HIE-MORNING ASTORIA N, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, UWi Telethon, Mala ML TERMS 07 SUBSCRIPTION. v T DAILT. Bent by mill, per year.. Bent by mall, per month .UN Barred by carrier, per month BEMI-WEEKLT. rat by mall, per F. I advsjwe U 00 The Astorlan guarantee te !U ad vwrtlsers the lara-eat circulation ct any awwspaper published on the Columbia Biter, . in. .tVjrjA.i.v THE! ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO. White theyearjust closed tin W been rtvolutfonarfln religious eWfes, It ha witne&ed lome'irtEHtnet atfcvee as summed up byhe elbbe-Democrat In the following: In matters lelimous the year just closina- hat been remarkable In ,at least nartimilnrs. The first of . these ' live,' lii significance! Is the marked tend ency toward federation and even con solidation.'' Hardly second to It. how. rVer, are the two movements, fully de veloped during tha year, affecting doe. trine and Bible study. Presbyterians north revised their creed, and m some measure displaced the historic wesi minster standards, and Roman Catho lics appiinted a Mble commission tha,t must In some degree displace the no less historic Vulgate of St. Jerome. The next two developments of the year : were money raising, in which Metho dists led, and the organization of an educational board whose chief work Is and long will be In the south. True, the latte." is not distinctly religious, but iu promoter U the largest contrlb utor to Baptist causes In the world, and religious convictions are behind his be nevolence. These .Ive features of the yar touched almost all religious bodies. We have manv distinguished visitors from abroad, but no other has accom plished more good or brought more unhin? thnn Dr. Adolph Lorens of Vienna. Mr. Rockefeller bas no doubt made enough in the recent rise In the price of oil to ndow several national uni versities that will beat Carnegie's all hollow. The people of Utah are already rals ing grkzly bears in anticipation" bf President Roosivelt's visit, six months 3 ' mm m mm .4 A V V V Money :s 3. better preventive of war th.tg the , long-range, heavy-calibre t EDUCATION fS ENatA-JG). 7K IUi min gharri" Evening Post?""- Great interest in England Is now taken in the auastlon of national education. But thag Interest sems to be chiefly direct ed (to the question as to how far the daf schools may be used to Impart "rei llgious instruction" according to the particular creed of the parents of the children attending, .ucb schools. How- evof important it mat' be 'that their f bearing upon a future; lif Should be Imparted to the scholars, there can be no jpoubt of the necessity for a more thorough education in matters pertain Ing.lo the life that now Is, If our coun try; is to hold its own in the compe titiftn of the near future. In this con nection tha oxample tt the United tatjfs !n regard to a system of national Instruction in scientific temperance is well worthy1 "of the consideration of tne British people. The effects of Intern poranoe upon "national deficiency have nowhere oeen so closely studied out entt so. thoroughly acted upon agio the United' States, r and nowhere else have tha good reiults of abstinence been go closely , demonstrated. We have all besn made familiar with the power of American capital, the stress of Ameri can competition and the superiority of American "vorkmen; but th'ere has been great reluctance n this country to' ac knowledge how much of these are due to a, system of national education in scientific temperance in its bearing up on national efficiency, . ( y Let us recognize that the consump tion of alcoholic liquors In the United States is only about halt the' quantity per head of what Is consumed In the United Kingdom, and we may see our wny to the solution of the perplexing lalior problem. Tet, although the con sumption of drink is so comparatively low, so convinced are the educational and commercial authorities of the states of the evil effects that they rec- cgnlxe the ned for a more extensive Instruction In temperance matters and a more stringent application of that knowledge In daily life. By the laws of the demand of the owners, the ma chine of all the states, Instruction In scientific temperance Is given In all the