THE MORNING ASTORIA N, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1902 gaily tartan Telephone, Mala ML Terms of subscription. DAILT. Bent by mall, per year.. Bent by mall, per month .I.N M Served by carrier, per month 10 SEMI-WKKKLT. eat by mall, per year. In advance tl 00 The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad Ysctisers the largest circulation of any swwspaper published on the Columbia Kiver. THB ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO, ASTORIA'S 3URDEN. - ThM -itv at Astoria, exclusive of Its school and water debt, owe 1182,000 In round numbar. The Interest on this debt amounts to 111,000 or U.000 yearly. and nearly the entire amount realised from city taxes is required to meet It. On thousand dollars is sent away very month, and our present revenues are not great enough to enable us to reduce the debt to a material extent. ' Astoria's debt ought to be refunded, and the bonds taken up by the people of this -city. Several hundred thous ands of dollars Is lying idle In The city, and those vho posse; s it would gladly -Invest in city bonds, if statements fre quently male .an be relied upon aa correct. By refunding the Indebted ness a large amount of money could be kept at home. Astoria Is a producer, receiving little from outside sources, ; and were the situation changed the ef- feet would Instantly be felt. When " the city grows, as it gives promise ot "Vtnlnif within the nxt few years, the money derived from taxation will be needed to make improvements, and it will be many years before the debt can be wiped out. Meantime the heavy In terest should be given to home people, who would use It to better their city and Increase the assessable wealth. This matter is one worthy the con sideration cf the officials of the city government, who have done and are doing excellent work in managing our municipal affairs. The victories of present day surgery Include a considerable number of stal wart walkabouts whose dislocation of spinal vertebrae , would have been eo anted as fatal cases of broken necks not long ago. The wonders the fiore moat experts in reparation now accom plish comprise the stitching together of the puter framework of the heart it Self. That almost incredible triumph of the operating table has been accom plished recently", and the result, while not wholly successful, was at least en couraging. The man or woman who lose a part of the brain In a railroad accident nd not despair. American surgeons and there are no better or abler now on the planet have so bravely delved inta the recesses of all the contents of the skull that they do not hesitate to take away a formidable percentage of what the cranial cavity Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription sad perseverance in its use will work won ders for the most hopeless woman. If Mrs. Newton, whose letter is given below, had not persisted in its use, she might never have known the happiness of perfect health. Perhaps the reason for her persistence was because she used "Favorite Prescription" as s "last re sort." Physicians had failed. If "Favor ite Prescription" could not help there was nothing to l.ope for. It did help. It always helps and almost always cures. It establishes regularity, dries weaken ing drains, heals inflammation and ulcer ation and cures female weakness. It imparts strength and elasticity to the organs of maternity and makes the baby's advent practically painlesa When I consulted you in April, 1899, I was lu poor health," write Mn E. H. Newton, of Vanbtiren, Aroostook Co., Maine 'Had been nek all winter, and, to add to my trouble, wu on the road to maternity, which the doctor said would end my dayt. I wu almost discouraged ; Sid not expect any help, but thought the end waa only a matter of time, and oh I my two poor, little, motherless children. It waa in thia condition that I began the oae of your valuable medicine. On receipt of your letter at April 6th my hnsbsnd purchased aiz bottle of 'Favorite rreacription'and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' and I used It as you directed. When you wrote me words of en couragement on April 17th I had received no benefit from the medicine, but determined ass last resort to gin it a fair trial. I am now tak ing the thirteenth and last bottle. I have lovely baby girl three weeks old, that weighed 11 pounds at birth. My baby and I arc enjoy ing perfect health, tharika to your wonderful medicine, to which I believe I owe my life. - Dr. Pierce's Pellets stimulate the liver. 