ML .MORNING ASTORIAN, WMXNESD.A V. DKCOIBUU . 17, l!H)J gaily stotiitn. Telephone, Main tSL UNION TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by maH Pr year...... ...... H.M Sent by mall, per months... SO Served by carrier, per month .... to eMI-WEBKLT. Sent by mail, per year, la advance SI 00 The Astorlan guarantees to It d wertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia River. THE ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO., GRAIN IMPORTS, The Oregonian's story that the northern Pacific :s to push Ita line down the uorth bank of the Columbia river unquestionably has much foun ttinn in fat. Everything point9 to a determination on the part of what Is known as the northern combination the Northern Pacific ana Great Northern an 1 Burlington to And an outlet at the mouth of the Columbia. Those roads at present have terminals on the sound, but the excessive grades leading into Seattle and-Tacoma ren der compeli'Jon with the lines having an nutlet here utterly Impossible. In the past the situation has not been fouirht, because of the harmonious agreement entered into between the companies Interested. ..'.. It Is assertJd that the Northern Pa cific has made overtures for the pur chase, of the Astoria road. Some months ago. It will be recalled, the statement was made that the Northern had offered a large figure for it $3,-j 000.000. Of course, this statement was not authenticated, but it seemed to have been riven credence In railroad circles. Whether or not the offer was made, the Northern would no doubt gladly buy the Astoria road were it for sale. But, falling In this. It will prob ably take the only course left open, and build down ths north bank of the Columbia. Whenever this is done the Harriman lines can be depended upon to confine their grain exporting operations to this rort. Extension of terminal rates to Astoria will enable Harriman to do business at a much lees figure than from any other coast port, and In the great fight for control of the Oriental traf ficjthe cheapest port will be utilized. At present the Columbia bar is an Im pediment to extensive commerce here, but the plan's of the engineers will pro vide ampla depth and make It possible for the carriers to se nd out the great est steamships that are built today Th ilfvelnnments of the past few months indicate very plainly that Har riman had assurance that the bar -.m iv ntilitt-rateil. and that in or dering his four big steamships he fig ured io uslns them out of this port, it would seem, however, that AstO' ria will not be utilized for exporting t.nmniM until such time as the two I.,-. - Risking Life To make a living ! And we stand and stare up at the man iu the clouds, won dering that any man can be so fool- rq. hardy. But what ot the business man, who has barely time to snatch a hasty meal, and gulp's down a lunch of pie and milk in a few minutes? He too, is risking his life to make a living. Life is sustained by food properly digested and assimilated. The re sult of hasty eating and irregular meals is "weak" stomach, and a "weak" stom ach means a weak man. When the stomach is "weak'' the food eaten is not properly digested and cannot be per fectly assimilated, so that there is a daily loss of nutrition, which in time will result in physical collapse. , Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enables the assimilation of all the nutri tive values of the food eaten, and so builds up the body into sound health and strength. Mr. Nni N.lton, ih celebrated Irish Come diatt and Mimic, of 577 Kordcn Street, Camden. N. J , wriio : Wt fulfilled au engagement of twelve weeks ami the conwmit traveling (rave nie bad toueti of that 'lreaded disease called dyapepsia. 1 fiW tried everything; pomible to cure It till la-it week, while playing at B. P. Keith'a Bijou ThrtUer, Philadelphia, in the Nelaou Trio, a prolwwional friend of mine ad vised me to try br Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. I tried it, and, thank Cod, with rood result!." .. Dr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is Bent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamp to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, IWHIIII mm big transcontinental combinations be gin their warfare for the trade of the Orient So long as the managements remain harmonious, the existing state of affairs will be continued. But when the tight comes, the ocoan port will be employed to Its fullest extent. It is Interesting to note that the Ore gonian confesses the new proposed or der of things will not have a detri mental, effect on the metropolis, In stead, it says, It will help build np the commercial center of the state, while helping