THE MORNING ASTORIAN, FRIDAY. DECKMBEK 12. iK)2 PRINTING SHOP RAIDED BY OFFICERS AND UNIONISTS. Has Printed lllue Labels tor Cigars . Undetected f.r a hong Num ber of Tears. ; . . v, .t CHTCAOO, Dec. 1L In raid by -o.-Rtablita and labor leaders e-vly today. It I bt'lieved the greatest plant in the country for counterfeiting union cigar labels was discovered. Bays the Inter Ocean. The printing establishment of Hiram Melts was entered and 10 counterfeit plates were captured from which tt Is believed all the counterfeit labels In tha United States have been printed. One hundred thousand coun terfeit, labels were also conflseated.. Officers of the Clgarijiakers' Interna tional union assert that the plates are the only ones In extstence. Melts ship ped the counterfeit blue slips in lots, varying from 1000 to 10.W0. to all parts of the I'nlttd States. For tb past four years George J. Thompson, label secretary of the 01 garmakers' International union, has been using every effort to entrap the maker of this plate. Last night was the fourth consecutive night on which he and constables and members of the union have watched the printing establishment-until after midnight The printing shop was entered by ttrategem. Constable Philip Splro and Charles Bueschel arrested Melts be fore he realised the meaning of the sud den rush. A. E. Adeloft, president of the Cigarmakers" union, and William Magruger, former president of the New Jersey State Federation of labor, were the other members of the party which captured Melts. The prisoner was taken to the coun ty Jail In default of 150O bonds. dude practically ail the principal con cerns of the kind In the vmmtry The new combination . to be known as the International Ax and Tool com pany with a capitalisation of ttS.Oflfl.MO. The plants to b acquired are est! mated to have a value irf $:.W0.nW It is estimated that economics amount' ing to at least el.OW.W will be effected as the result of oiiertition under one management. ' . . . ; SrKNFR VIL, UK OHUttlNU Says If Party Kkcts Him He Will Accept Post of Duty. CHICAGO, Pec. 11.-A .syeUa to the ltecord-Herald front Vtlwaukee, si.ys: : Senator John O. SptHmer,' in answer to a formal letter of Inquiry- sent him by Senator Whitehead and the assem blymen of Rock county, announces that he will accept a re-election to tin United Stales senate If it be tendered him by fhe legislature. He says he would consider an election a coinnumu from the pjrty, which he had no right to disobey. AMERICAN FINANCIERS BUY IN CANADIAN BANK. Will Purchase Enough Shares In Roy al Institution to Increase Cap- : ital to U.000.000. j HALIFAX N- S., Pec. ll.-The dl-; rectors of the Royal Bank of Canada! headquarters of which are In this city, j have Issued a letter to the sharehold-; ers announcing that a party of Amerl- ; can gentlemen of nigh financial posi-j tion and wlJ prominent business con- j nections have made a proposal to ac quis 6000 ares of the bank's cap ital stock at the rate of 280 per share. The bank which has now a subscrib-1 ed capital of t2.0O0.0OO, would Increase; its capital by JSOO.noo and bring its re- j serve up to $2,500,000. The directors r commend the acceptance of the prop- j oeition and ask the Shareholders to' announce their rights to the new stck. It Is Intended If this proposal is ac cepted to issue $50,000 worth of stock! among the shareholders, making the capital $1,000,000. EXPOSITION OF AUTOS Application of the Machine to Agri cultural Purposes Proposed. PARIS, Dec. 11. American makers of automobiles are practically un represented at the fifth international exposition of automobiles which has just opened auspiciously at the Grand Palace, with President Loubet and several cabinet ministers among the throng of visitors. The vast atnpitheater was tilled with the latest types of racers and coaching r.nd ommeivial vehicles. chiefly ponderous and powerful French, Swiss and Belgian make's, con centrating with the few light, graceful American machines. Among the nov elties exhibited were automobile ca noes and launches. One of the latter. luxuriously equipped, was built for the