THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SATURDAY. D)EMBER 27, 1902 .. TO CLOSE Wt will mil Mti grant roduoUon. PLATK8,ait AW B0AT8, VKGKTAULK, HONE mid COVERED D18I1KS, snd many other. TliU lln. imut go before Nuw Year. ; THE MORNING ASTORIAN IWMOTHONB ML TBI WRATH ER. POHTtAND, Deo. M,-Wtern Ore nri ami Ww.lilii(fiin, owaslmial rain. -0000 0000000000000 GREAT Cloak Sale THIS WEEK A. Dunbar Co. 0000009 00000 C3000000 00000 l t burn. The famous Wyoming tl for dnmratta u. M pr ton. Qfoi lump atova coal t la pr ton. lion. Ml. K'mor.ACo. Ttia mlanliVi1 young man n ho cr. atecj a disturbance Christmas eve on Aator alrwt waa yesterday flnad $10 In Judffi) Anderaon'a court. 'The ape- lfl chanr waa drunk and dlaordi-rljr. FOR BALE At a bargain, a Una caith relator. Apply at Aalorlan of. fk. 8wet oream IS centa a pint. No charge for whipping. Tagg'e candy a tore. , . I .' . . Buy your ault v overcont from Dan slgur A Co. and fot an elrgant ault cum fir. of I'herife... The ordinary used at the laat mwtlug of the council were ywslorday alKnml by Mayor Buprenant. K, f. Owena and MIm Jrnnla Mnlta were yestorday granted a marriage IU-ent-e by County Clerk Cllwlon. Clran, newly furnished rootna by the wek or month, at moderate price, over Petereon Brown' ho atore, P. C. Puditer and Id May Hoien on were married Christmas day on Oroya river by Kee. 3. W. McCormae. For Itont-Tlirre flirnlehed room for houek"plng, on ground floor. Enquire at rVutley'e hard war atore. 1 Uond street. Iot-Chatelalne bag. containing pa per of vaJu only to owner, and small urn ft nwiwjr. A reward of 10 will be paid fttr return of aame to thla office. J. V. riurn. the clirar manufacturer, of 474 Commercial etreet, haa aold dur Ing tltft paat year over O0,0O0 cigar. The. Included the following brand. via: La Bell, L Imperial ana tne up per Btar. . . . Th Eaal.j av a ChrUlmna tree en tertatnment and grand ball In Foard A Siokes' hall Chrlstmaa night. It tailwated that between ,600 and 1000 people wre present. Kveryone relv ed a gift and all hud a good time. A ball wee given In Bkamokawa fhrintmna ave by the McDonald broth er .which wa largely ' attended and proved a conducted and utijoyable affair. Mulc wa furnlehed by the Columbia orcheatra of thla city. Oransoa are now coming In the mar ket quite freely. We are receiving lurae shipment of the beat brands ev ery Bve duya. direct from the beat or anise locality In Calif irn la. and will continue to do o while the orange season laela. By giving ua your or dcr for orange you will procure the belt the market ., afforda. Johnaon Hroa. www m Tfce Mm Wk Im SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR BRAND tilled Bulla land Slickers MiutotoUaMl hnl wofft i rouabwwilair. f mm. If yum imlH 6i0m'l isnra.Mxt (urwtekimw. I, I. fHtitaf Ifc. tlill,, ttm fWMlM. .i.m",lu.(frt., The funrU of little Alfred Bliielch wa held yoBtrday, Interment waa In Greenwood semetery, Htep In kt Danzlg'-r A Co.'a and ex amine the elegant ault taata he I giv ing away with 0h purchaae of men' nnd yjuth'a ult and )vercoata. For franvid tni tmframed picture, picture frame, burnt leather outfit nnd material, art noveltl", picture 1ua and picture framing, go to Frank WoodflHd'e are akop )n Bond etreet. , Owing to the Impaired condition of the Young bay draw bridge the milk men are obliged to transfer their milk cana via. email boat. Thl will necee elTute a delay In the local delivery of about an hour. Athrll Macharonl died Thuraday af ternoon. Deepened 'a the three year old aon of Joaeph Macharonl and death Wita the reault of an attack of acarlet fever. The funnml waa hild from the family renldeoc yeetwday with Inter ment at Qreenwood cemelery.- W For the Men iSmoking' Jackets. Bath Robes, Silk Neckwear, Gloves Fancy Hose, and Handkerchiefs r IE E FREE! A Handsome X? SUIT CASE Given away with Men's or Youth's Salt or Overcoat F R I E 'E . vSuits, Overcoats, Trousers, Shoes, Fancy Sweaters, Etc. S. DANZIGER & CO. Astoria's Leading Clothiers.; ; Olaf Andcmon yeaterday aaeumed the dutlea of police Judge recently oa algned him by the city council. Judge Anderaon la eminently fitted to perform the dutlea of the office and the city can be cong.