171 contains if they are convinced that so radical an operation ailords the only reasonable chance of saving life. Mod ern surgery Is not cnly daring beyond every possible boundary of tradition, but it Is also so beneficial that the lim its of ancient precedent become mat ters of little account. Once again the vflete east Is alarmed over conditions existing in the west Says the New York Tribune: "Is it possible that it may be necessary to call out the troops to stop the raids of taln robbers In the west! Or must the compar.ies organise a sufficknt force of armed guards of their own to protect tholr passengers and the prop erty carried upon their routes? The bandits upon well known lines have be come so bold that new measures ap pear to be called fur." The recommendation ot Fish War den Van Dusen that the closed Ashing seasons be abolished, while a sugges tion that comes rather abruptly to the people. Is doubtless a very wise one. Certain it Is that the March and April runs of flab, will never be great enough to supply the packing houses, and it Is not reasonable to shut off the supply of market fish. The matter is one that will require careful consideration and thorough discussion. THE NORTHWEST PRESS. Poet-Intelligencer: There is no or ganization in the world deserving ot heartier respect of more cordial sup port than the Salvation army. It la bors for the most part among those whom no other organization can reach.- Its work Is utterly self-sacrificing and without hope of earthly reward. It fol lows practically as well as theoreti cally In the footsteps of Its Master. No recognition of Its value, not mere ly as a reformatory institution but as an agency for the conservation of so cial order, can be too generous. The Dalles Times-Mountaineer: The trouble which every city on the coast is having in attempting to regulate, control or eliminate gambling is an ar gument In favor of a license law. It is very evident that prohibitory laws are ineffectual; that gambling is an evil that cannot be prevented, then why not regulate it with license? Whenever people come to their right senses they will undertake to regulate vils Instead of attempting to prevent them by oassing laws that are never enforced. Tlegram: Portland has grown big enough to take care of itself. It can do so if it cboses. The railroads are not going to make a business of build ing up Portland. They have Interests elsewhere, as well as here, and It seems sometimes that some roads discrimi nate in favor of competitive points Portland should be ready to compel railroad favors by its own growth and enterprise. .' Portland New Age: Nobody can find out whether "Jack" Matthews is chair man of the republican state central committee, as well as United Btates marshal or not There Is nothing small about Jack; he can bold one' or two or three offices and not perspire a bit. Portland Journal: The city fathers fhould pass an ordinance lowering the sidewalks. They are loo close to the awnings. Journal: Portland is rained over much better than It is governed. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. This signature rV f, . on every box. 25c. fjOrrvd NO RELIANCE IN VAULTS Since it has been proven that the strongest built vault can easily be op ened by expert safe-cracker s, the treas ury department has decided to add to their maseive vaults and complicated locks a novel electric burglar alarm While the Govern m.;nt 's endeavoring to protect the nation's wealth in the best manner possible, it is very im portant that we should endeavor to protect our health from the inroads of disease. The safest medicine to do this Is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. By strengthening the etomach, perfecting the digestion and purifying the bloo'l. It prevents disease from obtaining foot hold. It will also cure dyspepsia, flatulency, constipation, biliousness, nervousness and malaria, fever and ague. One bottle will convince you of its value. Don't fall to try it. A FINE LIBRARY. Of 140 volumes Is found on each of the Northern Pacific's "North Coast Limited" tralna Don't forget that these are the only trains operated in the West that are lighted throughout "v electricity. Dp. T. It. Ball- DENTIST. 