sultan of Morocco. A representative of one of the Amer ican companies present said: 'The .ib. sence of American types is due to the fact that the American manufac turers are so busy supplying the home demand that they are unable to coin- pete with the European trade and the American types are chiefly for streets, whereas the mountain coaching of the continent requires powerful climbers." President Loubet gave special at tention to speed machines. He was al so struck with the numerous and re markable applications of automobiles to agriculture. The minister of ag riculture, M Mougeot, is said to have the intention of making a special study of the application of automo bile to agriculture. MILLIONS OF WOMEN Preserve, Purify, and Beautify the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands with (ffiticora Millions or Wont us cenruau So at, assisted by Cvticcra Oixtmkm, for beam, tiffing the skin, for cleaning the iralp, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and ton hands, for baby rashes, itching, uid irrita tion, and for all the purposes of the tolWI, bath, and nursery. Million, of Women use CTTICl Si SOAr in latin for annoying Irrita tion,, lnfl.imnition, mid exoortaUous, or too free or offensive perspiration, in washes for ukwratlTe srraknetses, and (or many uns ure, antisepUc purposes, which readily ug. geat themselves to women, etpeetaUr mothers. CmcuaA SOAr combines In one soap at on price, the beat aUn and complexion aoap and the beat toilet and baby soap In the world. CMspMt TraatsMnt for Evtry Humor. Cptr i Ra Soar, to cleauae the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thii kened cutl. l, Cimcra Ourrassr, to Inatantljr allay itch ing. Inflammation, and irritation, and sooth and bet), and Crnreu RmoLris-r, to coot and cleans the blood. A Sisois ear i, often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfigur ing, aad humiliating skin, scalp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, whsn all else fails, hM tamtfemt tx wM. Bnthk Diw r Riw. aur Soaa, Cmcm St, Usdt rotrsa Dtca Lisa. Oaf., Sals tnf lulu. U. S 4. FOOTBALL IN MI DOC E AN. Canadian Team Practiced While Cross- j ing the Atlantic. LIVERPOOL, Dw. 11. The team of j Canadian football players has arrived here on the Allan line steamer Bava-; rian from St Johrs, X. B., and Hall- j fax and proceeds! to Dublin. They will play several matches in Ireland before playing in England. On their way across the Atlantic the Canadians practiced daily. They are ail well and cmfidet?,t of success. EOER OFFICERS HERE. South African General Will Settle in the United States. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. Among the passengers who arrived on the steamer Manltou from London were General Kritzinger, Commandants Fouche and Jaubort of the Boer army. Fouche expects to settle In this country perma nently, and the othei-s will lecture on their experiences. :OBBED OF JOOOO. AX AXD TOOL CONSOLIDATION.' Operation of Industries Under One Managmmt Orwrt Saving. SJLfcl r'K.. l-t.. U The move- sitKtnf Sy vtwi tbe as ad tool Indus- arj-t at iv i '.siiso!itoted and which j fcta Vt t? vti for nearly a year, ; ar jjywtE ms!irrjratt(-4 and will In-, Wealthy Widow Loses Diamonds From Hotel Apartments. CHICAGO, Dec. 11. Mrs. Charts H. Blackman, a wealthy widow residing in the Kenwood hctel, has been rob bed of $6000 worth of diamond?. The jewels were takea from her roam in the hotel in daylight while the hotel parlor, a ahjrt dbtance away, w;ts fill ed lth people. There is no clue to the thief. . PORTRAIT OF LUTHER. Best Likeness of Great Reformer in Existence JuHt Discovered. BERLIN. Dec. U. A hitherto un known portrait of Martin Luther, painted by Lucas Crunach, the cele brated artist and burgomaster of Wit tenburg, has been uncovered in the town church of Wi'.tenburg. It is pro announetd to be the best portrait of Martin Luther in existence. $75o SUITS Tomorrow our Variety and Bargains will be more numerous than ever. Double- and single-breasted sacks, I- or 4-button frocks, the Nobby Chesterfields, made to order by the Royal Tailors, at $20, $22, $25, $28, $30 