-ttulated upon obtaining uh an efficient official aa he will doubtleaa oe. . Srlnl muate by the Bundny achool piiplla, aaalated by adult, will be given In the Preebyterlan church tomorrow evening. A part of the Chrletmna mnlc will be repeated and other selec tion will be rendered. The alngere will be aaalatvd by' four vlollna and violin-cello. The entire program l undvr th leadcrahlp of Mlaa Katie Plavel. Iridic-, be aure and secure one of Mica Marsrrlta Flathefa nouverilr phologr iph'a. given away by heraelf to UJl-a only. Monday evening. Decem ber at Flahera' opera house. The company will present thai beautiful border driro "The Golden Olant." Admission, reserved eut. 60c: gallery i'5c. Scat sule ojen this morning at Orlffln's book atore. Terry McKean, who la now In San Francisco, will probably effect an en gagement with the Margarita Fischer company which open In thla city neat Monday evening for a week's engage ment. Mr. McKean I recognised by thu best dramatic critic to be the lead Ing man of the coast In light comedy roles and striking character parte. He recently ehowed with Bob Fltasimmons In the "Honest Blacksmith." A small boy by the name of Hansen fell overboard near Ross, Ktgglna & Co.'a atore Chrlstmaa day but was res cued without a great deal of difficulty. Tho Incident created considerable ex citement at the time and quite a crowd collected on the aiot, and the story that was passed around waa to the effect that the .lad had met his death. He Is nllve and hearty enough however, nt the present time to live through several more Chrlstnmses. Mr. and Mr. H. C. Thompson and aon Harold of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. (V H HIiriHns nnd Mr. L. C. McCloud of this city, were entertained Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mm. D. K. Warren In Wnrrenton. The beau tiful residence waa profusely decorated with holly, onlms and other appropri ate plants and greens of the aeaaon. Besides an ck-iuntly served dinner, a Chrlstmaa tree, attended with charm and beauty, delighted the houra away making the day only too brief for the honored guests. Mrs. Julia Price of Skamokawa was found dead In her bed early Christmas morning by her aon. Mr. Price waa 72 years of age and had not been well for some time, but wa considered much Improved of lata and Wednesday evening attended a Christmas tree en tertainment and seemed to enjoy the fetlvltlee. . Thla extra exertion I thought, however, to have been too much for ' the aged lady' feeble strength. About t o'clock the follow ing morning her son entered her' room, presumably to see how his mother wa resting, and was greatly shocked to d Hoover that rhe had died during the night. The funeral was held yeaterday with Interment at Skamokawa. The bark Madagascar hue troubles of her own and there aeems to be no let ting up on them. Two capstan have been broken and an anchor became fouled several day ago. After that there was a brief respite, but Chrlst mna day she broke out again. , The first thing that happened wa the drag ging of an anchor. Another . was dropped and thea the two of them got fouled of each other. Tuga put to the vessel's assistance and aha wa where her gearing will be repaired. This was all bad enough, but to cap the climax six men took French leave dur ing the night and bav. mc managed to elude all efforts to retake them. John Olln and wife are In the city from Chinook and will remain her. a few day before leaving for Little Kock, 111., where Mr. Olln will enter a con servatory of music, Mr. Olln I a performer of ability on both organ and piano, consllerlng the limited time he ha applied to those Instruments, but Is desirous of becoming more proficient and eventually adopting music as his profession. He Intends making pipe organ his specialty. . Mr. Itanle Mayhan and Miss Bessie fihepatd were married at the home of James Mahan, Franklin avenue and Fifteenth street, Christmas eve, Key. William Seymour Short, rector of Grace church, officiating. After the ceremony.whleh was performed Ut f ront of aXlirlstmas tree, the couple and the few friends present sat down to a dainty lunch. The gift were a full set of china from the brother of the groom and a water set from friends In Portland. The members of the Wahkow club entertained their friends with an en joyable dancing party last night in Hanthorn's hall. - A feature of the ev ening wa the presence of Santa Claus, who courteously kept the guests sup plied with liquid refreshment. The young men used every effort to cause the evening to pass pleasantly and these efforts .were certainly not un availing. Excellent music was furn ished by the Columbia orchestra".' Though it ha been suggested In some tlrck-s that the prevailing disease In thl city that has been termed scar let fever 1 In reality some other mal ady, It Is, nevertheless, true that it Is proving quite as fatal as though It wvre In fact the dreaded contagion, A prominent physician has advised that the schools be .Indefinitely closed a the disease Is rapidly assuming the pro portions of an eplmedlc. It Is very that the mahidy is the scarlet fever, as reported, and every precaution must be used to keep it down. There la an unsightly condition of thlig on Ninth street between Bond and Aator that requires looking Into M. Busman, fictitiously known as the cattle king, sold three quarter of beef last Wednesday to a local concern and the customer, being for some reaaon or other diasatlBfted with the purchase, re turned the goods. Mr. Susman refus ed to accept the beef and so the quar ters were dumped on the sidewalk in front of his place of, business... Susman Initiating they have passed out bf" his hands, refuses to remove them; the oth.