The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 23, 1902, Image 2

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Telephone, Main tSL
' vxivr.
Sent by mall, per year.... ......
Bent by mail, pr month SO
Served by carrier, per month .... M
lent by mall, per year. In advance U M
The Astorlaa guarantee, to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation ft any
sews paper published on the Columbia
River. . . '
Harvard university, It la said, pro
pose to take a step In ad7ane and
lead all other American colhvcrs along
the path of proper academic drcta. It
Is announced that the rorporaUon of
the university has taken, action mak
ing it "permissive for all holders of de
grees to wear special academic cos
tumes," and It Is believed that all who
have that gracious permission will
profit by It.
No information has been given as to
what moved the .-orporaUon to take
such action, but it li jrobable some
of the members, if not aU of them, have
seen the recently published photo
graphs of the coal strike arbitrators
as they appeared when clothed In the
garb of the miners preparing to des
cend a mine. That picture clearly Il
lustrates toe value to man of bis pro
per adornments. The -.nembera.of the
arbitration board are dignitaries of no
mean rank, but they looked in their un
wonted clothes like a pack of tramps
rounded up by a village constable and
about to be photographed at a rouges'
gallery. '
It is further Interesting to note that
Just at this time the trial of a lawsuit
In Paris between the members of a
firm of corset manufacturers discloses
the fart that the Orm makes annually
a large number of corsets for the offic
ers of the various armies. The Ger
mans do not buy male corsets from
France because there is a Orm an fac
tory for the goods. Thus it appears
that much of the trim alertness and
the distinguished dignity of carriage
that mark the military man are due
not so much to his martial vigor as to
his corset.
; Thtre have been critics of the action
oif the Harvard corporation. They say
If will tend to give another impetus to
the Idea of scholastic formalism and
to create aristocratic distinctions which
are out of place In a democratic ci un
try. The Call thinks there is some
virtue In such criticisms but they are
not sufficient to make Harvard pause,
nor indeed would the critic himself as
sert them very vigorously If he would
make a thorough study of the photo
graph of the arbitration board in demo
cratic clothjs. Let Harvard go ahead
in academic dress reform. She is all
right, and need not pause to answer if
The- little fellow
has blown with all
his strength, and the
downy tufts still
cling to the dande
i lion stem. Accord
ling to the oracle of
childhood mother
does not want him.
i But mother would tell
a different story. She
,A has noticed the weak
ness of the lungs, and
I if she saw him now.
J flushed with his unusual
m effort and struggling to
stifle the couga whicn
followed it, she'd feel
how much she wsnted
him, and wanted those
" weak " lungs made
strong, that she might
not lose bim.
For weak
lung, obstinate
cough, h e m o r -
ruage, weakness
and emaciation
there is no medicine so healing and so
strengthening as Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It it especially
valuable for children, building np weak
bodies with sound, healthy flesh. It is
entirely free from alcohol and narcotics.
Winter before thti. my oldest bar (who is
sow nearly five yeoreold), has terrible tough;
he hod a Ihe whole- wiuter ami all tarn tart,'
"ritea J. M. Parr. Kq., ot Cameron, Screws
Co., Ce, I'hrnicMiii illcl him no (oud and wMh
i ? wife and 1 could do did him an food.
After your biaoovery had mi ad my euua ao
auik'v. when everything elne Jailed. I wrote
my wire to tnitig him Imk from the country,
hehiuirfil,'4! him there to are U the c ban ire
would do aim wl. We were Hvliif la Savau
ah, (.a . at (Ik lime. She broualit him baik
tnd after uleuie him your great (ioldew Med
al lmovrry ' h a lime, be entirely raveerad.'
The Coniniun Krnse Medical Adviser
Sent fm on rrcritit of stamp, to pay
tiie (A mailing only, rl l t
fUt lUHipi ir T'MHrf-lHUlld btXik. Of U
iiilit) tltll li
Ikju'1'1. Addis. Dr.
s 1 ft
( I ill
t ".
