V 4. Morning Astorian Established 1873. RATES t Sent by mail, per year Sb" 00 Sent by mail, per month. . ......... &V Served by carrier, per month 6tk? CHILD L.VROH pnoiiLEMS. ports were coming almost every week of new efforts on the part of inrtui'ii tlal southern men and women to pro cure enactment of laws preventing child labor in factories, shops mut mine, there was a sr.nguine hope that the worst of the evil was over, and that from this time on it would rapidly di minish. Of late, however, the news haa been by no means so encoui aging, and It now seems probable, says the i"ntt thai o evtam ftf rrtmiiii(m JfetllCft- v m ( ,ua " . . . . ... - --.-- tlon on the subject will have to be un dertaken. Despite the earnest effort made for remedial legislation in that state, the Georgia legislature has adjourned with out donig anything to prevent or even to mitigate the evil. Moreover, the investigation Into the conditon of the anthracite miners In Pennsylvania has brought to light the fact that a large number of children are worked in the mines of that state in defiance of the law. Similar disclosures have been made In New Jersey, ana doubtless if eauallv Beaching Investigations were made in other large mining and man ufacturing states a like deplorable con dition of affairs would be found. In short, the southern states have no laws on the subject. In many of the north ern atates the laws are violated, and the situation of the child appears to be about as bad in one as In the other. It Is a familiar story that a large pro portion of the outh?rn cotton mills are owned by nothern capitalists, and that the influence of the capitalists has been adverse to factory legislation. Thev have in some cases directly warn ed southern communities that if any eftort3 were made by legislation to pre vent the employment-of child labor they would withdraw their investments. That la a favorite form of putting cap italistic pressure upon society. It has been heard all over the Union to a greater cr less extent, and In the south was so portentious that the women's clubs of Alabama made a direct ap peal to the clubs of New England to bring local pressure to bear upon New England stockholders of southern mills to induce them to cease their opposi tion to the desired legislation. The ap peal has evidently had little effect, for it seems .that the millmen fought the child labor bill before the Georgia legislature and defeated it. Th Issue Is not within the scope of feleral legislation. It is a matter with which states will have to deal, and the outlook is not promising. It may seem reasonable to hope that within a few years the southern states will fol low the example of the north In enact ing proper laws against child labor, but what can be done to prevent evas ions of the law such as are now going on unheeded in some of the northern states, where the laws seem to be all that can be desldred? Just as -;oon as the present epidemic of scarlet fev?r is stamped out, the city health department must see to it that the owners of property In every por tion of town are required to clean up their places and keep them clean. Not "only In the suburbs and some resi dence districts, there are places so filthy that one accustomed to frtsh air would almost choke while Waiting them. This condition of affairs exists principally around the Chinese quar ters. In some of the residence sec tions there are accumulations of filth that are an actual menace to the health 'of the community, while her and there stagnant pools may be found. If peo pls will not look after their own health and that of their neighbors, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. All the rubbish and filth around town should be destroyed, and a parlodlcnl Inspection made of sus pected oremises. There is plenty of work before the health department, end the council must make eurly pro vision to see that It Is done. The city physician, who now receives a "salary" of 13U0 yearly, should be paid $100 a year, and, with the chief of police, should regularly examine those sections of town likely to Uecoms filthy. If UNj ONjLA BE L the health of the people is properly safeguarded, the city physician would easily earn a salary of $1000, or such other amount as might be deemed reas onable. The epidemic lately prevail ing ought to teach our city officials a lesson and prompt them to take steps to prevent repetition of the spread of contagious