SHOW ME! Motpooplo on the Bubjcct of XmM gifta ; tho mm from Minouri, "Show Mo!" If l -1 . iii ... .... help un with an opportunity we will show you that our good things to oat and good tilings suitable for Xmoa gifts can't bo boat, BEST CREAMERY U.UTTEIt, 70 cents. Ross, Higgins 6k Go. THE MORNING JSTORIAN ' - rai-kriiONE mi. ( v TMBJ WE ATI! Bit. PORTLAND, lwc. ...-Cloudy llh how.1 -. OOOOO 0000 0000 00000 GREAT CloakSale I THIS WEEK I A. Dunbar Co. 0090000 OOOOOCOOO 0000 OOOOO John Fri fritwon, a native of Fin land, tw granted flml rliunhlp pa port In lh ofllc of (h county clerk yeatardair. ' "High Art" iumirml clothing ia not high priced, considering it's letter than most mndo to order clothes. See Herman Wise. OOOOOOQ For the Men Smoking' Jackets, Bath Robes, Silk Neckwear, Gloves Fancy Hose, and Handkerchiefs F R E E FREE! A Handsome ep' SUIT CASE Given away with Men's or Youth's Suit or Overcoat Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Shoes, Fancy Sweaters, Etc. ! S. DANZIGER SCO. . Astoria's Leading Clothiers. uro like vnn uill Tn cunt per boa-ChrlatniM candln ad Jnhnnon Iiroa, Boy' tool cheat, ultal for Chrlat miia (Ifta, at FUher Bro. flwtttt flrn It cent & pint. No chart for whipping. Tajnf candy lore, Buy your ault w overcoat from Dan lr A Co. and t an Irant ault caa fr of t'bars. . ' CTan, nwty furnished rooma by th k or month, at moderat priv, ovr Peturaon Known' ahoe ator. "High Art" insured clothing for gentlemen at Herman Wise's big store. For Runt-Thin furnlahcd rooma for houMekplnr, on ground floor. Enquire at flcullDy'i hardware ator, 431 Bond atrwt. rroval for th eonntruitlon of a drain on Eleventh trct will be opened today by the council commmttte on trt. Tuxedo suits for evonuig wear, "High Art" brand, at Herman Wise's. I hav a lln of Imported novoltle for Chrlatma antlroly new, never In the market before, at prlcea to ault every one, Roger, drufrelat. Cool to burn. Th famou Wyoming coal for domeatlo uae. it per ton. Oood lump atov coal at IS per ton. Phone Wt. E'mor ft Co. For a limited Mm we will aeil Chrlat inaa boxoa containing 1 bar Ktrk'e toilet aonp and 1 bottle Klrk'a perfume, at 0o rr box. Considering the quali ty of theae good tho price la very low, Johnion Uro. The atrftmer liarrlaon arrived from NVhulem on Saturday evening with a cargo of aalmon conilgned to Samuel Rlmore & Co. She will leave out aa aoon a the weather permit for Alaea bay. J. V, Tlurni, the cigar manufacturer, of 474 Commercial treet, ha aold dur ing ttie paat year over 300,000 clgora. These Included the following brand, via: La Belle, La Imperial and the Op per Star. F i: R Ejj E i! Chrlnlniai candle lOe per bos. John on Uro. Th Huivouf French bark, left up the river to load grain. , - Th French bark Cornet hurt arrived down the river yeaterday grnln laden for Europe, . ' Th French bark Francol Coppe left up for Portland y"trday to load grain for Europe. Full dress suits, "High Art" make, hee Herman Wise, the Reliable Clothier. The Oermaa bark Alaterthal arrived down from Portland yterday. Phe hue grain for Europe, Th O. ft. 4c N. ateitmer Elder ar rived In Sunday from San Francisco with freight nnd paaaenger. The Moating ateainnr Dt-apatch ar rived In port yeaterday from San Fran. claco and Inter left up the river for Portland. Th throe maated ahooner F. 8. Red flctd, which arrived In trt Sunday, left up th river yeeterday to take on a cargo of lumber. - On kf unlay neat, at the courthouae, Bherilf Llnvllle will offer for rale the proxrty on which taxea for th year iwil re delinquent. Step In at Danalgxr Co.'a and ex amine the elegant ault caaea be la giv ing away with each purchaaa of men' nnd youth' ault and svercoats. I .out -Chatelaine bag, containing pa pers of value only to owner, and a mall urn of nVMWjr. A reward of S10 will be puld ,'or return of aame to this office. The remains of the lule Clement A. Prtdbtiry were laid to r-Mt in the old Clatanp cemetery yeatnrduy. The funeral waa held at the M. K, church In Scaatde, ...-.... - . t I have the largeat line of perfume ever brought hore, for Chrlatmas, and a lot of fancy pursee for ladles; prlcea re duced to one-half. Rogers, drug gist. When in doubt, buy "High Art" insured clothing at Her man Wise's, and you'll bo safe. Intending purchasers of.- Christmas tree ornament will do well to see our stock, as we have probably the best line ever brought to the city. Tagg's candy sto.