R. V, tiritt, IfuBalo, H. V.
some amazed cttlien gating for the
mat time on the academic cup should
ask of President Eliot, "Where did you
get that hat r
. It the slgts of the times give evidence
of any one fact, they make plain the
latter-day truth that the science or art
of, and ' the necessity for advertising
have arrived definitely and must In
future be con'Idred among the things
which are. The millions of dollars
spent annually for publicity, the army
of men and women who have been
sp-Klally trained for the business of
preparing and disseminating advertis
ing matter, and the taste or habit
which has ben developed in the pub
lie as the result of modern needs and
methods In this respect, all prove that
Judicious advertising must In future be
a part and an Important part of any
successful business.
, The time when a man could hang up
sign and sell goods on the strength
of his location or personality Is beconv
ing a remembrance, and his neighbor
who studies the art of exploiting bis
wares or bringing his goods properly
before the attention of the public, and
showing to Intending or possible pur
chasers what advantages he has to of
fer. Is the man who distances competi
tors. The difference between waiting
for chance or something else to bring
in a customer and attracting the cus
tomer by live advertising methods Is
largely the difference between success
before the attention of the public, and
means of advertising, the dally paper
stands acknowledged the chief.
Portland Chronicle: Hon. C. W.
Fulton has won in honest fight. He
has honestly and openly aspired to rep
resent this state In the United States
senate, and has fitted himself to All
the position. His claim upon his party
Is dented by no one. Able and fear
less, he has at all times and In all
places fought the battles nf his party.
Broad-minded and liberal in his views,
he seeks the welfare of the whole state
and every part of It. An open river
to the sea and reclamation of the arid
lands will have his heartiest support.
He has come before the representatives
of the people not with hands btaring
gold and working in secret, but with
mind fully equipped to best serve the
state and an honest purpose to give of
his best to the state he seeks io serve.
The fight has been made. For four
years Mr. Fulton has stood before the
people among other aspirants, an
avowed and open aspirant for a seat in
the senate and he has come through
the ordeal without bitterness and with
out reproach, the choice of the people
and the choice of a majority of the
legislature, for the position to which he
aspires. A remarkable record the
survival of the fittest
liohemla Nugg;t: Mr. Fulton's itc-l
ord la a clean one. This, In Itself, dut-si
r. .1 entitle him to a reat 1 1 tho United
States senate: but it certainly makes
him eligible and wh?n coupled with his.
magnificent ability surrounded by his
friends, who are legion, he becomes a
formidable figure, . lot easily outdone
by other candidates v;ho itspire to the
high honor. . He Is one of those cour
ageous republicans who has never been
found wanting i-ni always ready to
put his best effort foremost in support
of his party and its interests giving his
own, at least on two occasions In his
political career, a 3econ-lary place. No
one can gainsay his ability. In fact
today, if not ths peer, he stands in the
very front rank of brainy, men Identi
fied with the political affairs of the
Florence Veat: We believe that C.
W. Fultoa is the choice of the major
ity of the citizens of Oregon for United
States senator and we hope to see him
elected to that office by the legislature
next winter. To which the Eugene
Register adds: "This is ihe exact po
sition mojt of the republican state
pr'-ss takes on this ruesion and the
party leaders, like Senator Mitchell,
are' said to be In line for the Astoria
statesman, who is the logical man for
th place,"
Arlington Record: Some of our con
temporaries ara advocating an eastern
Oregon man for nenator, but no one has
been named. So far as we are hdvls
ed eastern Oregon has no candidate
for senator. Believing Mr. Fulton
would work in harmony with Senator
Mitchell and Representative William
son for eastern Oregon's interests is
the principal reason we favor Mr. Ful
ton's election.
New berg Graphic: ' Mr, Fulton Is
probably the most popular man who
could be elected, and at the same time
a man whose ability matches his popu
larity. Factional politics should not
he ullowed to cheat Oregon out of send
ing s strong man to represent her with
ftnstor Mitchell In the upper house of
linker Clt Republican: Mr. Fulton's
place Is in the United Slates senate,
and bis groat service to his stats Junt
ly sntlils him to tits position which hi
will some day fill. He does not pur
poa to be ildtra'kd by th tularin
lillal switch.