disease. CathlamH Itrwxe: The question of jxililical preference enters largely Into a senatorial conquest. Yet the honor of the state depends on its representa tion, and Its upbuilding is in a great measure depending uixm the utility of the nationtl representation. The choice of the intelligent leople of Ore gon falls on Hon. t YV. Pulion. and nst.lv from all partisanship there is per haps no one b-tter qualified to repre sent the state. In the present and fu ture development of that section of Oregon bounded by the lower Columbia the interests of public improvement are of pnramo'int Importance not only to the tributary country, but to the entire state. With this fact in view, the se lection of a man of ability whose inter ests are Identical with the commanding maritime position of the whole state bears evidence to the wisdom of the people- With Mr. Fulton for senator the state will be nbly represented by a worthy gentleman from the most fam ed section of the X'nited States. 1 "alias Observer: Governor lleer's candidacy for the senatorship Is receiv ing some hard knocks from the repub- j lican press of the st ite. Fully nlne- j tenths of the republican newspapers j are opposed to Geer, and do not. hesi-' tate to say so. The Observer is not among this number. It has always ; be?n a fixed principle of this paper that ! i "no ill should be spoken of the dead." ' TO CURE A COLD IJf ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. & W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25c AN ELECTRIC FLYER. An electric locomotive Ins ;ust been ; constructed which It Is t-'uimel will travel, at the rate of f-otn 100 to 12.1 ; miles an hour. irom this it would i seem that there is no limit to speed possibilities, nor is there any limit to the possibilities of Hosteler's Stomach Bitters for suring stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Its record of cures during the past 50 years proves this without a doubt, and also establishes it3 superiority over all other remedies. When the system has become weak andTun down either from sickness or neglect, you will find a few doses of tha bitters very beneficial. It will give you new life and energy, restore the appetite, purify the blood and cure flat lency, healache, Indigestion and cys pepsia. Try It. G. HI. Barr, Dentist ManseU BuUding. 578 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED SWL Or. T. Ii. Ball DENTIST. 324 Commercial Street Astoria. Ore RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing orders for all kind of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In tock. We tell the celebrated SHELBT LAMP. Call yp Phone 11L H. W. CYRUS. - Mgr Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Tour orders for menu, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly snil usiis.'ac'rlly mended to 3. W. MORTON, Prop. Telepboae No 321. C. J. Trenchard Insurance Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells Fargo and Pa cific Expresa Companies. Cus tom Housa Broker. Fcky's Honey n Tat heels lur.gi aadttopt the couih. ASTORIA. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1903. P MISS MONIE BOWEY, 38 Parry Street, Acoopl of wiottrsaool slipped on froun sidewalk sod 141 flat oo my back. Oo being examined I found that I baa sustained Internal tah rks which kid me up for mora than two months, After that I noticed that I had pains in the back and groin which I ofvtr hd befuf. I doctored and doctored (or several months but as the pains in creased instead of crowing? better I decided that Iwas not having the right treatment Reading in the papers of the wonderful cures performed by Vine of Cirdui I wrote to one of the parties and received a very satisfactory reply and I Immediately sent for some. In a wry short time I felt generally better and after seven weeks faithful toe I was once more well and strong. I have never had a s'.ck hour since and I daily bless your splendid medicine. MONIE BOVEY. IIXE OF CARDUI is one medi w cine that should always be kept on hand in every home for im mecluU) use when female weak ness first makes its appearance. Miss Bower 't painful and dangerous accident would not have resulted so seriously had she taken Winctbf CarJui promptly. ilia )t,mU Homy. WINE of CARD VI ADAMS 6 HENNINGSEN 416-418-420 and 422 Bond Street. Furniture Bought, Sold and Hade to Order Carpet Laying, Upholstering, Repairing Etc. Elegant Couches and Lounges Now on Hand