524 Commercial Street Astoria, Ore. C. ttl, Barr, Dentist Mansell Building. Commercial St,' TELEPHONE! Astoria, Ore. RED tQtl. KOPP'S FAMOUS BEER Bottled or Iti Keg Free City Delivery i North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria KMIL SC1IIMPFF, WILLAMETTE J. II. COLEMAN, College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medi cine, Music, Oratory, Theology, Business PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT open to students completing eighth grade department lower grade In preparatory department Besides afford ing professional training, the University seeks to give a thorough pisctlcal education to all who are aware ot the value of a trained brain. THB NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers a thorough course In the theory and practice ot teaching. Meets all reaulrements of stats school law. Its teachers are In constant demand. CCatalogye upon application. xiiixiTirTTrTiimniiiiiiixmrmninmim't ...THE CITY OP ASTORIA... Is Noted as the Place Where Is Manufactured. Cutbirth's Creosote Shingle Stains The Most Durable, Preservative, sod Uamjaome Staius on the Market, Nothing keeps ont the weather like shinnies on the walla Nothing preserves ami beautifies shitiL'les like Cutbirth's stains. Cntbirtb also makes the beet COPPER PAINT (or the bottoms ot all water craft. Steamer SUE II. EUIORE The Largest, Btaunchest, Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tion. Will make round trips every Ave days between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE $3.SO Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad -ft Navigation Co. and the Astoria ft Columbia R. R. for Portland. Baa Francisco and aU Points East For freight and passenger rates apply to Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, Astoria, Or. (A. ft C. R. R. Co. B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Or. Pert! and, Or. FOUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Caish Aets ... tasbAssiti In United Mtatea. a.6ib,gj A. Henry & Co., General Agents 215 Sansome Street - . San Prantlsco. Cal SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AQENT5 c. PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Family Use Orders Promptly Executed. DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel Elmore & Co., Agts. JEW Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Haa been Underwritinj; on the Pacific Coast ovei twenty-two yean, SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., Agents, Astoria, Ore. let tho GOLD DUST Uurnl IinaKvr. 7 UNIVERSITY Frcsttleut, St.Um, Oro. I ii. O. R. ft N. Co. Portland. Or. X. O. I7IO TELEPHONE MMN 661 RICE (WAN! ivtlno do your work' C. J. Trenchard Insurant Commission and Shipping. Agent Wells Fargo and Ps clflc Express Companies. Cus j Hw Broker. The MUG SALOON P. K. PKTRRSON, Prop. Flutist Wliios snd Liquors. Corner Astor and Ninth. 0 Oregon Short line Union Pacific AND TIMK rtCHKD- ULKS from Portland Depart Arriv Chicago Portland Special Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Oma ha Kansas City t:Ma.m. 4:W p. m. via Hunt Ington Atiantlo Express 8t Louis, Chlosgj, snd Bast. Salt Lake. Denver Fu Worth. Oraa 1:60 p. m. via Hunt Ington St. Paul Fast mall I p. m. vis Spokane ha. Ksnsas City, St. Louis, Chicago snd East; Walls Walla. Lewlston. Spo kane, MInneapolii Pi. Paul. DUiutn Milwaukee. Chi MM a, m cago and East Tl hours from Portland (o Chios go, No Changs of Csra. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria Ail sailing dafw subject to change tic For San Francis- Monday wevry ny days 7 am. Cuiuinbis itwer Dsilv ex- To Portland and 4 a. m, cept Bun. Wsv Landings. Steamer Nahoolta hvives Astoria on tide daily fur Ilwaco, connecting there 1th trains for Long Ileaoh, Tioga and North Ueat-h points. Iteturnins ar. rives at Aaturla same evenlns. U W. LOUNSBIiKRV, Agent. Astoria. A. U CI! A I Q, Oenertl Pensr Agent, PortUri'L Ori)n, NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Curd ol Trulns POHTLAND. Leaves Arrives Puget Bound Limited. 