-e. By an agreement between the clerks' union and the merchants, all stores will remain open as long as thler pro prietors wish this evening and on Wed nesday evening. A crew was shipped yesterday on the barkntin Echo, Which has just finished her cargo of lumber at the Knapptnn mills. She is bound for Al coa bay, South Africa. The A. & C. R. R. has been award ed t750 in Its suit against Daniel Kern, for damage done to the -allroad trestle Inst winter by one of the defendant's scows. The company sued for $1000. For framed nd unframed pictures, picture frames, burnt leather outfits and materials, art novelties, picture gins and picture framing, go to Frank Woodfleld'a are shop vn Bond street. There are other good makes, but "High Art" insured clothing is the "vory beat." Horinan Wise is the Astoria agent for "High Art" clothes. A steamer Is reported outside. Its Identity Is not known, but it Is pre sumed thnt the vessel Is the Kllerlc, an English tramp chartered by the government to transport supplias from Portland to the Philippines. The Wheeler Lumber Co.'s mill at Nehalam Is closed down for the winter, and until extensive repairs have been made. A cargo of lumber now on hand Is waiting shipment to San Fran Cisco on the schooner Liziie Prene. Chafing dishes, five o'clock teas, carvers, china plates, cups and saucers, lamps, pipes, cigars, silver plated knives, forks and spoon, fancy or anges, fruits and vegetables. Ross, HlgKlns A Co. The petition of Martin Foard for re duction of a street assessment for the Improvement of Bond street between Forty-second and Forty-fifth woa de clined by the council lost night, and the full amount of the assessment will be required of him. At the request of many the opera "Mttle Duke" will be repeated this evening and a price of SO cents will be chargedto subparts of the house. No reservations will be made. Come early and secure your seats. Yesterday was a banner day 'in lo cal trade circles. Every store In town, and particularly such as made a spec ialty of holiday offerings, was crowded with " eager shoppers. , From the i crowds thronging the street It might have been supposed that a regatta or a Fourth of July celebration was In progress. It was very evident that there is plenty of cash In Astoria, and that It to being circulated. J. V, Marten and wife, of Point Rob erts, -arrived in th city yesterday to spend the holiday. , " Captain 3. N, Jones of the scow Bell and Mia Nora Faulkner were married on Sunday last in Portland, Where they will reside. Pan M. Coulter, for several year past a popular employe of the O. R. ft N, Co. In this city, expect oon to resign hi position and take a trip to Alaska. - V. ,;' The meeting of the Push club to have been held last evening has been post poned until a more convenient "Season, The "Little Duke" a counter attraction prevented the holding of the session a scheduled. The Christmas number of the Chi nook Observer 1 out. Th edition a handsome one and speaks volume for the enterprise of the people of the bus Ulng little city across the bay, a well as for the good management of the publisher, Messrs., Hlbbert and Payne. George Tllden, a marine ' diver of Portland, arrived In the city last night to Investigate the condition of tho an chor of a ship In 'the lower harbor. The anchor can not for some unknown reason be raised. The vessel is load ed and the captain Is anxious to put to ea. At an extra easlon" of the circuit court which was convened at 7 o'clock last evening, a decree of divorce was granted the plaintiff in the case of J. P. Merrlficld vs. Alice B. Merrifletd. The plea waa desertion. Merrifleld I a resident of Seaside and follow the vocation of blacksmlthlng. The couple have no children. Captain Jordan of the strainer .'ordan went over to Deep river yesterday morning to tow a cedar raft ground In to the mouth of th? river from the bay. The raft contains 300,000 feet of cedar and ia valued at 12700. Its position endangered It to loss. The raft is for the Day Lumber company of Portland and wlH shortly be towed up the river. The cloth, the linings, the pad ding, the tailoring, the fit,- the wear, it's all superb in the "High Art" clothes for gentlemen. Do not buy inferior makes; only Herman Wiso sells "High Art" insured clothing in Astoria. A good slaed . crowd attended the footbaH game played between the As torian and the Adair school teams. Sunday afternoon. The game which was hotly contested from start to fin ish resulted In a score of 5 to 0 in fa vor of the Astorian. The teams were evenly matched both as to weight and ability. Edwin Sinnott aa umpire and Alvln Campbell as referee did effic ient work. . ' ' Mrs. Carrie Krager died at her home In Portland on lost Sunday evening from blood poisoning resulting from the Caesarian operation performed 11 daye previously. For a number of years Mrs. Krager was a very popu lar teiuiher in the Astoria schools, and had here a large circle of friends. She Is survived by her infant daughter, her husband, A. F. Krager, and her moth cr. Mrs. John Abercromble, who were with her during her Illness, and sev eral brothers and sisters. The de censed was 41 years of age and a native of Wisconsin. By her own request her grave will be beside that of her father In Clntcop cemetery. Rev. Francis E. Clark, the founder of the Christian Endeavor movement. Is sending circulars to the state officers asking them to take part in a great forward movement for 1903. An effort is to be made to Increase the number of societies 'in the state by 10 percent, and to Add 10 percent to the roll of ear h society. The state malting the re quired Increase will be presented with a banner at the international conven tion in Denver, and the successful so cieties will be placed on the roll of The Time But we can supply your wants M jr.