all other sections at the same ttmevThi3 Is a point Involved that was not conceded some few years ago, when the influence of the metropolis would haw compelled the extension of equal rates to As'oriii. It be put down for certain that whatever wilt help As toria will help Portland. The interests of the two cities are Identical. THE VORTHWEST PRESS. Post-Intelltgeneeri If the Harriman Interests had succeeded in obtaining control of the Northern Pacific a couple of years ago. It is safe to assert that Seattle would not now be striving to secure the transport busings. It would have gone to San Francisco on its own terms. And there are people In Wash ington who are doing all in their pow. er to hamper the Northern Pacific ami Great Norrhern in their efforts to se cure the transport service for Puget sound, as a basis for securing a. large share of the rich traffic of the Orient. If the Harriman interests succeed In turning down the bid of the Boston Steamship company a serious blow will be struck at the prosperity of Puget sound. If this is followwe by the elec tion to the senate of a man whose in terests are Identified with those of the Harriman crowd, the people of Wash ington -will have great cause for sor row. Portland Journal: ' Public spirit Is the safeguard of the Lewis and Clark fair appropriation." With some dan gers arising from the Initiative and referendum In this connection, there must be dependence to a great degre upon the great body of public spirit, that calls for liberality towards the most Important project that ever en gaged the attention of the people of this commonwealth: Tacoma Ledger: When bears wan der into the streets of Fuvallup their presence Is naturally regarded as a re flection on the town. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Thts aUmature Jilty t, on every box. 25c. ? ' NO RELIANCE IN VAULTS Since It haa been proven that the strongest built vault can easily be op ened by expert safe-crackers, the treas ury department has decided to add to helr -massive vaults and complicated locks a novel electric burglar alarm. While the Government 's endeavoring to protect the nation's wealth in the best manner possible, it is very im portant that we should endeavor to protect our health from the inroads of I disease. The safest, medicine to do this is Hostetttr's Stomach Bitters. By strengthening the ttomath, -perfecting the digestion and purifying the blood, it prevents disease from obtaining foothold- It will also cure dyspepsia, flatulency, constipation, biliousness, nervousness and malaria,' fever and ague. One bottle will convince you of its value. : Don't fail to try it. , A FINE LIBRARY. Of 144 volumes Is found on each of the Northern Pacific's "North Coast Limited" trains. Don't forget that these are the only trains operated In the West that are lighted throughout hv electricity. Dr. T. Ii. Ball DENTIST. 524 Commercial Street Astoria. Ore. G. (0, Barr, Dentist Mansell Building. . 578 Commercial St., TELEPHONE Astoria, RED mv Ore. Some Inter esting Facts When people are confer! plating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat servVe obtainable as far as speed, comfort and rorety 1s concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meal served a la carte. In order to obtain the 11 ret -clans ser vice, awk the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over Tbe Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct (.collections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points Bast. For any further Information call on any ticket agent ,or correspond with JAS. C. POND, Gen. Pass. Ag't. or JAS A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. z Mrs. ida Supreme; Deputy of th K3. McDonald, Xo.4T7 Hcaulueu Street, Detroit, Mich., is a prom inent woman who was greatly brtietited by the creat woman's medicine, Wine of Cordui. Mrs. McIVsaM is the supremo deputy of tho Maccabees of the World, and one of. the most widely known women in U10 United States. Thousands of women gather to hear her lecture, everywhere sue goes. The great work sho has dono for the Maccabees appreciated by every member of tho order. She was o ab sorbed in her work that she neglected to give hor health proper ere failed to take warning that the symptoms of approaching kidney trouble gave her, the sallow complexion and torpid liver. But Wine of Cardtii cured her the same as it has cured thousands of others and Mrs. McDonald has written this letter iu order that oilier suffering women may secure from Wine of Cardui the amo relief she got from it. "For four year I luffcrtd with torpid liver until my 'skin looked yellow and dull. I then found' my kidney wcr affected and had sever pain