The young people of West Astorl
Rave a masquerade ball In Suomta htill
Saturday evening for the benefit of the
Finish Brotherhood. The Olympla
on hostrs furnished excellent muslo vor
the occasion. Prists wet awarded
as follows: Thos. Hllmala. an Indian
first prise; Oscar Wlrkalrt, homly wo
man. second prise; Tecart Rolppa, col
ored waiter, third prise.
.V Christmas entertainment wns
given by the Red Men In their hall last
e'inlmt that was well attended by the
families .rf the members. A tree
was. of co-ire, the center of attraction.
everyone present receiving a present
from Its branches. Children and elders
alike were delighted with the entertain
ment. Mr. Joseph Orlbler presided
over the festivities and deserves a
special word of praise for the oble man
ner In which he conducted the arrange'
menta. .
The council last night decided that
city property shall not herafter be
loaned. For some years cast It has
been the practice to lend hose to con
eractors for grading purposes and re
cently a similar request came from
Oscar Johnson. The members of the
street committee, to whom the matter
wan referred, recommended that the
petitioner be given the use of such hose
aa the afreet aurjerltendent inlKht be
In position to spare, but suggested that
the practice ought to be abolished and
recommended the passage of an ordin
ance to shat effect. The measure will
probably be Introduced st the nest ses
sion of ths council.
A book which appeals strongly to
every lover of good literature and with
especial force to all Oregonluns is
"Oregon Literature," edited by Prof.
J. B. Horner of the state agricultural
college. Corvallls, and published by the
J. K. Gill Co., Portland; price, mailed.
$1. It gives a likeness and brief biog
raphy of all the Oregon auhtors of note
and selections from the best of their
writings. Notable among them are
Joaquin Miller, James O. Clark, sam
L. Simpson, Edwin Markham and Mrs.
Ella Higginson. Among other items
within its pages Is Simpson's "Heautl
ful Willamette" fully illustrated, that
alone would make the book worthy n
place in any library.
Minor orders were handed down in
the circuit court yesterday by Judge
McBrlJe as follows: State land board
vs. O. Wlngate et al, order and decree
of confirmation; state of Oregon vs.
John Susslue, not true bill; C. S.
Krown et al vs. Mary Case, order en
tering mandate of supreme court; John
Carlson vs. Martin Stanovich. Judg
ment and irder of sale; George Ka'-ioth
vs. Vendiyssel Packing Co., settled-
decree as per stipulation; Emit Matt
son vs. Thomas Linville, judgment for
defendant; T. T. Morgan vs, Henry
A. Toung, confirmation of sale; Frank
Spittle vs. Columbia River Packers'
association, judgment for defendant;
Ida Thomas vs. C. F. Mitchell, decree
of divorce; H. G. Van Dusen, adminis
trator, vs. Phoebe F. Knapp. default.
In the circuit court yesterday ofter-
noon the Thirty-fourth street drain Im
provement matter was finally disposed
of. The suit was that of Chas. Wright
vs the city of Astoria and wns InstJ
tut-Jd to enjoin the city from construc t'
Ing the drain. Art Injunction against
the Improvement wis issued out of the
circuit court, directed to Mayor Su
prenant and ths late Aulitor Nelson,
but Contractor fioodln was not en-
Joined and continued with the work
The improvement has been completed,
but the Injunction was still In effect
and (he contractor could not be paid
for his work. Yesterday City Attorney
Smith's demurrer to the complaint was
sustained and the injunction dissolved
Mr. Goodin will now receive his mon
ey, and a dispute of long standing will
A distressing ufciilent occurred in
Skimokavva Saturday evening last by
wntcn resulted the instant death or tn
oil time resident of that jlaoe, Frank
M. Sweet. In company with his son,
a lad 12 years of rtge, Mr. Sweet was
engaged In cutting down a tree In the
vicinity of his home. T?oth the father
and son were elevated from the ground
a distance of four or five f-t on
spring boards to more conveniently do
the work and when the tree was ready
to fall both leaped to the ground. The
boy landed safely and running to one
side escaped unhurt. His f.-.ther,
though, was not so fortunate, for he
stumbled as he struck the ground and
fell helpless. Before ho could rise the
timber fell upon hint crushing his life
out. As quickly as possible jackscrews
were brought to the scene ( nd the body
was removed, but life wns extinct. De-
cancd is survived by a widow and two
young tons.