mihlio elementary schools. Under these laws there are more than SO.OOO, 000 of children of school age In the United States under this instruction. And all this has token place within the last SO years. The result Is that the properly instructed are entering In to their Inheritance of commercial su premacy In the world. The importance of temperance Instruction Is recognis ed has lifted the question out of the category of 'fads," to which so many badly Instructed people In the country consign it. and there the subject Is one V- pf 1 the Indispensa we ; eiemen w knowledge. In seme of the stages a penalty, Is fartacfied to 'the egHct of It; In some the topic must occupy one fourth, to, one-fifth space In the. books on physiology, and In others no teacher who has iot passed a satisfactory ex amination In the subject Is allowed to tenth. Whrt Is the bearing of this teaching on the commercial world? One result l that fully 1,000.000 railway men and 8,000.000 more In other employments are I required to be total abstainers. , The prohibit! in of the army canteen and the groggsry In the navy keeps the services free from the drink evil, mat the United States has still to light te the In flux of Immigrants from the old world, with their traditional regard for liquor and their Ignorance of Its effects upon them. To counteract this the system of national education In scientific tem perance is continued and enforced, with lasting good to the country and to the commercial spirit, which threatens to swamp all competition. AN ELECTRIC FLYER. An electric locomotive has ;'ust been constructed which it is ctoimel will travel at the rate of f'om 100 to li" miles an hour. From this it would seem that there is no limit to speed possibilities, nor is there any limit to the possibilities of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters for suring stomach, liver and idney complaints. Its record of cures during the past 60 years proves this ithout a doubt, and also establishes 1U superiority over all other remedies. When the system has become weak and run down either from sickness or neglect, you will find a few doses of the bitters very beneficial It will give you new life and ene'rgyrestore the appetite, purify the blood arid" 'cure flat tency, -he4MlKb4ndig pepsia. Try it TO.CCRfTA COLD JN,PNB DAT Take Lajajlve Bromp Quintet Tablets. This signature ffijJ1rig on every box. 2Sc. Fister Operas House IWRGARnFnSCHER COMPANY IN A Refined Repertoire! OF Late and Standard Successes One week, commencing . Monday, De- ADMISSION: Reserved seats, 50 cent? ; cailery, 25 cents. Seats on sale at Griffin's book st re. Some. Inter-- esting Faets (rip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best serr'.-e obtainable as lar as speed, comfort ana safety la concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con- neotlons with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-clam sec- vice, aok the ticket a rent to sell you a ticket over ' ' The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points Bast. For any further information call on any ticket agent ,or correspond with JAS. C. POND, On. Pass. Aft. or JAR A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. 1 sese tiny Capsules ire superior to Balsam of Copaiba- Cubebs or Injections anJAnraA CURE IN 48 HOURSy the tame incases with-'x out lnconenince. mi PRICES TALE And nowhere do they speak so loudly of desirable bargains in CHAIRS Morris Chairs, Fancy Rockers, Dining Room Chairs, the pret tiest and latest Chairs, and all other kinds of Furniture and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 'XXitMite at the busy; Low Price Store of ROBINSON'S ADAMS & HENNINGSEN 416-418-420 and 422 Bond Street. Grand Opening Sale of New and Second-hand Furniture, Stoves, Tinware"and Granite ware. All the latest designs in Cur tains and Draperies. Our Specialty Upholstering in all its branches. Our Mottot One Prictf? Cash Sales and Fair Dealing to all. KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER ! Bottled or in Keg Free City Delivery North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria ; X EMIL SCHIMI'FF, General Maiiaftcr. I! fiiiyxxrTTTTTSriixixxxxixxiniiiiixxiinxiimny ...THE CITY OF ASTORIA. Is Noted n the Is