Stoves, Tinware and House Furnishings Positively the l The Boston WtO COMMEUtTAL STItKKT Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria Try Our 2 S-Cent Dinners ! Prompt Attention ; MARINOVICH : KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Bottled l Free City Delivery : North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria SCIIWI'FF, TTTTTTTTIIrTTT-iIIIIIIIII ...THE CITY OF ASTORIA,.. Is Noted an the I1hcc Where Ik Manufactured... Cutbirth's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable, Preservative, and Handsome fctainn on the Market. Nothing keeps ont tbe weather like shingles nn the wall. Nothing preserves and beautifies shingles like Cutbirth's stains. Cutbirth also makes the beat COPPEIt PAINT for the bottoms of all Tater craft Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR. FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers.' A V ALLEN Tenth and Commercial Streets FOUNDED A. U.17IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Caah Akaeita ... fu.soo.ooo Cuh Aaaata In Unite 4 tttat, a.oiO.ojs C. A. Henry & Co., General Agents 215 Saasome Street San franilsco, Cal SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., A0ENT5 3 DETROIT. MICHIGAN. Wine of Cardui make wo men more womanly bv cur ing their weakness am! mak ing tflcm stroDcer. Wine of I'ardul cured Miss Bowey. As a medicine for all women in every trying" period, of their lives can you think of a lielter medicine for Yourself, your sister, your daughter or your mother f Cm you think of n more aceeptublo present to trive your friend than a bott.o of this medicine which will bring her health ami happiness? You are kiiuVriii ? Your duty is to rid yourself of this pain. If your daughter, mother, sister or friend is sick and in need of relief, your duty is equally (Trent to them. Many women, now well, owe their lives to friends who brought them Wine of Cardui. Wine of Canlui is adapted to wo men at any aire in any walk of life. For the working woman it fives her strength fur her tasks and better treatment than a doctor for very small cost. Your drtmiiiat will sell you a It .00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. ivvure, the medicine Unlay. Take it in the privacy of your home. Relief will come to you ftj surely as you take it. A million suffering wotucu have found relief in Win of Cardni. Lowest Prices Restaurant High Class Chef & BOSCOVICH or In Keg (ii'iioral Mannjrcr. IIIIIITTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7, The RUG SALOON P. K. PETKRSOff. rrop, Finest Wines and Lluuors. Corner Astor and Ninth. OREGON Short im and Union Pacific TIMK ("'HSU i Depart i Chicago" i Portland j Special j 9:00 s. m. ( via Hunt Ington Atlantic ' Kipress : ft SO p. m. via Hunt 'Ington UI..K8 From Portland ?all l-ake.Denvar, Ft. Worth, dim ha. Kansas City Arrlva 4:30 p. rt St. Louis, Chlcagoi snd East Salt tike.PnVr Ft. Worth. Oroa ha. Kansas City. :la. n Bt. Louis, Chicago; nu4 Kast. Walla Walla. St. Paul Lewlsion. floo-i Fast mall ksns. Minneapolis ( p. ni. St. Paul. Dututhil.-OOa, n via Milwaukee. Chi- Spokane cnfo and East I 71 hours from Portland (a Chloaftt No Changs of Cant. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE! From Ailorla All sailing datsti subject to chanf xc. Monday For 8an Francis co every five days 7a.m. Dailvtx. cent Sun. Columbia River To Portland and i a. m. wav Landings. I Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on 'tide daily for Ilwaco, connecting there ! with trains for Long Keaoh, Tioga and . North Reach points. Returning ax ' rives at Aatorla aam svenlng. O. W. LOUNSHERRT. Agent, i Astoria. A. L. CRAIG, ' General Paasenirer Agsnt, ! Portland. Oregon. TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East vi SHORT LINE TO St. PAUL, DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS), CHICAGO AND POINTS EA8T. Through Palace and TdlirUt 8I ep-rs. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Car. Dally Train; fast time. For rates, folders and full Informa' tlon regarding tickets, routes etc.. call on or adirtiM J. W. PHALON. K. DICKSON Trav. Pass. Agt. Cltr Ticket AgL 122 mini Htrt, F'wilunil. A. B. C DF.NN-I3TON. J, W. P. A 012 First Avenue. Seattle. Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time t'unl ol'TrnliiH PORTLAND. Leaves Arrive PuRPt Sound Limited. 