across my back, and 1 felt (1 V y ti WINEofCARDVI KOPPS FAMOUS BEER Bottled or In Keg Free City Delivery I North Pacific Brewing Company, Astoria t KM 1 1- JSCIIIMI'FF, Ociirral .Munager. WILLAMETTE 7 J. H. COLKMAN, Pri'shlVnt, Salt ui, (rt. College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medi cine, Mu3ic, Oratory, Theology, Business PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT open to student completing eighth grade department lower grade In preparatory department. Dealde afford ing professional training, the University seeks) to give a ;horough piactical education to all who are aware of the value of a trained brain. THIS NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers a thorough course In the theory and practice of teaching. Meets all rennlrements of state school law. Its teachers are In constant demand. fCatalogus upon application. ...THE C i TY OF ASTO R I A... Is N'ot'l as tlte IMaec Where pasaasaBa CutbirttTs Creosote Shingle Stains The Moat Durable, Preservative, bdJ Handsome Staius on tbe Market. Nothing keeps ont the weather like shintfles on the walla Nothing preserves and beautifies sliinirles like Outliirth's ftains. Cutbirth also makes the best (X)ITEB l'AINT for tbe bottom of nil water craft. Steamer SUE II. ELMORE The Largest, fltaunchest. Steadiest, and most seaworthy vessel ever on the route. Best of Table and State Room Accommoda tions. Will make round trip every five days between. Astoria and Tillamook FARE' Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and the Astoria ft Columbia R. R. for Portland, Saa Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rate apply to rr Samuel Elmore 5ir Co. General Agents, Atorla,.Or. or to B. C. LAMB, Tillamook, Or. A. ft C. R. R. Co. Portland, Or. FOUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD, Cash Ammetm . . , ii,oo,ooo Caah Aaaata In United Mtata, a,ei6,3j A. Henry & Co., General Agents 215 Sansome Street - Sao Francisco, Cul SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AGENTS c. 2 Mcdonald, Ma.ccs.bces of tha World. that I must do tomethlnt to rtuln my health. A (ritnd advocated your Win of Cardui treatment o itronjily that I decided to try It although I had little faith In pxtertt medicine. 1 am now vry thankful tint I did to, for within ten day blond relief tarn to me, and In less than thr months I was cured, and have enjoyed fine health ever since, I know there Is nothlnt better for sick woman who wishes to tnoy per fect health and am very pleased to jiv my hearty endorsement" No suffering woman can afford to ignore such a letter as Mrs. McDonald writes. Her plana and advice have prowl valuable in building up one of the greatest women' organisation in the United State and she take time to giro advice which she know will help yon. Do not delay in securing this medi cine There is nothing to phi and everything to Kwp by delay. 'I heohoieo is boforo you Will or will ytm not secure relief now by taking Wino of Cardui? All drmreista sell $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui as well as li-'n) pack ages o Tuwlford' Ulaik-Draught, million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardiii. UNIVERSITY tzzxxxzzzzxzzxx nzzzzzzzzxzzzzzxzxxxxxzzzxxzzzxzizJ O. R. ft N. Portland. Or. Co. . U. I7IO C. j. Trcnchard tnuranc Commission and Snipping, Agent Well Fargo and Pa cltle Kxprera Companies. Cue- torn Hou Uroker. The MUG SALOON P. K PETERSON, Prop. Finest Win and Liquor. Comer Astor and Ninth. OREGON SHOriT LINE and union Pacific T1MK t'HtD. Depart Chleaso Portland ULK8 From Portland, Arrlvs Sal: ljke.Donvr, Special :0U a. m, via Hunt ington AtiaiUlo Express J: SO P. m. via Hunt tngton St. Paul Fast mall ( p. rn. via Spnkan. Ft. worm. uma. hn, Kn City 4:30 p. m St. ula, Chicago; and East. Sail Lake, Denver) Fi. Worth. Oma.j ht, Kansas City, J:10a. 81. Louis. Chlcaf') and Kt. Walla Walla. ! Lewision. Boo- K:in, Minneapolis !. Paul. Duiuth; 7;00a. Milwaukee, Chi- , cfigi n,i Fast I 73 hour from Portland to Chicago. No Chang, of Cars. OCKA.N AND RIVER SCHEDULE! From Astoria- All .ailing Oatoj; subject to change For Sn Francis- sic. Monday ;so every five days. 7 a. m. Daily e ceol Sun, Columbia Klver !T. Poriland and 4 a. m. I Wav Landing. Steamer Nahcotta leave Astoria on tide dally for llwaco, connecting thors M-lth trains for Long- He. eh, Tioga and North ilrach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria Mime evening. O. W. LO U N 8 O ER It Y, Agent. Astoria. A. L. CltAlO, General Pamenger Agent, Portlan-I. C)rein. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Cunl til'Tralna PORTLAND, L'aves Arrives Puget Sound Limited. 