7:25 am 6:16 pm Kansas Ctty-SU Louis special 11:10 am 145 pm Nortn i-oast Limited s:io p m 7:00 a m Taoema and Seattle Night Kinross 11:46 pm 106 pm Take Pugst Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Grafs Harbor points Take Puget Bound Limited far Olym pltt direct Tsks Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas Clty-Bu Louis Special for points on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Orays Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. A D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oeneral Passenrger Agt., 26 Morrison st.ortlandjjDr. Luxurious Travel Th. "Northisesturn Llml'.'d'' trains, electric lighted tbmughou. both Inside and out and steam heated, are with out esueptlon, the finest trains Is lh world. Thpy embeily the Wtest, rewest snfl be. Ideas for rnmfort. convenience and luxury ever offered the travelling public, snd altogether sri the ni'a: complete and splendid nroduotlon f-f th car builder' art. These splnlld Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northtra Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge tor these sjperioi sen imodatlons and all cUwn of tick ets are. available for paaatge cn the trains on rhl line are proti'cnd by tbr Interim-king Klosl: System. W. H. MEAD, H. L. SI8LF.R General Agent. Traveling Af t PorMsnd. Or n , TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points Bast VI k SHORT LINE TO St- PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourist BU epers. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Daily Trains; fast time. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding tickets, routes sto-, call on or address J. W. PHALON, If. DICKSON Trav. Pass. Agt. City Ticket Agt 122 Third Street, Portland. A. B. C. DENNTSTON, fi. W. P. A ill First Avenue. Seattle. Wash. ANDREW LAKE Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, Per fect Work, Prices Reasonable and Work Dons With Dispatch. 4H3 Commercial St., Astoria. Ore, BTARTLINO, OUT TRUE) "If everyone knew what a grand medicine Dr. King s New Life Pills Is," wi'ltits 1). II. Turner, Pempwytown, Pa., "you'd wll all you have In a day. Twg weeks use has made a iew mun of me." Infallible for constipation, atom.u-h and llvor troubles. SSo at Clnia Rogers' drug store. A START14N0 BURPR1S1& Very few couldb cllevs In looking st A. T. Iloadtey, a healthy, robuust blacksmith ot Tllden. Ind., that for tun years he suffered such tortures from Rheumatism ss few could endure and live. Rut a wonderful change fol lowed his taking Elect rlo Hitters. "Two bottles wholly cured ins," lis writes, "and I have not felt a twinge In over a year." Thjy regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism Neuralgia, Nervousness, . Improve di gestion snd give perfect health. Try thDiu, Only SO eta at Cha Rogers drug store. NORTH COAST LIMITED. Is only run by the Northern Pacific between Portland and Minneapolis and Xt. Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle, Spikane, Missoula Huttr, Livingston, litllings. Ulsmsrk snd Fargo. Klght of theso trains are on the run dally, four east and four wast. Each Is a solid vesttbuled train, carrying stand ard Pullman tourist aloepcra dining car, day coaches, mall, txprena and baKiraas car and ths slenant observa tion car. Each train Is brilliantly lighted with over 800 Ilirhts and ths beautv of It all Is you can travel Just ss cheaply on this train ss on sny other. All representatives will be glad to give you additional Informa tion. A. P. Charlton. Assistant Oen eral Psssenger Agent, Z&i Morrison St, roriiami, uregon. "WIIKRE TO HUNT AND FISH." Northern Pacific's nnw gams book Is now ready for distribution. Illustra tions of live game s particular fentura Four full pages from 8ton-Thomi- son's drawings mads specially for this book. 8nd address with six cents and book wilt be mailed to you by Chaa Feo, O. P. at T. A., St. Paul, Minn. LUCK IN THIRTEEN. Ily sending lulrtoen miles Win. Splruy, of Walton Furnace, VI., got box of Hucklen's Arnica Satvs Chal wholly curjd a horrible fever sore on his leg, Nothing else could. Posi tively cuures Bruises, Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, Boils, Burns, Corns and Plica Only SSc. Guaranteed by Chaa Rogers, drutsist. 