Manufactured,, Cutbirtii's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable, Preservative, and Handbome Stains on the Murket. NotbinK keeps ont tbe weather preserves and beantines shingles like Uuthirtbs stains. Cutbirtb also makes the best COFPEIl PAINT tor tbe bottoms ot nil vater craft xiixxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxnxx WILLAMETTE 7 I, J. II. COLEMAN, President, Salem, Ore. I College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medi cine, Music, Oratory, Theology, Business PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT open to students completing eighth grade department lower grade in pre para tor y department. Besides afford ing professional training, the University seeks to give a :horough piactlcal education to all who are aware of the valun of a trained brain. THIS NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers a thorough course In the theory and practice of teaching. Meets all remilrements of state school law. Its teachers are In constant demand. tTX'atalogti upon application. I JST THE THING 5 jj Sideboards, Ladles' Desks, Combina Hon Desks, Fancy Rockers, Hand some Dining Chairs, or Rags H Every Article Appropriate and Practical M Larg Stock of choice picture mold Ing. Frames to order. Prices fcj M Right. H H. H. ZAPF, - - The House Furnisher xaxXKxxnxxnxxxxtxxxxaxxxXKXxttt4xxxBx Ca5ting5 We are prepared to make them oa short notice and of the best materials. Let us give you estimates on any kin of castings or pattern work. Lower prices for Brat-class work. TELEPHONE NO. 2461. Phiee Where like shingles on the walls. Nothing HlXXXXXl UNIVERSITY IRON, STEEL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay Iron G Brass Wcrks C.r. ISth and Franklin are. C. J. Trenchafd Insurance Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells Fargo and Pa cific Express Companies, Cm torn Hoae Broker. The MUG SALOON P. K. PKTKftSON, Prop, Finest Wines and Liquors, Corner Astor and Ninth. Shout Line " "'Hit 1 ;f f x.. and union Pacific ,T1MK OCttfcO U1.KB Deport Arrlv '1 From - Prirtiaiid Chleaxo Portland Special :Wa,m. via Hunt ington AtianMo Kxpress :W D. m. via Hunt ington Pall Ik. Denver. Fi, Wertb,Oma-l ha. Kanaas City 4:30 p. m Bt. LnulS. Chicago, end Kaat Bait Like, Denver; Ft. Worth, DIM ha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chio&gOj 1:11a. B and East, Walla Walla. St. Paul Fast mall 1p.m. via Bpokans Lewlston, Spo kane, Mlnneapolli St. Psul. Duluth Milwaukee. Cbl- csgo and Bast I 1:00 a. b 71 hours from Portland to Chicago No Change of Cars. OCEAN AND RIVER. SCHKDULB From Astoria All salUug date subjent to change For San Francle- 0X6. Monday oo every Ave days. 'Columbia ' River To Portland and Way Lending, j T a. m. Dallv ex. cot 8uq. t a. m. Steamer NahcotLa leaves Astoria on tide dally for llwaco, connecting there lth trains for Lone Beach. Hon and North Beach points, lloturnlns ar rives at Astoria same evening. O. W. LOt'NSUKRRT, Agent. Astoria, ' A. L CRAtO. Qeneral Pu"ngrr Ageot, Portlanit. Urin- NORTHERN PACIFIC Tlmo Curd ofTrtiliiH ' PORTLAND. Lraves Arrives Puget Bound Limited. 7 2S am pin Kansas Clty-SU Louis Special 11 10 am pm North Coast Limited t:M p m 7:00 gm Tacoma and Seattle Nlfht Kiuresa 11:4b pm 106 pm Take Puget Bound Limited or North Coast Limited for Dray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym pla direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas Clty-Bt. Louis Special for' points on south Bend branch. Double dally train service on Gray's Haroor orancn. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Beattle. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant Oenerai Passeneser Agt.. SSB Morrison St.. Portland, Or. TJuxurious Travel Th "Northwestern Llml'id" trains, electric lighted thmugbou', both msld and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains la the world. They embody the litest, rewesi and bsst Ideas for comfort, eonvenlnoe and luxury ever offered the travelling public, and altogether are the meal complete and splendid production cf thf car builders' art. These splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern Tbe Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific . AT ST. PAUL FOR ChIC AGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superioi acommodntlons and all rl.nss of tick ets are available for page i.n thf trains on this line sre protected by tbr Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD, II. L. SlSUCIt Oenersl Agent. Traveling g"l Portland. Or in. TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East 5H0RT LINE TO St. PAUL, DULUTH. MINlflSAPOLlS, CHICAGO AND POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourist 61' epers. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Dally Trains; fast time. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding tickets, routes eto., call on or address J. W. PHALON, If. DICKSON Trav Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt 122 Third Street, Portland. A. B. C. DH.NNTSTON, G. W. P. A 012 First Avenue. Seattle. Wash. ft fill ; . VU ANDREW LAKE Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per feet Work, Prices Reasonable and Work Done With Dispatch. i!U Commercial St, Astoria. Ore. A ST A RTLI NO SURPRIB IS, Vsry few oouldb elleve In looking st A. T. lloadloy, a healthy, robuuet blacksmith of Tllden. Ind that for toil years he Buffered such tortures from Rheumatism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful ohange fol lowed till taking Klootrlo Ultlers. "Two bottles wholly cured me," he writes, "and I have not Mt a twinge In over a yvar." Thty regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rhnumatlain Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improve dl gestlon and give perfect health. Try them. Only (0 eta at Ctma. Rogers drug store. i NORTH COAST LIMITED. la only run by the Northern Paoldo hotween Portland and Minneapolis and St. Paul, through Tacoma, BeatUe, Spokane, Missoula, Butte, Livingston, Ulllttigs. Blsmark ana Fargo.-- Wight of those trains are on the run dally, roup east ana four wet. Keen is t solid vestlbuled train, earning stand ant Pullman tourist slecsrra, idlulug tor, day coaches, mall, express and baggaso car and the elegant observa tion car. Each train Is , brilliantly llchted with over NO lights and the beuutv of It all Is you can travel Just aa cheaply oa this train as en any other. All representatives will be glad to give you additional Informa tion, A. D. Charlton. Assistant Gen eral Passenger Agent IU Morrison Bt, I'ortiana, uregon. I STARTLING, HUT TRUB If everyone knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's New Life PlUs It,' wrltits I), II. Turner, Dompwytown, Pa "you'd sell all you have In a day, Two weeks use has. made a new man of Hie." Infallible for constipation, stonach and liver i trouUcs. 25o at Chan lingers' drug store. "WIIF.RE TO HUjx'T AND FISH." 'a. mmmmmmmm i Northern Pacific's How gams book It now ready for distribution. Illuslra Hons of live game a particular featura. Four full pages frpm Bi'ton-Thomp son's drawlncs mads specially for this book. Hoflil addrree With six cents and book will be mailed Mo. you by Chan., feo, u. I. T. A., St. I'aul, Minn. j LUCK IN THIRTEEN. Uy sending thirteen mllvs Win. Bptfi'y, of Walton Furnace, Vt., got box of UiKkl'-ii's Arnica Sotve that wholly cur.'d a horrible fever sore on hls kg. Nothing else could. Posi tively cuures Drulaea, Felons, L'lrers, Eruptions, Bolls, Hums, Corns and Plies. Only S&c. Guaranteed by Chua. Itog.-rs, druTlst Tbe Biggest Sensation Everywhere." UILflPUT The) smallest sterescope with the strongist optical effect. Highly fin ished In dll jrent colors with rich gold and sliver decorations (mountings-, In tudlng SO V. F. Photographs. . Views of art (genre). Price only II. Sent everywhere prepaid In letter form. AGENTS WANTED. LlliputSteroscope Company FOR REST BLDij., , . PiiHttdotphla, FRAEL & FOOK TRANSFER ' cMPAN I Tslephons ul: Z if " DRYING AND EXPRESSING ' All goods shipped to our cars .; Will receive special attention. No, 538 Duane St. W, J COOK. Mgr. THE WALDORF C.Jf. WISE, Propr. Astoria's principal resort, Flno liquors and cigars Scolt'5 Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURI For IaflinmlloiiorCaUrrli it tb Hlad.f.-r n1 iiIhmc KttJtt7. t9 curt n pr. tiurra (inlcklf ftud l'vrait. urniif U irai osms' mt tnnarrlMM..! and (alert, I 4 1 'k V k r '-ref Inolatdf haruilna, r driiirviktA. Prli. II. M, or bf Ball, pOStnld, l.W,lboe.,a.M, 7,W SAiTAl-ftPtm t0.i SBLLSfONTAIMS, OHIO. Sold by Chae. Rogers, 4tf CommereU al Street' Astoria, Ongon. 