-, i St ja 111" rRtiArr i. s 3 Great Eastern SHANAHAN BUILDING honor The plan, a announced, I to make the last week of Junuary "In crease week," when th atongest effort Is to be made. The first Sunday In February, "Endeavor birthday," will b "declsio,! day," a day for adding new members. Member of the society hope to arrange matters so that Ore gon will be on of the banner winners. Th recently enacted land law for Alaska to meeting with much favor among homeseekers, and a considera ble rush to th southern portion of that country, in the vicinity of Admir alty and Prince of Wale Islands, where the best land and timber are situated, will probably result. Under the new tow, a citizen can homestead 220 acres of land wl'hout waiting for the gov ernment survey, the tarllness of whlb has heretofore prevented the land be ing taken. The yellow cedar timber growing there I described aa being a very valuable article for future mar kets, and the field Is regarded as a first-class chance for speculation. The three act comic opera "Little Duke," was presented last night to a packed house. . The performance, ev ery part of which was acted by a local amateur, waa remarkably well render ed And waa well merited applause throughout. The leads were ably sus tained and the choruses gave efficient support Mrs.. J. T Ross aa "Fabrice," the little duke, achieved over again the success that is always hers. Her voice and stature were perfectly adapt ed for the character she portrayed and her acting was up to the standard and fitted well wltn her other admirable qualities. The duchess, "Blanche de Cambry," a done by Miss Sadie Suth erland, v.ia highly appreciated by the audience, the love wenes with Fabrl.-e, her solo work and the various situa tions of Aiilch she was principal being effective Indeed. A feature of th evening waa the ladles' quartette, Mis. ses Bess Reed, May Utslnger, Amy Lemon and Margaret Busey, In their Spanish dance, both as to movement and vocalization, those young ladles, wer particularly well liked. While everything and everybody were cer tainly good. Mr. Frank Carnahan, lit It said in all truthfullness, was consid erably better than anything or any body. "Frank Caranahan was swell," is doubtless what everyone who attend ed the opera last evening, Is still say ing. His voice, a high baritone, leaves nothing to be desired and he acted, ap parently, with as much ease as if he had been doing light opera for the last hundred years and never expected to do anything else. Without any exag geration, no vocalist, either local or otherwise, who has ever appeared be fore an Astoria audience had more rice things said, about him than did Mr, Carnahan for his really ' remarkable rendering of "Fri mousse." He sang Plnsutti's famous "Bedouin Love Song" In the last act and then everybody went wild. U was a fitting climax to a perfect triumph The opera will be repeated this evening. The admission- has been reduced to SO cents to any where In the house. No reserv jd scats. iiitnffltt;i:8WiiuL" 3 Other Astoria Whole sale Cigar and To bacco dealers sell at Portland prices. SO DOES Will Madison Santa Claus buys all his Xmas cigars there Why don't you do the same? TWO STORES: 534 Commercial Street. 114 Eleventh Street. tttttttt tittttmstttmntittt' Is Short Men's Chairs for Xmas presents. See the large line we have from $7.50 to $17.00 The best line of Bookers in the city, from $1.00 to $12.00 Conohes and Lounges with oak frames, in VELOUR aud MOR KOCOLINE, $5.50 to $13.00 NEW LINE CARPETS AND BUGS JUST ARRIVED. New Spring' Patterns Furniture Co. 376 COMMERCIAL STREET STOP! STOP! LOOK NO FARTHER FOR Christmas novelties A FEW SUGGESTIONS Dinner JacKets, Smoilfogjacllets In Fancy Colors and in Silks 1 BATH ROBES, LOUNGING ROBES UMBRELLAS DENTS GLOVES The Finest on Earth " ' . ' . ' Siltt Mufflers for Full Dress See Our Up-to-Date Neckwear, Full- Dress White Vesta for Evening Wear - : - Fancy Suspenders and Fine Hosiery P. A. SioHies AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS i Fine Hinging Lamps, Individual Crockery Table Cutlery, etc acceptable. Call and Foard & Stokes Company A MESSAGE To every Man. Woman and Child; SHOES Fancy Slippers, Rubbers, Rubber "and Canvas Boots, Newest, Largest, Latest I MocK. - i PETERSON $ BROWN The Boston Restaurant j ,530 COMMERCIAL STREET 1 Best and Neatest Eating Hoose in Astoria Try Our 2 5-Cent Dinners Prompt Attention MARINOViCH I V. H. . CO P;P;B y! Constantly carries on baud a complete t and highly satisfactory fltipply of Arte-' Groceries and D$ ieois 483-451 BOND STREET The Palace Cafe AAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAA.AA.AAAA A Set of Fancy Crockery, Pieces, Caning Sets, Things that are always see the assortment - High Class es I & BOSCOVICH The Best Kestc:;rr.nt I . ' . - t Rejular Meals, 25 Cents f - Suoflay Dinners a Epecfjity Everytnlnr the Market Affor j, Palace Caterinf Ccr-;:v - ft