Sunday night's up train was board
ed somewhere between this point and
Portland by a company of rough look
ing customers who proceeded to take
possession of ths smoker, They had
been drinking, It seems, and drank
more en route from flasks which Ihey
carried In endless supply bbout their
persons, and this evidently caused the
conuslon that unsued. Several of the
men began quarelling and this result
ed In a rough and tumble fie lit winch
all engaged in and wemd to thorough
ly enjoy, so much so, In fact, thst up
on lha arrival of ths train In Portland
out of the participants of Ui fmi'n
was tarried from tits i sr on lr: her
and presumably removed to a hospital,
though his name and subsequent mr.vv
ments have not boon learned. An
amusing feature ot the fight was the
actions of two Chinamen, who hap
pened to he riding In compuny with the
caroiwrs. This class of people Is
very adverse to mixing up In u awnerul
melee anl those tw men wore no ex
ception to the rule. They moved ex
citedly about tho oar seeking a refuge
from the fierce onslaught going oh
about thfim, all the w hlle engaging in
mild gesticulations and high pitched
Chinese talk. At last, when they
could t-n-lure It no longer, they made
a wild rush for Aha other end of tho
train and were not content until they
wore safely iwconj m the chair car,
where they cheerfully paid the extra
necessary far?, and made tho balance
of the distance, happy that ihoy wore
far from tho madding crowds.
Remaining at Astoria Postofflce
Allen, E. A.; Anderson, Jacob: An
derson, Justin A.; Barrett. C. A. A Co.;
Bartlno, Dell; Belleque, Frank: Uletlla,
Alex: Carlson. O.; Carlson, Elisabeth;
Carlson, Miss Mary; Castle Bros.;
Cole, Chas.; Colon, Fred"; Cos. E. R.;
Cummlngs E. (2): Daag, Mrs. B. F.;
Daniel. J.; Dlrrell. F. K. A Co.; Dol-
maugh, Jacob; Downey, 3, A.; Duggan,
Terrence; J. F. & Co.; Gadsby, Mr.;
Oiuy, Robt', Hastrom, Mrs. M,; Hole
ton. Capt B.; Heyndrleks, Ch.; Jen
kins. Annie; Johnson, F. W.; Larson,
John; Lee,. Homer; Lester, R. W.;
Linguist, Reynold; Mastln, Wm. C;
Masny. Mrs. Lillian; Matthews, Rev.
Jas.; McGulro. John A.: Myers, Miss
Ruby; Nichols, Robert; Olsen, Nick;
Oleson, Martin, Esq.; Peterson, E. C;
Simpson, E. T.; Thompson, H. L. Esq.;
Thompson. Jay (2); Walters. Bert;
WhltehbuseF. S.; Wilson, Mis. Wm.;
Wilson, H. W.; Williams, Mr.
FOREIGN Anderson, Joe; IWrge,
K. O., Hrr.
An electric locomotive h'ts ,'ut been
onstructed which It i c'cinii'l will
travel at the rate of I'om 100 to li"
miles an hour. iVom this It wtiuUI
soein that thre is no limit to upoed
possibilities, nor is there any limit to
the possibilities of Hosteller's Stotmuh
Bitters for surlng rftomach, liver iitnl
kl.lney complaints. Its record of cure
luring the past iO yenni proves this
without a doubt, and ulso establishes
its superiority over all other remedies.
When the system has become weuk
and run down either from sickness or
neglect, you will find a few doses of
the bitters very beneficial. It will give
you new life and energy, restore the
appetite, purify the blood and cure flat
lenry, headache. Indigestion and cys
pepsia. Try It.