7;K am 6:46 pm Kansas Clty-Bt. Louis Special 11:10 am 6:43 p rn North Coast Limited 8 SO p m 7:00 a ra Tacoma and Beattlo Night Kxiires lt:4i pm t:05 m Take Pugst Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Oray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym pin direct. Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas Clty-Bt. Louis Special for points on South Rend branch. Double dnlly train service on dray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant Oeneral Pnssenxger Aft , 2M Morrison St., Portland, Or. It Ti UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL Th "Northwestern Llmi'M" trslns, electric lighted throughou', both Inside and out, and a'eum heated, are with out exception, the finest train, la th world. Thny emt)ily the Utest, rewesi and b.t Ideas far comfort, nee and luxury ever offered tbe travelling public, and altogether ar. the mcsi complete and .plendld rjroluotlon tf th car builders' art. These splendid Train Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for thes. luperlot acommodstlon and all class of tick ets are available for pasntge cn th. trains on this line are protested by th. Interlocking filoci: System. W. H. MEAD, H. L. SlBLER General Ag.nt, Traveling Af't Portland. Org io. TICKETS TO AND FROM ALL Points East VI k m It .rfuti 5H0RT LINE TO St PAUL, DULUTII, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourist Slf epers. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. Dally Trains; fast time. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding tickets, routes etc, call an or addre J. W. FHALON, If. DICKSON Trav. Pass, Agt. City Ticket Agt 122 Third Street, Portland. A. B. C. DhiNNISTON, O. W, P. A ill First Avenue. Seattle. Wash. ANDREW LrAKB Merchant Tailor New Goods, Winter Samples, rr- feet Work, rrlces . Ueaaoimbl and Work Don With Dispatch. m Commercial 8t Astoria. Ore. 8TARTUNO, 11UTTUUJS "If everyone Knew what a grand medicine Dr. King's Now Life Pills Is," writes D. II. Turnor, Demuieylown, Pa., "you'd soil all you have In a day. Two weeks use has made a now mail of ma." Infallible fur constipation, toniacu and liver trouble. 5o at Chns, lingers' drug storo. A STAItTLlNa SUlU'lUail Very few couldb ellev In looking t A. T. lloadley, a healthy, robuust blaikmulth of Tllden. Ind., that for ten years he suffered surh tortures from Hlieumatlsm as few could 'endure and live. Hut a wonderful change fol lowed hi taking Kloctrlo Hitter, "Two bottks wholly cured tn," li. wrltun, "and I have not felt a twinge In over a year." Thny reulai the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Itheutiuitlmn Neuiulglm Nvfi-voumir, Improve dl gentlon and give perfect health. Try tluni. Only to cts. at C'hus, Roger drug siore. NORTH COAST LIMITED. Is only run by the Northern Paelflo botwceii Portland and Minneapolis and St, Paul, through Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, M'.onla, Hutte, Livingston, lillliuit. Ui.mark and Fargo. Klght of these trains are on the run daily, four east and four west. Eaoh Is a solid ve.tlbuled train, carrying stand nrd Pullman tourist sleepers, dining ear, duy roaches, mall, exprexa and btiKKime car and the elegant ob.rrva lion car, Each train Is brilliantly lighted with over 300 lights and th beautv of It all Is you can travel Just ta cheaply on this train as on any other. All representative will be glad to give you additional Informa tion, A. D. Charlton, Assistant Oen eral Paisenger Agent, M Morrison Bt, rortlunj. urrgon. "WHERE TO HUNT AND rtSIL" Northern rnrltlc's new gam book Is now ready for distribution. Illustra tions of live gume a particular feature. Four full r gee from Beton-Thomp- son's drawings made specially for this book. Bnd address with six cents and hook will be mailed to you by Chaa, S. Feo. O. P. A T. A., St Paul. Minn. LUCK IN THIRTEEN. By sending thirteen miles Wm. Splwy, of Walton Furnace, Vt., got bo.t of Ilu kl "n's Arnlra Saive that wholly curvd a horrible fever sore on hit leg. Nothing else could. Posi tively enures Ilrulacs, Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, Dolls, Hums, Corns and Pile. Only 20c. Guaranteed by Chus. Rogers, Uru rit. "The Hlggest Sensation Everywhere." .LILIPUT The sniallt sterescop with ' th strrmg!.t optical effect Highly fin Ished In dlfrent colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mountings-. Including 20 V. F. Photographs, Views of art (genre). Price only 11. Sent everywhere prspsld In letter form. AGENTS WANTED. UliputSteroscope Company FORREST 11LDO., Philadelphia. FRAEL & COOK TRANSPER COMPANY. Telephone 2L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All goods shtpped to our oar Will receive special attention. No 538 Duane Bt. J, X COOK, Mgr. THE