and $35. Suits that have all the style, workmanship and quality necessary for a kingthe finer silk-lined and high art $40, $50 and $60 productions range in price on up to $15, including Tuxedo, Prince Albert and full dress suits. Skeptics specially invited. TRAIN TAILORING COMPANY 285-285 10 WASHINGTON STREET 4 DOORS EAST OF PERKINS HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON GREAT CHESS GAMES. Champion of the World Gives Exhibi tion of His Ability. CHICAGO, Dec. 11. Emanuel Las ker, champion ctuss player of ttv. world, played 14 simultaneous games of chess at the University '-'lub last nlcrht und won all exceut one. The champion gave each opponent a knight and took the opening move hims-'If. BEAR WILL BE REPAIRED. Revenue Cutter Manning Has Been Ordered to Seattle. SEATTLE, Dec. 11. The revenue cutter Bear, which spent the summer In Alaskan waters, has been ordered to the Pugct sound navy yard for re pairs. The revenue cutter Manning, now at San Frai.dsco, has been or dered here. ROOF OVER HIS HEAD. No Longer Necessary for Boiii to Sleep Out in the Wet. PARIS Dec. 11. Count Boni de Cas tellane purchased today for 100,000, the historic chateau de Grignan, near Mont Climar, formerly the home of Madame de Sevigne, who died at the chaaeau In 1897. jf j NEW POISONS DISCOVERED. CHICAGO, Dec. 11. Professor Julius Slotterback, professor of pharmognosy In the University of Michigan, has dis covered seven new poisons, says a spe cial to the Tribune from Ann Arbor, Mich. Three of them are made from Alleghany vine. He has named two of the poisons adlumic and adlurnldine and one Is still unnamed. From the calandine poppy the, professor has ex tracted the fourth and fifth poisons, called stylophlne and disphyllne, and from the Japanese calandine the poison baeconidine, and one yet unnamed. Gibsoini Picftuiires GILBERT HEADS A Special Sale of FRAMED PICTURES Is Now on at Our Store, at Prices Lower Than Ever Before i See Our Display V? Just the Thing for a Present HASSOCKS OR FOOTSTOOLS We Have Them for Christmas Charles Heilborn (& Son ccpt under cover," he said, "and the Irish were never known to run." It has been suggested lhat Cuptuln Smith's rllsh -sailors Issue a challenge to any other crov In the harbor to take part in a tug of war for the world's championship. SVKNSON'S BOOK STORE Always has something new. Fancy shell novelties, albums, attractive pic tures and art ;fo-da. Large line of holiday books and musUal Instruments and hundreds of nice things suitable for presents. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS Tou will And thb best tfc meal In the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. SITUATION WANTED By middle aged woman; general housework. Ap ply room 4, Depot Exchange, Commer cial street. WANTED S YOUNO MEN from As toria to at once prepare for Positions In the Government Service. Apply to Inter-State Corres. Inst. Cedar Rapids, la. lsf OREGON ' Short line AND Union Pacific Depart Rosyln coal last longer, Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other coal on the market. George. W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. Chicago Portland Special :Ma,m. via Hunt ington Atiaotio Express l:U p. m. via Hunt ington St. Paul Fast mall I p. m. via Spokane TIMS SCHED-f ULE From Portland. Ball Lake.DenTer, Ft. wort, urns hi Kanaaa City BU Loula, Chloafo and Bast. Salt Lake, Denver Ft. Worth. OmaJ ba, Kansas City. St. Louts, CDloafi) nd East. Watla Walla. Lewlsion, Spo kane. Minneapolis Si. Paul, Dulutb Milwaukee. Chi cago and East Arrive : p. m 1:11a. a 1:00 a. m PULLED CAPSTAN APART (Continued from Page 1) volved Ina discussion about the Irish. Now Captain Kepting has a warm spot in his heart for th- Irish (being one of them), out he has quite as warm a spot for the patriotic Bors. IXirlnn the conversation Captain Keating stated that both Irish and Scotch reg iments had run during the Boer war, either at Splon-kop, Magersfonteln or Modder river, which brought forth the most vigorous denial from Captain Smith. "The Scotch never retreat ex- PlumMng, tinning, gas and steam fitting at lowest rates and In work manlike mannr. Orders promptly ex ecuted. Shop, No. 425, Bond street JOHN A. MONTGOMERY. Df. T. L Ball DENTIST. 