Is only run by the Northern Paclflo
between Portland and Minneapolis and
St. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle,
Spokane, Missoula, Butte, Livingston,
Billings, Blsmark and Fargo. Eight
of these trains are on the run dally,
four east and four west. Each Is a
solid vestlbuled train, carrying stand'
ard Pullman tourist sleepers, dining
car, day coaches, mall, express and
baggage car and the elegant observa
tion car. Each train Is brilliantly
lighted with over 800 lights and the
beautv of It all Is you can travel just
as cheaply on this train as on any
other. All representatives will be
glad to give you additional informa
tion. A. D. Charlton, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison St,
Portland, Oregon.
Very fesr couldb elleve In looking
at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robuust
blacksmith of Tilden, Ind., that for
ten years he suffered such tortures
from Rheumatism as few could endure
and live. But a wonderful change fol
lowed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two
bottles wholly cured me," he writes,
"and I have not felt a twinge In over
a year." Th-jy regulate the Kidneys,
purify the blood and cure Rheumatism
Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improve di
gestion and give perfect health. Try
them. Only 60 cts. at Chas. Rogers
drug store. "
At Mrs. R. Ingelton's on Decem
ber 29. Big reduction sale of ladles'
hats, coats and skirts.
Remember MONDAY Is Mrs. Ingle
ton's bargain day. Ten percent dis
count on all sales on Monday only.
A chance for the piano with every 60
cent purchase. Welch block,
Always has soma thing new. Fancy
shell novelties, albums, attractive pic
tures and art goods. Large line of
holiday books and musical Instruments
and hundreds of nice things actable
for presents.
Northern Pacific's new game book Is
now ready for distribution. Illustra
tions of live game a particular feature.
Four full pages from Beton-Thomp
son's drawings made specially for this
book. 8nd address with six cents and
book will be mailed to you by Chas
. Feo, G, P. A T. A,, St, Paul, Minn.
Of im volumes found on each of
the Northern Pscl fin's "North Coast
I.lmlU-d" trains. Don't forgot that
tlit-ao sr th only trains operated In
the West that are lighted throughout
by electricity,
Bottled or In Kc
Free City Delivery
I North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria
College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medl
. cine, Music, Oratory. Theology, Business
PREFARATORT DEPARTMENT open to students completing eighth
trade department-lower grade In preparatory department Besides afford
ing professional training, the University seeks to give a thorough pi set leal
education to all who are aware ot the value of a tralnsd brain.
TUB NORMAL DEPARTMENT o ffors a thorough course in the theory
and practice of teaching. Meets all re nulrements of state school law, Its
teachers are tn constant demand. ITCatatogus upon application.
Is N'otetl us tui IMitt- Wltcrw
Is MikhuIiicturtHl .. asass ssaassaMgHgswm
Cutbirth's Creosote Shingle Stains
t a !...! i,'nxi... , n mmrr'"r. . e. . "W'.r . ..e. . pe.
The Most Ihirtble, Preservative, suit
Handsome Stains on Ihe Market.
Nothing keens ont the weather like shingles on Ih. walla Nothing
preserves and btiautilles shingles like Cutbirth's stains.
Culbirtb also makes the best COlTEK PAINT for lbs bottom, ot all
vster craft.
The Largest, Stsnnrhest. Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel
ever on the routs. Best of Tsble and State Room Acoommeda
tlons. Will make round trips every Ave days between.
Astoria and Tillamook
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Rail read Navigation Co. and
the Astoria A Columbia R. R for Portland, Baa Fraaolsoo and all
points East For freight and passenger rates apply to
Samuel Blmoro Co.
Ueaeral Agents, Astoria, Or.
or to
lA. A C. R. R. Co.
Tillamook, Or.
Portland, Or.
Cash Aaatatai ...
Caih Aaiaiaitaj In United ftate, a,Oia,(
C. A. Henry & Co., General Agents
215 Sansome Street
For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use
Orders Promptly Executed. .
Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts.
Of New Zealand
W. P. THOMAS, Mgr.; San Francisco.
Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast ovet twenty-two year
SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., Agonta, Afltoria, Ore.
j "Let tho COLD DUST twlr.3 tfoycxr worrj
Oiiorul Miuuttfcr.
I'H - sUlcnt, Hli, Or.
O. R. A N. Co.
Portland. Or.