-r party, having repudiated the pur chase, declines to further concern him self In the matter, and so for three days they have remained distributed about on the sidewalk. It might be well for the right authoritlea to beatlr themselves and get the obstruction out of the way. Some of the visitors to the big Portland fair might visit the city and it wouldn't be nice for them to see. The custom followed by many resi dents of this city In allowing wood plies to remain on the streets for a length of time Is not only shocking from an artistic point of view but la a decided menace to life and limb. Wednesday night the No. 1 hose wagon narrowly escaped getting demolished by a num ber of thesa obstacles. In such an event It I only reasonable to suppose that the driver and his team would not have escaped unscathed. The spirited nnlmala were tearing up the street in the direction of the fire In the Welch block.' The wind was blowing a gale and beating rain In the driver's face, ao that It waa with difficulty anything could ba se-in. To add to thla there waa no street light, at the very point where It was most needed, so that the team waa fairly upon a wood pile be foie It could be seen. The horses in stinctively leaped, Jerking the wagon after them, and landed In the middle of the pile. A few more leap and stumbles and the obstacle was cleared. Not half a block beyond, behold, an other wood pile. Fortunately there was a little more light at thla point, and the obstruction waa avoided, but Shirts for Everybody We have enough; and they're all of the right kind; and for all sorts of occa sions, from business to full dress. They're Cluett-Peabody shirts Cluett, Monarch another way of saying good shirts, that fit. Collars to go on them; neckties to go on the collars; and all sorts of good furnishings. P. A. Stokes CLOTHING CLOTHING another one waa encountered a few seconds lat;r on the opposite side of the street. It seems a miracle that a seri ous mishap did not occur, but the hose wagon managed to reach the Welch block la time to assist In extinguishing the most menacing incipient conflagra tion that baa occurred in this city for year. - It has been suggested that if wood pile must be kept on the prin cipal street In the city, It might be well to hang out danger lights for the safety of the public. . FOR THE ELKS- BALL. White Pique full dresa vests (wash ablft) Just received at Herman Wise's. Secure your sixe before too late. SVKNSOJfS BOOK STOBB Always has aomethlng new. Fancy shell novelties, albums, attractive pic tures and art (foods. Large line of holiday books and" musical Instruments and hundreds of nice things suitable for presents. ;' . ' : . " Other Astoria Whole sale Cigar and To bacco dealers sell at Portland prices. SO DOES Will Madison santa Claus boognt ii his Xmas cigars there Why don't you do the H same? TWO STORES: 534 Commercial Street. 114 Eleventh Street Great Stock Taking Sale! On January 1 we take Inventory. In order to reduce our stock as much as passible before that time we have maJe BIG GUTS In everything in the house, call and get our prices. All Goods sold for cash at cut prices. Great Eastern Furniture Co. 8HANAHAN BUILDINft 376 COMMERCIAL STREET t Commence tHe Right by trading with the R Foard & Stokes Company I A MESSAGE I To every Han, Woman and Child: 1 SHOES -I Fancy Slippers, Rubbers, Rubber and I Canvas Boots, Newest, Largest, Latest I Stock. ' ? I PETERSON Q BROWN . Oa W I . - X . a X I ne bostoii Kesiauranr fKM) COMMERCIAL STKEET r Best and Neatest Eating House in Astoria Try Our 2 5-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention liigii Class Chef MARINOVICH & BOSCOVICH .4 . ! V. H. COPP " v Constantly carries on hand a complete . . and highly satisfactory supply of fine :- I - - . - . X , .... . ' Groceries and Dry 433-451 BOND STHEET ' . The Palace S2!, Palace Catering Coapasy t The Best Ooateitat Regular Meals. 25 Cents Sunday Dlnnersi Specialty Eerythlnf the Market Affor jS m4V4 towed to Flavel dock on the west aide 'twwftfnf,;fti