'The Biggest Sensstlon Everywhere." sLIUIPUT The smallest sterescone with ths strongest optical effect Highly fin ished In different colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mountings-. Including 20 V. F, Photographs. Views of art (genre). Piles only tl. Sent everywhere prepaid In tetter form. AGENTS WANTED. LUiput Steroscope Company FORREST BLDO., Philadelphia. PRAEL & COOK rRANSPEH COMPANY. Telephone t:t DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shipped to our ears Will receive special attention. No 538 Duane St. W, J. ttX)K. Mgr. THE WALDORF C. F. WISE, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. ' Fine liquors and cigars. Scott's Santal-Pcpsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Vnr Intlnir.m-tlon or OaUrrs of til. Hlhldrr and pls.a.i'4 KMuoy. tin imm no n.r. Cur-s ii Oiklf and I'erms n.ntlf i1. worst esM-s ot tJiifinrc'io, antKJieet, bo SiSU-rnf bow Jons stsnil liia. Aliuilnt-ly harmlrns, Suld by ilrui-iclsU. Fries Si m, or hf, pestpalrt, (l.uu,ibuirs,n's. THS IANTAI-PEP8IN CO, SSUSfONTalNS, OHIO, Sold by Chas. Rogers, 460 Comment si Street. Astoria. Oregim. ' Don't Guess at It But If ou are govng East write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodation offer ed by the ILLINOIS CKNTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURIST Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write us about your trip as we are In a posi tion to give you soma valuable Infor mation and assistance: 63l miles of track over Which era oneraiad anma of the finest trains In ths world. For particulars regarding freight or oassenger rates call on or address. , . a LINDSET, B. H. TRUMBULL, ' .,.T;' S- Al .. Com'lAgt. J a i . , t i ou a ! roniana. prs. ASLIBNP AMID FLAMES, Zlretklng Into a biasing horns, some firemen lately dragged ths sleeping In mates front death. Fojiolod security snd death near, It's that way when you neglect coughs and colda Don't do It. Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption gives perfect protection agslsst all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Keep It near, and avoid suf fering, death and doctor's bills). A tesspoonful stops a lasts cough, per sistent use ths most stuborn. Harm less and nice tasting, It's guaranteed to satisfy by Cliaa Rogers. Pries Ms and 11.06. Trial bottles free. X , m i Andrew Asp. Wigti lUtr, llsikiwltk iM liruikstT Fin-TT-OLAMa WORK AT REASON AJILH K!Ctfl. Special Attention Given to Ship sew Htssotbost Itspatiing.Oeaeral lilaok smithing, Ftrst-Ctass Horse- Shoeing. CORNER TWTBLrrn AND DUANS ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UAVR fokruNu ARKIVt Mis 70vp Portland Ua on Ihtnit I II to s ASTORIA Vll'iiftlaiia'.nd'W.VlTsdT; YISs Slop puil V I saAi-llig UIVIMION Asui-ia'f,,,' v,,,,,,,,-.-) UA, fort H atrns 4 00 s Sa Hamaiuuil ai)4 Asliiria iOiaa ss is . in ii M) 1A S) HI Hl til HI I "I l tveulfta (ur WtrrcuUm, 111 Mb as Mavai, IUam;-nd, furt 7 Si p as "S Hirro and titnr). " k Sunday only. All trains niaks rtus. eonnsMtlnna mt Oobls with all Northern I-aolllo trains to and fross ths Bast and Boua4 VlM- t. C. sIATO. Qsal Fresght aad Isaa. Agent WIIITB COLLAR LINE ..ForUand - fcloria fcii. STR. 'BAILEY G ATZDsr.' .- Daily reanl (Hps aacet Sunday. TIME CARD Ixvs Portlsal r a. as. i-n Astona f p, sa. Through PurUsad oonoeotions with steamer Nahcotta fross Hwaoo sag Long lie aos Patau. - Whits Collar lias " t kt later. r!2Jtb, "uh 0- N. Cs. aai V. T. C UokMM. T , The Dalles Route STR. " TAHOMA' and "METLAKO" Dally trips sxosut Sunday. TIMfc CARD Stf. "TAHONA" Leavs Portland Ms., Wed., Frl., a am. Leave Dalles, Tuea, Thar, Sat, f a ss. Str. "MBTLAKO" Lv. Portland Tuea, Thur Bat, f a. ss, Lv. DaUes. Moa, Wed., Frt, T a. sa. Undlng at foot of Aider Street, Port land Oregoa, UiXh Phoosa Mala KL , m AOBNT8. J. W. CH ton. The Dalles, Orsgoa. A. K. Fuller, Hood River. Oregon. Wolford A Wyers, White Salmon, Wa. VeZ,ry'..C,!i:,,",a' Carson. Ws, John W. Tottsn, Stevenson, Wa. C.: yV1 Vancouver, Wa. A. J. Taylor, Astoria, Ore. K. W. CltlCHTON. Portland Oreg.!si! I..5i'if ?I?T,"' '"on ENHYRQYAL PILLS -C"v o,ii.T.J ui, u.a.i.17 Ri ! MHia' l l,dlM asa Iwasstsa (1 KUMMAIAN'H PATKNT WHITING ItINO Tim most ImporUnt Improvement of ths age la ths art of pen manship makes ths poorest writ er a splendid penman In a few weeks by ths use of this ring. En-dorsi-J by prominent college presidents and boards of education In Europe and America, Sample doten assorted alios sent post paid for 1, single sample 21c. When ordering a single ring stats whether -for man, woman or child. PERN MFG. SUPPLY CO. mji.J-'OURTII ST., Philadelphia. the Peep ' of fill f rains Is the Famous Nortwostern Limited dally between Minne apolis, Bt. Paul snd Chlcage ,.,.vls.... Without exception ths finest and most luxurious train In ths world. You will realise what comfortable traveling Is If you rids on this famous train. For full Information address C 1. GRAY, It L. SISLER, jjt'.J'lng Agent ' General Agent , . tig .Alder Street, Portland, Or. IV fp f1"1 ''""''' l-4l," MMilr.tin . -r ,. MhIU " r-H...ii mm t7v