524 Commercial Street Astoria. Ore. C. (II, Barr, Dentist Manaell Building. S7S Commercial 8L, Astoria, Ore. TELEPHONE RED J06L RELIANCE Electrical Works 421 BOND ST. We are thoroughly prepared for making estimates and executing orders for all kinds of electrical Installing and Repairing Supplies In stock. We sell the celebrated 8HELBT LAMP. Call up Phone lilt 14- W. CYRUS. - Mar Central Meat Market 642 COMMERCIAL ST. Your orders for mean, both FRESH AND SALT Will be promptly and satisfactorily attended to 3. W, MORTON, Prop. Telephone No. 321. mi 1 Tkese tiny fjgptiilM ire upfkr te balsam et tops, luoeot or injection srojurrv CUBE IN it HOURSlT the taane sVeeaees wssv out inconvenience). 72 hours from Portland to Chloago No Change of Cars. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Prom Astoria Ta. ra. Daily ex- ceot Sun. All sailing date. subject to change For San Francis eoeyery flye days Columbia River To Portland and ' Wav Landings, exo. Monday 4 a. m. Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on tide dally for llwaco, connecting there with trains for Long Beach, Tioga and North Reach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria same evening, O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent. Astoria. A. U CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon. NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Cni'ri ot'TraliiH PORTLAND. Leaves Arrives Puget Sound Limited. 7:25 am 6:46 pm Kansas City-St. Louis Special 11:10 am 6:45 pin North Coast Limited 1:80 p m 7:00 a m Tacoma and Seattle Night Exnress 11:4b pm 3:06 pm Take Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym pla direct Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas City-St. Louis Special for points on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Gray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passeneger Agt, 261 Morrison St., Portland, Or, PER KIN'S PILE SPECIFIC GIVES IMMEDIATE RFLIEF. cuius, in ,oct 'Mb, v.m. Da, Peksin, Helena, Mont. DearHIr:- I ft.v b in trying tlirimfh the trupiflKt hers to nbtHln another holt I. ofy iir I'll specifics I have lief n a sufferer from lliem oB slid on (or Home ye i rs. I saw tha (td. ill the l',-l. of Brattle, H ath., some time, in Mar lant, M that time I wan llio miles north of Sea tie, no I went to KenUle and found It. I Imv, ii-ed II up and havehrn try ing Lo net more, It lias hslped mt very much, mole so thar hii thlug I Imve ever used, and 1 h .vs bran very nuxiutis tonne another hottle. Yours reiptn'fiilly II. H. Foley's Honey Tar bculs lungs aad stop the cough, ; 4t JAPANESE GOODS 1 JUST THE THING FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS BmidIkh Fttriiituri'. Cliioswsro, lUkcls. Silk iUu.lksreliiefs Yokohama Bazaar, km 11 1 A CARLOAD OF FURNITURE S Jst received front tho Kust. The rol savlitat In dolohia M t2 ... - H wholesalers' profits made by buying In crl04d lots direct from the (atcury gm-s to BENEFIT OUR CUSTOMERS S While our present shipment hiats y..u can buy at prle never B In-fore announced In Astoria. j H. H. ZAPF, - - The House Fnrnisber B xnx4X8xa tiiinixiit:ii xuxxtaxnxxttxxX4ziixx E:mnMn:iimimtwmn:ww:m3tt:rmttmmmanmmiamtttJiwiwmawj Red Ribbon Brand FANCY CALIFORNIA FIGS Fisher Bros( 546-550 Bond si. Jiuia::::n:nm:i:::mi5r.:t::::tBin3:::maK::m:::im:m:mijm Fancy and Staple Groceries FL0UP. FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIClRS Supl'lifs tif ull kind at lovvt-ht nitts, for tisluinicii, Fannors und Iij;girs. Ae Ve AI-L.EIN Tenth n! CommtrdHl Streets Castings We sre prepred to make them oa short notice and of the best mftterUls. It us give you estimates on any kln. of castings or pattern work. Lowei prices for first-class work. TELEPHONE NO- 2461. IKON, STEBL, BRASS and BRONZE Scow Bay IronO Brass Works dr. 1!h nud F ankllu ate. FURNITURE At Prices Yen Can Afford to Pay Fancy Rockers $2-50 II' Chairs and Iron Bedsteads 7T777Z Art Squares HtSA Mirrors Cannot Be v Undersold ROBINSON'S