. Sua Pranclsco, Cat
llrsaklng Into a biasing horns, soma
flremen lately dragged toe sleeping ln
male, from death. Fancied security
and death near. -It's that way when
you neglect coughs and colds. Don't
do It. Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption gives perfect protection
against all Throat, Chest and Lung
trouble. Keep It near, and avoid suf
fering, death, and doctor', bills. A
tesspoonful stop Inst, cough, per
slstent use the meat atuborn. Harm
less and nice tasting, It's gusrsnteed
to satisfy by Chas. Rogers. Trie. SOo
and II. W. Trie! botlltt free.
Andrew Asp,
Wlftl IttaT, lUrkllltl III ItTMIIM
B social Attention Oiven to Bhlp ard
nttsmbost Repslrlng.Oenerai Ulaos
smithing, mrst-Clam Horse.
hosing, ate
--.p-. . t
I Porusad nnin iwt I it i a aa
TK fat Aatnrl and Wsf .
I rutam j
TS a re r'fnrwiiisBi ana W.TT'lfis) sis
s It's m I Aa'uwfs1.WsWM,M',"T"'r0 a a
IIAaajl rtaeal, Knrt Miaeeaa, 4Wsih
.Wb J llaaimuBj and Aalurla 10Saai
i U " I Keaaiije, (of VrrriUin, fg 'w m
v S I MJ, liaamrnd. rwi
l. l.!1.3!Wx Ai"rla ! as a
Sunday only.
All trains make raAaa OAnnamilniie
Ooble with all Northern raolda trains
to snd from the Bast and Round
Points. j. c. MA TO.
Con I rretght and Fsm. Agent
..? (And - isloria Koula.
pany round trips eioept Kundsy.
" time rsnn
Iav. PortUad 7 a. m.
Lieav. Astoria 7 p. m.
Throuarh Purtlajut ronnullnn. wtik
steamer Nshcotra from llwaoo and
Long Uesoh lonta.
White Collar Line IkkMs Inter
rhangMbls with O, K. N. Ce. and
V. T. Co. ticket.
The Dalles Route
Dally trips netoi Sundsjr.
Leave Portland Moo., Wed., fri., 1 a m.
ueav uauss, mes, Tnur., gat, Ism..
Lv. Portland Tuea, Thur, fiat, Tarn.
Lv. IHill.s, Moo,, Wed., m. 1 a. m.
Landing at foot of Aldw Burest, Port-
ana vrepjoa.
Oath IHonea, Mala 151.
J. W. Cridhton, The Dalles, Oregoa.
A. K. Puller, Hood Rlrer, Oregoa
Wolford ft Wyera, White Ralmon, Wn.
Henry CHmstead. Carson, Wn.
John W. Tottin, . Stevenson. Wn.
J. C. Wyatt, Vancouver. Wn.
A. J. Taylor, Astoria, Ore.
R W. OltlCHTOW, Portland Ore rue.
i tot lll( MK-.TKU'H KNUI.IMII
aie.l. ani V. la aw-ylla kM, au4
Tata a. alke M.fM
l.c a. Liu.
eaa 'llFllrrllrl.a4lra,MMw,t. re.
Ja-a UaU. ia.oi r.i,i.i, imo.
Iiimi liMmwrt.aUlk.
elaaUaa kaaan, fmLS.
The most Important Improv.ment
of the sge In the art of pen.
msnshlp make the poorest writ
cr a splendid penman in a few
week, by the use of this ring. En
dorsod by prominent college presidents
and boards of education In Europe
and America, Sample doson assorted
Us sent post paid for $1, .Ingle
ample 2Sc, When ordering a single
ring state whether for man, woman'
or child.
1tt S. FOURTH 8T . Philadelphia.
fhe Peer of 511 .trains
Is the Famou. Nortwestern r
Limited dally between Minn.,
spoils, St. Paul and Chicago
Without exception the finest and
most luxurious train In the world.
Tou will realise what comfortable
traveling I. if you rid. on this famou.
train. For full Information address
C J, 0 RAT, 'IL;L. 8ISLER,
Traveling Agent ' General Agent.
' Ml Aider Street, Portland, Or.