7:25 am t.iS pm Kansas CUy-St. Louis special 11:10 am 6:45 p rn North Coast Limited 1:30 p m 7:00 a m Tacoma and Seattle Night Express 11:4a pm 3:05 pm lake fuget Hound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor point Take Fuget Sound Limited fur Olym pin direct Take Fuget Sound Limited or Kan sas city-8t. Loul Special for point on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on O ray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, lacoma and Beanie. A. D. CHARLTON, Asslatant General Pnseeneger Agt., 256 Morrison at., Portland, Or. h UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL Th ''Northwstrn Llml'id" trains electric llgh'M throughou', both Inside and out, and s'eam nested, are with out exception, tbe finest trains la tht world. They embedy the litest, rewesi and best Ideas for comfort, convenU'ict and luxury ever offered tbe travelling Dublin, snd altogether are the meal complete and splendid production cf th' car builders' ert. These splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these superioi acommodatlons and all rlasass of tick ets are available for passage cn thf train on this line are prolecud by tht Interlocking Blucit System. W. H. MiSAD, H. U SI8LER General Agent. Traveling Agt Portland. OresT'to. I kese uny Cipiule ire supetioi to Balsam ot iopaiDt,a Cubebs or Inlortiona n't(uTt CURE IN 48 HOUnsUf-iui tti same diMSMI wiUV Out inconvenience. Hi ANDREW LAKB Merchant Tailor Nsw Oooils, Wintor Samplca, l'er feet Work, Prices Iteasonnbl and Work Don With Dispatch. 4.MI Commercial St., Astoria. Or. A STARTLlNd SURJ'UIS& asassM Very few rouldb elluv. In looking at A. T. Hoadlvy, a hMtthy, robuust blacksmith of Tilden. Intl., that for ten yrttrs h sulTcreJ such torturvs from Rheumatism at tow could cinlurs nml live. Hut a wonderful change fol lowed hit taking Ulccli'lo Hitters. "Two UitlU'S wholly cured me," ho writes, "uikI I have not flt ft twingw In over a ytar." Tluy rvvulntt tha Kldnoys, purify tha bluod and curv Rhvumallsm Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improva dl gisdon and glv perfect health. Try thorn. Only (0 eta, at Chat. togra drug stora. NORTH COAST LIMITED. Is only run by lh Northorn PaolMo bctwsim Portland and Minneapolis and St. Paul, through Tacoma, Brattla, SiMikaiw, Missoula, Nutt, Livingston, Klliiniis, Ulsinark and Fargo. Klghl of Uivss trains aro on tha run daily, four sast and four wast. Kach la a solid vcstlbulud train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist tlocpcr. dining car. day couches, mall, ssprsna and baifvaire car and tha tlegant obscrva lion car. Each train la brilliantly lighted with over lot light and ih bcuuiv of It all It you can trawl Jutt sa cheaply on this train at on any other. Alt tvpraarntntlvea will ba glad to glv you additional Informa tlon. A. D. Charlton, Assistant Oen eral Paaenger Agent, tU Morrison 8t. Portlnnil, .Oregon. STARTLING, BUT TRUH "It averyone knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Lift Pill Is. wrliM l, n. Turner, Pampwytown, Pa., "you'd sell all you havs In a day. Two weeks uso ha mail a new innii of m." Infallible for constipation stom.ich and liver I roubles. Sic at Clma lingers' drug stor. "W1IEUB TO HUNT AND FISH." Northern Pacific's new gam book U now remly fur distribution. Illuslra lion of live gain a particular feature. Four full page from Seton-Thomp-son's drawings made specially for this book. 8nd address with six cent and book will be mailed to you br Chili 8. Feo, O. P. A T. A.. St. Paul, Minn. LUCK IN THtaTKKN. Ily sending thirteen miles Wm, Splry, of Walton Furnace, Vt., got a box of Itui'kkn's Arnica Uaive thai wholly cur.'d a horrible fever sore on Ills leg. Nothing else could. Post lively mures Bruises, Felon, t'leors. Eruptions, Bolls, Burn, Com and Pil . Only ZSo, Guaranteed by t hus, lingers, dru gist "The Biggest Sensation Everywhere." LILIPUT Tho smallest sterescope with the strongest optical effect Highly fin ished In (liferent color with rich gold and sliver decoration (mountings-. Including 20 V. F. Photograph. View of art (genre). Price only II. Sent everywhere prepaid In lotter form. AOENTS WANTED. UliputSteroscope Company FOKKEST BLDO., Philadelphia PRAEL & COOK FRAN5FEK COMPANY. Telephone tZL , DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All good ahlpped to our oar . Will receive special attention. No S.1S Duan Bt W. J. COOK, Mgr. THE WALDORF C. P. WI3E, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Fine liquor and cigar. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For !onnimtlo orCiUrrb uf tbe lilatlilrr anil Pifinwi-it K1.1 itnya. No oura nn par. CJurM qalokir aad Wrtua- m-iillr I Urn wm nrat ciihb of (ioiMirrlim u4 lilrn, no uiatt. rof bnwlouK atanil. Ina. Abfolatrlr darmlnia. Sold by drairriato. PrlM l.oo, or br mall, poatiuUil, Ilixi.lbowa.aa.lS. THI lANTAl-PEPilN 00 SSLltSONTSPHt, OHIO. Bold by Cha. Roger. 4Cf Commerol- al Street Astoria. Oregon. Don't Guess at It Rut It you are gowig Cast writ us for our rate and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Car via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Clndnnatl. Don't fall to writ ua about your trip as w are In a posi tion to glv you Mini valuable Infor mation and aaalstanoej 6311 mile of track over which are operated om of th flneet train In th world. For particular regarding freight or passngr rate eati on or ddra. . O. UNI)IJ;T, B, H.THUMB1CI.L, T. F, aV R. A. Cotn'l Agt. Ut Tblrd ftt, Portland. On. ASf.WrCP AMID FLAMES. Ilrtakliiii Into A Mating horns, torn firemen latnty dragged tha sleeping In males front dtta'.h. Fancied, taourlty and death near. U'l that way whan you neglect cough and cold. Don't do It Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption give perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lung trouble. Keep It near, and avoid suf fering, death and doctor' bill. A trnspoonful stops a Innlo couglh per sistent use the most atuburn. Harm less and nice tatting. It' guaranteed to aatUfy by Cha. Roger, Pi le 60o and 1100. Trial bottle free. Andrew Asp, Vti later, Itidtftltk 14 ItrMikotf FIRT-CLA8it WORK AT HKAH0NAUL8 I'lllCM. Boeclal Attsntlon Olven lo Bhlp ar Sttsmbost Itepslrlng.tlenertl Ulaok niltblng, Flrt-aas Hart. Shoeing, etc ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UAVB I'OliTl.ANU Akkivi ooatnl Pur PurUsnd tin on Ibin4 ot 1 11 It ay W UlOt Al ifla auU pat ula AHTUKIA Tt a is TT r Kmisaa nJ Wy IIS9SSI lOSSpsi 10 p in I fiilnta tgAMIlk 1HVIMIUN Aabirlsfiir W arroouw, riai. Kurt M pirns Hammond snd Aalurls S !. IU 1 1 40 at Mp ttei 4Ha ID Ma n S U m I Snaatiln ft srranlun, If to p n so a ml t'latsl. Ilamtnutid, :ort 1 11 ii HomIiIc ff Msrranlun, ll (to.'s. a .1A.IL9 8uaday only. All trains make close oonnectlon at Coble with all Northern Paul Ac trains to snd from th Kt and Bourn foliua. J. C. MAYO. Oen l Freight and Paa. Agent fho Peer of ill trains I the Famous Nortwestern Limited dally between Minna apolle. Ft. Paul and Chicago ,,..vl....' Without exception th tint's t and must luxurious train In th world. You will malls what comfortable traveling 1 If you rid on thl famous train. For full Information address C. J. OKAY, IL U SlSLEit, Traveling Agent ' OenenU Agent 24 Aldor Street, Portland, Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE ..Portland - Astoria ou(e. STR. "BAILEY GATZERT." Oally round trip eaoepl Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. ai. Loftve Astoria 7 p. va. Through Portland connection with tcamor Nabcotia from Ilwaoo add Long llesch Point. " White Collar Lin ticket Inter- chuiigeable with O. It A N. C. and v, t. Co. Ucket. The Dalles Route STR. " TAH0MA," and "METLAKO" Dally trip eaceut 8unday. TlMt CARD Str. "TAHOMA" Leave Portland Mon , Wed., Frl., 1 a. m, Leave Dalles, Tue., Thur.. Bat, t a. m. Str. "METLAKO" Lv. Portland Tue., Thur., Sat, t m. Lv. Dalles, Mon., Wed., Frl., T a. m. Landing at foot of Aldus Street Port land Oregos Both Phone, Main 161. " AOKNTS. 1. W. Crichton, Th Oallea, Oregoa. A. K. Fuller, Hood Klver, Oregon. Wolford A Wyer, WMt Salmon, Wn. Henry Olmstead, Carson, Wn. John W. Totten, 8tvenn, Wn, J. C. Wyatt Vaneourer, Wn. k. j. -Taylor, Astoria. Or. K. W. CltlCHTON. Portland Oregon. HhMuirlblnia. Tula a albar. a.f "aiamaa Kaliallliillau and iaiiu tluNM. Huf of Jwnr Dmitiirf . m .t . la Uni h. rpiUHUra, TaallaHndala tut "II.Mrf Air l.4lra, wr, r t U-a klall. KtAllDtMUBMUI. lUkllif MmlKm !,, M .!. ...r. I'lUI. fr V (JKONHMAN'S I'ATUNT WItlTINO HINO PlPYROYAL PILLS Airti-'A i n ton Ks ri.u s KNta.iHii AT F The most Important Improvement of the age In th art of pen manship makes th poorest writ er a splendid penman In a few week by tha line of thl ring. Ea dorsod by prominent college presldenti and boards of education In Kurope nd America, Sampl doten assorted sins tout post paid for fl, lngl sample 2So. When ordering single ring slat whether for man, woman or child. peiw nm. sipply co. Ill S, FOURTH if., Philadelphia.