WALDORF C. F. WISE, Propr. Astoria's principal resort. Fine liquors and cigars. Scott's Santal-Pcpsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Vnrtnlliimin.tton orOdlarr or ih Hladili-r oil Ilnrm4 KMtifyit, No ourn n pay. (;un qitlrkly and frrina ncntlr iha womi oniiMi ol 4-iiiiri liu'4 anil UlrH, eo mattrot Irow Jbnir tarnl IriK. AkHilutrly Imruilt'.,. Hold by druffnlnU. I'rlo. 1.00, or by b.kII, uxtiialil, l.00,lb(lM,W.f, THE IANTAI-PEPSIN CO., BSLlSrONTAIN. OHIO. Sold by Chaa. Rogers, 409 Commerol il Siret-t. A.toria. Oregon. , Don't Guess at It Rut If ou are govnsr East write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offer ed by the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. THROUGH TOURJST Cars via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL from PACIFIC COAST to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to writ us about your trip as we are In a posi tion to give you some valuable infor mation and assistance; 6319 miles of track over which are operated some of the finest trains In the world, For particulars regarding freight or oassengftr rates call on or address..' . C LWDBIST. B. H. T RUM BELL, T. F. R. A. Cotn'l Agt, v 141 Third St., Portland. Ore. ASLUWP AMID FLAMES. Ilreaklng Into a biasing home, sum firemen lately dragged the sleeping ln mates from death. Fancied security and death near. It's that way when you neglect cough and colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption gives perfect protection against all Throat, Cheat and Lung trouble. Keep It near, and avoid suf fering, death and doctor's bills, A teaspoontut stops a laate cough, per sistent use the most stuborn, Harm less and nto tasting, It's guaranteed IO wiusry oy vnas. itogars, i iiii vv and ,11.00. Trial bottles free. Andrew Asp, Vajri laksr, Bliekmltl 14 ItrMiletf FIR-TP-CLAM WORK AT kkahonauuo piticm liMelal Attention Given to Ship ard Ut.amboai lpslrlng,0ural lilaok inlthliig. First-t'U Horse Bhoelog, etc CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANB ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVFR Rill RflAft LRAVK I'OKTI AMI AltKIYI IDOaml I'orUanU liuen I pet I tt io t 40p. 7 v" p ui i rr Ai .fi. mid ASTtmiA T 4"' a ST hi Ivriiauil 74 t'y iliwsnt 1USUIS iv put i rujiHUi . ... I DIVIXIUN l.i ui r.u.rlfi.r Warrai.tutir" Hiatal KI .ypI. Kort h tt.iu, !! llnruiniiii.l ami Anton 11 Si ' n Wihm at i ti a mi j i..iin fur WutfiiUMi, I IK Hi u m rir', inmm iki, ror f ' ", mj,.eie' I ajia Atnrls Sunday only. All trains make dose connection at Gobi with all Northern Paoitle trains to and from the East and Round points, j. C. MAYO. Ora l Freight and I'm Agent iVIIITB COLLAR LINK ..Forlland - ilsloria ou(a. STR. ''BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trip except Bandar. TIME CARD Leave Portland a. sa. Leave Astoria T p. at. ThrouaiT 1'ialand mnn-nilnii. ariia. steamer Nahcotta trora llwaoo aad Lung 1 teach Point. White Collar Una ticket Inter changeable with O. It. A N, Co. aad V. T. Co. tlcaeu. TliA hnllAC Dniito suw auiiv IWUU STR. " TAHOMA," and "METLAK0" Dally trips esett Sunday. TIMt CARD tt. "TAH0.HA" Iava Portland Mow.. Wed., ., 1 a. sa. Uave Dalles, Tups., Thur., Bat, last. Sir. "NBTLAK0" Lv. Portland Tuaa, Thur, Sat, I a. ss. Lv. Ihtllea. Moa.. Wed., im . Landing at foot of Alder Street, Port- ana uregoa. Doth Phoaea, Mala 151. AOENT8. J. W. Crtchton. Ths Dalles, Oregost. A. K. Fuller, Hood River, Oregon. Wclford A Wyers, WMto Balmon, Wn. Henry Olmatead, Carson, Wn. Jonn W. Totl-tn, Stevenson, Wn. J. C. Wyatt. Vanoouver. Wa. A. J. Tayltw, Astoria, Or. K. W. CRICIITOW. Porllsnd Oregon, sm. CHiCMrtrre's rnaiibH XKIt W4 ial. .-.III. t. . v T "''". I .u m.f. iirr 1 SJ 'r.M KabMIIoin la IIhh-. h.f of ynr llr,irt i ' -Jt .I.W14 ftr 1 II 1-1- I W fj 'l"llllf forl..ll-fc',il.n.,i,.. - - Mull. IIMIIKI lmlaiml.1.. K.Mkf a,M s,u (IKOHSMAN'S 'ATKNT WUITINd ItING I The moat Important Improvement of the age In the art of pen manship makes the poorest writ-' er a, splendid penman In a few wecU by the usa of this ring. , En dorscd by prominent college presidents and boards of education In Europe and America. Sample doen assorted laaa sent post paid for , L single samplo 2Go. Whon ordorlng a single rlwr state whether for man, woman er child. PE1NN MFG. SIPPIY CO. Ill IJ. FOURTH ST.. Phllodelphls, fhb Foci? of M f rains Is the .Famous Nortwestern Limited dally between Minne apolis, Bt. Paul and Chlcngo ....via.... Without exception the finest and most luxurious train In the world.' You. will realize what comfortable traveling is If you ride on this famous train. For full Information address C. J. GRAY, .. :i L. BISLEU, Traveling Agent. . Oeneral Agent. mmm wwuu, vr, ?