2 i 1! V- - Don't Guess aMt a , , i .... But If you art) gowif Cast writs us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed, by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't r fall to writs us about your trip as we are In a pol- linn to give you some valuable infor mation and assistance; Kill miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains In the world. For particulars regarding freight or osssena-er rates eall on or address. C. LIIfDSKY, ' B. H. TRUMBBLL, ' T. F. ft R A. Coml Agt. Its Third Bt. Portland, Ore. AHLfOW AMID FLAM US. Dreaklng Into ft biasing borne, sums ttrgmen lately dragged the sleeping In mates from deatii, Fanoled security and doatlt miar. It's that way when you neaject coughs and colda Don't do It, Dr, King's New Plscovery tor Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and. Lung troubles, Keep it sear, and avoid suf fering, dearth MA doctor s bUltv ,4 teaspoontul stot a lasts cough, per sistent use the most ituborn. Harm less and nice tasting, It's guaranteed to satisfy by Cnaa. Rogers. Price 60a and 11.00. Trial bottles free. Andrew Asp. .nifti liter, llielwlth is4 IsrMilMr FIR.TT-CLASH WORK AT t RKAHONAilUB PIIICM. Special Alton (Ion Qtveo to Ship srg Steamboat Hepsliing.Oeneral Olsok- smliblug, Ftrst-ciass Horee- BDOSing, etc, CORNER TWBIjFTH AND DUANH ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIYER RAILROAD. UAVS rOKTUNI, ARKIVg SlB 1! , nnuanS US on ii.p.4 Vic rot AKira bus vf w C JVUtf (.... aoTUKIA Pi5 I'urUaog "mii wy' j Unt il rwate ; tows Tiiass" IWpM ,- . - .-. .. KAtlbftlMVlMtON t iirr7'TuTs (!? vfr wiiioa," I f Da II a ai I ru Kurt H erran, 4 p m oup.u iiamianua sua Anions -iuua as i 14 a al I i)Mltla Ait UfftunLiB. 1J hi a Si a m I yisvt. Ilswwoiul, .'un 1 Mi u as i ! E 1 ,HeW' and gf rip l.tJJJJlLB 8unday anly. ' All trains make etoaa eonneatloas mA Coble wtUi all Northern Paoino trains io and from the Ewst and flovnd points. , J C. MAYO, Osnl Freight and Fase. Agent IJ .F ortJand - Ssioria touie. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." pally. round Irtne egcept Sunday. Ieavs Portland ... t a. sn. Lsava Aalstna 7 p. m. 'Itirough Portland connections with strainer Nahcott from llwaco and Long lleaoh Points. Whits toiler Une Uvkata Inter changeable with O. It N. Ce. sad V. T. Co. tickets. The Dalies Route STR. M TAH0MA," and "METLAK0" Daily trips ascent Sunday. TlMt CARD Str. "TAHOMA" Uavs Portland Moa , Wed.. !., 1 a. m. Leave Dalies, Twits., Tbur.. Sat., lam. Str. "MBTLAK0" Lv. Portland Tues., Thur. Sat, 7 am. Lv. I lies. Mob. Wed., m, U a Landing al foot of Alder Street Port land Oregon Iloth Phones. Mala 151. AO E NTH. CrichtMt, . The Dalles. Oreeoa. A. K. Fuller, Hood River. Orea-on. Watford A Wye re. While Salmon, Wn. Henry Olaastsad, Carson, Wn. John W, Toit-tu, Stevenson, Wn. C. Wyatt Vancouver. Wn. A, J. Taylor. Astoria, Ore. Portland Oregon. B W. CRICIITON, OHiCHraTfai'a rsoLiui V.Ty',SAri:. l..ir. ! . I .HI .., in,iriM im I HK.Iir HI KK IM I.ISII Ml II t'A Ufl, m '.lit, kin l.i.,,iM. 1mI.. a,l.rr. Nrrun m nlllitllw S ImUm. Il..i. r lt,.4, l I, h mm K rliriirllrm. Ttl 1.1. VW f. '""llll-f fl.fl.,llM,ii.,iw.., .U . . Hill. V? W,i '2 tJKOS.SMAN'H I'ATHNT.WUITlNtl KINO The most Important improvement " of - thg. i age In the art of pen manship makes the poorest writ er a splendid penman In a few weeks bjr the use, of ( this ring On. dorsoTby prominent college presidents and , boards of education in Europe and America. Sample doton assorted' sites sent' pbsfpatd for" It, single ' sample 2Bo, When ordering a single ring slats whether lor " man, woman or child. PENN RsEG. SUPPLY CO. "9 ?''y0'RT" B?" Philadelphia. i . 4 ' 4 ST""- fka..Ijj5j!oLM.fiaiiis , ' Is the Famous Nortweetera ' Limited dally between Ulnne- ; ' spoils, Bt. Paul and Chlcags ,. ....via..,. r Without egceptlon v the iliioat anJ most luxurious traia In the world. You will realise ' what comfbrtable traveling is if you ride on this fumous train. For full information address C, J. O RAT, ' IL 'L.' SISLIilll, Traveling Agent. 'General Agent ; MS Aider Street, PortkuxL, 0r, , Si I I