Improvement of the age In the art of pen manship makes the poorest writ er a splendid penman In a few weeks by the use of tkl ring. 10 -dorsed, by promlneat oollcge presidents and boards of education In Durope and America, Sample dosen assorted sixes sent post paid for tl, single sample Mo, When ordering a single ring stat whether for man, worn is or child. PEMN RIFG. SUPPLY CO. 119 S. FOURTH ST., Philadelphia. 1-1 TT 'At -u.lllallM,a mm ll. I III ''" "J "l jr lii-wl.l, i -ml J- y ft "l"l'-Mrft.rl.,llf.,"iii,lr. -V !- Mali, in.mie rMiinumii.. ..iiij . ... i ii,RHwri,aln)ll).